Collecting on a Bet

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a story commission for FA: lupesoule for an image commissioned by FA: dukeskunk a fair while back. Original image here:

Collecting on a Bet

Barry groaned, resting his head against the back of the bleachers. The tiger's tail twitched behind him, lifting the back of the skirt he was being forced to wear. "Do I really have to do this?" the football player called around the corner. "This is humiliating."

"You were the one that made the bet, honey," a female voice said. "You thought that you and your team could win against East Valley, and you were wrong. Now get out here, and smile for the camera."

He sighed, shaking his head as he looked down at himself. The football uniform he usually wore out here was gone, put away in the locker room. Rather than his jeans and his designer shirts that he usually had when he was off the field, the tiger had been forced into a tight shirt and cheerleader skirt, the latter of which was barely long enough to go down past his ass. They hadn't even let him put on a pair of boxers under it, which meant that this was one of the few times that he was glad that his balls didn't quite match the size of some of his teammates; being hung like a horse would have put him on display almost immediately.

"Can't believe I made this bet," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head. It hadn't seemed so bad at the time; East Valley hadn't won many games lately, and he'd been sure that Central could have beaten them. Alice - his ex-girlfriend - had been anything but, and with all the trashtalk she'd put down on his team, he'd finally lost it and told her that there was no way that they'd lose. They'd even put a bet on it; he got to have one more go with her in bed if he won, and she got to have a favor of her choice if she won. He'd never expected to lose, and he most definitely hadn't expected this kind of penalty for losing.

Several sets of fingers drummed on the metal bleachers, and Barry collected himself. He couldn't keep them waiting, or they'd find some way to make this worse. Bracing himself, the quarterback walked out from around the bleachers, his face on fire with his blush.

Waiting for him on the other side of the abandoned sports field were Alice and Candy, his ex's best friend. His blush got worse as he spotted a camera on a tripod between them, but despite that, he could feel a slight stirring in his crotch at the same time. The tiger suppressed it, shaking his head, but he couldn't deny that there had been a bit of a twitch there.

The sight of the girls didn't help him, either; despite the situation, they were both very hot, and it took a lot of willpower to keep from getting hard at the sight of the rabbit and the doberman. Alice was a prime example of a hot rabbit, her body lean and slim, save for a bit of extra curve around the hips. She wasn't so large chested as some of the girls in their year, but she had enough of one to lift the chest of her football jersey - one from East Valley, rather than their school of Central - a bit.

Candy was a little different, but no less hot. Of course, it helped that she wasn't wearing any pants, or panties. His eyes were drawn down to that slit between her legs, and Barry couldn't stop himself from licking his lips at the sight of her pussy. It was just a bit wet, starting to show some arousal, and he wondered if maybe this might be a little more fun than he had thought it would be. His cock started to tingle again, and before he could stop it, it started to rise.

The girls giggled a bit at that, and Alice pointed at the bulge forming at the front of his skirt. "Look at that; the 'cheerleader' is starting to get a hard-on for us already," the rabbit said. They both smirked, shaking their heads. "You have no idea what's in store for you, Barry."

"Maybe not, but you can't blame me for getting hard look at the two of you sexy girls," he said. "Now are you going to tell me what the hell you're going to have me do? You just said a favor, but you never said what."

"Oh, you'll see, you'll see." Alice pointed toward a bag on the bleachers. "Grab that and bring it over to us, then get on all fours and look at the camera." He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Alice grabbed him by the balls. He froze, her fingers squeezing just enough to keep him from speaking. "Ah ah ah. Don't start asking questions now; you're paying off your debt now, so get on all fours, and we'll get ready to 'help' you."

"Ah...uh, yes, I'll, um...I'll do that." He winced slightly when she let go of his balls, shaking his head a few times as he hurried to the bleachers. Forcing his tail to keep down and hoping that this wasn't going to get too bad, Barry hurriedly grabbed the bag. It was slightly open, and his curiosity tempted him, but he avoided looking inside. Alice might let him slide on making them wait, but Candy...

Candy was another case. The doberman hadn't exactly replaced him for Alice, but there was definitely something going on between the two of them. The school was rife with rumors about the two of them, particularly after there was that screaming fit in the locker room a month ago. He'd thought that Alice had been straight as an arrow, but with all that he saw between the two of them...

And the fact that Alice had stripped as soon as his back was turned and had Candy's finger in her pussy this very second...

There was no way to stop his erection at that point, and the tiger stared at his ex and her friend, watching with wide eyes as they fingered each other in front of him. His jaw dropped, and his skirt lifted up enough to show off his cock. The soft cloth actually helped him get harder as it rubbed against the head of his cock briefly, and it had a slight wet spot from his pre.

" there something...I should know?" Barry asked, stammering and stopping a few times as he tried to wrap his head around what he was seeing.

Candy smirked, getting behind Alice. One of the doberman's hands stayed between the rabbit's legs, a second finger sliding into that pussy, and the other went to Alice's modest breasts. "Mmmm, nothing you aren't already seeing, Mr. Quarterback...just some fun that we like to have together."

"Is...that why you left?" Barry asked.

"No, it was because you were cheating on me," Alice said. Despite the slight moan in her voice, there was a definite hint of venom there. Not much, but enough for him to know that she was still a bit sore. "You knew I didn't like that girl."

"But I never did anything with her!"

"Maybe you did, maybe you didn't, but you didn't listen to me about giving me MY time," the rabbit said with a shake of her head. "Now give me the bag, and be a good boy. All fours in front of the camera, remember?"

The tiger shook his head a little bit, handing the bag over and doing as he was told. As he got on all fours, he thought back a bit. The two of them had been together for nearly six months before they broke up, and all because he'd been friends with another girl, a rather cute cheetah. There hadn't been anything romantic or physical, no matter what Alice said, but he did admit, he'd started ignoring her a bit in favor of that new girl. Couldn't even remember her name, now, go figure; showed who was more important to him.

He watched as they emptied the bag. The first thing to come out was a pig-tailed blond wig, which Candy tossed to him. No instructions were needed as he put it on, his face burning up in a blush, even as his cock throbbed under him. Barry didn't know why he was getting so turned on, but it just wouldn't stop. The girls giggling at him and the presence of the camera didn't help, either. However, he went along with it. A bet was a bet, after all, even if it was particularly humiliating.

Still, he hadn't expected to see a pair of strap-ons get pulled out of the bag.

The tiger's eyes went wide as the girls approached, Candy holding a bottle of lube in one hand to go with her strap-on, while Alice didn't have anything but. When he tried to stand up, the doberman put a hand on his back, keeping him from rising up, and he was forced to stare straight ahead at Alice. She put her strap-on on right in front of him, and he watched as the straps actually covered up her pussy a bit, forcing him to look right at the big, black length. It had to be at least as long as his own seven inch length, and somehow, he didn't think that looking would be all that was in his future.

Candy's hand slipped down his back and forced the back of his skirt and his tail up, a wet finger pressing between his ass cheeks. Barry yowled at that, but Alice put a hand over his mouth, forcing him to look up at her. She smiled at him, chuckling. "A bet is a bet, Barry; Central lost, so smile for the camera, and everyone at East Valley High."

"Oh god," Barry gasped, looking at the camera, and then back at the 'cock' in his face. How had he gotten himself into this? This was supposed to be a favor, not a humiliating, sexy fuck.

He shook his head, trying to dismiss that thought - that it was sexy - but his body didn't listen. His cock continued to throb under his stomach, and he could feel his hole twitching as Candy rubbed lube against it. Even when she started to slide a finger inside, it didn't hurt. It was weird, yeah, but...did it feel kinda good? It did...even made him twitch a little more.

His thoughts were interrupted as Alice pressed her strap-on against the side of his face, smirking at him. "Heh, looks like you're a good little boy, after all. Now why don't you give me a good little sucking for the camera? Just suck on it, while Candy shows you how it feels to be on the bottom."

"Al...alright," he said. At least he could excuse this as a need for anyone to think that he was some sort of pervert or anything. After all, everyone had to go through with bets. It was just what people did.

He opened his mouth, wrapping his lips around the end of the strap-on. Just the thought that he was sucking on something, even a fake cock, made his blush worse, but it wasn't like he could just stop. Groaning as she slid forward and filled his mouth up with the stiff plastic length, Barry closed his eyes, trying to ride it out. His tongue was pinned beneath the toy, forced to keep still as Alice started to slide back and forth, thrusting her 'cock' in and out of his mouth. After a few minutes, he started to get into the rhythm of it, even bobbing his head back and forth along it before he caught himself.

However, nothing prepared him for the feeling of Candy finally taking his ass. Barry's eyes went wide beneath the pigtails, and he yelped, a sound that was quickly cut off as Alice shoved her strap-on into his mouth again. The smooth length sliding in under his tail was much bigger than the doberman's fingers, at least twice as big as two of her fingers inside of him, but there was no getting away from it. Canine fingers grabbed his hips, digging into his muscled ass, and held him in place as she forced her way into him.

It wasn't all bad; just like with the fingers, it was weird, but felt strangely good. The pressure of the large length pressed down on his prostate - something he'd only heard of in health class - and his yelps rapidly turned to moans. His cock twitched, slapping his belly lightly, and he felt his fur get wet from it. He was leaking, and he was leaking a LOT.

The humiliating feeling of lube leaking between his ass cheeks, running down in slow streams to drip from his balls both made his face burn and his cock throb. He couldn't believe this was happening on camera, couldn't believe that this was getting recorded. Alice could show this to anyone, at any time, and he'd have no way to stop her. Candy could do the same, and probably would.

And yet...

And yet, it was a bet. There was no way that he could back out, even if he could force the two girls back. And, though he'd never admit it, he almost wanted more.

Soon he was rocked back and forth between the cocks, moaning as he was filled on both sides. His cock throbbed hard beneath him, and the tiger could barely think of the camera anymore. All of his attention was focused on the two hot girls around him, and the feeling of his cock throbbing beneath him, drooling pre into the grass below. He panted, groaned, and only the fact that he hadn't been told to touch himself kept him from reaching down and playing with his cock.

The girls laughed all the while, teasing him and poking at him, both with words and with their strap-ons. He barely heard them, only focused on doing what they wanted him to do to the best of his ability.

Finally, Candy humped him hard enough to set him off. Moaning, Barry bucked his hips a few times as his cock exploded with cum. It splashed against the front of his skirt, against his belly, and against the ground, filling the air with the musky smell of male cum. He bit down on the strap-on in his mouth, and clenched down on Candy's fake cock, shuddering in pleasure as his orgasm rocked him to the core, pleasure filling him.

A few seconds later, he panted in his afterglow, and realized that the strap-ons weren't fucking him anymore. He slowly looked up, seeing Candy turning off the camera, and Alice looking down at him with an amused smile. "I think that pays off the bet, Bartholomew."

"It's...Barry, you know that." He shook his head a few times. "What...what happens now?"

"You can go and get back into your usual clothes, and we'll hang onto the video." She chuckled a bit, looking over at Candy. "We'll talk about whether or not we're going to show it to anyone; I don't really know, yet."

"Huh...heh..." He smiled, groaning as he got to his feet. "Well...thanks for at least thinking about not showing it around." He paused. "Um...this is kind of a weird question, but..."


"Wasn't that just a bit of cheating, if you two are kind of together?"

Alice blinked, looking back at him. She looked back at the doberman, then at him, then back again. "" She chuckled, shaking her head. Patting his back a few times, Alice said, "I guess I have something new to think weren't that bad before, you know."

Though tempted to respond, Barry kept his mouth shut. Better not to say anything like an 'I told you so' right at the moment, his common sense said. Not just for his own dignity - though there was precious little of THAT left - but also because it would just bother Alice. Let the rabbit think about it, and maybe something good would come out of it. He was even starting to stop blushing, now that the actual action was over. It hadn't been too bad, and it wasn't like the camera had seen anything but his face being fucked.

"You got a nice ass, though; I bet the camera filming Candy pounding it will have some great shots."

He groaned at that. And just like that, the blush was back.

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