Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 8

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#8 of Cody's Growing Pains

Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta.

  • * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 8 By Cody DreamPuppy Cody waited patiently at the bus stop near his house, fidgeting with his uniform shirt unconsciously. He had been doing that a lot lately, seemed almost like he was just having a hard time keeping still. When the bus finally came, he felt really happy for the ride, more so than usual. He even could sense the bus was close before it turned the corner. Climbing up the steps, Cody felt a rush of scents kind of like he felt the previous day when he was on his way back to the school building. This time, it seemed more subtle though. He felt more like he could pick out which boy or girl's scent he was interested in and shift his focus more towards them. Cody was not surprised to see Danny waiting for him. The other boy smiled eagerly at Cody as he got to that seat, and Cody swiftly sat next to him just as the bus began moving, smiling back and greeting him with a soft 'Hi'. They sat there quietly at first, with Cody mostly keeping his hands in his own lap and blushing slightly, and Danny leaning ever closer to Cody, once again seemingly enthralled by the younger boy's scent. At first Danny wasn't totally sure why Cody smelled so good. There was just something about him that made Danny feel his temperature rising when he was in Cody's presence. Now though, he felt somehow that Cody made him think of his dog, Roscoe, even though the other boy was all perfumed from whatever shampoo he used. "Hey Cody, I bet you'll enjoy playing with Roscoe! I feel like he's going to like you a lot too." Danny said with a playful grin, 'Yea, me too!' Cody replied happily, looking back at his friend eagerly. For the rest of the short ride they talked about all the kinds of games they could play together. Most of the day through class, Cody was having daydreams again, only this time he was dreaming about Enki. He had only been away from the fox for about a day, and already Cody could feel heat rising in his body, a familiar need building up gradually with every time he would inadvertently bump his crotch or his trembling butt up against anything, or any time he saw anything that made him think of the lusty fox. He could have sworn he even saw Enki wandering around the halls of the school when he walked in them by himself. At first the boy thought maybe Enki was leading him somewhere, and he followed around a few corners only to find no one there and he would get quite embarrassed when other kids gave him strange looks seeing him wandering in that way. By the end of the day, Cody was feeling a little dizzy, so he was really glad to see Danny again when they met at the bus once more. He was eager to do something to take his mind off of this building heat that was coursing through the boy's hips and lower areas. "Hey! You ready?" Cody smiled happily and nodded. 'Is your dog big?' the younger boy asked in a sort of shy tone. Danny grinned and pulled on Cody's hand, leading him to their usual seat as he said "Don't worry he's real friendly." Danny's house was a little further away than Cody's. It was one of the last stops in fact. His house was also a lot nicer than Cody's and probably three times as big. It looked like a big mansion to him as they walked up to the front porch and Danny entered a code which unlocked the door. 'Your parents aren't home?' Cody asked as he stepped into the grand entrance of the house. There was a big, wide empty hallway flanked by a study and family room on either side, and with a sweeping staircase that arched up from one side of the entrance to the other. Everything seemed made out of fine wood and marble. "No, they're at the spa all day and a hotel tonight... so we're alone except for the nanny," Danny said and giggled a bit with a mischievous look on his face. Cody kept gazing around with wide eyes, not used to being in such an impressive place... and in fact he had been so preoccupied with looking around at this new place, that he hadn't even distinguished the scent of the big dog which was suddenly bounding down the hallway towards them. Roscoe was definitely the biggest dog Cody had ever seen, and he was at first frozen in place, watching nervously as the dog scrabbled over the floor getting closer and closer, the boy having no where to run. Surprisingly, Roscoe was able to bring his massive body to a halt just in front of the boys though not without making contact with them nearly knocking them both onto their butts. Cody was bracing himself against the wall behind him with both hands, while watching Roscoe and trembling a little bit. Meanwhile Roscoe just stood there looking from one boy to the other and panting, then sat back on his butt, bringing the monster sized dog just below eye level. "Go ahead, pet him!" Danny said, giggling again as he watched Cody tremble. 'Okay...' Cody replied, reaching out his hand tentatively and then blushing when Roscoe quickly slurped up the boy's hand and halfway up his arm, practically covering it in saliva. 'Hehe... he's a lot bigger than my dog...' Cody said as he got his hand close enough to start rubbing and stroking down the back of Roscoe's head, occasionally rubbing behind his ears. Roscoe responded right away by leaning in closer to Cody, pressing that huge muzzle of his up on the boy's chest, pushing Cody back against the wall a bit from the dog's weight. 'Hehe... nice boy...' Cody said softly while he continued stroking, then gasped and squirmed a little when the dog suddenly started licking his and neck and face, slobbering all over the boy. 'Ahhh ahahaha he has a big tongue!' Cody said as he tried to push Roscoe back some. Danny laughed a little more, then he firmly rubbed over Roscoe's ears and neck, and then his broad chest, pushing the dog back down a little to help free the other boy from the attentions for now. "Cm'on lets go up to my room and play" Danny called as he took off for the stairs and ran up them, with the big dog scrambling close behind and Cody taking up the rear. Following behind Roscoe, Cody could see the dog's huge balls and big hanging sheath swaying around in a proud display of canine glory. The dog's scent was pretty strong too, and it was hard for Cody not to be affected. He watched meekly unable to avert his eyes from the sight of the swaying package, but trying hard not to let Danny notice how he was getting aroused. Whether or not the other boy could see it probably didn't matter though. Cody was already sensing some level of desire from his friend before they even got here. It felt like it did when Cody could sense his friend's thoughts before on the bus, only this time it was more distinct. Cody dismissed those thoughts for now though, entering Danny's room. The other boy smiled eagerly then and pulled Cody by the hand over to his bed, urging him to sit at the foot of the bed. "Hey... Cody, you wanna see something...?" Cody nodded, smiling and watching innocently while hiding both hands between his thighs. Danny smiled bravely and said, "Watch what I can get Roscoe to do," as he got down on his knees and pulled Roscoe over by the collar, then he leaned in nearly touching noses with the big dog. Roscoe suddenly started to eagerly lick and slurp at the boy's mouth with that huge dog tongue of his. Danny giggled a bit, glancing over towards Cody real quick seeing his friend blushing slightly while he started taking Roscoe's huge tongue into his mouth and sucking on it some. At the same time, he was slowly and firmly rubbing Roscoe's big muscular butt with his hand. Cody was mainly blushing because he hadn't seen other boys doing something like this... maybe it meant Danny was like him, he wondered a bit. 'Ahhh I bet that feels nice' Cody said and drew a deep breath, his hands pressing a bit more against his own bulge... His eyes were drifting back along the underside of the big dog, watching that huge canine sheath filling out and slapping around as the dog shifted from side to side a bit. Danny seemed real happy with Cody's reaction, and smiled again when he pulled back finally from the panting dog, taking a slow breath. "Yea it feels really good... he can do all kinds of tricks. I'll show you everything... later." Danny said teasingly as he took Cody's hand again. He was hoping to save some surprises for later. As he followed along behind, Cody kept glancing back at Roscoe with great curiosity. They spent most of the day together playing Wii and other video games and card games. Before long, it was getting dark and Cody was feeling really sleepy. He thought to himself, he must have tired himself out a lot more in gym class today than he thought. 'Maybe we should rest now Danny, I'm tired,' he said rubbing his eyes. Danny frowned. "Are you sure? I wanna show you some more stuff with Roscoe." Cody nodded, his gaze drifting a few times over towards the big dog who was now sitting across from him, and who was looking right back intently. 'Lets play with him in the morning,' Cody said in a shy tone. Danny sighed, nodding. He figured he'd get a chance soon enough to satisfy his curiosities about the other boy though. After putting away the games, the two went back to Danny's room to get ready for bed.

Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 9

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 9 By Cody DreamPuppy Danny was dreaming. He could tell he was dreaming, because he lay in bed looking up and...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 7

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 7 By Cody DreamPuppy When Cody woke up, he was utterly surprised to find fur all around him. He gasped at...

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Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 6

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 6 by Cody DreamPuppy Time passed by slowly for Cody as he laid there in the soft grass under the shade of...

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