Sharing Sister's Nightmares. ~Full~

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#4 of Siblings.

Well here is the difference. Added and fluffed up. The first was an attempt at writing as short as possible this is me putting it all out afterwards. Second if anyone wants more they should ask.

You can see the difference if you want here.

Byron carefully crouched down in the hallway just outside his fathers bedroom door. Keeping his furless tail tucked firmly against his waist making sure there would be no extra noise this time. There was nothing he could do now but wait and try to offer his support to his sister who was inside the room. It had started earlier tonight just like it was starting to happen every night. He tried to reach out with his thoughts as he pressed his fingers against the door just brushing the wood, he had to be careful since the door didn't close properly and a simple nudge might open it. 'I'm here.' It wasn't silence that greeted him but more like a blank space. A place where thoughts and ideas should be playing, instead there was this gap of nothingness. 'I won't leave you.'

Like iron shutters slamming closed he was blocked. 'GO away!' Now it felt like a solid vault door stood between him and her feelings.

His pink paw twitched in surprise causing the door to rattle slightly. He quickly snatched his arm away praying the door didn't open and that the light noise went unnoticed.

Suddenly a wave of hurt, anger, and worry welled up from inside of the room quickly followed by a more firmer thought. 'Go to BED.... Please!' His heart clenched at the near wail of her thoughts as she pleaded with him. Byron decided to leave creeping back down the hallway to their room. He wanted to stay with her but arguing with sister would be pointless, it would accomplish nothing and make both of them more upset.

"Clover." He whispered when she finally crept back into her bed nearly an hour later. He couldn't miss the wave of sorrow and shame she put out knowing he was still up.

"Go to sleep." She hissed back. He slowly drug his claws across his naked chest before finally throwing of his covers and getting out of bed. She growled slightly as he pulled her covers down down and slipped into bed with her ignoring every bit of her protest. He leaned his head over her shoulder and nudged her forward some so he could fit.

"I love you Clover." He whispered in her ear holding her with a near crushing hug. He sent all the love and support he could across to her trying to ease the pain of what she was going through. They had argued about it a few times and even though he could feel her pain, her discomfort, and the crushing waves of emotions she always countered with the fact it was her problem not his.

Byron hated the fact that his twin had suffered for more than six months while he had been helpless to do more than just sit in the hall and live the experience through her. He was just as helpless as she was now that their father had gained custody, no one knew what was going on and no one bothered to care. He kept holding on as tight as he could to his twin twisting part of his rodent tail with hers wishing he had realized what was happening sooner.

They were born together, raised together, and shared everything together until now. Their father was slowly destroying the bond the they had, pushing them apart by the separate experiences. Clover in her world of tears, fear, and sorrow; Byron in his solitude, worry, and guilt. He had already sworn to himself weeks ago. If he couldn't stop his father by opening the door and barging in, something he had tried several times before pain forced him to stop, then he would somehow find another way to protect his sister.

They both startled awake with the thumping footfalls in the hallway and the closing of the bathroom door that signaled their father was once again active. Clover gave a shudder of relief as their father turned on the shower and Byron slipped out of her bed moving back to his own. It was far too early in the morning now for that man to do more than wake up and get ready for work. Another half hour and their bedroom door shook with the banging along with the loud shout to get up and get ready for school. Both waited for the front door to close before Clover quickly slipped off to the shower while Byron pulled some clothes on and went to the kitchen to find them some breakfast.

Their day ran as normal, well as normal for them now with their new life, with Byron sending his twin constant reassurances every moment he could spare. Neither one had been doing very well in school anymore and Clover's grades had recently dropped even lower. The teachers all knew about the recent loss and events the twins had suffered but rather than help them, they simply allowed the pair to retreat from class and fail.

The school day passed slowly as did the afternoon with Byron and Clover trapped in the apartment waiting for their fathers return. The only sounds made after he came home were the ones that were required to get through dinner and the loud sound of the television that roared through the small apartment before the twins bedtime.

When the time came Clover quickly dashed for the bedroom while Byron made his way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. It had taken him all day to build up the courage he needed to start his plan. As the water pelted down his body and soaked into his white and gray fur, he put extra soap on his finger and slowly rubbed it against his tail star.

There was no way he was going to spend another night crouched down in the short hallway outside his father's door. He knew that even together they was no way to stop their father nor could they take that chance anymore. Two nine year old cubs were just no match for their father when he came to take Clover to his room and the threats that he held over them kept them obedient. Byron shivered a little as his own finger made penetration for the first time. It felt weird certainly but not painful as the conversation he had overheard stated.

Three days ago he had hidden in the gym bathroom swiftly climbing up the back of the toilet and using the divider to finish crawling up the wall to the space that was between the toilets and the showers. He kept his body still not moving a muscle as the three bullies scanned the bathroom checking the area for their rat quarry.

"When I catch that boy I'm gonna fuck his ass." The youngest a runt of a husky claimed.

Ralph the leader reached out and slapped the other kid in the back of the head. At thirteen Ralph was the biggest and oldest kid in the school having failed twice. "Do you even know what that means?" The bobcat quickly broke down the basics before offering to have a private and painful lesson for the other youth. The younger boys protests meant nothing but as two more boys entered the locker room the trio quickly left.

Byron worked a little harder forcing a second finger inside and gasping at the sudden flash of pain before he yelped and yanked both digits out. He gave a near silent whimper slowly pushing back in trying to push both fingers deep inside. Finally after several minutes he was pushed in as far as possible slowly pushing in and pulling out. After a bit more it didn't even hurt at all besides a slight little ache from the first burning sting.

"Two fingers." That's what Ralph had said. You shove two fingers inside then the penis would fit. It was still supposed to hurt more but his was all for Clover. In the beginning she had come back sobbing but the times had been fewer and there were days between when there father left them both to sleep at night. Now six months later Byron had spent every night for the past five days waiting outside his father's door trying to think of a way to help his sister or stop the man.

Tonight would be his night, he would keep his sister safe. Tonight she wouldn't whimper hearing their bedroom door open and she wouldn't cry as she crawled back into bed. He _would_take his turn and save her from their father. Byron finished his shower clenching his rear every so often trying to keep his courage while doing his best to keep a calm soothing presence projected at his sister. Everything was okay he kept putting out in his mind.

He slipped back into his room naked tossing his clothes into the corner. Clover was already huddled under the blankets so he flipped off the light and searched through the dresser in the dark. After pulling back his own covers he gave a little grunt and a sigh, faking a few seconds of irritation which he pushed towards his sister praying she would believe him. He walked back out of the room in nothing but a pair of shorts closing the door quietly behind him. A quick check showed his father still watching T.V. as he scurried down the hall and into the other bedroom.

Byron did his best to hide his anxiety as he sat on the bed and waited. It wasn't long before the loud sounds of the T.V. cut out and his father came in looking irritated at the boy. "What?!"

"I.. I don't want you to hurt Clover anymore. I'll go... I can." Byron stopped shaking slightly as he stood and pushed down his shorts. Before he was able to do anything else his arm was gripped so tight he let out a little cry of pain as he was yanked closer.

"You think I swing that way you little fucker!" The he nearly yelled shaking the smaller body. Byron was half tossed back to the bed sliding off onto the floor.

"Pleas don't hurt Clover anymore." He begged. He watched as his father's legs moved back to the door closing it and hearing the slide of the latch as it went into place, that was the only way to ensure the door would stay closed and it was barely within either cubs reach.

"So you want to take your sister's place. Become a little slut like her?" The young boy knelt shivering on the floor before his father began barking orders, "Stand UP! Get on the bed, NO on your hands and knees... Closer to the pillows." Byron was shaking as he stared at the pillows before he tried to still his body and think of his sister. With a thought he slowly moved his tail to the side like he had seen feral animals do. He could feel as his father moved closer around the bed and slapped his rear hard. "There isn't half a man between you worthless two. You're right daddy needs to show you where your real place should be."

He waited as his father rummaged around in a drawer before he climb up on to the mattress behind him. Byron held as still as possible when a finger pushed up against his back hole. With a forceful shove it went deep inside opening him up but he kept his teeth clenched and allowed not even a gasp to pass his lips. "Remember if this were some other guy I sure as hell wouldn't be doing this, but since your such a girl like your sister..." The finger pulled back seeming to move much easier than it should before a paw gripped his tail tight and a second digit reamed up his ass.

Byron cried out in pain as his tight back door clamped shut with the intrusions still inside. The young boy keened as his father chuckled behind him, "That's only two fingers, imagine how it will feel when I ram my dick up your ass."

He tried to close his mouth tears already leaking out from his eyes onto his cheekfur. It hurt way more than when he tried it and far more then he thought it should. As the hand pulled backwards against his resistance and he pictured his fathers rough calloused hands and those huge digits that were so much larger than his. He began to cry in earnest dropping his head to the pillow as the fingers began to pick up speed working their way around in his ass while each moment that passed caused him more worry as to what was soon to happen. He could feel a sudden stretching almost tearing feeling as the male behind him tried to force his fingers apart inside his ring forcing a half strangled cry which he bit down on to quite himself.

"That should be enough but, you got your shit on my hand." Byron still cried as his father moved around on the bed behind him. He looked now through watered eyes at whatever had landed on the pillow next to him. His shorts were crumpled up but his nose picked out the poop scent that now came from them. "Now we're ready."

That voice brought out a new chill inside his chest as he felt one hand grip his pink tail and another grab his rear. The small boy waited on his hands and knees for nearly a minute with a rock hard shaft forcefully pressing against his tail hole. The man behind him was cussing as he slapped his ass hard and repositioned. Byron squealed like a pig as tip pressed even harder against his abused entrance as he kept it clamped shut. The ring gave way just slightly and before it could recover the man grabbed onto the boys hip and yanked strongly back on both the tail and side as he drove forward.

The pain from his tail was a millisecond of distress before Byron screamed out as he was ripped open by the shaft driving inside. Hardly missing a beat his father shifted shoving his sons head deep into the pillows quieting him while using the new angle to drive even deeper inside.

The boy was struggling fruitlessly, with the shaft so far up his ass that his fathers hips were nearly flush with his cheeks there was little Byron could do to get away or even pull his head from the pillows. The male waited until the boy was only offering choked sobs into the pillow before giving an experimental tug back feeling the muscles flutter and clamp down around his shaft again. He pushed back in working with what little the tight ring would allow loving the feeling of the ass that was forced to conform to his shaft, damn if he wasn't good or even better than his sister.

Byron cried, sobbed and screamed occasionally as his body was sawed back and forth by the dick inside. It burned, it hurt, and sometimes it felt like part of him was being pulled out from the inside before it was forcefully rammed back into place. By now he had forgotten his sister and all his reasons for doing this. If he had the strength or the voice all he would do now is beg and plead for this to stop.

There was a moment where a strong flash of anger jolted through him. It created a few seconds of surprise and maybe respite as he traced the feeling back to the door and his sister who had pressed her body against it. Byron tried to concentrate solely on his twin clamping his mouth closed and trying to give a little reassurance. Once again anger flared directly at him, 'You shouldn't be there.'

Clover was the eldest by just over twelve minutes but Byron always tried to act like the older protective brother, 'I'm doing this for you!' Before they could argue further he gave a muffled scream of pain as claws dug into his hips as his body was hauled back and fully hilted with a firm thrust. From there the young boy could do nothing for the next minute but try to survive as his body was yanked, jerked, and pounded as his father sought out his release. One more savage jerk backwards and the man grunted pressing a great deal of weight on him with little hip jerks that matched the pulse of the male's rod inside.

Byron whimpered as quietly as possible feeling his ass still burn and throb even though the movement had stopped. He was stuck listening to the panting in his ears until his father gained enough breath to speak, "You're such a tight little ass." With a heave he toppled both of them to their sides forcing another cry from Byron as he shoved what had slipped out back in.

Knowing from Clover's personal experience he kept as still as possible while the male behind him regained a more regular breath pattern but he was unable to stop the random squeezes as his rear twitched. He cried silently suddenly feeling the soothing presence of his sister as she met his mind. He could tell she was still upset with him for what he had done but right now she was more concerned with his problems and pain. He could slowly feel the shaft as it retracted easing back out of his anus. With a last little squeeze on his part popped it free leaving him with a sudden feeling of relief. Byron bit his lip trying to stay quiet as his used hole continued to clamp down pulling it self back as it slowly leaked. He could already feel part of the fur on his ass and legs felt damp but, now what was coming out was slowly soaking his rear and making its way towards the bed.

Byron knew to keep as still as possible and wait but leaning against his fathers arm had become more and more uncomfortable as the minutes past. He tried to carefully ease away hoping that the male was now asleep. Just a little further, he rolled over feeling full of relief even as he felt a jolt of terror race through him with screams that it was too soon coming from Clover.

"Where do you think you're going?" Once again that strong hand crushed into his arm bruising muscles and bringing a true terrified whimper from the boy. Clover had learned how to escape, do whatever it took to make him finish then keep still until he fell asleep. Even with his heart pounding his ears picked out a quiet wail on the other side of the door as deep sorrow and pain rolled across his senses. "YOU made a mess!" His fathers voice sounded disgusted as Byron watched his shorts being grabbed and felt them vigorously rubbed across his rump. "On the Floor! I don't want your shit and blood on my bed." The command was given with a heavy shove.

He hit the floor on his side grunting from the impact before his own shorts hit his head reeking of poop, a fresh blood scent, and the now familiar heavy scent of male that his twin so often wore when she returned to bed. Byron got weakly to his knees but before he could try to stand up two paws forced his back and head down. The young boy froze with horror not even hearing the sudden frantic knocks and the door rattle.

"GO to BED!" His father roared out as he once again leaned over his son's back. "I know it was a little quick last time so now I'll break you in proper." Byron knelt there half pressed to the carpet unable to stop his body from shaking. He knew it was going to happen again and he was totally helpless to stop it. His father had pulled back and was doing something behind him but not once did he think of trying to move or get up. Clover wasn't any help either, he could feel her crouched on the carpet with her nose and muzzle pressed into the space under the door like an animal begging to get in.

The finger moving inside didn't do much but reignite the throbbing that had calmed some. Byron bit into his lip and tried to keep his ass closed as once again something pressed hard seeking entry. The resistance this time was much weaker only requiring a bit of force to pop the shaft in and with in seconds the male was once again balls deep with a satisfied moan.

The flames of pain roared back to life burning through his rear as Byron's sharp teeth drew blood from his own lip before he cried out in pain again. The act wasn't as intense this time but lasted for far longer as his body was rocked back and forth on the carpet. The feelings never lessoned but it became more acceptable as his rear loosened and a mixture of bodily fluids provided a wet soppy sound as he quietly leaked from both ends leaving two wet spots on the carpet that were steadily growing.

On the other side of the door Clover's own pain and despair grew as she felt her twin trying to force her away and spare her his pain. Time passed and so did their father's climax as he moaned holding deep inside once again releasing his seed inside his son's ass. Pulling out a few moments later he grabbed the limp tail and tried to clean up his crotch some.

With a sound of disgust he stood aiming a kick to the prostrated ass forcing it to the floor. Clover scrambled down the hall and out of the way as the male went to the bathroom. When the shower started she slowly crept back to their father's room and looked inside. Her twin, her second half was laying on the carpet unmoving. His face was soaked in salty tears and the muzzle was open with the tongue resting on the carpet fibers. Byron's rear was a complete mess and his ruined virginity leaking more than red than anything else.

Clover started with fresh tears that her brother no longer shed, working on trying to get him off the floor. It was horribly slow and she had to use every muscle to try and get her brother to his feet even then he was laying on her more than standing on his shaking legs. It took her several moments just to get him through the doorway when the bathroom door opened and there father stepped out. He surveyed the twins for several seconds before stepping aside and pointing to the bathroom.

"Get him in the shower and cleaned up. Then get yourselves to bed." He ordered. The man did nothing to help as the pair took several unsteady steps forward waiting only long enough for them to give him enough room for him to slip past and slam the bedroom door on them.

The hard bangs on the bedroom door the next morning brought movement from one bed and whimpers from the other. Clover got up and got ready bringing her brother a glass of milk and a banana while she used several wet cloths trying to be careful as she cleaned him up again from what had leaked out over night before she tried to rub the blood off the sheet.

Instead of going to school she crawled in carefully behind her brother and held him tight giving as much love and comfort as she had while both twins cried quietly. Later the phone rang and when their father's angry voice roared out of the answering machine Clover scrambled up and into the kitchen. She waited less than a minute before it rang again.

"I don't care what's wrong get you fucking asses to school or I'll come home and really give you a reason to cry!" The voice screamed out of the phone. Having no other choice Clover poked and prodded her brother helping him get ready with a large wad of toilet paper stuffed carefully between his cheeks. It took a long time to walk the short distance to school and the attendance secretary seeing the slow movements and tear streaked twins simply chalked it up to the horrible loss of their mother and sent them to class.

An hour later a teacher was all most run over by Clover as she raced down the hall during class time. Shaking his head the male looked back and wondered if a scolding would even have an effect but his eyes widened as she yanked open the door to the boys room and ducked inside. More than a little curious Mr. Kallon went down the hall and silently slipped inside the bathroom. As he entered he could hear quite whimpers along with shushing noises from just around the corner.

'They couldn't be at it that fast.' He thought jumping from around the corner. "WHAT are you to doing?!" He demanded. As he spoke the young girl hunched over a boy laying on the floor who seemed to be clutching at her knees with his pants down.

Mr Kallon waited for an answer that didn't come. Slightly irritated he walked forward grabbing the young girl by her shoulders and pulling her away. Immediately she began a wild thrashing while the boy on the floor let out a shriek attempting to scrabble to his knees on the tiles and move closer. The second the teacher grasp was broke the twins flung themselves at each other holding on with claws that hooked onto clothes while sobbing like it was the end of the world.

More than a little shocked by their strange actions he stepped back trying to figure out what had happened. The girl had been running down the hall like she knew what had gone on, but then why was no one else coming? Seeing a possible new reason for the boys pants being down he pushed open the stall doors across from the pair. The red smear on the toilet seat with small drops on the floor had him inspecting the second stall with interest now, the soggy red mass and pink tinged water told him far more than he wanted to know.

Mr Kallon carefully approached the pair now kneeling down behind the boy and shifting him so he could lift the tail out of the way. With a great deal of care he placed the tail back on the tile patting the cubs back. "I'll go get the nurse.... I swear who ever did this to you won't ever touch you again."

The girl was trying to grab his arm as he moved away choking out words that he couldn't understand. He pulled his hand away moving off, "I'll be right back." Neither her head shake nor her cry of "WAIT!" stopped the man from leaving. Clover turned back to her twin desperately trying to get him to listen. They had to leave, everything was falling apart and she couldn't stand the thought of loosing him. Their father was the only option left they had to stay together.

The teacher came racing back a few minutes later with the nurse to find the boy redressed and the pair trying to leave the bathroom. They tried to refuse to head to the nurses corner and kept their muzzles closed when asked any questions although the young boy seemed about ready to collapse again. Only when the bell rang and the teacher was ready to carry Byron to be examined did they finally allow themselves to be lead down the busy hall clutching tightly onto each other.

In the quiet corner of the nurses station in a closed room the pair allowed the nurse to look over Byron. Clover had a tight grip on his arm the entire time refusing to leave her brother giving several ear piercing shrieks when they tried to remove her from the room.

A short exam showed that there had been serious penetration and definitely by something larger than another cub. Both refused to give out information even when an officer showed up along with a child counselor. Having worked many tough situations before the counselor allowed Clover to climb up on the bed with her brother before she started to try and pry bits of the truth out.

"This is someone you know otherwise you wouldn't be staying quite." She stated looking over the cubs. She checked the offices notes on recent family history and knew that the only living blood family the pair had left was their father and her prime suspect for the abuse. Trying to keep Byron's attention she leaned in close and stared directly at him. "Was he trying to punish you? Do you think this is your fault." She got the barest of twitches in response. "How long do you think its going to be before this happens to her too?"

The look that passed between the twins made her stomach lurch and her heart echo their pain. She racked her brain trying to think up questions that might get them to open as the pair exchanged a head shake and squeezed each other tighter. Clover was gripping as tight as possible her muzzle and face pressed against his shoulder and muttered a few words which the counselor missed except the possible one which sounded like 'stupid.'

Maybe they were upset enough to let something simple slip the considered, "So last he took you instead of your sister." The two ignored her question first so she added a bit more, "Were you trying to protect your sister some how?" That seemed to at least get him to look her way, "Was last night the first time for you?" It was the slightest hint of a nod but that was more than enough for the counselor.

Inside her emotions gave a little leap of joy. She quickly exited the room alerting the officer to take their father into custody. The twins had already admitted to being home all last night. Now she needed to get the pair to the hospital and have both checked out before she could get them into a shelter where they could spend the night before finding a judge willing to help them tomorrow. The counselor continued to lay out plans in front of the two cubs carefully reassuring them that their father would never hurt them again.

The twins reactions were not normal when she told them they would never go home again. She did her best to reassure them that all their belongings would be moved but with their father going to jail the pair would be found new homes. The news seemed to distress both cubs to the point of tears and incoherent yelling besides the demands to be allowed to go home and back to their father. The counselor thought it wise to back off for a few minutes and see if there was any news concerning their father. School was to be out in a few minutes and she wasn't going to allow the man to show up here and cause even more problems.

She returned several minutes later with soda and cookies only to find the door locked and both twins refusing to open it. Neither teacher, principle, janitor, nor police were able to unlock the door or open it with whatever the kids had jammed inside the door frame. With the final option of brute force the nurse had finally had enough and forced them all back outside into the hall.

The twins demands had been simple, let them go home with their father. It took the mouse nurse a mere ten minutes instead of the hours plus waisted trying to get them to open the door to listen to her and less than half that time to find out what the problem was.

After their mother passed they had spent nearly a month separated in an orphanage before their father was located. The entire time the house lead had pressed to try and adopt one of the cubs without bothering to mention they were twins. The few times they were allowed a few minutes to talk, they both realized that they many be forced to go separate homes left them more fearful of losing each other especially since they were already forced to say on different sides of the house. The courts who were also in their own way trying to slim down the over abundance of kids were ready to force the children to a new home with out bothering to truly check what kind of place it was.

Even though the sibs had been warned by their mother that she never wanted them to meet their father they had been eager to go with him. The judge had heard their plea to stay together and he told them it was either choose their father or be split up and never see each other again. The male soon caught on to the twins fear and used it to control them making them both obedience and compliant. He had got them doing what ever he wished or he would threaten to send them back and let the courts deal with them. With on one to tell them otherwise they both believed they would soon be parted forever unless they could find a way to say with their father. Not that the nurse had offered them a solution but after a few more minutes and a great deal of promising they would stay together she got them to unblock the door for her.

Byron and Clover were transported to the local hospital together and with a great deal of trouble and resistance at the beginning until they were finally allowed to stay together. Each was willing to do whatever was asked of them just for the promise to not be separated. Late that night after they had gone to sleep Byron woke to the sheer terror that suddenly tore at his mind. He half jumped half fell of his bed yanking back the curtain that concealed the supposedly sleeping Clover. The bed was empty but in the doorway there was a large struggling shadow.

The young boy launched himself at the figure clawing and biting, Clover's muzzle was freed along the way and she let out a piercing shriek that echoed down the hallways. It's not often cubs can get the better of a full grown adult but, the sheer desperation of the twins drove back the male despite the heavy blows that fell on Byron's head and shoulders. The boy collapsed taking his sister with him both looking up to see their father snarling in the hallway hunched down with his teeth bared. With out a word he fled as paws pounded closer and several shouts were heard. They both watched as he tackled a nurse turning the corner knocking them both into a wall before the man was up and running again.

Things were harsh for the twins over the next four weeks as they were shuttled around to five different homes or facilities. The only thing that stayed constant was their appointed advocate and counselor. The two main problems now were one, their father was still at large and had injured three people as he broke his way out of the hospital, and he had been spotted outside two of the foster homes which had then quickly transferred the twins. Then the second problem neither Byron nor Clover would sleep unless they were in the same bed. Keeping the twins separated at night now became a near impossibility, Byron refused to leave his sister alone since she also had nightmares unless he was holding her. Locking doors only meant the two would stay awake all night one on each side. Frankly several of the places were simply uncomfortable finding the twins in the same bed. They worried that since they had both been molested it was only a matter of time before they would be, doing it or worse doing things in front of the other younger cubs who wouldn't yet understand such things.

One could say their luck finally changed when they were asked to be moved several days drive away to a home for teens. Their counselor had heard of a comforting yet still firmly structured home under the eyes of Marelee Terrence a small black bear, or as she asked to be called Mother Tiffy. Mother Tiffy usually took in young troubled teens from twelve to sixteen working with social problems, abuse, or severe attitudes. The simple fact she was capable of absorbing teen attitudes and tantrums and fling them back mimicking with accuracy and sometimes more flair.

A drama queen could very well find herself in a state of shock dealing with a primadona more demanding than herself. Or a young man deliberately tipping his plate over in protest of a meal would find it shoved into his lap wearing it and anything else that was close as hand. Mother Tiffy's rule and greatest saying was, "You act like an adult, I'll treat you like on adult. You act like a child, I can too."

The twins first night Clover snuck into Byron's shared room and into his bed. The morning started with shouts and hollers as the older kids pointed and shouted at the twins who were clinging to each other on the bed. Tiffy immediately called an 'adult' meeting and had all eleven kids in the main room. She allowed the two oldest to try and explain proper morals and relationships. The two cubs were still together squeezed into a recliner as they listened but at the end still refused to agree to share separate beds.

It was the oldest a fifteen year old female wolf that suggested that maybe if the cubs continued to act like babies they should be watched like infants until they fell asleep at night. "Sometimes rules are meant to be broken, given the right situation." Mother Tiffy finally spoke. She had carefully studied the pair from the beginning listening to the few times they spoke and watching the covert hand squeezes and leg twitches. They were going to cause some problems but they needed a stable home or they would continue to draw more and more on each other and less on the world around them.

"Have you two always slept together?" Darting glances at each other Clover answered. "We always share a room."

"That was not what I asked though. When was the last time you slept in separate beds?" Tiffy asked.

Byron leaned on his sister sensing her distress to the answer, he squeezed her tight before answering, "In the hospital." Mother Tiffy was very astute when it came to children often times adults forgot that simplicity is usually a driving force to cubs motives. That true fact usually started to fade as cubs turns to teens but even then you could usually unravel thoughts and motives, that was until they truly became more like adults and lied at times for no reason.

"So did you make her a promise?" Both suddenly looked at each other in surprise, they hadn't actually spoke the words but the twins had made an unspoken pact. "I'll let it pass for now. At least until your next birthday. When you turn ten you'll only be allowed to spend three nights a week together. Then when you turn eleven I can no longer allow you to share the same bed."

She allowed them a glance and a few seconds to consider before she snapped her fingers grabbing both of their attentions back. "HEY! This is not up for negotiation. We'll move around some and let you both share a smaller bedroom, two beds. One last thing though, if they catch your father you both move to separate beds. I can understand your worry and need to comfort each other but there has to be limits. You'll find that others here have had a hard time too, death, abuse, assault; we all have our problems but I won't allow you to sleep together with out a reason so if your father is caught and goes to jail I'll have to insist you two start sleeping alone. I'll still allow you two to share a room but that too will end when you turn twelve, then it will be separate beds separate rooms."

She looked around to the other teens before speaking again, "There is nothing hidden in this house. We don't keep secrets but there are some subject we avoid. Both Clover and Byron were sexually used by their father. When it was found out he fled only to show up at the hospital and tried to take Clover. Since then he has popped up here and there so it is very understandable that they are scared and worried especially at night when he attacked them in the hospital. Later this afternoon I will have pictures for everyone to look at so you all know what he looks like." With a clap of her hands she got all the cubs moving. "Now everyone get ready breakfast will be soon."

By the end of the week the twins were situated in the smallest bedroom with a bunk bed that was just big enough to hold them both while they slept. They were slowly adjusting to the thought of being part of a large family and a slightly more normal life with the major exception of being home schooled. Mother Tiffy treated them more like the young cubs they were asking them to be a bit more respectful to their older brothers and sisters. In truth that seemed to better reinforce the fact with the other teens. Seeing a need to help or even protect the new family members.

Byron and Clover adjusted well in the next month picking up the house rules and routines. They were given enough space to feel safe but included enough to integrate with the rest of the older cubs. There were a few problems and pranks and several times the twins found themselves awaken in the middle of the night with their covers yanked off by a slightly jealous or horny sib thinking to prove something was up. In the end it was accepted that the wide eyed looks of fear or the slight cries of starting terror and the still fully clothed cubs showed that they were nothing more then scared cubs who spent the night in each others arms.

The first big change came several months later one week before their birthday. Mother Tiffy called them into her room and explained that their father had been arrested the day before after a bar fight in a town not far away. "I understand you two are close but I am going to ask both of you to start sleeping separately. Try it once in the next day or two. We already discussed separating the bunk beds to lay side by side. If you two can keep your separate sides I can allow that for now but understand I will have to separate you two and you understand why."

Clover and Byron had been receiving psychological help since they moved in. Twice a week often times with Mother Tiffy sitting in for a while they listened and spoke with their new counselor. There were also weekly house meetings where problems could be discussed and a weekly schedule set. The twins were constantly told that what had happened was not their fault, while at the same time carefully told that brothers and sisters nor any other family members should have such relationships. Mother Tiffy often stressed that adults did not engage in sleeping with each other without having some form of relationships before hand. The only reason she was allowing the twins their way was that she understood they needed it and didn't want to force them apart but allow space to grow gradually.

In the end the twins went to bed that night knowing that it would be one of the last times it would be allowed to be together like this. Neither was able to sleep constantly giving an extra squeeze or nuzzle to each other sending and extra burst of uncertain emotion along as well. Byron suddenly sensed a mass of conflicting emotions that were crushed by a sudden feeling of purpose. Before he was even able to question what it was Clover pressed her muzzle to his holding on so he couldn't move away.

The kiss would not be considered something special if it weren't for the excited and scared feeling that seemed to echo through both. "Love me." She whispered when their lips finally separated.

"Clover." He spoke back showing her all his feeling and worry.

"Please Byron. He keeps telling us that sex is something wonderful. That its not painful and it doesn't feel icky even Mama says it's supposed to be something wonderful. I want you to show me. I want you to make me feel good." As she held onto him her body and mind pleaded for him to agree.

Byron could not simply say no, not when she was asking this way but he still felt the need to try and change her mind. He thought of all they had been told about incest and how they were told it was wrong, trying to put every ounce of uncertainty into his feelings as he spoke. "We shouldn't we could get in a lot of trouble."

He could feel her waiver and sense an echo of worry, "Please... I want to know its over. That dad is gone and... and that it doesn't still feel icky." Byron was filled with one pure clean emotion as his twin pressed her lips back against his muzzle. He grabbed Clover as best as he could rolling onto his back pulling her partway onto his chest while his arm was pressed to the wall. Byron looked at her shadowed form and allowed his own feeling of love and comfort to flow forth as he lifted his head up to touch her lips again. They spent a full moment pressed together feeding off each others emotions and knowing no matter what happened now or later they would always be by each others side no matter what happened.

Sharing Sister's Nightmare.

Byron sat crouched down in the hallway just outside his fathers bedroom door. There was nothing he could do now but wait and try to offer his support to his sister who was inside the room. It had started earlier tonight just like it was starting to...

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Looking backwards and being a squirrel. 2

"FOX! What are you doing here, this is my room!" A voice shouted behind the two. The figure taking in the positions on the bed and glaring at the still shaking squirrel continued, "Are you trying out something new fox or did you bring a toy for my...

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Looking backwards and being a squirrel. (half)

Cavet parked his car in the twenty-third spot and turned of the ignition. He took a moment to rub his head in the silence trying to ease the pounding in his head. He hadn't felt good since that clumsy customer had knocked over the small display on...

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