Hypnolok-ed Into Service

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story for FA: Zsisron with characters belonging to him, FA: riptideshark and FA: silroidan and art done by the magnificent FA: twinkle-sez .

Enjoy the story of the villainous Hypnolok's antics with a few crime stoppers.

Hypnolok-ed into Service

The black clad lizard watched the approaching agents with a smirk on his face, the moonlight glinting off of his goggles as he remained frozen in place. "About time they started coming here; I was thinking the Organization had forgotten about me," the lizard muttered to himself.

He didn't bother hiding from the oncoming agents. Squatted down like he was on top of the fence, he looked little different from the statues of gargoyles along the length of the wall. The manor behind him was an imposing sight as well, and with so little light outside of the sliver of moon coming through the trees around the manor, he doubted that they'd be able to tell the difference between a statue and a criminal waiting among them. It wasn't like they had any powers or bits of equipment that would point him out, either; they were used to investigating and handling criminals like the cops did, and to give them credit, that was usually enough.

Tonight, against him, however, the lizard knew that it wouldn't be nearly enough.

The lizard heard them as they walked up the path to the mansion, and stifled his laughter as he listened carefully.

"Finally, we're gonna bring Hypnolok in," the shark muttered. "After all he's done, he deserves to get locked in a cell for a while."

"I still can't believe that he managed to get through all of the guards at the National Bank," the dragon beside him said. "Seriously, there had to be three dozen guys there, and he walked through them like they were nothing. They didn't even remember him."

"Or that they had clothes, for that matter; remember how many censor bars there were on that front page picture?"

The lizard had to really exert some self control to keep from laughing at that memory. It had been more like four dozen guards rather than three, but the last dozen had been kept downstairs rather than upstairs while he was working. And the front page the day after? Thirty six big men in nothing more than their birthday suits, 'standing at attention' for the cameras. Oh ho ho, it had been so priceless. Nobody there could meet the eyes of the bank customers afterwards, not for at least a week.

The two agents walked up to the wall surrounding the manor. Hypnolok recognized them pretty easily; they'd been in the news of late, talking about how they'd capture him and put an end to his mischief. Not that he imagined they had a clue of how to do it, but he was sure that they were going to try. All the better, really; any struggle made his fun better, particularly when they thought that they'd be able to stand against his little tricks.

They were quite a pair. The shark he recognized as Agent Rip, one of the Organization's better hunters and fighters. He wore a fairly dark sort of uniform, looking to be one piece other than the boots he wore with a few metal plates along shoulders and thigh. His tail, tipped with flipper edges, twitched from side to side every now and then, and when he turned to the side, the lizard could see the slight fin along his back. He had a surprisingly thick head of hair, too, particularly for a shark, and piercings along his ears that reminded the lizard of a surfer.

The other was a dragon, orange scaled beneath the ridiculous patriot costume that he wore. Colonel Valor, he called himself. Perhaps he had a different name, but if he did, Hypnolok had never heard of it. The dragon was taller than Agent Rip, and considering how he seemed to have a few abilities against other criminals - including the ability to throw things most people couldn't even lift - he was probably the more dangerous of the two.

The two of them were partners, as far as he knew. One handled the other, and supposedly their abilities complimented one another as well. As far up in the Organization as they were, he was surprised that they were sent after him after just a few bank heists. He supposed that the way that he did it attracted enough attention to get their better members on his trail. A small smile crept across his face at that thought. If they were sending their best, then he would just have to show his best in return. Considering how it would affect them, he doubted that the Organization would ever trouble him again.

He watched them as they passed through the gate at his side, slowly turning to follow them when he was sure that they weren't watching him. They paused in the courtyard of the mansion, looking around slowly, but never looking behind them. An amateur's mistake, Hypnolok thought, but he didn't make his move yet. He wanted to see how they'd react to being in a place that was unfamiliar.

They were professional enough, he gave them that. Agent Rip pulled out a pair of binoculars, turning his head slowly and whispering what he saw to Colonel Valor, who had pulled out a sheet of paper and was writing down the information. It slowly turned into a map, one that marked out the house and the rooms seen from the courtyard in a surprising amount of detail. Hypnolok was impressed to see that they could even name most of the furniture in the rooms, as well as see that there were a few people inside. Hypnotized servants, really, but their species, body type, and even state of undress was noted down, forming an incredibly detailed map over the course of just a few minutes.

Yes, yes they would make a very good pair of servants for him. The lizard let out a silent giggle as he reached into his pockets, pulling on a pair of strings.

He must have made some sound, though, as Agent Rip spun around. One of the weapons latched to his hips came up, and Hypnolok barely had the chance to leap to one of the other pillars in the wall before it went off. A pair of darts shot by, heading off into the forest, and the lizard grunted softly as he landed. "Good ears," Hypnolok said, his face going from happy to serious to gleeful again in seconds.

"Good reactions," the shark said back. "Hypnolok, you are under arrest," he said as the dragon turned around, fists clenched. "You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney -"

"I'll rob a bank so I can." He chuckled again, particularly as neither of them laughed. "Oh come on, lighten up. You know that this is going to end with me winning here. The least you can do is have a little fun before your minds melt away."

"If you think that, you're an idiot," Agent Rip said. He cocked his dart gun again, keeping it trained on the lizard. "It's two to one, and if you think that you can keep away from these AND my partner's punches, then you are crazy."

"Oh, I am, I am. Crazy for some fun." Hypnolok chuckled, pulling the strings from his pocket before pulling his hands together, as if offering to be cuffed. "Do you think you can catch me, big guys? Catch me, strip me, fuck me?"

"What the hell are you babbling about? We're here for justice, not for -"

"My ass? Or maybe you guys are just hidden submissives, hmm?" The lizard grinned as the two agents blushed, grabbing his crotch and groping himself. The simple action was more than enough to bring his cock up, his shaft already throbbing hard at the thought of what he was going to be doing to these agents. It thrust up through his costume, tenting the tight, smooth spandex, and showing his size off. "Maybe you came here to get to feel me like the bank guards did, hmm? So you could go home with a nice load of lizard cum leaking out of your assholes?"

The clenched jaws, the red cheeks; ooooh, they were angry. Just like he wanted.

Colonel Valor moved first, charging forward directly at the pillar. His fist pulled back, and he punched it hard, the dragon's hand slamming through the layer of stone to the metal underneath. The blow was more than strong enough to crack the pillar and send the lizard falling, but he was prepared for that. He fell forward, putting a hand on the dragon's head, and used that leverage to launch himself forward. His hands whirled, and moonlight flared around him, just enough of it to keep the shark from shooting another barrage of darts.

He landed on the ground and immediately backflipped further, using the motion to reach the shark. His boots slammed into Agent Rip's chin, just hard enough to send him tumbling backwards, and Hypnolok pulled himself to his feet. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you wanting to fight? I thought we were fighting now." He laughed, cartwheeling out of the way of the dragon again as he charged in from the side, and used his momentum to tug himself up onto another pillar. Ducking behind the gargoyle on top just in time to avoid the next barrage of darts from the shark's gun, Hypnolok giggled. "All according to plan."

The routine continued again and again. The dragon would break down the pillar, the lizard would rebound off of his head, and the shark would have to either dodge or get kicked in the face again, each time leaving him just a little dizzier and a little bit more unsteady on his feet. Hypnolok would retreat to another pillar, avoid the next barrage, and then wait until the Colonel started knocking the pillar down again. It went through the rolls a good six times before Colonel Valor needed another punch to bring the pillar down, and he wasn't even having to hide from the darts anymore since they were going all over the place, wild and unaimed.

Settling down on his starting pillar as the two agents gasped and heaved, slowly catching their breath, Hypnolok took a moment to play with himself. His cock hadn't softened in the slightest,and had even started leaking in the tight clothing. All it took was a few strokes to keep it at maximum hardness, and he could see that the tip of his bulge was starting to get slick, wet, darker colored than the rest of his uniform. "Hehehehe, gonna need to clean this later," he muttered, looking at the exhausted agents. "And I know just the people to do the cleaning."

Getting back to his feet so that everything was on display - as the heroes seemed to blushingly realize - Hypnolok stretched his arms over his head. "Oh, you boys finally got me. I'm just toooooo tired to keep running," he said, faking a yawn with a smirk. "You guys are just too good for me."

"So...what...you gonna...surrender?" Colonel Valor gasped out.

"You will if...if you know what's go...good for ya." The shark wasn't much better, his words coming out slightly slurred. Probably one too many blows to the head there, the lizard though. Still, it would probably only make him that much more susceptible.

Hypnolok smirked as he held out his hands, little metal disks hanging from near invisible strings. "Oh, you guys. If I was worried about what was good for me, I'd be doing something SO much different. All I care about is the fun of things. And you two? Well, you're going to be weeks worth of fun for me."

"What are you...talking abou-"


Agent Rip got the picture just before the moonlight hit the two pieces of metal. This time, without them spinning around, they reflected the light far better, and both of the agents groaned as their eyes were hit with the reflected light. Combined with Hypnolok's own powers, it took all the two of them had left to remain on their feet, and neither of them had the energy to look away.

Hypnolok smirked as the moonlight turned more...solid. The light of the reflection shifted from two points of light - the metal and the faces of the agents - to a beam that connected them, a flickering, writhing beam that wasn't unlike the twisty electricity between two pieces of metal. It flicked this way and that, little pulses running down the beam to where it pressed against the foreheads of the dragon and the shark. Each pulse was met with a soft grunt, a little twitch through their bodies as the energy collided with their skull before it was absorbed.

"You like it?" the lizard asked with a smirk. "You have your powers, and I have mine. A little hypnotic energy transmitted by light off of my hypno-coins, and almost anyone can be brought under control. And believe me, you're not anywhere near strong enough to throw this off.

"Besides, you can feel it already, can't you? That soothing feeling of relaxation, that feeling that your body could give out at any moment. You are already so tired from the running around, and your muscles are just so sore. It makes you groan to even think of moving, doesn't it?" They groaned softly, both of them squinting their eyes shut for a moment before they were forced open again. "Yes, that's it...you know you can't look away. You don't even want to, anymore. It feels too good to look up here at the little coins, to see the light coming off of them.

"It's helping your muscles, too. You are so tired, but as long as you look at these coins, the soreness is melting away. Just melting away from you, leaving behind nothing but a relaxing, soothing feeling of calm. The longer you look, the more relaxed you are, and the more relaxed you are, the more you want to look. It feels so good, to look at the coins, and feel relaxed. So very relaxed."

It was almost pathetic how easily they were slipping into trance. Their eyes were only half open, but they didn't look away. Their eyes might as well have been glued to the coins in the moonlight, the moon yellow beams writhing down from his post towards the agents. Each time he repeated the word 'relax', they pulsed, another, thicker part carried down the beam and pushing into their heads, and each time it collided with them, he could see more of the tension go out of their bodies, more of their cares disappearing from their rapidly emptying brains. The sight of them losing it only made him more excited, and he crouched down on the pillar, having to will himself to ignore the throbbing erection between his legs.

"That's it. Just keep staring while your mind bleeds away. It doesn't really matter anymore, does it? After all, the light just feels too good...too relaxing to bother thinking about. Let the light in...let the light into your head, and let it take the place of all those pesky little thoughts," the lizard hissed. "It's been so long since you were able to just relax...to just spend some time letting your brain be quiet, letting your head be silent. The Organization would never let you relax...but I am. I'm letting you relax...I'm helping you relax after you've done so much work...after you've tried so hard to do what you're told...

"But I can help you do what you're told." They perked up, and he had to stifle a chuckle. This was all too easy. They were minions, grunts. Skilled or not, they were agents that needed to be told what to do. All he had to do was transfer that loyalty to himself instead of their pitiful Organization, and he was set. "Yes, I can help you...Just keep staring...keep staring into the light. That gentle feeling of your thoughts washing away...you can feel it, even now, relaxing you more and more as your thoughts drift away, carried out of your mind, carried away from your head. Doesn't it feel good?" They nodded. "It's so much easier to wait for orders...no thoughts cluttering your mind, no little worries clamoring for attention. Just simple quiet...a quiet that you need filled."

They didn't even nod this time, but he could see that they were falling further and further under his spell. Their eyes had opened, but it was like there was a film over it, a haze that kept them from being fully awake. Yes, they were losing their minds quickly. So relaxed, slumped over, and...

The lizard couldn't suppress that giggle, but it was quiet. They were so hard, so very hard in their uniforms. They bulged out even more than he did, their cocks already throbbing. Apparently they craved this empty minded feeling more than he thought if they were already losing themselves to their more instinctive sides. They would be fun indeed once he got them into the mansion.

And that wouldn't take much longer. They were only just managing to stay upright, their muscles relaxed and limp. Agent Rip's rifle had fallen to the ground not so long ago, and Colonel Valor verged on falling over. Only the need to keep staring at the light was keeping him upright by this point. Hell, he wouldn't have been surprised if they started drooling.

Maybe it would be a good idea to back off a little bit with the power and keep to the words, he thought. The bright, flickering lines of energy faded, becoming more wispy and gentle, but nonetheless present. "Yes, you're both so relaxed, your minds empty of thought. With every bit of soreness, a little more of your mind went away, and you can still feel it falling away. Those last little thoughts leaking out, replaced by the light, the comforting, soothing light. You want the light...you need the light...


"The light..."

"Yes, you need it...all you have to do is give in, and relax..." He said, his smile so wide it almost hurt. They were repeating after him. Oh, this was just delicious. "Give in and relax...let the light replace your thoughts, and let yourself relax...feel them falling out of your head, feel them leaving you...the light replaces them, and fills your head with comfort, peace, and the need to relax...

"Relax...relax and obey..." They perked their ears up slightly at that. "Yes, relax and obey...a good agent obeys...Just relax and obey, like a good agent...You are good agents, aren't you?" They nodded, ever so slowly. "Yes, you are...and good agents obey, don't they?" Another, even slower nod. "And who do you obey?"



"You are such good agents...so very obedient, and so well behaved," the lizard said with a chuckle, watching their groins as he spoke. They twitched slightly at the praise, and he smirked at the sight. They were definitely ready for further orders. But first, he needed to make sure that they weren't breaking free in the middle of the fun. He needed to reinforce the trance just a little bit more, otherwise he could still find himself in deep trouble. "You are relaxed, but you need just a bit more...you need a little more of the light...a little more relaxation to finally feel just right...

"You feel so happy...so good...so relaxed when you're filled with the light. And you remember, I was the one that gave you the light. I let you relax...I let you have peace..." He smiled. "The Organization was so mean, so hard on you...and now you can relax...relax with me..." He repeated that phrase, the light flashing as larger bubbles forced themselves down the light stream. "Relax with me...relax with me...Relax with Hypnolok..."

Every time he repeated the phrase, their faces turned up a bit in a smile, losing that tension that his name used to bring up. He knew what they were thinking, what the words were doing to them. Their loyalty to the Organization was going through the shredder. Work for that group, they might; like them, they did not. And in the future, they might continue working for them, if he decided that he was bored of having them around. But even if they did, they'd never come after him seriously again. Maybe they'd think they were, but with this much reinforcement in their mind, they'd never seriously try to take him in again. They'd want to relax around him, to do what he said, no matter how strange it was to their waking minds. And that was all the advantage that he needed.

"Relax with Hypnolok...and obey. Relax, and obey...Be good little agents...and obey," the lizard whispered. The slight sight of gathering drool at the sides of their mouth told him that they were as deep as they could safely go and recover to functional beings, so he pulled back the light again, bringing it down to nothing more than a ghostly line. "Such good little playthings for me."

"Y-yes, Hypn-nolok," they said, one after the other, still echoing one another's responses. It brought another giggle to his lips.

But now that he had them, he could enjoy them. "Both of you, start getting naked. I want to see your dicks out and hard, and I want to see them now," the lizard said, still holding the coins out to keep the streams going. "And don't worry about showing off in front of each other. I don't doubt that the two of you have some sort of...attraction." And even if they didn't, they very well might by the time that he was done playing around with their minds.

It was almost a pity that he had to keep the coins up for a little longer, because his cock demanded attention when their spandex and latex started coming off. The orange dragon made him grin widely, Hypnolok licking his lips as the red, white, and blue flag shirt lifted up, pulled up to the ribcage before the Colonel stopped himself. He fell over, landing on his side as he started tugging the striped pants off too, a throbbing, fleshy cock leaping out and dancing, twitching with arousal.

The shark was just as good, though somehow had a little more control. The lizard made a note of that, keeping an eye on the agent as he pulled down a zipper on the front of his uniform. Down, down, down it went, revealing a smoothly muscled chest and stomach. They were so lean, so smooth, but Hypnolok resisted the temptation to leap down and start groping the agent. He wanted to hold the connection between their heads for a little longer before he stopped it, just in case.

But damn, it was hard to resist when the shark's cock popped out. Humanoid like the dragon's, it was a little thinner looking, but darker, with the tip looking black and the shaft a very dark gray. Agent Rip's hand grabbed it immediately, and he started stroking it without the slightest care in the world, like he did this for an audience every day. Considering how lean and almost dancer-like the shark's body was, Hypnolok couldn't say that he didn't. Agents did weird things in their off hours to meet the bills.

Giggling at the thought of the shark being a stripper and resisting the urge to plant THAT idea in his head, the lizard surveyed his work. The pair of agents sent to capture him were already half stripped, both of them turned on beyond belief, and neither one of them had even a bit of their mind left functioning at the moment. Oh, their brains worked, but as for thoughts, as for the way that they could plan a way out of this, there was nothing. Everything that they had, everything that they were, belonged to him.

He shuddered at that, his cock twitching and throbbing so much in his costume that it was a wonder that he didn't have a spontaneous orgasm. Resisting the urge to bring his tail around and stroke his throbbing cock through his pants, Hypnolok jumped down to the ground. The two of them continued to stare, the light from the coins still joining the metal to their heads. "Come on, you two. It's time for you to meet the rest of the entertainment for tonight," the criminal said with a smirk.

Holding the coins up at his shoulders, he led them back towards the mansion. It was a large, looming building, three floors high and wide enough to cover most of an old boarding school, if it so wanted to. The front door was open, and a naked rat was there, standing with a tray and a bow tie on, and nothing else. His cock drooped over his balls, but at the sight of the lizard, it started to rise up. "Good evening, sir Hypnolok. Will there be anything you need for your guests?" the rodent asked, his eyes glazed over in a similar way to the agents. Longer term, though; it was a near permanent look, since the rat had gone through so many trancings over the last five years or so.

"A pair of cock rings would be wonderful, Jeffrey," the lizard said. "And a pair of ball gags, too; we don't want any of the other people here to be disturbed by the moans, now do we?"

"Not at all sir. I'll make sure that we have a new set for them," the rat said, bowing before walking off. Hypnolok continued down the hall, bringing the still stripping agents along behind him. The light of the moon was replaced by the light that came from the various lamps along the walls, keeping up the stream of control. He could hear pieces of clothing hitting the floor as they walked along, and soon the thump of boots had been replaced by the quiet thud of footsteps. He didn't need to look back to know that they were naked. The slight smell of their bodies coming down the hall towards him was enough for that. A hint of sweat along with the tell-tale musk of a man in an unventilated suit was quite telling when the clothes were removed.

They continued down the hall to the main room, and when they arrived, Hypnolok smirked at the gathered people. A small party, but a busy one, one he'd been happy to interrupt. Four businessmen, owners of some of the minor corporations in a nearby city; two salesmen that were responsible for quite a few of their own scams; a dragon that had come down to negotiate the security of his golden hoard; even a few other servants that were gathered in the hall when he'd come in with his coins. They were all there, all gathered in fancy chairs around an otherwise empty space in the room.

And they were all hypnotized, and they were all naked. Their cocks stood up and proud from their crotches, each one bound with a cock ring of gold or silver. They stared ahead blankly, their mouths turned up in a slight smile of pleasure, while their brain was filled with images and thoughts of their greatest kinks. Hypnolok walked between them, to the chair at the far end of the room that he'd claimed for himself. High backed and cushioned, it was almost a throne. Appropriate, he thought.

He turned and sat, looking at the naked men in front of him. Jeffrey returned, stepping between the two agents and kneeling on the floor in front of them. With careful but practiced hands, he slid a silver ring down the shaft of the shark's cock, the cool metal enough to make a normal man shiver but not doing a thing to Agent Rip. It was just big enough for the shark's large balls to fit through before being pushed flush against the agent's crotch, keeping the cock hard, and even making it harder.

The dragon was a bit more difficult, as his shaft was thicker, but once more the rat did his job. A non-hypnotized person might have been more loud about how it hurt to get his balls shoved through, but the entranced Colonel Valor didn't so much as flinch. As the rat stepped away from the pair, the rings worked their power, trapping more blood in their cocks and making them bulge bigger, thicker, veinier, harder. They throbbed with every pulse of their heart, but it was just enough to keep them from cumming too much and too fast at what they were going to be going through.

The lizard grinned. "Let's get this party started," he said, as the other males stood up and closed in on the agents. Oh, this was going to be a fun night indeed, he thought as a dragon grabbed hold of the shark, and an elephant grabbed hold of the dragon. They were pulled to opposite sides of the room, and Hypnolok finally had the freedom to drop his coins and grab his dick.

It was a hell of a show. The already stripped agents were put through the grinder, passed from one person to another that was all too eager to use them. Some of the men had been straight before they came here, and others had only been passingly bi-curious. Due to the hypnosis, all of them were more than willing to partake in the orgy that they had been presented with, and for Hypnolok, life was good.

He stroked himself as the dragon was impaled by the elephant, watching as the immensely strong Colonel was bounced along a dick almost as big as his forearm. Valor proved his name, not crying out in pain, but only in pleasure as his hole was violated, his orange ass bouncing up and down on the thick shaft.

He groaned when the shark was held upside down, his mouth forced around a dragon's cock all the way down to the balls. Upside down as he was, the shark soon dripped his own pre over his chin and his cheeks, even while a musky dragon cock was shoved down his throat far enough to make his throat bulge out.

The lizard panted when he watched the two agents get shoved together, their cocks grinding against each other as a pair of hypnotized komodo dragons fucked them from behind. Their big hands left bigger handprints on the asses of their toys, and they grinned in hypnotic bliss as they rammed their dicks in and out of the helpless agents, stretching them wide and leaving them leaking by the end.

But the villain's climax came when the two agents were laid down, side by side, with the shark forced to suck the dragon's cock and vice versa. As they sucked each other, their stretched out and leaking holes were filled, the shark by the elephant from earlier, and the dragon by the other dragon that had fucked his partner. They rocked back and forth as they were filled and emptied, the entire room jerking off to the sight, and Hypnolok was no exception, sitting up on his throne as he stroked his cock furiously to the spectacle in front of him.

It happened in increments. Two, three, four of the watchers came, spurting their loads over the backs of the latest subs. Two more after that, covering their asses and a bit on their feet from being so close by. The last two, the dragon and the elephant, only held back because the lizard had laid down commands, enforced commands that would keep them from blowing their load until he gave the command.

So he gave it.

The explosion of cum was massive, and everyone nearby was soaked in it. The agents filled each other's mouths with cum even as they were filled for the 9th time each for the night. And on the throne, the lizard came hard as well, spurting his load all over the floor in front of him.

Panting, he looked over the people in front of them, all of them waiting for commands. He smirked. "Life is good," he thought as he planned out the rest of his night, and the week to come.

The End

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