Jason & the Werewolf

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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#4 of Jason's Stories

Happy Halloween 2013!

Jason is a fox attending Century University, having moved away from home in order to distance himself from his previous life. Now, free to do as he pleases and with wild fantasies and imaginations, he is on a mission to explore, challenge, and test his sexuality to the limit, rejecting the notion of love in favour of lust. These are his stories.

The season always brought about the coldest nights; those limb-shivering, fur-bracing nights that could leave even the most impervious of furs chattering their teeth as they hissed on about how chilly it was. For Jason, it was the time of year that'd lead up holiday festivities, and when they came around then alcohol and poor judgement was sure to follow. Of course, he didn't prey upon the bad habits of others for the pure sexual delight, no; he was far too above all that. But this year presented him with a very different challenge. Since Brad, Jason had found himself at a loss for how to push himself next. He even found a part of himself wanting to finally stop being as much of a run-around as he knew himself to be. That part was even beginning to feel a little guilty for all that he'd done.

He pushed them aside though. There wasn't much he could do about it now, all things given. If he ever did settle down, he hoped it'd be with someone who was not only okay with his past, but comfortable enough to embrace it. Not to the extent Jason had, god forbid, but certainly enough to let Jason feel just like the pig he longed to be.

Sighing, Jason huffed and looked out of the window onto the darkening and foreboding expanse of the common grounds. It was a late night at the university, and Professor Fienberg had run over yet again whilst he droned on about post-renaissance literature or some other bullshit. The fox chewed his lip in annoyance, resting his chin into one palm as he slouched forwards. Seconds ticked by, dispensable seconds that made the entire auditorium drowsier as they passed. Tonight was Halloween, and the anxiety in the room was tense. How the aging skunk was blissfully unaware that people wished to rush out of their and finally partake in the spooky spectacle Jason would never know. He just wanted to be free. He was a long way from his apartment, and with his roommate staying with friends for a party he had no lift to get home. That meant a long, cold, lonely walk through the black grounds and empty city streets filled with hooligans in masks, made ever longer by those passing seconds.

"And as you can see, that is why 'The Knight of Sin' is now regarded as a classic of its time for how it fully immerses into the world of knightly days of yore." The skunk put down his chalk as he finished the last of his wittering drone, "Does anybody have any questions?" He turned to the auditorium, and not a single fur raised their paw. Nobody dared to. Even those with such a rapt interest in the subject who could tolerate the professor's wandering humdrum of nonsense didn't even think to make the special effort today to learn perhaps a fraction more than another hour of groaning. Everybody, collectively, wanted out, and as the professor picked up his notes and tidied them away, people were already shooting for the door before he had chance to utter the word 'dismissed'. Jason gathered his things, stuffing his notepad and equipment into his satchel that he slung over one shoulder. He joined the raucous mass that moved in a throng towards the exits, and padded along one step at a time until they had all filed out in their jumbled mess. Groups formed and split apart as they went their separate ways, already chirping about what they'd be doing for the evening. For Jason, it would be how he'd usually spend the celebration; he'd dress up in whichever slutty variation of a costume he'd bought online and hit the bars. This year he'd decided to mix things up a little, and had gone for a slutty witch, which included black and orange striped stockings and leg warmers, followed up with a black leather miniskirt and a tight corset that would've hugged his curves so well. A far cry from what he wore now, as a baggy hoody and tattered, well-worn jeans with one of the knees torn. If anybody looked at him now, they might have actually assumed him to be a regular guy. The thought was enough to make Jason chuckle to himself.

He came to the doors that led outside, the fox's huffs of air already beginning to mist and swirl like a vagrant breath caught in the cold. The window had frosted slightly, sweltering up with condensation as though it was just another sign of exactly how icy it was outside. He braced himself, bundling up what little he could before he pushed open the doors, sucking in a sharp intake of the freezing wind. The leaves had no mostly fallen, paving the ground in shades of trodden brown, gold, and orange. Jason trotted down the steps at a brisk pace, not wanting to wait around for some ligament of his to drop off by account of frostbite, and he made his way across the grounds, unbeknownst to a pair of eyes that watched him from afar.

Darting through the trees, he became accustomed to the shadows, though he wasn't entirely comfortable in them. His sight improved, that was for sure, but the furs upon the back of his neck refused to go down, and he spent a fair amount of his time glancing back over his shoulder. For some deep, inexplicable and carnal reason he felt like he was being stalked; followed by an unseen predator that he was certain must have been there. His instincts told him so. But whilst his gut reeled and quaked in fear, there was nothing to announce anything of the sort. All was quiet except for the rustling of the wind through empty branches, and the silent chill that crept along every surface imaginable. Jason's eyes did not reveal any assailant, nor did they allow him any comfort either. Whilst he could see a few yards in front of him, there was so much darkness that muddied and clouded his vision that it would have been impossible to tell whether he was looking at a bush, or the hulking form of something far greater and more intimidatingly powerful that was waiting for its moment to strike. It was frustrating, yet a little thrilling if Jason was perfectly honest. The concept of being totally vulnerable and at this unseen foe's mercy was an intoxicating thought, but one that, for its present time, was too radical to contemplate. Instead Jason chose to scurry onwards, heading for home along the shrouded path as he clutched his satchel ever tighter with one paw.

A soft thud from behind him made Jason leap round in fright, the shock gripping his body and making him seize up. His nerves were on end, frayed and fractured as they were toyed with by his own runaway imagination, driven by the fear of this illusionary predator. Jason had to remind himself quite sternly that it was all in his head.

But then the thud came again.

And again.

And again.

Jason watched the treeline, keeping his eye out for any moving shadow that was creeping around him. But there wasn't a single shift. Everything was perfectly still, and as he looked the thuds stopped. He desperately wanted to tell himself that it was all in his head, that it was just his mind playing tricks on him, that he'd seen too many movies; any cliché that might help calm him down. But if he were honest to himself, he wanted most of all to turn tail and run. A petrified part of himself wanted to pick up his phone and dial for the emergency services, but what would he tell them? Tell them to come pick him up, an adult, in the middle of some park because he was scared there was some monster following him? He'd never live the reputation down, besides the sexual deviancy. He swallowed back a nervous lump, fidgeting on his footpaws, shifting his weight from side to side as he deliberated what to do.

"Hello?" He called out. Perhaps communication might be the way to go. Perhaps he could reason with this invisible enemy and persuade them to give him a break and let him be on his way.

There was no answer.

Jason growled to himself, smacking his forehead with an open paw. He was just being childish. He was an adult now - a young man - and not a boy who was afraid of the dark. The real world was not founded within superstitious idiocy where grown men feared what lurked in the night. No such thing as monsters existed. Vampires were not real, ghosts were foolish furs who were far too skittish to admit, and zombies were nothing but a dreamt up fantasy. He carried on walking with his mind repeating that he was just being silly. It worked, for all of a few minutes, until the thuds started up again.

The fox, now resolutely disbelieving his terrors, pressed on, keeping his gaze fixed firmly forward as he blotted out the sounds. But the thuds grew louder, quicker, heavier, as though something had broken from its slow stalking pace and was now breaking out into a sprint, flying through the bushes and towards the unsuspecting Jason. Thud, thud, thud... Jason daren't risk a glance over his shoulder, he was too scared to in case he faced his attacker. It was a prank then, if something tangible; a mere prank pulled by some stupid freshmen thinking it was funny to lurk about in the dark waiting for passers-by. Jason carried out, trying to keep the tell-tale signs of his body from revealing his true nature, his ears quivering to keep up, his tail hung low as it curled ever so slightly inward like he was a little kit again.

Then there came the growl.

It was low at first, slow and reverberating, its mere sound already signifying to Jason of such a beast that it could emanate from, with a giant chest that could produce such a threatening noise. It was quiet at first, so deathly eerie that it froze the fox to the spot, rooted by his footpaws to the pathway, unable to move. Gradually it picked up in volume and power, alerting the male to where it was originating from. Between the bushes, veiled in smothering darkness, it crept forward. The growl turned feral, tearing itself into a snarl that seemed to drip with spittle and ferocity. From the dark two eyes came gleaming, oozing with a darkened red that echoed evil. They blinked, clearly alive as they shone out into the shadows, and Jason wanted very much to get out of there right that very second. But he couldn't. He stood, paralysed in fear, and watched as his stalker crawled out like a cat ready to pounce. More and more of its body came forth into what little light there was, and the fox could see the beast in all its majesty. Shaggy dark grey fur ran across its entire body, its face wolfish yet very demonic with frighteningly sharp fangs. Its body, whilst muscled, seemed to arch and appear bony, as though it had clawed its way through the depths of the Earth from Hell itself. Its tail flicked, swaying from side to side not as a sign of happiness but as a sign of enjoyment, that its prey was primed for the taking. The stench was overwhelming, of soured meat and other unearthly scents, breathing forth from its giant maw. Jason would have gagged were he sure that even just the slightest movement might provoke the abomination. His panting was rapid and shallow, uncertain he might live through the next few minutes of his life and hoped it might be a quick demise, and still the feral wolf - a wolf as much as Jason could be sure - slinked closer to him.

Its nose, twitching and wet-looking, came within an inch of Jason's face, eyes overpowering and intimidating, a pure sheen of blood red without any pupils. The fox could only shiver, feeling an ethereal chill surround him as this red-hot beast bared its teeth near to his face.

Suddenly, the fangs did not clamp down around his throat, they did not tear him limb from limb, but instead they snagged onto his clothes and tore them off. His hoody was the first to go, falling to tatters within the wolf's muzzle, ripped into three portions. Next, the satchel was snatched, ripped at by claws far too large for any normal animal, and cut away the shoulder strap the let the beg drop to the floor. Then the beast went for the regular garments Jason wore; its teeth made light work of his t-shirt, and easily snapped the belt that was tight around his waist, shredding apart his jeans. Jason stumbled backwards, scrabbling away as he regained some rotary functions, that powerful paw eagerly lunging forwards for his footpaws. Then, without warning by means of even a single growl, the best lingered over him. Paws were by his head, one just close enough to his throat to warrant a threat, whilst its back legs remained between Jason's own. The fox whimpered, feeling the hot pants of breath as they washed over his face.

But then the most peculiar thing happened. The wolf licked Jason's face in one long, slow, slobbering motion, right up from his nape to his forehead. The fox reeled back, his muzzle and face now smelling faintly of the foul odours, but he stared agape as this wolf, something he had taken to be a beast from hell, did something even stranger.

It rose onto its hind legs, standing up fully as though it were a fur just like any other and towered over the cowering nude fox. Jason wondered if some feral wolf had learnt these tricks from a bear it might have met in the woods, or some bullshit like that, but no; here he was, faced with a demon wolf that now stood tall just like any other person. Jason fell beneath its shadow as the wolf-thing blotting out what little was left of the light. He could only come to one conclusion; he was faced here with a werewolf, an actual living article of a lycanthrope. A beast that owed its existence to the moon - no wonder the fox felt its supernatural aura exuding off of it, how it looked so terrifyingly gruesome.

Jason recoiled when it raised a big, heavy paw and groped itself on its crotch. Already a heady smell of sweat and sex permeated the air as this beast, this foul beast, gave him a glittering smile. He couldn't believe, even more so than the fact he was being attacked by a real werewolf, but that it was horny and male. Jason might have actually rolled his eyes were he not more concerned with keeping his gaze fixed upon the animal. Watching on, he carried on staring in disbelief as this monster's cock began to slide free of its sheath. A fascinating sight to behold, seeing a blood red member fill itself out, bloating from a small tip into a beastly sign of manhood. It smelt good to Jason, of rich musky smells that he couldn't ignore. It made his own cock jolt and throb in its confinement. Its knot had already begun to swell, squirming to a size that made Jason weak in the knees, smacking his lips so delicately as he thought about the things he would do just to feel it... Pheromones and hormones took over his conscious thought. This was simply too good.

Leaning forwards, Jason put his lips to the red length, kissing it from the heavy, hairy balls up to its knot, then along down the length to the tip. Chaste, saucy kisses that left the beast huffing in its annoyance of being teased. But Jason was having none of it. He pressed his mouth up against the salty tip that was smeared with pre and he pushed the member into his maw. It slid inside, the werewolf moving its hips forwards and rumbling out a growl of pleasure. Jason carried on letting that beefy rod slip its way into his mouth, poking just down his throat and then moving further until his lips began to push at the great girth of the knot. The werewolf grumbled in approval, and tried to push inward more, but Jason held him back, his paws reaching up and pressing back against those thick hairy thighs. The fur felt unreal, like nothing he'd ever felt before, and his fingers dug into the bristly coat. Beginning to slide backwards and forwards, Jason built up his pace quickly, letting that cock pump in his muzzle as though the beast were actually fucking him. It took all his effort to hold back his teeth so as to not scrape the sensitive flesh, pre spurting down his gullet at an alarming rate. The scents were intoxicatingly thick, and had Jason swimming in a sea of ecstasy and lust, wanting very much to bend over and let the werewolf go to town on him. God, it drove him crazy just thinking about the wolf digging its claws into his tender, frail form as a sign of dominance, claiming him as his bitch...

The werewolf grew swiftly tired of Jason's attempts at foreplay. It sensed the change in the fox, the shift from mildly aroused to full blown randy; his cock, as average as it was, was sticking up harder than he'd ever had before, unattended, left throbbing and begging. The werewolf picked him up by the hips between both its hefty paws, pulling him abruptly from the tap of sweet sticky wolf nectar. Jason whined, but a firm, resolute growl from the beast silenced him quickly. He was spun about, manhandled as though he was nothing but a doll to the abomination, and quite neatly he was placed onto all fours as though he himself were feral. The beast lowered itself behind him, crouching down into a squatting position so that its crotch came level with the fox's ass. Jason could feel the heat baring against his cheeks, warming his body in the midnight cold. His tail was gripped in one paw, the other paw seeking out his neck and pushing him down into the dirt. With his ass pointed high into the air and with nothing but meaty inches of wolf cock ready to go down into him, he shivered both in anticipation and chilliness. It was agonising watching from the corner of his eye, seeing that red length shining in the dark as it moved closer and closer to his waiting hole. The werewolf shuffled forwards, letting his tip push between Jason's cheeks and then into his entrance. There was resistance, naturally, but with a few splutters of gooey pre and after some insistent thrusts, the head popped past the rim. The fox, not wanting to scream so as to embarrass himself for getting raped practically by a werewolf, kept his gasp low and quiet, muffling the sound into the ground. Inches felt like feet as they slid their way into Jason's backside, the only lubrication provided was by the wolf's own arousal, dribbling pre all along the fox's insides. The knot soon fell flush with Jason's cleft, and so without giving him chance to grow accustomed, the wolf began to pull back, removing his cock until it was fully out. Then back in it went again, Jason grunting and panting as the process took its torturous time, languid and slow. It was a gradual process, one that left the fox in blissful anguish, but it grew easier with each sliding push and shove.

The werewolf set himself a speed and kept to it to begin with. Though some thrusts were more jarring than others, but Jason bore the brunt of it all. His back was arched, pads grinding into the dusty ground as that beast kept coming in behind him. The werewolf leant over Jason, drool dripping down along the fox's shoulder blade as it growled and snarled, slamming in his rod into the tight backside. He whined, feeling that meaty cock deep into his guts. It felt like a punch each time, equal in size and measure just as the fox knew it to be. It stretched him widely, and each pump brought in a greater girth as that knot tried to force its way inside. Jason worried it might never fit, but the beast seemed to be fixated upon the outcome of it being buried within the slutty male's ass. More and more was pushed in, brought back out until the werewolf rammed it even harder, huffing and growling. Its breath swirled down onto Jason's face, the smell making the fox weak as his behind was numbing from the sensation. There was a moment when Jason felt stretched to his widest possible, unable to go any further, and then all it took was a few slams more until...

There was a great howl, one that shook the very ground beneath Jason, as the werewolf finally crashed that knot into Jason's hole. The fox whined, scraping along the floor in orgasmic desperation as he came hard, his abdomen flexing in manic bliss as thick shots of cum streaked across the dirt. The werewolf, caught upon the lapse of orgasm, jerked its hips with what few inches it could, humping heavily into Jason as it brought itself to the peak. Then, with a low snarl, warmth swam into Jason's stomach, accompanied by the ribbons of wolf jizz that jetted into his guts. The werewolf leant into Jason, resting its weight and grinding its lap against the fox's cheeks, making him have to lie flat against the ground. But that didn't seem to be enough for the beast, and what it did next startled the fox as well as perhaps tapping into some strange instinct he had deep down.

The werewolf lifted up one leg, and it swung it over Jason's back in one swift motion, turning its back to the fox whilst still with its knot trapped within the sweet hole. He moaned and grunted as that thick swollen lump of flesh tugged and twisted against his rim. With that, the werewolf had tied itself with Jason and made him its bitch, now symbolised by the beast's action. It's thick tail wagged and swayed across the fox's bare back, slapping against the back of his head and wiggling along his own tail. The cock lodged within his arse still dribbled its thick stream of lupine seed, the heat sitting in the pit of Jason's stomach as he waited now for the inevitable, stroking along his spent member idly as he shivered within the ebbing feelings of post-orgasm.

How on Earth he was going to explain this to anyone was the only thought on his mind.

"Jason, you okay? You seem out of breath..." It was Brad. Jason sat on the toilet as finally the last dregs of wolf cum leaked from his hole. It was embarrassing, certainly, but the fox was skittish and when the phone rang, aside from getting his hackles up, he immediately answered, flustered and lost.

"Y-yeah!" He stammered, "I'm fine. Just... had a run in with someone - no big thing..." Of course it wasn't; it was bloody massive. The fox could still feel the gape of his hole, his fingers trailing down to stroke along his rim, fingering himself. He swore he could hear Brad chuckling on the other end.

"Alright, alright... I was just calling if you wanted to come to a Halloween party we're having? It's cool if you don't, just figured you might want to hang."

Jason bit his bottom lip, unsure if he should. It was still a little weird between him and the Rottweiler since their last encounter, and given his state he wasn't sure if they were quite ready to revisit that memory.

"Oh, it's okay, I was invited to go out with some girlfriends from college," He lied smoothly, holding back a groan as he pushed three fingers into his hole, "I hope you have fun though."

On the other end of the line, Brad smiled, popping a much needed breath mint into his muzzle and suckling it happily. He cast a quick glance to the shaggy wolf costume that lay sprawled out across his bed as he sat nursing a spent erection, massaging his knot with his spare paw,

"Oh don't worry," He grinned down the phone, "I already did."

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