Writing Stream: Dragon Slave 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Four stories written during the stream tonight.

Story 1 was suggested by FA: drakehavok

Story 2 was suggested by FA: rayoelgatubelo

Story 3 was suggested by FA: lupesoule

Story 4 was suggested by FA: plyzing

I hope you enjoy.

A Revenge of Reversal

It had been weeks since Drake had fallen under the black dragon's control. The strange power he wielded had driven the white dragon to his knees, and more often than not the lectures that followed the magic were conducted with a big black dick in his mouth, his mind submerged in a layer of fog and strange lust. It shifted around every now and then, of course; Draconicon had been anything but boring when it came to sex, and he would often lecture while taking Drake from behind, while keeping the white dragon underfoot, and even while making Drake bounce up and down on his lap. By this point, he was pretty sure that his teacher's cock had permanently stretched his hole, and the last time that he had been able to get away from the musk of sex...well, he couldn't really remember it.

But now, today, he had a chance for a little revenge.

Drake's mind was still a little foggy, but as Draconicon walked towards him, the seven foot tall dragon anthro smirking with one hand around his dick, he realized that he could think. He realized that he still had his mind, and he wasn't mindlessly diving for the other dragon's cock. Yes, the hunger was there, but he could control it.

The other dragon's eyes widened for a brief second as Drake got to his feet, and Draconicon had no chance to stop the magic shooting from Drake's hand. The light splattered like a water balloon over his head, white light swallowing the black scales, the glowing energy sliding into the dragon's earholes before he could stop it. He groaned, falling back against a nearby wall, holding his head.

Drake wasted no time, hurrying across the small room and pushing the black dragon the rest of the way to the ground. He lifted one foot and pushed down on his 'teacher's' chest, pinning him in place, and he saw that big cock rising up a little further, stiffening the rest of the way towards erection. Even now he felt the urge to sit on it, to feel it sliding up his ass and fucking him again, but he held back. He wasn't sure how - even the sane part of his mind wanted it - but he managed it, biting his lip as he looked down at his captor, his teacher, his master...

Eyes that were usually pale white looked up at him, tinted with a white-yellow glow. The look was familiar enough; the spell of mind control had been one of the first that Draconicon had shown him, and it was one of the simpler ones. Usually, he wouldn't have been able to get anything like that through, but his teacher hadn't been ready, hadn't had any defenses up. And now, he would pay the price.

Drake grinned a bit, one hand falling down to his cock. He'd been naked ever since the lessons had started, and his cock had never had the chance to fully be his own to play with since that first night. Now, he was going to make up for that. "Draconicon...do you hear me?" he asked. The dragon nodded. "Good. I was hoping that the spell didn't knock you out or anything...but if you can hear me, that means you have to obey. You know how this works just as well as I do, don't you? With this spell in your head, all you can do is obey my commands."

He ignored the slight grunt from his teacher, and lifted his foot up. He dragged it over the dragon's chest before he pressed it down on his teacher's face. "Heh, you know how many times you've made me lick your feet? Why don't you do it yourself for a little while, hmm? Considering how much of a foot fetish you have, making me lick your feet and letting you fuck mine, you must really like to play with them. Get licking."

Even having given the command to do it, Drake hadn't expected the sheer enthusiasm that followed. He nearly lost his balance as Draconicon grabbed him by the ankle, a forked tongue dragging along the underside of his foot. The narrow appendage almost tickled as it dragged across his scales, licking up little bits of sweat from the long day, and bits of cum that the black dragon had left there in the past. If anything, the bigger dragon seemed to get even more turned on by licking his own cum up. Drake didn't understand it, but considering the power trip he was getting, he wasn't going to question it.

Starting to stroke his cock a little faster, he pushed his foot down on top of his new toy's face. "Geez, you're a good foot licker. Why don't you do this all the time, huh? Mr. big time mage, one of the Magi, and you're licking my feet? Heh, I never would have guessed it."

Draconicon's face burned red, but there was no stopping that tongue. It kept licking and licking, the forked tip sliding between his toes, and Drake couldn't quite stop his own little moans from sliding free. His hand moved up and down his cock that much faster, stroking himself, and he could already feel little droplets of pre flowing down his shaft and rubbing into his fingers.

He wanted to make this last, but there was no way that was going to happen. Not for this first time. "Stop...stop licking," he managed to say, shaking his head and pulling his foot back. Draconicon looked up at him with frustrated eyes, his cock twitching, and even though he was going through mind control here, Drake knew that the other dragon was having just as much fun as he was, somehow. "Get on all fours. I want to see your ass."

Even as the dragon turned around, Drake couldn't stop himself. He hurried to get behind his master, and he grabbed hold of those scaly hips. His cock throbbed beneath Draconicon's tail, and he grinned. "Heh, time for you to feel everything that you've been doing to me for the last few weeks," Drake muttered under his breath, nudging his hips forward, feeling that pucker bend beneath his cock, flexing, trying to hold him back, before finally giving in.

Draconicon shuddered under him, probably some response to the feeling of getting taken without lube. The white dragon didn't care; he just wanted the feeling of fucking someone again after so long.

And so that's what he did. He fucked the dragon. His fingers dug into Draconicon's hips, dragging him back and forth, up and down his cock. He felt just how tight his teacher was, how unfucked he was, and couldn't help but chuckle at how hard it was to get his cock to go all that deep. "For such a foot licker like you, you're really tight...you must have been hiding what you really are for a long time," Drake said, his breath coming faster and faster as time went on.

He wanted to take it slow, but it was impossible. Soon, he felt himself hitting the edge, and he slammed all the way up to the hilt. Draconicon held still under him, silent, but he could feel the heat coming from his master, could feel the twitching from beneath his teacher. Drake smirked a bit to himself; apparently he wasn't the only one that enjoyed being on both sides of the sex.

"This is going to be fun..." he muttered under his breath.

The End, for now.

A Rich Lady's Toy

Draconicon groaned as he thrashed around, throwing his body one way and then another on the large bed. It bounced slightly whenever he moved, but the big dragon couldn't quite get himself to the edge. Every time he got close, the ropes glowed and lifted him up, carrying him back towards the center of the bed.

It wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't drained of magic by the ropes around him; normally that wouldn't have been a problem in and of itself, but the one that had enchanted the ropes was enormously strong. They drained him down to a point where he couldn't even use his normal magics, let alone the more powerful bits. And they also had the effect of keeping him perfectly on display for the caster on the other side of the room, letting her watch him squirm around.

He glared at her, the tawny and blue furred feline looking back at him with nothing more than a smile. She was as naked as he was, but her tail curled around her waist and sitting in her lap somehow made it more elegant. Her breasts, looking quite massive without actually looking wrong, bobbed and bounced slightly whenever she made a move, and despite his predicament, the dragon did admit they were fun to look at. Still, he couldn't forget that she was the one that put him here.

She took a few sips from her cup of tea before putting it down, walking towards him. Her hips swayed as much as her breasts, and Draconicon was slightly ashamed to admit that he was more than a little hard at the sight of her walking over to him. And she knew it too, what was worse; without any clothes but the ropes, his cock was hard and pointed towards the ceiling, and she watched it with as much amusement as she had watched his struggles.

"You should make a fair evening's entertainment," Cynthia - the feline - said with a small chuckle. She slid herself onto the bed, crawling towards him before straddling his thighs. Looking down, he could just make out the moisture between them, and his nose caught the scent of her arousal already. He groaned a bit, looking away as he felt his cock dancing already, twitching and bubbling with pre. "Mmm, you are most definitely a catch...I haven't had a dragon in some time, let alone one that fought against me quite this much...You'll be a fun little ride for me.

"But first, a little something to keep you...producing." She flicked one finger towards the side of the room, and a soft buzzing sound filled the air. Draconicon's eyes went wide as he turned his head, watching as a vibrator floated out of a nearby closet. It was large, vaguely metallic, and throbbed and buzzed with the battery powered vibrators inside. Even from across the room he could see the trembles of movement running up and down its length; he didn't even want to think about how that would feel anywhere near his holes. Just from that, he couldn't think that it was something that was legally sold on the open market.

The cat caught it in her hand, stroking it a few times. Another flick of her fingers floated a jar of goo over towards her, and she dipped the vibrator into it. Some of the slick stuff went splattering elsewhere, some of it landing on the dragon's thighs as the vibrations stirred it so vigorously. "This will keep you going for a long time, dragon," Cynthia said with a smile, putting the jar down. "And if you can keep going for a while, it means I won't get bored tonight. And we wouldn't want me bored."

"I...suppose we wouldn't - hey!" Draconicon grunted as the ropes suddenly lifted him up, floating him off of the bed while the feline continued to straddle him. She floated him around in a circle, adjusting herself in the process, until she was seated on the backs of his legs. "You...okay, you're good."

"I would have hoped you'd know that by now," she said. The cool feeling of lube spread over his ass a second before the vibrating tip of the toy pressed against him, already trying to slide in. He groaned, lowering his head at the sheer width of the thing trying to slide into his hole, but she just kept pushing. "Oh, relax; you're going to have it in you all night, and it's not like it's any bigger than the thing you're going to have inside me."

"You're built for it, I'm not."

"If it makes you feel better, I can MAKE you built for it. Do you really want me to go that far? Do you?"


"Good. Now relax and enjoy it. I know I am." Once more she rotated him around, sliding him onto his back and lowering him back down to the bed. What little bit of the huge-feeling dildo that hadn't been shoved up his hole pressed against the bed just enough to keep up the pressure, and when Cynthia started to press down on him, her hands on his chest and her ass against his groin, it started pushing further in. The pressure on his prostate had his cock positively dancing around, and he had to bite his lip to keep from cumming from the anal stimulation alone. In fact, it was so strong, he barely felt her pussy against his cock until he'd already slid partway in.

He groaned as she gasped, and looked down to see her legs spread, her pussy lips open wide around his cock as she started sliding down. The heat of her insides pressed against his cock, leaking pussy juice down his shaft even as she worked her way down. He moaned loudly at the feeling, and she chuckled at him.

"I hope you're going to be ready for an all nighter, dragon; I am ready for three." She suddenly dropped, taking his entire shaft into her in an instant. His eyes went wide at the sudden pleasure, and he threw his head back with a moan, cumming hard inside of her. She barely shuddered at the feeling, and certainly it wasn't a full orgasm like the pornos made it out to be when two people were having fun.

Even as he settled down, panting and oozing, she gave him a look of playful exasperation. "I hope you last a little longer the second time, but it doesn't really matter how long you last. So long as I keep that in you, you'll be my personal dildo all night long."

She proved it by sliding up already, making him scream as his oversensitive cock was stimulated again, and another shriek echoed around the room before she shoved a pillow case into his mouth. This was going to be a very, very long night, he thought, his eyes starting to water already.

The End, for now.

Dragon Cream Cookies

"One of these days, I'm going to find out how that weird little mind of yours comes up with these ideas," Draconicon muttered under his breath, shaking his head as he adjusted the apron that was draped over him. The front was as frilly and pink as one could ever imagine such a thing as being, and it had a few velcro straps up near the shoulders to hold the front of it up, if needed. "Seriously, where do you get these ideas?"

"You've known me how long, Drac?" The otter chuckled at him, already in the middle of stroking his cock. The two of them were alone in the house, but even if they weren't, it wasn't an odd sight to come across Idesin stroking his cock in the kitchen. Or anywhere else in the house for that matter. He nodded towards the bowl of batter on the counter. "Go on, put the thing on the ground; we still have one more ingredient to add to it before we actually get around to baking the things."

The dragon grumbled, looking at the bowl. It was filled with cookie batter, half mixed, but still looking a little bit dry in comparison to what they usually used. Not that it was going to be a problem for much longer, but how the otter wanted to add to it still made him roll his eyes.

He put the bowl on the floor, making sure that it was out in the open, before slowly getting down on all fours above it. Making sure that the apron was out of the way, he slowly adjusted himself, wiggling this way, that way, until he was more or less situated. Or at least, would be when he was actually hard. "Now, are you just going to start fucking me, or did you want to 're-interpret' that little wager again?" the dragon asked, looking down at the floor. "I mean, seriously, I know I said double or nothing on a favor bet, but -"

"You turned it into a better bet for me," Idesin pointed out. "And besides, don't tell me that you're not looking forward to a little cock up your ass; all those fantasies you've shared with me and everyone else, I can't believe you still even try calling yourself a switch."

Shaking his head, he tried to turn his head to deny it, but instead turned to plant his muzzle right against an otter foot. He grunted at the impact, glaring past the toes at his smirking friend, but he couldn't deny how the foot in his face already had his cock hard as hell. Feet almost seemed to springload his cock; one moment he was fine, next moment he saw a bare foot, and the third moment he needed a new pair of pants because his hard-on had torn a hole through his current pair. It was just the way that he was, and the otter seemed to love to exploit it.

Rubbing his foot against Draconicon's face a few times before getting to his feet, Idesin walked around the dragon cook. "Now just calm down; you and I both know that you've been wanting a little anal action for a while."

"Yeah, but I was thinking I was going to be on the other side of it."

"Better something than nothing though, right?" SMACK went the otter's hand, and the dragon jerked at the sudden impact. He looked over his shoulder, rolling his eyes at the way that the otter had taken his tail and wrapped it around his shoulders like a scaly scarf, even going so far as to pose like some sort of model. "Ain't I just fabulous?"

"Fabulously silly...now come on, if this recipe really needs cum, then you might as well start fucking," Draconicon muttered. He was just glad that he'd been able to use some toys recently, opening up his hole rather than taking this without anything; Idesin might not have been the biggest of his friends, but the otter still packed a pretty good sized package. "I'm waiting."

"Well, I never was one to leave a pussy waiting," Idesin said. Even as the dragon blushed, the otter grabbed him, and Draconicon couldn't quite help himself. He moaned as the otter's shaft pressed under his tail, sliding into his hole with even less trouble than he had expected. His face only got redder as the otter teased him with another spank, laughing a bit. "Heh, I thought I was joking, but you really do got a pussy, don't you Drac? Man, such an eager hole...why didn't you let me do this a while ago?"

"You hadn't won...any bets lately..." he muttered under his breath, lowering his chin against his chest as he was filled up. He could feel Idesin sliding in further and further, and soon the light slap of the otter's balls against his ass told him that his friend had gotten all the way in. "Alright...get going."


"You know you want to hump...get humping." He braced himself, but that was still not enough when the otter laughed and got to work. Idesin's hips were ridiculously strong, and he groaned every time the otter shoved himself forward, slick cock rubbing against his prostate every time. The dragon gasped and moaned, his hole clenching tight around that cock, squeezing it, pulling it in deeper.

It wasn't long before he started trying to push back against it, trying to get it in deeper and faster, but the otter grabbed hold of his hips before he could do it, stopping him. "Ah ah...you need to cum right in that bowl, and that means I have to keep you still while I fuck you."

"Mmmph..." the dragon groaned in frustration, but held himself still, letting the otter keep going, letting the fucking continue. He could already feel his cock throbbing against his belly, twitching and dancing. Pre slapped against his belly and chest every now and then, his cock pulsing and slapping against his stomach every so often.

The otter suddenly shifted angles, and the next thrust hit his prostate perfectly. Draconicon's eyes went wide, and he lifted his head up again, moaning louder than ever. His cock exploded, twitching as he came hard, thick shots of dragon cum splattering against the bowl, the batter, and the floor around it. He gasped and panted, shuddered and tightened around the otter's cock as he came. His orgasm rocked him hard, sending shudders and twitches through his whole body, and he could hear Idesin moaning behind him.

When it stopped, he shook, trembling as he came down from his high. His cock hung soft beneath him, dripping...but he didn't feel the otter's cum in his ass yet. He turned, looking back. "Why...why'd you stop?"

"What, are you blind? You didn't give us enough cum for the batter yet. I'm going to need to go again."

Draconicon didn't even bother protesting, even as the otter started thrusting again, only falling down against the floor once more. He supposed it wasn't so bad...and he had lost that bet, after all...

Maybe he could lose a few more....

The End, for now.

The Milking of Magic

It took him a little while to realize what was going on, but when he felt the first touch of metal to his cock, Draconicon had a pretty good idea of what might be in store.

His eyes whipped open as he tried to pull himself upright, but straps held him down. As his sense of touch returned, he felt the cool metal of a table against his back, and the restraints of metal bands on his wrists and ankles. He pulled on them, but someone had obviously taken the time to counter any sort of dragon strength that their captives might have; all the tugs might as well have been done by a little cub instead of an adult dragon.

He looked down again, and saw a metallic hand sliding a clear tube over his cock. It wasn't filling up the tube very much, considering that it wasn't hard at the moment, but as soon as it reached the base, he felt the end of the tube swell. Firm but soft material enclosed the base of his shaft, and he grunted as he suddenly felt a powerful, continuous suction fill the tube. Against his will, he felt his cock starting to bloat up, blood heading to it and hardening it rapidly. It barely took a handful of seconds before he was as hard as a rock, and throbbing eagerly.


The mechanical voice was followed by a sudden spray of liquid from above. It splattered against his face and his body, drenching his scales in some sort of warm liquid. It oozed along his body, spreading around, and in seconds he could feel it beginning to harden, almost like sap or some sort of sugar caramel, but far faster and much stronger. He struggled against it, his fingers bending and curling, tail whipping to try and break the hold, but the strange liquid had covered him too fully for that to be effective. Once more, in seconds, the material had spread and solidified, leaving him little more than a dragon statue.

Of course, there were a few parts that were uncovered. His nose, his mouth, his cock...and worryingly, his ass. It twitched lightly in the cool air of this place, and he could feel the little breezes that passed by disturbingly well.


Ensuring what?! Draconicon's eyes went as wide as they could in the strange suit that he'd been sealed in, and he stared as another mechanical arm brought something out of the shadows. It wasn't a dildo, but the buzzing sound coming off of it, the strange chemicals it seemed to be leaking, and the way it shifted from small to large like an inflatable left him little wonder of where it might be going.

The restraints made movement impossible, and he could only watch as the arm dropped down beneath his eyesight, and then pressed against his pucker. It pushed hard against him, forcing his hole to flex, to close, and then flex again as it slid back and forth, working his hole to try and get inside. He growled silently against the material that held him down, clenching his ass as tightly as he could to try and fight this. Futile, he guessed, but he didn't want to just give up.

Futile he guessed, and futile it was as it slid in, pushing past the slight barrier that he had tried to put up against it. The circular buzzing metal inside him sent immense shivers of pleasure through his body, and he moaned loudly. At least, he would have if he could let anything out. As it was, he could barely breathe, let alone speak in any way.

The wet stuff on it must have been some sort of aphrodisiac, he realized, as his cock throbbed harder than ever inside of the tube. He could feel his balls tightening up, getting heavier...bigger? It almost felt like it, as the tube started to turn wet inside, his pre filling it up before the vacuum sucked the liquid away. He could only stare at the volume; it was something he'd never imagined, something he'd never gotten while working at his cock himself. Even now, the pleasure from the tube was mounting, and he hadn't even come yet.

"PHASE THREE, ASSURING PERPETUAL AROUSAL, COMPLETE. PHASE FOUR, MILKING FOR MAGIC, BEGINNING." The machinery around him buzzed, and the horizontal table was lifted vertically. "PREPARE FOR TRANSFER TO MILKING TANK."

So many questions, so many things that he would have asked if his mind wasn't being blanked out by all the pleasure from the device buzzing inside of him and the tube around his cock. He could barely twitch, barely groan under the covering he'd been sprayed in, but what little movement he had, he used. Draconicon shivered and panted, gasped and moaned as the table was lifted off of the ground, carried over the lab. He could just barely see the different tables below him, some occupied, some not, but soon his attention was riveted on something else.

Below him, when the table stopped, was a great vat of goo. It bubbled and frothed like boiling water, but there was no heat rising to meet him. Slowly, the arms started lowering him down towards it. He gasped in surprise, trying to wriggle free again, but there was just no give to anything. There was no way free, no way out.

His body was submerged, bit by bit. Despite the immobilizing covering that he had been sprayed with, he could still feel the goo through it. It was a warm substance, and it....moved. Squeezed. Groped him, almost, through the material. He blushed as it rubbed along the bottoms of his feet and the backs of his legs, soon squeezing at his balls as he was lowered ever further. He was half sure that a bit of it was going to go up his ass, but strangely, that didn't happen. Maybe that was for later.

A quick machine reached out, shoving a tube into his mouth and plugging his nostrils, even putting a pair of goggles over his eyes. Of course, they were blinding, so he couldn't see anything, but as it was, it was perhaps for the best.

The liquid surrounded his head, and he found himself obliterated by the pleasure. With no sense left but touch, all he could experience was the groping goo, the sucking tube, and the vibrating, expanding ball in his ass. Silently, he cried out in pleasure, little bubbles going back up the tube in his mouth even as his cock exploded with an orgasm worthy of a dragon, filling the tube and then some. The vat above him sealed with a clank, a sound he barely heard, as he was sealed away as a milking commodity.

Down the tube went the white goo, headed into storage cells, cells that blipped quietly with the bit of magic that the seed carried with it. It was a small amount...but over time, milked repeatedly, it would add up.

After all, the dragon wasn't going anywhere...

The End, for now.

Chapter 2: Paris, France

**Chapter 2: Paris, France** "I still can't believe Rannoi turned that many pandas into prefects back in China," Idesin said with a shake of his head. "What was he thinking?" "No idea, but probably the opposite of what he was thinking when...

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Intermission: Japan to France

**Intermission 2** Their remaining time in Japan was brief, but eventful. With the help of the knife merchant Shin, Studley and Idesin were able to remain hidden while the search through the streets died down, the guards giving up when there...

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His First Human

**His First Human** _Disclaimer. I have never seen the Gargoyles show, and I have no idea just how much of this matches up with what the character would be like. I did my best to research the personality of the character involved, but if it doesn't...

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