Hypnotizing the wrong snake (part 5)
"I play it only one more time. If I concentrate, I could be able to not fall in hypnosis".
But Mowgli did not know that hypnosis had already had effect: the voice he heard in his head, in fact, was the "voice" of his cock, hypnotized from the first musical performance, and it wanted to ejaculate.
As he played, his cock continued to swell and throb more and more.
Mowgli stopped playing: he was breathing hard, and his cock was already swollen and purple.
The boy saw a drop of white on the tip of the cock. With a finger he picked that drop and tasted it: it was delicious!
The taste of the strange white substance, his cock throbbing, that voice in his head that did not keep silent, had the better of the jungle boy.
Using all the breath in his body, Mowgli performed last time the melody hypnotist.
For each note played, his cock became bigger and throbbed faster and faster. Even if he was worried for that feeling never felt before, Mowgli could not stop: now he, like his "serpent", had been hypnotized by the sound of the flute.
The boy felt a strange sensation on his cock: seemed that, at its core, there was something that was about to go out.
Mowgli could no longer continue play the flute: with a scream he stopped playing, and saw his cock that shot liters of that strange white substance.
Mowgli fainted and remained unconscious for five minutes.
When he recovered, he looked around: the grass in front of him was white, and also on his stomach there was a large white spot.
Mowgli, using his hands, picked up the substance from his body and drank it all, enjoying the good flavor.
He dived into a nearby pond to wash and remove the few remaining drops from the stomach.
After drying and after he was dressed, he picked up the flute and returned to the men village, promising himself to go into the jungle and still hypnotize again his snake .
When he reached the village, it was already evening, and people were returning to their homes.
Mowgli had an idea: hidden behind a wall, he played the flute in such a way that only he could hear the melody.
Finished playing, he walked to his house, making sure that all the people see him.
Arrived at the door of his house, Mowgli turned and saw behind him a long line of people passed out: no one could resist at that sight.
The boy smiled, happy to have reached its goal.
Got to his room, he put down his flute on the shelf and, looking at the jungle and the village from his window, he thought: "Get ready, because I'm going to repeat this fantastic experience every day".