Heated Growth

Story by Grahckheuhl on SoFurry

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This is, as the title says, a commission! What it doesn't say in the title however is that it is for passer-by over on FA:

(His icon is so adorable... )

But yes, he let me have some fun with this story, and I think it paid out! I don't think I've ever seen many stories where they focused specifically on the actual names of the muscles growing, and thought I'd give it a more concrete shot here unlike in the last story I uploaded for myself. I'm not entirely competent with anatomy of anthropomorphic animals (or any animal really), but I think I did a solid job here in any case!

I wonder if my jokes and little quips about the Pokemon universe will come through all that well. Especially in regards to the names. It was fun for me at least.

Thumbnail drawn by my semi-better half, Kulbara~

And, of course, the story should only ever be tampered with via Passer-by!

Blunt sounding smacks echoed through the leaves of a sparsely lit daytime forest. Pounding in a rhythm, the startling sounds blocked out the calming rustling of wind through the leaves. With what light did make it through, the calm orange glow would show that it was just at the break of dawn when the sounds had started. Dew, having collected on the foliage of the forest floor, was forced to plop down to the ground below from the timed rustling. Every instance of the pounding obscured a more faint thud. It was almost a disappointing noise if anybody were close enough to hear it. There was but one soul close enough to be able to listen in, and it was the one who was creating the ruckus to begin with.

Standing in a pose with feet pointed in different particular directions with a slight squat to the legs would stand a Lucario, deeply entranced in what would seem to be a standard morning routine of punching a large rock about the size of himself. He was of average size for the dog-like creature, being of barely four feet tall, and fairly thin. A brownish shirt, thin as to help with movement in training, whisked gracefully as each punch continued; air from the bare blue arms and black colored hands being enough to ripple the air over his form. Similarly colored pants ensured that much of his blue and black furred legs would be obscured, just the same as the yellow fur of his chest. A single tented object, a spike which could be seen from the chest of every Lucario. It certainly was a perfect reason to be wearing as loose of clothing as he was.

Despite the powerful blows supposedly being dealt upon the rock in front of him, there was no sign of stress upon it. In truth the Lucario was but of a fairly young age. Not entirely in years, but in the time he had spent after undergoing his evolution from that of a much smaller Riolu. This showed in the lack of power he showed, as well as the waning concentration of his self-scripted training regimen. Many thoughts tormented his mind, all of them fairly recent in his life. Upon achieving evolution to his new form he was put under strict control for training within his clan. Training which, despite his best efforts, he could not keep up with in comparison to the rest of those he had grown with. There was a certain shame to be had for a Lucario that, even with intense focus, could barely even see his own aura; viewing the true nature of any living creature or object which came natural to his species.

Dedicated and energetic, he was seen as at least being salvageable. Being forced from his home and family to uphold his fighter's honor, he was cast away to train under the tough condition of being solitary and finding ones own path. Donning a name which would be more typical of a human, Luke, there would be a constant sense of betrayal which angered him to further disrupt his training. He could barely control his own power let alone his emotions, or at least utilize them to his advantage. A single tear of frustration appearing beneath an eye, his fists would clench tight while closing his eyes. If nothing else his anger would compel him to destroy this blasted rock before him if it was the last thing he'd do. One final punch sent forth would land his knuckles square against the chunk of earth with a resounding and thunderous crack. He could feel a tremor spread beneath his feet, at which point his eyes would spring open.

"Have I finally done it?" Luke would exclaim to no one in particular. Anger swiftly changed to joy, before once again retreating to sorrow as he'd see that the rock stood with nary a crack in sight.

That however would not change the sensation of yet another tremor feeling as though it were erupting from beneath his feet. Several species of bird, having stayed away from the proximity of the emotionally sensitive Lucario, flew overhead in what seemed to be confusion and fear. Looking up, Luke would lose his balance as yet another powerful tremor shook his world. Everything happened so quickly that even on a later date he'd barely be able to recount all the events which took place. Luke watched as trees were uprooted and shoved aside while the ground cracked and shattered right before his eyes. Falling and tumbling around, trying to shield himself with his arms, much of what he saw was a blur due to the shaking. A massive cacophony of shifting rock and falling trees drowned out any of his yelps of confusion.

Just as quick as it had come, the shaking would have ceased. The ground itself had fissured, as Luke would see before him, a giant and jagged crack in the ground stretching as far as he could see. With dust slowly settling and plant life falling into place, he'd be able to make something out in the distance which wasn't there before. He knew the area of the woods very well, and to see what looked to be a cavern in the middle of upturned trees was incredibly intriguing to one with a naturally curious mind. It seemed almost perfectly formed, as though it had ruptured from the ground solely to take a breath of fresh air. There was an old look to it, for the architecture itself was fairly bare yet the stone from it was very clearly chiseled to, at one point, have some sort of design.

There wasn't much else for the Lucario to do at this point. Either he would indulge his curiosity and explore the cave which had inexplicably poked itself from the ground, or just go about his day pretending as though nothing had happened. Considering his annoyance with being able to improve himself, it seemed obvious even to him that he should possibly take a day's break and inspect a phenomenon which certainly didn't happen every day. A quick hop across the crack in the ground followed by a short dash forwards, ducking underneath uprooted trees or vaulting over others, was all it took to bring himself to the cave entrance.

Up close the curious investigator could much more easily see the markings along the entrance. There was a strange symbiosis of natural formation and purposefully carved objects etched just beyond the opening, giving him sound proof that this was at least no accident in terms of construction. There was a hefty level of humidity felt within the cave entrance, yet it felt to be extremely cool from within, as if it were more of an ancient dungeon or labyrinth than any cave one should want to normally enter. What looked to be stairs from ages long past were now just cracked chunks of rock with occasional steep drops from levels of it plain missing, likely damaged from the quake if not from time itself. Hopping down the stairwell, he noticed the decline came at a fairly sharp pace to perhaps hint that it wasn't originally made by, or for, any Pokemon. Sunlight fluttered in and out of existence with the wind of the outside world rustling loose branches above the entrance, at which point continuing for much longer would be fruitless without an extra source of light.

Lucarios had an innate ability to view the auras of any living being, and even those objects which had no life to them but possessed a power of their own, or even segments of an aura imparted upon them from a living creature. While Luke had never seen another's aura, he knew what one might look like from seeing his own. It would be quite a sad state of affairs if, upon evolution, he couldn't even recognize himself with such a gift after all. Closing his eyes for a few seconds to concentrate, he'd reach out with his right hand, pointing the palm upwards. With a slight bit of focus his eyes would reopen, and before him would be a wavering white-ish blue glow. There would be actual light associated with such a simple force, pale in comparison to that of real light, but enough to at least see where one was walking.

Something odd flickered in the distance. There looked to be what was like a tiny white flame flickered off in the distance. Walking towards it, the entranced Pokemon nearly walked straight into a wall. It was then that he realized that this wasn't some ordinary light source, but an actual aura. Wiping his eyes with his left hand, Luke slowly followed along the edge of the corridors with disbelieving eyes. What had changed in the past day to allow him to finally recognize another aura, he had to wonder. Was there something, or someone, so powerful that it exuded what could be considered an invasive aura to his own sanctity, or was this simply a sign that he had been progressing with his training? It was almost a warming sensation, especially as he headed towards it. Perhaps it was all within the uplifted Lucario's head, but it also provided a sort of spectral light in what was otherwise a dark and gloomy path.

The aura wasn't moving from its location, which led Luke to believe that it simply be some object. He barely devoted any conscious effort to remembering the paths which he was walking as he had become so enamored and curious. Despite it being such a little source of light it would work as a beacon to guide the adventurer through what would otherwise have been a winding and terrible maze. The Lucario would only give a passing glance at the architecture of the hallways. Each was quite clearly cut in such a way as to ensure passage, but done so in a way to maintain a natural look. The only misnomer to the formula of preserving nature would be the distinctly rounded pillars marking corners to new hallways, and the crudely etched markings in the walls every now and again. Most of them appeared to be gibberish and random markings, but some could be made out as tiny trinkets and statuettes. There was one in particular that seemed to be growing in size every time he saw it drawn again, making him to believe it was a sign of nearing his goal, if not for the fact that via perception he could see it becoming larger. He wasn't sure just how large it was due to distance, but rounding the next corner would mark the first interesting event after wandering for what felt like an hour. Walking down the next hallway he would realize it was a dead end with a pleasant surprise.

It was difficult for the Lucario to believe that, what he had been seeking, was right there in front of his eyes. The artifact was sitting in a small nook of the cave wall in a fairly unassuming position; more as if the little ghostly flames emanating from the statuette was meant to be part of the stone itself. Closing his eyes for a brief moment to change what he was visualizing, he'd reopen them to see not the aura of the object but instead its physical form. It was a tiny white object that would seem otherwise rather useless. Taking a couple steps forward he would squint his eyes in the low lighting of the hallway. Before reaching forward and grasping it, he could see it was modeled by something which couldn't have been of this planet. To him it resembled something like that of a Dragonite, however with a vastly more muscular form. Beyond that it was shaped to have four arms and was etched well enough to see it was meant to portray fur.

Luke hesitated with bending down to pick it up. It was impossible to see anything which might lay in wait past the artifact in its little hole, and the ability for him to concentrate and sense anything but the power it contained was a futile effort. This was the reason why he had even ventured into these ruins to begin with, so he may as well just get it over with. While reaching forth he could watch the fiery blue aura of the object begin to stretch and mingle with his own. It was the first time he had ever paid much attention to his own self and being, but it was impossible not to at this point; the two separate bodies of energy arching between each other much like flecks of metal would around and between a magnet. Just like a magnet, the closer he came to grasping it there was felt a resistance pushing back. The thought of him being so weak as to be unable to even grasp an inanimate object nearly sent him over the edge in frustration. Furrowing his brows with concentration and annoyance, he clenched his fingers around the small statue.

Sudden forces clashed against the Lucario as what felt to be a shock wave exploded forth from the artifact. Accompanied with it there would have been a blinding flash, albeit not one of any visible light. It was the aura of the statuette which had created such powerful opposition, and Luke soon understood why. Opening his eyes he could see purple colored tendrils, fiery just the same as the aura, arched forth from the top of his hand. It traveled up his arm, penetrating beneath fur and skin before surfacing and racing forth. It cut a swathe through his own aura, of which he was having a rough time concentrating on, as though what he had just picked up was blocking it out. The artifact itself seemed to have disappeared, for as his fists clenched while he felt his muscles tightening against his will, there was no physical object left.

Groaning quietly to himself, Luke could barely watch as his eyelids fluttered in reaction of what felt to be physical objects wiggling beneath his skin. It wasn't painful, yet his body wished to interpret it as such. The tendrils of energy raced across his body, harmlessly piercing through his training shirt and pants while moving up and down around him. As if on a timer he could watch as the metaphysical forms, flaring across him much like what was seen in the corona of the sun, came crashing down around him in a sudden squeeze. It stiffened his body tightly so as if being fully wrapped by some gigantic snake, and one that he was unable to fight back against. Pulses of energy flowed through his body while his knees started to buckle, forcing him to squat ever so slightly. His heart was racing, and Luke was unable to watch any longer. Raising his arms so that he could grab the sides of his head, as if unable to contain the energies that be, he could feel the tendrils wrapping themselves in specific ways; they not only keeping around his body as a whole, but around particular segments of his physical form. Pure energy swirling around him, timed to his heartbeat, as if his own bodily systems were used to fuel the artifact.

It was then that the Pokemon felt something unlike anything ever in his life. The sensation that was similar to lactic acid building up after training for many long hours, but accelerated thousands of times. Sensations of this spread from his forearm that was used to grasp the object before, and along his body in the same pattern that the tendrils had originally traveled. Strange as it may be, it continued and the feelings grew enhanced as every second ticked by. He was constantly bouncing between feeling exhausted and relieved, as if going through his daily routine followed by rest; it sincerely felt as if he had been training for days in every moment of time. Struggling to keep his eyes fully open and alert, they would widen and be seemingly forced to stay at attention once he witnessed what was actually taking place with his body.

Inches of excess muscle were pushing forth whilst hidden beneath his fur and contained by the skin. Luke watched as, on either side, the muscles of his arms were visibly bulging with each beat of his heart. They would stiffen while widening considerably while his breaths came through low and deep. The forearms seemed to double in circumference as his flesh bulged and settled down in unnatural form, with the upper arm muscles following suit. Looking upwards, the Lucario was forced to turn his gaze away as a bubbling sensation rolled across his neck and upper back. Black segments of fur along the shoulder blades of his body became increasingly pronounced with the extra mass. There he could feel his strength reaching new heights just the same as with his arms. Further down, he wouldn't even have to look to recognize the feelings that were overcoming his mind. His shirt tattered as the sleeves were forced to undue themselves, both sides becoming no more than jagged apparitions simply hanging on sparsely to what ever fur they were caught upon.

Just the same as with his arms, feeling of his back taking a more shapely form was predominant; the once flat chest bloating out forwards and to the sides, forcing the Lucario's arms to rest at a position more parallel with his body. The shining and unique metallic spike which all of his kindred have would jut forth at greater prevalence to help accentuate the new sight of raw strength. Abdominal muscles popped forth while the sides of his body would expand with a unique curvature that seemed, for a short time, disproportional as the rest the muscles surged forth to create what looked like mountain ranges.

The shirt on Luke's body quickly ran out of space to stretch as the noises of ripping cloth filled the cave passage. With his muzzle pointed forwards, small strands of saliva dribbled forth as a show to how little control he had over his body, yet if any one soul could have watched the almost horrific sight they would see not a face in torture, but that of pure bliss. The Lucario would wish to arch back, but the vibrations created purely from the energies morphing his tissue poised his body straight upwards. Bucking his arms slightly as each lat erupted with pure power, his back could soon be broken down into segments as all major muscles beneath the fur became appropriately engorged. With one more forced flex as commanded by the powers of the trinket the shirt, adorned with rips and gashes where it could no longer hold on, was forced off his body with the tattered segments raining down softly upon the cave floor.

Quadriceps of the legs swelled equally as greatly as any other muscle on the body, if not proportionally more so just to keep up with the vast increases in body weight. They were forced to spread apart as the feet slid across in preparation. The training shorts were able to bypass the same gruesome fate as the shirt simply by being much more relenting in its grip, but that wouldn't allow it to hide the musculature any better; nor would the more precious bits of the dog-like creature be so easily concealed as the energies forced a certain level of growth upon this area just by meaning of presence. Hamstrings were felt widening and strengthening themselves down either leg, almost as a basis of the energy to spring forth from, leaking into other segments of the leg. Before long the calves were packed with enough bulk to allow even the largest of beasts some locomotion.

Staggering backwards slowly, the hold which the energies had upon Luke's body was finally subsiding, each movement made sending waves of residual energy. Every motion in the gait felt stretched out and longer than should be, at which point he'd realize that he had grown in overall height as well. The lower segments of the training pants tore quickly below the kneecaps and would barely stay fastened from thereon to his waist from the different types of growth which overcome him. Every inch of the furred body still throbbed from the stress which it had endured, and yet a particular sinking of one foot followed by a loud series of mechanisms being sent into motion would indicate he could not yet rest.

Backing along the passage quickly, the Lucario kept his eyes peeled looking forward. Low rumbling was heard coming from someplace in front of him, despite there being a wall in the way. The intensity escalated within moments, at which point it became more than obvious that it was one of the oldest traps in the book; a boulder pushed forward by some pressure plate. It wasn't simply lucky intuition, but purely skill from having trained for so long under his clan to recognize any type of danger. There would be nowhere to run for he knew, in his recovering state, he wouldn't have the speed on foot to reach one of the other corridors. A quick assumption had to be made that any rock would simply be wide enough to catch anything trying to cling to the walls.

All that there was left for Luke to do was jump, and just that is what he did. Rubble exploded forth towards him at the same instance his legs released their tension downwards to have his body soar into the tall hallway. Rushing at him with blinding speeds would be a boulder, shaped uncannily like that of a rugged rock Pokemon. Confidence like which he had never felt before overcame his mentality as his own strength beset him, for he cleared the top of a rock which was near five times his current size.

The descent downwards was somewhat more rough for the blue and black creature, for he at first didn't quite have faith as it had not yet sunk in at the level of power he now possessed. Landing upon the rocky ground, he'd clench his teeth and buckle at his knees. Cracks sprung forth from his landing point with a loud bang as the hefty bulk of his body imparted such weight without consequence. Worse was it for Luke himself, for he quickly learned the lesson to better control his new size, both in regards to genitalia and musculature. Cursing to himself he'd clench his legs and struggle to stand, for the new sizes between his legs made it all the more present just how much of a lack of space there was; the crown jewels, as he jokingly referred to them so many times in the past, being squeezed between massive adductor muscles was not a feeling he would soon forget. In a flash he learned to take conscious care of even the most trivial of movements so as to not hurt himself in any other way.

After enough time had passed, along with self-appointed cursing, Luke would stand forth to gain a better understanding of his surroundings. Debris littered the ground around him with shattered pieces of rock along with a gaping hole being where there was once a wall. There was barely much of a space beyond where the boulder had come from, and looking upwards to where it fell yielded no useful information. Looking down, strangely enough, would bring about a sight more than tantalizing to the eyes. The relic had bolstered more than just his physical prowess, for without much effort, the natural aura-sight was shining in full force.

It was here that he could see another relic fairly close by, at least in direct distance; it appearing with a much more somber and relaxed blue flame. Two other objects of glowing power were nearby one other, one having a violet tinge similar to what he had taken, and another which glowed an endearing and beautiful yellow. Now was the first time, however, that he could see two other vague forms shifting in the distant darkness. One of them was more than three times the size of the other trailing behind; the larger having a brilliant reddish aura with the other having a tame green spark. They were traveling together and that likely meant that they had teamed up to search the caves, albeit coming from an entrance different than his own.

Time became more imperative than ever to locate the closest trinket. The blazing red aura of one of the other individuals had nearly blinded Luke as it erupted on levels that he would assume was a star exploding. The red fellow had taken the purple source of power, and the two energies fused almost instantly. When he was undergoing the growth process, it had felt like hours had traversed. He had to wonder if this what it would have looked like for another Lucario to have seen him absorb the energy which he had earlier, to be overcome with awe at such separate energies intertwining. It caused him to tremble slightly, as he almost dared not to look. In a way he was on a sort of high with the power he had obtained. To know that it could be so easily challenged right from the get go helped put his situation into perspective. Turning around there would be a daunting task ahead of him, or at least it was mentally. It caused his ears to flatten against the back of his head at the sight.

"Why did it have to be this, of all things?"

In the way of the hall which he had come would be the boulder that threatened him just a couple minutes prior. There was no getting around the rock, plainly put, nor was there likely any way to budge it at this position. Extra corridors were on the other side, and the location which the boulder had come from was a chute which simply could not be scaled. Luke trembled slightly as he approached the boulder and with gritting teeth. It was like there were spirits in the caves taunting him; that the rock would be affixed to the place he had to go, and the only way was to break through it in the way that he couldn't break a rock from earlier that was considerably smaller. Taking a deep breath he prepared for the worst, and hoped for the best.

Luke slowly affixed his feet upon the ground in the same stance as he was earlier in the morning just before the earthquake had hit. Each placement upon the cold stone below felt much more exaggerated with his eyes closed. Every muscle in his leg twitched as though eager to move. Inhaling yet again, he'd smile. This time would be different. He had the technique combined with the dedication, but simply lacked the strength and ability to gain it as if cursed. It was a curse that was finally broken. Reaching forward to place his left palm against the smooth surface of the boulder, he'd rear back his right arm with intense focus. Without even having to focus upon it, he could make out his own aura fluttering in front of his face. As though posing for a magazine, with the right arm seemingly as thick as a tree trunk when tensed, he'd throw back his left hand only to replace it with the first of his right side. The steel-plated skin that a Lucario possessed not only surpassed the large rock in durability, but with the kinetic energy of such a powerful assault, it would relent and seemingly bow down to the strength expressed. Gigantic cracks formed in the surface as sounds of cracking stone echoed around as the fist had implanted itself to make a hole within. Faster than a heartbeat later the stress of its own weight became its worst enemy as the cracks had spread well through the center and to the other side. What was once a rotund piece of earth was soon crumbling down in a sorry mess of its former glory. Stepping back, with his arm still outstretched, the Lucario simply stared in awe.

"That was, I mean... I did..." He simply stuttered while watching the debris of shattered rock clink along the ground. Once the dust had settled and the reverberating sounds finally relented, Luke could see that the force of his blow had sent a majority of the pieces of the boulder into the hallway from whence he came. It was as if he had shattered glass it was so easy, and how the remains lay in ruins.

Victory was in sight as Luke let out a quiet bark of absolute glee. Rushing forward, nothing would stand in his way of achieving ultimate strength, as he now very well understood the strength which the artifacts contained. He wouldn't even resort to struggling to contain his aura just long enough to create a weak light. There was no need to him it would seem. It was as if he knew where he was going in the darkness, following some trail that should be invisible even to him, but was not. To the right he went, through the corridor, through what seemed like a maze embedded within the earth. The next trinket would never remain hidden, however, he used his extra sense to always keep in sight the dot of the blue glow hidden somewhere below him. All of the other senses, however, became a welcome addition.

Luke listened to the pounding, appealing symphony of pattering that was his feet against the ground. It was like music to his ears; the weight and pressure which resulted from the swift movement was only a reminder of his own muscle mass. He reveled in the sensation of so much flesh hidden beneath his skin, bulging at every given moment, forcing it all to rub against his own body. It was like a hidden clockwork machine at work inside his body. Every deep sigh let loose a flurry of powerful sensations as his broad chest raised and lowered whilst jiggling from its own weight. Movement from his arms brushing against the sides of the pectorals were almost a tickling sensation, as the new addition of surface area gave rise to sensations upon the body he never knew existed. There was nary a feeling he had ever indulged upon ever in his life, and at this moment it was the greatest feeling he could ever have wished for. The Lucario had even quickly learned, and applied, the knowledge of how little space there was between the legs. It was at the point that moving almost became sexually stimulating due to the way his bits would glide up and down in accordance to the shifting legs.

The only thing that he would have to be sure to remember was how tiring it was to move this body around. He simply wasn't used to it. Luke found himself panting much quicker than he would ever have before the infusion of power, and the fierce beating of his heart let him know just how much his improved body was straining. Perhaps the strain of training earlier in the day, without a rest to even eat breakfast, was catching up to make any fatigue that much worse. This was yet again another point that he had to learn through experience as he jogged along the corridors panting up a storm. Another lesson would be swiftly learned by the young Lucario at that moment, and one that would take him out of his self-imposed high frightfully quick.

Just because one possesses a power not inherently achievable by others does not mean one should focus just on that. With one more step the rough ground transitioned into what felt like a waxed downward slope that the pads of Luke's feet could not achieve friction upon. With his immense weight lurching forward his fate was entirely sealed for falling down what would presumably be yet another trap. Swirling his arms in the air to try and maintain balance proved futile and helped only to ensure that he'd fall flat on his chest to slide head-first down towards the blue aura he so desired.

Outstretched arms and legs wound find no walls to try and slow the descent to either side of him, so that method of escape was shot out. Digging his toes against the smooth ground yielded no fruitful results, and pushing the bottom of his wrists to try and bring himself to a halt wouldn't work. There was something about the incoming trinket that helped him to realize better self control, and the realization hit him quicker with every passing second. It wasn't that he never had it, but it was all just a learning process. What he had lacked in physical prowess before today he made up for in quick wits in training situations. It was like a reflex for him to focus almost entirely on the blue aura as a source of light. If him focusing so intently on the aura got him into this mess, he thought, it would better damn well work to get him out of it. He knew he'd need light, and just like he had done with his own aura when first entering the cave, he could surely focus on the light provided by the inanimate object. There was mere seconds to do so before solid ground made way to an open cavern that resulted in a fast tumble.

Luke's eyes widened in surprise and attention as his heart furiously raced. Insidiously sharpened stalagmites lined the quickly approaching floor. Each of them were a different size and they condensed to specific areas for what was clearly made to be a purposeful pit of death. A quick spark in the back of his head, as if it was a slap from a palm, forced him to open his own hands. Eyes squinting both in fear and focus, he'd have only one chance. Tensing his muscles, he looked like a rugged furred rocket shooting towards the ground which had began to glow. Generally a Lucario would refuse to materialize their own aura as a physical force outside of a combat situation, but this was just as much for his life than anything else. Bursting forth from his body with a blazing and mystical blue light, he'd expel a portion of his own aura as a tangible object. This allowed him to slow his descent at the exact moment he'd clasp his hands; falling between two of the larger stone spikes which jut from the floor. His fingers had never clenched so tight in his life as they had now, as he kept his arms perfectly straight to support the weight of his own body against that of gravity itself.

It was a jerking sensation that caused a painful rebound of energy to travel along Luke's body. His chest puffed out substantially as his arms lurched outward with an impressive show of strength. The Lucario's body was at a perfect one hundred-eighty degree angle with the floor itself, as he performed the most dangerous handstand he'd likely ever do in his life; going from speeds great enough to plaster his body against the ground, to flat zero in the blink of an eye. Sweat rolled down his face as he stared cross-eyed down his short snout, as there was no time to revel in his own impossible act of strength and will.

There it stood; the blue aura which cast a somber light across his surroundings, and the object which emitted it right in the center. Perfectly nestled atop of a flattened rock, it was well within reach of his hands. The problem with such, as Luke knew well, was that the moment he would lax either of his arms for just a moment all balance would be lost. With his vision blurring from straining so harshly, and droplets of sweat pattering around the pedestal and the artifact, he focused for one last burst. Focusing on the blue object below, he could view how it looked much akin to the first artifact, but instead etched upon it would be a scaly creature as opposed to furred. Furthermore there were many more fins upon it, as the blue coloration became relevant that it was meant to be some aquatic serpentine dragon. It was then that he knew what to do, as he squinted and stared at the frills upon the top of the trinket. Every ounce of energy went into him slowly lowering himself by bending his arms. Straining against his own weight, his elbows pointed themselves back as they wobbled and tired. At this point he understood how having such bulk could be a curse in itself, yet it was still the only thing keeping him alive.

Slowly yet surely Luke's nose came into reach of the sapphire emblazoned aura of the artifact. He was almost there, and he could already see how its aura meshed with his own. Mixing together, this time the powers contained within seemed much less focused on creating a vibrant show but instead was meant to be much more smooth of a transition. Opening his mouth, and with one final lurch forward, he'd jab forward with his head. Clicking together, he let out a mental sigh of relief, as feeling of tough material against his teeth was all he needed to grab the artifact and claim it as his own.

Something overcame the Lucario's body at that very moment. He had steeled himself and mentally prepared for something as physically intensive as the last artifact. Any extra gain of strength and energy would surely have been enough to see him through the trap he'd falling into, but nothing in a manner such as this. Arching up along his arms, similar to the last, he'd watch as the auras of the object and his body merged together. Each time it pierced beneath his fur, however, a cooling befell him. His muscles had been aching and yearning for reprieve from worldly strains, yet each loop of the trinket's blue glow eased all pained tensions. Like being washed by a wave on the beach, the feelings spread quickly. While he once was sweating Luke would now find his pores clear and drying. All in all he felt as though he'd awoken from a restful slumber, and came out of it kicking and raring to go.

Forcing all of his weight onto his wrists for just a brief moment, the revitalized canine launched himself forward through the air to the next nearest set of stalagmites. A quick and well timed flip was all it took to have his feet be the part of the body to press against the rock, and from there another quick downward thrust was all it took to bounce to the next sturdy formation. Gritting his teeth harshly, he could feel the physical strain it took to perform such acts; the trinket still held between his teethgrinding harshly between his jaws, allowing him to recognize the shock waves traveling up his form. Light from the trinket was all that was needed to navigate, and the end was nearer than he could ever have hoped. With one last shove with his legs, and less than a second in the air, he'd land upright and unharmed upon solid ground.

Luke dropped his jaws and bent down to rest his hands against his knees. The artifact was gone just like the former, as if recognizing it had served his purpose. While he stared downward to where he would otherwise have expected it to fall, he felt a pulsing sensation spread throughout his body. He truly felt as good as new, and while mentally he knew he should be totally drained of all energy, there was another jab at the back of his conscience as if forcing him to think otherwise. He knew quite well there was no fatigue plaguing his body as the stinging of lactic acid was completely devoid. Not only that, but there appeared to be a nominal amount of musculature increase across his body. Barely noticeable compared to what happened earlier, but he recognized it. It felt good, and it felt empowering just like before.

Just when there was finally a time for the adventurer to rest, he would be overcome with a pounding force which hit him like a blast of hot wind. Enough to cause one to falter, and certainly enough to garnish ones attention. Looking straight forward his eyes would widen in disbelief as an aura which he saw before had seemingly exploded out similar to before, but unlike earlier, the blazing red aura had increased in density dramatically. He could bare witness as it seemed to be expanding out further from the body at a continual rate, while the much softer green aura was seemingly shrinking. While never knowing what it was truly like to observe an individual's aura prior to just this very hour, a curdling sensation within his gut let him know very well that this was not a natural occurrence.

Dashing forward, Luke would run at unnatural speeds for his size with little effort. The only binding aspect to his sprint were the tattered shorts below his belt, and with the last spurt of growth, the tearing of fabric could be heard anew as it strained against any movement. Feeling a lack of tiredness unlike before created a sense of assurance that he could withstand any hardships that could be thrown his way. He knew it was foolhardy, but to have any thought resembling the possibility of failure only opened up the mentality that it was possible for him to fail in any endeavors. More blasts of hot air rustled through his fur, and at this point he'd realize that it wasn't anything the cave could muster, but it was instead much more distinct. It was like that of another Pokemon, and one that utilized fire for means of combat. Light was attributed to this revelation as he noticed himself coming upon an opening in the short hallway. It was there that he could see a bipedal creature with feathers streaked with the coloration of red and yellow fire, looming above what appeared to be a comparatively tiny green reptile. Small portions of the ground were lit ablaze with sustained fires large enough to light the duo's location.

What horrified the Lucario was the positioning which the two could be seen in. The green creature, which upon closer inspection could be made out as a fairly average sized Grovyle, was slumped over and laying on his belly unconscious. The Blaziken however was just standing upwards, as if he had just finished having his way with the smaller creature sexually. What became further disturbing was the sheer size of the avian, to the point that it was almost difficult to tell whether or not it was truly a Pokemon or a pure monster. While naturally taller than a Lucario, this was something entirely different. The fiery bird was well over his own height despite the growth which he had gained over his adventure, and combined upon that, was simply gigantic in every respect. Even from a distance Luke could see every individual muscle across the Blaziken's back. Where there should have been thick and luscious feathers trailing from the head and across the chest, there was an absolutely colossal monster of pure strength. Even when behind Luke could see the outstretching pectorals pushing against the arms, and either of the legs truly looked they may be rooted to the ground as extensions of the earth, they were so bulky and thick. All of this was combined with a height that made him look unnatural, he easily well over the canine's height cap, and this clearly visible from the thirty or so yards of distance between the two.

"Well, I thought I felt another soul around here. These little beacons of power are really something, huh?" The Blaziken would calmly announce without turning around. It was eerie to Luke how casually the avian spoke given the circumstances of meeting. He'd remain silent, simply sizing up the situation.

"If it weren't for the fact that they gave strength that I never thought possible... and the ability to take it away from others... there really aren't any words for it, are there?" The avian would turn around, with a rather serious look upon his face. "And it's a shame when people try to take such artifacts from you despite knowing how much they'd be worth to you." He'd motion to the still Grovyle on the ground.

"Looks more like all you did was let the power go to your head if nothing else." Luke would exclaim, though with a coy expression and emphasis on the word head, making inference to the lack of clothing the firey Pokemon possessed in a less-than-subtle way. There was nothing there at the groin, it would seem, as would make sense for non-mammalian creatures.

If nothing else he were simply trying to provoke the situation. There was a sense of justice and moral code that a Lucario should hold up to, and seeing the aftermath of what happened prior, to do such to something that was likely defenseless according to the view of each others aura, it angered him a great deal.

"By the way, the name is Luke. I'd at least enjoy the courtesy of knowing your own before we fight."

"Luke? So you have a trainer, then? Seems too standard of a name to not be. Heh, this should be enjoyable." Luke gulped slightly at the realization of the Blaziken likely actually having been trained by a human. It was well known that they were able to bring out the best in a Pokemon's abilities, and he was someone who could barely bring himself to be up to snuff with other untamed Pokemon.

"You understand the... annoyance... of having a poorly thought out nickname. Just call me Blake." No more words would have to be spoken after that point in time as Blake would charge forward to start the engagement.

Luke froze for just a moment as he watched Blake glide through the air. With a single push of a leg, the avian launched itself in a horizontal jump. The sheer magnitude of strength emanating from such a force was enough for him to feel the shock wave travel through the ground. It seemed as if a truck were coming at him full force, and he couldn't do anything to stop it. Height and muscle combined created an imposing opponent, and one that he likely wasn't ready for. In the fleeting seconds he had to make an action, he was struck across the face by the bottom of the avian's foot. Saliva splattered from his opened mouth as Luke was sent spiraling backwards from the force of the jump kick. He fell harder than one would ever anticipate, both from shock of the situation and simply his own weight.

A certain sense of anger suddenly flooded through Luke. Pushing himself up slowly, he'd find himself smashed against the side of his rubs in a low blow by the Blaziken as he was tossed to the side like a ragdoll. Coughing out from a sudden sear of pain, this time he'd use the force to help himself up instead of laying to just take a beating. His muscles began to ache somewhat, but not in ways of fatigue. This time he could feel his own heartbeat thumping to the thrill of a fight, and against an opponent that likely outclassed him in every way. Adrenaline was quite clearly flowing through his veins in full force, at which he simply smiled. Charging forth, it would be a good fight simply to feel his own strength. This, however, was a fight he knew there was no choice in losing or winning; a fight which the young Lucario had never partaken in.

The lack of mastery in arts of combat were evident as Luke rushed forward to perform blows of his own. Punches thrown forward were quite clearly shot forward without much regard to counterattacks or opposing fighting styles, but what he did do was at least given with all his heart. Blake would raise an arm quickly to throw away a punch aimed for his chest and retaliate with one of his own, of which Luke would attempt to shrug off. It was difficult to aim against a Pokemon that was nearly twice his own size; the difference quite clearly coming from the artifacts of power, for no Blaziken could ever naturally reach such heights. Throwing his weight back and then forward for quick kicks were equally as avoided by the larger creature. In quick succession, after any blocking took place, he would begin attacking in what seemed to be a tantrum. Punches seeming to be a combination of fighting stances typical via intense training and that of pure amateur moves were let loose. Every punch was met with a shrug by the other Pokemon. Very few of them truly made it through to strike at the soft feathers of the body, at which the Lucario seemed stunned.

It was as if he were punching metal strong enough to resist moves which should normally bend to the will of any fighting style. Loud thumps would be the only thing to show for it. Landing against the bloated chest of the taller avian, in what would be from a jump upwards prior, would simply be ignored with him being pushed away by a quick push of the Blaziken's body. Anything against the abdominal region seemed to be completely insensitive to any strikes. Throwing Blake off balance with disabling attacks against the legs were equally as fruitless as the limbs acted as if attached to the ground. Panting heavily, he would look upwards with widened eyes as he felt a palm wrap around his neck with avian talons attempting to dig into the iron-like skin of the canine.

"Cute. Were you left in a box for half your life?"

After such stinging words meant mostly to be an insult to another trained Pokemon, Blake's wrists erupted in a flurry of fire. Yelping in both fear and pain, Lucarios shared a common weakness and fear to such intense of temperatures, and ironically, fighting styles of any and all types. He was held there for several moments, forced to bathe in the searing heat. It was then that Luke's eyes widened with dilating pupils. Something about the aura of the Blaziken spoke out to him. It was then that he saw an opening, for reasons he wasn't sure. It was like a sixth sense of the upcoming blows. Before the other arm of the bird could come 'round and strike at the debilitated Lucario's face, the hanging dog quickly rocked in place and drilled with all his strength his heels just below Blake's ribcage.

Surprise from being stricken with such force was enough to release Luke from what would potentially have been a deadly series of blows when in proximity to such heat and incoming punches. Blake stumbled backwards much in the same way as Luke would; both needing a moment to recuperate. It was then that the canine realized something more. The way an aura moved about a creature made him able to determine the incoming movements of the physical body. It was simply the ability of a Lucario to read such actions, though that should only be reserved for those in the highest levels of their training. Furthermore, it looked to him that Blake was actually rather tired, much like Luke had been earlier before gaining that one artifact.

It wouldn't be of much help at the immediate moment due to the rage which surfaced from Blake's previously composed and cocky stature. It was here that the flames emerging from his wrists had grown long enough to emblazon his arms, and from his legs there would be a similar ring of fire to spout forth. This would cast a flickering and chaotic light across his body, exaggerating the actual mass of muscle he contained and causing his angered expression to become a near intimidation tactic.

Time seemed to favor the Blake greatly. He seemed to be moving faster than ever when in his combat ready form, and this would mean that all Luke could do was, for the most part, evade or block the blows as well. His eyes darted left and right, watching for the aura on the Blaziken to predict his movements. Yet it was impossible to prepare for everything simply due to the speed at which the Pokemon moved. All of the muscle seemed to not only have zero effect on how quickly he moved, but at this rate he seemed only to be speeding up as Luke watched the muscles swell. Veins could be seen bulging outwards from beneath the fine feathers as the air itself would heat up from the intense fires being produced. It eventually came to the point that Blake resorted to breathing torrents of solid flame in front of his movements, coating himself in flames to try and mow the Lucario down. While a foolhardy and easily avoidable attack it would leave behind trails of scorched and still-flaming areas on the floor to limit where one could move. It was enough, however, to eventually catch aflame the remainder of Luke's training pants. Enough was it to deal with a flurry of attacks, but to extinguish oneself with frantic pats against his own legs and privates was an added insult to injury. It wasn't long before he was left to fight bare and without clothing, similar to his opponent.

Luke could hold out no longer. While physically capable of moving and with a lack of tiredness one would assume he could outlast the other Pokemon, but he was simply outclassed. The fighting would have gone on for several more minutes before finally coming upon that fact. No matter which way he would strike, or how well he predicted the movements, Blake would be there to counter it all with superior skills. Whether it be in fighting style, the proof of innate training, or simply the fire itself, the Blaziken could soon corner and isolate all of his own weaknesses seemingly with speed and strength alone. Jumping through a wall of fire left behind from previous attacks, Luke had no choice but to watch despite knowing it was coming; the avian creature soared through the air towards him with blinding red flames enveloping nearly his entire body. Either he tried to endure the hit, or rolled into the flames and risk fully immolating himself.

Blake's foot appeared perfectly cloaked in rushing fire as it connected right to Luke's face. Grasping it with talons, the vicious grip was tight enough to ensure no cries of pain would make it through to the air. The strongest point of a Blaziken was its muscular legs, and Luke was certainly baring witness to such. Balancing off of Luke, Blake would throw his weight down with a quick twist to smash the side of the canine's head into the wall behind him, and down against the ground. A wide indent was left in the wall of solid rock as a testament to the intense strength exerted upon Luke. Unyielding, Blake would twirl his body whilst lifting his leg before tossing the body it held upwards against the ceiling. With Blake trailing not far behind, Luke watched as the flaming creature tore through air with an uppercut meant to pierce the skies itself. At normal strength a Blaziken was capable of scaling small skyscrapers with a single leap, and with this immense and almost sickening growth, it was enough to plow Luke into the rough ceiling.

Steel-like skin was the only thing keeping Luke's body together, as was evident with how his skin kept together to retain and disallow any drops of blood to fall. Any scratches to his body were from flaming talons as a singe across burnt fur. He'd watch with blurred vision, and a constant ring in his head was released from the claws of the bird's feet. Utilizing the force of the blow, and the sharp spikes upon the topside of his hands, he would hang against the ceiling for as long as possible to try and regain his composure. It was surreal to feel banged up enough to feel like passing out, yet he felt as energetic as he did from the beginning of the fight. Blake, on the contrary, could be heard heavily panting above the roaring flames which persisted, and seemed to be choking more on the smoke created than Luke did, despite him being where much of it collected. It was a brief respite to be able to hang from the ceiling in such a way, as Luke simply hadn't the will to wait for Blake to recover enough energy to strike with another devastating uppercut similar to the last. It would have been a good forty foot drop, and it was one that Luke had to take in full force as the wind was knocked out of his body upon landing against the hard ground. Groaning quietly, he was lifted by the back of his neck by a single hand of the bird.

"I... think it's about time, we... end this sparring... wouldn't you say?" Blake's words came out in forced breaths; raspy and clearly exhausted.

Luke knew there was no point in fighting back when grabbed in such a way. He was slowly carried to a wall of the cave to once again be pushed back against it. Raising Luke upwards to meet at Blake's eyes, nose and beak nearly touching, the Blaziken sighed out slowly with a sense of impending accomplishment. All notion of keeping up the flames spewing from wrists and ankles would finally be extinguished at its owner's own wishes. Luke squirmed in place and arched his fingers in pain from pressure and residual heat as Blake would force his body upon the canine; the much more massive pectorals of the avian pushing back at Luke's chest, pinning his body in a dominant and claiming fashion. Reaching up with enough struggling, the Lucario would grasp at the upper arms of the Blaziken just to fully grasp how large he was. Staring into his eyes before letting them roam, he'd notice proportionally how similar the body was to his own. It truly was skill and dedication to ones training that allowed the Blaziken to win the fight. Then was the first time in a very long time that a shiver traveled down Luke's spine as the first hint of anything wet would slide between his legs, and grind against his flaccid member.

Squirming more than ever before, Luke realized what was about to happen. He was about to endure a fate similar to that of the Grovyle that he had seen from before. With his own body slowly lowering he could feel how the protective liquids from the otherwise internal shaft would glide effortlessly up and along his body; Luke's abdominal muscles being used as a quick tool for a teasing massage, as if to devalue their worth as being nothing more than a toy for someone stronger. With Blake lowering himself to a slight kneel, the grinding between the soft and hardened shaft became a forced session of frotting, and one that Luke couldn't deny the pleasure of himself. It was a betrayal of his brain for the most part, as his nerves simply couldn't resist the sensation of feeling along the contours and vasculinity of the smooth flesh. With his buttocks now resting against the ground and Blake looming over him in just the perfect fashion, the Lucario went cross eyed to look dead-on at the tip of the avian member. There was a sickeningly beautiful glisten to the fleshy colored glans due to the fire that made it surprisingly attractive. Even though feeling it was one sensation, actually being able to look at it was entirely different in terms of gauging size. There was no question in mind that one of the artifacts purpose was to increase ones endowments to beyond normal levels, especially considering the amount of blood needed to keep it going. The head itself was larger than his muzzle. Feeling a grinding sensation, Blake would have rocked back and forth with a steady gyration to further tease and force Luke to come to terms with the size he was to be taken with. It was a gentle massage meant not only to boast, but to bring forth deeper intentions of lust within the Lucario as well. Each pass of the shaft buried it slightly between the deep ridge of the pectorals of his body to a point where they would no longer yield simply from firmness. With the way the shaft would brush against his fur it felt almost exotic. Biting his bottom lip and trying to look away he could feel his body giving into temptation. Blood rushed down to his own external bits, and with each beat of the heart in his chest, his member reached closer to full fruition of his erection.

Every so often Luke would catch a glimpse of faltering movements coming from the Blaziken. Not only that, but his very aura seemed much lower than normal, when he actually took the time to focus upon it. Each breath seemed labored and harsh despite the lack of fighting, which implied a hidden weakness. There was a severe lack of stamina that the Blaziken possessed, much like Luke himself before taking his second artifact. From this realization an idea would hatch in his brain. If there was nothing else that he gained from his training was, surely, that quick thinking could save ones hide as it had done earlier in the day. Just as Luke's shaft came to full size, it growing almost agonizingly slowly whilst rubbing along the underside of Blake's own member, he'd shift his legs to spread them apart as though finally accepting his fate. Whispering to himself, Blake seemed pleased that he would have to exert so much less energy to finally make way with what was planned all along. With Luke fully erect, and mind seemingly shattered, he was ready to humiliate him as though nothing more than a spoil of war.

The moment any pressure was released from Luke's body he would lurch forward in a different kind of strike. Utilizing both hands, he would attempt to wrap them around the Blaziken's shaft. It was nearly impossible to fully encompass it from the size difference and the amazing growth in and of itself; looking up as Blake tensed and arched his back upwards, Luke could see how it extended up half the feathered torso. A slight shiver went down his spine once again at the thought of his body being forced to take such a beast. Now, however, was not the time for him to lose sight of the prize in mind. Pulling the shaft down to himself, he would hesitate upon taking a quick whiff. It was overpowering; the musk of the other male dominating in and of itself as a clear bead of pre leaked to expose itself. Using all of his willpower, the Lucario hesitantly extended his tongue to give a slow and long pass of the muscle from halfway down to the very tip of the shaft. Quickly after he would do so again, with much more effort as the ice had been figuratively broken. Once more he'd stroke his tongue against the shaft to leave behind a wet glint that only saliva could accomplish. Using his fingers to massage around the pointed avian member near the base, as if spreading the pseudo-lubricant, he'd take the glans into his maw. It was more than Blake could tolerate to stand against, and was soon brought to his knees both in pleasure and lack of energy to keep himself standing. Gently lurching forward, Luke would use his bulk to help ensure a position more above the larger Pokemon while keeping at the pleasuring act. Salty slime of the pre-seed covered his taste buds, which in turn the rough tongue would continually stroke and grind along the tip of the shaft in order to bring out the strongest of pleasured feelings inside the bird.

By this point Blake had become a crumpled mess on the floor, desperately gasping for breath and trying to push himself up. It was like he should have passed out long ago, but some power from the artifacts kept him conscious through the ordeal. Luke had, essentially, won the fight in a most unorthodox fashion. Keeping in mind what Blake had stated earlier about the powers able to be stolen from another, now would be no better of a time to do so. Already he could see a strange melding auras between him and the fellow he was pinning to the ground by the groin. Judging by the beautiful mixture of colors it was evident that it was not Blake's aura reaching to him, as if the power from the artifacts had already accepted the new owner, and they had simply needed to be taken.

Driven almost by instinct, Luke would reposition himself so that he was now able to tease the larger avian. Closing his eyes, he would thrust forward just above the stubby tail feathers which Blaziken possess. While he couldn't compare to the outright girth and length of the avian, he was still at a size where it would not be forgotten by the next morning what it would feel like. In fact, much to Luke's surprise, there was an exceedingly overpowering sensation overcoming him which drove the canine into a very quick and steady pace of thrusts. It was quite possibly the greatest sensation which he had felt to date across any particular moment in his life. With the resistant sphincter having been pushed beyond, and his glans having penetrated well beyond, a flow of energy was seemingly finally established. Growling quietly it became a bestial sensation for him to want more. Every nerve in his shaft was tingling and alight with activity, as he could quite clearly feel the Blaziken's body becoming all the more tight. Blake's shaft was forced to grind against the upper abdominal muscles due to a lack of space between the two hulking bodies, yet there was a feeling of emptiness over time.

Luke knew it was working; he was truly stealing the powers which Blake had taken. This, in fact, was not even his to begin with. There was another sensation along it, the hint of another aura. What likely happened was that the Grovyle had accidentally claimed an artifact of his own without knowing what it would do, and this was that one. It wouldn't be long until one could find out after all, and that was when Blake turned on his supposed friend. He was able to sense the sensations of previous owners and their feelings they were able to leave as an imprint, and that made it all the more sensual for Luke. While his shaft would grow to a new and fuller size, with all the extra surface space available to tease, there would be the combined effect of two other individuals' pleasure stacked atop of it, which left the Lucario yearning for more.

Every thrust came with just a slight bit more force than the previous. Every minute that passed would import a certain level of strength, transferring directly from one to the other. Whenever Luke opened his eyes he would see just another inch packed onto his arms, while some circumference was taken off of Blake's. He could nearly see his own surging strength in his peripheral vision it was becoming so colossal of a growth. Luke could feel the glory of feeling what seemed to have been a second artifact used for increasing ones muscle size, and it was doubly as intense as the first. He was soon locked away in a world of his own bliss where he, and only he, mattered. Each thrust of his hips pushed the barely conscious Blaziken across the rocky floor, and when he would manage to sneak a look at what was happening, could quite clearly see his own gut bulging tremendously from the gigantic shaft shifting back and forth inside his tightening body. Natural liquids from within the avian's body seemed more than enough to surpass any constriction of the muscles around Luke's throbbing cock. As the canine traded sizes in height with the avian, the now-smaller feathered creature could pick up enough stimuli as to actually feel each pulsing vein along the furred creature's flesh. There was simply no more holding back for Luke, as all the pleasure of the day, combined with wildly shifting emotions between joy and fear, was more than he could bare. This was finally his time to feel happiness through and through, and with a low growl, he'd push one final time harshly into the beaked creature's body as his climax had finally been reached. His testicles were felt bouncing up and down to their own rhythm against the feathers of the body below as though to thoroughly remind who was in full control. Every gush of his load seemed to ease the amount of friction currently present, and with the warmth of both inner body liquids and now his own ejaculate, the prospect of using the other body to milk every ounce he had to offer became all the more relevant. None of this mattered to Luke. He was on an absolute high beyond which he'd be able to comprehend at a later date. Every second which went by would be him clenching his fists all the harsher, while occasionally bashing a fist against the ground even after his load had been spent. It was a primal sensation of which he'd yearn to feel again, and seemed unquenchable.

Specks of colors streaked across Luke's vision even as his eyes would remained closed. It was as though his body were adjusting to the sudden influx of energies and the essence of every artifact that was available. As he slowly pulled away from the Blaziken's body, with a string of seed connecting from the quickly sealing sphincter to the tip of his glans, every inch of his body surged with what felt to be unsurpassed strength. His wounds from battle had most certainly not healed, and the woes of feeling how they had essentially stretched across his body due to the growth would be more than prevalent, but to him it felt as if it was a sign of accomplishment; a goal which had been reached where those seeing the tinged marks of where fire should have burned and wore him down was not enough to put him under. Looking down at Blake, he could see how the normal sized body was barely as thick as a single muscle upon Luke's own form, and that was when he was at rest. Even each abdominal muscle segment, compared to before, was pitiable as each could be barely grasped by one of his own hands. Shifting his shoulders, he'd gasp slightly as the shifting flesh beneath his skin could be felt rubbing against his bones while tendons had to strain simply to keep the body under control. Barely glancing down at a bicep would fill in his vision, and if looking straight down, he'd see his beyond-impressive pectorals stretching outwards as if they were a gigantic shelf.

Each step that he took caused his ball sac to shift position; the left leg forcing the left portion of the sac to become a prominent part of the physique. Above the twin balls would be a sheath with a shaft having retracted back inside, but only barely. It appeared heavy and swollen from containing the weight of a massive amount of flesh inside, and when given the right angle and light, one would even see the tip of the head poking through as if to ingrain its image in ones mind. Every plant of his foot would cause the Lucario to feel as though he were walking on sand, as what should be tough stone beneath him could be so easily manipulated with but a few twitches of his body. Walking around the scarred battlegrounds, using only the light of his and the fellow two body's auras, he'd recollect random pieces of clothing belonging not only to him but the Blaziken and Grovyle. It was impossible to tell what they could have been before being shredded by their respective owners, but there was just enough to tie them together around his own waist to create a very meager covering. Sighing and looking back, he'd go to bend down and scoop up the now unconscious bipedal from the ground and sling the body over his left shoulder. Chuckling quietly, the feathered creature felt to be nearly as light as a single feather given the new found strength. It was a comforting sensation to feel just how a body that was once towering over him was now barely able to lay fully limp over a single portion of muscle. Walking towards a lightly fluttering green aura, he'd reach down and much more carefully bring the Grovyle over the other shoulder. He seemed as delicate as a leaf itself and likely extremely young. A feeling of regret and discouragement could be felt as the two creature's auras meshed, at which Luke had a great deal of sympathy towards. This creature only wished to gain strength to not be as weak as his own friends, and simply for the purpose of not being left behind. It was a feeling Luke knew very well.

"Common, little buddy... let's get you both out of here." With a quiet whisper, Luke would walk through the corridors which the two had previously come through. It was time to leave the ruins behind and for the Lucario to stroll confident as ever into a brand new world of opportunities for himself.

To Bind a Dragon

Darkness shrouded the area. The only thing one would be able to make out was a white cloudy substance filtrating through the air in any given direction. Anything visible could be made out from a low-powered lamp from somewhere up above. Misshapen...

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Growing Ego

Steam rolled and twisted through the air. Areas of ventilation, or rather simple cracks between a door, gave allowance for fresh air from outside an enclosed room to circulate. Soft blue and purple hues, colors to calm, spiraled through the moisture as...

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To Be With a Dragon

Thickened clouds covered most of the sky in what would be recorded as a cooler than average morning for an otherwise warm region in the world. A chorus of avians chattered just above the ground hidden in kamani trees or teetered for balance at the end...

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