Chapter 3, Part 2: Alternate version: A Meeting with a Wolf

Story by Starlight Nova on SoFurry

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#1 of Alternative versions

Series: A Hero's End, A Legends Rise

Book 1: Protectors of Earth

Chapter 3: The Way of The Warrior

Part 2: Meditation Heals the Mind: Alternative

Year: May 19, 2017: Noon

Hello Furry friends. Here is the Alternative version from Chapter 3, Part 2. The beginning is the same but the part with the line is where it starts anew. You can probably guess what he is going to do, right? IF not, it will become apparent soon enough. Enjoy the Alternate version. There is more to come. Oh, and i may have given away a hint at another power Colby will be able to eventually do, see if you can find out what it is. It is quite obvious when he talks about it.

Note: This is non-cannon and is not part of the story. Future stories in this folder will also be unrelated unless stated.

Series: A Hero's End, A Legends Rise

Book 1: Protectors of Earth

Chapter 3: The Way of The Warrior

Part 2: Meditation Heals the Mind: Alternative

Year: May 19, 2017: Noon

** ** For lunch I grabbed a can of spaghetti and some bread with some preserved milk. I did not want to keep Quin Shun waiting long, but I also wanted to try out the charm he gave me. Of course, I will be using it for my training as well as to materialize a bowl and spoon to eat with. What kid wouldn't want to try out something new and interesting, right? It is not every day where you can become a potential superhero just by getting some green slime splashed on you. What is even weirder now that I think about it, the green toxins disappeared after that flash of light and surge of energy I felt. I am not sure if anyone else felt it, but I am sure to have been recognized as missing by now.

*Sigh* Anea must be wondering where I am, I think as I sit down on the floor in front of my bed to prepare to activate the materializing charm. Taking a deep breath and sitting cross legged, I grasp the charm in my right palm while setting aside my opened can of warm spaghetti. Quin Shun said I had to extend my consciousness near or around the pendent to observe the flow of energy. Well, I do sometimes feel like I can imagine my mind moving in one direction, or an ethereal part of me moving separate to my body. Guess I will have to try it.

Closing my eyes and holding in a deep breath, I slowly let it out as I release the pendent from my grasp and focus on the floor ahead of me. Nervously, I speak the words: "Virtutem animus affero bowl." While I speak the words, I imagine moving my consciousness down to hover over the pendent. Once I finish speaking, I feel a flicker of energy come from the charm. It grows stronger with each passing second and I try to memorize the feeling and flow of energy so I could do it without the charm next time.

After about ten seconds, the energy hits a peak; not as much as when I used the plasma ball of course and with a much lower energy pulse. I continue to stare straight ahead at the ground as I wait for a bowl to appear. A small glint catches my eye like a distant sparkling star. My eyes widen as a plain wooden bowl slowly starts to appear right in front of my eyes where I am looking. Not detailed or obsessive, the bowl is just a dried up piece of oak carved to the owner's desire.

After about a minute, the wooden bowl shimmers into existence and makes a small thump on the wooden floor. I hesitantly reach for the wooden bowl as it had just appeared out of nowhere. A big smile forms on my face as my left hand touches the smooth surface of the bowl. No dents, scraps, or marks of any kind. I pull the bowl closer to me while pulling the charm into my right hand palm once again. I stare in awe at what I could do once I learn how to control my powers. A gentle laugh starts to emanate from my mouth as I fall backwards onto the floor. The bowl clatters to the floor and rolls away from me as I exhaust myself. Now, I think I can start to believe in magic and everything else that I have read as fantasy. Where there is one thing that's real, there is another.

Emptied of laughter, I pull myself back up and reach for the bowl that had rolled slightly out of my reach to my left. I stretch to pick it up and set it right in front of me. Picking up my now moderately cool can of spaghetti, I poor it into the materialized bowl. I set the can down away to the right and ready myself to materialize a spoon. Thinking logically to use the charm a bit more to observe and memorize the flow of energy better, I straighten myself and say the words again.

"Virtutem animus afferospoon." I say confidently while resting my gaze to the right side of the bowl and fervently observing the flow of energy. Appearing much quicker, a plain, unornate silver spoon materializes with a thunk on the floor next to the plain wooden bowl. A wide smile dresses my face again as I pick up the silver spoon. Turning it around, I once again spot no blemishes or marks on the surface.

Satisfied, I dig into my spaghetti and meat ball soup. With gusto, I pause to un-wrap the bread from its packaging and dip a small portion of it into the sauce before biting a chunk off of it. I then take my milk and materialize some water into the cup and a stick to stir it with.

"Virtutem animus afferowater, plastic stick." Like before, the water splashes into the cup with some concentration on my part to direct the flow and the stick appears just a few inches above, dropping down to mix the water and milk. It would not be a good choice to put regular milk down in my storage basement even if I did have a refrigerator or freezer. Preserved milk only requires some water and a stick to mix the contents, just like hydrated food in space.

After ten or so minutes of eating, I stand up and pick up the empty can of spaghetti and bag of left over bread. Leaving my bedroom, I pause and turn back to eye the bowl and spoon. I must ask Quin Shun how to get rid of them, I think, concerned that materializing too many things for too long will wear out the charm. Shrugging, I turn back around and deposit the can of empty spaghetti in the trash can near the front door, eyeing how full it is quickly getting. I then walk back down and tie the bag with a string on a table, then put it in a sectioned area for left over's.


Sighing, I walk back up and head to the front door. Before I reach it, I pause again to look to my right at the blank frame of the missing T.V. screen. I grasp the charm and casually fondle it around in my hand. A few ideas pop into my mind as to what else I could possibly do with this charm. If I can materialize everyday objects, then I must be able to create more complex objects with a little help from my power too. It is worth a try. Besides, I have been dreaming of being together with a dragon for so long.

Well, better to start off small then to break the charm and not be able to do what I have in mind at all. With that in mind, I head to my bedroom and sit cross-legged in the middle. Grasping the charm pendent once more, I slow my breathing and extend my mind so I can feel its energy. A faint wisp, a weak thread touches my thoughts in response to my investigation. I continue on as I decide on what I should materialize first before moving to something bigger.

Finally reaching the center, I feel the core of the charm and all the energy it has with it. I am certainly impressed as I feel bounds of potential energy for me to use. It looks like it is self-replenishing too as I spot a small, almost imperceptible gap within the flow of energy.

Smiling, I open my eyes and withdraw my mind. Having had many fantasies about a lot of sexual encounters, I prepare myself to merge some of my power with the charms so it won't break or fade. I have been waiting for so long for a day like this when I would get to share my life with someone, even if that someone might not be permanent. Heck, maybe if I get the hang of it and study the flow of the charms energy long enough, maybe I can just materialize things with my own power and make them permanent. Yeah, that sounds a lot better, I say to myself as my smile widens even further.

Taking a deep breath, a rest both my hands on my knees and imagine what I want to materialize in my mind while saying the words out loud.

"Virtutem animus affero, bird." I say with a slight pause, imagining a picture of a pretty cockatoo right in front of me.

With a slow increase in energy, the charm gets to work. Small, weak and invisible tendrils reach out from the charm and merge onto the place where my vision rests. With each passing second, a hazy figure starts to form. Like when staring at the road and seeing heat rise up, I watch as a feathery mass starts to materialize right in front of me.

Taking slightly longer than the bowl or spoon, I hesitantly extend my own mind and transfer some of my power into the amulet. With a bright flash of light, the tendrils of energy thicken and expand by a few inches. I scrunch up my eyes as the flash of light temporarily blinds me.

After a few more seconds, the cockatoo finishes materializing as the flash dissipates and I open my eyes. What lies in front of me is not a cockatoo, but a wooden imitation of one. Sitting stunned by the turn of events, I curse myself and shake my head while picking up the wooden bird. The figurine of the bird is a beautiful pearly white with a blonde yellow crest on its head.

I sigh to myself as I set the bird down in front of me and put four fingers, two on each hand on my temple to message it. Quin Shun must know some words to make these things disappear. Once I start to be able to materialize things on my own, I will be able to just flick my mind and make it disappear by myself.

Knowing this will get me nowhere; I lower my hands and steady my breathing. With careful precautions, I delve deep within my mind and search for my own power, not for energy, but for information. I remember, when I was back in the hospital room, a treasure trove of information came to me, ready to be used to my will.

Thinking that will get me the word to make the cockatoo and the bowl and cup to disappear, I concentrate on finding that source of information again. With nervous expectation, I dig deep within my mind, searching for my power and the information.

After a few frustrating minutes, a flash of white light crosses my eyes. I lean back in surprise, almost banging my head against the wall behind me. It passes within a few seconds and I feel like I am swimming in an ethereal pool of energy. I grin a little as I find the source of my power. With patience, I begin to extract some power, hoping to re-ignite the pool of information I felt before.

In just four minutes, my mind begins to clear as a cascade of information jumps to the forefront of my mind once again. I halt the flow of my energy and quickly browse through the millennium of forgotten history available to me. Not seeing it anywhere, I ask myself a question, _how do I make things created with a materializing charm disappear?_No sooner had I thought those words, then a cloud of information parts like clouds on a cloudy day. I move forward to see what is revealed to me.

The word: Dispareo.

Vanish...that's it. Just, vanish in latin? Huh, I guess that is easy enough, I say to myself. Smiling victoriously, I slowly exit my mind and return to see the cockatoo still staring up at me in its bright, wooden colors.

"Dispareo" I say marginally louder than a whisper. In an instant, the bird vanishes without a trace, even without a poof of smoke.

I quickly get up and head to where I left the bowl and cup; nowhere to be found. _Oh, this is going to be fun._I grin maliciously. Rubbing my hands while smiling evilly, I return to my bedroom. Instead of sitting in the middle, I sit on the edge and grab the pendent again. Extending my mind outwards to the charm, I find that that stunt of materializing the bird used significantly more energy than when I materialized the bowl or cup.

Shrugging to myself, I just say: "No bigy, I will be able to materialize things on my own soon enough." I say out loud.

Dropping the charm, I look straight at the ground and pick my target while choosing my words carefully. Within minutes, I have selected my next best playmate.

"Virtutem animus affero, Live Wolf." I speak, straining the 'live' and 'wolf' while putting pauses in between.

At the same time, I gently merge some of my energy with the charms so it won't get depleted. With a fizzle of heat, the spot where I am gazing at starts to shimmer. Silver sparkling mist slowly starts to spread out from the origin of its creation, getting denser and bigger by the second. My eyes slowly widen as a very vague shape of a quadruped comes into reality.

As the silver sparks start to fade to reveal a mass of fur and hide, the charm suddenly drops in power. The shape of the soon-to-be-wolf begins to vanish as the charm steadily loses power. Panicking, I push more of my energy into the charms and say the words again.

"Virtutem animus affero, Live Wolf."

It seems to help as the unnoticed black and white ethereal gleam of the charm now strengthens with the fortification from my energy. After several more agonizing minutes, the shape and physique of a live, wild wolf appears in from of me.

Staring starry eyed, I watch as the wolf's ears casually flick back and forth, trying to detect any source of a sound. The wolf appears to be about three and a half feet tall to the top of its shoulders. Its shoulders look to be big coils of muscle just waiting to be released.

I breathe out heavily in a sigh of relief, and that is when I see my life flash before my eyes. The wolf turns its head to me before I even get to finish my sigh of relief. When I open my eyes again, I am staring into the soul of a living, breathing, wild wolf.

"Oh, maybe this wasn't such a good idea at all." I mutter to myself.

The wolf pricks its ears up at my voice. Its eyes narrow and I start to hear a whining noise. Blinking my eyes, I realize that it is coming from the wolf.

"Ok? Nice doggy, nice wolfy, just...stay there. Uuum, dispa!!!" I shout as the wolf suddenly turns its whole body to me and crouches, ready to attack.

It growls menacingly while pulling its ears back against its skull. I back up as fast as I can on my bed, but it is not fast enough. Before I can get to the middle of the bed, the wolf springs up with the aid from its powerful hind legs and lands with both of its forepaws about level to my shoulders. Pushing me back involuntarily out of fear, I fall upon the springy mattress and lay paralyzed as the wolf continues to growl at me.

Both my hands are trapped by my side while I shrink as far as I can deeper into the plush mattress. Seeing my frightened nature, the wolf immediately stops growling and just stands there atop of me. With my eyes shut tight out of pure fear, I open them very slowly as the growling ceases and all I hear is the steady 'humpfh' of the wolfs breath.

Carefully, I finish opening my eyes and look back at the wolf that has me trapped on my bed. Now that my life has stopped flashing before my eyes, I can get a better look at the color, shape, and general physique of the wolf.

Its muzzle is covered in a thin, firm layer of soft fur. Its color is mostly comet silver, turning to chestnut gray and further back near its hind legs. Now that I get a clear view of it, I can see it is not an it, but a him. A nice thick mammalian sheath rests snugly beneath his two hind legs, colored a deep dark volcanic gray. His front legs change from silver to a pure snowy white, the same as his hind legs except from chestnut gray to white. Gulping, I look back up into the wolf's eyes and lay mesmerized by his silver dappled irises with flecks of blue in them.

"You're beautiful." I whisper as my mouth hangs agape at the majestic nature of the wolf.

With a distinct 'humpfh' of air through his nostrils as if to say 'thank you', he justly begins to lick my face in a playful manner.

"Ok! O...ok! Oh, Ok, yeah, I know, thank you too for...all that." I say as the wolf finally backs away to the edge of the bed and promptly sits down on his powerful hind legs while I move back and rest against the wall behind my bed.

Blinking and wiping the slobber out of my eyes and face, I gaze at the wolf as it sits patiently near the edge of my bed, waiting for me to do something. Finished getting all the slobber of me, I sit cross legged as me and the wolf observe each other in silence.

Looking at him even more closely, I can see faint gray markings swirling all over his back, mixing with his silver, thick and plush chestnut gray fur. I rest my hands in a U cup in between my legs as I stare at the wolfs, thick volcanic gray sheath. I smile inwardly at the thought of having the opportunity to suck off a wolf. Maybe if I had shape-shifting powers I could materialize a female and I could fuck her. But, it is too bad I don't, at least, maybe not yet I don't.

My smile transfers to my face while the wolf looks on, amused. With a cute 'hhrrm?' and a tilt of the head, the wolf brings my attention back to him. Looking up, I notice the wolfs floppy, silver/gray ears and nicely nestled thick sheath.

"Hehehe, I called you here, or, made you. You will do what I say; you won't hurt me, right?" I ask, not knowing if the wolf could also talk or not. Straightening out his head, the wolf gives a sharp, decisive nod and a short, quick bark, which is surprisingly understood by me.

"Yes, I am here to do what you want with me master. Sorry for scaring you earlier." The wolf says apologetically.

I stare open mouth and wide eyed as I hear the wolf both bark and speak a complex phrase to me.

"Di...d...did you" I say in surprise.

"No," The wolf says with a quick snort. "You can understand me because of your powers. You are able to understand the speech of any animal, mammal, amphibian, or reptile as long as you have your power activated even just barely." The wolf replies courteously with a series of short barks and growls.

"Uuummm...Thank you?" I respond, unsure of what else to say.

"You're welcome, now, can we begin. I am kind of cramped down there if you know what I mean." The wolf says plaintively.

"Uh, sure, but, can I know your name, if you have one?" I ask curiously.

With an indignant 'humpfh' both naturally and in English, the wolf replies. "No, I do not. I am whatever you want to name me."

"Hmmm, how about Silver?" I ask.

"Good enough for me, now can we begin?" The wolf says with a whine, shuffling on his back legs; jingling his thick sheath at the same time.

"Sure, why don't you come here?" I say, pointing to the spot right in from of my legs.

With a fluid motion, the wolf, or silver, rises from his sitting position and strides over to me. I watch, fascinated as he seems to move in slow motion. His muscular front legs flex and contract with each motion. His flanks jump up in down in short, jerky motions as he jogs over to me. His hind legs ripple and pulse with bundles of muscle just waiting to be used. His tail wags from side to side to balance him on the bouncy mattress.

Continuing his elegant walk, Silver sits back down on his hind legs, which stretch taut under his bushy fur and hide. He then proceeds to look up at me with a wondering gaze. I stare back down at him with my hands outstretched behind me.

"So?" he asks simply.

"Oh," I reply, abashed. "Uuum, roll over?" I ask.

Raising an eye, he gets up and walks a few inches backwards and turns to face my left. He then lowers himself down to all fours and rolls towards me, exposing his soft underbelly as well as his well hanging sheath and balls.

I hesitantly lean forward and extend my left hand to rub his stomach while his hind legs and forelegs hang limply in the air. On first contact, I shy away a little, but then remember, this is something I have always dreamed of doing one day with dogs. Now that my other dream has come true of being a real life superhero, why not have the courage to do this? So, with my mind set, I firmly press my hand back onto Silver's lush silver and gray fur. The feeling is exquisite for sure, like petting a cat, but surprisingly much softer.

"Your fur is very soft silver." I say dreamily. All I get is a brief whine then a torrential rumbling purr.

Chuckling softly, I glide my hand slowly south to his sheath, which is just steadily starting to swell. The lush fur of Silver's coat is softer than a cat's, warmer than a kiss, and firmer than my bed. Inching gradually closer to his sheath, I rub in slow, sensual circles across his lush fur. Silver wiggles in anticipation as sparks of pleasure begin to enter his mind; I must be rubbing across some erogenous zones on his body.

Over the course of a minute, I steadily get closer to his now rapidly growing sheath. It begins to bulge out like his powerful hind leg muscles. As my left arm gets tired, I switch over to my right, scooting slightly to my left to continue my voyage downwards. With each passing moment, Silver's wriggling grows increasingly more urgent before he suddenly snaps at me.

"Will you just jerk me already!?" He barks in a quick and decisive action, raising his head up like he is going to bite but just baring his fangs in barely restrained animalistic urges.

I stiffen at his outburst and pause in my ministrations but then laugh out loud as I look at his scrunched up face and press on; no going back now. Rising up partially to get a better angle and get more comfortable before progressing. I lay my left hand in between his sweetly curled forelegs and rub in slow, loving circles on his chest while putting my right hand directly upon his sheath.

As I finish placing my left hand, I look to my right and see Silver's canine member start to peak out of his sheath. It looks to be a lot bigger than what I imagined they would be, but I suppose that wolfs are bigger than dogs would have to be my guess. It is still shaped like a typical canine penis with a large knot at base of the shaft.

I gently lay my hand onto his sheath and feel the warmth of his package. Silver whines at the light contact and wiggles some more before lying still, knowing the good part will come soon enough. Still stroking his chest in slow circles, I firmly press my entire palm onto his ripening sheath and start to message it back and forth. The heat radiating from it is very unusual, but I press forwards, having gone past the point of no return.

I lean forward to his rear, my left hand leaving his chest. I increase the speed of my strokes on his ever growing glowing red shaft. Placing my left hand on the middle of his stomach, I steady myself and pick up the speed some more. By now, Silver is vainly trying to stay still so he does not hurt me with his sharp claws.

In a moment of inspiration, I delve back within my mind to the cave of vast information at the ready for my use. I draw on more of my power, feeling a small tugging sensation within me. In mere moments, another word bursts forth; simple and ready to use: Retineo, restrain.

Opening up my eyes, I speak the words to still my wiggling companion. "Retineo." Just like that, Silver becomes still.

I slow down on my ministrations to his hardening cock and look at his upper half. What greets me makes me burst into laughter. His eyes are wide open with fear and his ears are folded back tight against his head. Both his forelegs are strapped by an invisible force to his chest which is heaving up and down in panic. His hind legs are also pinned down to the bed while his now rigid canine member bobs in the open air. My laughter slowly vanishes as I see his distress.

Quickly, I lean over to his curled back ear and whisper something to calm his nerves. "Calm down Silver, I am just restraining you so you won't hurt me. Relax, there is nothing to be afraid of. I promise," Ever so slowly, his ears unfold and he raises his head, or tries to. "Oops. Here, let me fix that." I say in forgetfulness.

I gently lay my hand on his chin and access my powers, telling it to release his head and maw. Silver then bolts his head upwards and breathes heavily through his maw.

" master." Silver replies slowly, looking me straight in the eyes with a sincere look of trust.

Nodding my head, I shuffle back to his rear end and pause for a moment while Silver continues to pant softly to my left. Recognizing a slight problem or discomfort, I address it to Silver.

"Uuum, is it ok if I carry you to the floor, so we won't bounce so much on the bed?" Tilting his head at me in a queer way, he responds.

"Yes, I suppose that is ok, just be careful of my claws."

With his consent, I burry both my hands beneath his back. In a count of 1, 2, and 3, I heave upwards, rising unsteadily due to the springy mattress. I nervously approach the edge of the bed and lower myself down to the edge, Silver's glimmering rod bobbing up and down on the whole ride. Once my feet reach the floor, I lift up and walk to the middle of my cabin.

After reaching my destiny shortly thereafter, I lower Silver back onto his back, forelegs and hind legs still locked in place except for his head and muzzle. Getting back down to work, I cross my legs again and lean in close to his raging erection. With a creeping right hand, I place it back on the steaming red canine penis.

I start to play with his red rod, getting used to the warmth and texture of his member. The curves and dents surrounding his shaft glisten marvelously as his precum begins to creep out of its tunnel and drip own onto his soft, lush fur. Silver continues to whimper plaintively as I grasp his whole member within my sweaty palms. I give his poker a tentative squeeze and his hind leg muscles bunch up as he tries to buck, but my power restrains him from moving an inch.

Smiling happily, I start to jerk his shaft up and down slowly, then with increasing speed over the course of a few minutes. Before long, his canine knot begins to form and my smile grows, seeing as I am bringing him closer and closer to climactic bliss. I may not be receiving pleasure myself, but that will come soon enough.

I suddenly start to ram my hand back and forth while keeping my balance with my left hand in the middle of his stomach that is billowing in and out from the frantic pleasure that is rapidly building inside his head. Grinning from ear to ear, I rise to my feet, awkwardly still pumping his ever hardening shaft and inflating knot. I move so that I am behind him as I momentarily stop jerking him off. Silver whines from the lost sensation of my warm and sweaty hand; which feels so much like a female wolfs vagina, close in comparison, but good nevertheless.

He lifts his head and looks longingly down at me with puppy dog eyes. I just smile back and say: "I am getting into a better position."

Sitting on his fluffy arctic tail; never having any clue as to what species or race of wolves he is, I firmly grab his yearning shaft just below the knot with my left hand and grasp the rest of his length with my right hand. Smiling devilishly, I rapidly jerk him off at a fast speed right off the bat. His head flies back as his mind is assaulted with unrelenting pleasure, ten times better than a hot, warm vent.

I firmly pinch his canine knot at the base of his length with moderate strength. I continuously pump his shaft as his knot continues to grow larger. Now that I am behind it and paying attention, I see that his canine cock is indeed larger than a dog. If I had to guess, it would be a few inches longer and a good sized girth so that when wrapped around him, my hand completes one full circle.

Speeding up as I see his whining increase, I put more pressure beneath my vigorous stroking, which sends him into conniptions of continuous pleasure. Finally at the end of his endurance, his knot clenches up before he fires his load.

With a howl that is sure to be heard by Quin Shun, I wrap my whole hand around the base of his knot and squeeze while giving a few more short and swift pumps before Silver reaches his climax. His shaft jumps within both my hands as his pelvic muscle work overtime. With pent up energy, they guide his sperm to their opening.

Two seconds after Silver howls, his shaft grows completely rigid and the first spurts of semen soar up to his neck, splattering his silver coat. More globs arrive shortly after the first and they all relatively maintain the same strength. With his knot fully engorged, Silver's howl dies down as his muzzle becomes scrunched up with the sheer pleasure of his release.

It seems like decades before his orgasm winds down, but it is only fifteen seconds. Even after his initial climax recedes, a steady stream of semen escapes his glistening red shaft as he feels as if he has knotted a female wolf; being that I have a very firm grip on the base of his knot. Dribbles of cum ooze down the base of his shaft, across my hands and down to the floor, creating a white, sticky puddle. After a few more minutes, I release his knot and Silver begins to pant heavily with his tongue hanging out.

Stepping away, I come to rest beside his right flank and lay a steady hand on top of his tool.

"How did that feel?" I ask casually.

"Amazing," Silver whines in gratitude. "I must reciprocate the gesture after I have rested." Silver says.

"Uuum, maybe not. I just get horny thinking about doing this. Actually doing this is a great relief. I would not mind it though if you were a female." I answer sincerely.

"You can, just place your hand on me and say the words you said to get me here, but be more specific. The more detail the better. It won't mess up the spell, however long it may be." Silver replies.

"Oh, ok. Umm, maybe not today. Will you remember me if I make you disappear?" I ask inquisitively.

"Maybe, maybe not. The charms tuned to your energy now that you have merged some of yours with its own, so yes, I will probably remember you, either as a male, female, hermaphrodite or your mate." Silver says in a series of grunts and growls while enjoying the afterglow of his climax.

"Oooook," I say unsure. "I better go, Quin Shun is waiting for me. I should not have taken this long anyways." I reply.

"Ok, but, can you release me from you restraint before saying the words, I am kind of cramped right now." Silver responds in a low whine of distress.

"Oh, sure." I respond. I quickly lay a hand on Silver and access my powers, telling it to release its hold. I feel a great loosening of my muscles as Silver breaks free of his own restraints.

Saying goodbye, I say the word "_Dispareo,"_then head out the front door, looking once again at the blank frame of a missing T.V. before walking to where Quin Shun sits.

Chapter 4: Rising Tensions, Part 1: Day of Discovery

Over the centuries in human history, there have been countless great scientific discoveries. Many of the world's greatest minds originate from a multitude of different places around the world. From the start of the US colonies in New England to modern...

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Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 2: Meditation Heals The Mind

For lunch I grabbed a can of spaghetti and some bread with some preserved milk. I did not want to keep Quin Shun waiting long, but I also wanted to try out the charm he gave me. Of course, I will be using it for my training as well as to materialize a...

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