Chapter 31: Blue.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#31 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these pokemon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.


Chapter 31: Blue.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 31

Chris wasn't happy.

Not by a long shot.

It was bad enough having to spend a rough, cold night outside in the wilderness without camping gear, as by the time Raikou finished his story it was too late to reasonably make it back to the Ranger's HQ before dark. But now, when they started on their way back early the next morning, the little issue he was currently having with "transportation" was starting to get him pretty pissed off indeed.

To date, he'd approached three taxis, a mini bus driver and even the operator of a flat bed tow truck, and so far all had refused his requests for a lift across town, regardless of the high monetary bribes he was desperately offering.

One look at his entourage had the potential fare takers running for the hills.

He'd tried making a call to the Ranger's HQ on a public phone, cursing the lack of technology that kept mobile use effectively non-gratis. Fishing out the last of his loose change, he made the call, but kept receiving an engaged signal. Fuming, he went into a nearby florist, then a grocer, then a women's shoe store; all of whom were suddenly empty of staff and customers on his entry.

Lips pressed tight, he refused to raid the register, even if it was simply to change a note into more coins. Instead, he returned to the pay phone where he tried calling what passed for directory assistance, thinking to make a reverse charges call. Unfortunately, it was seemingly "directory ignorance", as the operator had no idea what he was on about, and told him that if he had money, he should just change it to coins with a local store to get the correct change. When Chris replied that walking through the city with Entei, Raikou and Suicune tended to make people too nervous to help him, the operator hung up. Bad enough the poor attitude, but he had no reason to listen to a person suffering delusions, too!

Chris then tried to use his pokedex to get a call through, but the bloody thing refused to work, displaying a blinking message "Recharge me!" Charging it from what, he had no idea, given he hadn't anything to plug it into, not to mention never having seen a plug to stick into it, but it refused to proceed to the main screen, even when he rebooted it several times.

Hard to imagine, but his foul mood had just became fouler.

So, with few courses of action available to him, he began his ill-humoured trudge across the town towards the distant building, with a lucario skipping along happily by his side, and three apparent forces of nature making their conceited way behind him.

Suicune, in particular, was really starting to grate on his nerves.

"At the least, you could arrange transport for us, human! It's very inconsiderate of you to have us walk through the streets like this! Positively demeaning!"

Chris cursed yet again at having to cop an earful of the legendaries bitching whine. With several hours of it already, his tolerance had hit rock bottom. Sweet zombie Jesus, it was worse than being around a fucking three year older throwing a hissy!

Pointing a finger at the pious figure, he shook it under Suicune's chin and whispered "If you don't shut your fucking yapper right now, I'm going to grab that Master Ball from Raikou's belt, release him immediately and then use the fucking thing on you, jamming your sorry arse in it. At least then, I wouldn't have to listen to your sanctimonious, hypocritical verbal diarrhoea any more!"

Suicune started, a worried look crossing his face.

"You wouldn't dare!" he began, only to shut his lips abruptly as Chris leaned closer to hiss "Try me, Bluebell!"

Suicune went to comment, paused and then shut his mouth with an audible snap. Muttering under his breath, he dropped back behind Entei, where he continued giving Chris nasty looks from the protection of the fire legendarys wide rear end.

As Chris turned and resumed his march, he felt a presence move up beside him. Turning on the newcomer, the curse on his lips died off as he beheld a somewhat nervous looking Raikou pacing next to him. When the legendary didn't speak, Chris sighed, rubbing his head tiredly and said "What?"

Raikou paused, missing a step before returning Chris's gaze for a moment. He then dropped his eyes, and said "You wouldn't really do that, would you? Release me, I mean? We don't even know if that lens thing works, and..."

Chris groaned, and rested a hand on his friends shoulder. Leaning near his ear, he said "No, Raikou. I wouldn't do that to you; not without your permission."

When the legendary looked relieved, he whispered with a sly smirk "But that doesn't mean your anal whining brother over there doesn't need to lose a few hours sleep worrying about it, huh?"

Raikou paused, brow furrowed in thought, and said "But he doesn't usually sleep much, and....Ooooh! I see what you mean!"

Chris gave Skyy a quick glance, to see the lucario grinning broadly back at him. Chris muttered "Oh, don't you start!" but paused when the long ears dropped. With another sigh, he wrapped an arm around Skyy's waist, pulling him close and giving the surprised lucario a nuzzle to the neck.

"It's not you," he said in the lucario's ear. "It's these other two. They're driving me nutty!"

Skyy nodded, tentatively giving him a hug, and they continued their long way through an apparently deserted city centre towards the distant Rangers HQ.

Thankfully, before long their journey was broken by a cloud of dust, as a large olive drab painted covered truck pulled up beside them and a blue furred arm dropped from the cab window, followed by a smirking muzzle.

"Heard you were having some transport trouble?" shouted down Storm over the rumble from the heavy diesel engine.

Shaking his head, Chris moved to the truck's rear and released the draw strings holding the canvas flap in place. With the tailgate lowered, he motioned the three big pokemon into the back, avoiding rolling his eyes as Suicune jumped lithely into the rear tray without glancing his way. The vehicle lurched heavily when Entei clambered aboard, nowhere near as graceful as his smaller brother. When Raikou moved to join them, Chris gave his neck a pat, receiving a grateful look from the obviously beleaguered pokemon.

With the tailgate back in place and canvas secured, he squeezed into the cab beside Skyy, who shuffled across the single bench seat to press against Storm, giving him space enough to sit. Once he had his seat belt fastened, Storm gunned the accelerator heavily, rocking the vehicle enough that even over the roar of the engine they heard the exasperated objection from Suicune in the vehicle rear, at the rough treatment.

Flicking his eyes at the grumpy human, Storm said "Call came through that you were heading back here with those three." Chuckling suddenly, he continued "Actually, the switchboard was clogged with calls from frantic humans, thinking the world was ending and the three pokemon of the apocalypse had descended. Arceus sake, way they were talking, you lot were running amuck, destroying everything in sight, instead of just walking happily down the pavement!"

Chris grunted, annoyed and tired enough to refrain from further comment. At that, Skyy rested his head against his shoulder, and shut his eyes. Chris cupped the furry paw of the tired lucario in his lap, and gave the typhlosion a dark look.

"So what are we going to do with that lot?"

Storm glanced at him and shrugged. "I'm leaving that to Barklay. Question is, what the hell possessed you to bring them to HQ?"

Chris groaned and said "You think I had a choice? Entei was happy to stay behind, doing his thing whatever the fuck that is, but Suicune insisted on accompanying Raikou back here. I think he believes he can convince him to rejoin them, but Raikou's pretty adamant he's staying with me. Thinks I need the protection, apparently."

Storm grunted, turning his eyes back to the road. "You probably do, all things considered. Your disappearance yesterday caused a stir as is."

Chris rolled his eyes in frustration, and told the pokemon of his communications issues. Nodding solemnly, Storm said "So, why didn't you charge your pokedex?"

Exasperated, Chris said "With what? Plug it into a friggin' tree?"

Eyes narrowing, the typhlosion darted him a look and said "It runs on a replaceable hydrogen fuel cell! Just shove in a new catalyst pod, dunk the thing in water and it runs for a month! Didn't you wonder what those long thin tube things were, in the box it came in? It's designed to power itself in all sorts of environments, without needing recharging from the mains."

Storm swung a wide, toothy grin at him and said "You didn't read the manual, did you?"

Shutting his eyes, Chris didn't reply. No, he hadn't read the friggin' manual, as at the time he'd been a wee bit preoccupied. But as the typhlosion chucked, he shot him a baleful grin that was returned with a smirk.

"No, I didn't. I've had enough on my plate as is. Speaking of which, have they made any decisions yet on what they're doing with the Sinnotech thing? Raikou's given me a bit of news they're likely going to want to know before proceeding."

Storm shook his head, before leaning out the open side window to give a startled jaywalker a raised finger. "IDIOT!" he shouted, causing the human to flinch back to the sidewalk, shocked at the verbal barrage from a pokemon driver. Shaking his head, Storm muttered a few further curses, before calming enough to answer Chris.

"Not much, really. They're still procrastinating. But introducing a few new legendary elements into the equation might stir the pot up a bit!"

Groaning, Chris leaned his head against Skyy's and shut his eyes, deciding the lucario's idea for a nap was the best course of action. "Yeah, we really need more complications! They're welcome to those two, provided they can get past their attitude-filled personalities."

With eyelids closed, he didn't see Storm nod wryly as they continued their drive through the city to the Ranger's building.


Commander Barklay sat at his office desk with his forehead in his hands. Chris sat opposite, repeating the information Raikou had provided him. Lounging in a chair nearby, Storm listened with a solemn face for once, while Scott stood at the window, absently gazing at the traffic below as he listened in on the discussion. Chris was surprised J.B hadn't attended, but shrugged off the incident. Obviously, he had a good reason for being elsewhere.

Skyy had deferred coming with him to the meeting, letting Chris know he was beat, and that he would wait for him back at their room. Chris didn't mention he wasn't the only one, but gave the lucario a hug, sending him off to crash. While he could have done with Raikou's presence, given there were parts to the story he had likely forgotten, as well as had troubles understanding, the legendary had decided to remain behind with his brothers, as much to ensure they didn't cause any widespread havoc as keep them company.

Left alone in the main cafeteria, Chris shuddered to think what trouble they may get up to. Raikou he knew was fine, but even worse than Suicune was Entei, and his somewhat twisted sense of humour. Hopefully, the orders from Barklay to feed the group to keep them distracted would see them staying out of mischief.

Asking few questions, the commander listened in silence until the story concluded. After Chris wound down, he sat with pursed lips, chewing over the information.

Finally, he looked up at Chris and said "It would have been better if you'd advised us of this earlier, although I understand the circumstances and acknowledge that you were placed in an impossible situation. We did have concerns as to your safety when you didn't return last night. However, all in all, I cannot see what else you could have done. Those two legendaries are renowned for causing chaos whenever they go. Without Raikou's calming presence, over the past few years there have been a lot of reports of... difficulties... with them. In hindsight, likely occurring as they were looking for him. Either way, their presence causes a dilemma. With them here, we can keep an eye on them, and they'll be close if we need any further information. However, their capability for trouble is immeasurable. This leads me to need someone who can look after them; watch over their actions and keep them out of mischief..."

As the chief petered off, he looked up to meet Chris's eyes. A sudden realisation had the young human sit back and hold his hands up!

"Oh no!! Oh, Gods no!! Come on! There has to be someone else to watch over them! It's worse than minding kindergarten kids!"

Barklay shook his head, and said "They know you, and basically trust you. Certainly, if they hadn't, they never would have followed you through a city full of strange and hostile humans. Who else do you think I can spare, with similar qualifications?"

Chris groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"I'm going to need a larger bedroom and some ibuprofen..." he mumbled, and shook his head as Storm let out a cackling laugh.


They moved him to a dorm room, instead.

With the extra bunks removed and dividers placed across the room centre, there was more than enough space for the entirety to spend the night. More importantly, there were double doors into the room, providing enough of a gap for Entei to scrape through, although he left a few charred spots on the paint as he went.

While Entei was more than content to collapse in a rough furred heap in a corner, Suicune made it clear he was unhappy with the arrangement, and slipped out to the large veranda, where he curled into a blue ball with his face against the balcony railing. Raikou took a place at the foot of Chris's bed, while Skyy slipped between the covers by his side, wrapping arms around him after he tiredly climbed in himself.

With the rumbling snores of Raikou and Entei vibrating the air, Chris snuggled back against his friend, who nuzzled his neck in sympathy.

"I just wish we had some privacy for a change" he whispered, then shuddered as the lucario's nuzzling turned into soft licks against his skin.

"Gods!" he whispered, releasing himself to the lucario's caress. "Oh, for some privacy!"

Skyy snickered, and kissed the human's skin gently, before slipping into sleep himself.

Soon, even Chris couldn't keep awake, and the room dropped into snoring...


He wasn't sure what woke him up. Perhaps the slight breath of chill air entering the room as the veranda door quietly slid aside, or the soft step of the blue legendary as he paced past the bed side. But with a flash of light from the hallway as the dorm room door opened, Suicune was gone.

Shit, thought Chris, removing the warm blue arms from around his body and shuddering as the chill air struck his naked skin. Skyy didn't stir as he drew the covers back over his friend, pulling on clothes quickly and leaving the room equally silently, after the legendary.

Suicune wasn't to be seen.

Thinking it unlikely he had used the lift, Chris made for the stairwell to the emergency exit, opening the door and praying it had no alarm.

It didn't.

Peering up and down the stairwell, he heard a faint noise from far above, as the door to the roof opened and closed, letting a large shape slip through. Groaning at the thought of climbing all those stairs in bare feet, he trudged up the seven flights to the roof level, quietly opening the door and peering outside. Bright moonlight spilled across the large roof space, outlining a large figure sitting on its haunches near the roof edge, gazing out across the city.

Even from this distance, Chris could hear the quiet keening from the creature, as it stared with watering eyes into the distance.

Intent on his observations, Suicune didn't hear Chris approach, until a scuff of his feet had the blue and white head whip around, confronting the intruder to his personal space with a hiss. One that died suddenly as it recognised the human, turning his back on him with a snarl as he wiped a paw across his eyes to clear his view.

Chris might be young, but he was no fool.

He recognised someone who was extremely upset when he saw him.

Drawing a breath, he stepped towards Suicune, who spun towards him again. As he made the pokemon's side, Suicune hissed "Leave me alone!" in a tone that booked no refusal.

Chris stayed regardless, to the pokemon's annoyance; until Suicune froze as a warm hand rested itself against his neck, running through the short, dense blue fur softly.

Breath caught, Suicune looked down at the audacious human with wide eyes, unable to fathom its gall! The affront! The unmitigated outrage! The...

His eyes welled, and he spun away again, dropping his head to his chest in misery as he started sobbing deeply.

Chris let the big pokemon get it out, stroking his neck and side as he shook in his unhappiness. A good few minutes passed before the shaking stopped, and Suicune rubbed his face again, reluctant to confront the human beside him who'd showed him such sympathy.

Chris sighed, amazed at himself for feeling sorry for the big git. However, it seemed that perhaps some of his attitude was a mask to cover deeper uncertainties, and the legendary wasn't as self absorbed as he acted.

Finally, Chris withdrew his hand from the pokemon and said softly "Feeling better?"

Suicune nodded, turning abruptly to Chris and eyed him uncertainly. Gone was the prim attitude, and obnoxious demeanour. All that stood before Chris was another being, who needed a shoulder to lean on.

"Thank you..." Suicune said tentatively, blinking at the odd look crossing the human's face.

Chris nodded, stepping back and hauling himself onto an air conditioning duct, the thin steel creaking as it absorbed his weight.

"No worries" he said, then paused. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Suicune eyed him intently, dropping to his haunches and leaning forward to study the human.

Finally, he blurted out his fears. "Why does Raikou refuse to leave you?" he said suddenly. "He is our brother. We feared him dead. Then he makes a return, only to be bound to you, a human! One he now refuses to leave!"

Chris leaned back against the wall behind the housing, the cold brick pressing through the thin fabric of his shirt causing him to shudder at the contact.

"I don't bind him at all. I've offered to release him whenever he chooses. There is a risk, as he undoubtedly told you, but he could still leave right now, taking the ball with him, and I would not dream of stopping him."

He sighed, watching the large, intent blue face before him. "But I would miss him, a lot. He's my friend, and I care for him as family. He's shown himself to be worthy of sharing such a part of my life." Chris looked away suddenly, and said quietly "I'd be saddened if he left, but he is not bound to me by anything apart from friendship and affection."

Suicune watched him, before dropping his head and saying "But he is my brother; our brother! We need him with us." Voice dropping to a whisper, Chris barely caught "...I need him with me too!"

As the legendary turned to look back over the city, the penny dropped for Chris. Here was a creature who most stood in awe of. One who kept his distance from others, and others feared, living a life that was obscure and incomprehensible.

But fundamentally, an isolated and lonely one.

Dropping from the duct, Chris did something he never could have fathomed he'd do, earlier that day. Stepping forward, he wrapped his arms around the large neck, pressing his face into the short fur and holding the pokemon against him tightly.

Suicune tensed, then relaxed suddenly, tentatively putting a paw around the human in return.

Softly, Chris said "You're not alone in this, big guy. We're here with you. Raikou, and Skyy, and Entei and I. Just because Raikou stays here, doesn't mean you need to be alone, alright?"

Finally pulling back, Chris released the pokemon and looked into his face intently as he reached up and cupped the big cheek in his palm.

"Now, I need some sleep. Are you coming back downstairs, or do you want to stay here?"

Chris was unsurprised to see the legendary shake his head, and follow him back to the stairwell, hogging his heels as he returned to their dorm room.


Skyy woke up from a troubled sleep in the early hours of the morning to find he was alone in the bed. Rubbing blurry eyes, he sat up abruptly, scanning the darkened room for Chris, but not seeing him anywhere.

Spying the open veranda door, he left the bed and crept past Raikou and Entei, both still deep in sleep, to stare out on the darkened veranda for his friend.

What he found left him gaping in disbelief.

Suicune lay against the veranda railing, deeply asleep. Against his side nestled Chris, head resting on the flank of the legendary, his body rising and falling with the pokemon's breathing. As the lucario's mouth dropped in shock, one of the human's eyes opened, and he was given a wry look before Chris beckoned him over to him.

Skyy stepped forward, mind awhirl with questions, but Chris shook his head, mouthing "Later..." to his friend. Reaching up, he drew the lucario down beside him, wrapping an arm around his furred body as he lay back against Suicune, who slept on blissfully, unaware of the second person using him as a pillow.

As Chris shut his eyes again, Skyy lay back and sighed, before curling tightly against him.

The world was full of craziness these days, and he could wait a few more hours to find out more.


Author's note:

I can't believe I began feeling sorry for Suicune.

Gods, I'm a softie at heart.

Poor Blue...

However, I do find the visualisation of a typhlosion truck driver giving the bird to a human jaywalker highly amusing ;>

Chapter 32: Escape.

**Eddies** **Chapter 32: Escape.** ** ** **DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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Chapter 30: Complications.

**Eddies** **Chapter 30: Complications.** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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Chapter 29: Two hearts.

**Eddies** **Chapter 29: Two hearts...** **DISCLAIMER:** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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