One door closes, another one opens.

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#2 of Siblings.

This is the second part of 'Pain in the Tail.' Which can be found here.

Dinner time and three clouded leopards sat at a square table while the mother finished moving the meal to the table. Tommy had gotten a little sympathy and a warning from his father as he sat down.

"You should both take the time to close doors behind you. I only had time to set up one but, the garage door is going to get a closer as well." He spoke.

"And I will tighten that one up too." Their mother stated earning a frown from the father but no argument.

"Which reminds me. I took that hour off work this morning so they set me to start the new job tomorrow. Ten hour days for the rest of the week." The adult male spoke ears already tipped back slightly.

"MARK!" The bowl of pasta hit the table a little too hard. "I have to go to student evaluation tomorrow night and Friday."

Mark again said nothing as his wife glared at him. She curled her tail into her lap as she sat down pulling her chair forward nodding to the kids to start. As one Tommy and Jamie spoke, "We are thankful for the food and safety our family provides."

A second later their parents responded, "Our family is our lives. We would give all for our family." They each took their serving of chicken, veggies, and pasta mixed with cheese sauce after the words were finished.

Mark took several bites before he finally responded, "You'll just have to take them with you." Tommy tried to protest but his father had raised one paw and clamped his finger and thumb together demanding silence to stop him from interrupting his mother.

"You want me to take both of them? I won't have time tomorrow to come all the way back home." She stated.

"Have them wait at school. Tommy can take the bus to Jamie's school and wait there." Mark offered.

"WHAT!?? Why can't I just go home. Jamie can watch herself." The young feline finally burst out. Seeing both his parents glaring he tried one more time. "I'm old enough why can't I watch Jamie here she's almost ten."

"If I could trust you." His father replied with force. "Who was it just a few months ago that forced Jamie to push snowballs under her shirt for boobs then made her hold them there?"

Tommy dropped his head and ears, she had gotten sick holding snowballs down her front for five minutes and their father had been furious when they both came in with fur fully soaked and bone shivering cold. He was just glad she had surrendered when he challenged her with a snowball in the pants knowing he would never be able to survive five minutes himself. Dinner had finished and Tommy went to his room knowing he would have to spend nearly three hours at his old grade school with nothing to do but watch his sister and stand around the kitty playground. He did remember to put the thumb drive back in its case and into the bottom his backpack so he could return it tomorrow, not that he would need it thinking back on what he had done with is sister that afternoon.

Everything went normal the next day except Tommy received a yellow slip calling him to the office just after lunch. He felt a little worried walking through the main office door and stepping up to the counter. "Tommy phone." One of the two secretaries spoke barely looking away from her computer screen as she pointed to the counter.

"Hello?" He asked picking up the yellow receiver.

"Tommy good. I don't have much time left. Go home after school and watch your sister. You can heat up some of last nights leftovers and I should be home after the conference with your sister's teacher... AND so help me Tommy if you break Anything, or do Anything you're not supposed to you can forget having any fun this summer. Do You Understand?!"

"Yes." He answered his mother quietly.

"You want to be grown up and earn our trust then prove you can care for you sister with out destroying the house." She concluded.

"Yes mom." Tommy answered again.

"I'm already late, bye." *click * He stood there for several moments trying to process the sudden waves of conflicting emotions. Here he was handed his biggest, best chance EVER and he was more than a little scared and worried about taking it. If anyone ever found out he would... "Back to class!" The secretary spoke making him jump and quickly race back to his classroom. He spent the last two periods with less than half his normal attention to his teachers eagerly waiting and partly dreading the end of school.

For the second day in a row he raced home making sure to beat his sister although this time without the thumb drive from the day before. Their schools got out within fifteen minutes of each other but where Tommy's school was close enough to easily walk to, Jamie spent nearly thirty minutes or more on the crowded school bus as it slowly dropped off kids.

Making it home first was the easiest part as he stood in his room staring at the bed wondering if he was supposed to make it or just pull the covers completely off. Should they even have sex on the bed, maybe at the edge, or they could lay down, or SEX! The thoughts were running so fast through his mind that his shaft actually started to hurt from aching and straining in his underwear.

Tommy freed his member from the confining clothes gently rubbing over his length thinking that some spots looked a little red on the underside and were feeling sore. He had been hard on and off ever since he spoke with his mother at school and had to make adjustments in his pants every few minutes. A little more pre seeped out as he thought back to yesterday. Not only would he see his sisters pussy again but he was going to have sex! His wound up body and erotic thoughts kept his paw moving making his shaft crave release all the more until he gripped tightly and bucked several times into his hand.

Several shots of thick teen cum were ejected out across the carpet nearly hitting his bed as Tommy kept his hand moving until he ran dry. He could definitely tell there were parts of his penis that felt warm, nearly hot to the touch as he let go and considered what to do. After he kicked off his shoes and removed his pants the front door slammed closed. Tommy suddenly cursed himself as he stumbled to the dresser and a clean pair of underwear. Several moments later he was at his sister's door pushing it the rest of the way open as she unpacked her backpack on the bed.

"Jamie." He started suddenly unsure of what words to use or how to start.

"I know mom already told me. Finish my homework and eat before she gets home." She spoke turning to look at her brother. Watching him stand there in the doorway triggered a full blush as her gaze dropped to the end of the bed before she looked back at him.

When their gaze met again Tommy stated simply, "You owe me." The words chilled Jamie as she suddenly realized he wanted to touch her again and with their parents gone he could easily claim his half hour now.

She had been trying to deal with what had happened yesterday unsure how she really felt about what went on. Part of it had really been upsetting even felling wrong and bad, then when she had finally given in she had been left shocked by the pleasure of her body. "Tommy I... I want a chance to get even." Her words surprised him as much as they did her but this was suddenly the only thing she could think of, the only way she could get out of the half hour was if she could make him somehow feel the same.

"Do you even know what to do?" He asked curious to his sisters level of knowledge. Her head shake left him thinking out what to do next. "If you want to try I'll let you but you not going to make me feel good like you did. You can try for five minutes and I won't ask for any extra time just a small favor." He offered trying to sound nice. Really though he didn't want to push her more since it meant she was already going to spend five minutes doing what he wanted anyway.

He watched her standing there silent before finally telling her to come on as he lead Jamie back to his room. Tommy stripped right there taking everything off in front of her actually making the both blush as Jamie tried not to stare at her brother's sheath and partly exposed penis.

He tossed the rest of the blankets back as he sat on the side of the bed beckoning her over. Jamie was more than a little reluctant as she slowly knelt between his legs sitting on her heels and left with no option but to stare at his crotch. Even as she watched Tommy seemed to twitch and her eyes widened as the tip straightened up and even more crept out of its fuzzy home.

Tommy gave two pulls staring at both his penis and his sister as it flexed and finish growing upwards to its full length. "You can touch it, rub it, even lick it." He told his sister. His words seemed to draw her out of a partial trance as she scrunched up her muzzle at the thought of allowing that thing anywhere near her mouth. She reached out slowly curling her paw around the shaft. This was her first time feeling, touching, even seeing a male piece. It was stiff and hard yet it was also warm and smooth skinned on the outside and it almost seemed slick as she slowly moved her paw down till she touched his sheath and pushed revealing just a inch or so more.

"Up and down." He instructed watching as she stared at her paw slowly moving back up. She looked back up but receiving no more instructions so she kept going working her paw over his penis. Jamie also kept crinkling her muzzle as the harsh scent seemed to suddenly get stronger as a little juice leaked out the top.

"Does it always... smell?" She asked wondering as it seemed to grow even stronger.

"What?" Tommy pulled his mind back from the images he was going to see soon. "That's just how boys smell. You should lick it."

"I'm not going to do that." She informed him.

"Why not? I did." He challenged, "I thought you wanted to do this." She paused for a whole three seconds before moving her paw again refusing to act on his words. Tommy tried again moment later, "And here I thought you wanted to get even, the least you could do is lick it and put it in your mouth. I did and it wasn't that bad and you know you don't have that much time." He gently prodded at her.

It took nearly a minute more of slow stroking before she pulled his stiff member forward and gave a little touch with the tip of her tongue hitting just below his tip. Tommy shook his head as he looked down at his sister and she stared back up before she stuck out her tongue and took a firmer lick across his shaft going up and over the top.

He moved to scratch behind her ears as she pulled her licker back with a little shudder. His paw turned to a careful grip as he moved her head closer to his crotch. Jamie pushed back moving his shaft away and wast trying to glare up at him. "Well yesterday you grabbed my head and shoved me in." He reminded her.

She blushed recalling how she really had wanted him to go further inside. "Just try it." He encouraged feeling a rising sense of excitement as she pulled him closer and opened her mouth. Her muzzle wrinkled in disgust as his tip was set on her tongue and slowly slid past her teeth. It wasn't just the taste but the harsh smell that seemed so thick she wanted to gag and it only got stronger as she felt a warm wetness dribble on to her tongue.

Her brother drew her forward more moving nearly half into her mouth as he spoke, "Suck on it." She closed her mouth stopping a gag as she created a little suction drawing on his shaft. Tommy was purring now trying to encourage her more, he was getting a blowjob. True it wasn't like the pictured but still his penis was insider her mouth. "Er, Ack!" She spit him out coughing a few times. When he aimed himself back at her muzzle she leaned back yanking her head out of his paw.

"No. I don't want to do that." Tommy sat disappointed hearing her words, lightly stroking himself before he looked at the clock. "Never mind." He told her realizing more than six minutes had passed.

"Take off your clothes." He ordered. She moved slow at first standing and checking the clock. "Thirty minutes." He stated getting a nod in return as she pulled her shirt over her head. Tommy wanted nothing more than to grab his sister and yank her to the bed and have sex! Only his last worry was if she was going to tell once they had done it. They had started keeping their little bets secret from their parents ever since a couple of problems starting with the snowballs. Now he thought maybe he could keep her silent on that part too.

Jamie sat on the bed where her brother pulled her to sit next to him shivering a little as he gave her a hug and a slight lick on the side of her muzzle. "Since you lost I'm only going to ask something small. You can't tell mom or dad about this, no one else can know." He waited seeing her slow nod knowing that after what had already happened yesterday she was worried about mentioning this to her parents. She had already allowed him to touch the one spot her mother had made sure to tell her never to let anyone touch.

"It's not so bad Jamie, I can make you feel good again." As he spoke Tommy slipped off the bed and pushed her legs apart revealing his sisters near pure vagina. He had no qualms about leaning in and licking her as he looked up at her in a near challenge.

It only took a few moments before she started with a light erring sound letting him know she was already enjoying it and unlike yesterday she seemed like she was already slick as his tongue wiggled its way inside. In truth Jamie was waiting for this even while she had been forced to taste him wishing he would touch her and make her feel good even while her emotions were conflicted against it. She let out a light mewl as his finger probed inside touching the one spot he shouldn't and she gave in, she wanted to feel good again.

His hard push hit her barrier stretching and lightly tearing causing her to yelp out. Tommy stopped looking at his sister while she stared at him, "It's gonna hurt when I go all the way in." He informed her dipping down to lick and wiggle his tongue finding the small bump that made her gasp.

Jamie wasn't sure she could say anything as his finger began wiggling and moving while he caressed all over her privates with his tongue stopping every now and then to check her little nub. Several times he hit her barrier hard enough to make her cry or squeak even while she continued purring. He could feel her opening up and with the next push his finger slide past part of the resistance and continued all the way inside her body.

She yelped again but didn't care as she rocked herself on the full finger inside. Several mewling moans escaped as his tongue and now teeth played with her clitoris. This time she had both her legs spread wide as she grabbed his ears and ground against his muzzle as the finger moved at a more frantic pace making her cry out as the pleasure once again peaked bursting through her body. As desperate as Tommy was to stand up right there and have sex with his sister he was forced to wait as she came back to her senses. He was thankful she hadn't pulled any harder since her claws were hooked into the base of both his ears, paws clenching painfully tight leaving him worried by the pricks of pain.

"Let go." He called in a muffled voice shaking her leg and finally gaining freedom. As he stood up Tommy stepped between her legs leaving his throbbing erection laying just above her slit. More than anything he needed to be absolutely sure. "Jamie." he spoke putting a hand on her flat chest rubbing it. "You won't tell anyone right? You promise?"

Although she was still wrapped up in her own haze of pleasure Jamie lifted one paw up holding it out as her brother pressed their palms together and interlocked their fingers. "I promise." She breathed out still panting from the experience.

Suddenly Tommy was less interested in just taking her as he leaned down and kissed her muzzle. It was nothing like any kiss before for either of them no quick peck or embarrassed lip press. He pressed on her muzzle and stared as she dragged air through her nose while his heart pounded leaving both feeling more flush and excited as the seconds that passed.

He felt like he could almost explode, in several ways, as he pulled back and told his sister to move up on the bed helping her move her legs. Now he didn't want to just to have sex he wanted to be with her like their parents were; together, holding, kissing, humping, and loving. Jamie was still quaking from her resent orgasm which was intensified as he watcher her brother climbing up onto the bed pushing her legs apart and kneeling between them. She didn't say anything just watched as he leaned over her.

Her view was blocked at first by her brothers head as he looked down and something prodded against her crotch. He shifted moving one paw across her belly and down before she felt his head press against her lower lips slipping past her seal and spreading her apart. He sat there absorbing the warm moisture and staring at the small amount that had gone inside as he moved his hand away. With one long forceful push he entered making her give a half cry and a whimper as he removed the last of her barrier before stopping as their skin and fur touched.

"Oh Jamie." He gasped leaning his stomach against hers as he finally looked back giving a little lick on the nose as she whined again and shifted under him. She bit her lip as her brother drew back and rocked forward. He was so deep inside, so much more than his finger had been. There was part of an ache from being pushed apart and a slight sting still from what had been left of her maidenhood but there was still a warm glow from his earlier actions that was now being stroked to new life as his member caressed her insides.

Tommy was experiencing sex for the first time no imagination, no pictures, no computer just his sister's body below him and her tunnel that gripped as he slid in full and held there. His body instinctively moved letting his head drop lower to hers as his knees moved up trying to get deeper and when he moved there was greater speed and power behind his pushes making him hug her tighter. Jamie as well tried to move opening her legs wider as he began slapping their privates together.

Tommy slowed down enough to look at his sister again and lick her cheek, "Put them around my back... Your legs put them around my back." He said again when she hadn't moved. He curled his tail around her calf helping to guide the appendage in place as he hugged her tighter chin dropping almost to the mattress next to her ears.

She tried to hold on as he suddenly started pounding against her body holding her down with both his arms and his weight. In a few moments his quick motions broke apart and he started squeezing her beyond what was comfortable as he growled in her ear coming to a shuddering halt pressed painfully against her body and hips enough that it was felt through her own pleasured feelings.

He was entirely still but the stick inside her jumped and flexed suddenly adding warmth which grew with each twitch and pulse. The warmth, or was it wetness she wasn't sure, continued until a few seconds later when he let out a long shuddering sigh relaxing against her body and releasing the pressured grip he had on her form.

Jamie wasn't sure what to do now. He was still inside pressing her walls apart but he had stopped moving and in doing so also stopped the feelings that had gotten her close to that release again. Her body shivered as her mind picked up the fact he had put something inside her and as gross as it seemed the warmth felt more comfortable than icky.

Finally as his breath seemed to settle some from his frantic pants she used his name, "Tommy?" 'mmmm....' came his non verbal response. Jamie was at a loss for any words, what was she supposed to say with him when he was still pushing her against the bed and keeping her most private place full. It was after another few minutes he shifted lifting his hips back up slightly before pressing back against her. A few seconds later he did it again, and then a third time as he pushed up slightly tilting his head to lick her nose then muzzle and lips.

Without thinking she opened her mouth slightly to return his actions. The two tongues met and both siblings stopped taking a moment to watch each other. The moment ended as Tommy gave several strong strokes in and out as he attacked his sisters muzzle with his tongue. His shaft, although it had softened a little was still hard enough to press through her tunnel as he worked back to being firm ready to take advantage of each minute he had her.

Jamie's entire body shivered as his member went back to stroking her insides and when she gasped his tongue dipped down and licked over her teeth and inside of her lips. She tried to return the frantic cleaning of her muzzle with her own licker even as she shifted her legs again trying to grip tighter to his waist causing his shaft to stroke just a bit deeper.

Tommy was starting to feel fatigued but kept going wanting to get another release. He stopped thrusting to adjust his knees and shifted his weight as his sister suddenly started purring squeezing tight against his middle and frantically stroked his muzzle with her tongue all but begging him to continue. He started again with firm thrusts suddenly realizing that the time no longer mattered for either of them. His licks had been meant to distract her but as they continued they became less frantic and more tender trading off, one for one.

Jamie was having more and more trouble returning a lick as her muzzle slowly became matted down with saliva. In fact she was having trouble keeping herself from grabbing a hold of him and never letting go. Twice she had to unclasp her paws as she realized he was growling at her for pulling to hard on his fur as her tail which had been flopping around wildly found his calf and began twining around it tightly.

It seemed she could feel every detail his paws pulling against her shoulder, his penis as it rocked against the deepest parts of her, the little erring growls that covered her ears and the stroking licks that he still placed over her face. Jamie could only dig her claws into his back as she squeezed his body as hard as possible with her legs trying to truly join their bodies as one as a feral screech came from her throat.

Tommy growled as he felt the claws on his back dipping his head down to grip her shoulder with is teeth as her insides gripped his shaft like he had never felt before holding its grip before rippling along his length. He drew back inches before lurching forward rocking their bodies together in short jerks building up the pleasure to his peak as she worked her way through hers.

It was taking longer and it seemed like he was just unable to finish like something was holding him back as Tommy suddenly felt her body relax arms flopping to the bed and legs loosening and slipping away. Her hips shifted it made it impossible for him to reach the same deep warmth he wanted, needed.

He tore himself away fangs creating two red lines in her skin under the fur of her shoulder. His mind had already envisioned what was going to happen as he gripped one of her legs by the knee and bent it shoving it towards her shoulder rotating her hips upward as he pushed forward. It took two small adjustments to find the slot and drive back her her tunnel filling it back to full in one smooth motion that ended with a slap.

With a feral growl he started in creating a staccato of slaps that became wetter and sloppier with each one as he spread what juices she had leaked out over their privates. Jamie's warm afterglow was fading as her leg was squished into her chest as she was drilled by her brother. Her week attempts to move did nothing against the solid grip he had on her shoulders and the weight of his upper body pressing her down. And then it happened again, she could feel so much more this time as her sensitive walls felt the throbbing flexes and the slow warm seepage that began to spread inwards. His eyes were crushed shut as his open muzzle seemed to hold a silent scream as the rest of his body seemed locked in place.

Instinctively her tunnel squeezed a feeling that felt good enough to her to try and replicate it several more times trying to manually milk the spurting penis inside for just a little more. If she thought she held his full weight before she was wrong as he fully collapsed on top of her feeling fully drained and more exhausted than any private session had left him. Three years, more than thirty pounds and a full foot taller left Jamie struggling to get enough breath let alone enough growl out or make words.

It took Tommy just about a half a minute to realize the problem rolling off and half pulling his sister with him as his weakening shaft slipped free. As he lay on his side drained and nearly passed out he felt a paw run across his chin and shift his head. Opening his eyes he found his sister staring at him in what seemed like awe as she tried to think of something to say.

He used his own paw to pull her chin up and press their muzzles together trying to wiggle his tongue against her lips. She pressed against him more firmly but refused to part her teeth and allow him the experience he now wanted to try.

With a little wiggle Jamie pulled her head away but moved her body a little closer before tucking her muzzle beneath her brothers chin and hugging his body with her arm. Tommy reached out holding his sister's rear keeping them close as he wrapped his tail loosely around hers. He drifted off a few moments later feeling the vibrating purr of his sister against his chest.

Jamie woke up later with her arm still half tucked under her brother's body and her paw full of pins and needles. She had dozed off and now that her mind was back up and running in full there was a serious moment of worry and even more uncertainty over what had happened. The slightest shift and she was left with a dull ache from her privates, that and her crotch felt messy and clammy. A small squeeze from her used privates brought forth a seeping feeling over her lower lips as a little more of what he had left inside leaked out.

"Jamie." She heard her named half whispered. Wondering if he was still asleep she moved her head to look at him seeing his eyes ready to lock with hers, "You need to take a shower." He told her quietly rolling away.

She gave a light gasp as his weight moved off her arm but even with him getting up and moving around the room she had only been able to move to a sitting position her paw gently touching her deflowered hole. "Tommy?" She asked turning to watch him open the window. Whether it was instinctive sibling knowledge or the slight little quaver in her voice he quickly moved to the bed and sat down next to her placing a paw over hers which was now on her leg.


"Are we..."

"What?" He asked again. She was still to confused to voice her feelings as Tommy pulled her close tilting her head up and again placing a kiss against her muzzle. This time trying to invade her mouth with his tongue as she started to struggle some. He stopped looking back into her eyes and giving several soft licks over her nose and muzzle. "We had sex." His voice seemed louder against their quiet tones from before.

Her mouth opened partly almost as if to protest only to realize her brother was likely telling the truth. His hand dropped from her chin slowly tracing across her chest and belly before pausing just a second against her leg before finishing by slipping down against her mound. "You, you felt good right?" He asked just resting his paw against her skin. Her quick little head bob was encouraging to him, "You wanna try again?"

"I don't.. we... I'm not sure." He kissed her again this time only pressing their muzzles together.

"I can show you more." He whispered softly as they finally pulled apart.

"I don't know. Mom said..."

"NO." He said loud enough to stop her. "You promised. We don't tell mom, dad, or anybody. Just you and me." He almost crushed her as he partly threw himself at her in a strong hug. "Just you and me."

Well over a full minute later he slowly pulled away, "We can talk later, you need a shower and so do I. Take your clothes and get cleaned up." With a little help she did stand and began picking up her clothes before heading to the bathroom.

Tommy thought they might have an hour left as he pulled on a pair of underwear and sprayed his room and bed with a heavy layer of deodorant. He had the leftovers heated and set on the table by the time Jamie made it out of the bathroom. With a light knock on her bedroom door he told her to eat next and took a quick shower himself.

His father had spoken at length about smells and scents, and how powerful they could be but also how they could linger. He was tentative as he cracked open the door to his room later. It was chilly from the open window and he could still smell the fairly heavy floral scent but the residual muskiness that was his own scent and the lighter female scent of his sister was nearly gone. He gave a little grin as he quickly dressed and closed the window.

Before he left he spritz a much stronger odor neutralizer, just a little bit across his bed. This one was far more expensive and his father had already told him it had better last and it shouldn't even be used until he was older and had a full adult marking scent. He ate quickly trying to catch up to his sister who was nearly done. She waited for him to finish before asking her first question.

"Did we really have sex?" Seeing her brother nod she added, "Then do I get pregnant now?"

Tommy stood up and moved behind his sister giving her a big hug. "No that won't happened unless you go into heat. Don't worry I'm sure mom will explain it all in a few years but, you can't tell her what we did." He purred softly against her neck and got a reply of a soft rumble. "Come on." he stated quickly making a decision and grabbing both of their dishes dropped them in the sink.

Tommy pushed his sister towards his room with the order to turn on the computer while he slipped into his parents room and went to the closet. Moments later he was back in the hall with the copy of 'A Collage Weekend'. He had watched it dozens of times as Ray, a Corgi started his Friday night on a movie date that lead to a night of sex. The next day was at a friends house and a pair of chubby chipmunk twins, sex, sex and more sex leading to a huge orgy on Sunday with him back to school Monday morning stepping in to his first class with a hot substitute teacher.

He carefully sniffed as he got to his bedroom smelling in the hallway but wasn't able to find much to be suspicious about until he stepped inside and smelled a still strong deodorizing smell but nothing else. Smiling he sat Jamie down at the computer chair and set up the dvd to play. He fast forwarded through all the beginning including the intro and movie date stopping when Ray's bedroom door burst open and he pulled a giggling pink poodle through the doorway.

Tommy paid more attention to his sister as she watched the screen seeing the pair as they kissed, nipped and stripped. "What are they doing?" Jamie finally asked eyes now locked onto his monitor. Looking back Tommy could see the pair seated on the bed with the poodle in the male's lap. The two were working each other over with paws while they engaged in a full muzzle kiss that appeared at times like the larger poodles mouth was almost sucking in the smaller Corgi's muzzle.

"They're kissing." He answered.

"That's not..." The young leopard stopped lashing her tail behind her. It certainly didn't look like kissing but as the pair broke the female still had his tongue gripped lightly in her teeth as she reached down grabbing the males hard shaft before bumping noses and slobbering into each others mouths again.

"Wanna try?" The words were enough to tear Jamie's attention away from the screen and she stood still as her brother's arm reached out and hooked around the back of her jaw drawing her head close. Tommy licked gently across her chin before pressing their muzzles together opening his mouth slightly to touch her lips with his tongue.

When she parted her jaws he invaded inside searching out her tongue to rub against before running along her sharp teeth. His paw gave another pull as he opened wider forcing her to respond. After a moment he pulled his tongue back and waited as her oral muscle slowly slid forward gently touching his own. His purring was to encourage her as he tried wrapping their tongues together feeling a slow but definite reaction with in his pants.

She gave a little struggle and he allowed his sister to pull back adding licks across her nose as she looked at him. The two stared both wondering at the same time what might happened next and what might happen in the future. Tommy's mind stopped for a second as his sister darted in pushing their lips together again. Before he could even open his mouth a large bang echoed through the house announcing the return of their mother.

Jamie pushed away almost tipping the computer chair backwards in a wide eyed panic while both siblings hearts nearly exploded in panic. "Go. Say hello!" He hissed urgently while trying to flick the sound off on the speakers hoping to cover up their actions.

She fled the room as he raced to shut the monitor off and reclaim the dvd from the drive. A desperate thought had him shove the movie case under the corner of his mattress. If it was found at least he could make a plea with his father if his mother didn't skin him first. Tommy shut down the computer and gave a little prayer that Jamie didn't give them away as he stepped out into the hall.

His mother was already there opening the door to her room and going inside. Jamie stood back just in the dining room as they both waited silently for her to return. "Did you two eat?" The question came from inside the bedroom.

"Yes Mom. And we both had showers too." He added in trying to sound like everything had gone perfect.

She stepped back out into the hall to stare at her son, "Did you finish all your homework?" A mother's knowledge had already provided the answer as Tommy stumbled over a few words. "Both of you to your rooms and finish it. You have plenty of time before bed." As her two children nodded obediently she added. "I know your both getting older and I am glad you both can handle being left alone but right now I would really appreciate it if you finished your homework and went to bed quietly. It's been a long day and hopefully your father will be home soon." With that she stepped back inside and started to close the door.

"Mom?" Jamie asked quietly sending a chill down her brother's spine.

"Oh Mie you teacher says your doing wonderful and that there was nothing extra you needed to work on although he would have liked you to have a little more confidence when answering questions in class." She stated looking back at her daughter.

"What about Friday?" Jamie asked.

With a little sigh their mother answered, "Well as long as your father agrees I think we can let you two stay home, no friends and no going out. I'll see if I can't get you two a movie to watch if you promise to be good." Both kids nodded as the door quietly closed.

Tommy breathed a small sight a relief knowing that his mother wouldn't be going anywhere near his room. He reached out for Jamie as she go close pulling her forward into a hug. Jamie was left with a thrill of conflicting emotions as he placed a kiss firmly against her lips before letting go and slipping back into his room shutting the door softly.

Jamie was left in the hallway looking first at her mother's door then her brother's. The Clouded Leopard gave a full body shake fluffing her tail before wrapping it around her waist and stepping into her own room to do her homework.

A pain in the tail.

Tommy hand flew to the monitor sitting straight up as a scream tore through the house. He quickly tossed the musky towel still covering his knees into the corner and tried to yank his briefs and pants back up hearing a small moaning cry coming from the...

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Week one

The squirrel laid tucked between the doe's legs slowly sucking on her over sized breasts. He had been hungry when he first started teasing the large mounds using two paws to feel them up. The white liquid that had squirted then started seeping out...

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Dreamer's Paradise: End of a Dream

Tanyar tried to force his chaotic feelings down and order his distressed thoughts. He was angry over what she had done for sure. Well maybe more frightened he had to admit, upset, worried, why the hell... NO. He imposed more force on his lines of...

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