Here Cums Santa

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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A Christmas tale from Zwoosh!

Merry Christmas everyone! Or Happy Holidays... Here's my take on... well, Christmas, in all its kinky and smutty glory. I do hope you enjoy it, and may you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year should I be rendered comatose by a Christmas dinner and all its leftovers. Of course, this comes as a replacement to the intended raffle prize I would have awarded the winner since he never got back to me.

You can imagine what the weather might be like. I ain't dealing with your summery Christmas bullshit, so -sticks his tongue out at you-

"I hate being called that."

"Oh shush, it's funny."

"I think it's cheap and lame."

"Just because you're a polar bear named Nicholas," A wistful sigh, "I think you'd find the funny side of it." A snort of annoyance, borderline derision, but the fox was undeterred, smiling to himself whilst absently nibbling on his third mince pie of the evening. Nick, a burly looking polar bear who scratched at the slightly bulged gut with a spare paw, sat in his armchair as the television played out some overused Christmas film about a vulture who is taught the meaning of the season through three ghosts.

Nick was, at heart, a nice guy; of course in many ways he adhered to the bear-stereotype of being strong for his build even with the small paunch he sported, and naturally saw himself as a bit of a daddy in the bedroom too - a fact which had drawn Keith to the macho fur. They complimented each other well, even if they differed in opinion of the majority of things, but got along just fine when it boiled down to it. Keith enjoyed the festive spirit. It was an excuse to just enjoy oneself and to see family and friends, whilst Nick on the other hand suffered at the subjection of many puns and poorly made jokes, notably revolving around him being 'Santa Paws' and every other clichéd mocking remarks. After going through nearly three decades worth of the stuff, Keith could understand how he might have developed such a dim view of the holidays.

The polar bear looked over with chilled blue eyes, a frustrated frown put across his muzzle, as he gazed at the cheeky fox,

"You just say it to wind me up." It was true. Keith was a fan of poking the bear until he reacted. It was the quickest way to entice his sexual deviancy into new levels. So far the fox had managed to coerce Nick into spitroasting him with an old college buddy of his to taking him out to Event Horizon for a rampant night of orgies.

"So?" Keith asked innocently, putting down the plate he was holding and leaning back against the couch, "You've yet to get me to stop calling you it."

"Nothing my cock wouldn't fix," the bear grinned, licking his lips. So the game was on.

"Your cock is all the way over there," Keith pointed out, gesturing to the bear's growing bulge at his crotch, "...and my muzzle is all the way here. You've got to fix that too."

"Easily done..." A low growl filled the room as Nick rose to his footpaws, towering to his impressive height that Keith swore verged upon seven feet. Lumbering towards the small fox, the bear stripped off his vest, tossing it aside before he unzipped his fly. He knelt down over where Keith sat, legs either side of the fox as the bear's groin drew level with his face. The stench was overwhelming; hints of musk and sweat tickled on the fox's nose as the now open gap was brought nearer to his mouth. The jockstrap, slightly moist as it donned a wet spot where Keith could only assume Nick's cock as going to be, was pressed against his lips. The rough fabric was ground against them, whilst a sneaky paw, far bigger than any other Keith had seen, wrapped around the back of his head. He let his mouth open partially, folding those lips around that throbbing bulge. His tongue swiped across the salty mound and wet it, sucking the stale pre with the hints of sweat.

Groaning, he felt Nick rest his weight against his face as he set to work lapping at the bear's crotch. The paw was removed as he leant himself against the back of the couch, pushing his groin into the fox's awaiting muzzle, grunting to himself as he pinched a nipple.

"So you think calling me 'Saint Nick' is funny, do you?" Nick said, not quite in particular to the fox who had his mouth suckling on the sweaty bulge of the bear, but perhaps more to himself, "Well how about we see how much of a naughty boy you've been this year..."

Keith made a mumbled moan of query, just as he felt the jockstrap lifted away from his mouth. The sticky lines of where his tongue had been glinted in what little light there was, though Nick's paw blotted out the fox's view; he reached across and tugged at his collar, attaching the tell-tale leather leash that had become commonplace in their bedroom. With gentle tugs, Nick took control and led the obedient fox down the hall, shaking off his jeans as he went. Keith scampered behind, curling his toes as he began to think of what Nick might have in store. He claimed to hate the holiday, but each year Nick always managed to surprise the fox with some dirty Christmas present that he dared not tell anybody about. Last year had been some reindeer-play, where Keith had ended up getting trussed up in a harness and bit, and then ridden hard into the mattress long into the night.

This year though, Nick had kept himself especially quiet about his gift. He hadn't hinted at anything, nor had Keith seen him slink off to one of the sex shops in town. He certainly hadn't ordered anything. Even when they'd been Christmas shopping together he'd remained surprisingly vanilla and held himself back on the casual flirting they used to dabble in. Keith had, at that point, put it down to their relationship finally lulling after years of kinky sex, eventually giving up his hopes with much reluctance. But inside him ignited a tiny spark that something smutty lay in store for him.

Nick took him into the bedroom and commanded him to strip, fetching their toy box from the closet. Keith went as quick as he could, peeling off every last vestige of clothing until he was naked, leash dangling down across the pale white and orange of his fur. When he turned around, back to face Nick, the bear had put on a traditional Santa hat, bright red with ruffles of white faux fur around its edges. Its bobble was thrown back across the bear's head, and it danced about as if strung up as he made his way over to the fox who now shivered in anticipation. He had a riding crop in one paw - Keith half expected the session to turn into some flogging play that they'd encountered quite early on in their relationship. But Nick took Keith's collar and forced him to kneel on the bed, head pressed down into the covers. His arms were swiftly pulled behind his back and slipped into the leather sleeves the bear had bought him for his last birthday. A step up from the typical handcuffs or rope, the sleeves offered the fox next to no use of his paws. They squirmed pointless inside the sleeves as his forearms crossed over the small of his back, quite immobile as much as he tried. Now his ass remained as the only thing aloft, propped up by his knees and left cheek. Keith felt that tell-tale rough paw grasp at the base of his tail as it was yanked upwards, something circular fixed around it and then clipped onto his collar. He twitched his tail to feel the familiar tug of a bar now joining his neck to the base of his tail, keeping it risen and out of the way. Next was another bar, this time attached by bands to his ankles so that they were forced to keep apart. In this position, Keith concluded, he must have been incredibly vulnerable and subject to the bear's ultimate mercy.

The soft kiss of the leather crop stroked along the gentle curve of his behind, glancing just briefly over his pucker; a shrill tingle of anxiety rolled down his spine towards his neck as Keith bit his lip. He would never say no to a nice slice of domination, no matter how many times he'd submitted himself to it.

But the crop was not for striking, it would seem. Nick decided to remove it from the fox's presented rump and instead rummaged out of sight for unseen objects. When the shuffling of footpaws returned back to the end of the bed Keith wagged his tail as awkwardly as he was allowed, waiting for what was to come.

A paw gripped the fox's crotch, fondling the sack and sheath between deft fingers before something cold and hard was snapped around the base of his junk. Keith wriggled as he tried to figure out what it was. He could only say that it must have been some sort of ring, to keep him hard as it fixed itself just behind his balls and over the top of his sheath. Already he could feel his blood pulsing, his dick hardening at the thought of what might follow next, though he tried to keep himself calm for fear he might shoot too soon. That never ended well, for him at least.

Next there came a cool, wet slime, dribbled against his cleft, starting from the base of his tail as it slipped its way down between his cheeks, smothering his hole and further until it dripped from the curve of his balls. It was cold, though not unpleasantly so, but still it made his fur stand on end as a generous dollop was allowed to pool itself onto his ass. It made his cock stand proud out of its sheath, sliding free until the knot popped out of its home. The air dug against his member, making the bright pink length throb painfully as it went by untouched. What he'd have given to just reach between his legs and stroke himself - if only just once! Inwardly, Keith sighed, fidgeting with those sleeves as he panted hard against the bed covers, unable to see the behemoth polar bear behind him.

A heavy paw was introduced to his behind, a finger dipping into the gel and smearing it around, the viscous fluid gliding with the movement. Nick pushed down, that finger seeking out the dark star of the fox's behind, letting the tip spread apart the familiar folds until he'd sunk himself down right to the knuckle. His natural size had always made him a challenge to handle, even for the trained fox; he knew it brought a smile of naughty delight to the bear as he watched his pet squirm valiantly on the bed, groaning as though having been kicked right in the gut. Nick didn't need to savour the sound - Keith was sure he'd have him howling out even better tunes when the real action got underway.

For now, the fox knew Nick would be sating himself with the sight of that pink rim sucking and clenching about his white digit. In his mind, he imagined their fur, sodden with lube, discolouring as the polar bear slowly began to pull his finger back, leaving just a claw-tip inside until pressing down again. Each time Keith's hole would cling to his finger as though wanting him deeper, something which he was happy to oblige. With each fingered thrust he gave, he added a little twist or perhaps pushed just that little bit harder and faster. He would pull it out, inspecting the pace at which Keith was beginning to settle himself into before kicking it back up a notch; he moved his middle finger to join the index. The fox grunted, but made no complaints.

Nick stretched his pet's hole apart, licking his lips as that pink circle became distorted, growing in size. He found it thrilling to know he could toy with such a sensitive part of another male's body at his own free will, even if that meant going against what might be considered 'natural'. To those two, he added a third, bunching them together in just a fraction of the size that the fox would have to accommodate. When Nick reached the base of all three fingers, his claws danced along something deep within those guts that made Keith tense up and whimper. He tested his pet's crotch, stroking his other paw down now along the engorged length of vulpine meat, his fingers coming away astonishingly wet with pre. Sampling the taste, he gave another soft push forward with his claws to prod against the prostate again, growling happily to himself.

"Please..." Keith managed to whimper, his arousal being almost unbearable for all the bear's teases. He was however acting out of line. Nick had to hold himself back as his normally obedient pet broke the rule of no talking during sessions, but it was Christmas - if what he was about to do next was to have any merit he had to at least be a little accommodating himself.

With little elegance he slid his fingers from out of Keith's hole; a wet slurp followed, delicious to Nick's ears as the fox shivered uncontrollably. He didn't know what was to come next, but he strained to see. He tracked Nick's movements about the room with the footfalls, his ears flicking and flitting desperately to predict the next move.

The polar bear came back and dumped onto the bed in front of Keith about three butt plugs; all were dark silky black in their colour, graduating in size from what Keith was used to, up to one he didn't even recognise as being his. Nick must've bought more, larger ones to stretch him further. Now that they had a selection of sizes, going from smallest to biggest, Keith wondered what plans the bear had in mind. He felt the bed dip as new weight was added, Nick's thick thighs and calves coming into view as he lazed across the bed in his pet's line of sight. He picked up the smallest toy, and waggled it just in front of the fox's nose,

"Let's do a little role play, shall we?" Keith nodded. "Good... Now let's pretend I am Saint Nick. I know who's been naughty and I know who's been nice. You, my dear little pet, have definitely been naughty." The plug was pushed against his lips until he was forced to yield, opening his mouth as that cone-like phallus pushed its way inside. It stretched him somewhat, enough to produce an ache to his jaw, but nothing he couldn't handle. Dutifully he suckled on the rubber, running his tongue along the inorganic smoothness of its surface, "Do you know what naughty boys get?" Keith shook his head, just as the plug was removed from his mouth. It dribbled a little with the spit and shone with its wetness, but it wasn't brought near his mouth again.

Nick rose back up, leaving Keith to stare at the remaining two black entities as he shuddered, sensing the bear moving back to his rump. He braced himself, barely having a chance to prepare his ass as the tip of the plug was pushed against his rim and then brutally shoved inside. It poked carelessly at his prostate and made him whine aloud, humping the air in futile,

"Naughty boys get lumps of coal down their stockings... But since you aren't in stockings and we don't have any coal, this'll have to do."

The bear's voice was into that low rumble, a gruff tone that signified his entry into his masterful mode. A part of any session Keith had come to recognise whereby Nick could and would do anything he pleased, regardless of what the fox sat. Gone was the net of safety words, replaced now by the groping paws of the dominant male as he stroked over his quivering butt, pushing experimentally against the plug as it locked itself with his hole's rim.

"Let's see if the naughty boy can follow some rules then." Something soft and small was brushed against his backside, removed briefly before a sharp snap of leather and a ringing pain shook through the fox's body. His ass smarted with acute flares of pain - Nick must have picked back up that riding crop from before. Keith went to yell, but a paw clamped itself around his mouth and fingers were pushed unceremoniously inside. The bear made a disapproving growl, "You've got to be quiet for Santa, or else he'll know you're awake. So be good, or else the naughty boy will get a bigger lump of coal down his stocking."

The fox swallowed back his worries. Nick would never go too far with anything, but Keith knew that he would always gear something to come out in his favour. No goal was set as to how many spanks the fox would take, nor was any limit set on how hard Nick was going to strike. Ultimately, Keith thought, the bear could go until he had nothing left to do but forfeit under the agony that had long since gone from pleasure to pain.

Abruptly, the first strike came with no warning and faster than what might have been considered a warm-up. Keith had to bite his tongue and hold himself back from shouting out. When the second blow came Keith was more prepared, but it by no means dulled the sensation. Another ripple of flaring pain like the tendrils of a small fire slid along his backside and thighs made him grunt into his mouth again, but he dared not break the rules. If Nick so much as got a whiff that Keith was giving in too soon for the sake of speeding things up then it'd only end up so much worse for him. Consequences often resulting in denial of release or a night spent in the sack that hid itself away beneath their bed. The third strike came harder and faster than its predecessors, hard enough to make the fox very nearly huff out his plea for it to stop, but he held his tongue again. Nick was in full swing, and he could barely register the whistle of the crop flying through the air before his thoughts were interrupted by that sharp bite of leather singing his cheeks. Leaning his head against the bed, trying to blot out all feeling, Keith ignored as best he could the fourth and fifth snaps of the crop, but it was the sixth where he lost his control. It stung his tender ass to the point where he cried out, yelling out a single word,


Nick halted, obeying of course the sensibility of safety of somebody's consent, but Keith knew he was by no means pleased. There was a tense silence as Keith predicted that the bear would put away the crop. The damp paw returned to grope along the fox's body, grasping at the tufts of fur styled on his head and tugging them back, making Keith's body jar,

"Only six? How pathetic..." From in front of Keith, the next size plug was picked up. The realisation of what was going to happen dawned on him as he felt the toy already buried in his ass begin to be pulled disgracefully out. He groaned, whimpering as his ass met the resistance only for a moment until it expelled the black plug, pulsing and winking grotesquely before Nick replaced it with the larger one. It took some effort, shown with the thin sheen of sweat which marked Keith's forehead, but eventually the plug slipped inside. Unlike the first, this one mashed against his prostate. It was by no means a toy that teased that sensitive part of his body, but instead it ground against it. Keith, subjected to the torture of this bigger plug, whined unhappily, something which did not go amiss with the bulky bear. "Naughtier boys get more coal, don't you know? You disobeyed me, so you must be punished. But don't worry... How about we try something else?"

A paw cupped Keith's chin and lifted his head up so that his line of sight now looked up towards his master, up past the bulging mound of jockstrap that was now the barely contained monster. With his free paw, Nick slipped off the underwear, letting his meat roll out and slap against his fox's snout. The smell was powerful, much more potent now that the screen of fabric had been removed. It was hot and heavy, laying right across his face with its opening dribbling out viscous pre staring directly at him. Its ebony length shone in what light there was, a deep rich black colour which had always fascinated Keith. Veins protruded along its length and marked it to be of considerable size and girth, the bulges of which just went to show how into the session Nick was. If the smile on his face wasn't a big enough clue, his package was certainly a bigger sign and one that the fox was sure was about to be put to some use at his disposal.

"Good boy's drink up all their milk. If you spill a single drop you'll be getting that next." He pointed to the last and largest plug, smacking his lips. Both of them knew it was inevitable that the last monstrous toy would find its way into his ass, but Keith had to put up some defiance, if only to rile his bear on longer. As before with the spanking, Nick would make it his mission to torment the fox should he put up too little of a fight to the bear's dirty plans.

His head was lifted a little higher and the bear pulled back his hips; the soft thick head of his cock was pressed against those lips. Willingly, Keith opened up and the black snake slithered inside. Nick let out a hiss of appreciation, closing his eyes and letting his head gaze upwards as he grasped the fox's head between two paws. From his position, Keith had little purchase, so figured out what Nick intended to do from the off. He readied himself for a muzzle fucking, steeling his jaw which had already begun to be stretched open by the semi-hard cock to take yet more meat. He could have prattled off the measurements of his bear's size from memory to anybody who asked, but whilst numbers were certainly something to be amazed at, Keith could never fully describe to them the feeling of what a monster it was. The inches of measurements seemed indiscriminate when everything that cock pushed him to left him feeling broken wide open and slammed deeper than anything. Even after the months of full commitment Keith wasn't entirely used to the size, a fact which Nick seemed to revel in, as per his past encounters and trundles with partners he always told of how they eventually succumbed to him and lost their tight edge.

Keith sucked on the mammoth, angling himself as best he could as Nick gave no regard to his ability to breathe properly. Air whistled in and out of the fox's nose as he gulped around the member, his tongue sliding around its girth as best he could manage, spit dribbling from his chin as saliva found its way out. Nick set himself a speed with no consent from the owner of the mouth now wrapped around his cock, and before long he had his balls slapping against the spit-sodden chin of the fox. Coarse pubic fur would mash themselves into Keith's nose, rewarding him with the heavy scent of a virile male who might have possibly not washed after working out. The sweaty, heady musk was enough to set the fox on edge, having him restrain himself from humping the air once more as Nick ploughed his face. From his bent over position with the polar bear grabbing his head and fucking it like it was nothing more than one of those flashlight toys online, Keith really felt the domination. It certainly showed that at moments like these, perhaps he was Nick's Christmas present, a toy to be used and abused however he liked and not the harness he'd bought the bear for fifty dollars.

Nick's grunting become erratic, probably the best sign Keith could have gotten to ready himself for the ultimate event. The thick monster rubbed itself all along the fox's mouth, pushing down the gullet and back up until the tip remained. Tints of saltiness become a more prominent flavour until, finally, Nick growled out with a roar, slamming himself in hard against the fox's face. He hilted the muzzle and came in bucket loads, each jet making him thrust forward just that little bit more. For him, it was a height of pleasure, but for Keith it marked his task coming into play. Desperately he gulped and swallowed for his life, knowing that if a single drop went to waste he'd have hell to pay in the form of that plug; but with each spurt of creamy, thick cum came another seemingly more powerful spray. Keith feared it might never stop as there appeared to be no end. It began to back up, his mouthfuls becoming too much to bear into it spurted and dribbled out around his lips. So much was pumped down his muzzle that he choked, hacking some up and even having it leak from his nose. He had always loved Nick's heavy loads, knowing that the bear could cum until kingdom come, but for once it seemed to be a downfall as he pulled out his sloppy spent cock from the gasping mouth of the fox. He shook his head in mock annoyance, that gleeful sinister smile forming on his own lips as Keith looked up guiltily, cum smeared across his face as Nick let his cock rest there for a moment, admiring his handiwork of painting his pet off-white,

"Seems like you aren't a good boy after all..." The last plug was lifted from the bed-sheets, "Looks like it'll have to be an even bigger piece of coal."

The second plug was removed, this time with more resistance than the first, but Nick's determination overcame any defiance. It popped out and dropped to the bed with a lewd slurp, Keith only imagining what his hole must have looked like now, dripping with lube and opened up by the toys. The third plug, by far the largest, was pushed against his ass. He moaned and whimpered, almost telling the bear to stop, but he bit his lip as that conical phallus pushed deeper inside. He felt the tip graze and then ride past his prostate, pressing it up against his abdomen as it ventured deeper. For a moment it didn't seem to stop until the plug tapered off to its narrow girth, locking itself with his ass. The fox huffed out a sigh of relief from the exhaustion of having such huge objects slid up his ass; the heavy weight that now sat in his guts gave him a constant reminder of his predicament, but this seemed to be the end, that whatever was to follow would be the final chapter for tonight. But when a paw wrapped around his up-until-now neglected cock, he whined quietly to himself,

"Good boys will do as their told. Let's see if you're a good boy." Nick leaned in close to Keith's ear, his breath warm against the soft fur, "Don't you dare cum, or else Santa will give you the biggest piece of coal out of all the naughty boys and girls."

With that Keith considered his fate sealed. He knew he was going to cum. That was pretty much guaranteed now, but it was out of his control to stave off an orgasm. If Nick's paws were to work him over, he knew he would have to cum eventually, but it would only be at the bear's mercy. A claw traced itself along the underside of his cock, starting from the knot until it slid its way up to the tip. That action alone was enough to set all his fur on end; Keith whimpered, pushing his backside out so that the bear would have a better grasp on his privates. That gruff paw encircled his knot and massaged it within one palm, the coarseness of his pads grinding almost unbearably against the sensitive flesh of his cock. His hips quivered with constrained bliss, bordering the torturing side of things that Nick so cleverly blended into their sex that it seemed Keith could no longer have one without the other. His pre was used as a lubricant, though a pointless one at that as by now Nick had all the fluids he need to make the fox as slick as could be.

He was already as close as he could be to cumming, but he held himself back as best he could. That swivelling paw that stroked his length from base to tip was infuriatingly pleasurable, making him buck into the waiting paw and negating half the effort Nick had to put into the jacking. At this rate he was going to make himself blow his own nut without any more assistance from the bear, but Nick seemed obliged to provide it. His free paw moved from the knot to the fox's balls, squeezing and rolling them as though they were two plump oranges, testing their firmness between clenching fingers. Keith gasped and wiggled as best he could, but his awkward state made it impossible to flee those ravaging paws. Unrelenting and ceaseless, they stroked him to the point where he was ready to blow, to shoot his seed across the bed spread, but Nick got the evil idea to let his pet frantically reach the edge before letting the feeling abate. Time and time again, Keith whined to his tormenter as he was forced to hold back despite having given up the game long before. That paw, so slick and wet now, gliding along his meat was maddening. His cock throbbed with urgent need but to no avail. Nick would force him to cum as and when he pleased. This was by no means a test of the fox's resistance to an orgasm but a test of his stamina; to see how far he could go until even Nick's lacking touch wouldn't be enough to hold off the inevitable.

It reached its point around perhaps the seventh, eight, heck even ninth near-hit that Keith began to lose control. Nick's constant and slow, torturous strokes melded into one continuous spark right to his balls. He grunted out, unable to form some coherent warning as his balls draw up to his cock, his member throbbing for a final time until he jerked hard, cumming across the bed sheets and adding his mess to the lube. The plug's base flexed and wiggled as his body reacted entirely, shooting hard against the sheets. Each jet splashed further and soaked the fabric until it was a dark shade, the smell of maleness rank in the room. Keith knew of his disobedience, now wondering what this biggest piece of coal was. Instantly he waited, knowing Nick wouldn't waste time knowing he was now vulnerable,

"Naughty boy... Guess Santa will have to give you the biggest piece of all..."

The allusion and mystery was finally answered as the plug was removed from his hole. During his orgasm, this made him whine uncontrollably, his hyper-sensitive state irritated further by that unfeeling toy sliding along his inner walls. Like its siblings, the plug slopped free, leaving his hole an open gape for whatever was to come next. Keith felt the hot head of his bear's cock line up against that hole, kissing the rim with its blunt tip. The black member was angled for the entry, making the fox wince as it slid its way inside.

Both of them knew there was no need for care with this. By now, Keith's hole was opened up beyond what he was used to, so Nick hilted him with one fell swoop. His crotch mashed against those parted cheeks and he let himself sit inside the fox's guts for a while, feeling the eager warmth surrounding his dick in a velvet envelope.

"There you go, boy; the biggest piece of coal. Now to punish the naughty boy..."

Nick drew his hips back, pulling out entirely only to slam back home his member. The hole swallowed him completely, and Keith moaned out loud and squirmed in discontent. Having just came was by no means a relief; Nick always tormented the fox by making him cum first before fucking him. He was just getting over the climax of his orgasm and was in no state to focus on relaxing his ass for a brutal rutting. That was exactly the phase Nick loved, where his pet was forced to abandon the satisfaction of himself and quickly attempt to adapt to the monster that now wormed its way into his innards. Keith could feel that ebony meat pushing deep and working his walls into a tight tunnel, pulling out with a stroke and gliding across his prostate. Spent and tired, he could do nothing to let himself join in on the pleasure as Nick powered into his hole. He shook with the force, feeling Nick's paws reach out along his sides and grab at his shoulders. The polar bear hunched over the prone form of the fox, teeth bared beside his face and gritted together as his weight bore down against the vulnerable male's ass. His muscled paunch pressed against Keith's back, forcing him to be pinned against the ruined bed sheets as Nick shoved and slammed his hips against the fox's sore behind. The sound of their combined grunts reverberated about the room until it was all the fox would hear, aside from the heavy breathing down his ear.

Of course the bear had some stamina in him; having cum once before left him with a wide berth before he would feel his balls call for another orgasm, so Keith was in for the long ride. He felt the weight leave his back momentarily as Nick manoeuvred himself at a better position at which to let his weight crash against the fox. He stuck his paw into his pet's mouth, letting him suckle on his cum-dripping fingers as he let his cock slide in and out of those caressing walls. Keith could taste the tang of himself, not just of his own cum but also of his ass knowing the taste to be familiar with past sessions. He licked clean those fingers, hoping to please his master as the pounding continued.

Naturally Nick could not hold out forever and soon he bore the strains of fending off his orgasm; his pants become harder and shallow, huffed against the fox's nape as he nibbled the soft flesh there. The thrusting become quicker and less elongated, as though Nick was giving in to more primal urges, and Keith whimpered as that cock pounded itself against his battered prostate. His bruised backside was numb to the hard pushes of Nick's groin, but it felt the sensation when the bear went in for one last shove, cramming all that he could into the fox's soft warm passage.

Thick gouts of creamy jizz shot into his hole, instantly seeding into the fox's inner most areas. He squealed and whined as more loads of cum, heavy and powerful, seeped their way through his guts and settled within the deepest recesses. His abdomen sloshed as though full of water, but the fox knew that Nick's heavy loads of cub batter were to blame, filling him up as though he were perhaps a turkey being stuffed at this time of year. He was basted with the gloopy cum, marked deep by Nick as he bit into the slender neck of the fox. Keith closed his eyes and basked in the moment, where Nick would be satisfied fully and with no need to prolong the session anymore. They remained like that for impossible minutes until the polar bear let go of Keith's neck and licked clean where his teeth had possibly marked the skin. He turned his pet's head and kissed the narrow muzzle softly once,

"Merry Christmas," Nick said gruffly, pulling himself out of the fox's ass, resulting in the plugged store of cum to come flooding out. It pooled along their legs, just as the bear swiftly undid the restraints that trussed up his lover.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Saint Nick," came the cheeky reply.

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