Exploring the Market (Cub)

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This is a cub story, written for https://inkbunny.net/roxie on inkbunny. It involves his cub character Andy Bunneh and my stallion character Doran. Not necessarily what Doran usually does here, but this is a commission. I hope you can enjoy it.

Tips always welcome.

Exploring the Market

The hot day had many people wearing less clothes than usual, but none so little as what Andy Bunneh was wearing. Which was to say, nothing.

The young rabbit, only four years old, wandered around with everything on display. His pink fur was slightly matted down from sweat, but still looked shiny and clean, even along his ears, flopped down over the top of his head and sliding back and forth as he walked. Only waist high compared to most of the adults, the bunny had a sparkling blue pair of eyes, and a messy patch of red colored hair on top of his head, between and around the base of his ears.

But considering his nudity, the only thing that the grown-ups around him seemed to pay attention to was the swaying shaft between his legs.

Andy never knew why they kept looking at him like that, muttering and pulling away as he walked around, with some of the grown-ups putting their hands over some of the other cubs eyes when he walked by. He was just doing what his dad did; being naked was fun, both at home and in public. They were just being silly, the bunny thought, and giggled as he walked along.

Despite the hot day, the pink bunny was having a great time at the market. It was right on the waterfront in the big city, and the glowing neon sign burned during the day and night above the place. "Pike's Place Market" it read; one of the older markets in the city, and one of the silliest, and famous for -

"Watch out!"

Andy yelped as he was grabbed from behind, roughly dragged out of the way as a large fish went flying through the air. It was caught by a fox wearing long yellow gloves on the other side of the market, slid into a packet, and then handed off to a customer. The vixen that picked it up grunted under the weight as she took it. Not a surprise, considering the thing was ginormous! It was big enough to go from her chin to her waist, best as the bunny could see. If that thing had smacked him, it would have knocked him off of his feet easily.

He looked back at the person that had pulled him out of the way. The wolf looking down at him was red faced, pulling his hands back in a flash. "Uh, sorry; didn't mean to grab you so hard. But...be careful...and...maybe...find some clothes."

The wolf disappeared before Andy could say anything, let alone thank him. But, considering how he had reacted to Andy being naked, he wasn't sure that he wanted to say thank you anymore. His daddy said that he needed to be nice, but people needed to be nice to him too!

Crossing his arms around his chest with a small hmmph, the bunny shook his head before walking through the market stalls again.

His irritation didn't last long, and soon the smile of wonder was back on his face as he looked over the different stalls and tables and counters and stores of the Market. Pikes Place had some of the most interesting stuff in the city, some of it old and some of it new, and he just didn't get a chance to see it very much. Andy's daddy didn't have time off to take him here very often, after all; he was just too busy.

He kind of wished that they were together today, though; even though his daddy said that being naked was alright, it still felt weird to be the only one like that here. If there was even one other person walking around without clothes like him, that would have made Andy feel better.

But there wasn't. Every single fur that he saw had pants, shirts, and often shoes on, though there were some people that walked around barefoot. That was something, he thought, but it was still not fair that everyone stared at him for not wearing clothes.

The four year old bunny hurried down a level in the market, almost running down the steps in his eagerness to get to some of the other shops. Some people ducked out of the way, and others didn't, making the bunny have to hop and duck and dodge around them. Andy almost thought of it like a game, grinning and giggling as he made his way down the stairs, his feet appreciating the cooler stone instead of the stuff that had been in the sun all day up top.

He liked the shade, too; his ears were starting to burn a bit with the summer sun, and in the shade, it was more comfortable. He could even put them up again, like a bunny's ears should be.

When he reached the last stair, Andy jumped off of it, landing on his feet a few steps away from it. The jump was a good one, more than most of the grown-ups around here would be able to do, he was sure; he giggled, putting his hands in the air in triumph for a second before putting them back at his side and looking around, trying to decide where to explore next.

Choosing to head in the direction of the smells of food, Andy found himself pushed against the side of the hallway by the amount of people passing through. There were so many of them, all of them in a hurry. Yeah, some of them were walking in and out of the stores, but most of them were doing the same thing as him; they looked in the windows, stared, and then moved on, just looking at what the different places had. And there were so many of them, always moving, that it was impossible to stay in the middle of the hallway the way that he wanted to. The grown-ups would just push him out of the way.

Still, there was one good thing about it.

As Andy walked along, he could smell other scents that were mixing with the smell of food in the distance. They were all mixed up together, probably because of all the people and grown-ups around, but the smell was one that he was pretty familiar with. Sweat, salty and pungent; musk, from some of the barefoot furs and those that wore tighter clothes; a few other smells too, but those were the strongest ones, and Andy giggled a bit as he kept sniffing and taking in the smells. A curious bunny, he was; his daddy always had such a red face when he started following the smells, but he never said it was a bad thing, so Andy kept doing it.

The bunny's nose lifted up and his nostrils flared as he kept smelling the air. In the thick of people, the smell of food in the distance was all but drowned out by the smell of the sweaty guys and some girls around. He mostly focused on the other guys, though; Andy didn't know why, but they kind of had the better smell. The bunny drifted forward with his eyes closed, sniffing at the air, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

His nakedness made his reaction to the smells very obvious; between his legs, the foreskin on his shaft started to pull back, and the penis started to rise up. It wasn't a rapid process, but the large length was soon sticking forward, not quite able to lift all the way to point upwards, and it was pointing his way forward.

He loved the smells that he was picking up, and loved the little tingles it sent down to his crotch. The bunny reached down and patted himself the way that his daddy sometimes did when he got hard, and giggled a bit as his penis bounced up and down at the touch.

Still giggling, he wasn't watching where he was going, and bumped into someone that he hadn't seen. Oofing softly against the big grown-up, Andy hurriedly backed up, looking up at who he'd bumped into.

To his surprise, it was a very large stallion. Not big around, but big as in tall; he was really tall, bigger than Andy's daddy, and the bunny realized that he must have walked either into the horse's legs or, maybe, right into his groin.

The horse had a rusty red color along his arms and legs, and along his face. Surprisingly old looking blue eyes met Andy's, but rather than looking surprised or embarrassed, they only seemed to twinkle, like the horse was smiling and laughing good naturedly with his eyes. His lips turned up in a kind-looking smile, not in the least bothered by Andy's nudity, or about being bumped into.

To Andy's surprise, the horse had two things that set him apart from the crowd, and made him wonder how he had missed him in the first place. The first was that the horse didn't have hooves, but rather had feet. They were fairly humanoid, like his own, but were large, and a little bit puffy looking in the way that soft and giving feet tended to be. The bunny couldn't help but stare a bit, enticed by them, partially from how out of place it seemed, and partially just because they looked very nice.

The second thing that set the horse apart from the people around him was the fact that he was very close to nude himself. He only wore a tunic that was a slightly darker red than the hair and fur on his body, and that tunic barely went down to his thighs and left his arms bare. A pair of metal bands - with the same sort of brown-orange look as pennies, the bunny thought - were wrapped around his upper arms, and they glinted brightly, reflecting the light from the various bulbs in the ceiling.

Andy giggled a bit as the wind blew down the tunnel, lifting up the front of the horse's tunic enough for the bunny to see that the horse didn't have any undies on. His balls were just barely visible, but that was enough for the bunny to know what was going on.

As the tunic fell down again, the horse leaned over and patted him on the head. "Heh, you are a little adventurer, aren't you?" the stallion said. "What's your name?"

The bunny blushed a little bit, wishing he had his little writing pad. He knew that he shouldn't have forgotten it, but in the hurry to get out here and explore a new place without his daddy, he'd left it at home. Holding up his hand, he made a writing gesture in the air.

It seemed to confuse the horse for a moment before he blinked and nodded his head. "Oh, you can't talk, can you?"

Andy shook his head.

"But you can hear me?"

This time he nodded.

"Mute, but not deaf." The horse nodded his head. "Let's get you a little writing pad and a pencil, huh? Can't have you unable to talk around people, hmm? Follow me."

The bunny fell into step behind the stallion for a bit before his new friend pulled him up by his side. A little surprised at how strong and gentle the horse's hand was around his, Andy let himself follow. It wasn't long before he had a smile on his face, and he almost skipped along by the horse, giggling every now and then as the wind coming down the little hallway blew the horse's tunic around.

They walked past several different shops before the grown-up horse pulled him into one of them. They didn't have to look around far. The only pencils were the souvenir kind, carved like the totem poles that they had out on the islands, but they had plain writing pads. The yellow lined paper that people could find at almost any store was a welcome sight to the little bunny, but when he remembered that the grown-up would have to pay for it, his smile suddenly disappeared.

His friend must have noticed it, because the horse smiled at him. "Don't worry; I'm buying it for you,s o you don't have to worry about anything."

Andy shook his head a bit, remembering how his daddy said that it was important to help with getting stuff he wanted, but the horse would have none of it. He walked them up towards the register, putting down the pencil and the pad for the clerk to ring up.

Still shaking his head a bit, Andy nevertheless noticed the clerk giving him a look. The tabby cat looked at him, then the horse, and then at him again. "Uh..."

"Boys will be boys," the horse said before the clerk could go further.

"But shouldn't he have some clothes on?"

"Oh, I don't know. There are many places where children run around naked. Like in villages in the Amazons, and some of the tribes that still haven't been touched in Africa."

"But this isn't one of those places!"

"Are you saying that you wouldn't like people from those places?"

"I didn't say tha-"

"But you did. You just said that he should put some clothes on, which means you don't like naked people, which means that you don't like people that stay naked, which means that you don't like people from those places." The horse crossed his arms. "Does that mean you don't like people that like naked people?"


Andy had to put his hand over his mouth to hide his giggles. His new friend was driving the cat crazy, running him through all sorts of word games. It was funny to see a grown-up getting all flustered and confused.

He watched them talk for a little while, but his attention was wavering. Turning to look at the horse again while the two grown-ups argued about what was going on, Andy tried to wiggle around to get a look under the tunic the horse wore. His fascination with grown-ups went past the smells that they had, though that was more than good enough for him most of the time. But he loved to touch them and feel them and see them even more.

It only took a little wiggling to get out of the horse's hand grip, and he made it look like he was just sitting down to rest. His new friend didn't seem bothered by that, and just kept talking. However, Andy had a better reason for sitting down than just resting.

From this angle, the bunny could see right up between the horse's legs. It was amazing looking, all that the bunny hoped for. He stared with a wide grin at the massive set of balls between the horse's legs, and the big penis that was half sticking out of his sheath. It was fat and big, so much that it hung down rather than sticking up even though it was starting to get hard. His nostrils flared, trying to suck in the smell, but it was too far away to get a good whiff of it, and he didn't think that his new friend would want him to be pushing his nose in there in public.

There was something special about horse cocks to the little bunny. There were fun human ones out there, but not many as big as his; there were the knotted ones on doggies, and the barbed ones on the kitties. But there were none that were as big, and smelly, and nice looking the way that horse ones looked to him. And now, he had a new friend that had a biiiiiiig horse penis.

Andy moved his hands under his butt, sitting on them to keep them from getting up towards his new friend's crotch. The little guy wanted to touch it so bad, but he didn't want to make trouble. He didn't know why there'd be trouble, but his daddy always said that touching people like that without asking first was wrong.

Oh well. At least when he got the pad, he'd be able to ask.

The arguing kept going for almost forever in the bunny's mind before the clerk just shoved the pencil and the pad towards the horse. "Gah, just...shut up! Shut up and take it and stop TALKING!" the feline shouted. The sound got the attention of everyone in the store, and some people outside it, but the cat didn't seem to care; apparently the horse had just talked so much that he was driving the cashier insane.

His friend didn't say anything, just picked up the pad and the pencil. With a little wink at Andy, the horse lifted him up and started walking him out of the store.

Andy followed along, though he heard one of the ladies in the store talking into a phone. Something about a 'pedo' and a 'napping kid' or something, but he couldn't tell what she was talking about. He just shrugged and kept walking with his new friend.

They worked their way back towards the stairs, and the horse walked him down them to another level. It wasn't empty, but it was quieter down on the next floor, since people were more interested in the stores up top and the market at the very top than the lowest level. Smaller shops and less of them too, by the looks of it.

Pulling him into a little side alcove, the horse handed him the pencil and pad. "There you go. Now we can talk. What's your name?" the horse asked.

Andy hastily scrawled it down, turning it around so that it faced his new friend. He also wrote down, "What's your name?"

"Ah, Andy; that's a nice name. I'm Doran; it's nice to meet someone that still likes to dress the way that we all used to." The horse smiled. "Now, what are you doing here? It seems a little strange in this day and age to see someone dressed like we used to do back in the ancient times."

Doran's questions were clear, but Andy wasn't quite sure what the horse meant by 'dress the way that we all used to.' Was there something that the horse knew that he didn't? Probably; the horse was a grown-up after all, and he hadn't seen many grown-ups that didn't know more than him.

Still, even though the horse was really weird, Andy liked him. He had a very nice smile, and it made the little bunny giggle every time the big guy flashed him with it. Returning the smile, he started to write on the pad again, and this time, Doran looked over his shoulder, reading the response as Andy wrote it.

"You were...exploring...and finding new places...and looking for new friends?" the horse asked.

Andy nodded, grinning and bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Doran chuckled. "Well, this is a pretty good place to explore; I've never been here before either, and it's pretty cool for me to see someone else that's experiencing it for the first time."

Another piece of paper was flipped over as Andy wrote out something else. A single word, so it was quickly flipped around again.

"Hugs?" Doran asked.

The bunny nodded, holding his arms out wide, his eyes looking up at the horse for permission. After all, his daddy said it was always better to ask first, rather than just doing it. He didn't think that Mr. Doran would mind it, really, but it was better to be -

Andy grunted as he was suddenly swung up in the air, the horse's strong arms wrapped around him tightly. He giggled as he was spun around, his feet sticking out and almost hitting someone before they ducked out of the way. Doran spun him fast, so fast, and he held tight around the horse's neck since he was high enough for that. Not because he was afraid, but because he wanted to give the horse a tight hug in return.

After a good five spins, Doran put him down again, and Andy smiled wider than ever. He clapped his hands together in approval, much to the horse's delight. "Was that a good enough hug for you?" Doran asked.

As Andy nodded, Doran nodded back. "I'm glad. Do you think that we could be friends, little bunny?"

It was like the horse was reading his mind! Andy almost always needed to be the one to ask people if they wanted to be friends, and this time, it was the stranger that was doing it. It made him feel so happy that he couldn't help but run forward, hugging the horse around the waist and nuzzling against him.

Of course, that meant that he felt something besides the horse's large body. The tunic that Doran wore didn't do much to cover him from touches, and Andy could feel the large shaft beneath the tunic starting to rise up at the nuzzling. He giggled again, nuzzling against it a little harder before looking up at his new friend, restraining himself from nuzzling further; some grown-ups didn't like their penises touched by other people.

But from the smile on Doran's face, Andy could tell that he wasn't one of those people. Grinning so wide that it almost hurt his face, the pink bunny went back to nuzzling, giggling as he wiggled his face back and forth along the front of the stallion's tunic. The bulge underneath was starting to rub against his face in return, almost like the horse's penis was trying to nuzzle him back. The thought was a little bit silly, but Andy liked to think that his new friend's big cock was as happy to be touched as he was to touch it.

Still, there was only so much that he could really do through clothes, and he wanted to see the thing hard, too. He pulled his head back, and started to reach for the edge of the tunic, down near Doran's knees.

Before he could grab it, however, the stallion stopped him. The bunny blinked in surprise, looking up at the horse in confusion.

"It's alright, I'll let you look," Doran said. "Just not here. Do you know where the bathroom is?"

Andy blinked, shaking his head.

"Ah well. We'll find it." He smiled, gently moving his hand down to get a grip on Andy's. "Come on, walk with me."

They walked off of the stair case, and it didn't take them long to find a few signs to point them along. Down here, there weren't so many people around, and they didn't have to wiggle their way around other shoppers to find their way along. What few people were down here looked at Andy differently than the people up top. The little bunny saw a wolf and a bear that looked at him appraisingly, and he giggled as he saw them getting stiffies in their pants. He waved at them, and they waved back, smiling wide.

Doran didn't let him go say hi to them, though; the horse's grip on his hand kept him from running over to say hello. It didn't bother the bunny much, though; he was more interested in the horse, anyway, and it wasn't like he didn't get a chance to see wolves and bears naked all the time anyway.

They reached the boy's bathroom a few minutes later, just a little past a comic shop. Doran gently pushed him in, and then followed behind. Andy was a little surprised to see him lock the door, but he could understand; they didn't want to have their fun time interrupted by anybody, and there were some grown-ups that were just mean about people having fun together.

And besides, Andy didn't want to wait anymore for the fun.

No sooner had the horse clicked the lock into place than Andy was under his tunic. He felt his new friend jump a bit, but that just meant that the balls bounced up before coming back down, landing on top of his nose. Giggling at the heavy feeling on top of his face, Andy sniffed deep, his nostrils flaring as he smelled the big, leathery balls that were on top of his face.

They were heavy, but he could smell the odor of sweat and musk that came off of them. Both orbs were hot, and he could feel just how wet the skin was; there was no fur around these, just a heavy sac that was soaked in sweat from the hot day. The heady musk of a loaded pair of balls was also thick down here, and it competed with the sweaty smell to see which one would be the stronger, the dominant smell.

Andy loved it, and he closed his eyes as he held his nose against the big pair, sucking in sniff after sniff of the powerful scent. His own cock was starting to get hard again after going soft in the hallways, and he felt it pushing against one of the horse's legs. Doran didn't seem to mind, though, and so he didn't move, just letting his cock grow against the lightly furred leg, moving up and leaving a little of his own juices along it.

It didn't take long for Andy to feel the horse starting to leak a bit too. The smell of pre grew stronger under the tunic until he realized that the smell was coming from not just above him, but from his hair. Curious, the bunny reached up and rubbed his fingers through the small thatch of hair on his head, and pulled them down in front of his eyes. His fingers were wet, and the smell of the clear fluid on them wasn't the smell of a sweaty bunny head; it was the smell of pre.

Giggling at the bit of a mess that he discovered, Andy pulled his nose back from Doran's balls, and shoved at the tunic above him. Doran helped him, lifting the tunic up and throwing it over one shoulder.

With the light on the horse's cock now, Andy could see just how big the thing was. Standing partway up - since it was too big to point ALL the way up - the horse's cock pointed towards the bunny's mouth. It had to be longer than his daddy's foot, and considering how long rabbit feet were, that was saying a lot. He giggled a bit as it twitched in front of him, the large hole in the tip of the equine's cock dribbling clear pre onto the floor, and he could smell the scent of horsie cock getting stronger in the bathroom, held inside so that it couldn't get away or be blown along so it didn't get too strong.

Andy's fingers found their way around his cock, stroking himself as he walked around the massive horse penis in front of him. It was almost awe-inspiring to the little bunny, from the huge size of it to the different colors that mottled the middle of it, to the way that the head flared out in a way that no other species he'd ever seen did. It made him grin, and made him feel that tingly feeling in his groin that penises always did.

When he finally looked away from the horse's penis to his face, Andy almost blushed at the way that Doran looked at him. The horse seemed to both laugh and smile with the same expression, though he didn't make any sound. His new friend must really like being stared at, too, from the way that he patted Andy's head. "Do you want to do a little more than look?" he asked.

Andy's nod seemed to crack the horse, and Doran laughed. "Oh, you really are an eager little boy, aren't you?" He smiled, gently walking Andy over to the line of sinks on one side of the room. "What do you think you want to do, then? I don't want to push you, so why don't you call the shots?"

Again, that was a little different for Andy; most of the grown-ups that he had fun with - most of them ones that his daddy didn't know about - were always ready to take what they wanted and help him have a good time later. But his new friend wanted him to choose? It was very different.

Still, Andy had a few ideas. He'd always enjoyed getting covered in spoogy stuff, loving the way that it made his fur smell like the big guys, and he loved it when he could taste it too. Tummy rubs were always fun...but what could he do to make it fun for Doran too? He didn't want his new friend to be bored while he was making Andy feel so good.

Buying a little time, he looked over the horse, and tried to remember what Doran had been paying attention to on the way down here. Even the nice horse had to be thinking of what they might be doing down here; what kind of things might he have done that would give the bunny a clue? Andy had to think of something; what could it -

Doran shifted from one foot to another, and suddenly, Andy had an idea. He grabbed his notepad again, and started scribbling on it. It took a little longer to say it this time, since he wanted to write it all out in full, but in a minute, he handed it over to the curious Doran.

"Okay...oooh, that's an interesting one. I haven't done something like that for a while; not since that trip to Africa, for that matter," Doran said with a small nod of his head. "Some elephant that really liked...anyway. Are you sure this is what you want?"

No sooner did Andy nod eagerly than Doran led him into one of the bathroom stalls. They didn't bother shutting the stall door behind them; they just left it open, since nobody would be coming in here anyway.

Doran sat down on the toilet seat, making sure to sit forward enough for his big horse cock and balls to hang over the edge, while Andy laid on the floor. The bunny grinned as the horse's big feet lifted off of the floor and pressed down on his tummy, rubbing it lightly; he could feel his cock pressing up lightly against the horse's heels, rubbing pre against them, and he playfully humped his hips up against the russet red heels.

"Heh, don't forget to take care of me too, Andy," Doran said, keeping the tummy rub going.

It was hard to focus for the little bunny; the amazing feeling of the horse's feet rubbing along his belly, the toes sliding through the thin pink fur, the slightly rough soles tickle-rubbing around his belly button; all of it felt so good to him. But he had said he'd give the horse some fun too.

Lifting his human-like feet up, he pressed them against the sides of Doran's cock. He felt the horse shudder above him, and could feel the pulsing in the cock get a little faster. It was hard, very hard under his feet, and Andy smiled as he started to slide them up and down the sensitive thing.

Every time that he came up to the flared head, he made sure to press down a little harder, squeezing his feet together around it. The spongy skin collapsed inwards a bit, though not much, and expanded outwards as he pulled his feet back down. The skin was leathery, yet still very smooth under his feet, and the slimy pre that quickly gathered under his toes and along his soles made it even more slippery for the little bunny as he dragged his feet up and down the shaft.

It didn't take long for Doran to start moaning, and Andy giggled at the sound as it echoed in the small bathroom. He thought it might make Doran blush, but instead the horse just moaned a bit louder, as if trying to make Andy giggle a little more.

He didn't, though. After the first moan, it was just fun rather than funny. Andy focused on the feeling of the cock between his feet, enjoying the way that his feet were getting all wet from the cock slime that was drooling down, running along the bottom of his feet and between his toes. Every time he wiggled them now, he could see thin strings of pre between them, and he felt his own cock twitch at the sight and feel of that; it was so different, so tingly-fun feeling.

The horse's cock felt like it belonged between his feet, and he could feel that Doran really loved the feel of his little feet rubbing up and down it. When Andy reached the bottom of the cock, he felt the horse's balls pulled up against his heels, drawing up slowly as Doran was getting closer to his big spoogy explosion; when he got to the tip, his feet were soaked with the amount of pre that the horse leaked. In minutes, the horse's cock had gone from smooth but dry to completely soaked and slippery with the stuff he was leaking.

It was even starting to point upwards, something that surprised Andy; he didn't think something that big could point up. He pulled on it with his feet, pointing it down towards his face and his belly again; he didn't want it to go to waste when Doran finally did spooge.

Even as the stallion started to twitch as he got close to his climax, Andy felt himself getting close to making a mess too; his cock throbbed against Doran's feet, the large, sweaty feet rubbing down along Andy's belly, moving down to cover the top half of the bunny's cock before sliding over his tummy again. The rubbing was getting him so close, that he had to really push himself to keep his attention on his feet on the horse's cock.

Neither of them lasted long after they started twitching; within a minute, they both moaned, cumming hard. Andy's load was normally pretty darn big, and today was no exception. The horse feet on his cock soon looked half red and half white, like a silly strawberry-cream treat. The soles and arches were soaked with bunny spooge, and Andy felt his balls pull up and give another little squirt at the tingly-fun sight.

But his own load was totally tiny compared to what Doran gave him. The big cock seemed to grow almost two times its width as the spooge shot out, the first rope of cum hitting Andy on the chest like a cannon shot. It splattered off of him, hitting the sides of the stall a bit and soaking the walls; the second shot splattered against the bunny's face, leaving him looking like he'd been hit with a lot of white make-up.

The third shot and all the others landed on his tummy, mixing with his spooge on the horse's feet and soaking into Andy's belly fur as Doran kept rubbing him with his feet. Andy blushed a bit at just how good that felt, being covered with all that musky stuff. It was more than he'd expected, and he doubted that he'd be able to wash it all off without some sort of shower.

Still, he thought it was worth it. Wiggling around a bit, Andy squirmed under Doran's feet, putting his head under the horse's big, musky toes, and started licking. A good friend helps people clean up, his daddy said; he was going to clean these feet up really, really well.

As Doran leaned back, a contented sigh filling the air, Andy grinned; it was so good to make new friends.

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