Washroom Break

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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Jacob was not having a good day but that was exactly what he expected when His parents told him he had to go Christmas shopping with his big sisters. The little German Shepherd was convinced if it wasn't for their brief stop in the food court he'd probably be dead. They'd been walking for way too long, his arms were tired from having to carry everything his sisters bought and all the noise in the mall had left him almost def. He wasn't sure what he wanted more: his sisters to finally call an end to his shopping nightmare or to be trampled to death by a wayward stampede of shoppers. He was prepared to settle for whichever came first. He couldn't tell stores apart anymore and whatever line he was in he was almost sure hadn't moved in hours. But he found temporary salvation in a washroom sign across the hall from wherever they were. Tapping his oldest sister Courtney on the shoulder he dumped everything into her arms as she turned around. After quickly explaining that he was going to the washroom whether he made it to a toilet or not Jacob sprinted away like he actually might.

Once inside the dog was almost tempted to head back the way he came, the washroom looked and smelled like no one had cleaned it in weeks. With a little hesitation in his step Jacob made his way to the second of three stalls, the only one not taken. Letting the door close behind him he flipped the toilet lid down and eyed it a moment before deciding it was clean enough to sit on. The dog pulled his phone from his pocket rolling his eyes when he realized he didn't have any texts or missed calls. It was only a slight relief that he wasn't missing anything important. Slipping the phone back into his pocket Jacob began reading the graffiti in the stall to pass the time. His reading was cut short when something a little out of the ordinary caught the dogs eye. On either side of the stall there was a hole at a rather intriguing height. Something blacked covered them from the opposite side of the walls but Jacob knew exactly what they were and at thought of what they had been used for the dog's dick instantly began to harden. It took no time at all for curiosity to get the better of him and the dog leaned in for a closer inspection running a finger around the edge before poking at whatever was covering it on the other side. It turned out to be a soft rubber flap covering the hole and it moved easily out of the way when pushed on. At the same time his finger pushed through the toilet in the neighbouring stall flushed and Jacob nearly jumped out of his skin. He sat in silence holding his breath and hoped whoever was on the other side hadn't seen what he'd done.

To Jacob's surprise the man wasn't mad instead the large pointed tip of another dog's dick poked into his stall. The dog blushed at the thought of what he started and where it would lead but without hesitation he reached out and wrapped a hand around the base of the shaft. Jacob paused for a moment as the warmth and weight in his hand sent a tingle through his body. Sliding off the toilet seat and down onto his knees the dog pushed his mouth down the shaft until his nose was back through the hole and resting in the other man's fur. Hearing a moan from the other side of the stall Jacob's til began to wag and he slowly worked his snout up and down the impressive length flicking his tongue out against the other man's balls when he would reach the base of his shaft. Feeling a large glob of pre-cum smear the roof of his mouth Jacob back and admired the dripping cock before standing and removing his pants. Using one hand on the opposite wall to steady himself he used the other to guide the prick slowly into his ass sighing as his anus stretched around the intruder. Jacob backed against the wall until he felt the other dog's knot press against his tailhole. Memories of his high school baseball team invaded his thoughts. After the coach had left the lowest scoring team mate would be passed around the locker room as an incentive to do better and as a reward for the better players, after the second week Jacob made sure no one played worse than him. As the other man began to piston his length into the younger dog Jacob kept a pace that made sure to keep the knot outside of his body which only made the other man thrust harder.

While trying to keep pace The Shepherd lost his footing and slid forward pushing his nose through the glory hole on the other side of his stall. Pulling back the hole was shortly filled by another cock which Jacob eagerly swallowed. There came a grunt from behind and the dog let out a whimper as a hard thrust pushed the knot roughly into his ass. The cock trembled inside of him as jets of cum coated Jacob's colon. The man pulled out with slurp and Jacob rested his ass against the opening hoping some one would take his place. For a second he thought he might get his wish as two fingers slipped into his ass but were quickly removed leaving something behind. Jacob fished whatever it was out of his ass before turning and sliding the other cock into his loose and dripping sphincter, the other man moaned and began bucking at a pace that almost lifted the dog off his feet. Looking at what he held Jacob was surprised to find he had pulled a cum soaked twenty dollar bill from him ass which he wiped off on his fur and dropped on top of his discarded pants. The two pounded against the stall until Jacob was sure it would break when the other man stopped with a grunt and pulled out slowly. The other man reached his orgasm just as his cock pulled free from young dog's anus, coating his ass and balls with warm jizz. Jacob collapsed back against the wall and jumped when another set of fingers pushed into his pucker. He was about to reach back for his payment when the door to his stall slammed open.

Jacob froze, he couldn't believe he never locked the door behind him. Standing in front of him was a large rhino wearing mall security gear. The man nearly filled the stall and was easily three times the size of the little dog. The man didn't look angry though which worried Jacob more than he thought it should. When the security guard reached behind him to lock the stall the German Shepherd was only half relieved. The guard reached out and grabbed the arm Jacob had been using to retrieve his pay and pulled it in front of him. The dog was amazed to see he was holding a cum coated fifty dollar bill. The guard took the bill and shoved it into Jacob's mouth before pushing him down onto the toilet seat. The rino dropped his pants and knelt down in front of the dog. Jacob sat silent as the guard worked his own shaft until fully erect before sitting up on his knees and pressing his cockhead against the dog's abused hole. The guard slowly pushed his length into the younger man both moaning in pleasure as Jacob's anus stretched wider than ever before. When the guard had worked half his length into the dog he wrapped a hand around Jacob's shaft and began jerking him off as he pistoned deeper into the dog. Jacob was lifted off the toilet as the guard bucked into him one last time and repeatedly blasted his innards with cum. The guard continued to work the dog's shaft until he finally came and sprayed himself with his own seed. The rhino then stood, pulled the dollar bill from Jacob's mouth and forced his flaccid cock inside. Obediently Jacob sucked the cum from the rhino's dick but became confused when he didn't pull out when he was done. With a terrifying smirk the guard grabbed the back of his head and pushed him further down his shaft. As Jacob choked on the cock resting against the back of his throat the guard chuckled and began to piss. Begrudgingly he swallowed it all and sat in silence as the guard tucked his dick back in his pants and opened the stall door. Before leaving he fished into his pocket and tossed two more fifty dollar bills into the stall.

Doing his best to clean up Jacob redressed and bolted out of the washroom to find his sisters waiting impatiently. They scowled at him but said nothing before tossing the bags they were holding at him and storming off. Twenty minutes later Jacob found himself at the other end of the mall in another line at another store. And to his sister's disbelief their little brother needed to use the washroom again.

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