Corruption, part 2

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#2 of Corruption

"I'm going crazy." Greg said, his head on the table, arms over it. "Please tell me that I'm going crazy." He looked at the rabbit sitting across the table from him. His face remained mostly neutral, only the rabbit's lips twitching indicated that he was trying not to smile. "Please tell me you don't think this is funny. And why are we in your kitchen instead of your office?" He pointed to the partially open door.

Joe took a drink from his beer to give himself time to regain his composure "I'm not sure you realize just how rare it is for someone to come to me asking to be told they are crazy. And we are here because I'm hoping to help you as a friend, not a shrink. Why don't you start by drinking your beer and telling me why you think you're going crazy."

Greg looked at the bottle he'd been ignoring and sighed. He picked his head off the table and tool a long swallow. "Last night I was on the phone with Sandy. We hadn't talked for a while, and the sound of her voice turned me on. As we talked I imagined us in bed. I was caressing her, running my paws down her body, admiring it. When I envisioned myself massaging her balls and caressing her hardening penis I dropped the phone. I couldn't think. When I was finally able to pick up to phone I told her I'd had a dizzy spell and that I wasn't feeling well."

Joe tilted his head "she doesn't have . . . ?"

"Of course not!"

"Just checking."

"It's not just that. For a while now I've been . . . . looking at guys crotch, getting excited by it. At the gym I've taken to going there last so I won't have to fight a hardon all the time."

"I don't see what has you so worried about that?"

"Excuse me? Are you telling me that what I'm feeling is normal?"

The rabbit took a long swallow from his bottle. "First you have to realize that no one's one hundred percent straight, or gay. It's all a question of degrees. Knowing you, I'd say you're up there in the high numbers, but that still only means in the nineties. There's still a small part of you that that's going to be interested by guys."

"I've never been interested in guys. And what's been happening isn't just a 'little'. It almost feels like an obsession."

"Are you telling me that you've never done anything with another guy? Even as a kid?"

Greg shook his vigorously, and then slowed it, and a memory came back to him. "Well, there was this one guy when I was young."

"What did you do?"

"I don't remember. I just remember being curious. It was only this one time."

"Just one?" Greg nodded. "Do you think it was because of your father?"

"Of course not, why'd you ask that?"

"From what I remember you saying about him he was rather set in his ways."

"well, ok, he was a 'sex is for breeding' kind of guy, but it's not like he knew what I'd done, so he couldn't have said anything."

"maybe, but you know how he was. And what he'd be likely to do if he caught you. That could have affected how you behaved."

"I . . . I guess. But I don't see what that has to do with what's happening now."

"Well, if you didn't go through the normal exploration of youth, it'd be bound to catch up with you at some point."

"Wait, are you telling me that it's normal for a straight guy to fool around with another guy? Are you saying that you've done it?"

"Yes, it is, and yes, I have."

"Since Marsha?"

Joe chuckled, "of course not, we made a promise to each other. I got it out of my system before we were mated." He straightened up. "And I think that's what's happening with you!"

"What do you mean?" Greg asked frowning.

"You're planning on getting mated with Sandy, right?"

"Yeah, but not right now, although I've started looking at rings."

"Then that has to be it! Your subconscious is forcing these feelings to the surface to you can deal with them before you make the promise, instead of having to live with them afterward."

"are you sure?" Greg asked, doubtful.

Joe shrugs "I can't be certain, the mind is a complicated place, but it usually know what it needs to do, even if we don't always understand it ourselves."

"so you're telling me that I should just go with it? That imagining the girl of my dreams with a cock is normal?"

Joe sighed. "Greg, you asked for my advise, and both as a friend and a psychologist, I'd suggest that you let your mind take you were it feel the need to go. If it's making you feel those things it's because you need to explore them. Once you've done so they'll just go away."

"you're sure?"

Joe nodded. "if you keep resisting them and pushing them back you'll just end up turning your fear into a self fulfilling prophesy. I mean really, what's the harm? Just get it out of your system."

Greg nodded thoughtfully

* * * * *

Greg sat on the bench, his fur still dripping slightly, looking in front of him, but not seeing anything. The locker room was quiet. As far as he knew he was the last one in the Gym.

He'd followed Joe's advise, and let himself watch guys, watch their crotch and wonder what was being covered. At work it had become a minor distraction, he had to constantly stop his daze from moving down when he was introduced to a client, or simply talking to a coworker. It hadn't overtly affected his relationship with his girlfriend. They still had as much sex as ever, even if he constantly found himself thinking about guys while they were doing it, or he had to suppress the slight disappointment he felt each time he reached between her legs and didn't feel a ball and cock.

He hadn't told her about his recent interest in cocks. Since it hadn't affected their sex life he figured it didn't really matter, and he had no idea how to broach the subject. How did you go about telling your girlfriend that you kept thinking about cocks while having sex with her? Or that you'd been thinking about sucking on one recently, to find out what it was like.

The gym had proven to be the worst. He'd tried to go back to his regular hours, but seeing those almost naked bodies, and some of the shorts worn barely hid anything, had been too much. Not only was he incapable of focusing on his training, but he spent is entire time there with a hardon. So he came in during the last hour, when there was hardly anyone. And tonight there had only been two or three others, who all left before he was done.

He looked up when he heard a shower being turned off. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn't even noticed it being on. A few moment later a lion, his head covered by the towel he was using to dry his mane, came into view, and, as was Greg's habit now, his gaze immediately went down to his groin. The cock he saw made his mouth salivate. Flaccid, it was the length of his hand, and had a good girth to it. The balls under it looked like they could be a good handful.

"Is everything ok buddy?"

Greg looked up, the towel was now on the lion's shoulders, "what?" The lion pointed at Greg's crotch. Frowning he looked down to see his cock hard. His ears burned as he grabbed his towel to cover himself. "Sorry" he said, looking back at the lion.

"Don't be," was the response, "looked like you were enjoying looking at mine. There's nothing wrong with that." The lion spread his legs and made his cock swing, the movement becoming shorter as it became harder. Greg's gaze never left it, and drool dripped from his opened mouth. "Looks to me like you'd like to do more than just watch now, it's ok, you can touch it."

Greg reached out hesitatingly, his hand pulling back just as it's about to make contact. "It's ok Greg, remember what Joe told you, the desire's coming from your own mind, so it can't be bad for you." Greg nodded, just half listening. He put a finger on the hard length and was amazed at the heat coming from it.

He moved a little closer, closing his hand around it, feeling the texture the veins created. His other hand cupped the balls, and they indeed were a handful. He couldn't believe how nice the velvet covering them felt, he couldn't remember his ever feeling this nice when he touched them.

He moved closer still, and could now smell the lion's groin. He was momentarily surprised at the lack of scent, but he then remembered the lion had just gotten out of the shower.

"You don't just want to touch it, do you? You've been wondering what a cock tastes like for the entire week, now's your chance, go for it"

Greg felt his hear beat faster in anticipation. He squeezes the lion's cock and a pearl of liquid appeared at the tip. He was mesmerized by it. He moved his muzzle close, and caught a hint of manliness in the smell. Using as much self control he could muster he slowly licked the drop.

He was amazed at the taste and his felt his blood boil with desire, but he still had enough control to take his time. He wanted to appreciate this experience for all it was worth.

Holding the base with a hand he slowly licked the entire length, making the lion sigh, which pleased Greg. It tasted good, so good that he had trouble stopping himself from simply inhaling the large shaft, as it was he had his lips wrapped around it, before he ever realized it, and he was sucking on the tip.

"Oh yeah, that's good."

Greg almost purrs at the compliment and pushed more of it down his muzzle, its girth stretching it slightly.

"Watch the teeth buddy. You don't have to take all of it, not yet anyway, this isn't a contest, just take as much as you're comfortable with."

Greg nodded and pulled it out a little. He closed his eyes and slowly moved up and down on it while he continues to massages the lion's balls, loosing himself in the sensation and motion.

"Go faster Greg. That's it." He added once Greg complied. A few second later the lion added "get ready for it." Greg didn't have time to wonder about it that the lion's cock exploded and he was fed cum. He had enough presence of mind to swallow between spurts instead of drowning in it.

He's so busy swallowing it that he doesn't have time to examine the taste until the lion pulls out of his muzzle. There was some bitterness to it, but it was a pleasant kind, and the multitude of nuances to the taste made his head swim.

The lion scratched the base of Greg's ear. "Yeah, you were really good. And you like the taste don't you?" Greg nodded. "That's good because you're going to be getting much more of it from now on. You are going to desire cock now, licking them, eating them. You're doing to desire them more than you desire females, more than even that girlfriend of yours, what's her name, Sara?"

"Sasha," Greg provided dreamily.

The lion nodded "that's right, even more than Sasha."

Greg nodded.

The lion bend down and whispered to him, "you can cum, now."

Greg closed his eyes as his orgasm hits, spraying his chest with jets of cum. Panting he opened them looking around and sighed in relief at still being alone. That had been one hell of a fantasy, he hadn't even touched himself, and he could still imagine the taste on his tongue.

He looked down at his cock which was still hard. He watched a drop of cum run down its side and wondered if it would taste the same as it had in his fantasy. Instead of wondering he picked the drop up with a finger and brought it to his lips. His tasted saltier, but it was surprisingly close.

His eyes stayed glued on his cock, which still didn't show any signs of going down. He licked his lips and realized he was drooling. he gave himself a quick chuckle and then shrugged, why not, it would be interesting to find out if that also compared to his fantasy.

He moved to the shower so there wouldn't be anything to hit his head or fall off. He threw his towel on the floor and sat on it, with his back against the wall. He hooked an arm under his knee and slowly pulled himself down, closer and closer to his cock. He would never have guessed that those flexibility exercises he did before and after each gym sessions would ever come in handy for this.

His muzzle finally reached the tip of his cock; it was about the same length at the one in his fantasy, but not as wide, and closed around the tip, sending electricity up his spine. He was able to take about half of it before his back started protesting. He didn't force it, just sucked as much as he could and enjoyed it.

Even with having cum only minutes earlier it didn't take him long to cum again. He was planning on swallowing it, but the spasms that accompanied his orgasm forced him to straighten his back and the cum flew in the air.

As his panting quieted down Greg came to the conclusion that the only way he'd get to taste cum again would be to suck someone else

Corruption, part 3

"You wanted to see me sir?" Greg said as he closed the door to his boss' office. "Yes," said the cat sitting behind the desk. "I've been going over your numbers, and I have to say that they're disappointing. You've had a thirty percent drop in...

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Corruption, part 1

Greg was a wolf, a male who had a quiet pride in who he was. He never felt the need to abase someone else to make himself feel better. He had a good job, good friends and a girlfriend who he hoped to be mated to one day. If anyone had even hinted at...

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the Orbs

Tiger's Tails 8 The Orbs One of my more unusual encounters happened when I was hired by a mysterious male to find what he called "Geremya's orb". All he would tell me was the last place he knew it had been; a place called the temple of...

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