Danger Drifts In

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#27 of Robbin Red

This story was written using a wireless keyboard. I don't think I like it...the keyboard, not the story.

When Jon-Tom re-entered the street later, he had just a

slightly awkward gait in his step. Not only that, he nearly ran into a group of

clerks from the store. They were laden with goods for the soon-to-be mated

equines he was just now leaving behind. That gave him pause and he laughed.

Behind! Who knew?!


exchanged a few pleasantries and walked back through town towards the harbor.

He quickened his pace, hoping his wife would not think his delay intentional or

untoward. As it turned out, she apparently was having fun with some of the

intelligent ocean-going creatures, though hardly in a way he had been. They

were playing different games suitable for finned and flippered folk. He thought

of them as water sports, and then pushed that idea down. There was something

entirely different associated with that term.


rode a wave straight up onto shore. "Hi handsome," she chattered at him. "What

took you so long?"

He drew

in a breath. "I stopped by Huntchy's place to introduce myself to his future

mates. We ended up getting into some in-depth discussions pertaining to why no

one should be excluded from official marriage ceremonies. They provided some

insight into this matter that I had never considered before."


wife squeaked with delight. "Knowing those twins, they probably made a

persuasive argument. Remember, I knew

them just a little bit. They left the school right after I arrived. I heard

they were among the star pupils. They certainly got their teacher's interest

going!" She was referring to Huntchy of course.


was feeling relieved that she wasn't questioning him any further in the matter.

He would have found it difficult to explain. Her invitation to strip and join

her was readily accepted, and in a flash he was nude and diving into the water.

He paddled out to the deeper section before stopping and treading water. He

felt her swim between his legs prior to popping her head out of the water.


dear, you look like you're fishing for sharks with that worm between your legs.

Is that accidental or did you do it on porpoise?" Her tittering snicker carried

across the waves.


funny! So maybe it's a little on the large size today. Maybe I was compensating

being in the presence of two stallions."


laughed even louder. "Like you need to worry about size. You could tackle a

whale if the need arose!"


looked at her and with all seriousness asked, "I'm not going to be expected to,

am I?"


flipped back in the water. "Good heavens no! I don't even know any whales. I do

know a few dolphins and porpoises, as well as a handful of seals. This isn't my

first oceanic transformation you know. Besides, the school has a section for

aquatics. Not everyone is designed to sit in a chair."

He knew

this was true. He had met his share of unusual creatures over the years. "I

believe you! I've spent a good deal of my time under the waves, a long time

ago. I'll tell you about it sometime. But, like everything else I've done, it

hasn't happened yet." He momentarily went quiet. She could see his mind

working. Then he snapped out of his reverie. "Sorry about that. Brain kicked in

for a minute. We all know the trouble that can cause!"


swam around him in tight circles. "Yes! Thinking does little good where action

works better. So why don't I distract your mind with a little fun activity?"


didn't have the heart to tell her the truth. He was fairly replete in that

category right at the moment. It hardly mattered anyway; all he had to do was

hit his recharge button and everything would be in working order. But he was

mentally unprepared to go at it so soon. That is, until he remembered back to

his first experience, sexually, with someone from this world. Roseroar. She had

morphed into a dolphin and they had made love in the rolling waves at the

shoreline. He suddenly had a hard-on. Sybeele noticed and was delighted.


thought you might not be interested this afternoon. I'm so glad you are. I was beginning to think I might need to find

a sea cucumber to scratch my itch with."


figured she was joking, but then again, he wasn't too quick to put anything

past anyone anymore. His old friend Mudge had done some peculiar things in his

lifetime. On the other hand, so had Jon-Tom. "Well my kinky little swimmer, if

you wish to do so, please don't let me stop you."


stuck her tongue out at him. "No thank you. I prefer the real thing, assuming

it fits."


rolled his eyes. "You know it will. Either I'll handle that aspect or you will.

Either way there isn't likely to be any impedance to our tryst."


rolled over in the water, using her tail to splash water at him. "You make it

sound so clinical. Aren't you the least bit interested in enjoying yourself?"


nearly choked. "Oh, I'd say I am. I'm just not positive how we're going to do

this. I'm not exactly a water breather."


dived and came up in front of him, blowing water from her blow hole. "Neither

am I, you dense man. It doesn't keep the population of ocean-going folk from

dropping significantly, now does it?"


hadn't meant it quite that way. "No, it doesn't. I was more concerned with

whether I would be doing this as a human or as something else? Remember, I

don't have my duar with me at the moment."


chattered with amusement. "I see the problem you're posing; screw me as you or screw

me as me. I think I like the idea of a human male prying open by tightest spots

with that wonderful cock of his. So if we must, we shall find a secluded spot

to engage in our bit of fun."


swam under him and he had the mind to grab her fin. Then she was off at amazing

speed. In no time at all they were beached on a quiet bit of shoreline far from

prying eyes. It brought back some very pleasant memories for him. It was new

for Sybeele however. Jon-Tom took charge, lying in the rolling surf, on his

back, allowing her to ride the waves up and on top of his body. He steadied her

with a loving and firm hug.

It was

somewhat awkward, doing it this way, but in the end, his cock pushed past the

tight rubbery flesh to gain access to her deepest pink reaches. She squirmed

with unfettered delight. Each breaking wave pushed her up a little, while he

had more than enough cock to hold her in place when the wave receded. He

allowed the motion of the water to guide their love making.


rubbery skin clung tightly to the base of his cock like a firm pair of lips. He

imagined them as a mouth engulfing it, while the rest of his manhood was

deep-throating the crap out of her. She

must have caught on to his arousal, because from then on, she was clamping down

her opening with a vengeance. He held it together for as long as he could

before blowing his load deep inside. Her muscles milked him as she arched her

back in orgasmic convulsions of her own.


each rise she pulled along his length, squeezing out more of his fluids. It was

an unconscious effort on her part to gain a child by him, even though she knew

full well that that eventuality would have to wait. It was difficult to get pregnant

when you already were. Still, a girl could hope. And she could try. This was

her husband, and while she didn't mind sharing him, she intended to get as much

satisfaction out of their relationship as she possibly could. She only hoped

that her sacrifices would prove fruitful before she was too old to truly enjoy


As her

thought die down in conjunction with her orgasm, she relaxed into his arms. It

was hard at times dealing with these constant changes. He didn't mind them, of

course. Heck, what male would? They tended to get bored without something new

to keep their interest. Jon-Tom was probably even more jaded than most. He was

old in ways she would never understand. But he did seem to love her, and she

him. She was very glad about that.


her eyes narrowed a bit. Were her constant changes a matter concerning the baby

she carried, or was it something more intrinsic to her relationship with her

husband? She would have to broach the subject with Eve the next time she saw


She was

abruptly pulled out of her thoughts by an impromptu change in positions. A wave

came crashing into shore which Jon-Tom used to flip her over. He did it so

skillfully that they remained locked together. Now she was on the bottom, her

blowhole just above the waterline. He said nary a word; he just went back to

work again, pinning her to the sand. His toes locked into the heavier gravel

under the waves while his hands grasped her fins so hard he left indentations.

She was all set to have her insides churned to butter when he froze.

In this

form she couldn't turned her head to see what he was staring at, nor did her

ears work well out of water. She patiently waited for him to either resume

their fun or tell her what the matter was. He finally did, in a quiet little

voice. "I think there's someone nearby. I swear I heard a moan."


couldn't move at the moment. "Dear, it was probably me, but if you think we

should investigate, then by all means please un-impale me and allow me to be

free. Otherwise, ignore it and get back to work." She was hoping for the

latter, but wasn't too surprised when he pulled out and stood up. Men!


telling you I heard something or someone. And before you get all indignant on

me, I think who or whatever it is, is in distress. The question is where is the

sound coming from? This section of beach is pretty deserted. Therefore, I have

to assume it's an injured fisherman or maybe one of the kids from town. It

bears investigation."


tittered. "Yes, by a tall naked human sporting an enormous hard-on. I'm sure

that's just how they want to be rescued!"

"If my

nudity is a problem for you, close your eyes. I would hardly wear clothing

while wading in the surf, regardless of my station." True to his word he walked

outward along the point of land they had occupied. A few hundred yards up there

was a clump of flotsam that was bobbing gently in the waves. It was a mixture of

driftwood, net floats, and one small boat. Inside was the scrawniest, half dead

"thing" Jon-Tom had ever seen. It had on pants, but they were in shreds.

Striped fur was visible down its thin back. A sharp pointy tooth was visible

sticking out from its retracted lips. Even as he watched, it uttered a weak,

shrill cry. He leaned down, laid his head against it, pushing in enough power

to preserve its life. He knew that he could only do so much right now until

this creature got food. It wasn't so much ill as it was starving.


gently lifted it from the wreckage and carried it back down the shoreline.

Sybeele had worked her way back into suitably deeper water. She swam up to

investigate. Her head poked out, her eyes suddenly full of concern. "I'm sorry

for doubting you. Who is this...fellow?" The sex of the creature remained to be

ascertained, but Jon-Tom could tell it was male through his touch.

"I have

no idea. I had little time to meet the entire town," he said sarcastically, "but

I doubt he's a local. This pile of floating garbage has all the earmarks of faraway

places." She had to take his word on it at the moment, since she was hardly in

a position to stand up and see for herself. Jon-Tom corrected her.


can be as dense as me when it comes to magic. All you need to do is force your

body to morph into a walking form. You'll still technically be what you are,

only in a modified form. You've done it before you know."


about hit herself. The fact that she presently didn't have the limbs for it was

the only thing to prevent her from performing the act. "I guess I never thought

about making that drastic of a change." With a mere thought she formed a pair

of legs and a pair of forelimbs, leaving her tail to dwindle down to something

less obtrusive. She modified her face to look a bit more human, managing something

both cute and functional. She retained her blowhole though. As she told him, "I

didn't want to spoil the effect!"

She looked at the half dead animal

he was holding. She had to chastise herself, remembering that here all animals

were people. But it looked pretty wild looking. If it weren't for the tattered

clothing, she would have assumed it was some feral thing that had accidently

gotten aboard a ship and was set to drift by the sailors. She was familiar with

all kinds of folks here, but this species escaped her.

"Would you

like me to fix him up magically?"


not yet. The less I do for the moment, the better I think. We had better find

out who he is and what he's doing here. He may be nothing more than a mutinous

sailor, or an escaped criminal. I have stabilized him for the moment. We'll

take him back to town and see to his needs the old fashioned way until we know



Before he could caution her, they

were spontaneously back in town. He fought down the urge to protest. She meant

well, and under similar conditions he would have done the same. "We need to get

him to Pollwac and allow the guild to see to his needs. And before you protest,

yes, you or I could fully heal him. But we know nothing about him. Until we do,

I suggest we keep a low profile. He may have a legitimate need, or he may

simply be trouble. Until I can ascertain which, we do nothing overt."

She twisted up her new face as best

as she was able. "Why don't you just check his mind? Or for that matter, I could!"

"Yes we could. But unless you'd

like me to do the same to you, I say we leave him be."


puffed up. "I don't care; I have nothing to hide!"

He got

a rather evil looking smile on his face. "You don't? Well then fine. I have a

few questions that still need to be answered to my satisfaction. What say we

quench my thirst for knowledge in one fell swoop?!"

She looked ill. "Let's say we did

and don't!"

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