Hacking Nor's Network

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A rather sexy commission for the wonderful Taiko involving his character Nor and FA: darknesshaven 's character Technodood. Enjoy the little story of a hero who underestimates his opponent, and a very flirty criminal that loves to take advantage.

Hacking Nor's Network By Draconicon

Clip, clop. Clip, clop. Clip, clop. Vroooooooooooom.

Clip, clop. Clip, clop. Clip, clop.

Nor sighed as the sounds of his hooves on the sidewalk continued to count out his steps. The passing car a second ago had drowned it out for a second, but once again, the streets were empty, and the mule was left to listen to his hooves counting out his paces.

His eyes flicked up towards the roofs of the different buildings around him, catching sight of a few quick blurs before they moved out of sight. He shook his head. "What I wouldn't give to have that, sometimes," Nor muttered, looking back to the streets. At least that way he wouldn't have to listen to the mind numbing sound of his own footsteps as he patrolled his pick of the city, always there.

Clip, clop. Clip, clop. The sound never changing, always the same tone, always the same beat as he walked. Oh, he could make it faster or slower by speeding up or slowing down, but that only changed the rhythm. Mufflers, he thought for a moment, but he dismissed the idea. Mufflers for hooves were ridiculous, and even if there were such things, he couldn't believe that they would be practical, or allow him to keep his footing as easily as keeping them uncovered did.

He paused at the end of the block, looking out towards the harbor ahead of him. The tall buildings ended here, and the shorter but wider warehouses began. The port of the city, so busy during the day, had shut down more than half of their operations for the night. Considering that the city never completely slept, there were still some operations going - mostly on the northern side of the docks, he guessed by the lights - but it was quieter now. Less busy, and less crowded, and definitely less confusing to look at from a distance.

Looking over the many storage warehouses, the mule looked down the gaps between the different warehouses on the south side. Small groups of security guards patrolled the area, waving flashlights this way and that to keep the area illuminated. He passed over them, focusing his attention on any area that looked ignored, or where security had just left. Anyone that wanted to actually rob the place and would be worth the time of someone like him would be smart enough to avoid the flashlights. Criminals powerful enough to just not care would be a little too much for him to handle, anyway, and they would be making enough noise to call in the stronger heroes to deal with it.

Most of the warehouses seemed to be in good shape, and the lanes between them were wide enough, clear enough for Nor to be sure that there was no one hiding behind some bit of cargo. Clear lines of sight for patrols, and for people looking from far away; he'd have to send some sort of commendation in for the guy in charge of security for keeping up with that. Not a lot of people seemed to understand how much that helped.

On the verge of leaving, Nor paused to take a better look at the warehouse second from the end of the lot. While the lights were off, he could just make out a pile of debris scattered along the ground. It was far away, a few hundred feet, but he saw cardboard, wood, and metal thrown about along the ground. And suspiciously enough, it was all scattered just under a window.

"Looks like someone's trying to get something for cheap," Nor muttered. "At least I get to do something tonight." He smiled. For a second.

Clip, clop. Clip, clop.

"Mufflers. Gotta look into them."

It didn't take the mule long to make his way down to the warehouses, particularly considering the one that interested him was so close. As he left the shadows of the big buildings, he made sure that he stuck to the shadows outside of the few lights that were put up around the port. His uniform had enough blue in it to blend with the darkness if he was careful, but any decent light would make the red show up immediately. The swirled colors wrapped around each other in a chaotic pattern, rather than blending together in any design, so that helped a little bit. Still, the mule was wary of the flashlights further off, as well as the lights that the warehouses had over their doors.

He stopped by the pile of trash, shaking his head at the mess. It looked like someone had put together a pile of things to climb on, and then knocked them down again. Whether it was intentional or not was anyone's guess, but it meant - at least to Nor - that the criminal had a plan for getting out again that didn't involve the window.

Glancing up, he saw jagged bits of glass still sticking out. A few little shreds of cloth remained on them, but they weren't well lit, so he couldn't make out what they might have been from. The criminal's clothes, probably, but no details of what they might have been. However, the tufts of white fur that stuck to the broken glass - no blood, just fur - did narrow down who might be inside. Nor didn't know too many white furred criminals, and most of them wouldn't bother with something as small as a warehouse.

Letting part of his mind devote concentration power to narrowing down the list further, the mule walked around the warehouse, keeping his hand on the side of the building, and his ears twitched as he listened for anything that might give away what was going on. Of course, his hooves weren't helping it with their damnable metronomic beat, but he tried anyway.

It didn't take long to reach the front of the warehouse, and he paused by the door. An inventory binder hung from the door with a little padlock keeping it shut. Nor shook his head, reaching down and picking it up. He might not have been the best superhero, but a padlock wasn't that much trouble. He snapped it off, flipping open the black cover. "Okay, now what do you have inside?" he muttered under his breath, flipping a few pages to get to the current date, and then running his fingers down the charts inside.

"Converters, computers, data ports, hard drives, transmitters..." the mule read aloud. He paused, blinking. "Lots of electronics...well, that doesn't help much. Everybody wants that stuff." He lowered the binder, making a mental note to send the replacement cost of a padlock to the guy in charge of the security shift; not much he could do about it until morning, but he didn't want it to be forgotten. A little beep only he could hear told him that the mental note was saved and filed away, and with that done, he gently pushed open the door.

The warehouse itself was dim, though this one had a few of the lights on. Not very many, but enough for Nor to see where he was going and not risk bumping into any of the crates lining the walls. Flicking his eyes back and forth across the aisle of bins and crates near the door to make sure that he wasn't spotted yet, and confirming nobody was looking, he slid through the door and quietly shut it behind him. The mule took a deep breath, lifting a leg and slowly lowering it down again. The answering clop made him wince, and he paused, listening for any sound in return.

Nothing happened, and after another ten seconds of nothing, he relaxed. Still, he'd need to be careful; nobody noticing the first clop could have been a fluke. A mule could walk quietly in pretty much one way, and that was by moving as slowly as possible. Nor hated doing that, just because it meant he was wasting his time, but until he got a visual confirmation of the criminal here, he needed to keep from being noticed.

As he explored the warehouse, aisle by aisle, he moved as though he was a practitioner of Tai Chi, every movement exaggerated and slow. His legs started to hurt by the end of the second empty aisle, and by the end of the fourth, he had to grit his teeth in order to keep from grumbling in frustration. Moving so slowly when he was used to moving quicker was hell on his limbs, not to mention he knew that he looked utterly ridiculous whenever he took a step. If anyone had actually seen him, they would have laughed, and he wasn't sure if he could blame them for it.

Rounding the corner to the fifth aisle of goods, Nor paused in his tracks, one hoof suspended inches off of the ground so that it didn't make a sound. He leaned against the boxes at his side, and smiled in relief. Finally, he'd found the culprit.

A white rabbit with his ears pointing straight up knelt beside a box of electronics, the lid displaced and surprisingly undamaged. He wore a pair of goggles, currently covering his eyes, and had a pair of shiny, gadget-y looking boots on. His gloves looked similarly high tech, while the rest of his body was covered by a black and purple bodysuit. Covered, but not concealed, as the material seemed to hug itself to the rabbit's body and make sure that people looking knew just what they were looking at. A few scratches around the rear showed where the glass had caught him on his way in, and the rabbit's tail tuft was missing some of its usual fluffiness. At his side was a small black box with a pair of knobs on its side and a button on the top, something the criminal had probably brought with him.

So far, the rabbit hadn't seen him, too focused on whatever it was in the box. Probably some more computers or parts for his own gadgets, Nor thought; judging by his costume, the rabbit seemed obsessed with the stuff.

Then again, a lot of the minor villains out there tended to go for the shiny gadgets than anything related to their powers. It was their main way to compete with the heroes that had decent powers, a lot of the time. He doubted that this rabbit would be much of a challenge. Small arms and minor gadgets he could handle easily enough, and anything bigger from the thief would draw the attention of the main security force around here.

Rounding the corner, Nor opened his mouth to deliver the traditional request to surrender, just as the rabbit reached to his side and pressed the button on top of his little black box.

Almost immediately, Nor lost control of himself, stumbling as he brought his hoof down and crashing against the wooden crates at his side. His shoulder plunged through the wood, cracking it and leaving a hole in the box, and creating a massive echo in the warehouse as well. The sound wasn't lost on the rabbit, who immediately stood up and turned around, grabbing the little black box in the process. "Who...

"Oh...crap." The rabbit backed up another step as Nor pulled himself upright again. "When did heroes start coming around this block, huh? I thought you left this place to the regular security guards."

"I saw some trash outside, and thought I'd see if there was anyone inside." Nor shook his head a few times. That was weird. As soon as the rabbit had pushed the button, it was like a part of his brain had suddenly shorted out, making it impossible to keep his balance or take a step and have a chance of finding the floor. "Looks like I found someone here who doesn't belong. You going to come along peacefully, or am I going to have to drag you out of here?"

The rabbit took another step back as the mule took a step forward. The space between them stayed the same, even as the rabbit flicked his eyes back and forth, looking at the different crates. Doubtlessly looking for more loot he could carry when he made a run for it. "Come on, do we really have to do this? It's not like I'm hurting anyone, I'm just getting some stuff for my projects."

"Which probably will hurt people," he pointed out. "Though, I've never heard of you; you new?"

"Maybe to you, but Technodood's a name that other heroes know."

"Whatever. As soon as I get you outside, I'm going to hand you over to the security forces here. Not gonna take long to call them over; they upgraded to carrying cells and walkie talkies last week." Nor smirked, darting forward to grab the rabbit.

Surprisingly, the rabbit dodged, leaping back a pace to stand just out of reach. Nor recovered from a stumble, if only barely, and the rabbit chuckled. "What good are those going to do if the channels they use are down?" Technodood asked.

"What are you talking about? That'd take a major service outage."

"Or just one smart rabbit." He smirked, the bodysuit following the motion of the rabbit's face. "Go ahead, try and call them. Their phones and radios are going to stop working right...now," the rabbit said, pressing the button as soon as he said the word.

Nor slumped against the left side of the aisle, his legs buckling under him as the box let off some kind of signal. He cupped the side of his head, his teeth clenched tight as white noise filled his mind, crackling like static. Thought...thought was so hard, fuzzy, like it was getting scrambled through a bad connection. Even movement, trying to pull himself up was difficult, and he had to force himself far more than usual. "What...the hell...is that?" he managed to grunt out.

To his surprise, the rabbit looked as shocked as he felt. Looking down at the box and then back at him, the rabbit - Technodood, he supposed; the guy was good enough to earn a name like that if he could do this - muttered, "That's...that's impossible. This device doesn't work on living things. What...what the hell are you?"

"Someone...that's gonna...kick your ass," Nor muttered. He shook his head again, grunting as the noise slowly cleared out of his head once the rabbit let go of the button. Wobbling on his hooves for a second, he glared down his muzzle at the criminal. "Okay...I don't know what the hell you just did...but you're not going to do it again. Put that box down, now, or I'm going to -"

Down went the button, and down went the mule. He hit the ground hard, but managed to turn it into a roll forward, his hands scrabbling forward in an attempt to grab hold of the rabbit. Smooth bodysuit touched his fingertips for a moment, but the rabbit stumbled backwards before he could close his fingers around his legs. Nor growled under his breath as the roll nearly planted his face on the floor, crawling forward as he fought against the distortion running through his mind.

Whatever that box did to disrupt the channels phones and walkie talkies used, it was wreaking havoc on the android part of his mind. The same part that filed things away and allowed him to remember things, that gave him part of his powers, was helpless against it. It was like the worst static and snow that could go across a television screen, combined with a rapidly scrambling code to keep his mind from adjusting to it. Even his eyesight was affected from it, everything seen through a blurry, scrolling haze. From the rabbit, to the crates, to the wall all the way in the background, everything looked like he was viewing it from behind a layer of interference.

Again, the rabbit let go of the button, and Nor was able to get to his feet. With a loud grunt, he leaped forward, swatting the device out of the rabbit's hand. It clattered to the floor somewhere behind him, and he grabbed hold of the criminal's throat. Spinning him around and ramming him against one of the layers of shelves, he stepped forward. "Not a bad trick...but this had gone on long enough."

"Oh you think so?" Technodood smirked, his eyes glittering behind the nearly opaque tinted lenses. "I don't. Just what are you, Nor?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Red and blue costume, big muscled mule? Only person I've ever heard of that looks like that is you." That was a good point, he supposed, but it still annoyed him. Tightening his grip until he heard the rabbit gasp, Nor waited for the rabbit to surrender. Any criminal would, at this point. No criminal strong enough to get out of the grip would get caught in it in the first place. "Hey, hey...no need...to choke so hard..."

"Just surrender, and I'll stop squeezing," Nor said.

"And if...I don't?"

"Then I'll take your unconscious body over to the security forces after you pass out." Lifting him up a little further, so that the rabbit's feet were off the ground, the mule leaned in until they brushed noses. "What's it going to be?"

Technodood groaned, his hands scrabbling for purchase around Nor's wrist. The rabbit's fingers were dexterous enough, he supposed, but there wasn't anything that the little criminal was going to be able to do before he passed out. He could already see a little blue slipping into the rabbit's lips. He would probably pass out any second now.

The rabbit's lips moved, but he couldn't catch the sound. "What was that?" Nor asked.

"Option...3..." the villain wheezed.


His eyes went wide as the signal started again, harder, stronger this time. Falling backwards with a cut off shout, Nor hit the ground hard. Unable to even roll away, he struggled to move, fingers clawing futilely at the ground. His hooves clicked against the floor and left dents in the metal legs for the shelves, rather than stretching and bending, unable to move right for him to get up. Even the smallest attempts to get some grip, some help in standing up failed, like his body refused to listen to him.

Nothing, absolutely nothing worked.

Technood coughed a few times, one hand slapping against his chest until he could breathe clearly again. "You're a pretty strong guy, aren't you?" the rabbit said, stepping around the twitching form of the mule. "I didn't think you'd really start strangling me like that. Not that it wasn't good to have a big strong guy like you so close to me, but still, let's avoid that in the future, huh?"

"How...you..." Nor felt like he was spitting his words, barely able to get one out at a time. "Box...there..."

"You didn't think I was a one trick rabbit, did you?" Technodood asked with a chuckle. The rabbit bent over by the box. "Watch closely, maybe you'll figure something out."

The button on the top suddenly lifted up, as though it had been released, and the pressure on Nor's android mind went away at the same time. Before he could get up, however, the button went down again. The rabbit didn't move, but the button was pressed all the same. The mule gasped as his mind was flooded once more, shaking his head from side to side in an entirely futile attempt to clear it.

Again, the button went up and down, and again, and again. Each time, the rabbit's hands remained behind his back, out of reach of the box. At one point, Technodood even held his hands up in the air, so Nor couldn't even accuse him of having some other remote that he was working with. Somehow, the rabbit was managing to work his little device without any physical touch.

Leaving the button pressed down after cycling it about fifteen times, Technodood walked back to Nor's paralyzed body. "I'm not just a criminal, not just a thief. I'm Technodood; I have powers just like the rest of you super heroes. Except I use them to get what I want, instead of what the city needs," he said. "Anything that I've made, and a lot of things I haven't, I can control from a distance. That box, most of my tools...all it needs is a thought, and I'm able to use them as if I were holding them. Just because you can knock that box away from me doesn't mean that you've won; it just means that I have my hands free to do other things to you."

Things were a lot more complicated than Nor had thought. The mule could barely even move his head anymore, staring at the ceiling as he tried to process this. So, Nor could try and take the device away, throw it over the shelves, throw it out a window, and unless he smashed it, Technodood could still keep controlling the signal by remote. He closed his eyes with a hiss. He should have stomped on the thing after he knocked it out of the villain's hands; why hadn't he thought to do that?

Because he was being cocky about things, and he wanted to end it quickly.

Nor sighed at the quick answer. Sometimes, having a mind that was more computerized was less helpful than people would think.

He opened his eyes wide as he felt the rabbit's gloves rubbing along his body, stroking over his chest. "Not a bad costume, really; kind of makes me wonder why you wear something so silly, though. I mean, tye dye colors are just so last year," the rabbit said, his hands slowly working their way up the mule's chest. Nor's feeble attempts to speak went unnoticed. "Now, why don't we see what you look like under the mask, huh? Wonder what kind of face you got..."

If he could have, he would have struggled. He would have bit, thrashed, kicked, something to keep the rabbit's fingers away from his face as they got closer and closer. They dragged smoothly up his chest, over his collarbone, and hooked near his neck. But instead of the bottom of a hood or mask, they only raked against his fur. Nor clenched his eyes tightly, his face blushing as he realized just how screwed he was.

"Wait...there's...that's your face? That's your actual face?!" The rabbit pulled his hands back like he'd been shocked, his mouth gaping open as he stared at the mule. "That's your...oh, this is just...oh ho ho ho, this is going to be good." He clapped his hands, grinning as wide as Nor had ever seen a rabbit do. "Oh, this is going to be juuuuust dreamy."

Quick fingers slipped over Nor's body, the rabbit's hands examining him in brief touches. They tweaked his nipples through his suit, and reached further down. The gloves that he wore beeped lightly as Technodood kept touching him, and the mule realized that the rabbit was scanning him as well as feeling him up. "Oh, now this is just amazing...no wonder that little burst hit you so hard. You actually have a melding of machine and living tissue forming your body, and your mind...oh, my god, you are amazing, simply amazing. A specimen like you would be just PERFECT for so many things. I have to see more of you...much more."

The hands kept stroking further and further down, and despite his paralysis, Nor could feel a part of his body starting to react. He clenched his teeth in frustration as the thong under his suit started to stretch, lifting up as his body responded to the admittedly nice touches. The lifting rapidly turned to tension, and he felt more than saw just how big his bulge was getting below the waist.

Those same clever fingers seemed to find it fascinating. He groaned aloud when Technodood's fingers wrapped around his cock, not even bothering to take it out of the suit before stroking it. The rabbit was surprisingly good at teasing him, and it didn't take long for his member to rise to full mast. His suit stretched upwards as a result, and he could feel the very tip of his thong starting to get a little slick with his own juices.

"Mmm, if only we were back home right now, I could really get into this...but this isn't the time or place for having fun, is it, you sexy machine?" Technodood laughed, letting go of Nor's cock just as it was starting to get into the handjob. The mule barely restrained a frustrated groan, and slowly managed to turn his head to follow the rabbit around. The villain knelt down by the box, turning a few little dials on the side. "Well, let's fix that. Say goodnight, Dream Machine; I'll see you when we get home."

Down went the button, and down went Nor, this time to a point of full consciousness shut down. His eyes blanked out, and his vision went black, his processors overloaded by the powerful signal.


In his wildest dreams of loot from tonight's operation, Technodood had never imagined running across something like Nor. Unconscious or not, he still looked like something that the rabbit would have had to steal from a vault across the country, not some superhero that would try and fail to stop him in one of his escapades. If this wasn't a sign that rabbits had good luck, he didn't know what was.

Still, after that particular burst, he'd have to move quickly. The signal would not only be bringing down the communications of the security guards outside, but would probably be sending a rather strong static burst into the main offices. If they didn't know where he was, they would find out soon, and he wasn't about to lose everything he'd gained.

Pressing a few buttons on his gloves and initiating a booster in them, he grabbed hold of the back of Nor's costume. The boosts in the gloves let him lift the mule up, though it was still a strain. He realized he'd need both hands to carry him at any rate of speed, and that meant his other spoils would be limited indeed. Looking over his shoulder at the crate that he'd cracked open, he dragged the equine along with him and dropped him down beside it. A quick look inside showed that there was nothing small enough to really bring along, and there was no time to simply absorb the understanding of the devices either.

"Well, I got you, so that's something." He patted the mule on the head, and grabbed him again. "At least these gloves don't leave prints."

Carrying the mule proved to be a little more difficult than he would have liked. It required him to drape the larger male over his back, just so that he had a little bit of leverage for his gloves to work with, and even with that he was dragging the mule's hooves along the floor. The slight screech they made was not unlike the sound of nails on a blackboard, and it set his teeth on edge. They were a little quieter, though, so they wouldn't be heard from far away. Small bonus, and one that he needed.

The rabbit hurried out of the warehouse as quick as his legs could carry the two of them. He rounded the corner and made his way towards the rear of the building, and paused, watching the approach of some of the security guards. None of them walked around the back of the place; they were too focused on the front, where the door was hanging wide open. Nobody ever thought to look away from the obvious until it was too late, he thought to himself; by the time that they bothered looking behind the warehouse, he and Nor would be long gone.

Looking over his shoulder, he couldn't stop himself from chuckling. The unconscious hero could have passed as a normal person, if he lost the tye dye color - hopefully he could; the color really didn't suit him at all, not flattering in the least - but he was so much more. A mix of man and machine, not a cyborg but something so much more. Just the thought of messing with him, experimenting, changing, learning from the hero on his back was giving the rabbit a throbbing crotch, and he needed to restrain himself from having a little fun right then. The urge to play with the android was just that strong.

He shook his head. "Patience, patience...just get back to the lair, tie him up, and you'll have all night to do whatever the hell you want," Technodood muttered.

As the guards moved out of view, the rabbit made his move. Slipping from one shadow to another, he hurried towards one of the other warehouses. A few buildings down, he had stored a small cache of bigger gadgets, his little get-away pile. Brushing aside a few pieces of broken boxes he'd placed over it, the rabbit was relieved to see that the different pieces of tech were all still in one piece. "Glad you didn't find this when you were snooping around, or our first date wouldn't have even gotten started," Technodood joked, lowering his prize to the ground. He pulled the biggest item out of the pile - a jetpack - and pulled it onto his back.

Just as he was pulling the strap around his chest, however, he paused, looking down at the mule, and then at the jetpack bits sticking over his shoulder. "Ooookay...now how am I going to make this work..."

It took some doing, but with the aid of a few tethers that he had brought along - just in case there were heavy boxes to carry along - he had managed to strap the mule to his chest. It nearly brought him to his knees, carrying someone that was so much bigger than him, but there was no way that he was leaving Nor behind. He was pretty sure that the jetpack could handle it, but with the extra weight, it would definitely be a lower level flight than usual. Speed might also be affected, not to mention -

"The warehouse is empty! Fan out, they can't have gotten too far!"

"Looks like I'll just have to wing it." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around the hero in front of him. "A rub of my feet for luck? Nah, don't think we'll need it."

With barely a thought, he activated the jetpack. It whistled for a moment, sucking in the air around them for the initial take-off. The rabbit barely had time to brace himself before the bottom of it exploded with energy, launching them into the air with the force of a giant boot to the ass, pushing them twenty, thirty, forty, and finally fifty feet up in the air. The rabbit's thoughts controlled the direction of the boosters, and soon they were flying off over the water, taking them out and around the city to avoid anyone heading to the port as reinforcements. Technodood sighed in relief as the jetpack quieted down after the initial roar, falling to a low hum rather than roaring like a rocket behind him.

Unfortunately, any attempt to get higher only brought sputters from the jetpack. Nor's weight dragged on them, and the tethers holding him against the rabbit were less comfortable than Technodood had hoped. They were usually tied to the sides of the jetpack to carry crates, not wrapped around his back to keep another passenger onboard, and they cut against him, digging into his fur and flesh in ways that he'd rather not think about.

"You had better be worth it; I better get at least second base for something like this," the rabbit muttered as he turned them back towards the city.

A slap against his stomach woke the mule up, making him groan at the impact. It almost felt...wet, which didn't seem right at all. He shook his head, blinking his eyes as he started to sit up to see what was going on. Unfortunately, he was only able to lift his head up, his arms held above his head for some reason, and it kept him from actually fully sitting him.

Looking above his head, he saw a pair of ropes holding his arms out and above his head. Lowering his head until his chin pressed against his chest, he saw his own cock pointing up to face him. The wet slap had been the long, rigid thing slapping against his stomach in a puddle of his own pre. Past that, he could see that his legs were spread out, a rope around his ankle and tied in a way that it wouldn't just slide off of his hoof if he struggled around. He could feel something soft under his hips, raising them up enough for his hips and rump not to lay on the cold table his back was supported by, and as he lowered his head down again, he felt a pillow under his head, too. "What's going on? Where am I?" he said, looking up at the dark ceiling.

"Oh, darn it, there goes lucky number seven."

Nor groaned, sliding his head back a bit further. That voice...So it wasn't a dream after all, and he wasn't waking up to another hero who snuck in for some fun. "Please tell me I'm just in a badly lit doctor's office in a police station, and you're behind bars?"

"'Fraid not, Dream Machine; really kinky idea, though, heh. You're in my lair, and I've been having a good bit of fun with you," the rabbit said with a chuckle. "Don't worry about the smell, by the way; that's just the last six orgasms I've been putting your body through. Number seven wasn't too far off before you woke up and your defenses came back up."

Good, he thought. At least that still worked. Now that he was actually reminded of it, he could smell the musk that clung to everything around him. His balls actually ached from the workout they must have gotten while he was asleep, and the moisture that clung to his stomach also dripped from his cheeks, along his neck, and even pooled near the small of his back. As he became more conscious of the scents around him, he started breathing through his mouth to try and cut some of it out, so he wasn't smelling his own cum quite so much. "That's what you were doing...what do you want? Why am I here?"

"Pretty simple situation, really. Traditional, even; I'm the criminal, you're the prize, and I brought you home to enjoy." The rabbit chuckled again, still out of sight.

"What about all that stuff you were looking at in the warehouse?"

"That stuff was junk compared to the masterpiece that grabbed me by the throat. That hurt, by the way; don't suppose you're going to apologize for that?"

"Not really."

"Ah well; you're still a dreamy piece of man and machine, even if you are a violent brute at the same time," Technodood said, the following laughter echoing for a few seconds before dying off. "Geez, you have a lot of defenses up when you're awake; do they just shut down when you sleep or something?"

"Take a guess, rabbit," Nor muttered, closing his eyes. He could feel the probing little needles of different wifi connections trying to push into his mind, trying to get him connected to another computer. So far, his defenses were holding them off, but the mule was still worried; if this villain had gotten into his head before, it might only be a matter of time before he did it again.

"Oh, now that's just not playing nice." The clatter of fingers over keys filled the room, and the virtual attack on his mind ramped up. Nor closed his eyes tighter, his teeth clenching and his fingers curling until the nails pricked at his palms. "Oooooh my, you must have a lot in there...come on, just let me in. A little peek inside, just a little one?"

The mule shook his head, grunting and squirming in his bonds. "Get...away...from my...brain!"

"Dream on, sexy. Your brain's only the start; do you know how much I could do with someone like you? With something like you?" Technodood laughed. "Come on, just relax...you were having so much fun when you were asleep, just writhing around on the table, squirting your cum over everything. God, I could have watched that for hours, just seeing you soak yourself like that."

"Do you...ever...shut up?" he muttered through clenched teeth.

"Not when I have someone like you around." Clicking boot steps joined the sound of clattering keys as the rabbit seemed to start pacing. "Why do you keep fighting? It's not like you aren't going to enjoy what I'm going to do."

He refused to answer. Not just because the rabbit was starting to get on his nerves - though that was definitely a part of it - but also because the virtual assault against his defenses was getting stronger by the second. The rabbit's hacking skills were a lot better than he thought, and it took all of his concentration to keep aware of what he was trying to do. Closing his eyes tighter, he focused all of his attention on a visualization of what was happening, both in his mind and around it.

With his eyes closed, he could 'see' the probes that the rabbit sent his way, and he could organize the defenses in his mind against them. His biggest asset was that he could watch what the probes were trying to do; as long as he kept an eye on them, they couldn't do anything for longer than a second, unlike with normal computers that had to be babysat all the time and still could screw up. Taking deep breaths, he forced himself to relax in the rope bonds holding him down, systematically stomping down on any of the probes that managed to get even the slightest entrance into his mind.

For a while, it seemed to work. The clatter of keys and the clicking of the rabbit's boots were the only sounds he could hear, and Nor wondered if Technodood had finally wised up and stopped trying to convince him of anything. It seemed a little much to hope for, but the evidence was bearing it out. Probably the rabbit figured out that he needed to focus his attention on the hacking more than talking. In either case, he was glad to have some peace and -


Nor nearly leaped out of his skin at the incredibly quiet whisper next to his ear, yelping as his eyes flew open. He whipped his head around, staring at the rabbit at his side. "How did -"

"I can do it from a distance, remember?" Technodood said with a chuckle. "And I did you from a distance, too, though not the way I wanted. We would both be soooooo much more satisfied if you'd just stop fighting."

"Hmmph. And let you mess with my head? No thanks." Nor closed his eyes again, and cursed under his breath. In that short time, four probes had gotten through his defenses. The rabbit was a lot faster than he'd thought, and now that he was wandering around, free to talk, touch, and type all at the same time, the mule was more worried than ever. Even as he stomped out the latest probes, others came in through the gaps. His defenses were starting to crumble.

A tingle running through his crotch distracted him, and he almost opened his eyes to see what was going on. He stopped himself just in time, running a quick scan across his mind. He growled in frustration as it revealed another program that had slipped in behind him while he was dealing with the large gap at the front of his defenses. Well, he thought, at least it was only focusing on his crotch, and not something more important.

The probe settled into that part of his brain, but he laid defenses around it, isolating it from spreading anywhere else. That didn't stop it from affecting him, however, as he felt his member starting to rise. The tingle that had surprised him before was back with a vengeance, and the mule couldn't stifle his moan at the feeling. Little shudders of pleasure ran down his spine, and his fingers tightened, his fists curling harder. "What...what are you...doing?"

"If you aren't going to let me in, then I'm going to have to let myself in," Technodood said. Gloved fingers wrapped around Nor's rising cock, and he only barely restrained himself from bucking against them. The bondage around him was good for something, it seemed. "This is getting ridiculous, Dream Machine; let me into your head, let me get a little peek at all those little goodies that you got stored in there, and I'll make you feel better than you ever imagined."

He refused to answer, though that had something to do with the fact that he was busy stomping on a probe that nearly got to his voice controls. More and more of them were getting through his defenses, and while he was able to keep them from settling the way the one at his cock had, he still -

Oh, no...Nor groaned as the isolated probe started pushing, its little metaphorical finger having found a big red button labeled 'orgasm'. The probe was smashing the button down hard, again, and again, and again. "No...no don't...don't you do...don't you do it!" he growled, his eyes as tightly shut as he could keep them.

"Heh, here it comes. Lucky number seven orgasm...come on, big guy, cum your brains out and let me look at 'em!" Technodood said, his voice absolutely dripping with eagerness.

Every muscle in Nor's body tensed up at once in an attempt to keep the inevitable from happening. His mind turned its attention to the little probe that was pressing his orgasm forward, one last desperate attempt to reverse the order, to change the program, to do anything that might let him hang on for a little while longer. His pursed lips turned up some in the throes of pleasure that ran through his body, giving him a pleasured grimace as it built, and built, all while the rabbit was teasing him, stroking him, pushing him further towards his orgasm.

And finally, it hit. Nor moaned aloud as his cock spurted upwards, a fountain despite the many orgasms that the rabbit claimed to have pushed him through. In that instant, his mind froze, all of the defense 'software' in his brain momentarily ceasing as his processing power was overwhelmed by the pleasure input.

With them down, he had no defense as Technodood's programs and probes surged into his head. They shoved his paralyzed defenses out of the way and settled themselves in different areas of his mind, latching onto several control centers that would keep his defenses down, but mostly heading towards his memories and the data storage centers of his brain. In his mind's eye, he could see their little 'bodies' wriggling into the different sections of his mind, and disappearing from his sight. One by one, the different sectors he could see went dark, until everything was black behind his eyes.

Then, they turned back on.

The inside of his mind was different now. Where before it had been shining and efficient, now it was all slowed down. A bright splatter of pornographic images ran through the 'sky' above the different centers, flooding his mind with various pictures. Many involved Technodood in some way, but the majority seemed to be stolen from various private caches among other heroes. He saw one involving the Melonman among a great deal of melons, nude though with his signature emblem nearby; there was Hive as well, the same body, just with the face out of focus, and looking embarrassingly compromised.

Other heroes, other villains ran through the sky, each one different looking. An elephant getting fucked up the ass; a squirrel with a pair of dicks shoved in his mouth; a rat getting himself serviced by a pair of lizards; even another green and yellow lizard that was pinned under the black scaled feet of a villain he wasn't familiar with. There were images of so many different fetishes, so many different sexual acts, that Nor had no chance to go soft, immediately hardening again as his mind almost seemed to start downloading the images.

He opened his eyes, but the images continued to flash in front of his eyes, leaving him helpless but to look at the various collections of porn that Technodood had amassed. The rabbit grinned down at him all the while, gloved fingers stroking along his cock, only adding to the pleasure. "Didn't I tell you, my big old Dream Machine? If you just let me in, I'll make sure that you get SO much fun out of this."

"What are...what are you doing?" Nor said, gritting his teeth. He wasn't going to moan, he told himself. He wasn't going to moan, wasn't going to show that he was getting pleasure out of this. "What are you doing...in my head?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm downloading your data stores." Technodood chuckled, his fingers finally letting go of the mule's cock. He walked around to the foot of the table, standing between Nor's spread legs, and sat down. "I kept telling you. All the different things that I could do to you, do with you...I need that information to actually do any of it." He chuckled. "Of course, I could just stay here, touching you and stroking you, playing with your body...I learn from touch almost as much as by studying something like anyone else, you know.

"But that would take too long. And if I'm going to touch you that much, I want to focus on the fun." The rabbit leaned forward, draping himself over the thick, muscled thighs of the mule. His fingers stroked along the rigid shaft, drawing lines up the length of Nor's cock before slowly reversing direction, heading back down to those big balls. "You ever have a villain bring you back to a lair, just to enjoy playing with your body?"

Nor didn't bother answering, though his cheeks burned a little redder as a result of the question. He didn't want to think of how many times villains tried to do that, or how many times they succeeded.

"Hehehe, you don't have to answer me...Considering that download link in your brain, I'm pretty sure that I'll get that answer eventually. Not to mention all the other little secrets that are hiding in there, like where you got all this wonderful machinery melded to your body, and how I can get some of that for myself." The rabbit smirked, sliding a little further up the the mule's body. He laid down, his elbows resting on Nor's firm stomach, the villain's bodysuit rubbing against the hero's cock as he pinned it down. Squirming slightly to get comfortable, Technodood almost drew a moan out of Nor before he got comfortable. "I'm sure you don't mind. I mean, sexy guy like you? You must have a ton of guys chasing after you for your body, let alone all those little jewels in your head."

Only vaguely paying attention to the pleasure - or at least trying to only vaguely pay attention to it - Nor latched onto two words. Download Link. All those probes taking over the data centers of his mind, not to mention suppressing his ability throw up firewalls and defenses were explained. Rather than just controlling him, the rabbit was going to copy every bit of data that was in his mind, and then, he would use it to make whatever he wanted. Hell, he might even try and make himself into another hybrid machine like Nor was; considering Technodood's abilities, that would take him from a public nuisance to something truly dangerous. No matter how much a flirt he was, Nor knew that was not something he could let happen.

He pulled at the ropes holding his arms back, but to his surprise, he couldn't move them. He blinked, shaking his head, and tried again. A twitch went through his arms, but no movement apart from that. The ropes didn't even tug on his wrists, didn't dig in or anything. Not because they were loose, but because he couldn't move his arms enough to pull the ropes tight enough to do it.

The rabbit laughed, one hand moving back and stroking a little circle around Nor's cock head. "Did you really think you'd just be running off as soon as you woke up? I made sure that those little probes took control of your body when I got past your defenses. It'll keep you nice and still, unless I want you to move." Looking over the spread-eagled crime fighter, he laughed. "Then again, I don't think I'll be wanting you to move for a while. You're just as sexy bound up like this as you were back in the warehouse.

"Now, while I'm waiting for one prize to finish downloading, I'm going to enjoy my other prize." Patting the mule on the chest, he pulled back, kneeling on the table with the mule's cock in front of him. He smirked, his fingers wrapping around the lower half of the large cock and pulling it up, pointing it towards the ceiling. "I hope you enjoy this, but really, it doesn't matter much; after I get the download done, I'll figure out how to work your mind so you do. And then you'll REALLY be my Dream Machine."

As Technodood started kissing the mule's cock tip, Nor groaned. The rabbit's mouth was quick to open and suck his member in, and he gritted his teeth, almost biting his tongue in an effort to keep from showing how much he enjoyed it. His body seemed determined to betray him, however, as it started leaking pre in seconds. Almost immediately, he felt himself getting into it, wanting to just enjoy the blowjob and wait for an opening. After all, every villain made a mistake eventually, and it wouldn't hurt to wait a little bit while the rabbit played with -

He stomped out that thought. His brain was being copied down somewhere, and that meant that there were things leaving the vaults of his mind that shouldn't be seen by other people. Not just his history and the technology that helped him be a hero, but also his daily life, his real name, his identity as a person outside of being a hero. All of it could be taken and distributed among the criminal groups of the city. He didn't know if Technodood was the type to share like that, but he couldn't risk it; too many bad things could happen with that information in anyone's hands. Not to mention he was pretty sure that his ass would become public property at that point.

There had to be a way...mmmph...out, he thought to himself as the rabbit suddenly dived down his cock, deepthroating him. He rolled his head to the side, a moan coming out before he could stop himself. It just felt so good, so sexy to have the rabbit's mouth around his cock, devotedly sucking on him. Fingers - no longer gloved, he was surprised to feel - grabbed his balls, fondling them and squeezing them as he was sucked. "MMmmph...stop...you won't...-"

"Won't get you to cum?" Technodood asked as he pulled off of Nor's cock with a slurping rush. "Heh, I can make you cum with a thought. Watch."

A key on Technodood's console clacked, and the command sent to the probe in the mule's mind activated. Nor moaned even louder as he arched his back, his cock suddenly twitching and squirting another load over his chest. It soaked into his red and blue fur, smearing over the hairs and soaking yet more of his own scent into him. He panted, his cock falling flaccid over his belly after delivering its load, and he stared past it at the rabbit. "You...why..."

"Because it's sexy? Because it's fun? Because I get to see a hot mule android get drenched in cum?" He laughed, shaking his head. "Stop asking questions, big guy. The download's going well, you're getting pleasure, and I'm getting what I want. Just lay back and enjoy the ride...you know I'm going to."

Nor's eyes nearly popped out of his head as the rabbit stood up on the table, reaching around the back of his suit and undoing some sort of snap and clasp. Wiggling around, the villain slowly pulled his arms out of the sleeves of the bodysuit, and squirmed out of the tight-clinging material. At first he thought that the fur was white, but after a second, he realized it was an extremely pale purple. It clung to Technodood's body, slightly wet from being in the suit for a while, revealing a lithe but surprisingly smooth body. The goggles stayed, but the rest of the outfit was slowly stripped away, pulled down the rabbit's equally slim but powerful legs. Kicked to the side, the bodysuit hit the floor, not that the mule really paid much attention to that.

The naked villain straddled Nor's hips, looking down at him with a wide smirk. "You know, I bet those other villains that brought you back just wanted your ass, didn't they? Maybe your mouth, too?" He couldn't stop himself from nodding, he was too far in shock. "Heheheh, unimaginative villains are so boring, aren't they? They just help themselves to a handy hole, and don't even bother looking at the rest of the wonderful treasures in front of them."

Technodood lowered himself onto the mule's stomach, his bare fingers stroking over Nor's pecs, rubbing them, massaging them. "Such a big, powerful mule, with so very much to offer someone like me." The rabbit chuckled, leaning down, nuzzling the hero on the cheek. "Mmm, I knew this was going to be dreamy, and I so love being right."

"What, are you going to worship me into submission, or something?" Nor muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Heh, you wound me. A bullet through the heart, Dream Machine. But don't worry, you'll sooth that soon enough." Laughing, he dragged one foot along the flaccid length over Nor's stomach. "That is going to feel so, so good inside of me, and considering how close that download is to finishing, I'm going to have the perfect set of files to study for afterglow bliss. Mmm, now, do you need a little help getting hard for me? Or do you think the thought of my hot little ass might get you up without my little probes in your brain?"

Groaning in mixed frustration and arousal, Nor leaned his head back to look up at the ceiling. The fact that Technodood was acting so different from a lot of the villains he had to go up against didn't make dealing with him easy; he just kept coming up with surprises, and it made him a lot harder to predict. And that download completion hanging over him wasn't making things any easier.

But there was something wrong there...something that was just a bit off, and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Technodood kept talking about the download link, about how it was getting close. Yet, there was never any mention of an upload link. Nor didn't have any of that porn in his brain, yet, when the link was established, it had almost flooded his mind. It still flickered just behind his eyes, giving him image after image to admire, yet it wasn't anything that was being shoved into his head. It was like...

He blinked, and thankfully that coincided with a command from the console again. As he grunted from his cock springing back to hardness, Nor realized that the link was going both ways. Whatever program that Technodood was using to get his brain drained and copied to another space also let him look into what the villain had inside. A ridiculous amount of porn apparently made up most of the surface, so no wonder he was getting a brain full of the images, he thought.

But that was good. If he could view it, that meant that he was connected to it, and if he was connected to it, he could affect it. He just needed to keep Technodood from noticing he'd figured it out, otherwise his one chance would be gone.

He opened his eyes again, nearly going bug eyed again as the rabbit squatted over his cock. Soft furred hands held the shaft pointed upwards, and Nor blushed at the feeling of the firm but soft ass rubbing against the tip of his cock. "Heh, I told you that you would be soothing that wound, Dream Machine. Mmmm, I've been looking forward to this since I felt how big you were back at the warehouse." Licking his lips, the rabbit lowered himself a little further, grinding the mule's cock tip against his hole, teasing the trembling equine with promises of what was to come. "Heh, even bound up like that, I bet a part of you does want this to happen. Just relax, big guy; I promise we'll both enjoy this."

How did the rabbit keep pushing his buttons like this, Nor wondered. His cock was throbbing hard, and not all of that was from the probe in his mind. It honestly wanted to feel that ass around it, to actually have someone riding on him for a change rather than getting pounded up the ass. His cock didn't care that it was a villain, a criminal that was going to do it, it just wanted it. A part of him wanted to try and tune out, to ignore the pleasure that he was going to get, as it would be 'wrong'....

But another part of him realized that this was the perfect distraction for making a counterattack. If he looked like he was enjoying the pleasure, if he was getting into it, then maybe, just maybe it would be enough to keep Technodood otherwise occupied. The only question was whether he would be able to concentrate well enough to make his move while he was getting used as a toy.

There was no choice but to try, however, if he wanted to get out. So, Nor took a deep breath...and bucked his hips up.

The move caught the rabbit by surprise, and Technodood froze in mid grind as four inches of mule cock slid into his ass. As Nor dropped his hips back to the table, the rabbit was dragged along, pulled into a lower squat. His face was frozen in a look of shocked pleasure, and the rabbit's member stuck out, fully hard. He panted softly, looking down at the cock that had just slid inside, before looking back at the mule. "Heh...so, finally getting with the program, are we? Good." The rabbit leaned forward, his fingers curling through the mule's chest hair. "Show me what you got, Dream Machine...show me how much you can take."

Technodood slowly slid back along the mule's cock, the rabbit moaning as he filled himself up with it. Nor wasn't much better, his mouth turning up in a slight smile as he moaned. The rabbit's hole felt so tight around his cock, so hot and eager. Every small slide back, every instinctual clench over his cock sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. If his hands had been free, he wasn't sure if he would have pulled the villain off, or pulled him down the rest of the way.

It didn't take long for the rabbit to lower himself to the base of his cock, either. The rabbit's fuzzy tail tickled at his balls, and Nor felt his cock throb in response. He swore that the criminal was doing this deliberately, teasing him, but he didn't dare open his eyes to find out; he was too busy marshalling his last defense.

Inside of his mind, Nor gathered together several different things. In his mind's eye, he saw them as saboteur programs, demolitions experts, in a way. They weren't anything like that, of course, but they served the same sort of function; they were to be sent over to the other end of the download, and destroy all the gathered data. Deletion, at the worst, and utter obliteration of all files at best. Best of all, they were 'suicide' programs, designed to blow themselves and hopefully the connection at the same time when their task was done. If they worked...if they worked, he could be free.

He sent them through the gap the probes had opened, a brief sigh of relief slipping past his lips as they actually entered the link. They disappeared from his mind's eye, no longer immediately visible, but he could track their progress. One of the control centers in his mind that were NOT taken over kept track of the programs, watching their blips enter the flood of light that was the storage center on the other side of the link. They set to work almost immediately, the light fading away as files began to disappear.

Nor's eyes jerked open again as the rabbit started sliding up his cock. For a moment, he thought he'd been caught, but the smile on Technodood's face only spoke of pleasure. The rabbit didn't know what was going on, he was just starting to ride the mule's cock. He moaned softly, his cock bouncing as he slid up, and then started sliding back down, and Nor couldn't help moaning with his captor.

He watched the rabbit go up and down his cock, feeling his pre squirting up his cock in massive volumes. It felt good enough that he wasn't sure if it was on command from the rabbit or natural, but either way it made the rabbit's ride easier, slicker. His cock throbbed, slick with pre and shiny in the low light of the lair, and he blushed at how turned on he felt seeing his cock disappearing in the rabbit's smaller body, seeing that tight hole spread wide around his shaft.

His breath came in gasps as the rabbit sped up, the soft hands against his chest giving the villain leverage to ride his cock faster, harder. Little drops of pre fell from the rabbit's cock to his stomach, adding to the mess of cum and goo already there, and each time Technodood slid all the way down his cock, Nor couldn't quite stop himself from thrusting up to meet him, his balls slapping off of the rabbit's ass. Movement other than thrusting at the rabbit was impossible, the probes in his mind keeping him pinned. His hip and back seemed to be the only things that they allowed to be unlocked, and only because it gave the rabbit more pleasure to have him pushing back.

Panting hard, Nor closed his eyes again, checking on the progress of the saboteur programs. He growled; they were slow, too slow. Only a small part of the storage had been dealt with. They needed to go faster, or Technodood would notice. He groaned, moaning at the pleasure around his cock, his thoughts hard to keep straight as the rabbit's eager bouncing kept flooding his mind with distractions. The next visualized set of programs almost looked like strippers rather than demolition experts, and he groaned under his breath. They'd have to do, but he had a feeling some of the porn files on the other side were going to get copied before they were destroyed. He sent them off, and opened his eyes again.

His captor was jerking off while he rode Nor's cock, one hand furiously stroking his cock while he bounced himself along the mule's cock. "Mmm....oh god, you are just so good...Dream Machine, I'm just going to keep you hard...all the time...better look for you anyway..." the rabbit moaned. "Such a...perfect...elegant android...Oh god...so close..."

No, no! Not close yet, it wasn't done deleting yet. How could he distract him a bit longer? How, how?

An idea clicked. He didn't like it, but... "Let me...let me suck you..." Nor gasped.

Technodood slowed, panting. "Wha...what?"

"Let me...suck you til you cum...and you can...keep playing with me...that way..." Nor couldn't believe he was suggesting this, didn't know why it had popped into his head. Probably a result of all the extra porn he'd absorbed in the last few minutes. But it seemed to appeal to the deviant rabbit, and he slowly slid off of the mule's cock. It throbbed as the rabbit took his time, veins standing out along the sides of it, and the head literally popped out of the villain's ass as he lifted himself off of it. It was completely clean, too, and Technodood chuckled as he stroked a finger along the underside.

He didn't say anything, probably too eager to finish. He laid down on the table near Nor's face, cock throbbing. It wasn't quite as large as his dick, but then again not many species were. For a rabbit, though, he was healthily endowed, and Nor felt the probes tickling his brain a little more in some attempt to re-wire his tastes for more oral. It didn't work so well - that programming was deeper than the access that Technodood currently had - but he pretended it did, leaning forward and 'eagerly' swallowing the rabbit's cock into his muzzle. Bobbing up and down along its length, he suppressed a moan as talented fingers started stroking him off, his cock twitching in excitement at the touch.

He closed his eyes again, the taste of pre-covered cock on his tongue hard to ignore as he checked in on the progress with the download. His lips turned up in a smile as he found out that almost all the data in the rabbit's storage files were gone, save for a few extra bits of porn, and that the demolition team was getting ready to blow the connection. It was almost time for him to get out of here. As soon as the connection was blown, and without Technodood aware of it...

They came almost at the same time, though Nor hit his climax first. He gasped around the rabbit's cock, bucking his hips one more time as he squirted his load. Technodood ducked the first shot, but the rest landed along his chest, coating his arms and his hands with mule cum. He didn't seem to mind so much, particularly as he started cumming half a second later. Nor swallowed hard, drinking down the salty cum splattering over his tongue, his nose filled with the scent of the rabbit's musky crotch.

An explosive boom filled the mule's mind, and he grinned wider as he felt the connection sever. There was no link to the storage, and more importantly, the link between him and Technodood's computer had been rocked enough for the disruption to go dead as well. The probes throughout his mind withered in milliseconds, leaving him...free.

"Mmmm, you suck cock really good, Dream Machine," Technodood said with a chuckle. "Maybe next time, you'll blow that load up my a - ack!" The rabbit cut off as one of the ropes snapped, Nor's now-free hand grabbing him by the throat. The other hand broke its bonds a second later, and joined the other in tugging the naked rabbit up to his face.

He smirked a bit. "You left a back door open for me, Technodood. Thanks for letting me out."

"Ack...too tight, too tight..." the rabbit grunted, pointing to his neck. "Loosen up...a bit...please..."

Much as Nor didn't want to do what his former captor wanted, he didn't want to hurt the guy - much - either. He opened his fingers, just enough for the rabbit to get a good gulp of air. Technodood panted, sucking in a few deep breaths before looking up at the hero again. "I, uh, don't suppose we could make a deal? I got a lot of toys here...could be fun for you to have some."

"Considering that you were calling me a toy not too long ago, let's not."

"Can't blame a rabbit for trying." He shrugged. "You know I'll probably just get out again, right?"

Nor shrugged back. "If you do, one of us will just track you down and bring you back in again. It's just how the system works out here."

"Heh, to my benefit, you mean." The rabbit laughed until Nor tightened his grip again. "Okay, okay...I get the message...Geez, you really know how to test a guy's patience, don't you? I just ask you to have a little fun with the body control, and you just jump right to erotic asphyxiation. No fair trade at all, I tell you."

"I'm not going for that." Nor shook his head, kicking his legs free. Rolling over, he managed to get to his feet, and a quick look around located the door. He walked over to it, muttering, "Just had to leave me naked, didn't you? Well, at least we'll make a pair out there."

"Oooh, exhibitionism, always fun."

"Shut up."

"Just to avoid another choke, I will," Technodood said with a chuckle.

Nor carried him along out of the lair, and they emerged not too far from the middle of the city. The mule flagged down a passing citizen - blushing all the while at being naked - and called the police. They responded almost immediately, and arrived with special equipment to deal with the superpowered criminal. As they started to haul him away, Technodood looked down at the ground, and sighed. "Lucky feet, my ass."

Chapter 1: Owada Anchorage, Japan

**Chapter 1: Owada Anchorage, Japan** Idesin grumbled as he creeped off of the fishing boat, settling one of the conical hats they'd found onboard over his head. "Do I really have to wear something like this? My hat was better." "Do you still...

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Intermission: Island to Japan

**Intermission 1** With permission to leave, the pair of Wonders wasted no time saying their goodbyes to the Council and a few friends in the village. Idesin hurried from hut to hut, sharing a few words with his many friends and bedmates, and...

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World of Wonders: Introduction

**Introduction** Amidst a grove of rocks, overgrown ferns, and young palm trees sat a peculiar creature. Dark fur covered his body, gray along his belly and the inside of his limbs, and black everywhere else. He had the face of a wolf, a muzzle...

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