Stray Skunk pt 1

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#1 of Stray Skunk

This story mostly developed because I had been wanting to write a cuckolding story at some point. Mostly as a bit of rebellion against what I had seen in a lot of cuckolding stories. Granted, I hadn't exactly immersed myself in the sub-genre, and it's entirely possible that I'd just been reading the wrong people (or some of the very right people, in one instance). Anyway, GlitterPills aka Leon Husky had an idea involving himself and his lady Kappy in some shenanigans, and I found myself taken with the idea and asked to write it. This story is the result.

Originally it was just going to be one story, but with all the stuff I ended up writing I decided to break it into three parts, with this being the first. Do enjoy.

Icon comes from this picture by GlitterPIlls. Used with permission.

Stray Skunk by pj wolf

Kappy and Lily Ann belong to Kappy Leon and Ivan belong to GlitterPills Concept by GlitterPills

"You sure about this guy?" Kappy asked as she pulled up to the house, parking the car on the curb. She ducked her head to look at the house. It wasn't run down or anything, but something about it gave her a sense of mild unease.

"Oh yeah, totally sure!" Lily said, getting out of the car. She flipped her hair back, then pulled her voluminous tail forward, idly grooming and fluffing it out. "This guy's the guy Maxi got his stuff from, so if anything it's probably good for us that he got arrested."

"Yeah, but what if Maxi starts spilling to the cops about his customers?" Kappy said to the other skunk as she got out.

"Maxi's not that dumb."

"He was dumb enough to get himself caught."

Lily shrugged that off. "Yeah, but even if he was gonna roll on somebody, he'd probably roll on his supplier rather than us. We just buy the stuff, so it's no big deal, right?"

The two skunks walked up the steps where Lily rang the doorbell. "Would Maxi snitch on this guy?"

"Ivan? Oh pfft, hell no," Lily said. "Not if he knows what's good for him. Ivan's, like, this huge Russian guy so Maxi'd probably get his 'possum ass kicked."

Then, the door opened, and Kappy was surprised to see a large mountain lion at it. The look on his face was skeptical until he saw Lily, and his face broke into a smile. "Lily! Is good to see you!" The accent was unmistakable, which threw Kappy further. "Come in, come in! Introduce me to your friend, ah?" Ivan backed up, allowing the two skunks to enter the building and closed the door behind them.

The two hugged while Kappy stood to the side. "Ivan, this is Kappy. Kappy, Ivan."

Kappy couldn't keep the quizzical expression from her face. "You're Ivan?"

Ivan's smile only grew, and he laughed gently. "Yes, yes, I am Ivan. Not what you expect, eh?"

"Not really," she went on, holding out her hand for a friendly shake. "Expecting a polar bear, but it's nice to meet you."

Instead of shaking it, the cougar took her hand and kissed the back of it gently. "My mother is a snow leopard, moved with my father back to home country after they married. My mother always say I take after my father, heh heh." He turned to Lily, continuing. "Lily, are all of your friends so lovely?"

Both of the skunks laughed, with Lily playfully hitting Ivan's shoulder. "Ivan, you're ridiculous," she said, before walking up the stairs. "C'mon, I wanna see what you got for us."

The three went up to the third floor, where the door to Ivan's room was already open. He lead them to what looked like a well-furnished apartment, and nothing like a typical dealer's den. It seemed like Ivan really had his stuff together, especially compared to Maxi's rundown apartment. "You want something to drink?" he asked them after leading the skunks to the couch.

"Just some water for me," Kappy said, while Lily piped up with "Vodka!" Ivan smirked and left the room. "Really, Lily?" she continued, looking askance at Lily.

Lily grinned. "Oh c'mon, he's Russian! Having vodka with a Russian is, like, required or something, isn't it?"

Kappy rolled her eyes. "And you say he's ridiculous."

"Oh, uh, Kap, can you cover me this time?"


"Yeah, yeah, you know I'm good for it."

"I know that you still owe me for last month before Maxi got busted."

"I know, I know," Lily said, waving a hand dismissively. "But I'm gettin' some money this coming Wednesday and I promise I'll pay you back."

"Like last time you said you'd pay me back?"

"I did pay you back!"

"Almost a month after you said you did."

"But I did pay you!"

Kappy sighed, shaking her head. "Yes, you did pay me back."

"And I'm gonna pay you back this time, too!"

Lily endured Kappy's stare until the latter finally dug into her handbag, opened her wallet and offered the three 20$ bills. Before Lily could take it, Kappy pulled it back. "Get a job, Lily."

"Oh like you have one," Lily shot back, snatching the money.

"I have steadier income than you do."

Ivan came back at that point. "Here we are... drinks for everyone!" He sat down the three separate glasses on the table right in front of the couch, taking the last for himself as he sat down in an armchair. "Good health!" he said, before throwing back his drink. Lily echoed him with "Cheers" but Kappy took a subtle sniff of her water before sipping it.

"You don't trust me?" Ivan said, looking directly at her. This startled Kappy, but she kept a level gaze right back.

"I've had some people try to do it to me before," she answered, taking another sip.

The cougar smirked. "I can see why they would," he said, sitting forward and pointing at her. "But I tell you now, that male who tries to drug you into bed is weak."

Kappy smiled a little back. "Thanks?"

"There are other, better ways to get beautiful female into bed if you possess right things, ah?" Ivan pressed.

Kappy's smile went fixed, slightly. "Thank you, but I do have a boyfriend."

The cougar laughed. "Yes, yes, of course, but you misunderstand me. You agree that there are better ways, yes?" Kappy nodded. "Good, good! Then we are in agreement. Good health!" he said again, taking another swig from his glass.

"Can I get another one?" Lily piped up.

"Ah! I do better." Ivan got up and left the room, coming back in short order with a bottle of vodka. At least, that's what Kappy guessed it was; the label was in Russian, and it certainly smelled like vodka. Ivan opened the bottle and poured Lilly another glass, which she got down to drinking. "But you are not here for that, no? You are here for something else." Reaching beside him, he pulled out a briefcase and opened it. "These are fresh harvested, ah?" The smell of weed permeated the little bags they were held in, all meticulously labeled and color-coded; another thing Maxi didn't do.

"Wow," Kappy said, both eyebrows raised. "Now I'm wondering why we didn't come to Ivan earl-- Lily!"

"What?" she asked, in the middle of pouring herself another glass of vodka.


"S'free booze," she said, halfway to tipping the vodka down her throat.

Ivan chuckled and reached for the bottle. "I put this away, you pick what you want, ah? Is all same price, very good quality."

Kappy managed to get Lily out of there with her purchase and without further incident. Ivan walked them to the door, and watched as she helped the now-tipsy Lily into the seat. "I can't believe you sometimes, Lily," she said, buckling the other skunk's seatbelt, then starting the car.

"Told you I know a guy that sells good stuff, though."

For her part, Kappy was glad to be out of there. Ivan kinda gave her the creeps.


Later, Kappy had to concede that Lily had a point. It was good weed.

She'd taken a toke break from drawing, cracking her neck and leaning back in her chair at her desk. Blowing outward, she watched the smoke drift upward, wending its way without a care for anything else. It was about how she felt right now.

"I'm home!" said a voice, and Kappy perked up slightly, hearing somebody cross through their apartment and open the door to the bedroom. "Hey skunky," said Leon, smiling to her.

"Hey husky," she said in return, getting up and hugging him. They shared a kiss, and she could feel his tail wag even more. "Work was good?"

"Good enough, but I'm about ready to hit the pipe." He made a show of sniffing; Kappy knew he would have smelled the weed as soon as he came in the apartment. "Guess Lily was right about that new dealer, eh?"

"Yeah, apparently he's the guy who supplied Maxi," she said, picking up the bong and taking a hit. She passed it to him with a little cough, and he took his hit, eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Whoa...!" Coughing himself, the husky chuckled and blinking. "Some good stuff... I like this dealer already. What was his name?"

"Ivan," Kappy answered simply, watching Leon take another hit before pulling the bong away. "But let's talk about somethin' else."

"Oh yeah? What?"

The skunk moved to run her hands under the husky's shirt. "Took some pictures today."

"Of what?"

Kappy grinned. "Garden in the back. Tomatoes are growing in nicely, and that melon is starting to bear, too."

"Sounds pretty tasty," Leon replied, grinning back.

"Also took some other pictures," she went on, gently pushing Leon towards the bed.

"Yeah? What-- whoa!" Leon's arms windmilled briefly as he was pushed down, while his shirt was tugged from him and tossed to the floor. Kappy crawled onto the bed, tail held high, conscious of the light thumping that Leon's tail made.

"You check your phone recently?" she asked, straddling his legs, a finger drawing over the husky's chest.

"You want me to check it now?" At her nod, he dug his phone out of his pocket and saw the three new messages. "Wha'd you-- oh." The pictures were of Kappy herself, topless and squeezing her breasts together. The second was an ass shot, the third was a dildo ride. So distracted was he that he failed to notice his zipper come down, his pants unbuckled, with them and underwear pulled low enough to expose him. "You've been a... busy girl, huh?" he went on, smirking as he propped himself up on his elbows. Kappy was between his legs, taking another hit off the bong. The skunk exhaled, tongue extended and dragging it up his shaft. Soon, her lips were wrapped around his tip and heading down, eyes closing as her tongue feathered right under the shaft. The husky moaned, which made Kappy smile even as she sucked more of him into her muzzle.

A hand came down on her blonde hair, stroking it back. Even that simple action made her squirm, trying to relieve her growing tension without using her hands. By now, the skunk had closed her eyes, delving deeper into the slow, easy slurping, ears perked and listening to the growing husky pants. "Baby...!" was the cry when he came, that grip in her hair getting tight while she took his two shots. He held her for the duration, relaxing in a sigh and letting her come up. His gaze was dreamy as she snuck up his body, pressing him into a kiss and letting a little of his seed leak into his mouth. There was a moment of surprise, followed by a very enthusiastic kiss while their tongues slid against one another, making pleased growls at each other.

Leon made a show of licking his lips when the kiss ended. "Mmm.. tasty."

Kappy giggled. "You're so silly."

"Sorry I was a bit of a quick trigger there."

"That's fine... I expected it." A finger played down his bared chest.

"Those were some slammin' pictures, babe."

"'Sides, I know how you can make it up to me."

Both of Leon's eyebrows raised. "Oh yeah?" Kappy nodded, grinning wider. "Bet I know how..." Before she could react, he had her squeaking and laughing as he attacked her neck with little nips and kisses, trailing down her body before he finally got in between her legs. He may have had a quick trigger, but he certainly made up for it with enthusiasm in eating her out.


"Dammit, Lily..." Kappy said, glancing at her phone once more. She put it down as she drove out of the intersection, trying to remember the directions. Ivan's house was supposed to be around here, but she couldn't seem to find it among the other, similarly built houses. Once she got to another stop sign, she picked up her phone again, frowning at the screen.

"@ Ivans alredy! C U ther!" it read, just as it had the last time and the time before that. Nor did it help that by now, Lily's phone had to have 6 missed phone calls from Kappy alone, along with quite a few unanswered texts. It wasn't that she hadn't been to Ivan's a few times already, because she had. The problem was that she hasn't paid too much attention to the directions that Lily gave because she'd always been there, and not having her presented a problem. Luckily, a few minutes of driving yielded a half-remembered landmark, which led to another, which led to the skunk slapping her head when she finally stopped in front of Ivan's house. She'd have to remember it on her way over next time.

A few minutes after that and Kappy was at the front door, knocking. There was no answer. Frowning, the skunk knocked again, and then once more, still to no avail. Was Ivan out? She rang the doorbell and checked her phone again, tail twitching. Still no response from Lily, which was infuriatingly expected. On a whim, she tried the door knob and was surprised when it gave, freezing as the door drifted open.

The first thing that hit the skunk's nose was the heavy scent of Mary Jane. She looked furtively to both sides before stepping inside, closing and locking the door behind her. No point in creating another Maxi if she could help it. Inside, it was slightly stronger. That was probably why Lily wasn't answering her phone, Kappy thought angrily. It was because she was already high! A few sniffs to both sides, and she determined that the scent was coming from up the stairs. That made sense, since neither Lily nor her had seen much of the house outside of where Ivan dealt. Still... Kappy hesitated at the stairs before going up them.

The dank smell pulled her towards Ivan's room, which she expected. What she didn't expect were the low growls coming from it. This door was also open, leading her to the living room-ish area she had seen a few times before. The low sounds of somebody growling or grunting or something came from another room. The smell wasn't any stronger from that direction, but Kappy still felt pulled toward it. And now that she was closer to the source, there was another, wet sound. It created an idea in her head, which made her wonder where Lily was, anyway.

She wasn't around, though there was evidence that she had been there; there was a joint that was still smoking though there didn't seem to be much left to smoke. Under the heavy scent of weed, Kappy could smell Lily and Ivan, though it was a little hard to be sure... unless she used her phone. Quickly, the skunk tapped out a message: "I'm at Ivans. Where r u?" A half-second after she hit send, she heard a vibrating coming from the other room. The same one she had heard the grunting sounds come from... though now there was something else.

"What was that?" asked a voice. Kappy thought it was Ivan's.

"My phone," said another. "Don't worry about it." Kappy was_sure_ that was Lily's.

"Lily, what the hell, that's m--" Kappy started, but the words left her as soon as she opened the door.

Sitting on the bed was Ivan, the tawny cougar seemed mostly at ease, but for a few seconds of irritation that softened when he saw who was at the door. In between his legs was Lily, and both looked a little high. Kappy couldn't see much of Lily beyond some of her back and the big brown-and-white tail, so it wasn't certain whether she had her clothes on, because Ivan was most definitely naked. And in Lily's hands was... well, it was the biggest dick since... since...

"I'm sorry," Kappy said, and closed the door.

"Give me moment!" Ivan bellowed. Kappy didn't see what else he was doing, just heard Lily make a sound of protest before some wet noises were heard.

She wasn't sure what to think now, and the fact that she might be getting a contact high from the weed still in the air didn't help. Finding what was left of that still smoking joint, the skunk dragged the last of it to try and calm herself down. It didn't necessarily help that the sounds coming from the next room painted a fairly clear picture of what was going on: Ivan was probably face-fucking Lily, who made sounds as if she either enjoyed it or didn't with no inbetween.

Before she could get up the nerve to actually move, the sounds in there shifted to a sudden deep growling. That had to have been Ivan finishing. Kappy was staring at the door with a low sense of dread when it finally opened, with the cougar striding out. "Hah! Sorry about that. Lily, she is taking too long with blowjob, so I finish it for her, heh." Ivan stopped and stretched, and a certain body part swayed lightly with every movement of his body. Kappy tried not to look at that, and instead tried to concentrate on other things. Like, for example, the rest of Ivan's body, and he was not bad to look at. He wasn't exactly a Grecian god but he obviously kept himself well. The problem with looking at anywhere but his face led Kappy's eyes to being sucked toward--

"Kappy, yes?" The skunk nodded, breaking out of the reverie. "Yes, yes... you come for some of this, yes?" Her eyes caught the movement of his tail as it lazily flicked about, which soon had her looking at his ass. It was not a bad ass.


Kappy managed to shake herself while Ivan fished out the box of weed, placing it on the coffee table and opening it. "Take you time, eh? Lily still has sore jaw, heh." Kappy did not deny that, but chose to do so silently, trying to keep her mind on figuring out which kind of weed she wanted. They were still color-coded, but for some reason she couldn't remember what the labels were.

"Do I distract you?" Ivan said, which made the skunk look at him. He was leaning back on the armchair, ankle hanging off his knee, shifted to the corner facing her and with an arm draped over the back. His smile had him perfectly at ease.

"No," Kappy said, hopefully not as defensively as she thought it was. She looked back at the selection of weed, trying to focus.

"I say because last time, you pick weed you want quick. Time before that, also quick. This time, not so quick." There was a pause before he went on. "So I ask, because I am curious."

"About what?" The skunk pulled a bag seemingly at random, and pressed it to her nose to inhale. It had a bit of a calming effect on her, as well as giving her a good insight into the quality of the product. But then, Ivan had always had quality product, unlike Maxi.

"I am wondering what you are thinking," Ivan continued. "I have idea, but I want to know for sure."

Opening her eyes, Kappy finally saw a label. Pineapple Express, like the movie. "I'm thinking that I want this kind," she told Ivan, glancing at him while hefting the bag. Putting it down, she dug into her wallet and forked over the money, but frowned in confusion as the cougar folded her hand over the cash. "What?"

"Lily pay for you."

"Lily has money?"

Ivan chuckled at that. "Lily say to me, she say 'Ivan, I want weed, I no have money. What I do for you is I give you blowjob and you give me weed.'"

"She paid for us both with a blowjob?"

The cougar shook his head, smirking. "Lily pay for her with first blowjob. But then she say that blowjob not enough. She push me onto bed and ride me like cheeky skunk. Then she say, 'I want to pay for my friend' and we do, ah... boobjob is word, yes? And then we do doggy. And now, now I am thinking she want to see how much I have to give."

"Lily proposed that?" Kappy still held the money in her hand, not quite prepared to put it away.

In answer, the cougar raised his voice. "Lily! Come out here, please!"

There was some shifting, and the other skunk leaned against the doorway, completely naked and with her fur mussed. "What's taking so long?" she asked, her voice unusually bubbly.

Kappy got right to the point. "Is he forcing you?"

Lily shook her head and giggled. "It started off to cover you for once, and then he kept staying hard..." Now, Lily was staring directly at where Kappy had been avoiding, and with the words "staying hard" in her ears, she looked too. And he was hard. It had dried off a bit from exposure, but the scent was unmistakable; Lily had that rod inside her, and that same rod kept reminding Kappy of --

"You almost done?" Lily asked, twirling a curl of her hair.

"In few moments," the cougar answered.

"Ask her," Lily replied, skipping back into the room.

"Ask me what?" said Kappy.

Ivan grinned. "Lily is thinking that you would join, but I am thinking... not today, ah?" Standing, he picked up the case and put it away. "Unless I am wrong?"

"Boyfriend," Kappy said reflexively.

"Ah." Ivan walked to the door before stopping again. "This boyfriend... you love him?"


The cougar smiled, and this time it seemed a little wistful. "I am thinking this boyfriend of yours is very, very lucky to have you." Inclining his head, he closed the door behind him. Kappy stared after the door for a moment, then heard a loud slap, making her jump. There was some murmuring, another swat, and then a long, audible moan from Lily.

But what stuck with Kappy was that thought she'd been avoiding this whole time, that couldn't be denied anymore. Now that she had seen Ivan's dick, she couldn't help but be strongly reminded of Leon's.


"Hey Kappy," said Leon as he came in.

The skunk perked up, then danced out of the kitchen, kissing him on his cheek. "How was work?"

"Whatcha makin'?" Leon asked.

Frowning slightly, she answered him. "Pasta, with some mushrooms and tomato sauce. Is something wrong?"

The husky said nothing for a moment, then hugged around her waist. "They cut my hours."

"Oh no!" Kappy pulled back to look at him. "What's happened?"

"Fucking recession," Leon spat. "Everybody's hours got cut, and the owner's just trying to keep the place open. But until then, well... it's gonna be lean for a while."

"Okay. No, that's okay, we can make this work. I can pick up a few more commissions, and we'll be okay."

"Can you?"

"Well... yeah. I mean, I could do a few auctions, you know... it's alright. We'll be okay."

They spent a few moments hugging one another before Leon pulled away. "Is the pasta ready yet?"

"No, it needs a few more minutes."

"I'm gonna go smoke a bowl, then. Probably gonna be the last time for a while after we run out." With a kiss to her forehead, Leon left the room, Kappy trying to think of other ways they could cut back.

And then one occurred to her.


Two-and-a-half weeks later, Kappy was in her car again, driving to Ivan's. Stretching the weed out got a little painful at the end; even though the cougar's stuff was good, the little bits of weed that were left seemed like they were seeds or worse, making both her and Leon cough. They'd gone sober for the last few days, but Kappy really missed it. Besides, Leon didn't need to be more irritable when he came home from work...and that was what pushed her hand into action. That, and the recession seemed to dry up her clients as well, so there wasn't too much more money that she was able to make drawing. Well... at least not yet. There was still the ad that she placed which might drive in more traffic but until then, the 60$ she had to purchase seemed to burn a hole in her wallet as she found the place and parked.

The house was the same as ever, mildly imposing. After closing the door, the skunk took a few moments fluffing out her voluminous tail, which seemed flatter for some reason. No self-respecting skunk would go anywhere with a flat tail, so that consumed her for a good five minutes until she got it respectable. Kappy also knew she was stalling, so after taking a breath to steel herself, she went up to the front door and rang the bell. After a minute, Kappy said "Oh well," and began to escape, but then the door opened behind her.

"Kappy?" came the strong-accented voice. Kappy turned, and saw a smile blossom over Ivan's face. "Kappy! I have not seen you in a while! Come in, come in!" Opening the screen door, he held both open. Kappy put on a smile and did as bid. Inside, it was the same as before; perfectly neat and clean, and quite unlike the almost literal crack den that Maxi dealt out of. Perhaps that was what disturbed her about the place; it was at once normal and unusual for her. "Are you well?" Ivan went on, closing the door behind her. "How have you been, eh? Lily asked about you, said she had not seen you lately."

Lily. She'd have to return a call or two at some point, but she didn't have the resources to go out partying and Lily almost never took 'no' for an answer. "Yeah... she usually wants me to go out when she calls, and I haven't been able to go out very often. I just wanna buy some weed, though."

Ivan smiled warmly. "Upstairs, then," he said, and led the way. Kappy tried not to look at the cougar's butt, but his lazily swinging tail just drew her eye. It was such a nice butt... well maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Ivan served her a drink, and then brought out his briefcase as before. When it got to payment, though, she hesitated. "Something wrong?" Ivan asked, head tilted.

How to phrase this, indeed. The skunk was silent for a time, before she finally found the words that sounded decent enough to say. "I'm... wondering if there are... alternate methods of payment."

"You need to run tab?" Ivan said, frowning.

"No, no... if anything that would be worse, eheh. No, just..." It was times like these that Kappy wished she could just project what she wanted to say without saying it. Oh well, here it goes. "I'm looking to get the kind of deal that... that Lily got," she said, looking up at the cougar.

Ivan's ears cupped forward, and his eyes narrowed slightly. "This is what you want?" She nodded, grateful that he didn't decide to grin. She did notice his scent shift slightly, though she couldn't quite tell to what. "What are you prepared to offer, ah?"

"I'll blow you."

He appeared to think this over, then locked eyes with her. "You are sure?" This nod was slower, but she was decisive. Finally, he allowed himself a grin. "I am looking forward to this. So... how you want to do this?"

Kappy wasn't sure how to proceed. It was out there, it was happening more or less... but she hadn't really done this with somebody she wasn't in a relationship with. That, and she wasn't Lily, even though she'd specifically requested her 'discount'. Fuck.

But then Ivan moved. She looked up at him as he went around the table to sit next to her. "You are not like your friend. No... party skunk in you, eh?" Another smile, and all the malice that was in it Kappy thought she projected. "Is okay. So, we start slow, eh?" He took her hand, and placed it on his crotch. "Is warm, yes?"

"I know what a crotch feels like," Kappy said, ears pulling back.

Unfazed, the cougar smirked at her. "Now you know how my crotch feel like." He moved his paws and let her keep hers there or not. She did, strangely fascinated by it as it filled out in his pants. Kappy even squeezed it, though not hard, and she let out a small gasp when it surged into her hand.

"Is enough," said Ivan, moving her paw to his leg as he unbuttoned, pushing his pants down. He lifted himself slightly from the couch, which obscured the important parts from the skunk until he sat back down again. Again, she was reminded how very-- Let's not think about that now, she told herself. By the time Ivan moved to take her hand again, she lightly smacked it out of the way and took hold of the member herself.

That made her pause again; this time, the skunk pushed through her hesitation, stroking the cougar's cock, trying to concentrate on anything aside of how warm it felt. To her surprise, Ivan's tip was leaking already. She noticed this by the slight sound as her fingers got to the top and went down, the flesh starting to glisten from just the handjob. It was fascinating; she'd never encountered a guy that made this much, this fast. When Kappy looked up at him then, she found his gaze intent, though his overall manner was relaxed. The expectation in his look made her nervous all over again, and conscious of what she had promised. Glancing away, the skunk left the couch to sink to her knees, situating herself in between Ivan's legs.

From here, his scent was more pronounced. It held that note that tugged at some primal part of her brain, telling her she should either book it or prepare to spray him if he makes the wrong move. Another glance upward did nothing to quell the feeling, so she tried to push that away as much as she could. Another few strokes, and she leaned forward.

The taste was stronger than Kappy expected it to be. It wasn't bad, not really, and it was enticing enough for her to continue, eyes only half-open while she concentrated on the staff in front of her. Even though his scent was profoundly different from Leon's, well... the size of it, and the general feel of it in her mouth allowed her the fantasy that she was sucking on husky dick, allowing her to closer her eyes and dip her muzzle more. Maybe Leon had eaten something funky, or... whatever. The point was, even as she took a breath and pushed it down, deeper into her muzzle, swallowing over the tip a few times was that it could be Leon's...

"Look at me," said a voice that was very much not Leon's. "Please," came the perfunctory addendum, and the skunk opened her eyes and did as she was told. She could see out of the corner of her eye that wasn't moving very much.. Kappy didn't know enough about cats to know what that meant, but she interpreted the purr she heard as good. "Yes," he said, staring down at her. "Just like that."

They stared at each other for a few seconds, something that made Kappy a little more uneasy. Thankfully, he broke the stare by throwing his head back and exhaling, allowing the skunk back to the business of sucking him off. She twisted her head slightly, running her tongue along the side of him, though that was mostly something that Leon liked. It drew and involuntary little thrust that she rode. A half-second later, the purring volume went up. Had to be a good sign. And the fact that worked emboldened her a little.

She held the big cougar in one hand, tongue sliding over the head like a lollipop. A groan was the response, as well as a spurt of pre. This surprised her because Leon... well, Leon didn't produce this much. It made things a whole lot messier on her hand, which she hid by holding onto Ivan's leg as the cougar's head slipped between her lips once more. Another thing that was different from just about any other guy she'd sucked off was... well, she sorta had to swallow a lot. Popping off, she panted over the shiny tip, even as more dribbled out of his tip. Was he...?

"Heh... not yet, little skunk," Ivan said, grinning at her. The cougar squeezed the base of his shaft, more of the pre flowing out. He let go and it stopped, but then the fluid started up again after a few moments. "But do not stop now, eh? Why not do, ah... ice cream lick, like before." Kappy's ears flicked, slightly annoyed. She wasn't quite sure why she was annoyed, but she complied. "Yes... like that," Ivan purred, petting over her head. Now that she was licking up all the mess, she didn't have to deal with it on her hands. Which left her open to another problem.

Kappy pulled her tail down as covertly as possible, still concentrating on slurping up the stiff, leaking dick. The hand not holding Ivan fell between her legs, which made it twitch, wanting to take care of a sudden, burning need. She tried to keep the flush from her face, because this had never been an issue before...but now it was. The skunk lowered her eyes, simply concentrating on the cock, but even then she couldn't stop herself from tilting her muzzle to the side, feathering her tongue around the head, daintily sucking at it. Her body trembled, and the next breath came out in a shaky rush. Dammit. When she looked up at Ivan's face, he had that undeniably male stare; it was a combination of desire and the knowledge that he was doing that to her. Fuck.

The skunk ignored it, instead breathing through her nose as she went to suck on him again. This time, though, her legs closed around her hand, just keeping still and trying not to move too much. Holding herself didn't affect her concentration, however, as her tongue danced upon his shaft. Ivan started muttering soft words in Russian, and though she couldn't understand them, the idea that they were lewd didn't leave her mind, making her blush even more. Then he said something, stroking down her neck... then into her back, nails catching slightly in her shirt. It made her tail stand up, and she pulled off of him, gasping shortly. His response was just a short chuckle, and now she knew she had to end it. She'd swallowed enough pre for at least two productive orgasms, things she'd coaxed from Leon a handful of times, so she had to end it. Things were getting too embarrassing.

There was one trick that she hadn't tried yet. Pulling the other hand from between her legs, she tugged gently on his balls while stroking with her right. Her teeth (lightly) held the tip, and she simply let her tongue run wild on the surface. Doing this, she knew Leon would cum in a matter of seconds.

Ivan took nearly a minute.

Kappy had been concentrating so hard on her writhing tongue that the first shot caught her by surprise. It hit the roof of her mouth, and she swallowed on reflex. The second was soon after the first, and she managed to pull her mouth off after three and half of four. Five draped across her muzzle and came dangerously close to an eye, while six caught the back of an ear. Seven, eight, and nine were weaker, splattering over her muzzle and nose before a late spurt in ten was the end of it.

There was nothing but breathing for a few moments after that, with Kappy afraid to blink. "Please, let me get that for you," rumbled Ivan, picking up her chin. But before the skunk could do a thing, he had leaned in and started licking her face. Unsure of what to do, she let his slightly rough tongue pick up the deposited seed, even when it strayed close to her eye. The moment he finished and let go of her, she jerked back, tempted to pull up her legs and spray him. Ivan chuckled, which made the skunk both annoyed and flush more. Something about that laugh just wrapped around her, though part of it had to be her vulnerable state. "I am thinking something," he began, still looking pretty pleased with himself.


"I am thinking... for what you want, you pay me too much."

"What?" Now Kappy looked up at the cougar. He still grinned, but his eyes seemed kindly.

"I am thinking, I lie down on bed, and we do the, ah... the sixty-nine, yes?" Oh god, he was still hard.

She didn't want to know what it took to get him soft, so she just shook her head.

Ivan nodded simply. "I get you weed, then." Standing, he put himself away, and opened up the compartment that stored the weed bags. "Here you go." When Kappy saw the outstretched hand, it had two bags in it.

"I... only paid for one bag."

The cougar snorted. "Is no trouble. Take."


Ivan took her hand and pressed the two bags into it. "Is gift. Take." He helped her up, steadying her with a hand on her hip as she stumbled very slightly. "You okay?" Still not trusting herself to speak, she nodded, taking a breath that was thankfully clear. Ivan looked her over. "I help you to car," he said. It was an odd offer, considering the neighborhood, but Kappy saw no harm in letting him. She did just blow him, after all. The skunk also found her body oddly wired, so much so that she was afraid she might accidentally spray something. It helped to keep her tail down as she descended the stairs after Ivan, walking through the opened door.

But then, the cougar placed a hand on her hip, pacing her as they went the short distance to her car. It was also odd, enough that her tail twitched slightly, but she managed to keep it under control. It stopped when she went around to the driver's side and got in, but the cougar leaned on the door, peering through the window. Her ears pulled back, Kappy lowered the window. "What's up?"

"If you need alternate payment again, just ask, eh? Is no problem if Lily here or not here, maybe you pay together, heh."

Kappy flushed. "I'll keep that in mind."

Ivan smirked, tapping the car as he turned to go back inside. Kappy was off soon after that, and unfortunately, her words proved prophetic. If anything, replying the scene in her mind got the skunk hotter, and then came unbidden fantasies involving Lily somehow. When they started involving Leon, too, she was just glad that she'd managed to get home without crashing into anything.

The keys were suddenly hard to handle, especially with her hands trembling. Kappy couldn't remember a time that she'd gotten this hot, though her mind wasn't quite in the right state to put things into context properly. And then the door opened, finally, and her mind went on one track. "Leon?"

"Hey, babe, what's up?" he called from the other room. The skunk made a beeline to him. The husky had been drawing and looked up as she entered the bedroom. "How's th--" He didn't get much farther because Kappy grabbed him by the shoulders and pressed him into a deep kiss. It wasn't until after that she thought Leon might be able to taste the remnants of Ivan's cum.

Part of her wished that Leon did. But either he didn't, or he didn't say anything as more kisses rained on him while she tore at his clothes.


Later, they lay tangled in the bed. Leon flopped a hand to his jaw, working it out before lying flat against the bed. Kappy stared at him, a hand gently clutching his chest. "Damn," he managed, blowing out a huge breath.

"Mmhm," the skunk agreed, her voice a little sore. Hopefully the neighbors didn't mind. She didn't remember seeing their car parked when she pulled in. She didn't remember much after she'd gotten home, really.

"Is that... what happens when you don't play with your toys or something?" he tried, head lolling over to look at her. His grin was tired, and for good reason. "Holy crap, it hurts to smile a little..."

"Something like that," Kappy replied, though she couldn't return his smile. She hid it by nuzzling into Leon's neck, giving that a small lick.

"Oh, baby, baby..." The husky gently pushed at her chest, and she moved away. "Kaps. I can't right now, I really can't."

Kappy grinned, stroking over the husky's chest. "Sorry..."

"Liar," Leon said with a tired grin. And in truth, he really did look worn out.

"You want me to get you something?" asked the skunk, starting to sit up. She'd probably be sore later, but not as sore as Leon would be.

"Uh... maybe a hand up or somethin'... also, could you, uh, get the dildo...?"

Kappy couldn't help but grin. She leaned over and kissed on his nose while slowly extracting the large faux cock from Leon's backside. The husky shivered, and she leaned over to watch him twitch down there. "Can't believe you took this bad boy."

"I can't believe you just jammed it up there!" he replied, then finally lay completely flat against the bed. Smiling, Kappy scooted herself from the bed, stretching out to the ceiling. Instead of just tired, there was an undercurrent of energy in her that she was running off of. It felt similar to the driving need that made her pounce Leon in the first place, but nowhere near as urgent. When she moved to leave the room, she looked back and saw Leon staring at her.


He grinned. "Nothin'... I'm just so lucky to have you." The skunk blushed, and he went on, "so long as you're up, could you get me some water? I need to replenish my fluids."

They both had a laugh at that, though Leon's was noticeably quieter. Kappy finally left the room, and as she did some of her anxieties launched from the rafters to roost on her shoulders.

Exactly what had she done with Ivan? Well... it was pretty obvious but what did it mean? Was getting weed so desperate an occurrence that she'd resort to that regularly? She wasn't a whore, that's for damn sure. But at the same time, her mind guided her toward the visual of the spit-slick cougar cock, barely losing its hardness after spilling a prodigious load in and around her face. The other visuals flowed quick and fast through that small opening: Ivan lifting her chin and dragging his tongue over her muzzle; her staring into his eyes, watching the arousal and her actions play across his features, which led to the skunk thinking and fantasizing of exactly what he had been doing with Lily.

Pouring the water out from the tap, she tried to push these thoughts from her mind but they were insistent on settling, weighing on her shoulders like snow on an old roof. She shook her head again to clear it, but the snow turned to crows, lifting off for a time only to settle in more or less the same positions as before, with each little worry combining to provide a heavy weight. Again Kappy shook herself, realizing that the cup had started to overflow, dumping out some before returning to the bedroom. "Here you go, husky."

Leon had managed to sit up in her absence, but had also dragged over a pillow to sit on. He still looked a little uncomfortable. "Thank you, stinks." He took a long sip, then sighed. "We don't have any weed left, do we? I could totally go for a smoke."

"I actually got some today, uh..." Rifling through the fallen clothing took a second, but Kappy soon came up with the two bags.


Shit. "Oh, uh. I talked with the dealer. He threw in a second for free. I mean, economy and everything." There, just enough truth to make Kappy feel bad.

"Really? Well damn, that dealer's a pretty great guy. Could you pack a bowl for me, babe?"

She did, and they shared a smoke together. It did make Kappy feel better, plus just laughing with her husky at stupid Internet things while naked created an intimate feeling that was too strong to let doubts settle. This is what a relationship was all about; enjoying the company of loved ones. Sex was just a great bonus.

So why was she lying awake, late into the night?

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