Corruption, part 1

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#1 of Corruption

Greg was a wolf, a male who had a quiet pride in who he was. He never felt the need to abase someone else to make himself feel better. He had a good job, good friends and a girlfriend who he hoped to be mated to one day. If anyone had even hinted at where his life would go over the following weeks, he'd have laughed in their face.

It started on a Friday evening; he was with friends at the coffee shop as was their weekly habit after work. They'd been talking for almost an hour when he started to pant. He loosened his collar, but it didn't seem to help with the raising heat. None of his friends seemed to be feeling it so he excused himself.

With the bathroom door locked he splashed water on his face, and then rubbed it through his fur. His panting only got worst.

"You don't look too good there buddy." Greg looked up in the mirror and saw a lion leaning against the far wall. He was about his height, and muscular, the light shirt he was wearing clung to his chest, showing it off. The jeans seemed to be more comfortably cut. Greg could only shake his head, his throat too dry for words.

"Why don't you tell me what you're feeling, I know a thing or two about the body. I might be able to tell you what's wrong." The lion had an amused smile. "You'll want to drink some water first, your throat's probably parched."

He did as the lion recommended and sighed as the tightness in his throat eased. "I just started feeling hot all of a sudden," he managed to say between pants, his eyes not letting go of the lion, "now my breathing's shallow and my body's shaking."

The lion mouthed a silent 'ahhhh' "The breathing and shaking; that started when you looked at me, right?"

Greg nodded "you know what's wrong?"

The lion chuckles "definitively. You're horny." As he said that he slowly ran a paw ever his crotch.

Greg looked away from the lion, at his hands "that can't be right"

"Look at me Greg," the lion said. The voice was in a conversational tone, but Greg none the less found himself looking up, his eyes drawn to the lion's reflection as he lowered his pant's zipper. "Of course it's right. Can't you feel you cock straining in your pants? It's getting harder than you've ever felt it as you look at me, isn't it? Don't lie now."

Greg swallowed as the lion took his cock out of his pants and stroked it to hardness. He had no choice but nod as his own now felt painfully constrained.

"That's right, look at it. See how hard it is, how watching me stroke it is turning you on. You like my hard cock don't you?" The lion then moaned and shivered. Greg found himself trembling in anticipation, his panting increasing. "Oh yeah." He gave Greg a smile. "remember how you're feeling right now, cause that how you'll feel when ever you see a male's cock from now on. You won't be able to resist looking at their crotch and wondering what's hidden behind that zipper. And when there naked . . . you'll find yourself wondering what their cock feels like, what they taste like. . . ." The lion moaned and his entire body shook as his cock shoot streams of cum in the air.

Greg's body shook in response, his cock throbbing, just on the edge, but unable to go over.

The lion remained unmoving, his eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his face, as his cock finished throbbing. He shook his head and gave Greg an even wider smile. "Oh yeah, this is what's it's about." He licked the cum that was on his paw. "Now, where was I? oh yeah." He moved forward, his softening cock swaying hypnotically. "you'll be wondering about that, but not strongly enough to do anything about it, not yet."

Greg watched the cock until it fell out of view. He looked up into the lion's eyes as hew stood behind him, his muzzle beside his ear. "You can cum. . . Now."

Greg grabbed the sides of the sink as the orgasm hit him, his body rigid under its intensity. When it finally passed he was left panting, wondering where that had come from, he couldn't recall ever having one that strong.

He looked over his shoulder, expecting to see someone there, but that was crazy, he was alone, and the door was locked; which was probably a good thing, all things considered.

He looked down at he wet spot on his crotch. Great, even if he managed to dry it completely his friends were bound to smell what had happened.

* * * * *

Greg sat at his usual table. None of his friends were there yet. He wasn't sure how he'd managed to arrive early since he'd felt like he was running behind all day. Still he appreciated it; it gave him a chance to think. This last week had been insane, and the week before that not much better. He couldn't seem to stop looking at the guys in his office; he'd never done anything like that. And at the gym it was even worst. A lot of the guys there wore tight Speedos and those left nothing to the imagination. He'd found himself getting hard at the sight. And then, seeing them naked in the showers. . . .

The first time it had happened Greg ran to his girlfriend's place and fucked her brains out just to prove to himself that he was still ok. He just told her that he missed her that much when she asked what had brought that on.

He looked up when someone sat at his table. It wasn't one of his friends. "You don't mind if I sit here, do you?" said the lion as he put down his cup of coffee. There was something vaguely familiar about him.

"Do I know you?" He asked, not able to pinpoint why he was familiar.

The lion smiles "You don't remember me." It wasn't a question. "We met about a month ago, on the train, you were coming back from that business trip. You were quite a find. I don't think I've ever met anyone as well adjusted as you. We spent the entire trip talking, well, you talked I listen. You told me everything about you. From your first memory to the last time you'd fucked your girlfriend, in great detail."

Greg frowned, as hard as he tried he just couldn't remember, the trip was clear in his memory, and he even thought he could glimpse something about talking with someone, but the lion was no where in there, let along an extended conversation.

"Don't bother trying to remember, you won't. It wouldn't do for you to have an idea of what I'm planning."

Greg focused on him "planning?"

The lion smiles sweetly "now now, don't make a scene. You don't want your friends to catch you making a fool of yourself do you?" At the mention of them Greg looked toward the door. "Don't worry they'll be here on time. I wanted you here early so we could talk. I like the way you're progressing."

"P . . . Progressing?" Greg asked, worried, somehow he got the impression that what had been going on was this male's doing.

The lion nodded, a pleased smile on his face "do you have any idea how delightful it is to see you fight it, to try and resist those baser instinct I have implanted in you." He leaned forward as if to share a secret, and Greg found himself leaning in too. "And you've started giving in." He said in a whisper.

Greg sat up, no. he hadn't be giving in. He couldn't, he was straight, he had nothing against gays, but HE. WAS. STRAIGHT. The lion was looking at him with an amused smile. Could he tell how much the internal conflict was taking out of him?

"Keep fighting it," he said as if hearing Greg's silent question, "it doesn't matter to me, you've already lost that battle. It might not have reached your conscious mind yet, but your subconscious? Well, that's been completely turned around." Greg shook his head. "No? weren't you wondering what my cock might look like when you saw me sitting down." Greg wanted to deny it, but he kept seeing a male's cock in his mind when he looked at him, with a hand moving up and down his hard length. Greg swallowed hard. "Or maybe remembering it?"

The lion took his cup of coffee and took a sip from it. Over the rim he looked at Greg. "you've been getting turned on by cocks for two weeks now. So from now on, on top of that, every time you get sexually excited you're going to think of cocks. It won't matter what's exciting you, cocks are going to take over. It's not something you're going to be able to stop."

"You're insane. You can't tell me what to think."

The lion just smiled at him. "We'll see, won't we?" and put his cup down

The cup made a loud thud as it was put on the table in front of him. Greg looked up at the waitress in surprise.

"You must really be out of it tonight Greg. I called your name three times to let you know your coffee was ready. Where did your mind wander to?"

Greg looked at the empty chair facing him, and then back at the waitress. "I don't know." He said as he tried to remember, "I guess it didn't wander to anywhere in particular." He finally said with a shrug. "Thanks for bringing it to me."

Corruption, part 2

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