Lucky Dragon's Fortune

Story by Grahckheuhl on SoFurry

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Written as a gift for Slinkydragon over on FA.

Actually does he have a SoFurry account? Hm. I guess I'll find out.

Icon once again dragon by my semi-better half. <3 Bless his dirty soul.

Puffing out small white clouds of collected moisture, a lone man walked with a cheerful smile upon his face. His gait would be slow yet taken in long strides as he walked through an inner city nature park. The sky above was clear, yet completely black, for the surrounding city's lights drowned out anything too faint up above. It was unnaturally chilly in the night, as was evident with how he would wrap his arms and bundle his hands beneath each other to lock in the warmth of his otherwise thin but durable regal-red jacket.

The human was happy, for he had just come from a late dinner. Not only that, but it was among his favorite foods: Chinese. Above it all,the restaurant he dined at was brand new, having just opened up what seemed to be a couple days ago. What he found was a restaurant which served some of the most exquisite of Oriental food he had ever dined upon, and those staffing the restaurant among the friendliest he'd ever been served by. The combo happened to be something quite a rarity, or at least very well preserved secrets, in large cities. Perfect serving sizes with perfectly prepared meals ensured that he had the best dinner in a long time. It shouldn't be such a surprise that they were so good, what with it being the eve of the Chinese New Year, but it wasn't something to be expected in a large city sprawling with cheap but quick buffets and dine-outs. Only one thing was missing from the meal, and that was the customary fortune cookie. It was strange to not receive one with the receipt, but everything else was good nonetheless.

Entering into an area of the park that was more densely populated with trees, the fellow's gait would slow ever so slightly. Looking up once again, he was happy to be able to at least take a gander at the moon. It was fairly high in the sky from what one may expect, but that was just from living further up north. He'd expect it to truly only be around seven in the evening, yet it was already as chilly as it should be late in the night. He'd bundle close to himself before looking at a bench over to his right that was situated beneath a young Red Oak tree. It was then that he heard the crinkling of plastic in his right pocket, and the feel of it containing a crescent sort of shape. Sitting down on the bench he'd pull out exactly what he had been missing from the end of his meal. It had the picture of a Plum Blossom, faded slightly, to allow one to more easily read the black text atop it.

"Many thanks to you, our valued customer, Robert. Receive your fortune, and may you find strength in the new year."

He'd twitch his head back ever so slightly with a raised brow, for Robert didn't ever recall actually giving them his name directly. Not only that, but the enigma of how the print of his name got onto the plastic in the first place baffled him_._ It was rather strange, but he couldn't help but open it just to take a peak inside at what the fortune would be. There just was something about a Chinese restaurant dinner that was left empty without the silly folder paper in a crisp flour cookie, despite it not actually originating in China. Cracking the cookie down the center crease, he'd place one half in his mouth to chew on before tugging at the slip inside. It uncharacteristically had a side blank, left normally for lottery numbers and some phrase, while the other side had the actual fortune.

"The luck of the dragon shall be with you always." Reading the paper out loud to himself, Robert would tilt his head slightly at that. The fortunes were always vague, but this one barely meant anything in today's society, and in that way, was a bit disappointing.

It was at this moment that Robert began to feel somewhat strange. He could have sworn he saw something float in front of his face; lights, faint and looking to be dark in color twirling together before dropping down suddenly near his midsection and disappearing from view. Fluttering his eyes and thinking he'd gone insane, he'd look down at the ground while grasping at his stomach. There was anodd warmth coming forth from it, almost similar to being injected with iodine for radiological treatments; nothing uncomfortable resulting from such, but certainly off from the norm. The warmth staying there for just a few moments made him want to take his coat off, yet the rest of his body was still most certainly feeling the bite of the occasional cool breeze passing by. At least for a couple minutes.

Shooting through the rest of his body within a single heartbeat, there was that same increase in temperature. It could be felt rushing through like a pulse, and each time was slightly different. One instance it seemed as if the sensation spread through his blood stream, and the next it would be only by the bones. Another it was through the muscle, and right after only the nerves themselves seemed effected. Those feelings went on for only a couple minutes before stopping outright, only to have a residual heat linger on from his stomach region where it all began.

"That... was different."

Robert looked to the left and right while wondering if anyone had seen him. It was likely a rather odd sight to see a man suddenly stand and stare downwards as if ready to genuflect in the middle of a park. Scratching at his hand slightly, he'd take a few more steps to try and clear his thoughts, before having to stop once more. Every motion he took with his body felt similar to shifting through a thick liquid. His legs felt to be made of jelly, and yet it was an almost pleasing sensation. Twisting his body ever so slightly created the same effect along his sides. A slight flare up in the warmth from his gut reminded him that something was certainly happening with him, and was wondering if he had contracted some sort of sickness from the food he had eaten.

Loud rips of fabric startled the man out of his thoughts as he quickly spun around with widened eyes and a racing heart. It'd be fairly easy to sneak up on someone as seemingly troubled as himself after all, but much to his relief and dismay, there was no one there. Once again the tearing sounds could be heard, at which point he'd look behind him once again to face the direction he was previously walking. Itching at his hands ever more as if it were becoming a nervous reaction, the tearing became all the more prevalent and seemed to intensify rapidly. He'd finally spring to attention upon the realization that it was taking place on him, and not around him; the shifting of fabric across his skin suddenly making more sense in that regard. However his skin itself felt somewhat odd. There was a distinct lack of feeling, or in the very least, the finer touch of the cotton and polyester t-shirt hidden beneath his coat. Reaching down to feel along his sides he would freeze in shock before jerking his head downward to see. Twisting his arms around and lifting them to look more easily, he first felt what seemed to be new appendages growing from his body, and could now watch it taking place. The new arms feeling thicker than his pre-existing ones, and with a much different structure. Breathing heavily, he'd start scratching at his hands once more before noticing them giving off a slight glint due to light from a nearby lamp post. His skin appeared much more red, similar to the color of his coat, and quite distinctly looked and felt like scales.

"My god, what is happening? Is someone here? Can you see this, am I dreaming?"

Robert spoke softly to himself more than actually trying to call out for anyone else. This certainly wasn't an occurrence that just happened every day, or in fact ever happened at all as far as he knew. To him this was something straight out of a fairy tale. As though it were a cascading event, he'd be able to feel the jeans around his waist tighten dramatically before feeling the button pop clean off with the zipper relinquishing its hold. The warmth from his gut flared once again as he noticed himself not only gaining new limbs, but quite clearly increasing in height. Both his shirt and coat stood no chance in keeping its place upon his body. It came to the point that, due to the combined strength of the fabric and having multiple layers to combat the cold, he'd more want to start tearing it off himself. Raring his head back, as if with a primal energy about him, he'd fumble with the zipper for a few moments before simply grasping at the tough coat to tug it apart. He could feel his nails becoming tougher with every moment that passed while becoming pointed like claws. Every inch of his body had a strange itching sensation, and yet along with that there would be a perception of it being rather liberating at the same time. Skin on his hands and arms looking more like patches as the scales took over fairly quickly. In just a few extra moments, with the grinding of tough synthetics and combined fleece finally ending, his upper body would be bare to the cold air. Despite such, as he looked down, he'd see how much of the scales had already replaced his skin which was once overly sensitive to temperature changes. There was a creamy yellow coloration to it that spread from his chest on down to his belly. What truly caught is attention, however, were the new arms. They seemed way too thick, and way too long to actually fit there. Even stranger yetwas how his body was stiffening as he grew higher still, just beneath the arms; bones being felt forming one by one, forming what seemed like a second ribcage.

Swirls of energy seemed to encircle thechanging human's head after he stared for long enough. The warmth had finally spread and concentrated upon this point, tearing his attention away from his legs. There was barely any shred of his pants left over as the legging sections had been entirely torn apart, as the appendages surged in size, leaving his groin just barely covered; even that portion of his body becoming bare to the world moments later. Just before his eyes closed he would turn to look back, staring, as if he swore he saw some sort of tail growing from above his buttocks, yet it also appearing like a full extension of the body itself with how it swelled so quickly. Breathing slowly, trying to calm himself, Robert opened his eyes once more just tolook forward cross-eyed, barely focusing on the fact that he was nearly half as tall as the tree he once was sitting beneath. He knew his jaw was realigning itself not only from the quiet cracks he heard as the bone set in place, but as well from how he saw his face extending straight ahead. What looked like hair began to poke from behind his stretching nose, brilliantly gold in coloration, yet entwined similar to lace with being bundled together. The nostrils spread apart while he hung his mouth open ever so slightly; there was a slight numbness to his mouth, much like how one feels after leaning their face against the knuckles for too long in what amounts to poor posture. Tilting back and forth on his legs, he'd notice simply by staring ahead that he was reaching down to the ground now, as if he had shrank, yet without feeling any shorter than before. It was difficult to concentrate with his face changing swiftly, but he could have sworn he could feel more than one pair of legs, but that seemed impossible; the fact of the situation barely sinking in despite all that was taking place. Finally tearing away his attention to the rest of the body would be him honing in on the awkward clicking taking place inside of his mouth.

Robert's teeth were shifting, growing more of a point, while others grew in brand new from beneath the gum line. The body seemed to just accept them as if they had been there his entire life, and he could barely believe it considering he remembered rather fondly what it was like having his wisdom teeth come in. Hair could be felt extending from his beard, growing in thicker, almost like a fur. Reaching up with a hand, he'd brush it through, only to almost feel pleasure from using his new fingers. Looking down at them, and the scales, it was unreal and near impossible to comprehend. Either he was in pure disbelief, shrugging this off as a dream at this point, or his brain could barely process the changing sensations. Along and behind his newly extended jawline, he'd feel how his sideburns had as well grown in much more bushy. Flicking his ears, he couldn't help but giggle. They felt so much more free now, being able to turn them, and to the point that he'd almost tickle them with his new fur-like hair. Raising his head up and pointing what he now recognized to be his own muzzle towards the dark sky, he could feel an extra few pounds of weight. Horns, two of them, had pushed out from the back of his skull next to the ears. Utilizing his hands once again, growing more accustomed to having scales, he could finally bring himself to touch something without them emitting an almost overbearing impulse of sensations. The horns were thick, rounded, and with a texture reminding him of dried tree bark but with a toughness similar to bone. Blunted, there would seem to be extensions coming off them, as if they were meant to grow in further, but were wore down to fit some sort of style. A certain cozy feeling could be had to how thick his hair had become atop the head, and it was all the more warming, for it spread down his back to form a mane. Reaching his hands forward, bumping his snout slightly due to not quite used yet to the perspective of having a much longer face, he'd focus on the beautiful gold hue of his once-brown hair.

"How is this happening? Why? What have I done?" Robert would whisper.

The transforming human nearly startled himself at the much deeper tone to his voice, and particularly with how his accent changed to have a strangely crisp and smooth rolling tone. He wished to listen in on sounds taking place beneath him as his newly grown ears twitched ever so slightly to hone in on it. They seemed so much more efficient, yet he wouldn't have thought any ill of his ear structure from before. It was at that moment he could feel how his feet were expanding, and the sounds resulting were that of the laces on his shoes quickly unraveling from their loose knots. Rubber soles tore away from layered fabric as he had to grit his teeth. Intense pressure built up before he heard what sounded to be the puncturing of leather, as he realized his toenails likely shifted into claws much like those on his hands. It took only a few moments later for the shoes to come completely undone and expose newly scaled body to the world; the socks standing no chance as their threads snapped and made way for what felt to be fairly thick toes. All of his feelings indicated that, from this point on, he had lost all of his previous indications to having ever been human. He wanted to turn and look, but the moment his eyes wandered, they would go straight down and at a newly barreled chest that pushed in and out with dramatic movement in every deep breath.

"Is this a blessing? Is this a curse? What have I done... I feel so alive! This can't be normal. There has to be some string attached. This can't just happen like this, can it?"

Conflicted, his mind was unable to determine if the transformation was a positive or negative. He had to wonder if he could change back, or if he'd be like this the rest of his life. How would his life even become after this? Lowering his hands in bewilderment, he'd finally look down again to peer at the front of his body the best he could. Placing his scaled appendages against his chest, he'd feel as smooth as silk, yet the scales themselves created a bumpy texture just barely noticeable; the only way he could notice it was by how the finger scales caught against the other scales of his body for quick flicking vibrations. Overall formation of his body, however, wouldn't have remained perfectly straight and uniform, for the musculature once hidden beneath his body was now showing in full. Leaning back, without paying attention to how his back-end was still steadily stretching outwards, he'd take a moment to gawk at his own form.

Never before had Robert ever expected himself to be one to have much of a athletic physique due to his lifestyle, but now it was here right before him. Eight perfectly chiseled abdominal muscles made themselves present. It seemed that, if nothing else, the scales clung to his body musculature extremely well for them to be as pronounced as they are now. Though he had nearly forgotten about something, and yet he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Looking to either side of his body, quickly raising his hands as if having Attention Deficit Disorder and foregoing looking at the belly region much longer, something felt empty.

Widening his eyes, Robert suddenly realized what it was that was missing. The arms, which had grown in before along the sides of his body, had completely disappeared. Yet he could still feel the sensation of moving them ever so slightly, but they were different now. Stretching his legs out, he'd notice that the original pair of legs weren't the set that moved, but the so-called arms from before were shifting in place right in front of him. They were truly meant to be a set of fore-legs. Twisting his body around to look back, it was there he could notice that his actual legs prior to the strange events. His eyes widened with his jaw slacking in amazement as it even further dawned on him at how he was changing; there was a full new body right below him. It was as though the body of some feral creature had been attached via his waist. This was similar to that of the centaurs in mythology, yet he recognized quite clearly that his body was taking the shape more of a dragon. There was a clear divide between the upper and lower bodies, as he'd soon notice how his lower form was becoming considerably wider than his upper, more human-esque shape. It came to the point that he was very well as wide as the walkway. This was quite the stark difference from before when he barely took up a quarter of its with, and that had only felt like only a few minutes. Using the bench he had taken but a few steps away from as a guide to his length, he'd be able to notice from his peripheral vision that from hind paws to forepaws, he was vastly longer than the bench he once sat upon, reckoning to be about fifteen feet. Judging by the perspective of the young Red Oak tree, as well, he must have been at least ten foot or so tall if upright.

Robert could just faintly see the energies building up around his forepaws; quickly swirling bluish-purple blobs encircling his scales. Now that he recognized them, he could tell that they really only seemed to target locations on his body that he was paying attention to. Swishing his index finger upwards, he'd grin and chuckle ever so slightly as he watched a portion of the mysterious energies gravitate towards the tip of the claw. Bringing it in close to the front of his snout, he'd look in on it ever more diligently. Something about it just couldn't help keep him from smiling, and in a way, squirming his lower body around. It felt good to be able to move so freely, and unbeknownst to him, the human was moving more than just one full set of legs as he sat. In truth it was not so much the fact that he was able to gain partial power over manipulating the pulsating lights, but they seemed to have a will of their own. They were distracting him as the rest of his body changed. For quite some time the newly-formed dragon would have extra ribs growing between the legs as new ones would stretch forth with faint noises of flesh and sinew swelling. His brain seemed incapable of processing the extra legs at the moment, for he truly seemed ignorant to the changes of his own body when in combination of the distracting lights.

There came a point that he wouldn't be able to focus on them for much longer, for a strange grinding took place between his legs. Spreading them apart, he'd recognize himself as being much heavier than he should be. Then, he had to wonder, how did he know what was heavy or not considering he had just changed bodies_._ With a grinding sensation once again, he'd groan ever so quietly and squint his eyes. What struck him the most interesting was that there was a very calm and flowing warmth traveling downwards between his legs and along the underside of his belly. A few moments later, however, would have him jumping in surprise as there was quite a sudden jolt of chill hitting what felt to be bare flesh. At that instant his ears would droop and eyes widen with a sense of dread,despite raising levels of pleasure flooding into his brain; as if the feelings from his lower body were disjointed with that of his conscious. A puddle of liquid could be felt quite clearly against a certain part of his body which he rather hoped wasn't visible right now despite being evidently alone. Lifting a leg, he'd look back to find two levels of astonishment.

First, there was more than just one set of legs raising upwards. In fact the dragontaur was faced with the sight of what seemed like ten different legs, all on his right side lifting high in the air, and what appeared to be more of them sprouting forth from an ever lengthening body. No wonder he was so comfortable with his sitting, he thought, for he was essentially sitting on himself due to how his body had coiled partially. He felt as if he were in a knot. Secondly, he was sprouting one of the most massive erections he had ever had both the horror, and pleasure, of seeing in his life. It was doubly terrifying to watch as, with every pair of legs that grew forth, there would be another shaft accompanying itwith a pair of swelling testicles. The second reason, compounded atop it all, was just how gigantic they were becoming. With each throb of his heart he could watch as they bloated forth several inches and grew all the longer. The source of the liquid from earlier appeared to be not only from the pre-seed leaking forth in volume which would constitute a normal human ejaculate amount, but also from snow beneath his body melting from the sheer heat of the flesh; the grinding from earlier, as he could deduce, had been from both the shafts grinding against his scaly hide, but all the more prominent with how it harmlessly scraped along the asphalt path. Biting his lower lip, he'd try to repress the sexual wants clouding his mind. Huffing quickly, making it seem as if he were breathing a cloud of steam in front of him due to the temperature difference, this was much more difficult than when human. What had been ten growing shafts soon became eleven, and then twelve more just a few moments later. With each addition he became all the more pent up, yet the sensations reset with each segment. It was driving him down a spiral rather quickly, yet his willpower would persevere. At least for a short while.

Almost as though it were against his control, Robert would watch as his very front paw would lift from the ground. He had to revel in the weight of it in all honesty; he barely noticed how his lower body itself had continued growing which created a massive disparity of size between the upper torso and lower body. The dragontaur watched as this single giant paw, at this point able to obscure his upper body's chest, placed itself upon the glans of his still very anthropomorphic shaped member. It was not that he understood the full reality of how gigantic his genitalia had become. The paw couldn't even wrap around his own 'hood, despite how large it had become. Trying to pull away seemed nigh impossible, for as much as he struggled to shift his muscles and flex his leg away, it would only press down as the toes clenched against his head. Legs behind them quickly followed suit, as though there was a delayed messaging system ordering them all to mimic the first. Raising his arm up to wrap around the top of his head, he'd bite his lip at the sudden pleasure flowing through his body. In an instant it would hit him like a truck; so much pleasure at once driving his once-human mind beyond any level of control. With the wrist of his paws twisting to have the appendage encircle and tug down, clenching just below the head of the shafts, he'd let loose a quiet moan of ecstasy. It was time for him to finally let go of human worries, and embrace a more primal need of release that came natural hard wired into a true dragon's mind.

Writhing around in place, the long dragon was able to better able to grab hold of his own shafts not only with his paws, but with his own body. Swaying about the tip of his tail, he was surprised to actually be able to feel it through all of the other sensations. A thickly furred tip, feeling as smooth as silk, quickly twitched about and allowed the golden fur to tickle at his own body in what he felt to be a satisfying manner. Closing his eyes to focus on those sensations, he'd be able to much more clearly feel how his body grew ever more. With every additional segment to the body, the affections he'd obtain skyrocketed out of control. It was something he just couldn't stop thinking about; he wanted more, and he had to feel more along with it.

Twisting his body about, the near twenty segmented dragontaur seemed to gain much better control of his body, or at least it seemed like that to an bystander's glance. In truth all he was able to focus on was utilizing his paws to jerk at his shafts. It was a strange disconnect, for in a way, he couldn't even tell if he had full control of his body. All he would do was think about what he wanted, almost as if day dreaming, and the paws not only moved in a way he wanted, but with their own shake on it. If he wanted the toes to stretch, they would do so, but at the same time would clench to painlessly scratch the claws down into the flesh to pick at nerve endings just below the skin. Robert couldn't even comprehend how the body knew where to pleasure specifically, but it was doing so as if this were just another daily occurrence. It seemed like every part of his body he'd try to focus on only brought forth all the more pleasure; the claws for instance, in the way they sank into what he thought was rock hard flesh, was absolutely astounding to him. It was like he was able to gain the pleasure of a still stiffening member, yet at the same time receive beyond the full pleasure of what was obviously a throbbing erection. Every shaft seemed to give in to its own weight as well, for if he held them near the center point, either end sagged ever so slightly and contorted around his paw. The body seemed made for bringing out the fullest in any situation. Dragging his right hand down his face with eyes rolling up in bliss, he'd let loose a quiet moan, and ensure that both paws would grasp at their respective shaft.

Certain segments of the long body would arch up into the air, sporting full control of a flexible spine with powerful back muscles to control such. Other areas doubled down, creating what looked like a flattened s-shape. Contorting his body was not only able to provide different sensations to flood into his mind but also edge his pleasures to new heights. He could use his own body to flex back and forth to sandwich his cocks together, being able to frot with himself. Sheer amounts of pre-seed were also a part to being successful in these endeavors, for he knew well the slightly bumpy texture of the scales would otherwise likely have created enough friction to cause slower movements. Every slightest movement caused the testicles to slosh about; a development which caused some surprise to the dragontaur. He knew well that the scrotum didn't house the plumbing for creating the thick and virulent liquids that ejaculate was so well known for, yet this body didn't seem to care in the slightest for nature's true intentions. This ensured that the hanging orbs would bounce about carelessly whilst flopping along the sides of his body where ever it doubled down on itself. Immediately when feeling one sag down too quickly, an indication of it becoming inert in relative terms to pleasure, one of the giant paws would seemingly on reflex grasp it from the bottom to hold it as though they were precious gems. He would have thought that the thick and cushioned pads upon the bottom of his paws would be most gracious when able to wring out pleasure when they were rubbing against the shaft, but when feeling them sponge and press ever so carefully he would nearly lose it each and every time.

Robert could feel his body finally settling down in one aspect. The legs no longer sprouted from his body, and no new muscle formed. Tendons controlling the kicking reflexes of bliss were in full functioning control, and every relevant location on the body felt fluid as if they had always been there. He didn't even have to look to realize how long he had become. Nearly twenty-five segments had been added to the length of the body, and each came with kicking legs and pulsating members; rushing blood with virile testicles bobbing to every movement as if in dance. Folding his upper torso's back to go behind him, he'd rest upon his own body and allow the frontal most shaft to be displayed at full to the air around. Both paws were required to hold up the shaft, as the left would take the bottom half and the right coupled along the top with due diligence; even then it took full attention to ensure the gigantic flesh wouldn't collapse on its own weight and instead jut straight forward. Ever so vigorously the proud spire of flesh would be massaged by the careful paws, as those behind them followed suit the best they can given the shifting shape of the body formations. Opening his eyes ever so lazily, he'd look above to see a mist wavering upwards into the sky due to the opposing temperatures; pre-seed meeting against the cold night air being enough to create that slight fog. Every so often one of the toes on any of the paws would finger at the urethral slit upon the shaft they claimed for pleasuring, at which Robert could feel just how wide they had become. An intense pounding could be felt welling up from deep within the cocks as his upper torso squirmed about from the overwhelming sensations. Breathing slowly and heavily, he could feel his climax rapidly approaching.

"Just a little more. God, so close, but I just can't... get it..." Robert grunted out quietly through his waning breath as he felt physically incapable of continuing with the sexual frustration to accompany it.

Through it all, however, a glint in the sky caught the dragontaur's eye. Something about the moon's position called to him, as if it demanded attention above all else. The rest of the body continued, ignorant to the silent words, as the world went quiet around Robert. Even the pounding of paws against flesh accompanied by lewd and loud slaps due to how lubricated they were from the pre would seem to fade away. His breath was caught in the middle of exhaling as he roared out in what seemed to be ecstasy. It wouldn't be from ejaculating however, but rather from the fact that it had apparently been postponed. The chemicals in his body all pointed to having reached orgasm, yet in truth he had not. Flailing his tail around, he could feel it growing once more. Bending forwards, holding his front shaft with his arms to give it one of the tightest hugs he could muster, he'd growl quietly in bliss as he felt extra ribs form once again. The sensation of being able to control new toes, wiggling them about, became the epitome of pleasure as they sought out that pair of legs' cock posthaste.

It had hit midnight, and that was the reason for the sudden surge of energy required for the growth. The Chinese New Year had officially begun. Even though it was the first time ever experiencing such a change in his life, Robert knew in the back of his mind that this is what would happen every year. Suddenly the amount of legs also made sense; there would be an extra pair of legs to represent his age and how many of the Chinese New Years he had lived through. What resulted from this, more over, was that his mind was severely on one track. Upon thinking about this, it would transition straight into the next set of events.

There was finally nothing more holding back the dragontaur. The sexual pleasures from when he teetered so close to orgasm from before had lingered. It felt as though his glans were ready to burst out gallons of liquid with one spurt as it was, yet an aching sensation running down to the base of the shafts ensured that the massages would have to be built up from anew. Much of the thick taur-body flexed with intense focus as the legs squeezed the thicker members between them; he holding his own cocks via the legs before allowing the actual paws to get in and begin such intense ministrations that he felt ready to pass out. Clenching his eyes yet tilting his head down, he'd mouth upon the frontal shaft sloppily as though feeling pushed to make haste. Ever so slowly, as if made to agonize his sexually charged mind all the more, he'd feel the same sort of licking sensations spread to the tip of the other shafts. It was as if they were all sharing the same nervous system, yet autonomous enough at the same time to know what they specifically were feeling. Clenching his hands several times, pulling at his frontal shaft and tugging it with every deep breath he took, there simply wasn't any way that the body was going to be able to hold him from reaching his peak.

In a few moments, Robert could see those same lights which seemed to instigate the whole process from the beginning start to twirl about behind his closed eyes. Not a second more passed as they seemed to explode into a million tiny stars to light up his vision where it should be dark, for that coincided with the actual release. His entire body could be felt quaking, with every shaft vibrating massively through every pseudo-muscular contraction, as giant globs of seed launched forth simultaneously. It would be compressed and stretched out due to apparently transitioning from a larger inner urethral passage to the smaller slit upon the glans, giving it an exaggerated length and volume. Every shaft seemed to push with increasing intensity, the orgasm strengthening, as the body seemingly couldn't rid the load quick enough. Every second there would be one massive and perfectly timed expulsion of the seed, and the heated froth seemed thick enough that the body had gone rigid to relieve itself of such viscous liquid. His face instantly became smeared from where it was positioned, yet he didn't dare move for fear of losing out on any amount of bliss he could achieve. Elsewhere he could hear booming splats where the ejaculate would fall upon the ground, covering nearby trees, the walkway, and anything in between with a thick layer of seed; the way his body contorted and writhed about making it near impossible to control just where it all was aimed. Every instance that passed by, however, his body felt ever so slightly lighter. There came a point that he could pull his head back from lipping the head of his shaft to release a deep and well deserved sigh of relief as the lower body continued its vigorous work. He would spasm in place for what felt like near to an hour before the apex of his endeavors finally began to wane, at which he could take a few moments and finally rest.

Peering around, the snow for as far as his eye could seen beneath the slightly open area of pathway seemed to be replaced with that of the steaming seed. Strands of it dripped from the branches of trees where the silhouette of the bench he sat upon from earlier was barely visible. Placing his paws against the pavement, he'd feel his paws to be surprisingly dry; he noticing that, despite the massive amount of back-splashing the explosion of seed created, a vast majority was found to be elsewhere. There would be swathes of seed across his body regardless, locking in a certain amount of warmth, but he barely even noticed its existence. Something else caught his attention, a soft cracking sound, to which he'd lift his paw and carefully bend over to pick up.

It was the plastic wrapper which still held half of the fortune cookie he had not eaten from earlier. At least it looked like half, for it was difficult to tell, as the pressure from his body had shattered the cookie rightfully so. Squinting his eyes, while aimlessly walking forward as if resuming his stroll from earlier, he'd see something that he was sure wasn't there before. There would be the head of a blue dragon, finned to presumably have the look of being aquatic, with what looked like its thumb pointing upwards. In semi-translucent and small black text, he could see new words. Whispering it aloud, he'd think about it for a moment.

"An extra fortune, for our first customer: luck favors the generous and sharing heart." Blinking quickly, and looking upwards, Robert rolled his eyes upwards yet couldn't help but grin.

"That wasn't much of a fortune either..." though there seemed to be a sparkle in the dragon's eyes. It seemed as if he understood the message well enough. There were a few people, perhaps, that might like to sample one of the best fortune cookies he ever tasted.

Looking back, after having walked along the rounding path, he'd be able to better appreciate how long his body actually was and how well it coped with the new form. Each leg lifted while another pressed down in accordance to keep his locomotion going smoothly, and with an ease which seemed more simple than having two legs. He couldn't quite explain it, but it felt strangely good. Continuing on, he'd look down to see a woman standing with widened eyes. She had likely been jogging, and with a dog at that, for the small terrier yapped incessantly,likely from feeling just as much surprise as the human owner. Tipping his head and smiling, Robert continued on without much more of a thought; his brain truly believing, and accepting, that he had been this way his entire life. With the way his body waved back and forth onto and off the path, it allowed more than enough space for the human to run past. Just a few moments later from passing the woman, who had jolted past the large dragon once she saw his eyes look down upon her, he'd hear a shriek of surprise coming from behind. A hot flush encapsulated his face just beneath the scales atop his muzzle, he realizing that she had likely come across the mess from earlier.

"Well it did say that luck favored the generous, and it never did say what I couldn't share." Chuckling to himself, the new dragontaur continued walking through the night just as he intended to do from the beginning.

Dragon Exploration

Watching from the safety of a small cliff, just barely above thetop of the leaves on trees below, would lay low a gray scaled dragon. He was a beast which called himself Goldelite, it seeming of which it was hiding a certain aspect of his life,...

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Heated Growth

Blunt sounding smacks echoed through the leaves of a sparsely lit daytime forest. Pounding in a rhythm, the startling sounds blocked out the calming rustling of wind through the leaves. With what light did make it through, the calm orange glow would...

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To Bind a Dragon

Darkness shrouded the area. The only thing one would be able to make out was a white cloudy substance filtrating through the air in any given direction. Anything visible could be made out from a low-powered lamp from somewhere up above. Misshapen...

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