One Shade of Gray

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#24 of Robbin Red

So life returns to normal for Jon-Tom. Wait...normal?


still looked like hell even after getting cleaned up. And, to top it off, he

was still balking at being restored to his pre-Arthurian self. He certainly looked better; no wild hair and

corkscrew nails, but the wrinkles in his face amounted to valleys. There was a

certain defiance in his eyes that overlaid a bit of melancholy. Whatever it

was, it troubled Sybeele.

She put

on her happiest face, a little tough after all she had been through in trying

to rescue him. "Dear, I know..." she began. His fist smashed into the table.


even go there! You know nothing except what you've experienced in your own

life. Anything that I've shared is still just that, a pale echo of the real

thing. Do you have any idea how much I've aged again? Well neither do I. Alma

may have thought she was doing me a favor, but she didn't. Somewhere in the

timeline she's dead. Here I am still stuck living. You have no idea how much

I'd like to change places with her!"


heart sank. She knew he wasn't being mean, but his words hurt. At her young

age, the idea of living forever was a wonderful one, especially now that she

had the man of her dreams. But dreams can have bad endings. Dreams can turn to



dearest, sweetest husband. You're right; I don't really know what you've been

through. I would be willing to share those memories with you, should you ask

it. But don't you think you're looking at it all wrong? You and I, we have been

given an extraordinary chance to live life well beyond our mortality. If you

keep looking at all the bad stuff, then you cannot help but feel tired and worn

out. You keep darkening the waters of your life with viewing it as a misery.

You need to return to how you were with me, back home. Or better yet, going

back to the attitude of your youth. I myself have seen things I'm not too sure

of, but if I spend every day second guessing my decision, then I will be

wasting many of my days indeed. Even if they are unlimited, I will still be

committing a gross injustice to myself."


narrowed his eyes at here. "I think I liked you better when you were a simple

child back in Germany."


cracked a grin. "So did I. I was simpler, sweeter, and much more naïve back

then. And a lot tighter too, don't you think?"


eyes remained narrowed for a moment longer. Then they softened and he let out a

gruff laugh. "Oh shut up! You know that between the two of us, you can be the

tightest little cunt ever known. This has nothing to do with the physical

aspects of life. It has everything to do with the effects all of this has on a

mind. You hardly need me going off the deep end, even if I don't have my full



laid her hand on his. He could feel the pulse of energy lying just under her

skin. "Power is nice, but there is no power greater than love. I can create all

sorts of things, but I cannot make someone love me. I have that in you, and if

it were in my power, I'd give up this exceptional life for an ordinary one with

you. Would you do the same?"

In a

quick motion he flipped his hand over, grasping hers in his. "Yes. But you know

it's not that simple." He felt a thrill of electricity run up his arm.


Like a one celled creature? Would you really want to devolve into something so

basic? You are the closest thing to a god I have ever heard about. Eve is equal

to you in many ways, but there is one where she is better. She still has a new

perspective on life."


snorted. "She is life! She is hardly a fit topic when it comes to discussing life.

What she is today is my doing. I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing."

Then he fell silent; deep in thought. Sybeele was wise enough to leave him to

his pondering.

It was

quiet in the house for the next half an hour. Neither one moved. When he finally

stirred, his eyes seemed a bit brighter. "You know my dearest little delight, I

think I hate you." He said it matter of factly. She didn't immediately take it



why is that?"


sighed. "Because you forced me to reconsider my actions and their repercussions

as well as my personal feelings. I have been feeling sorry for myself again.

Clothahump once told me you could pout a little, but feeling sorry, for a

wizard anyway, was out of the question. To tell you the truth, I'd rather feel

sorry for myself."


understand, really I do. But would you really throw away a life you have far

greater control over than most mortals do? Think of all of those people whose

lives you touched. Think of the joy you gave them. Think of the joy you give


He felt

that electricity again, running though his veins. She was right. He was beyond

his original self in so many ways, but his emotional growth had not kept pace.

How could it? He had gone from a simple college kid to the most powerful being on

the planet; a planet that was not the one he was even born on. He flipped

through his memories, finding ones that made him smile. He remembered Roseroar,

all those many centuries ago. Suddenly, it felt like yesterday. He remembered

his old friends. He felt a pang of regret that they were no longer here, but at

the same time realized that there were hundreds of folks around who could be

his new friends.

Like Huntchy.

The horse's initial anger at his interference seemed to have turned into a

friendship. He would be a fool to let that slip away. Drawing in a deep breath,

he held it, and exhaled slowly. "You're right. I've gotten wrapped up in the

negative aspects. I need to take a firm stance on who I am and what I am."


she cried. "This is just what I wanted to hear. Now, after being celibate for a

few centuries, what say you and I break that dry spell?" He laughed ruefully. "And

how long has it been for you; oh, let's see. A day or so?" She punched him in

the shoulder.


seem to forget we brought you back to nearly the same time as when you left.

The same goes for me. We've been searching for you for a awhile. I've aged days

looking for you in the time stream. Do you have any idea how many forms you've

lost a chance to try out?"


none! I seem to recall you can still make the forms when you're not otherwise

forced to do so. So I've missed nothing. "


sputtered. "Well, aren't you crass? What say we catch up on some of those that

you missed? I know you want to see Huntchy, but I think he has a few days worth

of pleasure to handle under his own roof. You wouldn't want to interrupt him,

now would you?"

For an

answer he scooped her up and cradled her in his arms. She responded by morphing

into something soft-furred and gray. She had rounded ears and a thick set body.

He knew the form right away. "You know, I knew a koala once. Remind me to tell

you the story some time.


grinned from ear to ear. "I'd love to hear it...later!"


carried her up the stairs to their bedroom. He was feeling better by the

minute. It was like when you had a really big headache, and it's finally easing

up. It's nearly imperceptible until it you suddenly realize it's gone. He stretched,

popping his long unused joints. He flexed his fingers, noticing for the first

time that they appeared younger. He gave a stern look to his wife.


never asked for youthening!"


purred up from the bed. "And I never gave you any. You're as old as you feel.

Literally, you're as old as you feel. I think your body is responding to your

mind. So come to bed and let's see what we can do about restoring you back to

that wonderfully cute young husband of mine!"


hardly needed coaxing. The closer he was to her, the more he wanted her. She

made sure by grabbing his cock with two soft, furry paws. A koala was by nature

a little slow, and she was going to put that to good use. She wiggled into

position and got her mouth over his the head of his cock, rolling he tongue

around it with unabashed delight. She worked over it an inch at a time. When he

went to reduce the size of it to make it easier for her, she sunk her claws

into his flesh. He took the hint.


lingered over every movement. In time, she was able to force the whole thing

down her throat. She pushed and pulled with slow deliberation. He reacted by

latching onto her big ears with a painfully tight grip. She ignored the nails

digging into her tender flesh and concentrated on working the length of his

cock. This was all about him now. He had given to so many, including her; she

was willing to undergo a little discomfort for all he had done.

As she

worked the length of his manhood, she dreamily remembered their first experience

together. She had been so willing, and at the same time so frightened. He was a

lot to take, even now when she knew what she was doing. His cock filled her

mouth and throat, threatening to choke her. She had to keep reminding herself

she had nothing to fear. Sometimes it was hard to think of herself on the same

level as he was.

She found

a rhythm that seemed to bring a series of low groans from her mate. She got

into this groove and stayed there for the longest time. She was hoping he was

enjoying himself. For an answer, she felt his fingernails dig in even tighter

into her poor ears. Then he tensed up. She thought about sliding off, but

having done this once before, knew she would never be allowed to do it. Sure

enough, he ground her face into his crotch.


had no idea how much sexual tension was built up in his body. He had a good run

with Alma, but despite the present timeline, that experience was a few

centuries old now. Sybeele with her soft gray fur and even softer pink mouth

were bringing him over the top. He unconsciously grabbed her ears. They made

perfect handles and he used them as such. Her ministrations were slow and delicate.

He needed something hard and fulfilling. With decided vigor he began slamming

his crotch in her face. He didn't even feel bad about it. He humped her face,

the head of his cock squeezing forcefully past the ridges in her throat. All at

once he tightened up, forcing her head against his crotch with a death grip.

He didn't

cum as much as he exploded inside her. She could feel the stuff as it traveled

the length of his cock. It was followed by a buildup of heat and fluid that

pushed its way the rest of the distance to her stomach. It just kept coming.

She knew better than to fight it. She relaxed and allowed it to flow. When he

was done, she left loose a mental sigh. No matter how a girl took him, he was a

lot to handle.


still had an iron grip on her ears. He pulled her partway back. She thought she

might just have a chance to take a normal breath. No such luck. He was working

her head over his still-hard cock like a wash woman doing clothes. She relaxed her throat to save any unintentional

damage he might do in his present frenzy. She only wished he'd have a little

consideration for her ears.

When he

came again, it was with more force than the first time. Apparently the initial ejaculation

had lubed the way for the second. This time it came like a torrent, flowing

unabashedly in great waves. By the time he was done, she felt like her stomach

was bloated and her ears had multiple piercings.

He let

loose his grip, but not without the foresight of healing the abused flesh. She

could have done so herself, but was grateful for the kindness. His cock slid

out of her throat and mouth with a noisy pop, and he collapsed on the bed with

a smile on his face. It was a big, warm, satisfied smile.

She got

herself situated and lay next to him. "My, my, my! Someone is in an abusive

mood today!" she teased.


pulled her close. "Sorry about that. The last time I had sex it was with a

dragon/unicorn. I kind of forget that you were a soft and cuddly koala."

She bit his nipple hard. "Never

underestimate the power of soft and cuddly!"


tackled her where she lay. "Oh, I never have, not once in my life. Well, maybe

once or twice. But I believe that the female body had three holes suitable for

investigation. One has passed inspection. What say we delve into the other two?"


threw her arms around his neck. "It all depends. Do you want it easy, or do you

want it to be difficult? I don't want you getting bored!"

He got

a sly look on his face. "Surprise me. As for you, you're only going to get it

one way."


wrinkled her nose at him. "Oh, and how's that?"


could feel his erection growing. "Oh, the only way I know how to give it...the

hard way!"

From Barrow to Barrow, part 2

Jon-Tom and Alma scouted for a place to set up a foundry. There was an abandoned and ruined castle sitting on a hill a few miles from the village. It was mostly walls, but it would give them a protected workspace in which to attempt the near...

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From Barrow to Barrow, part 1

Jon-Tom felt that momentary dizziness that accompanied time travel. It was completely unexpected, disorienting and disturbing. He had the presence of mind to wonder if this whole thing was a gag of some sort being perpetuated by Eve. Alma wasn't...

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In The Blink of an Eye

"Jon-Tom?" "Yes Alma?" "You can do mathematics, right?" He twisted his mouth up in a grin. "Certainly. If I put my brain to it, I can do relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, chaos theory... Did you have something in mind?" She smiled and...

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