Week one

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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This is an assignment for Busy Paws. I will likely be uploading a few more. Yuck assignment, like flipping homework!

Let's instead call it a test, and ability test.

I think I failed. I spent the week writing out a story instead of a scene (sorry its how I write.) Got that all finished up at over 2k words, and in all honesty the shortest thing I have written to date. Last night when I finished I realized I could not murder the story like I planned and pull out just a 300 word scene. FAIL

So instead I took a snipet of something I never got around to writing yet. Dropped the characters, names, and as much extra visuals as I could. For the first time in my life I slopped something together in less than a half hour even though its been rolling in my head for over a year.

I'm sorry I really did try. I could cut out the last two paragraphs but in all honestly I NEEDED to have the Lady at least seen. I have issues with characters I know. And issues with shortness. And to Skatelian to write erotica means by nature description, then you go and tell us to write short, small, tiny dinky little ....., Anyways here it is word count 507.

Guess that means I failed. sigh

The squirrel laid tucked between the doe's legs slowly sucking on her over sized breasts. He had been hungry when he first started teasing the large mounds using two paws to feel them up. The white liquid that had squirted then started seeping out moments later had done well to fill his hungry feeling. Now he was trying to resist the other strong urge between his legs.

"mmmhHHAAA, PLEASE!" The doe cried out under him as he switched for the uncounted time back to work the other breast and nipple. The deer was handcuffed to the headboard and he had been told to make sure she wasn't able to get off the bed, the Lady had ordered it.

The doe had begged and pleaded several times but the two of them knew even with his lesser weight she wouldn't try to get up. "Oh god, oh god," she began to chant as the squirrel pressed down harder keeping his tummy firmly pressed to her privates feeling the vibrations echo from inside her channel. That was his other job make sure the vibrator didn't come out, not that it would as it had been strapped to her waist.

He stopped sucking long enough to watch as she trembled her way though another orgasm bleating out nonsense and moans as her fourth peak rolled through her body. The squirrel couldn't take it any more his own shaft had been neglected far to long, adding its juices to the ones that she had leaked out. Together they had soaked the sheet and the mattress.

He climbed up higher nuzzling under her chin while she wheezed exhausted. He couldn't enter her the Lady had been very clear on that but he she hadn't told him he couldn't enjoy himself. The fur on her upper crotch was more than fine enough to entice a shiver from him as he pressed his shaft against her body. Far to aroused he started out with a pounding speed that rocked her body that made her boobs wiggle under him. He was so close, with a growl he grabbed onto her shoulders straightening out his legs to press harder against he doe under him. He let the growl lengthen into a cry as his peak hit pumping out his seed between their bodies.

After several seconds panting he relaxed slowly pushing back to his original place smearing his essence between their fur. He was back staring at one of the large globes realizing how messy he had made them with his feeding. Gently he reached out caressing and licking the drying milk and spittle cleaning up before he enjoyed drawing the nipple in for a fresh squirt of warm cream.

"Please." her whimper now sounded genuine and honest as she pleaded.

"Oh no were not done with you yet!" A new voice spoke in the room. The squirrel turned watching the lioness as she walked to the bed giving the rodent a gentle pat on the top of his head, "Good job Fluffy."

Dreamer's Paradise: End of a Dream

Tanyar tried to force his chaotic feelings down and order his distressed thoughts. He was angry over what she had done for sure. Well maybe more frightened he had to admit, upset, worried, why the hell... NO. He imposed more force on his lines of...

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Sharing Sister's Nightmares. ~Full~

Byron carefully crouched down in the hallway just outside his fathers bedroom door. Keeping his furless tail tucked firmly against his waist making sure there would be no extra noise this time. There was nothing he could do now but wait and try to...

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Sharing Sister's Nightmare.

Byron sat crouched down in the hallway just outside his fathers bedroom door. There was nothing he could do now but wait and try to offer his support to his sister who was inside the room. It had started earlier tonight just like it was starting to...

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