Academic Study

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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One day, I got this picture in my inbox on FA. In reading the backstory that went with the cute squirrel character, I found myself taken with her. So I sent off a little PM to Phsuke asking if I could write a story involving her character.

She graciously agreed. And this is that story.

Academic Study by pyrostinger

Macie belongs to Phsuke (also on FA); used with permission

The plain, brown, squat box sat there, silently calling Macie. She had no idea that it would come so soon. Well, she did because the delivery date had been a range. Still, she had no idea that it would be here on the first day. Now that it was, the squirrel could feel her heart beating slightly faster. Swallowing, she got a hold of herself, adjusted her glasses and took a furtive glance around. The hallway wasn't empty but it was close; there was a rabbit at the desk, nose buried in a book, one ear perked toward the door, the other listening to his mp3 player. There were also a couple students conversing in the foyer with one looking a little familiar. In fact, Macie thought she had tutored him at one point or another.

Who was that, anyway? She started to remember him as she took the box from the mail. He was on the basketball team, a walk-on vying for a starter's spot. Tall for an otter, but that's part of what got him on the team. He was having trouble with humanities or something. Macie just recalled that one time that he had come directly from practice, which had gone long. She had asked him if he wanted to reschedule, but he said it'd be alright if she didn't mind his scent. And really, it wasn't until they'd gotten down to business that the squirrel noticed how incredibly... male he smelled. Sweat, exertion; it was somewhat unpleasant but not overwhelming, having some other, more tenuous element to it that just-- oh god, was she fantasizing about him?

Heightened body temperature, check. Flushing on the cheeks and ears, racing heart... Quickly, the squirrel shut her mail box and half-ran to a stairwell. The five flights of stairs were strenuous enough to take her mind off where it had been going, and allow a bit of logic filter into her mind. After all, that otter (was Remy his name? Something like that) had been far away, so he probably wouldn't be able to see her discomfort, or the box. By the time she got to the fifth floor, she felt a pleasant burning in her thighs, and her arrival to her door had her heart beating at only a slightly elevated clip.

Of course, once she was safely within her dorm room, there was only the box to consider. The squirrel pulled it from under her arm, turning it end over end. Just like the website had promised, there was absolutely nothing to indicate where it came from. Even in the "From" label was the innocuous "MTS Co." With a quick exhale to stem her growing excitement, Macie used her key to score open some of the tape, soon pulling open the box. Walking forward into the smallish room, she sat on the bed and upended the box.

Initially, Macie had been surprised at the sheer variety she had found on the one website she'd browsed. With growing embarrassment, she had to figure out quickly what kind she wanted, ordering one that was cheap enough to avoid suspicion should her parents call about it, but also small and easily concealable. In the end, she'd decided on something that was featureless, supposed to fit into the palm of her hand, and also had a vibrating function. It took a few more moments for her to open the packaging and make sure that everything was there. Batteries came included, and it was a bright pink color. Now, all there was to do was... turn it on. Right?

A strange feeling of excitement overtook her. There it was, sitting on her bed, a new toy. Sure, she could just shove it inside herself and ride it, but after a few preliminary explorations with just her fingers, she found that she could take it slower, and that seemed to result in a... greater feeling. The squirrel wasn't sure that the furtive motions she'd made toward pleasure were a true orgasm. The Internet held a wealth of information on the subject, though it was to be taken in some cases with a grain of salt, but what she had felt didn't seem like what had been described in various forums. The few times that Macie had broached the subject with her friends, well, they'd all responded with giggles and blushes and precious little else, even though an off-hand comment by her friend Nadine had shifted the squirrel to an unexplored portion of herself. After all, the jerboa had been the only one of the five of them to have had a boyfriend in high school.

Regardless, Macie felt she had to do this right. Her decision made, she grabbed her bathing implements and a large, fluffy white towel, heading to the shower room. Soon, she was slipping out of her clothes and turning on the water to a just right temperature, hooking her glasses into a curtain ring so they'd be nearby. The water started matting down her blue-and-tan fur as she fetched the liquid soap, soon awash with suds and occupied with cleaning. Well, not entirely. Ever since that stray comment where Nadine had gone into the barest surface of her sex life and lamenting its current status, the squirrel had felt herself become more aware of her body. For example, her breasts were... not small. Macie hefted them experimentally, feeling their weight before letting her hands drift downward. She had a bit of an hourglass figure, with her waist curving her form inward before it billowed into her hips. Idly, she'd wondered if... anybody had noticed her before, and she was too oblivious to notice.

Macie made quick work of cleaning herself, enjoying the lightly floral scent of the body wash. She found her hand returning to her breasts, though, blood rushing to her face and ears as fingers lightly caressed them. She'd already discovered her nipples being the most sensitive of the area, but she'd grown somewhat fond of drawing that out. Slowly, her breathing rate increased as she applied pressure, her mind drifting to amorphous hands caressing a slowly awakening body. The touch to her peaks almost came as a surprise, gasping quietly, then letting her head loll backward. It continued, pulling at them, rolling them between fingers, and not letting up. The squirrel's breathing became more harried as one hand moved lower, gliding over her stomach before reaching the vertex of her legs.

It wasn't as if this was the first time that she'd done this. Even in the time that showers had been for utilitarian purposes only, she'd still glanced upon certain body parts under the spray more than had been expressly necessary. But now, fingers were actively exploring untainted regions, dipping one within her and biting her lip as a warmth suffused through her body. Macie decided that this was much better than simply showering, breaths exiting her harshly while the finger ran through the lower opening. Already, she could feel a haze and tingle approach, bearing down on her glacially from all sides. The azure squirrel knew that the simple movement wouldn't be enough, despite the fact that she hadn't relinquished her hold on her breast. As the heel of her hand brushed against her clitoris, Macie bit back a loud gasp, the thought of getting caught making her flush in embarrassment. And... maybe something else, but it was too hard to think with all the pleasure coursing through her.

The occasional whimper still slipped from her as she stroke to move that glacier closer, to smash it into millions of tiny pieces. But it was going on fifteen minutes before Macie called it quits, leaning against the wall of the stall and panting lightly. Ordinarily, she'd have felt disappointed, but the object now residing in her dorm made for some delightful opportunities the squirrel was eager to try. With only slightly unsteady legs, she cleaned herself and shut off the water, vigorously drying herself so her fur didn't get too mussed. Once the towel had absorbed enough so that she didn't drip, she made her way back to her dorm room, confident enough to carry her glasses.

The first thing she did upon entering was close the window and draw the blind. Wouldn't do to have anybody just look past and see her, would it? Then again, it wasn't like the walkway by her window was well trafficked and people are more likely to look down than up... but better safe than sorry. With her privacy assured, the squirrel let the towel fall to the floor, set her specs on the nightstand and gave herself a quick blow-dry. Then, it was just her and the toy, still sitting where she had left it on the bed. Picking it up, Macie looked it over.

On the website, it boasted a six-inch length, two speeds, and quite a lot of product reviews raving about it's prowess. Macie had blushed quite a lot when she read them, as some comments went into great detail of exploits with the toy. Recollection of those stories along with some latent arousal from the shower had her body tingling still, so she snatched up the toy and rolled onto the bed. Actually holding the toy in her hand had her feeling giddy, biting her lip as she looked it over.

The website didn't lie. It was definitely around half a foot, plus an inch or so for the controls. Bright pink, and featureless, vaguely phallic. She wasn't quite sure what to do with it, aside of the obvious, and just shoving it inside herself and turning it on seemed a bit... brusque. After familiarizing herself with the controls, the squirrel instead pressed the tip against her neck, moved it across her collarbone, and then down into the valley of her generous bust. It allowed her to get lost, imagining a lover's touch, exploring her body anew. She couldn't help but circle up to her peaks, a little hitch in her breath as she crossed each summit.

The fantasy was taking hold; an unknown lover was sliding thick fingers under one breast, even lifting it before letting gravity take hold once again. Macie squirmed, feeling her heart rate increase. Even now, without the water pounding down on her, it became even more thrilling and illicit. On one level, the azure squirrel knew that it was simply a phallic object that was sliding down her stomach, meandering from side to side, but the fantasy held that lover circling the dense finger around her hip before it moved to her knee. Unbidden, she opened her legs, and suppressed a gasp as that finger became a turgid penis, poised at her opening, sliding along her lips.

Whimpering, Macie turned her head and bit a finger. It wouldn't do to make noise. She knew that the walls were fairly thin, having heard occupants from either side of her when engaged in games or arguments or the odd moans that always made her blush. And yet, here she was, doing something similar herself. She would have to see if she could be more quiet than the others, a commitment she had a good handle on when she pushed the dildo in.

It was... enthralling, feeling something of a considerable size and heftiness enter her. The only other experiments that she'd had were fingers in the shower, and once she'd tried to slide a vegetable inside her. It'd only served to break her hymen and leave her unfulfilled, especially when she was surprised at the amount of mess it had created. Though now that she had a proper toy, more of her mind was occupied with the pleasure that she'd gained from it.

The squirrel's breathing was light, but shallow as she felt her fingers touch her lower lips. There it was, completely within her. She managed a small laugh of victory, reeling from how much bigger it seemed from this end. Pushing it a little deeper, she withdrew it slowly, languishing in every inch that passed through her opening, then quickly reversed course. An increasingly distant part of her was noting her body temperature, the shallow breathing that was getting higher, how everything was getting smoother and the dampness on her fingers. Wait, huh?

Macie pulled her hand up, leaving the toy snug inside. Through the light haze she felt settle over her, she noted the darker bits of fur on her fingers where her own fluids lay. There seemed to be a lot... a whole lot more than she had priorly anticipated. Was this a testament to her arousal level, and could she make more? More was a good idea, so she threw a bit more caution to the wind, picking up the toy's pace.

Eyes closed, the mystery male pounded at her tirelessly. The other, analytical portion of her saw her turn her head to the other side, biting down on fingers to keep the noise down. Even so, quiet moans and whimpers overflowed from the edges. Still, her hand was getting a bit tired and cramped from thrusting, so she switched them, a breathy sigh making the change. Of course, as she gripped with her off hand, she squealed as she accidentally thrust in a different direction.

The pleasure had been white hot for a fraction of a second, enough to leave the squirrel panting and shivering. Something told her that it wasn't an orgasm, of itself. But that brief flash was intense but good! It had to be the Gräfenberg spot. Macie became excited for an entirely different reason, as there were some who had no idea what or where it was, and she had found hers. Angling the toy carefully, she looked down and pushed in, suppressing the involuntary moan that occurred when she happened upon the area once more. Undeterred, the squirrel kept at it, poking and prodding cautiously. The other part of her marveled at how much fluid she was producing.

Now that she was no longer surprised, Macie found herself riding the spot for a half-minute at a time before switching back to simple thrusting. A big, warm ball had developed in her body, almost like a balloon, and now she was determined to pop it. It seemed hard, though, feeling the edge there yet constantly being deflected, it seemed. Throwing caution to the winds, she attacked her g-spot, burying her face into the pillows and moaning. Then it happened.

She felt her tunnel squeeze down on the toy, her entire body following suit. Her breath was stolen from her, and she could only gasp as the ball had grown larger, and then burst and became an angry sea. Waves crashed over her body, roaring in her ears as they spread from the epicenter, somewhere in her lower stomach. It was as if the squirrel had lost consciousness for a few, blissful moments, before she came back to herself, twitching as another, weaker wave broke, her sopping hand on her stomach. Of course, the fact that her hand was wet made her wonder, so it was only a minute later that she was taking in her own aroma while she sucked on a finger.

It was... stronger than she anticipated. It was also sweeter, something the squirrel attributed to her diet. It was also fascinating in a way she couldn't immediately explain, occupied with licking up the droplets that were clinging still to her fur. By the time she found the last of it, Macie was resting on her bed, her breathing mostly under control. She didn't feel tired, not precisely. Before she realized it, she found herself gently fondling her breast, a low level of arousal once again slipping through her body. Then a thought occurred to her, one she verbalized to no-one: "Aren't there some females multi-orgasmic?"

With that said, she was suddenly craving more of that feeling. Hand found her breast, playing on the peak as she bit her lower lip, trying to keep quiet. She didn't want to be too loud, but part of her found herself unable to care overmuch. Once again, a hand slipped between her legs, and Macie welcomed her mystery lover in between her legs.

This time, her body was still primed from the first big one, allowing the fantasy otter to ram into her with impunity. Macie got snatches of half-remembered scents, visions of various males she'd seen, weaving them all together to this lover that went at the speed she wanted. Often it was fast and unrelenting, mindless thrusts that went anywhere in particular. Then she found herself being turned to the side, a leg lifting into the air while the otter (and it most definitely was an otter now) straddled her, pointed motions finding her g-spot. She found that this lover could hold her there, the warm ball rising, getting fuller and more fragile by the moment. Rolling to her back again, Macie switched hands and drove the dildo in harder, moving vaguely into the realm of a kind of pain through sheer intensity. She hardly noticed her breathing getting lighter as the world came in on her.

Eyes burst open. She found herself moaning, forming words that she didn't understand immediately until the half-second delay told her she'd said "Ah, fuck!" More importantly, the sensations were stronger now, the ball breaking and spilling over her, flooding her once again, but it was too much this time. Abruptly, her body found an outlet, and she could only stare somewhere between mild horror and utter debauchery as a fluid left her in a spray.

It took the azure squirrel a half-second to realize that she didn't urinate. She would have smelled that immediately. If anything, the fluid that now decorated the end of the bed (and possibly the hardwood floor) had a scent like the juice she'd licked up prior, only a touch stronger. Macie had heard of a phenomenon like this; female ejaculation, commonly known as 'squirting'. It was supposed to be something that was relatively rare among girls, but the evidence was clear that Macie was capable of doing so, all unknowing.

Somewhere between indulgent and lazy, Macie plucked the toy from between her legs, bringing it up to her mouth. It touched her nose, and she couldn't help but giggle after licking the dampness off. Her dampness... her honey. With lidded eyes, she began cleaning the toy with her tongue, turning it this way and that to gather it all. The tip even slipped between her lips, where she nursed on it, hungry for any remaining. As she finished, it came out of her mouth with a pop, her jaw feeling a tiny bit sore from the sudden and unfamiliar practice.

The squirrel felt extremely pleased with herself as she flopped onto the bed, holding the toy loosely. By the results, the experiment had been an arousing success. She still felt little tingles rolling through her body, aftershocks from the larger earthquake. But then, came another thought, if it truly had been an experiment, then wouldn't the basis of academic study be repeatable results? For that matter, were there other paths to this kind of results? As she licked her lips to gather a bit more honey, Macie saw that her experiments were not over, not quite yet.

There was another spot that she wanted to stimulate specifically. Removing the toy, she set it on the bed, away from a growing damp spot. Note to self: change sheets tonight. It couldn't be helped, really; already she'd made a much larger mess than she would have anticipated. By the same token, she didn't want to stop. Macie wasn't certain if it was simply how much fun she was having or if she'd slipped into a heat cycle, and right now she didn't care enough to count the days since the last. Besides, her hand was already slipping in between her legs once more.

This time, however, fingers stayed outside of her body, instead threading at the edges of her clitoris. Perhaps it was simply the sensitivity she'd built up from the orgasms prior, or perhaps it was just simply a normal level of sensitivity from a region that'd gone untouched, but the sensation spread through her body much quicker than it had with the toy. With her mouth opening in a silent moan, the azure squirrel found herself tweaking her breast already, caught up in that windfall. Spreading her legs, she looked down at herself, silently marveling while she pulled the hood back, avoiding direct stimulation to the hot little button. It was almost like it was veering toward an edge of pain along with another ball of delight inside her. Macie was even having a bit of trouble holding herself silent; she was conscious of a few low moans slipping out untamed, throwing her head against the pillow and biting it while she lifted her hips into her caress.

Already, she threw herself into that same fantasy; the otter lover of some kind. Perhaps it was the same basketball player in her thoughts. She had been attracted to him, she decided, despite or maybe because of that masculine scent. A waft from memory hit her despite her own scent strong in the area, getting stronger as she began to move toward another climax. Now, the very male otter was stroking just on the outer edges of her pearl, and then ran a finger to press it. The jolt startled Macie from the fantasy, something more than a gasp thrown from her. It was intense... but not something she couldn't handle. To test that, she pressed it again, and held. A deep groan came from somewhere, the squirrel bucking her hips until she realized that she was making that noise. Shudders built on shivers while her hands sought to push her to her limit, now moving swiftly over that button and feeling the ball expand vastly. Her breast became something to hold onto as she drove toward the peak, unable to keep herself from making noises.

It hit suddenly, but Macie was a touch more prepared this time. Only a breathy gasp left her lips as her scent once again rushed into the room. Her hips jerked upward, and another spray arched into the air to fall on her tail, the disheveled sheets, and to christen the floor. It took some time for the shivers to pass, and the baby-blue squirrel spent them contemplating the further bounties of her body. There was one last thing that she wanted to try before she absolutely had to clean up and open a window; it was starting to get a little rank in her room from sheer concentration.

Now that she knew how... productive she was, she was going to take advantage of it. There were ways to do this better, but she didn't have the items nor the patience to wait; this experiment had her blood pumping strongly and feeling oddly impulsive and... empowered. She'd never indulged herself so much before, and being across this line made her wonder if there was even another to cross. Of course, the only way to find it was to look for it.

Rolling to hands and knees, the squirrel pushed her fingers within her sopping folds once more. She suppressed another gasp, letting it come out in a sort of low moan while she hung her head. The fingers came out as wet as she thought it would be. Good. Capturing the toy, that slid within her, and she pushed it deep and slowly through her sex. Her tail lifted as she left the toy lodged in her, and prodded a wet finger at her backdoor.

There was something very wrong about playing with her backside. It was forbidden, bad... but she still wanted to try it. A few more of the comments she'd seen on the Internet told of girls going back there. Some of them alleged to be females themselves, though sometimes it was hard to tell. It was enough to arouse an thought, which rose into an interest. And in her enflamed state, that interest had blossomed to something that she absolutely had to try.

Breathing, Macie relaxed, painting her tailstar with her fluids, then prodding again. Easy, easy, no rush, she told herself. Slowly, the digit eased inside her, sinking down to that first knuckle. It felt... strange, and vaguely uncomfortable, but not enough for her to stop. It moved now, burrowing deeper and deeper. As she grew used to it, she could and did put more of the finger within, a bit surprised when she'd gone as deep as she could go. Wiggling drew a shiver from her, the discomfort fading slowly.

Her hand was still wet with her juices, mussing her fur as she stuffed it through the tight ring. She wanted it to feel good, wanted to keep doing this, wanted to go as far as she could by herself. Her free hand gripped into the sheets, daring to withdraw the singular and make it a plural. Again the discomfort sprang into being, carrying with it the barest edge of pain that she soldiered through, and it passed into the mist of latent arousal that hung heavier in the air.

Whether it was sheer force of will or something else, but the nerve endings around her ring started sending different signals. The sensation of movement made her legs quiver, and another ball formed, more nebulous than the others. She stopped and sat up on her knees, the fingers pushing inside her rump once more. Abruptly, she turned on the vibrating function, drawing a squeak from her as pleasure exploded, the ball gaining form and definition and growing larger. Macie's breath came in ragged pants, her tail curling a bit tighter, the mental aspect melding with the physical and becoming inseparable. One spurred the other, the pleasure of riding her pearl combining with the pain of a third finger behind, making her tremor on her legs.

The ball exploded and ripped through the squirrel. She felt herself cry out, but couldn't hear it over a sudden ringing in her ears. Macie fell forward, fingers falling from her tailring as the vibrator kept up between her legs. The other hand slapped and tugged, turning it off and tossing it away, where it bounced on the bed and rolled to a stop. It was so much that her legs were shaking still, with other muscles feeling leaden. It was good. It was enough, for now.

Macie knew she'd need another shower as she slowly came back to herself, rolling onto her back. Her scent saturated the room, and she would probably need to open up a window to prevent it from escaping into the common area. Though there was a part of her that wanted to keep going, she knew she'd reached her limit when simply running a finger across her lips caused a feeling that bordered pain.

When she regained control of her legs again, Macie crawled to the window and opened it. She was still naked, but a little beyond caring if somebody caught a glimpse of her. Then, the squirrel turned to the bed. The spatter of her juices was widespread, something that made her feel a little embarrassed, but in a good way. Grabbing the cast off towel, she cleaned whatever hadn't evaporated off the floor, tugged off her sheets and stuffed them into her hamper, to be washed later. There was a sudden knock at her door, which confused the squirrel. She wasn't expecting anybody, was she? "Just a second!" she called out, throwing on a shirt and some shorts for decency's sake before opening up the door.

On the other side was a rabbit with white fur, a male a few inches taller than her without his ears. "Hi," he began without preamble, "I live right next door to you?" It came out as a question.

Macie blinked at the rabbit. "Yes?" she said politely.

He made a face and grunted. "Ugh. Okay, uh, I don't know how to say this but um, could you keep it down, please? I mean, I know that masturbating or having sex or whatever is fun, but I'm trying to study for an exam that I have tomorrow morning. Alright?" Macie nodded dumbly. "Great. Thank you," said the rabbit, walking off.

She stood there for a moment more, then closed the door. She completely understood the fact that she had been heavily embarrassed, which was why her heart was beating harder, why her body was flush. What she didn't understand was the sudden desire to ride her toy again.


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