Up Late

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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It's late. Eshe just got home and it's been a rough time at work. And she really wants to scratch an itch with her boyfriend, Kenyi, only he's asleep.

This isn't a problem.

Up Late by pj wolf

"I'm home," Eshe called out, closing the door behind her and letting out a sigh. She stopped and stretched out, immediately slumping against the door. Long day didn't even begin to describe it. The mental fatigue was so great that she hardly noticed the bluish light until it turned another color. Curiosity piqued, the lioness pulled herself from the door frame and went into the living room.

As she suspected, it was the TV, with Kenyi's ears visible. She smiled and walked forward. Kenyi was a sweetie, really, and it was nice to see that the serval had stayed up for her. She made a mental note to thank him for being so understanding with all the late nights this new project at work had forced her into. "Hey shorty," she said, leaning over the back of the couch and pulling him into a hug. "Sorry I'm home so late."

No response. She glanced down at him and blinked, missing whatever inane programming was on at this time of night. Now that she was right next to him it was easy to hear hear his slow, even breathing. The closed eyes were even more of a giveaway. Eshe let out a soft chuckle and nuzzled Kenyi again. So he hadn't stayed up. At least he tried, and that was something.

The TV wasn't on very loudly, which made for a comforting sort of background noise while Eshe looked down at her boyfriend. He looked peaceful, and if anything cuter than he usually was. So he was short; Eshe actually liked that about him. That, and he seemed to prefer to have a woman to look up to. Something about being the perfect head height to nuzzle into her breasts or something. Her hands drifted along his chest and sides, reacquainting herself with the form she knew so well. As she slid lower, she was aware of another thing that she'd been neglecting.

Eshe made a face and sighed. Nowadays, when she got home all she wanted to think about was getting to bed. And Kenyi had been magnificently patient with her, as well, even offering the occasional backrub when she'd been conscious enough to accept one. She knew that he'd want sex. Before this project cut into things, they did it almost daily. Of late she'd been too exhausted to do anything, much as she might want to. Thankfully, things were starting to wind down, leaving her nights free for the foreseeable future.

It had been a while. A long while. The heat that was building within her kept rising as her hands stroked over Kenyi's body, but even hints of her claws didn't stir him. She was a bit more insistent with her nuzzling, but that also turned up nothing. Increasingly, she didn't care. It was enough that he was here, and he was warm and close, and then that wasn't enough, either. Carefully, the lioness popped the button, then unzipped him, exposing his cute little boxer-briefs. Fingers slowly caressed over the lump she found there, and she grinned when it started to get larger. From the serval, there was only a slight adjustment in breathing even as his arousal started to seep into the air.

After a moment more of playing around, Eshe moved around the couch to the front, slowly tugging down Kenyi's pants. The serval was still asleep for all she knew, but his body was responding very nicely. Maybe because she was a full head taller than him, but his erection always seemed a little oversized. Not that she would complain, it was just that the first time they were together that way, it was large enough that she thought he was too big for her. Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

Having that warm, pulsing length in her hands made her even more aroused from the sheer wrongness of it all. Here she was, molesting her boyfriend and he wasn't even awake for it! But even so, the familiar scent made her grin and lick at the serval's tip, glancing up at his face every so often for reactions. For the most part, there was nothing, but he did show an occasional twitch in his brow. But nothing really changed except for his arousal increasing, and soon she was just going for it, dragging her tongue up the entirety of Kenyi's shaft like a lollipop, and starting to get a salty treat at the top. Eshe couldn't help herself now; she was purring, and even that she tried to keep as quiet as possible. Soon, her tongue was swirling around his head, then captured between her lips as she stroked over him. Now there was a hitch in his breathing, and she froze, looking up. Whatever it was, the lioness didn't see him waking still, not even the glimmer of eyeshine from the light of the TV. Pulling back, she stroked over his entire length, using her other hand just for the tip before lowering her muzzle once more.

With her tail slowly whipping from one side to the next, she kissed on his tip, opening her lips to engulf more of him. Maybe it was just the fact that it had been a while, but taking him into her mouth had never felt quite as satisfying as it did now. Exhaling through her nose, she went down to about halfway on his length, slowly pulling up. She lost herself in that motion for a short while before finally looking up and seeing that yes, he was still asleep. She'd never known him before to be this heavy of a sleeper, but now she was starting to wonder exactly how far she could push it.

It grew to a sort of game: how much could she do without waking him. Rolling her tongue around his head made him twitch, but sucking on his balls relaxed him further. Outright sucking did little to stir him, except when she started picking up speed. His cute ears even flicked as she got loud with her slurping. Breathing seemed to make him squirm but not actually wake, almost as if something was bothering him and he didn't know what it was.

None of this was doing much to help soothe the growing fire between her legs. A paw got wedged between them at first, which was enough for a while. But then presence became rubbing which became direct stimulation, making her breathe faster. Something about this was unspeakably arousing, and the lioness wasn't sure she would tell Kenyi what she had done. Assuming he ever asked.

It was a good thing that she was busy sucking on him, because otherwise she'd have to find a way to cover the other sounds she was making. The serval still seemed dead to the world despite Eshe's best efforts at skirting as close to the line as possible. That was both frustrating and testament to her skill. But now that she held him, stroking over his spit-shined cock while licking the head, Eshe really, really, really wanted something more inside her.

Her patience finally wore thin and she kicked off her pants, climbing carefully on top of her lover. "I love you" she whispered to him, swinging across his lap and lightly sitting on his thighs. Eshe could smell how aroused she was, and part of her had to wonder if, deep down, Kenyi knew it too. If nothing else, his body was responding plenty well to the stimulation, short of actually rousing him.

Scooting forward, she grabbed the back of the couch, her other hand drifting down the serval's slight chest before coming to his cock. Oh yeah, something was definitely working properly. Licking over her lips, Eshe tilted her hips upward, exhaling softly when her sex met his. Again, she flicked her gaze upward, finding him still out. Part of her wondered exactly how heavy a sleeper he could be, the other part wanting to make sure he wasn't dead or something while she enjoyed herself.

The lioness wasn't sure that just impaling herself on him wouldn't wake him, and for whatever reason she didn't want to do that yet. This was odd but nice, grinding on his shaft, hearing the motions slowly get wetter, the scent stronger. She doubted that he'd ever do this when awake; something about wanting to be inside her with fingers and tongue, maybe. It was harder to think with this direct stimulation, making it all the more amazing that he continued to sleep through it.

Shivering, Eshe leaned forward, biting the couch to keep from making anything louder than small whimpers. It felt like a puddle was developing on Kenyi's legs, encouraging her to speed up and almost press him inside her fully. It didn't get that far, though her hips were working to bring her higher when...

It was the most silent orgasm she'd ever had. She only let out a few short, harsh breaths and a few small whines while her pussy clamped down on nothing, and her body flowed through tremors and peaks. Even reeling from that climax, she wanted another one. Just not... quite yet. She came down and panted as softly as she could manage, finding Kenyi starting to stir. She blinked quite a few times as she watched him settle back into sleep, though she could see the smile on his face. So am I a good dream now, she thought with amusement. She had to be; he was still snoring slightly.

Even though she could feel how matted down the fur on his thighs was, the lioness shifted and slowly sank herself down on him, exhaling through her nose. She pointed her muzzle at the ceiling, loving that stretch the serval gave her every time they were together. Settling on his lap again, she ground into him while her lower lips twitched and grabbed at his cock, holding him for a half-second at a time. It took her a little bit to regain control of her suddenly sensitive form, because usually she wasn't getting fucked for orgasm number two. Eshe made a mental note to have Kenyi push her over the edge whenever he wanted to go down on her first, to see if it would be any different.

Eventually, the tremors stopped enough for her to move. Another careful exhale, and she was stirring him in her, hips moving up and down. It wasn't the swift pace that she knew Kenyi was capable of, but it was satisfying in it's own way. At least, it was enough to have her start to poke her claws into Kenyi's shoulder, and after a brief stirring by him, she moved her hands to the couch. After all, it wouldn't be the first time that the lioness poked holes into the couch.

The relatively slow pace was maddening in its own way. It was certainly enough to scratch the itch, but in an unusual enough way that it kept her off balance just enough. She had to get used to this feeling, a sort of pleasurable agony that had her gritting her teeth and breathing harshly at the ceiling. A whole new set of shivers ran through her body, making her both want to move faster and stop entirely. Letting go of a quiet sigh seemed to soothe some of the turmoil within her, but there was still a glow that was just starting to grow brighter.

Eshe wasn't quite sure where time was going. Most of her world was consumed with riding Kenyi, and not waking the serval up. Somehow, she was able to do both at the same time, even though she saw signs of him getting close. All she knew was that she was close too, but riding an edge that had become maddening to cross. "Fuck it," she said, and rose up.

The first impact was enough to startle Kenyi awake. The rest had him blinking in confusion while the lioness rode him hard and fast, her claws digging into his shoulders. Her closed eyes and scrunched face did nothing to lessen the confusion. He was breathing rapidly, trying to process the cacophony of information before he was thrown into an orgasm. Hunching forward, his claws dug into her still-moving hips, finally finding something to hold onto when the lioness's body seized his cock. It was enough to make him gasp with how tight it was, and again when the constriction eased for a half-second.

"Oh god," Eshe muttered, flopping against her boyfriend. There was nothing for a time, and then she started to purr involuntarily, nuzzling to his cheek. Blinking, the serval's ears flicked at the sudden affection.

"...did we just have sex?"

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