Revieling the Darkside.

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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Okay so let me just say that the work, story structure, sentences, and well the very phrasing is different and seems off. I think that is because at times I was fighting with myself over how this should go and even in editing I was having trouble trying to revise ideas where tenses and things changes and I had to go back over it AGAIN.

I'll just go ahead and post it and stop stressing hopefully its not to bad. For a more in depth idea of what I am doing please check the journal.

Also Please, Please tell me how you feel about the believability of the story's ideas since I think some of them might actually be new. Also please help tag this is not something I think I did well on this one.

"Have a seat." Micheal said moving around his expensive and beautifully crafted desk. He had found out after the fact that a smooth granite top was much more of a pain than the more traditional hard wood desk but, then he had gotten it more for the flair especially when he was able to leaned back and rested his feet on it.

Taking a seat the other male said, "Nice chairs." in his smooth voice that Micheal had always hated. In fact he hated every single thing about Sean from his smooth slick blond hair to his better looking and likely more expensive suit.

For the past five years Sean had out done Micheal in every single way. Two weeks before they graduated collage, at the age of twenty-two, Micheal got what he thought was the biggest break in the world landing a fifty thousand dollar job by impressing several people of the businesses management and two board members who were arguing at a high end restaurant near the collage. His simple suggestions had ended the argument and netted the business over a hundred thousand.

His high among his friend and classmates lasted all of four days before Sean, 'the rich son' had informed them all he had already had a guaranteed position as a junior executive right after graduation and the job would likely pay at least a hundred thousand with in a year.

That's how it all seemed to turn out ever since, every time Micheal took a step forward Sean had taken two or three. Cars, toys, homes, even his two girlfriends had some how ended up in Sean's bed. One of them telling him later that Sean had it all, including gifts in the lower regions, with hands that could work magic.

"I was very surprised when you called me over. I mean, 'bury the hatchet'? I didn't think you and I had problems." Sean spoke.

'Of course you don't.' Micheal thought out barely able to keep his mouth shut, more friends, more likable, more charismatic. 'Just wait.' He promised himself staring across the desk, 'Your going to find out how good I AM!' Micheal already knew he was far better than Sean at one thing and that was revenge, and this one had been coming for years.

Eleven months ago Micheal had quit his job with no warning and was on a plane out of the country two days later. To the normal average person what he had done was both idiotic and stupid, bordering on near insanity. He had come across a rather unexplainable event, the kind which most people might chalk down to their eyes playing tricks or maybe some small hallucination. Micheal though had taken it as fact, pure and simple. After spending three months and most of his savings he came back home and even told many people the had come back to his senses. Telling them he had gotten caught up in the magical world of the occult and had to be sure it was nothing but lies.

"Well it's a little different than burring the hatchet. I need to work out some things with you." Micheal stated leaving Sean with a puzzled look.

"Listen Micheal if somethings up just tell me." Leaning back in his nice leather chair Micheal took a few seconds, like he was considering something, but the words had already been chosen. He had played this scene out so many times there now was no question on how it would end.

"Sean have you ever thought about having kids?" Not leaving his opponent much more than a few seconds to consider as he pressed on. "I know I am going to end up a father very soon."

The surprise went to outright shock as Sean stared at him. "Wow, I mean, um... Congrats. Anyone I know?"

"Yes!" Micheal said suddenly pounding on the desk making the other jump. "And I'm not going to allow you to ruin it!" The silence stretched out between the two one looking angry the other almost a little ashamed.

"Listen you know Alice and I had known each other for a long time. She had never said yes before and if I knew you two were a thing I would never have asked her in the first place. I still don't even know why she said yes." After a few seconds he added, "I had really hoped you two would get back together."

"After what she said and did that was never going to happened." Micheal informed him. "And Don't say it was for the best, I'm tired of hearing that bullshit line." He suddenly closed his mouth as a grumble or maybe growl started. He coughed a few times trying to hid a near blunder, "All I want from you Sean is your word that you won't interfere or try to interfere with my choice."

"Who is it?" The male asked curiously.

"Someone you know well but, be honestly does it really matter. I will finally have my chance to have a female at my side and a family. What does it matter if you know who it is, unless you think I'm not good enough." Again a near growl rose from his throat as his voice grew a little louder. He took several deep breaths leaning back and trying to calm down, he needed to be calm. Now that Sean was finally here he was having trouble controlling himself, almost allowing the more animalistic side of him out to soon. 'Relax!' the word was almost a command to himself.

"Michael I am really sorry if I knew she meant that much to you I would have helped you and her get back together." Sean stated.

"Forget it." He let out a sigh allowing his anger to recede. "Just make me a promise you won't interfere." Micheal sat forward staring intently at the other male, everything would be set if he could just get his word.

"Alright bud no problem but, I do wanna know who the lucky girl is. I mean she's pregnant right?" Micheal took a deep shuddering breath staying clam. He was going to have to push further if he was going to get what he needed. He watched as Sean was pondering the females he knew.

"I don't want just some ya I want your word Sean, or did you forget about Lisa as well." His first girlfriend out of collage dumped him after a fling with Sean and spent the next few months obsessing after him. Micheal had found out later from a side conversation that Sean considered it a huge mistake being with Lisa. Not because they had been on a few fun dates or because he had 'accidentally' taken her from a friend but, because the girl was relentless in trying to catch what she felt was a better prize.

Sean stopped leaning back with those words, "Alright I understand. I'm sorry Micheal and I promise to not interfere, heck I'll do my best to help you out if you want. You have my word Micheal, I'll make sure I don't mess this up for you." Sean watched as the other made a complicated hand movement waving at him before releasing a huge sigh and leaning back enough to put his feet at the edge of the desk.

After nearly a minute of waiting he asked, "So who's the girl?" He waited out a near hysterical little giggle.

"You really want to know?" Sean shifted in the chair with those words suddenly feeling really uncomfortable at Micheal's wide eye stare. "You. That's right YOU! You're going to take the place of those woman you took from me."

When Sean found his voice it wasn't very steady. "Micheal that just... I'm not sure if this is some joke or your serious but, either way its sick."

"Don't worry my pretty little thing to be." Micheal rumbled as he spoke. "Besides you already promised not to interfere you even said you'll help." He continued with an odd coughing chuckle.

"What the FUCK! What the hell did YOU DO?!!" Sean shouted struggling in his chair suddenly realizing he couldn't stand up.

"Relax, its you own promise that will keep you there until we're ready." After several more moments of struggle he spoke out, "Sean Stop! I don't want you tipping the chair and hurting yourself." Like magic the other stopped moving, wide eyed with fear. Actually it was magic and Micheal couldn't stop another small fit of giggles. "Don't worry I promise to tell you everything my new mate." Micheal took another deep breath to calm his emotions.

"Imagine if you can that every legend, story, fairytale, and folklore had a small bit of truth to it. A vampire, werewolf, sprite, chupacabra, brownie, even shades, ghosts," He paused staring at his helpless opponent as he pulled a pendent from under his clothes dropping his voice to a near whisper, "demons, devils, angels, and Gods!" Micheal pulled the pendent from over his head feeling the outer form ripple as his new form was revealed.

Sean began trying to struggle against the spell, terror and adrenaline trying to give him the strength to flee from the new form sitting across the table. "Sean you causing yourself to much stress, Relax. Nothing is going to happened... yet." For Sean the words were like a wave of cooling water washing away problems, stress, and fear from his body leaving his mind still trapped in a cycle of panic which was continually soothed and reignited. "Better." He spoke pushing back from the desk and standing. "You see me now after my first serious miserable failure." He looked down his broad hairy chest and naked body since the clothes had been part of the illusion.

Micheal appeared close to how a werewolf should, long muzzled and sharp tipped ears on the top of his head. The real difference started on the main part of his body which was furred but only thinly so leaving a strong chest and trunk visible as being human. His arms and legs were the same until you reached the elbow or knee. After that things twisted growing furrier and more animal. His feet were noticeably changed where new joints formed and forced him to walk upon the balls of his feet. He had spent days learning to stand and weeks building up enough muscles and stamina to walk with his knees bent so he could stay upright. His forearms were closer to humans but stretched leaving him with slightly longer arms bigger hands and claws. In fact as Micheal had begun again searching though ancient tests and the pictures, after his mistake, to find that his form was closer to the old Egyptian gods rather than some American werewolf.

"Truths in the ancient legends." He finally spoke again when he was sure Sean could understand him. "Magic and mystical items, wonders that are impossibilities especially in modern times. You are going to be my mate Sean, loyal and faithful to me alone." he watched as the other shook his head causing a small rumble of pleasure to go through his chest. "Can you imagine it yet? A world where these base ideas are true. They were once you know, I mean where else would such stories come from. I think thousands of years ago some person or likely some group tried to change that."

Sitting back into the chair Micheal relaxed pulling a reference out of Hollywood that probably came close to the truth. "Remember that movie where they guy was searching out those five mystical pieces that could grant any wish and he searched the world finding each one but when he made the wish it all went wrong and nearly everyone died? Then you saw this little kid digging up the last real piece and you realized that one of those pieces had been fake? Well it's a lot like that. They destroyed or ruined artifacts hiding the fragments where they could but every once in a while someone finds, something." Micheal tapped at the pendant on the desk.

"It's wood but somehow its got metal wound around and through it in one single piece. The metal is more solid than anything I know of, I can't smash, dent, or ding it. The same with the wood its shiny and polished without any scorch marks on it. How was it made Sean, How?" It wasn't a demand or even a question just a statement that came from Micheal's mind. "I see you still don't understand but no worry all you need to know is a man can accomplish much in eight months when he is driven and devotes his entire life to one goal." He stared across the desk at Sean expecting another reaction of some kind but it seemed the other male was just sitting there either in some sort of shock or he had convinced himself that this must be some kind of hallucination or bad dream. "Sean are you okay? Do you have any questions so far?"

"You're crazy. You're fucking crazy!" 'Good' Micheal thought it would suck to spend time helping him break out of shock. There was no way he was going to let Sean miss a bit of the torment he had planned out, not one bit.

"You still never answered my first question. Do you remember what that was?" After a moment Sean shook his head. "That's to bad it was the whole start to draw you to me and one of the things I'm sure we'll enjoy the most over the next few days."

Still not quite getting more than a slight puzzled reaction he continued, "I asked if you had ever thought about having kids?" Micheal began just a small rocking motion which allowed his chairs to squeak slightly, picking up the pace a little till he imagined it sounded like bedsprings creaking with constant movement.

The noise and the statement seemed to sink in as Sean significantly paled. Micheal stopped rocking slowly stretching as he stood up making sure his sheath and neathers were above the line of the desk. Finding just a hairs breath of courage Sean spoke, "You... you can't, you wouldn't! Let me go now before this goes to far. You haven't done anything yet to be arrested for. I won't even tell anyone."

Micheal took a half step forward dipping his hips down slightly so when he ground his sheath against the edge of the desk it pulled down showing a deep red tip against his dark stomach, grinning as that drew Sean's eyes. "You'll look so good swollen and pregnant with my pups." There! That look. Fear, horror, and disbelief, oh but he would believe soon enough.

"You can't, there's no way. I'm a GUY!" He stated the fact as a denial to all that Micheal had told him.

"You are right of course, _I_can't make those kinds of changes, which is why I'm calling a demon who can." Micheal kept a small chuckle going as he took several slow steps around the desk making sure time would seem to drag out for the other man. He could see how Sean's hands were desperately gripping the arm rests of the chair surely wishing he was anywhere but here.

He leaned over the chair getting as close as possible to Sean who had tilted his head away. Deliberately and very slowly he tilted a leg bending a knee so that his sack dropped on to Sean's hand before rotating his hips backwards sliding the thick sheath over the back of the hand. "It's going to be so fun breeding you and don't forget, you promised to help. Help me out now Sean, go on rub me show me how much you want to be my mate. Or maybe you want to lick it?" He asked making sure there was no misunderstanding where he was going next if he didn't comply.

"Please don't do this." The scared male whined even as his hand rotated and slowly closed around the dark skin felling the powerful tool inside throb.

"That's it my sweet Sean." He whispered as the hand began a slow lift and drop pulling the sheath against the shaft inside as first the tip, then an inch, then more began to show. "Would you like me to try it out on you now? We don't have to wait." he was leaning over breathing heavily in Sean's ear even while he could feel the other strain against the binding spell on him.

He clenched hard with his privates almost like he was trying to pee, forcing the first bit of warm precum from his shaft feeling it dribble off dropping to the slow moving hand below. As much as Micheal wanted to slowly break the man below him he just didn't have enough time at the moment. His _friend_had shown up late with some excuse about giving a female a ride leaving him less time to play than he wanted but that didn't matter, after today the only thing Sean would be driving was him to waves of pleasure.

He let out a deep chuckle thinking how he would get Sean to sign away his car, accounts, and entire estate to him as even more lube leaked from his tip. "That's enough." He grunted quickly snagging Sean's wrist with his paw preventing him from wiping his hand off. Sean hadn't realized what was going to happen and by the time he did there was nothing he could do about it. Micheal had moved his hand right against his lips smearing the clear fluids across his mouth and cheek. "Lick it." the order was given.

Sean kept his lips pressed tight even as the smell made his mind want to revolt and retch at what was on his face. Micheal grinned as he allowed the hand to drop. There were of course limits to the spell he had woven into the two chairs in front of his desk. All he really needed was to have Sean agree to not interfere so he could claim and change his body with out the other fleeing or doing something that might harm either of them. His promise would keep him riveted to the chair but, the fact that he had also promised to help had only spiced the deal. It was to bad he didn't have time to press the limits since his neighbor would soon be home after picking up her kids from school.

"Let's get you down stairs and ready. I have... someone I need to introduce you to." Micheal stated.

"Please Micheal, please no." Sean was able to get out before he choked lifting his arm and began vigorously rubbing his lips. Micheal could actually hear a slight whining cry that cut out quickly as he unlocked the wheels to the chair allowing it to slide easier. He had altered both chairs in preparation for today and even now was enjoying Sean's total silence as he wheeled him down the hallway. Micheal got to the end of the hall and opened the door that lead to the basement suddenly happy that the door chose to squeak as it opened.

His house was a nice mid-sized two story home on one of the slopes within the Hidden Forest Community. A very expensive, fully enclosed, and patrolled area. Several of the roads twisted around sharp curves and steep slopes leaving houses perched against the landscape. Although it was stated as two stories it had a large basement area that ran the length of the house and was now what Micheal would state to be the center of his power. Even though he had put plywood down covering most of the steep steps creating a ramp making it easier for him to reach the basement, it didn't seem to help much while he moved his guest to the basement. Micheal had to go down first nearly carrying the chair to keep it from toppling over and probably seriously injuring Sean.

"Well what do you think?" Micheal finally asked when he had Sean chair and all at the bottom of the stairs slowly rolling him forward. He was far to proud of what he had accomplished to feel the need to degrade or harass his opponent since the area spoke for itself.

There were long tables that ran both sides of the basement with racks or shelves on the walls behind. Each table was piled with books, scroll, parchment, odd items, and things that seemed to almost twist away when someone looked at them. As he slowly pushed the chair forward the tables and racks changed the things on them looking much older and as they went forward the smell also changed. It wasn't like a fire and brimstone, nor was it the smell of body and blood. There was a light sulfur odor to be sure but it was mixed with a sorta floral like scent along with the smell of dried herbs and a musty sort of book decayed smell, all wrapped together with the occasional suddenly strong musk that smelt of animal that faded as soon as it was identified.

As they approached the far end Micheal's muzzle split into a wider and more toothy grin. For Sean it was a mix of fear and terror of the unknown as he was guided forward seeing four odd pedestals ahead each with.... a laptop on top? Surprise was quickly eaten away as he was able to make out the picture each monitor held was some form of candle that flickered and appeared to be burning. His eyes traced the thick lines of the light blue creating a circle at the center as other lines ran across the floor and onto the walls, even a few that reached to the ceiling. Several areas had been marked with simple geometric shapes and sweeping curves which seemed to only add to the center as if it had grown outwards.

"Rentant!" Micheal called out clearly. Sean's eyes bulged as he watched thick, glowing, orange, leaf like blades sprout from the floor shooting up several feet as they twisted around one another thickening and melding together. The tops merged and bulged into a center shape growing thicker before half peeled away from the ground and it lifted away, a shape began to emerge as a humanoid standing. The light orange glow dimmed revealing a rather unimposing figure standing just five feet tall with peach colored fur that covered its entire top half including the entire round head, while the bottom looked like brown bark plates covering the straight legs that ended in large squares. The long slender fuzz covered arms that stretched outwards revealing strange spade like hands while the heavy thick trunk legs slowly bend and the thing thumped forward as the creature approached Sean.

Letting out a soft crisp voice is spoke, "I can work with that."

"I knew you could." Micheal stated feeling like he wanted to bark out or even howl now that one of his main goals was so close.

Sean suddenly began rocking in his chair screaming, "Oh god, What the FUCK. WHAT THE.. Mmmff."

"Quiet! And calm Down!" Micheal ordered covering the others mans mouth with his paw. The rocking slowed and the muffled cries turned into terrified panting behind his paw. He took a glance at the back wall were Sean was still staring seeing the five bodies that were slumped in seated positions still there. "I though you were taking those away." He spoke a little upset.

"Androth!" There was a light breeze accompanying his call. "Answer, are you here or not!" A light breathy moan came from off to his side, "I want you to take those away."

"Sooonn." The disembodied voice answered. Androth, Androath, Andoth, Micheal wasn't sure of the exact name of the demon that followed one of his contracts nor its actual form. Also the rules seemed somewhat different between them since Androth had allowed him to live after the first time.

It had been months ago when Micheal had summoned his first demon. He had spent his weeks at home staring at old scripts and books full of pictures, glyphs, and multiple odd and likely dead languages he could never hope to understand. Then he turned a weathered page of an ancient tome to see a pair of drawn eyes on the page. The longer he stared the more real they seemed and when they finally blinked he felt an inner fire burn and a wave of vindication feeling he had proof that something more was out there. He wanted it all, wanted to know it all, Do it all. But nothing was more frustrating when the drawing suddenly faded. He flipped the pages back and forth trying to get them to return until he realized the words on the other pages made sense.

The next three day he had spent devoted to his books and papers, barely eating and taking nor more than hour naps when his head fell in exhaustion. Ecstatic to finally use such ancient knowledge he had hurried to his basement and set up the crudest and quickest ritual he could, grabbing moder day items and making substitution that he felt fit. The fact that he failed was a disappointment but as he looked around at his work he felt it was to be expected.

As he removed the items and started cleaning up he was suddenly attacked by the invisible force he had summoned. Rather than kill him the demon took its pleasure in remaking his body, playing with his bones and muscles like sculpting clay. He was left laying on the concrete covered with his own bodies wastes and his now longer tongue laying out of his transformed muzzle. "Learn more." The voice whispered as he made his first attempts to try and move his body.

The months that had followed he had spent first crawling then walking but, always he was near to the source of knowledge that helped him to learn. He had learned what his foolish mistake was, not dismissing after a summoning, the only way you allowed a demon free was if you had some form of control or contract to do otherwise was death. All the books had said that, failure was death, a mistake was death, an ill phrased agreement was death, yet he lived.

He had just a small idea of why he had been spared. It had to be centuries since there had been a human competent enough to summon a demon and being locked to their own plain must have been beyond boring. Every demon who had stood before him seemed eager and willing to try and forge a contract with him, grinning as he spoke of revenge and settling scores.

Androth was the only exception, although they had formed a pact he could sense at times the demon was not limited like the others were. They had to stay where he summoned them or be where the task he had given them stated. Androth though was capable of following him anywhere and barely held to their agreement. The one thing he felt kept him alive was the information that if he died all contracts and pacts were voided sending all the demons back. He was alive simply because he was a conduit to his world and a pleasure that had been denied for a long long time.

"I want you to remove them now. We agreed not to have those things here." Micheal spoke out.

"The rest of the payment?" Rentant asked slowly waving its thin arms back and forth.

"I won't bring them here with those things still laying there." He stated firmly. It had been a simple command earlier when he sent several demons out to acquire those he had chosen. Four of his so called friends including Alice and Lisa and one other. They had each been brought here once he had made a phone call to be sure they were alone. Each one was either terrified bug eyed silent or kicking screaming and uselessly fighting but, all had their souls or life essence sacrificed to his grand plan. He had nearly a dozen demons, thirteen now to be exact after the last two were added last night. All ready to carry out his plan once the final payment had been completed.

Micheal stood there waiting before a white thick fluid seemed to seep out of the floor and wall clinging to the bodies slowly encasing them. They would be a delectably treat to some of those who were helping him once they had started to rot. He had been adamant that they would find another spot besides his house or property to store the bodies until they were ready.

"They are here!" Rentant's voice sounded almost gleeful as Micheal's improved hearing was able to pick out the slam of an SUV's door that stated his neighbors had arrived back home. In the community where he lived most houses were private enough most boasting at least a half acre of space and several quite a bit more. However for some stupid reason one of the builders or maybe both had decided the corner of the property was the best spot to build leaving both of the driveways and houses with less than ten feet of space.

Nancy and her husband Jonathan had been nice enough when they moved in three years ago but over the past year things had gone bad and he had been disturbed on many, many occasions by the screaming and loud noises from next door. That and their young twelve year old daughter Brenda grew up to be a fifteen year old bitch whom had half a dozen teens taking her out. Her rebellion didn't end there, she would blast music loud enough that the other neighbors further away could her it as well. Calling the security office did nothing since on the few times they did come out all they would do is talk and only once did they issue a citation that was nothing but a written warning.

Micheal had several thoughts of breaking in his new body on the young lady_but, realized that a true demon might exact his vengeance better which would allow him to save his first romp and all his essence for his new mate. There were only two things though that bugged him, one was the fact that Johnathan had stormed out of the house last week and had not yet returned. The second was the slight feeling of sorrow for their now eleven year old son Jimmy. The quiet boy seemed good and well mannered but, the family that stays together, _pays together! Besides the agreement had always been about offering up three people and with the father gone the son had no choice but to take his place.

"Soon Sean." He told his prize petting the male on the head, "Soon you'll be all mine to have and enjoy." This time the other had no words to offer back not even a quiet plea for freedom. He gave another full muzzled grin before leaning in and using his tongue to lick the entire side of Sean's face.

Micheal walked over and unbolted the door against the wall and opened it allowing the shaded light from outside to come in. Feeling like a hunter he crouched down as he turned the corner at the edge of his home and began climbing up the hillside to his neighbors house.

Sean was whimpering quietly seconds after the creature left. There was no longer any way to deny the facts around him and he had no hope of escape, except. "Please, please let me go." He spoke at the creature.

Rentant seemed to chuckle as he stumped forward to stare down at Sean, "I have a contract, one that states how and in what ways I am going to change you, I get to do what ever I want as long as I don't kill you. Why would I let you go?"

"Please I don't wan..erk. I don't..errrrk." Rentant's chuckle deepened as its fur color slowly changed and darkened to a deep rust color.

"So you know. *he he * This will be fun." It spoke.

"Please." Sean squeezed the word out.

"You want freedom? What is it that you offer bound one? What will you give me?" Sean could barely look at the black eyes that glowed with a deep dark light.

"Anything!" He gasped.

"I will have your soul human, you very essence of life, all you have to do is ask." Rentant informed him.

"You.. you would." Sean stopped growing quite pale and looking towards the wall where the previous bodies had been stacked before they turned into a jelly and seeped through the floor.

"Exactly. I can do nothing to break my contract, just like you can do nothing, not even offer me your life while you're bound to that chair. BUT..." The demon paused like offering a life line. "When you leave that chair you promise will break and your will returns. In that moment you could offer me your soul and I'll set you free." Sean was vigorously shaking his head making the demon chuckle again.

Its fur turned even darker to a deep brown while the legs darked as well from a chocolate color to a near black. "You know what his plans are. He will take your new body and use you for the rest of your life and, you will enjoy it. Each day will be a struggle for you to deny him but, always you will break begging for his attention and the slightest of caresses." Rentant wanted the human to suffer, willingly believing that his only choice was death or a horror fate that he couldn't yet accept. There was no way it could possibly harm Sean in any way, the contract was very precise and clear. The only physical pain would come during the transformation but, emotional pain hadn't been covered.

It stepped back as its colors slowly began to brighten back to normal wondering if the human truly would beg him for release when the time came and how fun it would be to deny that sudden hope. A piercing scream reached those who were in the room lasting as long as one simple heartbeat before it stopped. "Guests soon." The voice of Androth spoke out. His words brought a shifting through the shadows of the long room making Sean's head dart back and forth seeing constant movement out of the corner of his eyes. Each time though he could see nothing when he focused on a spot only more shifting at the edge of his vision.

It was several minutes later when the heavy panting along with an occasional grunt drew closer before the door was kicked wide open. Micheal returned carrying Brenda on his shoulder while he had the smaller form of Jimmy tucked under his other arm. He turned and walked to the corner of the building dumping the unconscious female against the wall before shifting the boy around and with a good grip lifted him up to stare at his face. "Don't go anywhere boy or very.. bad.. things.. will happen." Micheal spaced the words out before lowering him down making his limp legs tuck underneath his body and positioning him to sit leaned against his sister.

Micheal reached up and grabbed a coil of black rope off a wall hook winding one end around one of the five spikes that had been driven in to the wall in a line. He took a step and turned to the other wall attaching the other end to another spike roping off the corner before turning to the room. "Don't touch them." he spoke out before leaving again.

He left quickly to go collect their mother figuring that the rope and his words should be enough for the most eager of the group. It wasn't the fact he had any plans of reneging on his bargain, he just wanted to be there when they realized there true fate and who gave it to them. The demons had encouraged this they seemed to feed on his anger and every little dream he could think up on how to get even. He knew that he could never match a demon when it came to a creative punishment and when they felt his idea lacked enough malice or inspiration they added a few words and watched as his mind latched onto the new idea as it blossomed with all new enthusiasm.

He found Nancy close to where he left her in the kitchen wiggling along the floor trying desperately to free herself from the duck tape he had bound her hands, feet, and mouth with. She had been the first down crumpling when she turned with his paw filling her gut. He had forced the side door open that morning after Nancy had taken the kids to school leaving the duck tape outside and the door closed in preparation for just this moment. After swiftly securing the female he crept upstairs and carefully peaked into Brenda's room. He had surprised her but had to move an arm to block the backpack she swung when he entered the room. With more speed and power than he intended to use his arm connected with her head and flung her forward several feet to crash into the wall she had been standing near. Because of her scream he made a quick charge to the next room finding the young boy sitting wide eyed staring from his bed as Micheal entered. He simply picked him up and tucked him under an arm before collecting his sister.

Micheal was watching Nancy from around the corner in the hall as she used her feet pushing off the cabinet base thrusting her body out onto the carpeted floor of the living room. "Naannccieeee" he spoke with a deep growl watching the body go into a paranoid fit of spasms as screams tried to break through the muffling duck tape. He walked across the floor making sure each of his toe claws clicked against the linoleum floor as he approached. 'YES.' He thought, there was such power and terror that his new form brought which now afforded him these little extra unplanned pleasures as she rolled onto her knees and tried to throw her body away from him.

"Now, now I have some friends that I want to introduce you to." He spoke gripping the back of her blouse trying to pull her up and get a better grip. The fabric tore apart leaving him with a tattered piece of cloth in his claws and her crying out louder as her struggles increased even more. "Listen." He barked out reaching down and grabbing her shoulder digging his claws in. "If you don't come now I'll end up introducing your children first. I'm sure they will be a hit."

As his claws pierced her shoulder she had started shrieking and trying to tear herself away until his words sank in. Her head whipped around and her body twisted so she could stare at the thing with pleading eyes. He only gave a little huff in response suddenly grinning at her tear ruined, makeup streaked face. Gently he reached down moving her body so he could lift her up into his arms holding her against his chest. Micheal leaned in and planted a fake kiss against the duck tape covering her mouth as he cradled her body close walking them back to his basement.

"Guess who?" He whispered to her kissing the duck tape again when he stepped back outside. He paid as much attention to her as he could and still watch where he was putting his feet on the steep slope. Her muffled voice tried to work out a word past the blockage "Jooomm?" There was still the terror in her eyes but a true stunned look had moved into her face. As his feet hit the flat packed dirt that lead to the basement door he gave one last slightly longer kiss to her wrapped mouth opening his teeth to allow his tongue to press and rub over the tape giving a small lick to her nose as he stared into her eyes.

"Not even close." he whispered quietly. He smirked as she began thrashing around causing him to grip tighter as he shoved her though the doorway ahead of him not caring as her legs got caught and her head thumped painfully into the door jam. He walked towards the corner and simply let go catching one of her arms before it dropped out of range forcing her upper body to stay upright while her legs dropped painfully to the concrete.

Any struggle that she might have put up was instantly cease as her son called out to her, "MOM!"

She looked over to her son as the creature allowed her arms to drop leaving her to try and stay seated. She could do nothing as one large paw wrapped around her neck from behind while the other reached around and ripped the duck tape off her face. "Oh god, JIMMY!" He didn't stop the young boy as he slipped under the rope and wrapped his arms around her waist although he did turn her neck painfully as he forced her to look at him.

"You have just one moment. Then you had better push your brat back behind the rope." He stepped aside but kept her neck turned so she could see part of the basement. Maybe at first she thought it was some strange statue but as Rentant moved stepping further into her line of site she let out a strained little gurgle. As Micheal let go she grabbed onto her son leaning over his back as if to protect him from the thing, not realizing that he had already spent a couple of minutes taking in the scene laid out in the basement.

Micheal stepped way and spoke first to Rentant who seemed ready to leap forward. "You'll have them soon enough."

Instead it was Androth who replied, "No rush." Micheal couldn't suppress a shiver as he felt something stroke down his arm. "You have learned well." The voice spoke in praise. In a small part of his mind several warnings had been triggered, never before had one of them touched him. That along with the words of praise had given him a little fright. He wondered as he had dozens of times before about how much control he actually had over these demons and how much control they now had over him.

"All of you can quit hiding and come out." Eleven distinct areas of the room darkened and partly formed and fuzzy outlines of shapes formed. Technically they could not manifest until he called them by name but the fact that he could see extra shadows moving about the room had told him that they were all here.

"Binarin." he spoke, "How long exactly will this take?" A creature of brilliant green and yellow suddenly burst forth from one of the dark areas slithering forward. Micheal had immediately thought of the Naga myth when he first beheld the demon. There were significant differences though, it had three sets of arms and a huge chest and head that barely seemed to fit upon the snake end. Often he had watched the demon as it moved fascinated as the upper body rocked as it moved forward. At rest the demon often had four arms across its body while the lower two were pressed against the ground as if to balance out or help prop up the top.

"A long time, perhaps ten days if we all worked hard." The deep intelligent sounding voice had none of the snake slur to it that you might expect. "We could recruit more to the cause but you would need a bigger payment."

Micheal finally made a decision one that he had been pondering for days. "My first born. You may take our first born." he could tell by the excited twitters and grunts that his normal human hearing would never caught that they were extremely pleased even excited at the possibility. Micheal had read somewhere that often demons could take humans breaking them and remaking them as they chose for their purpose but, and infant could be molded from the first day creating a outlet for them to actually influence the human world.

"You can't guarantee that." Androth spoke.

"You swore to me that I was fertile, very fertile and that she would be as well. If that isn't good enough I'm sure, no I will take several more females to ensure it." Micheal called out, "You all agreed there would be no compatibility issues, just size differences."

"One year." Androth's voice became a promising whisper. "One year or both you and your mate become ours."

"Two for the price of one?.... So be it! You will recruit enough to finish the job in one week, seven days. In return you will get my first born, all if there's more than one. BUT this agreement is void if any outside interference happens whether it be human or demon. I will keep her safe to bear you a child." The wording was simple and he probably should have thought it out more but, instead he held out his paw.

Binarin slithered forward holding out one of its own hands directly over Micheal's. He watched again as the demon used a claw from another hand to poke a small hole and allowed a large drop of blood to fall down and hit the center of his palm. Like the nearly two dozen times before the blood seemed to sear with a freezing cold that left the spot numb as the blood seeped past his thickened skin and moved into his body.

So many of the old stories spoke about maiden sacrifices and buckets of blood but the kernel of truth was in that one drop of blood which allowed a demon to operate in this world. So long as the body it resided in lived, or until the agreement had been fulfilled, it would allow the demon to have the ability to interact within this world. "One Week." Binarin confirmed looking meaningfully at the corner.

"Of course." Micheal spoke with a little smirk on his muzzle. "Come on now Nancy let go." He spoke to the women when he walked to the corner.

"Please Micheal." She sobbed over her son realizing whom it was she was speaking to. "Please, please, please don't do this."

He was still grinning knowing that she had no real clue about what truly was going to happen, honestly though neither did he. All he knew was that they were to be taken not killed and that he would not be able to choose a demon for any of them, somehow they would have to choose for themselves. "Nancy, I either take you or your kids." He waited until her head lifted enough for him to strike a hard blow stunning her and watching as she flopped back down onto her son. Micheal hauled her to her feet and got her stumbling several steps before she collapsed limp in his arms.

He pulled her the rest of the way forward into the center of the main circle grabbing the rest of her blouse and tearing it from her body enjoying her sob of fear and shock as he spoke, "You won't be needing this, or any other clothes." She screamed and thrashed her bound wrists and feet as he grabbed her pants using his claws to tear at the waist line. After ripping several spots he grabbed each side in his paws and flexed ripping apart the pants and leaving Nancy shrieking and curling into a ball trying to protect herself in nothing but a bra and panties.

He could see most of the shapes moving forward ringing the main circle, "Rentant, Androth, Binarin, Crecloc, Thanteck...." he called out each by name watching as they solidified in the spot they had chosen. With a nod he walked back to the corner yanking the rope out of the way.

"Stand up boy." He growled pulling the kid to his feet before scooping up Brenda flipping her over his shoulder. He guided and prodded the boy in front of him making the child walk into the circle. "Undress." He gave the order as his hands worked off the female teens shoes tossing them into the air as he got them off.

"NO STOP!" Nancy screamed out scrabbling to her knees trying to move forward. Micheal's leg flashed out foot connecting with her head with enough force to lift her up and knock her sideways then onto her back. He tore at Brenda's clothes yanking them off as he watched the other female try to rise.

The grunts and quite call increased from the group around them as they saw and smelt the blood that oozed from her lip and slowly leaked out her nose. Micheal let the legs drop having finally stripped the bottom half and pulled her upper body into the air and rested it against his leg. He grabbed a hold of the short shirt gripping the bra underneath and yanked hard. A few of his claws caught tearing skin and leaving thick deep scratches that welled with blood as her unconscious body flopped to the concrete.

The blood scent seemed to enter his nostrils driving him to breath deep. Inside he had the sudden urge to use his claws to rip at her skin opening her stomach and flinging organs about as he sampled the flesh in his blood soaked paws. The chuckling seemed to be in his mind as well as his ears, "Remember these are already promised. Don't harm them more than necessary." The words were like and awakening making Micheal stare at his paws in shock at the gruesome scene that was playing through his mind and the light yearning that was still present.

Nancy crawled across the floor to her daughter as Micheal turned his attention to the boy. He was just standing there watching what was unfolding before him. "Jimmy." Micheal said hunching down, "Undress, start with your shoes." He continued giving orders to the boy until he stood there naked in pale white skin. Micheal stood up and moved behind him placing his hands on his shoulder and with a gentle squeeze he said, "Choose one." Jimmy looked back and up at the figure behind him, one which seemed as dark and scary as the rest. "Go on pick one."

Unsure the boy finally pointed a finger at the dogie one that was covered in feathers, Micheal held a hand up as it stepped forward. "Good that one is for your mother. Now choose one for your sister." Looking around the group he quickly pointed out the black covered humanoid with the narrow face that slowly flared out at the back, splitting to become two points at the back of the head. The creature opened its mouth which turned out to be a vertical slit and began a trilling cry that sent shivers to the three humans in the room who could hear it.

As the song tapered off Micheal gave the boy a little nudge forward, "Now chose one for yourself." It took several minutes and appeared that Jimmy would be unable to choose before Sinoof sat down. Micheal had always imagined the demon as some cross between a fat Buddha and some evil clown. The creature actually looked like a five hundred pound man but smooth rather than rolling fat blobs that was if you took of the clawed hands and weird round half circle feet. The only other major problem was the head that always seemed to hold a wide sharp toothed grin and eyes that slanted way back. He had always though with a little makeup the creature could pass for a very fat, very evil clown.

But as Micheal looked again there was a sweet almost cherub like grin and beaconing hands that drew the boy forward. With a few simple steps forward Jimmy had gotten with in the demons reach gently pulled forward and pressed tenderly against its belly. The child almost seemed to smile at the light kiss that was placed on his forehead before both simply vanished.

"JIMMY!!" His mother screamed out pulling herself away from her daughter and trying to move to where he had been. She never even came close, in a single bound the feathered dog leaped forward landing on the female before they also vanished.

Jketer gave another throaty warble moving out and bending over the young woman stroking its long three fingered hands over the body. Suddenly it squawked giving a look of displeasure back at Micheal as it had one long finger at her crotch.

"Don't blame me. You should already know by now there are very few virgins unless you go looking at children." With a little dissatisfied trill it turned back to the female and laying its other hand on her breasts and vanished with its prize. Micheal stared around the circle watching as the others vanished to go about their task while they waited for their chance to play with the three new gifts he had given.

Once they had all left except Rentant he moved back to Sean, "Enjoy the show?" He asked while kneeling down to work on removing Sean's shoes and socks.

"You're a monster!" he shouted back trying to pull his feet back as Micheal stopped to gently caress the smooth skin trying not to be jealous of the perfectly long toes compared to his, well his old crooked ones.

He sensed Rentant behind him and for a second something else. "Androth... Androath." he spoke a second time trying to alter the name. Micheal stared in surprise of a misty human shape that seemed to be forming behind the chair that bound Sean. "You are supposed to be out taking care of people like the rest." He stated firmly.

"My share is being done. I don't need to waste my time and power for your little scheme, Micheal." When the demon spoke his name for the first time it stopped him dead. He had been working the belt and pants off Sean trying to make him wiggle so he could get them off. Micheal could only stare as the shape took a firm form behind the chair. "Next time you speak my name you will say it properly. Annddorothe, And- Dor- ooth." The demons spoke separating each part out. He felt a chill that seeped to his core as he stared at the image of his father several years before he died, who stared at him with the exact same look of disapproval.

"Yes, Sir." Micheal spoke quietly. With that the form was gone and he gasped as two solid hands pressed firmly down on his shoulders.

"Close. You _will_learn you place soon and call me by my proper name." The voice whispered in his ear. Micheal was left trying to find his voice and collect his thoughts.

"You're going to kill me." He stated finally speaking out one of the thoughts that had plagued him.

The chuckle that answered him was not a denial, "One does not break the key before the door is open... unless you have a spare."

It took him all of a minute to simply accept that fact, he had already known or sensed the difference between Annddorothe and the other demons. He began working Sean's pants off again, "So what like three or five years?" Micheal asked wondering if he could enjoy the time he had left.

"Oh, you might have ten." He heard the answer.

"And demons don't lie." Micheal stated simply, "I'll be lucky if I get seven." Suddenly he realized why he had been told earlier that both his and Sean's lives would be forfeit if he couldn't produce a child, his life was already claimed. Getting the pants off he leaned in unbuttoning the shirt and removing the tie. Even if he only had two or three years left they were bound to be filled with more fun, excitement, pleasure, and power than he would have ever had otherwise. The only thing that suddenly bugged him was that deep down he still really wanted to raise a family. To be able to look at his child and feel for once the pride his father spoke of at his death.

"Learn more." The voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts, feeling like it whispered through his mind. Hope, a demons greatest pleasure was crushing hope but, somehow he sensed a promise with in those words.

"Lean forward." He ordered Sean removing the last article of clothing and glancing over the other males body. Slowly he turned his paw down tracing down Sean's chest making his way to the crotch were he lightly encircled the mans penis. His finger tips were already slightly damp but not from any sort of arousal. Sean was coated in a light layer of sweat that had covered his entire body leaving behind a light scent of salt and human odor that was slightly unpleasant to Micheal's nose.

He gave several soft squeezes using his other paw to trace up the mans leg. "Show me Sean, let me see what interested Alice so." The stiffness was slow and seemed more incidental than actual arousal. Micheal tried again moving his head between the other mans legs allowing his scent to invade his nose and mouth while he breathed out over the floppy shaft. Gently cuddling the sack and balls in his paw Micheal stared up at Sean. "This would be your last chance. Soon you won't have these, or this." He finished returning his fingers to trace the penis.

Still getting no real reaction Micheal gave an inward groan sliding his tongue all the way out letting several inches hang. He flexed the muscle allowing it to slip under the sac and pulled his head up dragging the tongue and allowing his drool to coat the entire area as the limp member was pressed between skin and taste buds. He turned his head slightly and wrapped Sean's prick with his tongue all the while planning an appropriate punishment for forcing him to this act. He could almost feel Annddorothe's amusement as he began sliding the stiffening member around in his mouth working it till it could almost stand on its own before quickly pulling away to use his paw again.

Sean was nearing hard but not the full throbbing length that Micheal wanted to see so he once again dipped his head down and slobbered along the dick with his tongue. He again allowed the stick inside his mouth pushing nearly to the base feeling a full eight inches fill his muzzle. Micheal pulled back sucking hard but still making sure his teeth didn't graze the sensitive skin, yet. He did two more long slow draws finally feeling the first bit of salty precum leak out on the way back down. Holding down near the base he nipped hard causing Sean to cry out slapping his head and grabbing his ears.

Micheal grinned knowing no matter how hard Sean wanted to pull him off he was left grabbing his ears as he gently dragged his front teeth along the dick till he was just behind the mushroom head of the shaft. He looked up seeing his soon to be mates look of sheer horror as he tried to find his voice to beg for mercy. Just to prove his point Micheal nipped again nearly drawing blood as Sean gave a scream of pain. He pulled away and stood grabbing a hold of Sean's chin staring into his face, "Next time I want something from you, you will obey whether you want to or not. Do you understand Sean?" Micheal spoke slowly, "Or maybe I should start calling you Shawna."

He gave one last look as Sean's member happy now with the fact that he was now the bigger of the two. Micheal waved his hand in the tri-pointed sign and with a thought ended the spell trapping the other male. He grabbed him by the shoulders and tossed him hard enough to make him land with in the main circle.

Rentant thumped forward reaching out with his long arms as Sean eyed the exit that was still open, "Do it!" Micheal goaded. "You might make it to the door before I catch you but even if you did some how escape Rentant can draw you back. You aren't leaving until he changes you!"

Sean looked up at the demon standing over him shaking in fear trying to open his mouth. Micheal was ready to give the order to begin when he felt something that made him hesitate. "What is it?" Rentant rumbled down at the human peach fur once again changing to a darker shade.

"Do it!" Sean suddenly screamed out. The feeling of delight seemed to emanate from the entire creature as it bent over allowing one of the scooped hands to rest against the humans head. "Sorry, to late." It breathed out slowly. Sean's eyes squeezed shut and he cried out grabbing the side of his forehead where the demon's hand had just pulled away.

Micheal stepped forward with interest, he had been terrified of death and into much pain to realize or really remember his own transformation. Sean though knew what was coming and it would be interesting to see how this happened. He watched as the hands moved away from the head looking horribly red and swollen while the male began to twitch. Micheal tried to absorb it all as the feet and now the calves and forearms grew the same angry red color like a fresh sunburn. The few muffled cries were nothing compared to the scream which Sean let out accompanied by the first sickening 'POP'. It was quickly followed in succession by many more, each one sounding like a dislocating joint, which in fact they were.

Through it all Sean screamed, one bulging hand reaching out towards the open door causing Micheal to fly forward slamming it shut worried that some one would hear the cries. For a second he wondered how his own transformation, which had taken place in the evening, had gone unnoticed. "Your screams were for me alone." The voice told him. "Just like these are for you."

Micheal relaxed and returned to the circle already seeing a light brown fur sprouting along the back while the hips had adjusted and the limbs lengthened. From this angle he couldn't tell if it was a male or female, either way she would soon be his as he began to rub his semi firm shaft in anticipation of his role in this.

The screams had turned into long drawn out moans that were already starting to have a near animal howl to them as the face began to stretch and the ears seemed to slide upwards. Sean screamed again this one sounding more like a yell of anger as there was a horrible cracking sound and the skull began to rearrange itself into a new shape. She was almost complete as Micheal continued to paw off watching as the spine shifted and the jaw slid across the floor as the head was pulled into a new alignment.

Micheal had ordered that she be more feral than him, forced to walk on four legs or stand and walk with help. She was going to depend on him but, more than that she would need him, crave his touch, and desire his attention. He rubbed a little faster drawing out some of his essence and smearing it across his fingers before working his shaft for some more. By the time Rentant was finished and stepped away Micheal was ready.

He leaned over Shawna's quivering form and placed his pre soaked paw less than an inch from her nose. Her panting form quickly drew in his scent feeling it invade her nose and then her body. At first the new scent seemed harsh but the need for air left no room to be picky. By the time she had slowed to a more even panting the scent seem right, as if the world was supposed to smell like this.

She felt something shifting over her, then felt someone touching her arm. Not wishing to deal with the world yet she kept her eyes closed and took a deep breath only to find the scent had faded. No it moved, her nose twitched and she strained forward trying to find the source. Whether it was instinct or curiosity she stretched her tongue out in an attempt to reach out and taste the smell. The muscle touched something warm and slick before it pulled back feeling a whole new feeling of pleasure come from her changed palate as her mind reeled with the new taste.

Hands helped to draw her head forward as she darted out with her tongue again to re-sample this experience. The hands helped to adjust her head and shoulders while she eagerly lapped over the warm flesh feeling the new senses filling her with wonder. Even now her tongue could now reach farther and it almost seemed to feel for her as it rubbed against the shape. What ever it was dipped down as she drew her tongue back in bumping against her nose for a second before touching her lips. She tried to reach out with her tongue again only to find it shoved back into her mouth as the object invaded, driven further in by the tug which pulled her head forward.

Another shift and pull and the round object was deep inside her mouth leaving her unsure for a moment what to do until something leaked out onto her taste buds. Her mind suddenly began making hundreds of connections all at once, making her realize what it was in her mouth as her eyes snapped open. She was staring at the crotch in front of her before looking upwards to Micheal's head. A long slow whine was heard as he patted her head, "Go on I have plenty for you, as much as you like."

Unable to help herself she sealed her lips around his shaft and began suckling even as she emitted another whine, surprised by the fact it was filled with her need. Micheal let out a sigh of pleasure from both his body and his accomplishment. She was now bound to him completely by Scent, Taste, Touch, and Sight. Shawna would end up doing everything she could now to please him and would become seriously agitated and upset if she was denied his presence. She would end up comparing the entire world to him and find nearly everything else lacking.

He allowed her to nurse until he fired a load out into her mouth watching as she tried to suck it out of him like a straw pulling backwards afterwards to clean his privates lavishing several licks over the bulge still trapped within his sheath. Micheal pulled her head up to stare into her eyes when she was done. "You are mine Shawna."

"Yes." She whispered trying to lick his muzzle as her tail thumped the concrete floor behind her. The part of her mind that wasn't shocked by his/no her answer was immensely pleased with his smile and the caress on her head.

"Rentant shouldn't you be going?" He asked seeing the demon still watching. Seeing its reluctance to leave he continued, "I don't plan on take her here." Waving an arm at the bare floor he was sitting on. Actually looking seriously dissatisfied Rentant vanished as Micheal pushed her back slightly and moved to his knees.

"Let's see if you can stand up." He encouraged Shawna. After a few moments she was unsteady and on all fours taking several cautious steps forward swaying slightly. She sat down on her rump trying to inspect her body.

"What's wrong with me?" Shawna asked easily able to see a difference between her arms and his.

"Nothing." he replied, "You are just as I wish you to be." Micheal walked to her side petting her head and itching around her ears which were slightly higher than his waist. She leaned against him using one forearm to wrap around his leg.

"Why am I so different?" She asked.

"Shawna don't worry by tomorrow you won't be alone, nor will I. Let's go." Micheal took a step forward waiting for her to move to her paws. He stayed with his leg just behind her head allowing the light contact and possible stability as they stepped across the basement. "The world will change soon, there are going to be many, many like us. And every kind of animal you can think of." He told her as they slowly made there way to the stairs.

Shawna gave several hard looks up the steep steps and the ramp which covered most of the stairs. She put her first two paws up three stairs and with a push from her hind paws scrambled upwards. She kept her paws moving and used her head to knock open the partway closed door when she reached it collapsing to a shaking lump on the hall carpet. Again she felt the hand stoking all the way down her back as her tail gave a faint repetitive thump.

"Be glad I'm here to help you. There are going to be millions of confused and upset people this week." He told her.

"Who?" She spoke in confusion.

Micheal gave a grunting little chuckle filled with pride. "I did it! ME! Oh they'll probably think its some outrageous mutation infection or something. Then there will be the few who see the demons and convince many that its some form of god's wrath. Others will say its the planet crying out for balance but in the end its me, its all because of me." As he stopped he gave what some might consider to be a insane cackle. Shawna had crawled into his lap since he had decided to sit on the top step as he spoke, feeling blissful as he cradled her head and stroked her body.

"What do you mean?" She finally asked hoping to keep him seated and petting.

"Twenty million people in one week. Most in the bigger cities but they have to be spread out as well. All of them are going to change. You're lucky." He told her. "You have me and I'll teach you and show you what I've learned so far. But everyone else, they will be learning on their own. After a few days we'll go out, I'm sure some people will notice us, well you at least, and they will ask questions and want advice. They'll have to pay of course, one way or another. Those that can afford it, I'll craft them an amulet like mine, capable of hiding their true form. I'll be rich, I'll have Power, and if a few people go missing along the way no one will ever know it was me."

Shawna was quiet for a minute but feeling and sensing him about to move she asked, "But what if they just lock them up or try to kill everyone. What will happen then?"

"You just don't get it yet." He told Shawna flipping her onto her back and vigorously rubbing her belly. She tried to listen through the new sensations of him rubbing her front including her more sensitive lower belly. "It will be a cut across the entire spectrum. Rich and poor; Young and Old; Known and Unknown. They'll panic at first but in a few months people will realize the truth." his hand had strayed lower and her back legs kicked several times as he ran his fingers around her newly formed privates.

"We are all compatible. The D.N.A. will be altered enough but still compatible enough to continue making babies. True there will be a great deal more miscarriages and dangers, especially with size issues but, in a few generations our kind will explode into the population. I'll make sure of it!" He promised pushing in a still dry finger into her sensitive folds drawing a whine of discomfort.

She shuddered slightly from his hungry look even though nearly all of her was yearning for what was coming, only a tiny trace of lingering unhappiness brought out by her memories. "Sean is gone." He whispered quietly removing his finger as he guessed her thoughts. "You are MY mate now. I almost decided to punish you over and over leaving you in agony over your transformation and raping you each chance I got. But I really do want a family, a caring wife and kids. Stay by my side Shawna and you'll always be happy." He laughed as she scrambled up throwing her body at him gripping her paws around his neck holding him close.

Micheal grinned as he heaved himself up taking her with him shifting his arms to hold her weight. 'Yes the spell worked very well and the transformation was just what I wanted.' He thought to himself as he carried his prize upstairs to the bedroom.

Ben tells a tale 6

I woke the next morning very early after a bit of troubled sleep. I could already hear movement around the house as I looked through my dresser finding a pair of underwear and little else realizing that I really needed to get my clothes washed soon but...

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Ben tells a tale.. 5

"Better let's go eat." I had kinda figured it was my cousin Amber who had been at my side while I cried since out of everyone I could think of she was the only one who really felt like a mothering type. "Can I umm." I hesitated wondering why I...

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Ben tell a tale.. 4

There was a horrible harsh burning in my nose that seemed to be creeping back into my throat. I fought to paw at what was in front of me struggling to sit or roll away. "BEN, Stay still!" It was a command coming from a voice that I recognized that...

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