His First Human

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a commission story, done at the order of a member of FA. It involves gargoyles and (as far as I can tell) a made up human character. I hope you can find some fun in this; I know it's not a good example of my writing, but I was trying to jam a LOT into less than 6,000 words, so I couldn't do it the way that I liked.

His First Human

Disclaimer. I have never seen the Gargoyles show, and I have no idea just how much of this matches up with what the character would be like. I did my best to research the personality of the character involved, but if it doesn't match up, I apologize now. Now, back to the story.

Brooklyn grunted as he slowly shook the stone from his shoulders, the covering that held him prisoner by day falling apart as the moon rose to replace the sun. It cracked down his back and shattered as it hit the floor, joining the pile of broken rock that grew daily. The red gargoyle grumbled as he looked at it; it wouldn't be long before he'd need to take it out of the warehouse and dump it somewhere. It was just getting to be too large, and taking up too much space to keep leaving it around.

Still, that would keep for a little bit later. Flapping his wings a few times to stretch them out, he stepped out of the mess and made his way over to the side of the warehouse. The few streetlights outside barely illuminated the inside of the small building, but considering that he was used to walking around at night, that wasn't something that bothered him. He could see well enough to know where everything was. Hell, he'd stayed here long enough to have the layout of the place memorized; a large open space about a hundred fifty feet long and fifty feet wide, with a high ceiling and little pieces of broken crates breaking up the open area in the middle. A single door was on the far side of the warehouse, the only way in or out if one didn't count the windows, which were few enough, only one per wall.

He walked down the middle of the warehouse, walking around the different broken pieces of wood and metal, to the door. As part of his nightly rituals, he opened it, poking his head just outside, peering down the cracked concrete streets around them.

Nobody looked back, and no new lights could be seen, to his relief. Some helicopters had flown over the warehouse last night, and while Brooklyn didn't think that they'd seen anything, he'd wondered if anything else would be around tonight. Thankfully, it seemed that he'd worried for nothing.

He shut the door, shaking his head as he leaned back against it. Things had really gone to hell in the last few weeks. The clan had been shoved apart, and he hadn't been able to get in touch with them no matter how hard he tried. Goliath in particular had been worryingly silent, leaving him unable to make his usual jokes about things because he was so worried. The others, at least, were in the news and rumors now and then, but Goliath had just dropped off of the radar completely. Had something happened? He didn't know, and that was what bothered him the most.

Before his nerves could really work themselves up, a sound from further down the warehouse distracted him. A soft grunt, a grumble. The sounds his...companion...made when she was waking up.

Brooklyn hid a slight smile as he started walking back across the warehouse. "Heh, I thought you were supposed to keep watch during the day while I kept an eye out at night, Hope," he said. Even speaking at a normal volume, he knew she'd hear him on the other side of the warehouse. The acoustics in here carried sound ridiculously well. "Getting a little sloppy, huh?"

"You try staying up all day without anything to do or anyone to talk to," she called back from behind a little circle of half-solid crates. "If the little bits of food we can call meals don't leave you too tired to move, then the boredom will."

He winced a bit at that. Food; that was something else he'd have to deal with later tonight. Hope wasn't really able to go out on the streets now; the whole reason they were in the warehouse to begin with was because they both needed to hide, him for being a gargoyle, and her due to...Well, she had never really explained it. Mostly because she didn't know, he supposed, but there had been a few times when she'd been ambushed, thugs on all sides, ready to beat her for something.

He'd saved her, a few times. And then she'd saved him.

Rounding the boxes, he looked down at Hope, shaking his head a bit. "Next time we're getting low on food, tell me. I don't want you to be going hungry."

"Don't worry about it," she said with a shrug. "I'll make do."

"I'll head out and get some food after it gets a little later," he insisted. "Why don't you get a little more sleep? Heh, you'll start looking like me if you don't."

"You sure that wouldn't be an improvement?"

"And ruin that smooth face? No way."

Hope chuckled, and Brooklyn felt a little smile of his own grow. It was good to make her laugh; the human hadn't had much to laugh about for a long time.

It was strange for him, to spend every day with a human like this for this long. Usually, he spent time with the other gargoyles, with his clan, but ever since he had rescued Hope the first time, he'd been spending more and more time with her. It was like there was something to her, something that kept drawing him to her. And unlike how it used to go - with him starting to resent the humans that counted on him - he felt like he enjoyed being in her presence...and it didn't hurt how much she smiled whenever he got her out of trouble.

Things had changed between them after he got beaten down while saving her, one time. He'd been knocked down, beaten bloody. Injuries like broken bones and torn muscles were rare for gargoyles, but it had happened that time. He'd have never been able to make it back home to the others in the clan, and could have died where he was.

Yet, Hope had taken him away from the fight. She'd pulled him somewhere safe. Right here, in fact, to this very warehouse. Over the course of a month, she had nursed him back to health. When other members of the clan found out where he was, they had brought some food, but had agreed that it wasn't safe to move him back to their home just yet. They wanted him to stay here.

Of course, in hindsight, that was probably the safest things for them to do as well, considering that the rookery had been blown to hell. Brooklyn still winced at that thought, at how it felt when the news had shown just what had happened to his clan's home. They had scattered, and now, he was alone, save for a human that was as good at pulling trouble on her head as he was.


Despite it all, there were times with this human that were happier than any other time in his life. The clan, the rookery, the past that Goliath talked about; all of it had been good, but nothing had made him smile as much as some talks with Hope had. There was just something about her, something that he enjoyed, something that made him feel safe, secure, and strangely, loved.

She looked up at him while he thought about it, and chuckled. "You're staring again, Brooklyn...something on your mind?"

"Sorry...Just thinking about all the things that we've been through...all the rescues and nights here." He shook his head. "Just...I like it for some reason. Being around you...it feels good."

"Heh..." Hope blushed. "I...I'm glad you think that way. I mean...I wouldn't...I wouldn't want you to hate being here with me. That would be bad."

"Yeah...bad." He shook his head, sitting down by the mattress she'd been laying on. He rubbed the back of his head, looking towards the door. "Um...Maybe I should -"

"Brooklyn?" she interrupted him.

"Uh...yeah, Hope?"

"I...well, I have something to tell you." She turned to face him, her eyes pointed towards the floor and her cheeks lightly pink. He realized that she was blushing, and it kind of surprised him that she'd feel embarrassed about anything around him. "You...well, we have been together for a long time now. And you've been so good to me...keeping me safe, keeping me fed...helping me feel like a good person, someone that's worth something to this world, rather than...rather than just someone who has something other people want."

"That's because you are, Hope. Why would -"

"Just...please let me finish, first. Then you can say something, okay?" she asked. He nodded as she took a deep breath. "After all of this, I've started...feeling things...for you. Big things. Powerful things. And I want you to know that...

"That I love you."

The gargoyle stared, barely avoiding letting his jaw fall down. She...she loved him? Brooklyn had never expected to hear something like that from her, never thought that she'd have feelings that approached that level of intensity, that kind of devotion. He'd hoped for friends, and had dreamed that it would be something more, but love...love was something that had been reserved for the weakest of hopes.

As he stared, she slowly looked up from the floor, meeting his eyes. "I figured out that I love you this morning, just after you turned back to stone. Looking at you, seeing your body, so strong, and powerful, and just how protective you are...it made me think about everything you've done for me. And I realized just how much I feel for you. If...if you don't feel the same, I understand. I mean, I'm a human, and all that, but I wanted you to know."

The warehouse was silent again as Hope looked away, her face as red as Brooklyn's body after her confession. Though he was surprised, the gargoyle could understand why. It was, after all, a very unconventional sort of thing; they were two different kinds of people, not to mention two different species. He could only be there in the night, while she was someone that existed in the day. It was difficult, to say the least, and entirely likely to be impossible.


He took her hand. "Would it surprise you...that I feel the same way? That I love you too?" Brooklyn whispered. Her head whipped around in surprise, and he smiled. "I saved you before, and then you saved me when I was hurt. I...saw so many things about you that I loved, so many things that I could fall in love with. And I guess I did, sometime. It just took your little confession to make me see it."

"You mean -"

"I love you, Hope. I love you, more than I ever knew, more than I can say."

She leaped on him, her tackling hug knocking him to the ground and nearly driving the air out of his lungs. He laughed at it, even as she rained kisses down on his face. It felt good. Better than good. It felt wonderful, and he didn't want it to stop. He leaned his head up, kissing her back when she wasn't darting down to press her lips against his cheeks and other parts of his face, doing his best to return some of the affection to her.

It didn't take long before she stopped, her face bright red again. "You...well..." She shook her head. "This is kind of silly...but I was wondering...do you think you'd be interested...well, if you wanted to..."

"What, Hope?" Brooklyn asked with a smile. "What are you talking about?"

"Well..." She looked down at him, and to his surprise, dragged a hand along his loincloth. Now that he wasn't stone...well, there was definitely something to feel there. "I have spent a lot of time looking at your body when you were a statue...and I kept thinking of what was under here. I couldn't really get a look before...but I've always wondered. And I've thought about it, that if you really loved me back the way that I loved you...well, I wanted to go all the way, if you would want to do the same thing..."

Things were going faster and better than the gargoyle could have ever anticipated. The fact that Hope not only loved him, but wanted to do things like that...his own long search for not just a friend, but a full on mate might very well be over here. "You mean...you want to mate with me?" he asked.

"I want..." She turned so red that he thought that she might catch fire. "I want to do so many things with you, Brooklyn. Mating is just one of them, and there are so many other fun things that we can do with our bodies...if you're willing to let me try with you."

That was true. One thing that the gargoyles in his clan had learned about humans in this day and age was that they had found many ways to play around with each other, in addition to simply putting one thing into one hole. And if Hope wanted to 'educate' him in that...well, he wasn't going to say no. For that matter, neither was his body, as his member was slowly starting to rise up under his loincloth. He could feel Hope's slender fingers tightening around his shaft through his loincloth for a moment before she let go, but it was too late to stop him from growing harder.

Brooklyn barely nodded his head in agreement before the human threw the loincloth out of the way. The fragile thing ripped at the violence of the motion, and the blue cloth went off to the side, landing on the ground. She continued to blush, but that didn't stop her from grabbing hold of him and stroking rapidly.

He stared in surprise and a surprising amount of lust as Hope got between his legs, pushing his legs wide open as he laid in front of her. Her fingers were a stark white against the red of his cock, and they could barely wrap around it at the base, where he was thickest. She didn't seem to marvel too much over the shape - he did know that they were similar enough to humans to not be surprising there - but she seemed in awe over the size. Admittedly, he didn't know what humans were like down there as far as size went, but he didn't think they could be that different. Eight inches was a little on the short side for gargoyles, anyway.

Nevertheless, she was impressed with it, stroking him rapidly and bringing him to a fully hard state in little more than seconds. Her fingers were soft and their motions smooth, and the gargoyle soon found himself moaning hard from the pleasure that they gave him. His fingers dug into the ground, leaving marks in the concrete from just how good her hands felt on his cock. "Mmm..." he moaned under his breath.

"It feels good?" she asked.

"Very good...you don't know...how good," he managed to mutter in return. The last time that there had been anything besides his own hand down there...well, they'd still been in Scotland and it had been before they'd gone to sleep. It was so long ago that he couldn't remember how it felt. Not this good, he was sure; anything that had happened then had been due to their station, rather than any real good feelings on the part of the people there.

He closed his eyes, panting softly as he enjoyed the slow strokes of her hands up and down his rigid member. The skin around his tip tugged up around his cock head, covering it every time that her fingers went up, only to expose it again as her fingers went down. He shuddered, having to hold onto the ground to keep from bucking his hips upwards in pleasure.

A part of him wanted to pleasure her in turn, but he couldn't think of how to do it without making the pleasure stop. It was so good, so very, very good, and Hope hadn't said anything yet...maybe she just wanted to do this for a little -

"MMMMMPH!" he moaned, biting his lip as he opened his eyes again, looking down as he felt something very warm, and very wet, wrap around his cock tip. His eyes went wider as he saw that Hope had actually swallowed the top of his cock into her mouth, her lips pressed firmly to his cock, wrapped tightly around him in a warm, wet seal of pleasure and heat and moisture. Her eyes twitched the way that they did when she smiled, and she slowly started pressing further down.

He couldn't find any words to say. He'd never seen a woman actually pull a male's cock into their mouth; they were hard enough to convince with traditional things at times. They would complain about it, say that they'd prefer other things...yet Hope just grabbed hold of him and started sucking.

And oh, GOD was she good at it. Her tongue moved around his cock all the time, licking it from underneath, from the sides, and along the top. He watched as she slid down his cock, and then slid back up, the tight seal of her mouth making her cheeks purse inwards as she moved. The bit of a shine that her spit left behind on his shaft only made it sexier, and he had to resist the urge to reach out and push her back down. She looked so good with his cock in her mouth, and his balls churned with seed, wanting to empty themselves in her mouth.

As he leaned upwards, she reached up and pushed him back down, somehow managing to keep his cock inside of her mouth at the same time. She held him down with hands on his chest, bobbing her head up and down his shaft, lewd slurping sounds echoing through the warehouse. Somehow, even the sound of her mouth going up and down his cock made it hotter to him, and he felt his cock start to twitch, a sign of just how close he was to cumming. He wanted to cum, wanted to cum so bad.

Suddenly, she darted her head forward, swallowing all eight inches of his cock down her throat. His eyes just about rolled back in his head, even as he heard her gagging around his cock in the process. She pulled back less than a second after pulling his full length into her mouth, but it was enough to get him over the edge. Even as she pulled back, his cock twitched in orgasm, spraying his load all over her face, white strings hanging down her cheeks and spilled over her forehead.

He panted softly, blushing himself as he looked at her face. "Uh...huh...huh...sorry," he panted, shaking his head a bit. "Uh, let...let me clean that..." Brooklyn grabbed the torn loincloth at his side, and rubbed it along her face, wiping off the bit he'd left there. It didn't take long to clean her up, but by the time he was done, the loincloth was soaked with his orgasm.

Somehow, it didn't seem to bother her, though. Hope only giggled a bit, and kissed him on the cheek. "Well...now that we did it once, I think you'll last longer for the other two things I really want to do with you," she said.

"And...what might those be?" he asked. His cock had softened slightly, but not much, and the thought of doing more with her was doing wonders for getting him hard again.

"Well...first, I'm going to want to feel what you're like inside me." She smiled, getting to her feet. "Just give me a minute, and I'll be ready to sit on you, and take you inside me."

He stared as she stood up, not bothering to take it slow, or tease him very much. Hope seemed to be about as eager as he was, perhaps more since she hadn't had the pleasure of a release that he just did. The human woman pulled off her shirt quickly, nearly ripping it as she yanked it over her head and threw it off to the side. She didn't wear a bra anymore - she had discarded it a little while back - so her breasts were on full display for him. They were just large enough to wobble a bit when she moved, but were not so big that they'd make it hard for her to run. He didn't really understand the human fascination with large ones; these ones were perfect to him.

Her pants were removed almost as quickly, though with them being more sturdy, they didn't have as much a risk of ripping as her shirt had had. She kicked them off to the side, leaving her in nothing but a pair of panties, a pair of panties that were utterly soaked at the crotch. Brooklyn stared with eyes wide as she wiggled them down her legs, getting a close-up view of her pussy.

He'd never gotten a good look at one up close, even in the past - or if he did, he didn't remember - so this was a treat. The lips were puffy and wet, and just a little open, and the gargoyle couldn't help staring at her as she spread her legs in front of him. She must have known how this was affecting him, but there wasn't a sound from her, not so much as a giggle at his blatant stare.

She moved quickly, pushing him back on the ground again, flat on his back with his wings splayed out to the sides. He grunted, but froze as she straddled his waist. A droplet of her pussy juice dripped from her slit, landing on the tip of his cock. It was so light that he barely felt it, but knowing what it was, seeing it happen, forced his cock to the hardest erection that he'd ever felt. Brooklyn groaned softly, staring up at her with a grin on his face, anticipation driving him crazy.

Slowly, teasingly, she lowered herself over him. The warm flesh of her sex pressed against his shaft, pinning it against his groin, against his belly. She slid along it, mixing her juices with the shine of her spit already on his shaft, grinding along his member towards the tip. He felt every bit of her, the slight wrinkles to her flesh, the heat and the moisture inside so much better than her mouth. The knowledge that he was going to be inside of her had the gargoyle shivering with need, his body on fire with the desire to fill her. Yet, even with his great strength, he couldn't bring himself to grab her and push her faster. All he could do was watch and wait.

Soon, she reached the tip of his cock. She reached back, fingers wrapping around the base of his cock, and she slowly pulled it to point upwards, following the action by lifting herself up as well. The tip of his cock never lost contact with her pussy, her juices and his mixing together as they both got more and more aroused at the thought of what was to come.

Hope paused at the tip of his cock, her hips rolling slightly from side to side as she ground against him. A little bit in, but no more, holding herself above him with just the barest tip of his member inside of her. "Mmmm, you feel so good between my legs, Brooklyn...I want you so ba- OOOOH!"

He just couldn't hold back anymore. Even as she spoke, he lost control. Not so much that he grabbed her and dragged her down, but enough to thrust upwards. His cock slid in, an inch, maybe two before it stopped, the tip pressing against a barrier inside of her. The gargoyle froze at the feeling, knowing it for what it was, and slowly pulled back down. Once his back was pressed flat against the ground again, he looked up at her with a blush, a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry...I just...I really want it..."

"Mmm, me too...just...hold still. Let me take a bit of time to do this right..." Hope said. She didn't look bothered; if anything, she looked like she had enjoyed him taking a little charge there. He'd need to remember that, and filed the thought away for later.

She guided his hands up to her hips, and he held them there carefully, giving her some support as she began lowering herself. The wetness and heat of her slit swallowed the tip of his cock immediately, and Brooklyn gasped at the tightness. It was even better than the feeling of her mouth around his cock, tight, welcoming, eager. It felt like she didn't want to let him go, that she wanted him to stay inside of her, and even without the tongue licking around his shaft, the way that the muscles inside tensed and squeezed told him that she was just as eager for this as he was.

It didn't take long for them to reach her virginity again, and he felt it stretch against the head of his cock. She bit her lips as she pressed down on him, and Brooklyn bit his own in return, in sympathy and to keep himself quiet. Hope had said she wanted this; the last thing he should do would be to question that. Still, he couldn't help but feel some sympathy. This had to hurt somewhat.

The pressure continued for a few seconds, almost ten before Hope pulled herself up again. "Alright...here we...go!" She shoved herself down, and she yelped as the barrier inside of her was broken. He held onto her, keeping her from sliding down too far, too fast past that point, and she nodded her thanks as she sucked in air, breathing fast.

Despite the discomfort from losing her virginity, Hope still pressed on. Within half a minute she was starting to press down the gargoyle's cock, and Brooklyn didn't have the heart - or the need - to stop her from taking more of his cock inside of her. She was so wet that he could see droplets of her juices running down his shaft with every bit of it she took inside of her. It was magnificent, and his cock twitched already, receiving more stimulation than it had in centuries.

Hope didn't look like she hated it, either; with every inch of his cock that slid inside of her, her face got happier, more excited. By the time that she had sunk down to the base of his cock, taking all eight inches of his length inside of her, she had the biggest smile that he'd ever seen on a human woman. Her hands rested on his chest, and his rested on her hips, keeping her stable as she caught her breath. Inside, he could feel both of them twitching, throbbing. She squeezed him, and he twitched and pulsed inside. The hot liquids pooled around his crotch, some of it dripping along his balls, and falling off of them to the warehouse floor below.

Before he could think to ask to keep going, Hope started moving again. "Oooh, Brooklyn...you just fit perfectly," the human whispered as she pulled herself up his cock. Wet sucking sounds - similar to but different than the blowjob earlier - filled his ears, and he blushed at just how hard that kept him. His fingers gripped her a little tighter, rising up with her as she slid up his cock.

Just as she hit the tip, she dropped herself down again, her pussy swallowing up his cock again. He groaned, and moaned as she immediately started riding up his cock again. Her pussy gripped him tight, the pleasurable, heated grip of her sex driving him crazy.

She hit her rhythm in seconds, rising and falling hard and fast. Her flesh slapped against his hard and fast, and soon he was thrusting up to meet her, feeling his balls slap against her ass in the process. She moaned above him, pushing back against him, eagerly meeting everything he gave her and begging for more. So, he obliged, letting go with one hand and giving her a spank. He heard that humans liked that.

Apparently she did; she gasped in pleasure and tightened hard around his cock, moaning loudly. Grinding against him a few more times, she came hard, squirting her juices against his crotch. The smell of her juices, her arousal, were overpowering, and it was all that Brooklyn could do to keep from cumming himself.

She slid off of him before he could stop her, but no sooner had she pulled off of his cock than she'd gotten on all fours in front of him. Her legs were spread slightly, and she reached back, spreading her ass cheeks and showing off the tight hole between them. "This is the last thing I really want, Brooklyn...let me feel your cock in here...I want to know how you feel everywhere in me..." Hope whispered.

The gargoyle had never tried something like that before. Admittedly, he'd heard of it from some of the other members of the clan, not to mention from some of the television out there, but he'd never thought that he'd find some woman that would be willing to let him give it a shot, let alone actually ask him for it. The thought of Hope asking him for something so strange, yet, so oddly arousing...he barely had the self control to get up and get over to her like a gargoyle rather than an animal.

Her hole resisted him, despite all the slickness from her pussy and his cock. He reached down, rubbing his finger against her pussy a few times, gathering the oozing liquid from it. Pressing his slicked up fingers against her hole, he slid one, then two fingers inside of her. She shuddered beneath him, and he slowed, gently sliding his fingers in and out a few times. The pussy juice slipped off of his fingers, remaining inside her, so he reached down with his other hand, gathering a little more and drizzling it over his fingers before sliding them in again. He hoped that would be enough, because he wasn't going to wait anymore.

Brooklyn grabbed hold of her hip with one hand, guiding his cock with the other. The pink flesh flexed under the pressure from his cock, but gave in as he pressed in. Hope gasped beneath him, but he barely heard it, far more focused on the feeling around his cock. Though she was drier in this hole than the other, it was so much tighter, and it squeezed his cock hard even as he slid in. He could feel more friction too, the heat around his cock growing fast, and leaving him panting in seconds.

She didn't tell him to stop. Over the sound of his own heartbeat, he could hear her begging him, pleading with him to go faster, to take her hard. And so he did, both his hands on her hips, dragging her along his cock even as he leaned over her and started fucking her hard. Only two thrusts, and he was hilted with her, his groin slapping against her ass hard enough to make her cheeks bounce, his balls slapping against her clit just hard enough to hear. A brief rest, a moment for them to get their breath back, and then he went back to the pleasurable act at hand.

Her skin was soft and giving under him, her back sweaty against his chest as he leaned over her. He grunted in her ear as he slammed in and out, in and out, his cock throbbing as her hole squeezed him. It was so tight, so hot, that he almost thought that he might have a harder time hitting his climax. The rim of her ass squeezed the base of his cock so hard, making it difficult even to leak his pre inside of her, having to thrust harder, faster, his cock throbbing with need with each passing minute.

She guided one of his hands to her breasts, and he played with them. The feeling of the giving globes under his fingers made him moan, and she matched him, moaning as he squeezed her nipples. She squeezed down on him hard when he did that, so he made sure to do it often.

It didn't take long for him to cum. After fucking her pussy, and then going to her ass, there was no way that he could last long. But he did his best, and managed to hold out for a full five minutes before his climax wouldn't be denied any longer. He slammed into her ass, hilting himself once more, and moaned in her ears. His cock spasmed, twitched inside of her hole, spilling another load of his cum inside. He could feel it squirting around his cock, the oozing liquid pressed against his shaft as she squeezed down on him, almost milking him for as much of his cum as he could shoot.

The two of them collapsed as his climax ended, the two of them just enjoying the pleasurable feeling of their afterglows. Hope reached back, stroking his cheek, and he kissed her on the back of her neck. It was...good. Brooklyn wouldn't call it perfect - they were still hiding from police and other people, after all - but it was better than it had been, and that was what mattered.

Though he wished that he could stay with her all night like this, he knew that it wasn't a good idea. Slowly, he pulled himself out of her hole, his semi-hard cock slapping against his legs as it finally popped out. His cum oozed out of her stretched hole, and he groaned a bit as his mind wondered how it would feel to fuck her like that again. He suppressed the urge, however, and pulled himself to his feet. "I...I better get going, if we're going to have anything to eat for the next few days," he said.

"Alright," Hope said tiredly, smiling. "I'll see you in a few hours."

He nodded, walking out of the warehouse and taking to the rooftops. His wings spread, he picked a route that would take him towards the downtown area quickly, and started flying. The wind around him calmed him down, and soon he was thinking clearly again, rather than just fantasizing about what it would feel like tomorrow night when he had his time with Hope.

Of course, it wasn't until he was halfway to a store that he realized he'd left his loincloth back at the warehouse, leaving his cock flopping about in the open. He was an entirely different shade of red than usual for the rest of the night.

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