Chapter 33: Consequences.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#33 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these pokemon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.


Chapter 33: Consequences.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 33

"That creature destroyed a $12 million dollar helicopter, and nearly killed the two crew members!"

Cameron leaned back in his chair, taking a casual sip from his coffee, but internally wanting to throw the drink into the face of his interrogator. It was the third day since the police officer and his men had been taken into military custody, and his patience at the ongoing stupidity and ignorance shown by the miss-named "military intelligence" branch was starting to grate on his nerves.

Leaning forward suddenly, the police chief said quietly "The emphasis being "nearly", general? Odd how you've found her to be such a problem, when we've received nothing but cooperation from her. She's been living amongst us here for weeks, and has been better behaved than most of my men. Had she wanted to, she could probably have taken the lot of us out. Instead, she's shown herself friendly; even affectionate; towards us, integrating into the team and becoming an invaluable member of my staff. Indeed, if she decides to stay here, I plan on making the appointment permanent!"

Taking another sip, he eyed the uniformed officer intently. "My understanding is your people threatened to shoot them, well knowing the group included two youngsters and her new trainer, Bill. She's been the partner of law enforcement officers her whole life. What did you think she would do? Sit on her fuzzy arse and let you start firing?"

Taking another deep pull from the disposable cup, Cameron narrowed his eyes to regard his opponent. "Personally, I think you should be satisfied she didn't kill the pair of them!"

Both hands planted on the table before him, General Brian Jobes eyed the policeman with distaste. His cool demeanour in the face of his interrogation infuriated the military man, and he wanted nothing better than to wrap his arms around the man's neck and...

Cameron interrupted his fuming, slamming the paper cup on the bench with enough force to crush the bottom. Ignoring the liquid spilling over the surface, he returned the glare of his accuser and said "Let me explain something very clearly to you, General, as it appears you've blinded yourself to the truth. Your men attacked one of my officers, as well as a juvenile, and two off world creatures who have shown us nothing but friendship. You did so for no other reason that an overwhelming display of ignorance and xenophobia. In doing so, you nearly lost two of your men. At some stage, I'm going to be getting out from here. When I do, if you don't start acting in a civil, professional manner, and begin cooperating with my people instead of threatening us, you're going to find yourself deep in enough shit that you'll drown in it."

The general glared down at him. "Is that a threat?"

Cameron gave him a broad grin, teeth shining under the bright light from the lamp facing him as he leered at the military man. "Oh, you have no idea, General. After your last "visit", do you really think I'd continue my operation without taking appropriate precautions? Precautions to ensure my people are protected from the likes of you?"

Leaning back, his eyes narrowed, as the smile dropped from his lips, now set in a tight line. Arm crossed, he glared at the general, and said quietly "I'd say you have around six hours to release my men and I, before the deadline for my contingency plans take effect. That being the release of the entire file of information on these pokemon and the whole situation here to the mainstream media; video, notes, pictures, the works! I'll be interested in seeing how you then cope when the whole world starts asking you hard questions, especially regarding your aggressive actions!"

The General searched the face of the policeman intently, before dropping to a seat opposite. Some of the blow had gone out of his demeanour, and he said less certainly "You're not serious? That would jeopardise our entire operation, and expose everything to public scrutiny!"

Cameron leaned back, letting the leer return to his face. "A real shame that would be, General. Remind me to shed a tear of sympathy for your predicament later, when I can spare the time and my care factor climbs above zero. Now, how about you release these people and my men, and we sit together to discuss this civilly? See if we can create something productive out of this brothel you've made of it?"

The general clenched his fists, watching his opposite number in impotent anger. However, even he could see the situation was spiralling out of his control.

Standing abruptly, he gestured sharply towards the door. Cameron rose slowly, leaning over to clap the infuriated officer on the shoulder, and said "Always nice coming to a friendly agreement between the forces, Brian. Get your staff together, and we'll see about dealing with the real threat here; Sinnotech."

Cameron flicked the light switch off as they departed, plunging the room into darkness. After all, it was clear who was in control of the situation, even if it wasn't an especially popular choice with the military.


The four escapees at the heart of the matter spent a wet, cold day in the mountains, worrying as to whether further pursuit would be coming after them. Jimmy sat huddled beside their small fire, leaning against the charmander. The small pokemon had been invaluable, not only in looking after his friend but getting wet wood to ignite. Without his assistance, the night would have been even colder and more miserable.

With an arm wrapped around his friend, Azil glanced across at Bill, who sat stitching a gash on the luxray's shoulder. Despite her statement to the contrary, during the crash she had been struck by flying debris, which had penetrated even her dense fur. Had it been Bill who was struck, the damage would have been much worse, but even so it left a deep, nasty cut, which needed cleaning and stitching.

Shadow winced as the needle penetrated the shaved area of her shoulder. Bill gave her a pat, before tying off the suture and covering it in a dressing. Admonishing her to keep it clean and leave it alone, he stretched, easing some of the knots from his back from where he'd sat hunched over her.

When he'd first noticed the blood, he'd panicked, exploring the injury site with frantic fingers. Shadow had watched him from beneath her brows with inscrutable eyes, shaking her head when he asked if she was in pain. When he breathed a sigh of relief, she gave him a dry grin, nuzzling his neck affectionately, before she felt him freeze he beneath her. Sitting back, she glanced at him questioningly, only to see him staring across at Azil, who sat with the smaller human watching them intently.

Shrugging at the charmander, for the first time since they met a smile lit the small orange face, and he gave the pair a slow wink, turning Bill's face blood red, and causing her to giggle in amusement. Turning to her human partner, she gave him a long lick up the neck, sending him into even further embarrassed objections, and the two pokemon shared a laugh at his predicament.

With little to do but fill in the time, Bill set up the younger pair's tent across from the fire, underneath the boughs of a large pine, which hid the olive canvas from view from above. His own tent, he set back further into the trees, giving them some much needed privacy from inquisitive eyes, both human and pokemon.

Eventually bored, Jimmy made for his tent, dragging out his DS and sharing the game with Azil. Curious as to what they were playing, Bill laughed when Jim turned the screen, showing him the main menu for "Pokemon black". Handing the console back to Azil, the charmander returned to his game intently, and Bill chuckled as he returned to his own tent, amused at the thought of a pokemon playing a game involving training other pokemon.

When it arrived, the night turned even colder, and he shivered within his sleeping bag until, sick of the chill, he snuggled against Shadow, who raised her paws to allow him to spoon against her belly. With her deep, soft breathing ruffling his hair, her warmth finally had him settling into an uneasy sleep, and he spent the night comfortably enough, before being woken early the next morning by the noise of another helicopter, circling the area above them.

The camp had been well hidden, but Bill still froze, Shadows arms tightening around him, until after long moments the aircraft left. While he could still hear it in the distance, they remained hidden from its view until, eventually, it left the area.

Bill relaxed back against Shadow, a cold sweat covering his skin. When she nuzzled his neck, he sighed, turning in her grasp to face her. Eyeing him quizzically, she soon shut her eyes as he leaned up and stroked her cheek, before planting a soft kiss on her lips she readily returned. The pair continued to kiss for several minutes, as his hands ran down her back, and she pressed harder against him, her breathing picking up pace as she responded favourably to his advances.

At least, until the zip on their tent flew open, and Jimmy stuck his head in the door, asking if they were awake yet, and had they heard the chopper?

Locked in her arms, Bill could only nod mutely, and ignore the puzzled look Jimmy gave him. When he finally asked what they were doing, he blurted out the first thing that came to mind...

"Uuh. Wrestling. We were wrestling!"

A snort from the luxray blew warm breath across his cheek, and he shut his eyes praying the kid would leave. After a moment, Jimmy nodded, and said "I'm gonna make some breakfast. I'll make you some for when you've finished wrestling." With that, he zipped up the door, and left them alone.

Looking up into the luxray's face, she gave him the broadest grin he'd seen from her, cocking her head as if to say "Wrestling? Really?"

Grinning back, he buried his face in her chest hair, blowing a long raspberry into her warm fur and said "Don't you start!", before she wriggled out from beneath him in amusement.

Perhaps the day wasn't going to be as boring as they thought.


By the time the pair emerged from the tent a half hour later, flustered and frustrated at the lack of privacy, breakfast was well under way. Young he might be, but his life on the farm had Jim well experienced in camping, and the smell of hot toast, and bacon and eggs, had Shadow salivating in anticipation.

Bill had nearly finished before he noticed how silent Jimmy was sitting opposite. At his question, the kid gave him a loaded look, before shaking his head and returning to his meal.

Bill moved over to sit on the log next to him, and said "They'll be fine, kiddo. Cameron will look after them, and your dad and mum aren't stupid."

Eyes suddenly brimming with tears, Jimmy began "But what if..." before halting as Azil, sitting on his far side, shook his head, breaking into pokespeak. When he finished, Jimmy sighed, wiping his eyes as he translated.

"He says there's nothing we can do about it from here, so no point worrying." Nodding, Jim gave a long sigh, rubbing his face on his sleeve. "He's pretty smart for an orange guy!"

Bill snorted in amusement, receiving an offended look from the charmander who narrowed his eyes at the human. Grinning down at the grumpy lizard, Bill chuckled, before pausing to say hesitantly "Do you think you could teach me how to speak their language? We got the time..."

Jimmy squinted at him, before suddenly chuckling. "Dunno, but it'll be fun trying. Anything is possible!"

As Bill nodded, Jim turned to Azil, who was ready and willing to translate, and said "Now, this is "hello!"


On the pokemon world, things were somewhat complicated.

J.B woke from a long needed, deep sleep to find Zorua curled against his chest. During the night, he'd wrapped a protective arm around her, and on waking, the warmth against him had him choking up for a moment.

Stroking the small creature gently, he let out a long sigh, relieving not only the pent up tension he'd harboured since arriving, but some of the pain and anxiety he'd stored with it. When she woke under his caress, muzzle split wide in a large yawn, he grinned suddenly, scratching her head as she turned a long gaze up at him.

"Good morning!" he said, ruffling her ears.

Morning, he heard in reply.

Startled, he sat up abruptly, scanning the room for the source of the voice.

It was empty.

Eyes wide, he looked down at the zorua in shock. "Did you..." he began, as the small voice in his mind returned.


Mouth agape, he watched as she leaned back, scratching her ear with a rear paw, dog like, until she turned to him and tiled her head at him, regarding him with a grin.

You look like a magicarp when you do that.

"A what?" he began, pausing as his mind finally caught up with his speech centre. "Hang on a minute! You can talk?"

She shook her head, and said No, I can use telepathy. Talking I can't do; not your silly human talking, anyway.

Staring around the room, she stood up and jumped onto the floor, where she spun to regard him intently.

I'm hungry. When can we eat?

Five minutes later, a strutting Zorua lead a bemused human from the room towards the cafeteria, tail high as she headed for breakfast.

Sitting across from Storm and Scott, J.B looked down at his plate without appetite. When Storm had found out that the zorua could mind speak with him, he had guffawed, slapping the human on the back and joking how he was now clearly the second most intelligent of the pair of them.

As the typhlosion chatted with Zorua, Scott drew J.B's attention, and said quietly across the table "I'm sorry about this. If I had any idea what he'd planned, I could have stopped him, but..."

J.B shrugged him off, and said "It was a shock, and I'm not sure what'll happen when I go home, but she's a cute little thing, so if she can put up with me, I think the least I can do is return the favour."

Overhearing the conversation, Zorua interrupted. What do you mean "not sure"? I'm not leaving you now!

J.B shook his head, and said "They don't have pokemon where I come from. You might have a lot of problems blending in."

Zorua sniffed, jumping down from the table onto the tiled floor. With a whirl, she vanished, replaced by the figure of a young human; one with a bushy grey tail behind. With a snigger, the girl spun, tail whirling behind her, as the three stared at her in disbelief.

I think I might blend in better than you expect! Said Zorua, jumping again to sprout blue and black fur, while growing alarmingly in size. When she hit the floor, a mirror image of the typhlosion stood opposite him, grinning broadly at the stunned Storm as she put a paw on her hip, posing for his view. After giving him a wink, she spun again, returning to her fox-like form and landing lightly on the floor before them.

J.B sat, speechless, as he stared at the pokemon in shock. When she jumped up beside him, she reached up a paw and closed his open mouth, before returning to her plate to resume her messy eating.

Spinning to the gobsmacked typhlosion, J.B blurted "Did you know she could do that?"

For the first time since they met, Storm was speechless, and it was only after Scott gave a spluttering chuckle that his voice returned.

"Fark me!" Storm finally said, letting out a large grin and turning to his partner. "Handy little trick, that!"

Nodding, J.B returned to his meal, eyeing Zorua speculatively. Perhaps it might work out after all...

With breakfast complete, the four made their way downstairs to the conference room, ready for the day's meeting. Looking around those loitering near the water cooler outside the room, J.B couldn't see Chris or his blue fox anywhere. Turning to Scott, he asked the Ranger where he'd gotten to.

Scott looked at him oddly, before telling him there'd been a "complication" with Chris's situation, and he wouldn't be making the meeting.

Frowning, J.B asked "Complication? Is he hurt?"

At that point, Storm returned to the group. Overhearing the last of the conversation, he laughed harshly and said "Only his feelings. He's on babysitting duty today."

J.B went to ask exactly what the kid was supposed to babysit, but with the opening of the conference room doors, he didn't get his chance.

Perhaps later, he thought to himself, before the day's meeting got underway.


Skyy woke with his neck at an uncomfortable angle, wedged against a furred thigh. Scrunching his eyes at the uncomfortable daylight, he blinked them clear. Only to see Chris resting in the angle of Suicune's neck and shoulder, stroking the big blue pokemon gently between the ears as they talked quietly between themselves.

A brief surge of jealousy shot through the lucario at the attention Chris was giving the legendary, quickly quashed and shoved to the back of his mind as Chris realised he was awake, giving him a broad smile and leaning over the furry shoulder to plant a kiss on the lucario's lips.

Somewhat self conscious under the gaze from the other pokemon, Skyy squirmed a bit in discomfort until Chris gave him a quizzical look, grinning as he realised the source of his friend's discomfort. Pointing to Suicune, who looked back at him serenely, he said "We've reached an understanding. Suicune is going to stop being a pratt, and I'm going to stop being an arsehole. We think it might work out!"

When his back rest began shaking, Skyy was surprised to see the legendary giggle quietly, before he turned intent blue eyes back to Chris again.

Perhaps the human may have failed to recognise the look, but Skyy was no fool.

There was more than general intent in that gaze.

The lucario didn't quite know what he felt about it, but he knew one thing for sure.

It was trouble.


Author's note:

I have an amazing ability to choosing tradespeople who think they can fuck me over. They're mistaken, but they try anyway.

It's very tiring.

Hence the delay in getting this out.

But here is the story!

We are getting places now, people! Believe it. The end is coming, and it's sooooo awesome! Even I'll be impressed with myself, when I eventually think of it! ;)

Chapter 34: Incommunicado

**Eddies** **Chapter 34: Incommunicado.** **DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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Chapter 32: Escape.

**Eddies** **Chapter 32: Escape.** ** ** **DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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Chapter 31: Blue.

**Eddies** **Chapter 31: Blue.** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated...

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