Everybody's Got to Have a Hobby

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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Chrissy finds out about her brother's hobby while their parents are out of town

Friday nights always seemed a long time coming but to Chrissy this week had felt twice as long and she knew why. Tonight was the last night she had to watch her younger brother while their parents were out of town. They'd left Sunday night and would be back tomorrow morning which meant she only had to make it a few more hours without murdering the little twerp. With that thought in mind the leopard made her way home with more spring in her step than she thought she could muster. Her high spirits quickly died once she'd made it home though. Walking in the door she was greeted by a trail of shoes, coat, and backpack halfway up the stairs. She tried and failed to keep her temper in check and instead screamed up the stairs for her brother.

"Paul! Get your ass down here and clean up this mess!" Paul appeared at the top of the stairs feigning confusion as to what his sister was talking about. "If you want to eat tonight you better get this stuff put away and be ready for a homework check in half an hour." Paul glared at his sister and started gathering his things from the steps. He couldn't believe at seventeen his parents were making Chrissy check his homework every night. Stashing his coat and shoes in the closet and shouldering his bag he handed his sister his school planner with a smile.

"No homework tonight sis." She thumbed through the book and was surprised to see he was telling the truth. Paul slunk back up the stairs and called back to her. "Call me when dinner's ready." Chrissy marched into the kitchen and tossed the planner on the table suddenly dreading the rest of the night. Without a pile of homework to keep him busy it was guaranteed Paul would be up to no good and almost certainly at her own expense or at least that's what she had thought. When she had finished preparing the meal without interruption and the house was dead silent her first thought was that it was a miracle Paul was behaving himself. But as she climbed the stairs to check on him her mind started to fill with what ifs. What if he was up to something, what if he'd snuck out, what if he was going through her room again! Half way up the steps she decide it was best to tip toe, she wanted to catch him red handed at whatever he was doing. She was surprised to find the only light in the hall was coming from his room and she crept up to the door expecting to find it empty. Peering inside she could just make out the back of his head. He was sitting on the floor but she couldn't tell what he was doing because he was on the other side of his bed. A great idea began to form and she slipped quietly into the room and snuck towards the bed. Chrissy couldn't pass up this opportunity for a little pay back. Launching herself into the air and landing on the bed with her head hang far enough over to see over his shoulder Chrissy shouted.

"What ya up to turd!?" For a brief moment she saw exactly what he was up to and a moment later she was blinded. She reeled back in surprise as warm white goo splattered up into her eyes. She let out a scream and tried to wipe the gunk away as the last thing she saw played over and over in her mind. A piled of photos spread across he floor, her brother not wearing any pants and his hand wrapped tightly around his dick. And now she was wiping his cum off her face. Paul on the other hand was equally shocked but twice as mortified. After his sister's scream he bolted to his feet and spun to watch her reaction. He hadn't even realized he'd cum until now. She knelt on the bed starring at him while he stood there with a firm grip on his cock starring back. "Get your pants on and go eat!" Paul scrambled back into his pants and stooped to collect his pictures but Chrissy screamed at him again. "No! Leave them there and go!" Paul didn't need to be told twice, he disappeared out the door and his sister let out a sigh.

First she went into the bathroom and took a shower in utter disbelief as she scrubbed her fur clean. Then she went back to gather up the photos and took them back to her room. She tossed them on her desk and started looking for a new outfit. Curiosity got the best of her though and still in her bath robe she sat down at the desk and started looking over the pictures. The first thing she noticed was that they were actual photos and most of the girls in them clearly didn't know these had been taken. She didn't recognize and of the girls in the first few but she did notice they were taken in the locker rooms and washrooms at school. The next few were women from the neighborhood and it looked like they had been taken from outside a window. There were quite a few of Mrs. Norris from next door and in most of them the squirrel was actually posing for the shots. When she got to the last few photos Chrissy froze before doing a double take the leopard was looking at pictures of herself. Some in the shower, some in the change rooms at school and a few on her own bed. The last ones she couldn't see her face but she'd recognize her vibrator anywhere. Taking her pictures from the pile she stormed down to the kitchen to get some answers.

She found Paul sitting at the kitchen table, ears folded back and staring down at an empty plate. She tossed the photos at him and waited for an explanation. He looked at them then up to her and shrugged before he spoke. "It started with the change rooms at school. I snuck a few shots one day and some of the guys found out and they started paying me for them." He shifted in his seat and looked back down at the table before he continued. "Mrs. Norris caught me one day, she said if I helped her out with chores once a week she'd let me take pictures of her..." He trailed off there and Chrissy pushed the pictures on the table closer to him. "Some of the guys said they'd pay me double for some of you." Chrissy couldn't believe it and she was about to snap when he interrupted her. "I-I didn't give them any though. After I took them I told the guys I couldn't take pictures of my sister. And I kind of decided to keep them for myself." It was a lot for her to process the first of which was that he had been using the camera she had bought him to take these kinds of pictures, not just of other girls but her too. And that he kept them for himself should have disgusted her but she was conflicted. In anger she swiped the photos from the table and eyed Paul for a moment.

"I want the camera and any more of these pictures you have lying around. Get them an bring them to my room." The young leopard nodded and shuffled upstairs with his tail between his legs. His sister followed and waited patiently in her room for him. When he appeared in her doorway she motioned for him to have a seat at her desk and she sat across from him on the end of her bed. She held out both hands and in one Paul placed his camera and in the other an old beat up pencil case. She wasn't surprised to find more shots of Mrs. Norris or a few of her friends from school and she counted herself lucky that there weren't any more of her in there. She hung the camera from her bedpost by it's strap then she pointed to the pile on the desk. Paul handed them to her and after taking her pictures out she stuffed the rest into the case and handed it back. He took it with surprise and looked to his big sister for an answer. "You can do whatever you want with those, and I'm keeping the camera for a month. We aren't going to tell mom and dad about this understand?"

Paul nodded his head slowly but stopped. "Why?" She Chrissy bit her lip while she picked the right words to say next.

"As long as you don't take anymore pictures of me I won't tell anyone about your little business. But in return you've got to do something for me." Again Paul nodded as his sister stood up in front of him. Reaching down she untied her robe and let it fall to the floor. Paul's eyes went wide as Chrissy stepped closer and put a hand on his head. The younger leopard leaned forward and kissed his sister's stomach while his hands traced up her legs and rested on her hips. He tried to pull her onto his lap but she stepped back and fell onto the bed. With her tail swishing playfully Chrissy crawled to the head of her bed, reclined on her pillows and massaged her clit with her legs spread wide. Paul ditched his clothes and followed while stroking his shaft slowly. He was almost to her when his sister pressed her foot to his chest to stop him. Sitting where he was her toes traced through Paul's fur, down his chest and stomach to his half erect penis and down to his balls. She teased his sack while her other foot swung in and rubbed at his stiffening shaft. When she was satisfied she looked over his impressive length at close to ten inches it was bigger than her last boyfriend's who until now was the only other person she'd slept with.

As he crawled up between her legs Chrissy realized her brother's girth was just as impressive and her hand darted for her nightstand but Paul grabbed her arm and shook his head. As her hand fell to the bed he stood over her and leaned in until his cock head brushed his sister's lips and then pushed past them. As he began thrusting against her face Chrissy slipped a couple fingers into her twat and matched his speed. Reaching down Paul placed a hand on the back of his sister's head and pulled her into his crotch with a grunt and held her there. Pulling out the leopard lets his cock hang in front of her face and she kissed the tip before lunging forward and swallowing the whole length. As she boobed along his shaft Paul thrust forward and began to purr as he fucked his sister's throat. With another grunt he pulled back and sunk to his knees as Chrissy wiped drool from her chin. She stared at the glistening cock as it was guided into her mound. She whimpered as she was stretched around his cock and sighed when he stopped only half way. She looked at him pleadingly and he slid all the way in. As his dick throbbed inside her Paul leaned in and kissed Chrissy. The older leopard kissed back harder and forced her tongue almost to the back of his throat. She grinded against him and he leaned back pulling her up on top of him. Now on her knees as her brother thrust up into her it was Chrissy's turn to purr. Digging his claws into her ass Paul pulled the girl into him with each thrust and the moaned together in ecstasy. Feeling his climax growing close Paul tried to free himself from under his sister but she held him down and continued to grind against him. When he was about to burst Chrissy began to shake and rolled off him with a moan. As her orgasm rocked her body Paul stood over his sister and jerked off onto her chest before collapsing into bed next to her.

When they'd caught their breath the two showered together and returned to Chrissy's bed with Paul begging the whole time for another go. The two eventually nodded off with their tails intertwined only to be awoken hours later by the phone. Chrissy sprung to the end of the bed and grabbed it from her desk and was surprised to hear her mother on the other end. Hanging up she turned to find Paul had been starring at her ass the whole time. She rolled her eyes and got comfortable on the bed again. "That was mom they're not going to be home til Tuesday." Her brother smiled and threw off the bed sheets revealing his rock hard shaft.

"Good that means we have time to take care of this." Chrissy glared but Paul tossed her the lube from her nightstand and winked.

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