Deus Ex Machina

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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'Deus ex machina is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved by the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object.'

What do you get when you have on frustrated otter, one sexually-deprived coyote, and no real reason to get down and funky? You get this.

Flipping through the pages of 'The Knight of Sin', Morgan seemed rather lost. His mind was still churning away, its gears grinding into smoke and dust as they fought to develop a coherent thought that he could deem acceptable. All that he came up with was, to him, a dire and shoddily constructed idea.

"I want this assignment in tomorrow - should only take you an hour," the professor said, tidying up his papers as the class prepared themselves to be dismissed, "Remember; you must include the element of 'deus ex machina' within your pieces in an intelligent way; any wasted attempt will be failed. I will not tolerate slackers." The burly looking badger glanced up to Morgan, four rows back, dead centre of the auditorium. The otter flinched visibly, and it was all the badger needed to ground out a belittling sigh before he picked up his briefcase, "Class dismissed."

All at once the commotion broke out, and to gave Morgan the cover he needed to shrink into himself and hide from Professor Harrison's gruelling stare as the badger left. Once the majority had cleared, the stout, slim otter got up himself, free from the fear of being lost within the chaos, and padded down the steps and left for the exit. His bag was slung over one shoulder, the strap a patchwork of badges the sizes of bottle caps, brightly coloured and declaring an assortment of controversial slogans. Of course, the otter was bitter at being forced to represent his individuality through the medium of trinkets he'd bought online, but he had little choice. Nor did he care if people criticised his flawed method; he was the sort of guy who took no shit. If someone had a problem with him, then it was their problem, and not his to deal with through abuse. His hair, a thick chocolate colour, was curled over to one long spike that angled down the curve of his face, and framed the button nose and pert lips of his features. His eyes, a darkly green, glowered through the crowd that began to gradually disperse within a few minutes.

The bell rang, signifying the end of break. Morgan ignored it, chewing his lip in avid frustration that drove him on edge. It would take him hours to write this if he was to pass Professor Harrison's standards; which also meant analysing the literary features of the damn text in the first place. So that's a couple of hours, added to the rest of every waking moment equals one very unhappy, tired, and grouchy otter. Storming through the halls, Morgan carried his things in tow as he rubbed his face with a webbed paw. He knew one guy who would not be happy about this.

The deathly quiet that always settled upon the university echoed through the halls as Morgan made his way back to the dorms. There wasn't much he could do but grit his teeth and battle through it. Hopefully, if he was lucky enough, he might stumble upon a muse, or perhaps a burst of enthusiasm and energy, but even that felt slim. He was drained; his eyes sore from staying up late and his body wanting nothing more than to shut down. His suspicions were there as to what was causing him the late nights, but old habits die hard. Morgan sniggered, the euphemism ringing surprisingly true. He passed very few people as he walked home; he only saw a gaggle of girls who were kicking a soccer ball between them across on the green, a cute looking horse couple passed him by, the two males holding each others paws warily though with firm resolution. Morgan gave them a nod, knowing the two well enough to see them making a brave step. He knew it wasn't easy for them, as he'd been through it himself, and not every could be as crass as he could. The taller of the two, someone Morgan knew as Andrew, smiled warmly whilst his counterpart clung to his side. It was icky couple's love, but that was always the best kind when you're in it.

Morgan rounded the corner and strutted up the path to the door, pushing it open and making briskly for the stairs. He went up to the second floor, passed several more rooms before finally getting to his. Fishing the keys out of his pocket, he let them jangle in his paws as they slotted into the lock, tumblers giving way and allowing him entrance. He barely had a chance to push open the door and remove his key before the portal was thrown open, a blur of dark grey fur dashing at home. A hot, wet nose nuzzled affectionately at his neck, an eager tongue already working through the short bristly fur. Morgan sighed,

"Dean, we've talked about this... What have I said about giving me a chance?" His paws found the dense shoulders of the fur that had just attacked him and pushed him back, stepping finally into the room. Before him stood Dean, the lacrosse team captain who sported the largest grin across his glittering fangs. The coyote was an excellent sportsman in his field, who whilst didn't boast the physique of someone, say, from the football team, certainly made up for it with his charm and splendidly friendly personality. He was a free spirit, and easy to talk to. Sure, he never excelled at trying to be the perfect guy on campus, but he was damn near close, and was adequate friends with a considerable number of the year. His build was toned, if not more athletic, and had this shaggy though soft coat of rich grey fur. This fur exuded a luscious scent, however, as the coyote always made sure to keep on top of his hygiene - even if it did veer into borderline obsession and compulsion. His ears, bright and keen, were a shade of teal that contrasted to his coat perfectly. The ears atop his head had remarkable length, and humorously often gave away his true feelings due to their great size and his inability to control them as best as others could. Normally he'd have worn glasses; thin framed spectacles that were rectangular in shape and suited him perfectly, but it would have seemed to Morgan that he wasn't wearing them. That meant he had contacts in, and that meant something entirely different altogether...

Dean wanted to fuck.

"Sorry babe, just been cooped up all day. Classes were cancelled because the professor's attending a funeral," He smiled, oblivious to what he'd said and the lack of sensitivity, "Which is great! It means I got back early."

"Wonderful..." Morgan responded dryly, putting his bag down on his desk, "But I'm gonna be swamped with work tonight, hon. Harrison's slammed this assignment down hard on us and out of the blue today. You'll have to find someone else to pester..." Instantly he heard the coyote's string-pulling whimper that plucked at his heart.

"But you promised..." The otter rolled his eyes, shaking his head with an indiscernible huffed laugh,

"I know, but again; he did this randomly. I didn't know it was coming. It's going to take hours to do..." Dean picked up the assignment just as Morgan placed it on the desk. Whilst the laptop booted up, he read over the criteria and purpose of the assignment so that he too may glean its meaning. His expression gradually grew sourer the more he read on, and by the time he was finished a glum frown had found its place onto his muzzle.

"We can be quick?" He pleaded, a single digit tracing up along Morgan's forearm, "I promise, it won't take too long..."

"We're out of condoms."

"When has that ever stopped us?" Dean laughed, his nose now snuffling into the otter's head, those sharp teeth nibbling teasingly over the rounded ears.

"You fuck like an animal."

"Shush, you love it really." The coyote's paw had made it to his chest now, rubbing in slow, sensual circles across towards Morgan's nipples. With an anticipated ease, Dean grew closer and closer until his fingers were running along the nubs through the fabric of the polo shirt the otter wore.

"Why don't I fuck you then?"

"It's not my turn. Besides, you promised I'd get a go at your ass tonight." Morgan's breathing hitched, feeling a claw now extend itself and rasp along his sole pierced nipple; tugging at the metal and making him twitch and squirm uncomfortably in his seat.

"I'm on my period?" That's it; he was out of excuses... Lust took over and overrode the command of work. Morgan forgot, fleeting though not entirely, that he was supposed to be completing his allotted task. His head tilted back, returning to meet the coyote's beaming muzzle with his own lips. They locked together, tongues already greedily darting out and probing the other's mouth. Unified, they groaned, huffing against each other as they let out the stresses of the day. Dean was already pulling off his shirt and unbuckling his jeans before the otter had a chance to properly react. Whimpers of protest, only brushing upon the issue of work, came from Morgan but were smothered again when his own shirt was removed and their maws met once more. Bare-chested, they groped along each other's bodies, as close as they could get with the intimate embrace. Dean went for his boyfriend's sweet spot, the weak point where his pierced nipple was, and exploited it to his fullest advantage. Tweaking it like one might with an old fashioned radio; he fine tuned Morgan's moans into higher notes and louder squeals. The otter was fidgeting about on his footpaws, unable to keep still as Dean pushed him further and further into a state of unsuppressed need.

Quickly his own clothes were taken from him, pulled off as they tumbled together onto the bed nearby. His polo was tugged at, teasingly drawn up until it was freed from around the otter's torso, and the garment was cast aside. Next, the coyote's roaming paws snuck under the shorts, the bagginess allowing for great deviancies, gripping upon the interior after groping along those firm thighs. He pulled them gradually down, exposing first the packaged crotch of the otter followed by his toned legs. Cheekily, the otter gave a swish of his tail and wiggled his toes just as the shorts came free, and the coyote grasped both the fidgeting ankles in each paw, fixing Morgan in position. Confined to his bed, Morgan propped himself up on his elbows to watch the performance Dean put on; he opened his maw, licked along his lips with a lurid slowness, before he let his muzzle descend down upon the jockstrap, a pastel blue colour striped with white, which held away Morgan's manhood. With white fangs, Dean picked at the waistband, chomping down and gently pulling away the strap. He peeled them off Morgan's throbbing bulge, letting his thick meat flop free and slap with a dull thump against his abdomen. The underwear fell slack and sagged onto the bed as the containing maleness was let loose, and Dean moved swiftly to run his tongue along the underside of Morgan's shaft. He paused at the balls, swirling them into his muzzle and sucking along the sack for a moment or two before continuing his journey upwards. He could taste the salty pre and sweat that had built up over its restriction, a heavy musk now permeating the air as coolness travelled along Morgan's groin.

The otter squirmed in his place, eyes half closed that looked lustily down at the coyote, watching that dark pink tongue take its precious time venturing up towards the head. The anticipation was too much, a blobs of pre spurted and spat from Morgan's cock, an almost enticing temptation for Dean to come taste - like a dog to his bone.

Gently, with a tentative touch, Dean took that sensitive head between his lips and slid it into his mouth. Morgan curled his toes, eyes tightly shut and enraptured with the feeling of warmth and wetness enveloping his member. Those lips continued to slip and fold across the warm flesh of his cock, the descent down met with spurts of pre from his tip. His paws scrunched up the bedding, clenching tightly against the sheets as he held himself back from fucking into that waiting maw. It was a savouring moment as Dean's nose brushed against his crotch, and that giggly feeling overcame Morgan where he knew his entire length was now fitted down the muzzle of his boyfriend. The thoughts of homework and of his education were abandoned and forgotten on a tiny desert island as he himself slipped away into the oceans of lust. The soft suckling of a rasping tongue and eager mouth made for insatiable desires that made the otter squirm in deep satisfaction. He kept his head held back, not needing to see the sight of the coyote's head bobbing between his legs. Lone paws began to stroke and massage his orbs, digits brushing along the skin of the sack and rolling them in the palm. Morgan bit his lip, swallowing back a heady moan as his breathing sharpened and quickened. He could feel the tantalising touch trace along his taint. It seemed Dean was not in the mood to fool around for too long.

Morgan's legs were lifted apart, and cooperatively he pulled them back, bringing the coyote forward as he continued to give the otter head. Those paws, however, gained better access as they idly flicked along the otter's cleft. Gingerly, they tapped and brushed at the winking hole, probing ever so gently with barely any force. It was more like rapping a door before entering - a request for entry. Morgan could only oblige, and tweaked his hole so that the rim pushed back against those fingers. Dean grumbled a low groan from his chest as he enjoyed the taste of meat in his throat. He pulled back, sucking in a lungful of air, before spitting a wad of saliva onto two fingers. They fell back down to the otter's hole, working in that very spit into Morgan's opening. With persistence and persuasion, they wriggled and worked until they pushed inwards, moving into the depths of his ass; just as Dean accomplished the initial entry, his mouth went back to Morgan's neglected cock. The otter squirmed delightfully on the bed, his mind blissful in the sea of sensations. Warm, delicate laps stroked along his cock, just as two eager fingers began to bury themselves into his ass, twiddling against the walls and pushing deeper. Morgan shuddered so gently when those tips just barely slipped against his sweet nut, hidden deep inside him. His cock spurted heavily when Dean did though, so he couldn't have disguised the movement as a chill. The coyote was spurred on, running his tips across the prostate repeatedly and decidedly, making Morgan's pants become quicker and more strained. A wolfish smile formed around the base of the otter's cock, which was now thick in girth from its excitement and taunting. But today was not Morgan's turn to be ridden. No... Dean wanted something else.

Dean shuffled up so that his knees were resting on the bed. He withdrew his fingers carefully from Morgan's hole, watching the rim suck at them as though desperate to keep them in. Devilishly he licked them clean, sucking on his two digits as he leant down over his boyfriend. Their noses brushed against one another with fleeting touches that tickled Morgan's whiskers, and he snuffled just in that cute way Dean had first noticed him for. The coyote let his teeth show, furling out a gleaming smile that alluded to the naughtiness behind it as he took a hold of his dripping member around his ample knot and brought his hips towards the otter's entry. The tapered tip pressed so delicately against the rim and pushed inside, letting just an inch breach the rim before pulling back. He repeated the movement, giving Morgan deep but brief passionate kisses each time he did so, slowly deepening his thrusts until a second inch could be added, then a third, a fourth... On and on it went until Dean's length, seven inches excluding his knot, were buried into the sweet opening. The otter mewled much like a bitch in heat, his paws reaching out as though starved to grope along Dean's chest. Swollen flesh pushed against the ring in need, though it was much too soon for him to take the knot. Only when they were peaking could Morgan bear down the flare of pain as they tied like so many times before.

"Fuck me, babe..." The otter huffed, his voice hoarse and tight. He was readying himself for the onslaught Dean would bring, and the coyote just kept up his pearly-white smile without faltering, suckling on the otter's exposed neck as he drew his hips back until only the tip remained poking the rim, slamming himself back down with force. Morgan squealed, grunting as the rush of meat entering him rammed hard against his prostate. It was a brutal way of loving, but he adored it. His cock jerked and quivered each time that love button inside him was not only pressed but mashed by the seeking head of Dean's member. The coyote pulled himself back again, slowly, only to crash back down with a more intense speed and power. Again and again he did this, each time cramming in his length down to just the beginning of the knot. Each time it made Morgan whine and shiver in sheer lust as his body was not just used but bludgeoned into the realms of orgasm. He gripped onto Dean's shoulder blades as that rapturous tongue worked wonders over his tender neck and chest, the cock still pumping away at the otter's backside. Wet slick humps filled the room with their dirty noise, the pre seeping into the fur of Dean's lap as though Morgan might have well have been a girl made enticingly horny by some teasing hand. Morgan's eyes were closed, but he didn't need to see what was going on to know what Dean was up to. His tongue darted further down until they began to toy and flick those nipples, making the otter shout out and moan involuntarily, unable to hold himself back. All the sensations were just too much to bear.

"Unf... I'm gonna..." Morgan hissed, trying to give his boyfriend fair warning just before he shot his load up across his chest. But Dean ignored him, only increasing his pace and beginning, gradually, to introduce more and more of his knot. He chuckled; growling passionately as Morgan finally gave in to his climax and began to cream himself. Ribbon after ribbon of cum spattered across the otter's taut stomach, trailing up further and onto his chest. Dean got some on his chin, but he carried on suckling on his boyfriend's nipples, mixing in the goo into the fur and licking it up himself. With Morgan soaring on his high, Dean saw his chance to really drive home, and with a few powerful, gut-wrenching thrusts he sank his knot into the tight depths of the otter's ass. Morgan moaned out loud, caught between agony and pleasure, as the knot inflated, stuck in those moist walls and confined to the enveloping velvety embrace of his ass. Dean grunted, nibbling down harder onto the nubs as he brought himself to the point of no return and began to paint his lover's insides a shade of off-white batter. He pressed himself as closely as he could, his balls crushed into the cleft of the otter's ass as Dean arched back, finally, howling as loud as he could to the ceiling. His claws dug into the soft skin of Morgan, not enough to draw blood but certainly hard enough to leave thin red lines of their lovemaking. Each jet of cum was as strong as the last until around the fifth shot, where the power abated slowly until mere dribbles simply leaked out and mingled with the deposit already there. Morgan basked in its sticky warmth, feeling it pool about in his abdomen and swill as though he were full to the brim. The afterglow of sex was always the best part to be welcomed into, as Dean lay down over the slender otter, kissing him slowly but greedily, their tongues pressing against each other as they waited for the time when they might break the tie.

As they lay there, soaking up the sensations of their love, Morgan nearly slapped himself across the face, angry that he'd been so foolishly distracted,

"Shit..." He whined, "I've still got the assignment to write..." Dean looked up lazily from their post-coitus, delirious with bliss and riding out the squeezing feeling of an ass around his length,

"Why don't you just use one of the fan-fiction stories you wrote?" He slurred, nuzzling happily into his boyfriend's neck as his needs had been sated. The otter guffawed, disbelieving such a suggestion had been made,

"Wouldn't that be a bit of a cheap way to resolve the story?"

"What story, baby?" Dean looked confused, and frankly Morgan didn't have a clue what he himself was on about either. With no way of explaining it, he just shrugged and conceded; he'll print off one of his old stories he'd written for 'The Knight of Sin' and hand it in tomorrow. For now, he simply closed his eyes and revelled in having his boyfriend's cock buried deep in his ass.


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