What It's Like

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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Well, seems like I got rejected from Heat mag again. On the plus side, you guys get to enjoy the story for free! Huzzah!

Anyway, this story is a bit of a sequel to Mouse Porn (also found on SF here) but sorta covers the same ground... I dunno. Also, straight anal seems to be a rarity in these parts, so perhaps this will help that.

Do enjoy.

What It's Like by pyrostinger

"Earth to Emma, come in, Emma."

The brown mouse twitched, then blinked owlishly. She heard a giggle, which snapped her back to the chipmunk sitting across from her, a celery stick in her paw. "Oh, um... sorry," she said, looking back down at her soup.

"Guess you're way over Dean already, huh?" asked the chipmunk, taking a bite of the celery. She chuckled again, this time softly as she chewed. "Mm. I don't think I've ever seen you this bad before."

"Sorry, Susie," Emma mumbled, spooning up her soup.


"So... what?"

"What's his name?"

She tried to hide the blush that sprang up, and failed. "W-what makes you think--?"

The chipmunk rolled her eyes, pointing the celery at her. "Emma, we've been friends since college and I think I know you by now. Don't you remember the skunk you fell for, sophomore year? You're worse now than you were then, and then I thought you were hearing wedding bells."

There was silence for a time. "Is it really that bad?" said the mouse, looking up.

Susie nodded. "Mmhm. And from what you told me about Dean there's no way that dog is getting a second date, so let's not play around. Just tell me about him, alright?" Emma chose this moment to start with the soup again, trying not to think too hard. "C'mon, girl, dish!" the chipmunk pressed. "I wanna know what got such a goofy smile on your face!"

Emma was silent for a moment before speaking, still playing around with the soup. "Well... he... he's not like anybody else I've been dating."

"I certainly hope so," interjected Susie, crunching on the celery stick. "You've been dating a batch of real winners for, like, the last six months. Or whenever you moved in with that gay guy, I dunno." The chipmunk dipped the celery stick into the dressing again, biting off another chunk and missing Emma's increased blush. "I mean, really, how can you go out on a date with a squirrel that's got breath that bad, and not shove a mint or fifty into his mouth, huh? That's what I woulda done."

"Yeah..." Emma looked down at her soup, belatedly realizing that it was almost gone. It was good soup and she hardly remembered it.

"Emma. Seriously. Tell me what he's like. I will keep asking you."

"Well, he's... different," the mouse said, squirming. "Like I said."

"So how different is different?" pressed Susie, finishing off the celery stick.


"Oh my god, this is the weirdest thing I've ever done," panted Emma in a rush.

"Mm. So... stop?" asked Vince, from behind.

"No!" Emma squeaked, squeezing down on the white rat's legs. "Please, don't stop. It's just... isn't this weird?"

"I bet it's only weird 'cuz you ain't done this before."

"I know I know, but I was just thinking--"

"Quit it, then," said Vince, pragmatically. He dragged his nails down her rump, drawing a quick upswing in the mouse's breathing.

"I-I know, but--!" Whatever Emma knew got lost in a moan as Vince pushed his muzzle back between her legs, his tongue slithering within her. As he pulled back, he sucked and nipped at her folds, teeth brushing at her pearl.

"I got somethin' for you to think about," Vince said, wagging his hips. Emma looked down and saw the rat's hardness swaying in front of her, the scent once again enticing her. For once, she didn't say anything, but took hold of it, stroking him and kissing about the tip, the rat's unique flavor leaking into her mouth. It was tentative at first, but by now she'd done this a few times and grown more confident. She felt the rat (oh god, I really am sleeping with my gay roommate she thought) encourage her by licking a bit deeper, but then felt him pull back again. She made a face, but got the hint, and slowly lowered her mouth over his length. Here, the flavor was concentrated, especially as she got closer to his balls. Narrowing her eyes, she started to get into it, taking more of the him, teeth gently grazing against the fairly thick shaft. Of course, she started groaning and shivering as Vince reacquainted himself with her 'girl parts,' as he called them.

Of course, the challenge was to give as good as you got, and Emma tried to rise to it. She couldn't ignore what the rat was doing, but with some concentration she managed to keep her head bobbing evenly, twisting her muzzle to one side as well. His scent was all she could smell, making everything seem foggy while moans bubbled from her throat to spill from her nose. So long as she could focus on slurping over his twitching length, the utterly debauched sound from between her own legs would only make Emma tremble.

Then the rat did something else that Emma couldn't ignore, though her tail lifted as well. She choked, then squeaked a second time when he did it again. "V-vince! D-did you just lick...?" she began, pulling off.

"Your ass? Yep." The impudent rat spanked her, making her squeak yet again. "I am still gay, yanno."


"You're not gay, Vince."

Vince -- and everybody else at the table -- looked at the gray-furred mole who had just spoken. The mole didn't twitch (much), and kept going. "Well, he's not!"

"And who died and made you king, Mace?" the rat responded, tipping back his drink.

"Nobody," Mace sputtered, "but you're dating a femme."

"Who looks like Van here, only with headlights."

The mouse in question blinked as everybody else chuckled some. "Headlights? Wha...?"

Vince took both hands and cupped them in front of his chest. "Yanno, headlights?"

More snickers, and Van rolled his eyes, scoffing. "Vince, if you wanted to date a mouse..." he began before taking a drink.

"We tried that, 'member?" the rat said, taking his own drink. "Twice. Didn't work out."

"Only because you didn't want it to," Van said, sticking out his tongue.

"An' that's why, right there," the rat returned. "You kiss with too much tongue."

"There are plenty of guys that like how much tongue I give!"

"And I ain't one of 'em."

"You do kiss with a lot of tongue, Van," said Rory, the other one at the table.

The mouse made a face. "And what do beavers know about kissing with tongue?" he accused. "You guys are all teeth!"

"They're both right; you use too much tongue," Mace said, then shook his head. "You're such a queen, Van."

The mouse sulked as the others chuckled and took more drinks. The silence persisted while the bar buzzed around them, before Rory leaned forward. "So... is this goodbye or somethin', Vince?"

"Huh?" The rat paused, lowering his drink. "The hell you talkin' 'bout, Rory?"

Rory glanced at Mace, then both looked at the rat while the beaver spoke. "You are dating a femme."

"And?" Rory's blank stare forced Vince to think, then frown. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys think I'm crawlin' back inta the closet or somethin'?"

"Are ya?" replied Mace mildly. Van got over pouting to actually pay attention again.

"Hell no!" the rat exploded, his ears pinned back. After a half-second of letting those two words ring, he took a breath and calmed down. "I mean... Look. Guys. I thought you'd be more open-minded 'bout this. And besides, if I was crawlin' back inta the closet why would I tell you fuckers about my girlfriend?" There, he said it.

"He's gotta point," Van piped up after a bit.

"Damn right I do," said Vince as the mole and beaver started to look sheepish.

"Sorry, Vince. Got a little scared, there."

"Yeah, sorry."

"It's cool. Just gimme some credit, huh?"

They all sat with their drinks for a while, Vince sipping his and the others studying thiers. "...So... how is it that you end up dating the girl that moved in with you?" asked the mole.

"Hell if I know," Vince shot back. His ears were back again but not as far as before. "It happened slow. I wasn't tryin' to do it, if that's what you're askin'."

More silence, then "So... we gonna meet her, Vince?" asked Rory.

"So long as you fags don't turn away and hiss."

This drew rueful grins and a giggle from the mouse. "So what's she like?" asked the mole after a time.

"Like I said; Van with tits."

"Really?" asked the mouse.

"Well, no," said Vince, and then smirked. "Emma's got a better ass."


"What is it with you and my butt?" Emma asked. Or she probably would've asked, if she hadn't been slouched on the couch with legs spread wide, clutching at Vince's head. Once again, the rat's tongue had danced toward her rump, making her squirm at sensations she said were "weird, but not a bad weird" when he asked her about it. She managed to gasp out "Vince!" and warn the rat with nails digging into his ears before she went over, her body squeezing down on the two fingers he had buried in her sex.

The TV was on, though it was once again being ignored. It was another in Vince's large porn stash, though neither could remember the title or really what had been going on. Since that first time he introduced Emma to his porn, she wanted to know what else he had in there. It had become a bit of a weekly event, unwinding after a long day to eventually ignore what was usually two or more males screwing each other, sometimes spouting off terrible lines.

Vince guided Emma down gently while the two badgers on-screen picked up their rutting, the rat's muzzle spattered with 'girl cum.' Slowly, he kissed his way up the mouse's stomach and chest, brushing open her robe so that her shoulders were exposed. Emma only let out breathy squeaks, feeling Vince's nimble fingers still stirring within her while her hands spilled down the stocky rat's back and sides. They kissed for a short while, the rat then nuzzling to her neck while she stared at the ceiling, filling himself with her scent. "Girls smell nice," he said absently, which drew a slightly worn giggle from her.

Vince wanted to say something more... more. Something better. Something that wasn't lame as he brushed his damp muzzle and whiskers to her neck and jaw, then up to her flushed ears. He wanted to describe exactly how Emma smelled to him, using heights of language he never bothered with before. Part of it was he felt he had to, because Emma was female, and he never felt like guys really wanted that kinda thing. His dad tried to teach him that girls liked stuff like that, though it ended up being useless after his first (and before now only) girlfriend dumped him for making out with one of the basketball players back in high school. But more importantly, Emma's body was something that he rediscovered every time they were together, exploring her with fingers and tongue and nose. The words stuck in his throat, so he ended up saying stupid things like "Girls smell nice" because it seemed to work, and the mouse never complained.

With the badgers reaching a messy crescendo, Vince pulled back enough to look over Emma in her entirety, the chocolate fur mussed by his passage, pawfuls of breast rising and falling with her slightly hurried breathing, and naked tail swishing and brushing up against his legs. Briefly, his mind drifted back to that second week after she moved in, she suddenly showed up on the couch in an open robe and panties and nothing else. "Comfy?" he had smirked at her, and she glared back at him through an embarrassed flush, daring him to say another word. The rat guessed the deal; she was waiting for him to spring a boner that never came. At least, not while she was trying to catch him, and she stopped caring a month or two in. Weird how things worked out.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked lazily.

"You," he returned, and kissed her on her nose.

The mouse flushed and giggled, looking down the line of his body. Vince lifted himself up slightly so she could see better, the porn in the background having shifted to another scene. Watching porn with Emma was so much more fun than by himself, he reflected. The mouse drew a hand down his chest to his hip, then gently tugged him. Obligingly, he moved up more until his hard length bumped into her leg. "Huh? Oh... Vince! When were you gonna tell me about that?" She had the cutest little frown.

"Now." The rat shifted himself until his length brushed to her lower lips, and she shuddered softly.

"Oh," said Emma, a foot moving up to stroke his thigh. "Mm... can I be on top this time?"

"Sure," he said easily, moving to the side while Emma braced herself against the back of the couch to move past him. Soon, he was lying there, the mouse lowering her hips to his and sliding herself along his shaft. The rat groaned, his paws moving to her waist, holding onto her as she continued to tease him like that. He made no move to stop her, instead pressing into the wet caress.

"Do you do this with boys?" she asked suddenly. At the same time, the porn in the background declared "Oh yeah, do it! Impregnate my ass-pussy!"

Vince grinned. "I try not to. Jail ain't in my plans."

"You know what I mean..." Emma shivered, biting her lower lip, letting her head lower to touch his.

Vince found that Emma liked to poke at things, ask a lot of questions. It was a trait that he found adorable sometimes. She was just so curious about him. "Mm. Not always like this. Usually there's a hand involved." Emma's scent was stronger now, and the rat couldn't tell if it was from the action or the conversation. He realized that they were both looking down at where they rubbed together, maybe drawn by that slick sliding sound.

She was also breathing heavier, too. "Is this... better?"

Vince really wanted to roll his eyes. Sometimes poking at things meant silly questions like this. "Emma."

"...Yeah, Vince?"

"Shut up," said the rat, pulling her into a kiss. She started to say something before bending into it, even letting go of an airy squeak through her nose. Vince didn't stay idle, though, his other paw moving down and giving her rump a squeeze. Softly, Emma moaned, driving the kiss deeper for a moment while the rat slotted himself into place, letting the mouse's weight sink her down. The kiss broke, Emma raising her head up, the rat licking her neck until their bodies were once more pressed together.

They exhaled, together, as Emma looked back down at Vince, and he smiled. "This better?" he asked.

She managed a little giggle. "Yeah. It's better." The mouse came down for another kiss, grinding her hips up against the rat's. Maybe she finally got that she don't gotta poke at everything Vince thought, before just enjoying the stirring motion.

Before too long, though, Emma pushed off his chest, looking down at him with lidded eyes as she moved a touch faster. Nails gently dug into the rat's chest as sensations spread through her body, the mouse's eyes falling shut. Vince really liked these moments, when she let herself go, forgetting all her anxieties and questions and just... relaxed. But then, there were certain kinds of tension he enjoyed, one type he sparked in her when he bucked upward, catching her between one breath and another. Right there was that cute little scrunched up face, the way her fingers pressed into his chest as she held on, ears and body already flushed. The first time she made that face, he asked her if she was alright. Now, he knew he that she was, especially when her scent became stronger still, her tail wrapping around his leg.

Of course, she was soon taking more control in the ride, pushing against him to rise and fall. It wasn't a perfect synch, but with each touching the other they were close enough, and grew bold enough that the wet slapping sound was louder as they met again and again. Vince's hands pressed to her waist, pulling her back down on him, little droplets of her enthusiasm spattering to his stomach.

She was getting more and more lively, that tail whipping about. By now, the rat could tick off her signs, one by one. It wasn't just an increased pace of breathing, or the grip as she held on, but also how her scent seemed to wane for a moment before crashing like a wave over them both. Then she squeezed on him, shuddering as she became tighter, and Vince brought her down to twitch as he picked up his own pace. A twitch and moan later, and Vince was filling her, nails digging into her rump, matching her squeak for squeak.

Emma was a comfortable weight on him, the mouse slowly regaining her breath as her hands slid over his sides. But a certain note in her scent made his nose twitch. "Mm. Emma?"

"Yeah?" she said, her body all loose on him.

"Remind me to pick up some condoms, okay?"

"Mm? Why?"

"'Cuz you're almost in heat."

That made her start. "I am?" Emma frowned, then did some quick mental math. "Dammit."

"You make it seem like we can't do things anymore," he said, stroking over her head.

Her ears flicked. "Yeah, but after doing this without condoms..."

Vince chuckled and grinned, leaning in to kiss an ear. "Yeah, I know. But we could get better at sixty-nines, so there's that." The paw on her head moved to her back.


"And there's your toys. We could play with those."

"...yeah..." He could feel her flush a bit.

Now or never, he supposed. "We could do other stuff, too." A finger moved from her back to lightly play around her tail. Emma flushed harder, but stayed silent. Despite that, though, he thought he could smell a little bit of arousal too. "We can talk later about that," he said, and left it at that.

"Yeah! I can feel that badger-batter all in my slutty ass!" said a porn actor.

Some more groans sounded from the TV before the mouse spoke up again. "...Hey, Vince?"

"Yeah, Emma?"

"When you said... that-that we could play with my toys... did you really mean 'we?'"

The rat flicked an ear. "Yeah. It'll be fun and stuff."

He could definitely smell her getting hot now. "How... how often do you, you know... do stuff like that?"


"Oh, come on, Emma, I do this kinda shit all the time!"

"Dressed like this?"

Vince rolled his eyes and looked over her. Emma was wearing a mini-skirt that went about to her thighs, and she was trying to not flash her panties with every move. The top was a short jacket in black leather, and a bright-pink, tummy-baring top with a low cut. Both left her stomach exposed. "Yeah, like that. You look great Emma!"

"You're just saying that because you picked it out."

"You sayin' you don't trust me ta dress ya?" he shot back.

That stopped Emma short. "Well. I... do, but--"

"So don't worry about it. Like I said, you look hot!"

"But these boots--"

"--Look great on you."

"I feel so exposed!"

"What's so different 'bout this an' what ya wear at home, Miss Robe-and-panties?" Vince said, his ears going back.

Emma blushed, predictably. "But that's home, not... out here with all these people!"

"An' most of them are gay."

"But what about the women?"

"They'll know you're with me, so you can just enjoy it!"

"Yeah, but--"

"Alright, that's enough." Vince grabbed the mouse's wrist and dragged her from the hallway, where the sound of the club burst around them. Despite her protests, he brought her all the way to the center of the dance floor, pushing through various gyrating bodies until they made room. Finally, he stopped, just as a new song started to play.

Emma was blushing hard enough that her ears had gained a new tint. The rat barely managed not to roll his eyes before he pulled her close, muzzle right next to her ear. "Don't look at them, look at me," he told her, and felt her nod. Taking a step back, Vince's hands slid down her body until he got to her hips, pushing them from one side to another in time with the pulsing beat. Her moves were wooden, stiff, and her gaze began to stray. Immediately, Vince pulled her head so that his brown eyes were fixed on her green. "Eyes on me," he mouthed. The rat didn't let go of her hips, either, moving her until she started to move herself, and he grinned.

The mouse wasn't good at dancing, and he expected that. But gradually, she moved on her own, letting the crowd pulse around her while she focused on him. Vince taught her some basic steps, and after a few missteps and bumps into others (with the rat quick to redirect her attention) he saw her gain confidence, and even branch out a little, matching him step for step. One song faded into the next, and then another, and by now the mouse and rat with their lashing tails were starting to get some attention from the rest of the crowd. By the end of the fourth song, Vince had pulled Emma against him, her back to his front with her tail around his leg, and swayed their hips together as the beat tapered off. The mouse still had her eyes on him, an arm around his neck when she leaned up and pecked his lips, smiling. Of course, then came the smattering of applause while the DJ tried to pump the crowd up some more, and Emma's embarrassment returned with a vengeance. Vince decided that enough was enough, and drew her from the crowd to the bar.

Vince ordered some water for the both of them, with Emma sitting very quietly on a stool. They said nothing, and he just watched her while she studied the floor. The rat also knew that he was in trouble.

"I can't believe I just did that," she said, a little after the water came.

"So how was your first gay club experience?" Vince asked, sipping from his and trying not to grin. "By the way, you danced pretty good back there."

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this!" She blushed fiercely at him, glaring now.

The rat's grin just couldn't be contained anymore. "You were the one that asked what going to a gay club was like. I just took you there and put you on the dance floor."

"You're an ass, Vince."

"Maybe, but I like yours."


"Too much!" Emma cried out, and Vince stopped immediately.

"You okay?" he asked, ears splayed to the sides and grimacing.

She didn't see that, though, because her eyes were screwed shut. "Yeah, just... lemme get used to this..."

"You, uh... you need a little more--?" Emma nodded quickly, and Vince drew his thumb over her lower lips. She let out a breathy moan, gripping tighter to the sheets below her, starting to relax slightly. "Mm... you're still really tight and pretty wet..."

"Yeah," she said, rolling her hips slightly. "G-gimme more..."

"Sure?" She nodded again. "This is the last of it..." he said, and slowly pushed his hips until they were flush with hers. She spasmed around him again, making him grunt, so he pushed his thumb into her, threading the digit through her lower lips. "Mmf. 'Kay, that's..." He looked up, saw her biting her lip and squirming slightly. "How ya doin', Em?"

She was breathing a little heavily, and clenched on him again. "Nggh. I'm... doin' okay." She looked up at him and smiled. "This feels--"

"Weird? Yeah, I know." He leaned over her, holding himself up by his forearms. "You always say that when I play with your butt." From here, he could almost chew her scent it was so thick. It was intoxicating. "You good?" he asked again, rolling his hips into her.

"Ye--ah...!" The confirmation became a breathy moan, the mouse's legs locking around him even as she quivered with eyes shut tight. But she remained -- if nothing else -- aroused as she got used to the feeling of him inside her back door.

The two moved together slowly, Vince peppering her face and neck with kisses while Emma lifted her head, concentrating on her breathing. The rat had lived up to his promise to play with her toys when she went into heat, including having her draped over him while he feasted on her, the mouse pumping her favorite vibrator into him. His ass still ached a little bit from that. With turnabout being fair play, he got one of his smaller plugs and gently eased her onto that while he took her up front (with his raincoat on, of course). She said that she thought that was okay, but he knew that it appealed to her kinky side, especially when she asked him to do it again the next night, and if he had a slightly bigger one the night after. When he said he did, then she asked "How come you have toys like that? And how come I didn't know about it before?"

"You never asked," he said, grinning. "And, there ain't a single gay guy born to take dick. Takes practice and lotsa lube."

The practice took a few more weeks, and there was plenty of lube slathered inside her and on him as he slowly switched from grinding to actual short thrusts. Emma let out another breathy moan, but squeezed down on him again suddenly, and he slowed down. Then, he nuzzled to her cheek, licking on her jaw. Her arms closed around him, and he pulled back enough to brush his nose and whiskers against hers. And then he did something stupid.

"How's it feel ta get fucked like a guy?" the rat asked, then giggled as she started hitting him on his shoulder and arm. She also giggled eventually, and relaxed as he pressed a kiss to her lips and moved faster again.

Emma pulled from the kiss and threw him a sultry glance. "Guys can't do this," she said, and slipped a hand down between them. Vince, curious, stopped and looked down, watching those slim fingers dip into her sex, other fingers framing it. "Keep going," she whispered, and he looked up to see her ears flush and her features soften. "Faster," she urged, and the rat did as told, hissing when she tightened on him once more.

Then, Vince stopped. It was only long enough for him to sit up on his knees and reset, but she glared at him. Vince liked that look, because he knew he was doing something right if he stopped and she got angry. But just as quick as it came, it disappeared while he started up again, and he could revel in that and the scent and sound of her fingers kicking into a different gear. He pulled her legs toward his body, hunched over as his peak sped closer. She squeaked now with every time his hips collided with her body, fingers flying.

He came suddenly, thrown off the cliff and groaning while he pounded her in short, quick motions. She clenched on him again, a desire maybe to keep his seed inside while she kicked up her fingers another notch. Just as he was coming down, he felt her spasm on his shaft, squeaking and moaning and tearing her fingers from her body. Spatters of her sprinkled on his stomach while she arched her back, then finally relaxed. The mouse quivered for a second, making another pleased sound in her throat while he pulled out and lay beside her, wrapping her in his arms. She looks so happy like that, he thought. "So?" he asked.

"So, what?" she replied, a little sleepy.

"So, how'd you like it?"

Emma paused for a moment. "My ass is gonna hurt in the morning, isn't it?"


She nodded. "I'll tell you tomorrow, then."

Vince squeezed her, burying his nose into the top of her head and inhaling. "How 'bout this, then: think ya might wanna do it again sometime?"

"Maybe," Emma said, then glanced back at him. "After you find out what it's like to have a girl do you like a guy."

Vince chuckled, moving his muzzle so that his whiskers tickled her ear. "I think that if you're the girl, I'd like that."

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