Looking backwards and being a squirrel. 2

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#3 of Party at the Mansion: Extras.

(Please remember Catprowler wasn't always Catprowler. Also Catprowler is me in more ways than one. My story is drawn from my life and feelings taking both what I wish and what really happened and blending them together. For those who read and know or meet me would see more truth than fantasy.)

Once again leave if you want. I posted several tags that come close but don't truly have part of what it says except in passing. The final part will be tying in with my story "Party at the Mansion" (No I'm not going to link it.) I have often times wanted to go back and rework the story from different views providing more background and afterwards to the characters. Honestly at the time the project was far more than I could possibly handle but now, maybe I could do justice were things just got glossed over.

Lastly it may take a little while to finish the next part I still need to write a little bit. I tried to give you as much as I could about myself with out making this a first person story. I seem to have trouble with that. (I constantly see I this, I that, I then, I I I I~ It just seems awful.)

"FOX! What are you doing here, this is my room!" A voice shouted behind the two. The figure taking in the positions on the bed and glaring at the still shaking squirrel continued, "Are you trying out something new fox or did you bring a toy for my boys."

Moving with smooth agility Danny pulled his arms back and rolled over the squirrel and off the bed barely making contact with the other. He had already had his feet tucked under him landing in a half squat and he turned and stood on his feet. "Ryan you know better than to come charging int a room even if you reserved it." He told the third canine, the white and black spots obviously stating it as a dalmatian but also some kind of mix.

Cavet no longer worried about he still growling dog as he stared at the massive chest and arms of the figure that filled the doorway. "Get that piece of pelt off my bed or it will become a chew toy." The squirrel had already thrown himself to the floor and was scrambling in behind Danny searching for a place to hide feeling horrible jolts of fear echoing from his senses inside screaming out danger.

The fox turned hauling the other to his feet. "UP Cat! This dogs a big growl but no bite. Isn't that right Ally?" He spoke softly patting the antro doberman on the floor.

"Don't touch him!" Ryan warned as Ally backed away whimpering. Cavet kept right behind Danny nearly standing on his heels but after standing for several seconds he began to twitch and worry about why they weren't leaving. No matter what Danny said there was something very dangerous about the canine in the door and he wanted to get away NOW!

As if to answer the squirrel Danny spoke, "If you're waiting for a private dance you need to pay upfront otherwise move that body out of the door so I can get back to work."

Several moments later Cavet was sitting in the closest chair to the door at the back of the club. Danny had left and returned a second setting two shot glasses in front of the squirrel ordering him to drink. He got no protest or resistance as the squirrel downed the glass gasping and chocking in reaction. "Again!" Danny ordered giving him a slight growl when he didn't react soon enough.

The fox gave him a moment before sitting down close and explaining about domination and submission and other strange habits some of the customers here had. Cavet only took in half after understanding you were basically a willing slave, he pretty much tuned out and focused on the loud thumping music. No matter what Danny had told him there was something else different about Ryan and it was dark and powerful and he tried to calm himself by just feeling the noise pulse his body.

After a few more minutes Danny went back to work trying to keep an eye on the squirrel. It didn't seem necessary though since his near blah state seemed to keep the few who inquired unsatisfied and they left him there.

"Hey hon finally sitting back here in the back. Are you waiting to have a little fun in the back rooms?" The way the ram said back was more than obvious to Cavet but like the rest he just stared off to the dance floor deliberately ignoring everyone. He had been watching the twists and turns, the trade offs, the ass grabs and paw shakes, and even in one instance a beak slapped which seemed to make the feathers ruffle up and the avian to try harder.

It was entertaining as much as it was boring and no worse than he would likely do at home watching television by himself. He imagined some of the people who spoke to him as commercials, annoying but unavoidable. Jax though wasn't going to allow that to pass. Seeing silence as an invitation the ram moved in behind Cavet resting his hands on his shoulders for a second before he started a gentle squeeze. "GOD hon you're like a rock." He exclaimed digging into the muscles of the squirrel's neck and shoulders.

The hands pushed him forward against the table and he just let it happen still trying to ignore it even though after a minute or so it really seemed to feel good even though the fingers were digging in enough to hurt. A few minutes later he heard Danny's voice and a short argument which he tuned out. The hands kneaded half way down his back before they stopped leaving him laying partway on the table with a yearning for the touches to continue. His chair was pulled back slightly and suddenly firm hands grabbed under his arms and lifted him up and back dropping him into Jax's waiting lap. Even now Cavet still offered no resistance allowing the other to move him until he was leaning against the thin fuzzy wool that covered the chest.

"Hon what's wrong? Don't I at least get a thank you?" He asked after a full minute of just holding the squirrel. Cavet's only response was to pull his tail up towards his lap and circle the end of it around the side of the ram and the chair behind. Jax used his other arm and embraced the squirrel.

Cavet closed his eyes and finally raised and arm to hold on to the ram, "Don't let go." He choked out only half holding in the tears that slowly leaked out. The night and the music wore on, Jax did let go passing the rodent off to Danny who passed him off again and then again.

Cavet's first real reaction was when the door slammed open near to where he sat and one loud bark that caused him to tense up grabbing a hold of the arms around him remembering what had happened. He had no clue who's lap he was sitting in only that the person behind him was huge. Massive black furred arms wrapped around him each wide enough to nearly cover half his chest. "Relax Cat." A deep voice behind him spoke as he watched a human male walk the doberman out giving it the order to sit.

Not far behind Ally and Ryan walked out one still on all fours picking his way over to sit next to the dog. Both look exhausted head hanging and as he kept staring the feral allowed his front paws to slide down until he was laying. "No Bruto sit." the human spoke getting the action he wanted. "He is very well trained, they both are. Are you absolutely sure. I'm willing to pay twelve grand for the pair."

"You already know the answer. I expect the money in my account on Monday." Ryan answered.

With a sigh the man shook his head. "I'd offer you twenty but I know the answer, still I had to try. Up Bruto." With that the pair left, leaving Cavet to carefully stare at the pair that was left once again getting a tingle of fear and a sense to leave or move away.

"Ally you may stand." The doberman wobbled a little as he rose stretching out his legs before taking a step closer to Ryan with a little whine. "Ally you may speak." Cavet watched as the over sized dalmatian popped two snaps on either side of the others cheeks and waited while something was spit into his paw.

"Thank you master." The voice was low and soft, Cavet barely heard it over the music. "Did I please master? Am I a good boy?"

Cavet watched the strange scene as Ryan reached into a belt pouch and held something out in his open paw. Ally immediately clutched the hand dipping his muzzle down crunching up the treat as his head was pet. The doberman's snubbed tail was still twitching with a hip sway as he licked the paw over and over seeming ecstatic as any feral over such attention.

"Let's go home." Ryan said. With a little 'arf' Ally hugged the dalmatian's side taking several shuffling steps to keep pace before he pulled back walking a step behind the other holding the lead up so he didn't trip on it.

Cavet shivered again as the pair moved out of sight partly with relief. He remembered a little of what Danny had said before which only reinforced how wrong such actions seemed. You were supposed to care for your partner, not use them. "Relax Cat your safe." The deep voice rumbled behind him again trying to comfort him.

"How is he doing." Danny's voice asked from off to the side.

"Well he just watched Ryan leave. That was the only thing he's done so far." Cavet watched as the blue fox moved in front of him pulling out a chair to sit down. Finally seeing the squirrel look up at him he smiled and spoke.

"Feeling better now, little Prowler?" Before he could even question the new use of the word the voice behind him grumbled, "I was told his name was CAT. Far be it for me to say that seems stupid but they need to make up their mind." Danny's little giggle seem to suddenly strike Cavet as funny causing him to give a grin of response.

"Catprowler. One who prowls for cats. Maybe it is stupid or foolish but, that is far better than his real name." the fox stated.

"I should go home." the squirrel said but Danny put a paw out slowing the large arms that were pulling away.

"Not yet. I decided you should stay for the entire night." Stopping the squirrel's protests he continued, "You work at Lea and Troy's right? You know years ago Lea used to throw these wild parties. I was only seventeen back then, but faked eighteen, and caused quite a stir dancing across the buffet table. She was so impressed I was invited back each month.... Anyway long story short I asked her to give you a three day paid vacation for personal reasons and she was happy to agree."

Cavet sat there for a moment then shook his head but before he spoke the fox started again, "Oh yes. I even made sure she asked Troy to be sure. I don't think her partner was happy but both ladies agreed if you really needed the time you would have it. Troy's exact words were 'The only dependable male I know.' Which is not something I expected to ever hear from her." Danny slowly peeled back the large arms. "So here is the plan Cat you can go take a nap in the back for an hour or you can go sit in the booth with the others. After closing we're gonna have a little private party. Jax wants to see if you can dance, Alex went for some pizza, and everyone wants to try and show you a good time."

"Why?" Cavet asked finally.

Danny grinned with a little finger shake and a tutting sound before he pulled the squirrel to his feet. "Well besides the fact your a sexy little squirrel? We haven't had an all night party for a while, everyone is hoping to be the one to cheer you up, oh and you can consider it an early birthday present from all of us." Cavet had been blushing as the fox pulled him to his feet and called him sexy and blushed further as the blue arms crossed behind his neck and the body swayed in front of him but the birthday comment left him a little stunned. The fox was once again giggling, "Someone knows the owner of a certain restaurant. She was in a few days back and overheard someone talking about you. We learned all kinds of juicy tidbits from Electric."

"It's alright you don't ha.." He suddenly stopped from the little nose bump the fox gave causing him to blush again.

"Listen this place is built on favors and not just the sexual kind. She was planning a surprise party for you on Monday but with a certain female gone, its starting to fall apart, so it is only fair we help her out. The bar is closing in an hour or so Prowler and we can't wait to start your party. Catprowler's first night out." Danny had turned away spinning and doing a few quick dance steps before holding out his paw.

"I think I want to lay down." Danny broke out in another little fit of giggles opening the door to the back rooms.

"Third door from the right, pick any bed. Just remember Cat come back in one hour or I'll send someone to find you, maybe Jax." the fox added in swatting at the squirrel's tail as he passed.

Cavet opened the door to the room and instead of a large room and bed he found a very dim lit cramped space. There was a bunk bed against each wall with a small isle way in between. The overhead light seemed to be barely thirty watts allowing just enough light to see that none of the beds were occupied and all seemed to be neat and clean. 'The bed' Cavet realized was nothing more than a thick foam mattress with a comforter on top as he climbed up to the upper mat on the left.

His first thought as he laid on his stomach was if he could make some excuse to leave, although he quickly admitted to himself he didn't want to. Cavet pulled the comforter together pulling it so that it was almost tucked in around his legs and body. The simple truth was last year he had spent his birthday alone, there were a few presents, cards, and several well wishes but nothing special but, even that was better than the year before. Everyone had forgotten including his grandfather who sent him a card nearly a month later. It seemed like ever since his grandmother died people pretty much forgot that he existed. This would be his third birthday with out her and the way things stood right now he wasn't sure if he even wanted to try going back home next month to visit, especially without Sarah. Not that his grandfather had been all that thrilled with him having a relationship with a ferret but he had seemed less vocal this time. Although he might have been just as upset as Sarah's mother when he found out Cavet had taken a female he new nothing about, the fact he had spent nearly four months on his own couch had at least gotten a measure of approval from the old squirrel.

He rolled himself over curling himself up more within the comforter already hearing the voices echoing on about proper relationships and love, marriage, and family. The simple fact was Cavet knew what he wanted, a caring mate, someone who would be at his side and just be willing to spend some quiet time together. If that meant they both wanted to settle down and start a family he knew he was more than ready for that too.

The squirrel had spent the last several hours doing nothing but staring blankly out at whomever was in front of him trying to ignore everything but the arms that were kept around him. Now in the near dark trying to roll the blanket even tighter around his body he wondered why it was so hard to find someone, anyone who wouldn't leave him. He was likable, witty at times, always dependable, and even ready to stop and help if someone really needed him. Even as inexperienced as he was in the physical part of relations it didn't mean he hadn't had dozens of female friends. Except each and everyone of them was looking for something, or someone other than Cavet. It seemed no matter how close they got or even how the female felt about him, they rarely ever called him unless it was for something. A ride home when drunk, help to move, needing to vent, or even one time help after Margie's boyfriend had just beat her. He had ended up with a black eye, bloody nose, nearly a broken muzzle, and a smashed car window trying to help her escape.

Then the flip side, all the times that Cavet called they were busy or work it out to be nothing more than quick lunch to catch up. All his friends male and female had picked up on it pretty quick that he didn't smoke or drink and that he usually preferred the quiet scenes. But surely there had to be women out there who didn't want to just get drunk and get laid, one who wouldn't mind someone quieter but more reliable. Cavet gave a little whimper trying to give up his thoughts and reasoning. It all seemed well beyond him with maybe the final option being to set up a personal add.

'Available one pathetic rodent who can't find someone special. Likes quiet evening, cuddling, and talking. Willing to start as friends and work from there.'

He tried to consider exactly how desperate and foolish that would sound to someone else. Out of all the things he considered changing the first line wasn't one of them. How truly pathetic was it to sit in the back of a gay bar and hope that someone you didn't know would keep holding you like they cared or that you mattered.

"Caaatt." / "Prooowwwler." ~~"Caatprowwwwwler" First Mat then Mit and the the two sorta sang together giving a slight howl to the prowler part.

It took time for him to unravel himself and move back to the bar. The music was much quieter but as soon as he stepped out it stopped changing to the old happy birthday tune while everyone joined in. As he walked to the center of the dance floor he could see a cart with a sheet of store cake and one big table candle poked into the center of it. Cavet could also see Trish right behind the cake along with a few of her employees that he knew. In fact he also recognized a few of his co-workers and two of his friends as well spaced amongst the thirty or so bodies that were singing.

Even though he didn't know half of them Cavet smiled, there was more people here than even his twenty-first birthday. "Make a wish." Someone called out which was quickly echoed by others as he bent down to blow out the large candle.

Amidst the cheers the squirrel felt a poke and turned to see Jax who had a red ribbon wound over his body going from shoulder to crotch with an over sized bow covering his loincloth. "No one brought you anything hon but I'm happy to be your present." Both his friends and the bars regular patrons laughed, howled, and whistled at the squirrel's embarrassment. "What's the matter Mr. Prowler don't like what you see?" Jax questioned raising his arms above his head slowly rocking his body and hips in front of Cavet.

Filled to near bursting with embarrassment he had edged sideways around the ram with his first intentions being to escape in some way but hearing the room grow more and more quiet, he suddenly felt more trapped now than ever. Keeping his feet sliding sideways as the Jax studied him still keeping a rocking motions going as the squirrel kept moving around behind him.

When Cavet finally made it back to the beginning of his circle he was left staring at Jax who made a significant pelvic thrust in his direction drawing the rodents eyes down. "Can I..." The words caught in his throat. It had seemed like such a good joke the instant he thought of it but once he opened his mouth he couldn't finish worrying suddenly that the words sounded really cruel.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Jax asked seeing the squirrel stay silent he prodded. "Don't just leave me hanging here hon tell me what you want." After another hip shake and thrust the squirrel finally spoke.

"Can I trade in for someone else?" By the time he stopped speaking he had closed his eyes lowered his tail and flattened his ears knowing that he had probably offended the ram. It was true Jax was a little put off by the rejection but seeing the squirrel scrunched up reminded him of his plea from earlier. Jax leaned down pulling the smaller squirrel of his feet slightly giving him a big hug. By the time he figured out what was happening he was already being put back on his feet but allowed Cavet to keep hugging him for a moment.

The squirrel's eyes bugged for a moment as the ram lifted up his loin cloth pulling off the bow and giving him a peek underneath at a pair of black spandex shorts that came close to looking like the shaved wool of the legs. There was nothing but hints of bulges and shadows before the heavy leather dropped back into place.

He had a entirely new blush oh his face as Jax spoke, "Na ah honey, you already had your chance." The ram had already seen the rodent staring and just to make his point he handed the ribbon over. "You choose someone else."

Cavet stared around, he already knew Trish was off limits. He had spent an entire week at the zebra's house sharing the same bed but she had made sure he understood he interests were not with males. She had been the first to jump at the chance to help him when the police had sealed his apartment due to a viral scare and the investigation afterwards.

Once again he had been left knowing that one more female was nothing more than a friend. The other problem was that out of everyone he did know here, well known for more than a week, she was the only one he would even consider offering the bow to. After several seconds of being lost on what to do there was suddenly a mad scramble of males that had taken steps forward and were starting to form a line including Mit, Mat, Alex, and several others.

Cavet could still see the others standing behind, several were those who knew him looking near bug eyed realizing the implications. Feeling more than a little panicked the squirrel's tail began another erratic twitching dance as he began trying to think of wild ideas on how to escape. A few more seconds and he did the only thing that even seemed plausible as he pressed the bow to his own chest.

The eleven people that had lined up looked each other over many suddenly showing some disappointment even as Danny suddenly grabbed him by the side. "You are a true present Catprowler, trying to share yourself with everyone. Let's have some cake. Start the music and when or if Catprowler makes his decision I'm sure he'll let us know."

The fox had spoken out loud enough to the group but when he turned to Cavet he was still talking loud enough for most to hear, "Take your time Cat I know this might be confusing and you're still upset about your breakup just remember to try and keep your options open." Danny finished patting his shoulder and back making the squirrel take a step forward. Slipping in behind he gave Cavet a hefty shove that sent the rodent stumbling forward stepping between the line of males aimed at the cake. He got an ass slap on each side causing him to eep and hop forward.

Trish was laughing so hard it almost sounded like braying as she tried to pass the knife over to Cavet. After the cake had been served and several no-alcoholic drinks were passed out and set up on the bar the music started and people moved into groups talking and simply enjoying themselves.

The squirrel had thought to sit down but everyone kept him moving either walking over to get him or shouting out until he walked over. A little while later the dancing started Danny taking Cavet to one of the two poles and starting to teach him by showing and giving examples.

The hours flew by as nearly everyone took some time to dance with Cavet some simply for fun and others with more provocative ideas in mind. The squirrel was left blushing a lot a first but after a while he simply felt heated moving along and with the other bodies. He became a little more used to the fondlings and gropings as the others moved around him. That wasn't to say he didn't nearly squeak on several occasions and even a few times was forced to step back or jump away. The first real surprise was when Jessie one of his co-workers slipped in behind him yanking hard on his tail and slamming his pelvis up against his rear. He was more angry than anything at the human knowing he was married and the fact he refused to let go forcing Cavet to shout for help.

Next was when Alex some how scooped him up from behind lifting him up over a foot. Kicking out didn't help since his feet were caught by another larger wolf he didn't know. He was squeezed between the two as they ground against him front and back. His mind worked between Alex who was gently nipping behind while the other wolf licked his muzzle seeming to show a true caring emotion even though he was still upset trying to keep the firm thought that he wasn't gay. It took several minutes before he was actually able to struggle enough to make them let go even though all three of them knew he had gotten aroused by the nibbles, licks, and close bodies. The pair moved to stand next to each other when they were done each throwing an arm over the others shoulders grinning as they stared at the squirrel as he took a pace back. Cavet suddenly knew that if he was ever going to try something now was likely the best time except paws grabbed his shoulders and spun him away. He pulled back long enough to look back at Alex and his friend seeing the second holding a paw up to his ear and mouth like a phone and pointing at him.

Lastly there was the zebra, Trish had actually moved in behind him pressing close. When she slipped a hand into his shorts he did let out a yelp loud enough to draw attention and several began chanting 'Electric' as she stroked the squirrel keeping him from escaping with her other paw that was clamped at his tail base. After a full minutes she did allow him to pull away sniffing her hand before wiping it on the back of her jeans. "Just making sure you still like woman." She shouted over th music. Most of the movement had stopped as all eyes were on the pair.

Cavet did the only thing he thought he could to end the questioning including his own by yanking off the bow and jumping forward mashing it between her breasts. Most of the regulars and those who hung around the bar knew of Eletric's preferences and watched as she poked the bow on her chest catching it as it peeled away. She leaned in cupping his chin and starting what was a very intense but also rather short kiss amidst the hoop and hollers of the others. As she broke away he hand went up patting the bow onto his head right between the ears. "We both know you're not my type." She spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

Cavet had a sudden rush of sorrow ears drooping and tail dropping to the floor wondering if he even was a type and if anyone would ever want him. He pushed his way to a booth sitting down even amongst several protests and hands that tried to pull him back. So far no one had really been sitting down besides at the bar stools where people had stopped to rest or get some water or soda. There were several people who all at once tried to make sure he was okay including Trish and of course Danny. He didn't put up a protest as over a dozen people crowded into the booth and adjacent ones thinning out the dance floor and breaking up the mood.

With in minutes the music had been turned way down and several people had wished Cavet a happy birthday again and said their goodbyes. The squirrel had been pushed all the way to the wall and found Trish behind him the edge of her muzzle resting on his head while her hands were trying to massage his shoulders. "I am sorry Cavet." She spoke in his ears.

He sniffed loudly, there was no way he was going to end up shedding even one tear here. "It's not your fault Trish." Fingers dug in causing him to try and hunch away.

"ELETRIC! Cat my name is important to me. Its more than just my stripes or my restaurant it's part of who I AM!"

"And Catprowler is me?" He asked in a challenge.

"It can be." Danny told him from across the table. "Just tell me one thing. Are you really happy with your name? Or do you think twice every time you say it." Danny had already figured several things out about the squirrel through their talks. He knew the name probably was a bit over the top to try and call the rodent. The thing was though the fox felt that if Cavet could just be Catprowler, the squirrel would gain layers in both confidence and hopefully freedom. Danny understood that the other was searching nearly desperately for 'love' and a 'mate'. All he needed to do was just get him to break loose even a little and he would be a whole lot more interesting. And secretly Danny could see a horror of a tease in the little squirrel with just the soft fluffy tail if he just had the confidence, and those thoughts nearly made him envious.

The party slowly broke up as more and more started heading home. Catprowler was kept inside the booth saying goodbye to each person as they chose to leave until there was only eleven left talking and sharing with Cat. When he finally asked Cat was surprised to learn it was already after five a.m. Jax who was sitting in the center of the three chairs at the end of the booth quickly responded next. "You're not thinking of leaving are you hon? You still haven't taken a trip to the back room. Come on! This is your birthday party."

Cat tried to give a covert glance around all those who were left but already knew since Electric left earlier all those who were left were male. "It's not...." He started totally unsure what to say.

"Hon all we wanna hear is the springs creak and the wall bang. Just pick someone!!" The ram stated actually seeming very impatient.

"All I want now is to curl up and sleep. I just wish someone were with me." He answered quietly.

"A fur pile?" Catprowler had learned the others names now, Rake had very strong firm hands when they danced and that he was very quiet often only speaking in short sentences.

"In that case come on." Jax spoke standing and dragging the wolf who was Alex's friend, Kebai, out of the booth. They all watched as the ram pulling the wolf along yanking open to the back and causing it to hit the wall hard.

"The big bed has been cleaned." Danny gave a smirk as the others looked over. "I made sure after Ryan was done. I was hoping the Prowler would make a few choices but I guess he's not quite ready yet."

"Anyone else wanna have a little fun first?" Dalvin asked as bodies started sliding out of the booth. Catprowler watched as they broke up into small groups and it seemed everyone was walking away from him. He almost gave a little whine when he realized that even Danny had left with his ass being groped by another canine while the fox's tail curled around the other's waist. The squirrel didn't have to worry though his arm was pulled back and his body wrapped up in strong arms. He had just a seconds thought of struggling before the snuffling at his ears caused him to melt into Alex's body. With a show of strength the wolf bend down and scooped up the squirrel nodding to the other two, Rake and Domino. Domino was a very feminine looking buck who had to small thin curved antlers that spit in to four slender points while Rake was a solid otter who barely as tall as Cat but seemed to be rock hard muscles compacted into a trim sleek frame.

The quartet moved to the last room on the right spreading out on the bed before Alex pulled the squirrel back into his arms. Domino moved in close pulling the squirrel's head under his chin to rest his muzzle on Cat's brow while Rack had worked his way over the rodents legs. He gave several twitches as the otter's paw grabbed his sheath through his shorts and gave several playful squeezes before he let go. A moment later Rake had wrapped his arm around on of his legs and let out a deep sigh.

Apparently Jax had chosen the room deliberately and even though they were fairly sound proof after ten minutes or so of laying there they could hear his cries and several screaming bleats. Each dozed fitfully for the next ten to fifteen minutes before the door started to quietly open and close. Every few minutes Cat could feel the bed rock and bodies move as he was hugged and groped as the new bodies joined the pile with others letting go to make room. It was neither restful nor comfortable with him waking and falling back to sleep to wake again until he simply passed out.

"Cat, Cat wake up." he was drug back to consciousness as his body was pulled to the end of the bed. Mit and Mat were both helping him our into the hallway and back out to the bar handing him a glass of water.

"FINALLY!" There was an irritation mixed with gratitude as Cavet looked up. His mind did a little bounce of joy at hearing Sarah's voice, "Out of all the places, I never though you would wind up sleazed out in a place like this." Cavet stumbled a few steps suddenly realizing where he was and what she probably thought.

"No wait, I didn't do anything. I was only sleeping they gave me a party okay. You don't think I would really...." He slowed to a stop before taking a deep breath and gave one of his best smiles he had puffing his tail up behind him, "Hi Sarah!"

"Listen do whatever you like. I've spent the entire morning searching for you. I lost my key and I wanted to get my things." She was frowning at him holding out her hand expectantly.

"Key.. You." He started and stopped watching as she opened and closed her hand. Cavet was at least able to keep his voice and hand steady even though it felt like she had just ripped his legs out from under him. "Do you need help." he offered fishing the key out from the deep pocket of his shorts. He stood there a full minute under her gaze holding on with all he had not to beg her to stay.

"You'll never change." She muttered. "If you really want to help just stay away for an hour or so." She told him leaving across the wood dance floor. He didn't even notice Electric until after she moved when the front door closed. "I'm really sorry Cavet just... call me later okay?" He watched as she left too finally allowing his tears to fall as the twins held him close from both sides.

Cavet was back home a while later after he had pulled himself back together and made a meal of left over cake and a disgustingly large amount of coffee. He really left because the bar started to pick up for a Friday night and he wasn't happy with all the extra attention he was getting. The squirrel surveyed the damage of his apartment, well not real damage just slight disarray and empty mess. Every bit of Sarah was gone including the vanity he had bought, although she had left the second dresser but the thick quilt comforter was gone.

Cavet spent the entire weekend pulling his apartment to pieces and putting it back together. The bed was in a different corner, the couch against an opposite wall, he had even pushed the refrigerator across the kitchen but moved it back when he tripped on a chair trying to close it. He did everything he could to keep himself occupied during the days and stared at different patches of his ceiling and walls at night until he fell asleep. He did his best to ignore anything important including the ringing telephone and the images that replayed in his mind which he quickly squashed. By the time Monday morning came he was up early, dressed, and waiting for enough time to pass so he could just get to work and have something to do.

The squirrel had worked his way through four departments of back stock, gotten the two leftover pallets from Fridays shipment put away, and helped give breaks for several different cashiers and was thinking of taking his lunch a half hour early when the manager caught up with him.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded, "You're supposed to be on leave for three days." After clearing up the misunderstanding of three days off compared to three days leave, Ms. Kayne took him to the back office to talk. She started by inquiring about his birthday and Cavet realized that yesterday had come and gone and he never even realized. It struck him hard now realizing why the phone had a constant ring, if it was his grandfather then he was probably wondering what was up by now and if he was still alright.

After spending just about a half hour talking Ms. Kayne told him to go home. "Cavet, Lea was adamant about you getting some time off. You can take the whole week if you want we can get by with out you. Sometimes life sucks, plain and simple. You should just find some friends and try to have some fun. Don't come back until Thursday! One way or another you're taking those days off."

He stopped for lunch on the way home and stood for several moments outside the door to his apartment just staring and trying to dissect his life and problems. The phone rang from inside disturbing him and making him scramble for keys working to enter the apartment. The conversation with his grandfather lasted no more than fifteen minutes before Sarah came up. Having already promised his grandfather to return home in a few months Cavet was short and curt explaining that things hadn't worked out, and that he did not want to talk about it.

The surprise came when for the first time there was no admonishment, lecture, or even some small amount of condemnation. Instead he was told, "Sorry Cavet. I know you thought she was someone special. Don't worry though you'll find the right girl in time. Melly always said there was someone extra special out there for you, I'm sure you will find her." They didn't say much more than a simple goodbyes before the call was ended. How long did he have to wait for the right girl to come along.

Suddenly there was that secret thought inside of him that maybe it wasn't a girl that would come along. His mind put out the heart attack his grandfather would surely have if he ever spoke that aloud but, he admitted to himself at the same time he really shouldn't care who they were as long as he was special to someone. It barely took him a minute to slip out of his work clothes and pull on something more comfortable. He grabbed the extra door key a little money and left making his way back to the Fuzzy Tail.

Once again standing just inside the door he felt a little foolish, should he order a drink or just sit down. Was he here to just see some friends or was he trying to find something more. There was only a few people around and Cavet tried to stare to the back as he slowly moved to the bar. He fished out a ten and placed it on the bar as Tony walked over to him. "Ummm." He stopped having no clue what it was that he was trying to order.

The bat gave a little smirk that worked well with the head shake as he grabbed the bill and tossed it on the back counter quickly pouring together a glass while the squirrel blushed. Cavet waited till Tony set the glass on the bar and walked away before he picked the glass up suddenly wondering if the drink was really that expensive or if he should be asking for change. With no clue what prices were he decided it didn't really matter and moved across the club to sit in a booth.

With a cautious sip he rolled the same raspberry, tea, alcohol mix in his mouth giving a little grimace at the taste. He would never get used to drinking no matter what anyone had told him. Again he took a full moment to think why he was even here. He could leave, find a nicer place, maybe a little cafe and start looking for new people to meet and if that didn't work he could always try another bar one that wasn't.. well gay. Especially if he were to take Danny's advice, there probably were dozens of people that came here and they only wanted to screw him, to be bottom as Danny said.

Was he so damn desperate for a friend that he would really do that? Would they be caring and careful if he did? Would they still be there in the morning when he woke up?

"Heellooooo Cat." The powder blue fox greeted him slipping into the table across from Cavet.

"Hello guys." Cavet said to Danny and the other three who swarmed up to the table. The three who stood at the end of the booth were all canines who greeted Cavet together.

"Hey there Mr. Prowler." the husky said, "I thought we asked you to stop calling us 'guys'."

"Yet still you call me Prowler and Cat." Cavet said. Mit and Mat were nearly snickering still feeling pleased with the combination together.

Mat spoke first, "Tell us you wouldn't like to prowl especially after a feline." Cavet blushed for a few seconds before gaining control trying to stop being so embarrassed.

"Cat." Danny started, "I have something special for you. I am giving you my invitation to a party." Danny passed over a note and a small vial.

Cavet read the letter blushing as he reached the middle thinking that this couldn't really be true, "They want you to dance for them?" Cavet asked knowing now that the fox was near famous for a certain kind of dancing.

"Oh they want way more than just a dance you see here," Danny said tapping the letter, "wear what ever goes best with that fluffy tail." The fox let out a little giggle watching the blush deepen under the golden fur of the squirrels chin guessing the red ran all the way to his ears. Danny grinned with a full set of perfect white canines when Cavet finally looked his way he could almost see a struggle of the squirrel trying to take over as Catprowler rather than Cavet. "I know what they wanted me to wear and it wouldn't be much. But that is me, your going instead, relax Cat." He quickly said seeing the stunned head shake. "I will go, drop you off, explain that you can have my spot, if it's all good your in fuzzy."

"Way in." The husky chuckled.

"Guys, I mean friends. I'm just not sure about this." Cavet started.

"Listen." Danny said laying it out. "You want a mate, tried and true, one love and all that. It makes you sweet Cavet really loving but, girls are gonna see that and take advantage of you, again and again. You need to learn to be a little wild and mischievous. You need to try, just try being Catprowler for just one night. Stalk a few girls, maybe even a guy and see where your life ends up in the morning." Danny folded the letter up and placed both the bottle and the letter in Catprowler hand. "Stop moping around here, we have a hard enough time just watching you."

"It would mean a lot to us." Mit started, "All of us." Mat finished.

Cavet was still staring at the note and vial, "I'll pick you up on Wednesday morning, we can drive out after breakfast. I wont let you say 'No' now. At the very least you'll have a better story than you name." The group chuckled once again at Cavet's name just like Danny had asked them too, it was a good joke but was quickly losing its amusement as the squirrel became more known and likable to the others.

Cat took a slow but long pull out of his glass. Maybe they were right maybe he should just have one wild night. He had heard plenty of stories told by others which he had sat and listened to and his only references had been either to talk about his first night with Sarah or speak about his one night with Alexis. He just didn't have much to talk about, or brag about. He was a few years older than most of them or so he believed and they didn't seem like they had ruined their lives and his certainly wasn't any better. Would acting like a cat prowler really be all that bad?

"Come on." Danny told him getting the others to help drag him out of the booth. He had stayed until well after midnight leaving tired and more that just a little sore. Never in his life had his tail really felt heavy as he had it laying over his shoulder rather than allow it to drag on the ground while he walked home. Danny had him working for hours on paces and movements always telling, correcting, or applauding his tail's position. When the dancing started that evening Cat was the center of the group taking on everybody. He was constantly making use of his tail either to created space or remove it as Danny had shown him.

The squirrel was truly surprised at how well so many of them seemed to take clues and hints backing off when he felt pressured or uncomfortable and grinding close when he allowed it. He had even had a nice time dancing with a snow leopard. The feline had approached from behind Prowler giving a little growl as he blew a hard breath over the squirrels neck causing him to miss two beats in shock before he picked up the music again and drew the white cat in with his tail.

They danced for more than two songs the squirrel snuggling in against the feline giving a slight chirp as fangs bit into his shoulder enough to prick skin. Cat was drawn backwards to the edge of the dance floor before he was released. He could now feel the purring rumble against his neck as the leopard leaned in close. "It's to bad I'm spoken for. But next time I catch you we can have some fun together." Cat twitched several times as he felt the presence behind him leave.

"You ready hawt stuff!" The feline called out to a lanky yet strong looking dingo that had just walked in the front door. Evidently feeling the stare from the squirrel during their long tongue tangling greeting the dingo pulled on the leopard so the feline was further from the dance floor as they walked side by side towards the back. "Relax Barett its your day and I'm all yours." The feline purred as they walked past Cat. "Still." He spoke reaching up to nibble on the dingos ear and moving an eye to watch the squirrel, "I wouldn't mind a threesome next time." Prowler didn't hear the answer nor did he see either the rest of the night as he was yanked back into the moving bodies and the thumping music.

"So you think he'll go?" Alex asked.

"I already called his job so he gets Thursday off and Friday as well. If all goes well we can be back late Thursday and depending on how the party went maybe I can talk him into coming back Friday night." the blue fox was sitting at one of the tables at the back of the club discussing a small bit of rescheduling on the following day.

"Danny, you need to just suck it up, get hard, and bend that squirrel over and pound that ass. He'd so take it from you, over and over." Jax comment seemed to disturb the fox more than normal.

"That's just WRONG. Like screwing your younger brother...." Danny started but was interrupted by a twin vocalization of "HEY!!" from several tables away where the labs sat who had been listening in on the conversation. The fox gave a little wave. "Alright sorry, it would seem more like taking advantage of your younger brother who trusts you. I would play around if he asks but I would never force him." He glared at Jax who just shrugged.

"Your loss hon. But if he keeps bringing that tail in here someone is gonna teach him whether you want them to or not." The ram predicted.

"Well speak of the Prowler." Alex pointed to the squirrel who entered trying to adjust from the bright outside daylight to the dimmer interior. They all watched as the squirrel moved to a booth dropping with a groan and a sigh that was audible across the fairly quiet bar.

"Wait!" Jax hissed as a few chairs started to move. "Stay here. Let him come to us this time." Though most of them were irritated with the ram and his constant pokes and jibes insisting that they should take the squirrel willing or not, everyone did stay seated wondering what the rodent might do. After several minutes of nothing a gray form moved from the bar slowly stalking across the floor to the booth. "Don't you Dare!" Jax spoke to the blue fox in an urgent hiss.

"Wow did you just get through being whipped or are you here hoping for some more?" The question dragged Cat out of his minds wandering making him look up at a solid gray vulpine. The exception was the face that had four acid green streaks running from the top and sides of his nose and ran across his muzzle and then over his face. Two ran along the side of his face while the other two turned and ran between his eyes and over the top of his head.

The fox sat down across from him with a grin that instantly made Cat feel alert and worried. "Here drink." The other offered sliding a glass across the table.

"No thank you." He spoke quietly feeling even more uneasy as the glass slid in his direction. "I should go." Before he could even slide across the booth one of the fox's legs shot out partly blocking the path.

"Now, now you just got here. Surely you're not leaving with out at least one drink." the fox grinned again.

"I am not interested!" Prowler stated firmly trying to push the drink away and hid the quivering in his entire body, he needed to slip away.

"Oh you don't want the drink. You want to get right to the good stuff. Sure we can do that but trust me take a swig it will make it much easier." The fox's voice had dropped low as he repositioned the glass back in front of the squirrel holding the bottom as Cavet tried pushing the glass away without touching the others paws as his tail began a violent twitch in the booth next to him while his feeling screamed at him to flee.

A harder push sent the glass over the paws toppling it to the table as the contents spilled out. He was still thinking about a napkin or towel to try and clean the mess up as his body was forced further into the booth and against the wall. He hadn't even seen the fox move as he was squished up against the wall with claws that dug into his shoulder. "That was expensive you ass. Now you're going to make up for spilling my drink."

"Stop that hurts." Cavet whined shaking as the vulpine continued to press against him.

"Oh don't worry you'll know when it starts to hurt." The growl sounded in his ear. Cavet was caught, trapped; he whined quietly and shivered against the wood as his mind screamed out in fright trying to force him into action, to flee.

Even as he finally pulled on adrenaline and pushed back the terror to move a loud voice shouted out. "THAT IS Enough Blade! Let him GO!" Danny's lighter growl was joined by half a dozen others making the air vibrate with canine displeasure along with the occasional pound from the rams foot.

Blade backed out to the end of the booth staring over the small group that ringed him. "That RAT owes me for the drink he spilled."

"I'm sure we can buy you another one there's no need to harm or scare him." Danny stated.

"That is not the point. He needs to learn to be careful." The gray fox growled back.

"Drugged." Cavet spoke from the corner trying to shift the table away from himself as the liquid was now slowly moving closer.

"WHAT?!" someone called surprised as Blade's head whipped around growling.

"Get out! Don't come back. I don't care if your family owns this place." Danny spoke quietly.

"You won't tell me what to do and it's the stupid rat we're going to toss out." Blade said looking back at the group while pointing a thumb over his shoulder.

Cavet jumped and likely would have hit the ceiling had the table not impeded his progress as the entire booth rocked from the impact when Jax slammed both paws against the table. "Cat! PROWLER!" finally getting the squirrel to look at him he continued, "Did you drink any?" Still trembling he shook his head enough to be noticed.

"See the stupid rats to scared to know what's going on and to stupid to know I was just offering him a drink." Blade put in trying to stare down Jax.

"It's drugged." Cavet was able to squeak out in protest.

Jax had turned towards Blade so there muzzles were inches apart one snarling the other snearning. "I believe Prowler so you can either leave now or we will call the police. I'm sure there's enough left to see what kind of drug you were using."

Behind the two a voice stated, "I believe it's five years for possession of some of those drugs and ten minimum if you get caught using one." Blades eyes darted to the table for a moment before locking back in on the ram.

"Excuse me." Jax said shoving the shoulder of the gray fox forcing it back as he leaned over the table. By the time Blade recovered Jax had already snagged the empty glass quickly stepping back form the booth holding it carefully from the bottom. "I'm sure there's enough evidence right here to nail you ass babe. I know you can satisfy all those urges you have behind bars."

As blade tensed to move several snarls and growls were heard as the group moved between the two. After several empty threats the fox left with the promise that they would all pay for this. Danny immediately took possession of the glass and went to call the owner. Blade was the son of the owners sister in law but, not his nephew. Several of the staff had made quiet complaints before but this was not something that was going to be ignored.

The rest of the group tried to get the squirrel up and moving. Mit, Mat, and Alex were trying to explain to the squirrel where he went wrong. "You don't stay in a booth unless you have friends, not only are you taking up a lot of space, alone you make yourself look like you need company. You should know by now to sit in the back." / "Don't stare at us like that just cause you sit back here doesn't mean you're using the back rooms" / "Come ON! Think Cat is it easier to get out of a booth or stand up out of a chair? No ones gonna keep harassing you if you tip the table and have the whole place watching you." / "That's right if we hadn't stopped Blade he would have his claws deep inside you by now."

Cavet went threw a whole body tremor again hearing that clutching tighter to Mit who had allowed him a space in his lap. "Come on Prowler." The canine spoke trying to sooth and dislodge the squirrel. Mit gave a sigh as his brother move a chair close and the labs tried to peel the rodent off. The forced him to let go but allowed him to keep a seat on one knee each.

Jax still irritated with the whole thing including Cavet had walked up and gripped his chin tightly forcing him to look up at him. "You see what stupid stuff happens when you WON'T make a choice. I could understand you coming back here if you had been with one of us but, you aren't even planning to!" Still holding the squirrel's chin he poked hard into the chest, "WHY did you come back here."

Everyone else had gone silent when the ram had started and even though Mit and Mat were both rubbing his back neither they nor anyone else stopped Jax when he poked him hard again. "What are you doing her Cav..et!" He spat out the name in two separate syllables deliberately poking a sore spot inside as well. He shook the muzzle as the squirrel tried to articulate, "Speak up."

Taking a deep breath he pulled out of the rams hand and admitted something he was trying to avoid. "I don't have anywhere else to go. All my friends kinda faded away, or their busy with families. I barely got them to spend a few minutes on the phone, forget going out for lunch or dinner."

'Dinner?' Jax mouthed looking down at the squirrel. "Hon go to a club, pound a few down at a bar, go a little wild."

"With who?" Cavet countered.

"That's the point! You're out looking for someone." Jax stated with irritation as the squirrel shook his head. Things didn't work out that way, at least not for him. He had gone out to groups and parties before always with friends, slowly watching others as they interacted putting in a small word here and there. But when he got left behind he was always ended up in some spot watching as everyone else enjoyed themselves. It wasn't that he couldn't enjoy himself, he just couldn't bring himself to butt in. Sitting down at a full table or pushing you way into a group was, well wrong somehow. He just couldn't voice his opinion unless asked and he didn't do stupid things like everyone else unless they were really egging him to try. Cavet just wasn't one to make the first move.

He had been silent a long time after the ram had walked away disgusted, muttering something about forcing him to have a good time. "Do you want to dance Cat?" Mit finally broke the silence giving him a nudge.

"Don't call me that." He half muttered in response.

Ignoring his words Mat pave a nudge from the other side, "Come on Cat show us your tail."

"I'm going home." Cavet stated firmly standing up.

"Don't come back!!" Jax shouted from several tables away.

He was all ready for leaving when he turned seeing the disappointment on Danny's face. "I am going home." He repeated a little less sure. "Don't get your tail caught!!" Jax called out again. For some reason the ram's attitude was finally enough to make Cavet round on him. "Why would I! All I wanted was a friend and ALL you can do is FUCK each other!" In the silence Cavet turned back around heading for the door trying to shake off the paw that Danny set on his shoulder as he kept up with him.

"I'll walk you home." The fox said from behind him, "It's what a friend does. Besides I need to know where to pick you up tomorrow morning."

"I'm not going!" Cavet barked as he slammed the door open blinking in the outside light. This time when Danny caught him he spun the squirrel around making him hit the wall.

"Now you listen. I have spent far to much time trying to help you out to allow you to just walk away. You wanted a friend you got one, you got a dozen of them. And if a few of them seem hung up on having sex then you will just have to accept that. Do you have any idea how hard it has been on them to see a sexy little squirrel prance around waving a tail they can't touch?? Do you even realize how far some of them might go just for you? DON'T think you don't have friends here, and don't think Jax is being an ass just to be an ass. None of us want to see you get abused or used but, he is right. Cat if you keep coming sooner or later you are going to end up on the bottom whether you want to be or not." Cavet went through a moment of full surprise when the fox finally finished talking an pulled him forward into a hug.

"I know you enjoyed last night. Catprowler was the center of attention and loving it. You need to keep trying, at the very least you could try one more time. You're going to the party tomorrow even if I have to tie you up and stuff you into the trunk understand?" Danny made sure to get a nod before he asked exactly which building they were going to.

Cavet unlocked the door and said nothing as the fox pushed in behind him quickly moving to inspect the place. Several moments later not seeing the fox return from his bedroom he went to see what was going on. The vulpine was spread out on the bed sniffing deeply into the pillows. "There's something so much more enticing about a personal bed so... intimate."

Cavet watched as the fox rolled over still clutching the pillow to his muzzle much to the embarrassment of the squirrel. He slowly walked closer to the bed only to jump back as the fox suddenly sat up and threw the pillow at him. Danny stood up and spoke, "Alright I have to get back to work. I'll be here at seven-thirty so be ready. Get lots of rest, and since I'm sure you don't have anything to sexy to wear make it something easy to take off."

Cavet grabbed his shorts in shock after listening to the instructions. He had been unprepared when Danny had reached forward pulling on the drawstrings which allowed his shorts to slide some until they were caught by his tail. "These will do." Danny announced stepping past the squirrel and heading for the front door. The squirrel could do nothing to protest or even speak and was left wondering if that hadn't been the plan all along.

Cavet had been glad to finally get onto the road and going again but after four hours of straight driving he was almost hoping the fox might stop. Although part of him sorta dreaded another stop like that morning. Danny had picked him up at exactly seven-thirty but he had been ready for quite a while before that. The two had gotten into a nice comfortable Lexus which seemed to have everything. The ride had started nice and chatty with them right out on the road and onto the highway with Danny promising a delicious breakfast soon.

Just after eight he drove the car off the highway and into a smaller town taking streets that he seemed very familiar with heading to the cafe called Morning Sunrise. By the time they had passed the third table in a rather busy little restaurant Cavet had already spotted the lack of any females.

He hadn't taken much stock in the slacks and white blouse their server was wearing but the bus boy, a young otter, in a pair of tight tiny denim shorts and an apron that was cleaning their table as the walked up only confirmed the squirrels suspicions. When someone at the joining table slapped the Mustelid's ass as he scurried off left him shaking his head. "Relax Prowler. Most guys here have either had a long night and waking up to a good morning or had a longer night and want a bite to eat before bed."

"And where does that leave you Danny?!" A voice called out. The squirrel slipped into a seat staring at the odd shaped sun on the menu's cover with its bright yellow and pink lettering as the blue fox called out several greeting and waved to nearly the entire establishment.

"Catprowler." Danny spoke with a little singsong voice, "You're not looking. Sunny side up okay." He pulled the menu from the squirrel's paws and flipped it over so that the back cover was facing up on the table. There was a big smiling, waving sun with blue lettering on this side.

There was a large black hand placed on Cavet's shoulder from one of the biggest humans he had ever seen. "Bring us an arrow Danny? Hope he's not some phobe." the squirrel was still gawking over the six foot plus XXX-large male.

"Rooff it's been a long time. Sorry I couldn't get back sooner, as for Prowler here, he's still trying to decide how to swing that tail." Danny grinned smiling at the other male.

"Really," The man chuckled as well at the thought. "So why bring him here?"

"We're heading out to a party. I'm hoping to get Cat some ideas and maybe make a few decisions." He replied.

Rooff moved around to stand behind the fox staring at Cavet. "Prowler? Cat?" With a sudden grin he put the two together, "Catprowler. Who came up with that?"

"The twins of course." Danny answered. Cavet tried to keep his twitching to a minimum as he was inspected by not just the human but several others sets of eyes as the two friends talked. It was just a few minutes later when a plate landed in front of the squirrel. Two eggs, two bacon, all on one large pancake. He also got a large orange juice and a small cup full of sliced almond, macadamia, and pecan chunks. Normally he might have said something about the nuts especially since Danny's meal seemed to include the exact same thing except he was given what looked like several strips of near raw meat of some kind. Besides they hadn't even ordered this, only the nuts seemed to be high quality and the first few found him wishing the cup was a bowl.

"Cat." He looked up from his plate as Rooff called to him. "I would warn you to be careful, when Danny says party most of us would think twice about going."

"I can handle myself!" Cat spoke trying to sound confident as he started in on his breakfast. He looked up several bites later to see the blue fox still nudging the big gut next to him.

"Well kid if you ever make it back this way you can tell me how it went." With a cheery goodbye and telling them to enjoy their meal they both started eating. Cat finished first and began flipping the menu over interested in what else they might have. He suddenly noticed the difference between the menu front and back checking several times as Danny chortled.

Prowler pursed his lips tight trying not to blush as he placed the menu back on the table with the back side up leaving the bare ass back side of the sun against the table. One could possibly miss the odd shape on the front cover amidst the pink writing but, seeing the smiling face on the back only confirmed that the front cover was sporting the _back_side of the sun. "Morning sunrise, indeed!" Cat spoke when they were back in the car causing th fox to have a sporadic fit of giggles over the next hour.

Cat was rereading the invitation again as Danny tried to impart him with some useful knowledge.

Dear Danny Valentor Callentist,

It has come to my attention that you maybe one of the best specialized dancers

around. Your skills and performance are said to evoke a great deal of emotion.

I would be most pleased if you would find the time to join me at my mansion on

the 24th after 4pm. I was told to ask you to wear what ever went with that sexy tail

of yours and to request that you arrive fully rested. The night will be long and I

suspect enjoyable for a dancer such as yourself. I would consider this a personal

favor if you could find the time to attend and provide entertainment for my guests.

Sincerely, Mr. Leonelle

Danny glanced over once again, "I have no idea who this Mr. Leonelle is but he is obviously someone important. Do your best an just try to stay calm and relaxed. I like doing personal favors for such people cause it always helps later but, I'll pass this one up for you."

Prowler had listened to a great deal of advice of the course of the drive trying to keep the two most important parts close; Relax, stay calm and Be Bold! He needed to be one or the other. "Umm, when am I supposed to well, remove my clothes?" The fox was grinning, something that he seemed to be doing nearly every time he spoke.

"You'll have to decide that but, I would suggest doing that when people start calling for you to do so. Seriously Cat keep your tail moving, high and low, keep them looking over your body not focused on one spot." They took one more quick pit stop grabbing some simple snacks before driving out the last hour into the countryside.

"Sirs. You have your invitations?" The tabby asked at the bottom of the set of stairs leading to the main double doors which were open.

"Well you see we have a little request..." Danny started as Cat watched several people who were talking in small groups or holding up invitations to be waved inside. After several minutes Catprowler and Danny were escorted inside and ushered into a office.

Looking backwards and being a squirrel. (half)

Cavet parked his car in the twenty-third spot and turned of the ignition. He took a moment to rub his head in the silence trying to ease the pounding in his head. He hadn't felt good since that clumsy customer had knocked over the small display on...

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Ben tells a tale 7

The drive home did not start out as we wanted it to. We quickly ended up at the back of a long line of cars following some beat up truck that seemed to barely be moving forward up the hill. The long winding road which took us maybe four minutes to...

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Revieling the Darkside.

"Have a seat." Micheal said moving around his expensive and beautifully crafted desk. He had found out after the fact that a smooth granite top was much more of a pain than the more traditional hard wood desk but, then he had gotten it more for the...

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