Hypnotic Soles

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A commission involving two friends that finally meet, and one of them taking control for a bit of fun. Enjoy.

Tips accepted if you believe deserved.

Hypnotic Soles

"Here we are!" Ember said as he opened the front door of his house. The dark green lizard stepped through the entrance, and gestured at the grackle following him. "Come on in; I bet you're eager to put your feet up and rest."

The avian behind him smiled, blue and black feathers ruffling slightly as he stepped through the door. Suitcases clattered lightly against the doorframe as he squeezed through, Ember taking one of them from his friend before shutting the door behind them. They walked towards the living room, the lizard taking the lead in the process, the both of them smiling wide.

Suitcases were dropped down on the wooden floor, clunking loudly against the ground, before the two embraced, hugging each other as soon as their arms were free.

"Finally!" Adam said, his feathery fingers pressed against the lizard's back. "This long, and we finally get to see each other."

"Heh, been too long; a whole year before we finally meet?" Ember chuckled. "We'll have to visit each other sooner next time."

"No kidding."

After a few seconds of holding each other, the both of them pulled apart. Their smiles were wide, and Ember would just bet that the lizard's beak stung just as much as his muzzle did from the way that their smiles kept trying to grow.

The two of them were an interesting pair of friends; Ember was the younger one, but already lived on his own. The lizard had dark green scales covering him from head to toe, without a different colored underbelly like some lizards. He stood a couple inches taller than the already tall avian that he'd invited over, and unlike the grackle, he was barefoot; had been since he picked up the avian from the airport.

Adam, on the other hand, was a rather floofy looking bird. He'd never heard of a grackle before meeting his friend, but he supposed he looked a little like a bluebird, saving the fact that the wings were black...or a very dark gray, he supposed; it was hard to tell the difference, and it tended to shift depending on the light. Adam was the older of the pair, but the way that he wore aviator goggles all the time, it was sometimes hard to believe that just from seeing him next to the lizard.

As Adam took off his leather jacket and sat down on the couch, Ember walked around the coffee table between the couch and the television. Grabbing the remote off of the top of the large plasma screen, the reptile pressed a few buttons and got the cable turned on.

"Heh, leaping right into the television, Ember?" Adam asked.

"Seemed like a good thing to do to help you relax."

"Heh, what makes you think I need some time to relax?"

"The 5 hour flight out here wasn't a good enough reason?" Ember turned his head with a bit of a smirk. "Or are you telling me that you are still wide awake?"

"I've been waiting to see my best friend for a year; I'm not going to waste any time relaxing unless it's something you want to do together," Adam said. The bird's arms were crossed, and though the feathers just made it look a little silly, Ember could tell that Adam was serious. "So, do you want to watch TV, or are you just humoring me?"

Shrugging rather than answering, the lizard walked back over to the couch and almost threw himself onto it. He reclined against one of the arms, bouncing up and down a few times before settling down. Blushing a bit as Adam grunted from the impact of the lizard's heels on his thighs, he pulled back, pretending that it hadn't happened. Spinning the remote around between his fingers, Ember showed off a little of his dexterity before pointing it at the television. "I'm good with some shows for now. Don't worry; I'll be doing a lot more with you later. Games, sightseeing, going out to eat; we'll have a lot of fun. Just a little bit of something calm before we get into all of the other stuff, huh?"

"Heh, fair enough." Adam shifted himself around a bit, getting a little more comfortable. He rubbed his thigh lightly, looking down at the lizard's feet. "Careful where you put those things, huh? That stung."

"Sorry about that." He shook his head a bit, pulling them back a little further. Not all the way to him, but enough so that his friend had a bit more room. "So, what do you wanna watch?"

The grackle shrugged, so he just turned the TV over to the sci-fi channel. A few re-runs of The Walking Dead were on today, and that seemed good enough; they were both big enough fans of the thing that it wouldn't be too bad a way to spend the afternoon.

Ember saw his friend relax almost immediately as the show started, and the lizard held back a chuckle at the rapt look of focus on the bird's face. It was almost comical, like a songbird trying to look like a hawk, and that thought only made the look that much funnier. Holding his hand over his face, the lizard slowly pushed the laughter back down and turned to look at the television as well.

The show progressed much as it always did; running, surviving, dealing with the zombies and the problems that emerged between survivors. It was an inevitable progression, and one that was relatively predictable for all the fun that it provided. Still fun, though for Ember, it was a way for him to have something going on in the background while working on something else.

And this time, he was working on how he would have a little more 'fun' with his friend than he and Adam had talked about.

He turned his attention from the TV to his avian friend, his eyes slowly flicking over the bird's body. He'd had more than a few...urges...during the many voice chats that they'd had between meeting online and meeting at the airport. Ember wasn't entirely sure about what Adam had thought - he knew that the grackle was gay and that he had enjoyed some of the porn they'd shared with each other - but he didn't know if the avian had a thing for lizards the way that the lizard had a thing for birds.

Shifting his position to keep his reaction to his thoughts hidden, the lizard continued just looking at Adam. His friend had a nice body, though it was a little shorter than his own. Ember liked the way that Adam's body was a bit slimmer, almost girly in the hips, or at least, he thought it was girly. He never brought it up that way to his friend, just in case it would be insulting to him.

Still, it had been enough to set a few ideas into his head, and now that Adam was here in person, the temptation to actually act on his fantasies was a little too strong to ignore. Best of all, he had a method of doing so.

Toes curling slightly against the couch, Ember thought about how he was going to get Adam to look down at them. It was one of the reasons that the lizard went barefoot all the time; there was something hypnotic about his feet, particularly when people looked at them for any degree of time. It wasn't something that he entirely understood, but it worked; it meant that he'd been able to get great deals on his television, on a good bit of his furniture, and it meant that he generally got what he wanted.

Not that he ever used it for anything truly malicious, of course; the lizard wasn't that much of a freeloader or a problem to society. It was something that made things a little more fun for him, more or less, rather than something he abused. And he wouldn't even think about using it on Adam...except...

There had been one time when the bird had sent him the link to a rather interesting piece of art. It was of a bird being hypnotized by a helmet, then by a few other things, including a pair of musky underwear and a set of spiraling eyes. Through it all, Adam had kept saying that it was impossible to really be hypnotized like that, and that he would never be able to be hypnotized so easily. "Even if the guy doing it was really hot," were his words on that, Ember remembered with a little smirk.

The thing was, the grackle had showed him so many different images of the same series, and each time it got a little closer to being a grackle. And just the week before Adam had turned up, the image had been a grackle, pinned in place with panties on. The bird never said anything, but if it wasn't some sort of hinting message from his friend, then it was one hell of a subconscious message.

And Ember was going to deliver on what the bird so obviously wanted.

It was another twenty minutes before the show was over, but before the next episode could start, Ember placed his feet into Adam's lap. When the bird turned towards him, he smiled. "Do you think you could give me a little massage for a bit? It gets a little sore down there, walking around barefoot all the time."

"You could just wear shoes you know," Adam said with a chuckle. "Why don't you just wear them like everybody else?"

"Because it's more comfortable and easier to walk barefoot." The lizard smirked, wiggling his toes to keep the bird's attention on his feet. "And besides, they're not bad to look at."

"I guess not," the grackle said with a small nod. He turned back to the television, though, much to Ember's annoyance.

Still wiggling his toes, he noticed that the bird kept looking back. It wasn't for more than a glance at first, but with each glance down, Adam's eyes would linger for that little bit longer, that little bit more that told the lizard that the effect was starting to be felt. A small smile started to grow on his face as he watched the interest slowly build in his friend's eyes, but he didn't say anything. At least, not for now.

It was actually kind of funny watching the bird trying to watch the television while a part of him wanted to look at Ember's feet. Adam's eyes continued to twitch back and forth, at first just at commercials, but then during the unimportant parts of the episode as well. Each time, the bird's feathers lit up a bit with a blush, and each time, the blush was a little bit stronger than the last one.

Ember forced his face to remain neutral, and he kept his eyes on the screen unless he was sure that Adam was looking at his feet. The lizard didn't want to give up the game just yet. Besides, the longer this went on without Ember's direct involvement, the better it would be for the final effect.

A slight scent was filling the room, a slight bit of musk coming off of the lizard's feet. It was a mix of the heat in the room and the tendency of his feet to have a slight scent with them, and it was fairly mild. Just that slight hint of a scent that feet always had. Ember smiled to himself as he watched the grackle's head turn, the holes along the top of the beak still, but likely taking in the scent. Whether it was conscious or unconscious, Ember didn't know, but it was a good sign, a very good sign indeed.

He was a little surprised how long Adam was able to go before the bird turned his attention almost fully to the lizard's feet. His friend stared at the scaly soles, his eyes glued to them even as his face burned in a blush. Adam's head twitched slightly, as though he was trying to look away, but his eyes didn't shift position. They just kept staring...starting at the lizard's feet.

By that point, Ember knew that it was safe to move on to another part of the plan.

Lifting his feet a bit - and grinning when Adam kept staring at them, turning his head to follow them - Ember said, "I'm getting pretty sore from the walking we did earlier. Do you think you could give my feet a little massage?"

"Huh?" Even the avian's voice was a little sleepy sounding, distracted. "What..."

"Well, you're just staring at them so much, I thought that you were going to make the offer."

"Uh...oh yeah...yeah I...I was," Adam said. He nodded, pulling his legs up off of the floor and turning on the couch so he could face Ember without twisting too much. Getting a grip on the lizard's ankles, the avian pulled the feet onto his lap, his feathery fingers slowly digging into the lizard's heel.

It was surprisingly good feeling, and less ticklish than Ember expected. He smiled, wiggling and curling his toes lightly, before leaning his head back. "Mmmm, yeah...that's it...keep on rubbing my feet," he said, another contented sigh sliding past his lips in a low hiss.

He didn't have to watch the bird to know that his friend's attention was focused entirely on his feet. The slow strokes of the thumbs along his heel, slowly going up the bottom of his foot, told him that Adam wasn't distracted by anything else. Nobody except an expert massage guy could actually keep this quality up while focusing on something else. And the longer that Adam focused on his feet, the longer that Ember had to further the trance that the grackle was falling into.

The massage ran all along the bottoms of his feet, slowly working their way up towards his toes. Adam's fingers were slow even at the beginning, but the longer that the massage went on, the more they slowed down. It took maybe ten minutes before the bird's fingers had slowed to barely a stroke every minute, the fingers moving so slowly that they might as well not have been moving at all.

Just the moment he was waiting for. Ember leaned forward again, opening his eyes once more. Adam's eyes were locked onto his feet, the lids half closed, and the grackle looked as though he might fall asleep any second now.

"Perfect," Ember muttered under his breath. "Adam, can you hear me?"


The word came. It took a few seconds, but it came. Good enough. The lizard lifted his feet up a bit, holding them in front of the bird's face. "Just keep looking at them, Adam...keep looking at my feet. What do you think when you look at my feet?"

"They're...they're smooth...shiny..." The bird spoke slowly, but clearly, his voice quiet in the way of a man that was half asleep and didn't want to wake himself up, but nevertheless perfectly clear and understandable. "Like...I like...looking...want to see....want to....keep looking..."

"Good...good, just keep looking then," he said with a smile. He wiggled his toes, and he watched the sleepy bird eyes follow them for a second before going back to the soles. Excellent; the instinct to look at motion was slowly falling out, replaced with the simple desire to keep looking at the bottom of the lizard's feet.

Times like this almost made Ember wish he could put some sort of mirror up so that he could look at his feet too, just to know what his friends were seeing when they were slowly going under, but he'd never got around to it. Probably for the best, though; unlikely as it seemed, it could be enough to make him fall under the spell of his feet as well, and he didn't know how that would ever go well.

He gauged how the grackle was falling under the spell of his feet by watching his face, seeing how he was leaning forward a little more with every minute that passed. Little twitches of muscle spasms went through Ember's legs, but he held them still, not daring to drop his feet down just yet. Too quick a movement, and his friend might actually snap out of it. Unlikely, but he might, and considering how they were positioned, it'd be a little difficult to explain just what was going on.

Gradually, the grackle pushed his beak closer and closer to the lizard's feet, and Ember made no effort to hide his smile at just how far his friend had slid into the trance. Perhaps there was more desire to be hypnotized than the bird had shared; he was sliding into it pretty darn fast, and without any real suggestions from the lizard to make it happen. Usually he had to encourage the trance, but Adam didn't need any of that. All he needed was to look, and down into the hypnosis he went.

Finally, the tip of the bird's beak pressed against the bottom of Ember's foot, and he knew that the bird was completely under his control. He slowly dragged the other foot along the side of the bird's beak, his smirk dragging upwards along the sides of his face. "That's it...you can't resist it. You can't resist the allure of my scaly feet."

"Can't...resist..." The grackle continued to hold himself pressed against the bottom of the foot, and through his fanned toes, Ember could see the blank look in Adam's eyes settle into place.

Experience told him that look meant that the bird was completely entranced, or at least, that he would remain completely entranced as long as he was looking at Ember's feet. Honestly, that wasn't going to be enough for what Ember had planned for later, but it was enough for now.

The lizard dragged his feet along the sides of the bird's face, making sure that they remained in view at all times. Every so often, the bird would turn his head to keep looking at one foot, but most of the time, he remained still. A slight trill came from the bird's throat, a sound of pleasure as his face was rubbed with the scaly feet, and Ember smirked a bit at the sound; maybe there was something of a fascination for feet in the bird's mind already.

Time to reinforce that. "You love to look at my feet...the chance to look at my feet, to be touched by them, is something you can't pass up...No matter how much other thoughts try to come into your head, you can't help but come back to my feet...Your need for my feet is too strong to be supplanted by anything else. My feet are the center of your universe...You want to worship them...You want to lick them...It is a deep need inside you, to rub, to lick, to play with my feet...You cannot ignore this need....

"Now...what do you want to do, Adam? What do you want to do with my feet?"

"I want...rub...lick..." The bird panted softly, the air blowing through the nose holes in his beak, just enough pressure behind it for Ember to feel the brush of air against his soles, and it made him smile. "I want to...Lick your feet...I want to nuzzle them...to rub them against my face...I want to feel them...so bad..."

Drumming his toes along the side of the bird's beak, the lizard only chuckled. "Then go ahead."

It seemed that the bird wanted it even more than Ember expected; rather than the slow stroking licks that he had expected, Adam almost seemed to attack his feet with his tongue. His friend's tongue only barely stuck out past his beak, but it was enough for the lizard to feel the moist heat of the tongue licking along the bottom of his feet. It dragged from one foot to another, licking along his scaly soles, and when he could catch a glimpse of Adam's face from between his feet or through the gaps between his toes, he could see a look of utter contentment on the feathered face.

He grinned, slowly unbuttoning his pants as the feeling of spit along the bottom of his feet continued to spread, pulling his cock out as his friend kept on licking. A few strokes were all that he needed to bring himself to full erection, his black colored cock throbbing in his hand. The seven inch length twitched beneath his grip, already very excited at the sight of his friend having such a good time, at the feeling of the tongue stroking against the bottom of his foot. His fingers squeezed a little tighter around his cock, and the lizard grinned a little wider at the feeling of pleasure that shot through him at the tighter grip.

Wiggling his toes seemed to get the bird's attention, and Ember grinned as he didn't even have to tell the bird to move up to them. On his own volition, Adam moved his head up towards the toes, and took one of them into his mouth. The edge of the grackle's beak made that a little more uncomfortable than it usually was, but the pleasure of the tongue lashing along the sides and bottom of his toe was more than good enough to counter it.

Ember leaned his head back a little further, keeping his feet in place as he enjoyed the tongue worship he was getting to his feet. Adam's tongue never stopped moving, licking all the way from the blunted claw on his toe all the way down to where it joined with the rest of his foot. The wet appendage moved over to the gap between that toe and the one next to it, and the feeling of it wiggling back and forth in that slick, sensitive area made him twitch a bit, almost drawing a giggle from his lips. If the lizard was more ticklish, it might have just gotten him to giggle out loud; as it was, it only made him smile.

As the lizard stroked himself, he watched as Adam moved from one toe to another, taking them into his mouth one by one, and sucking on them. Despite how much the beak added that annoying hard feeling around the edges of his toes, it never quite took away from the pleasure of having his toes sucked. The powerful feeling of seeing his friend submit, and the wonderful feeling of that eager tongue on his feet, soon had Ember moaning almost as loudly as the bird was.

And the bird was moaning a LOT. Though some of the moans were muffled against the lizard's foot, they were still loud enough to fill the room. Echoes of the bird's moans came back to Ember's ears, only to mix with his own. It wasn't so loud that people outside the house would be able to hear, but it was enough to make the moment even sexier to him, pushing his pleasure forward and making him stroke his cock that much faster.

His feet were tremendously slick by the time that Adam finished licking along the toes of both feet, and Ember could feel some little droplets of the bird's saliva running down the bottom of his soles. There was such a temptation to rub his feet together, to feel the slickness of his scales grinding against one another, but he suppressed the urge. There was something else to do before he could fully indulge.

Taking his hand from his cock before he could blow his load, Ember whispered, "Lean back...stop licking for a moment, and lean back."

As Adam did as he was told, the lizard pulled his feet off to the sides, keeping them just within the peripheral vision of the bird, but making it so that Adam had to look at him again. It was time for the next part of the plan; he had more to his hypnosis than just his feet, after all.

Looking deep into the bird's eyes, Ember flicked that little mental switch in his mind that changed things up. His eyes burned slightly as he stared at Adam, the slight imprint of swirls laid over his view of the world. Within a few seconds, he saw the same spirals start to spin in the bird's eyes, and the lizard had to keep himself from smiling at how quickly the bird accepted the next stage of control. "Yes....stare into my eyes....lose yourself in the spirals."

"Yes...lose myself...in spirals..." the bird whispered as his eyes slowly lost their original colors. From the pupil outwards, the spirals continued, spreading further and further. The blackness of the pupil, the color of the iris, and the white of the eye gradually disappeared as it was taken over by the power of the lizard's hypnotic abilities.

Despite the burning need to blink, the heat in his eyes building up from the spirals, Ember kept the gaze up. Watching the spirals grow in Adam's eyes, holding his gaze, he whispered, "Fall under my control...you've always wanted this...always wanted to be under the control of another...just slide down...fall under the control of my spirals and my voice...just let yourself drift off..."

And just like that, the spirals completed. Like a circular loading bar, the bird's eyes were filled with the hypnotic colors and spirals, with no sign of the previous white color and pupils that had been there before. Completely filled, they looked like the eyes of a cartoon hypno-slut, rather than the eyes of a friend.

Which was appropriate, really, considering that was just what the bird was going to be for the next few hours.

With it finally safe to take his feet out of the bird's view, Ember swung his legs around and stood up from the couch. He grabbed hold of the waist of Adam's jeans, and pulled him upright. "Come on...we're going to get you dressed in something a little bit...better," he said with a smirk.


It had taken about twenty minutes to get things just right in the bedroom, but now that it was done, Ember couldn't help stepping back for a minute to admire his handiwork.

The whole thing was set up perfectly. A few small restraints were set on the bed for later, along with some toys. Dildos of three different sizes were laid out, each one shining with a long lasting lube, each one with a larger knot at the base of it. Ember had bought them earlier in the year when he knew that Adam would be coming out, preparing even then. The thought brought a little chuckle to his lips; he could hardly believe that he had been waiting for this long.

But the real show was the bird in front of him.

Stripped of his jeans and his shirt and even his underwear, the grackle looked nothing like his more macho former self. His briefs had been replaced with a pink pair of silken panties, and all his other clothes had been hidden. A little nail polish had extended the feminine look to the avian's feet, turning the slightly threatening talons into little pink points. On his knees, as a good slut should be, Adam looked far more feminine than even Ember had expected him to look after a treatment like this.

Of course, the throbbing bulge in the front of the panties told the truth of his gender, but even that looked a little silly. Though they were about the same size - a fact that Ember actually enjoyed when he had been stripping the bird down - the pink panties surrounding it only made it silly looking rather than powerful, and it made him chuckle at the thought of actually thinking of letting Adam get under his tail. Maybe another time in the future, but as he was now? Not a chance.

The spirals had faded slightly, allowing a bit of the white and black and other colors in his eyes to shine through. However, Ember had no fear of the bird breaking free of his control; as long as the spirals were there, the control was absolute, and if he felt it was starting to weaken, he could always turn his attention to the bird's eyes again and reinforce them.

Giving the grackle a little pat on the head, Ember seated himself at the foot of the bed. Kicking off his pants and boxers the rest of the way, he fondled his cock as he looked at the hypnotized slut. A little smirk continued to creep across his face as Adam stared at him in return, his eyes going from the lizard's eyes to the lizard's cock and back. Clearly, he was more than a little interested in participating, but just as clearly, he was waiting for the order to do something; the hypnosis held him back just as much as it encouraged him.

And the best thing about it was that he had never told Adam to be more interested in his cock. All the desire that the bird showed was genuine, just finally allowed free rein under the power of the trance that he was in. It allowed all that Adam was to come out, including stuff that he was too shy to show most of the time, and kept him reined in until the lizard let him loose.

Ember only needed to give himself a few more strokes before he felt it was time to move on to something a little more fun. Taking his hand off of his throbbing black cock, he raised his now-free hand towards Adam, and gestured for him to come over.

Leaning back, the lizard pressed his hips forward a little more, meaning the side of the bird's beak rubbed against his cock as Adam approached him. It was almost...amusing...when the bird smeared some of his pre against his beak, leaving a clear line of fluid along the side of his face. Almost amusing, and definitely arousing, as Ember felt his cock twitch slightly at the sight in front of him.

"We've been friends for a long time, Adam, haven't we?" Ember asked.

The grackle nodded.

"Yes, yes we have," he said, answering for the silent avian. "About a year now. So much planning, so many wonderful chats leading up to us finally meeting up together." He chuckled a bit, flexing certain muscles to make his cock twitch again, bumping it lightly against the avian's beak. "Heh. I can't help but think that you didn't expect this to happen, though; you might have wanted it...hell, I'm sure you wanted it, with all those pictures you sent me, but I bet that you never actually thought it would happen."

Adam slowly shook his head; it wasn't much movement, but then again, the hypnotic trance he was in didn't give him much freedom in that category. It was enough for Ember, though, and the lizard smiled. "You just wanted me to take control of you, didn't you? So brash, so eager to show off online, but with all those pictures you sent me, it was just too clear what you really wanted. What you really needed."

The lizard stretched out one leg, rubbing the bulge in the bird's panties with his toes. He felt it twitch underfoot as he kept talking. "You wanted nothing more than to submit to someone that could really take the control from you. And here we are; you on the floor in pink panties and sissy nail polish, and me on the bed, my cock just about to slide into your mouth."

Even in the silence it was clear that the bird was enjoying this; there were no words needed to explain the growing bulge underneath Ember's scaly foot. He smiled, running his foot along the bulge, gently pressing it against the bird's soft crotch, kneading the stiffening length and keeping it hard.

When a little bit of pre made the silk a little wet, he pulled his foot back. Turning his head to look at the underside, the lizard smiled at the visibly damp spot on his sole. The scales there were slightly darker than the ones around them, and he scooted back from the bird.

"Now, you'll perform one more task before we get down to the fun stuff," Ember said. The lizard extended the pre-soaked foot towards the grackle's face, wiggling his toes lightly. The spirals in his eyes seemed to concentrate further, getting stronger, and Ember felt the little blast of air that meant the bird was getting a good sniff of the underside. "Give my foot a nice lick; clean up the mess that your bulge left on it."

The command, once more, hardly seemed necessary; as soon as it was given, the bird almost leaped forward, fingers wrapping around the sides of the lizard's foot, holding it still and allowing Adam to get a bit more leverage for licking. Just like with the toe licking, the grackle's tongue couldn't reach far from his mouth, but it was still able to push out just enough to drag along the underside of Ember's foot.

It felt even better than the lizard expected. The mix of seeing his friend on his knees, eagerly licking at his foot, and feeling that slick muscle pressing against his scales there made him moan, and he had to lay on his hands to keep from reaching down and stroking himself again. The temptation was very strong, regardless, and he bucked his hips a bit in response.

He let the grackle keep licking for a few seconds past when he was sure that his foot was clean, just enjoying seeing his friend in such a state, before pulling his foot back. The feeling of saliva dripping along the bottom of his foot, running from the sole towards the heel, sent another of many twitches towards his cock, and this time, he didn't stop himself from rubbing his feet together. The slick undersides felt good touching one another, and he could feel the spit on one foot making the other that much slicker.

He couldn't resist anymore. Scooting forward on the bed again, he ground his cock against the bird's face, smirking at the blank expression as he smacked the tip of his cock against Adam's beak. "You've come this far. We both want this. And now, I'm finally gonna get what I've been waiting for all year. Open up, you slut; time for you to finally taste my cock."

As soon as the bird's beak opened up, Ember shoved his cock inside. It was hard to get the feeling that the internet described; the fact that the bird's beak couldn't close around his cock the way that a muzzle or pair of lips could made things a little more difficult. However, the feeling of the tongue along the underside of his shaft, the way that it wriggled eagerly around the bottom of his cock and around his head as he slid back, was more than enough to make up for it. His cock tensed, throbbing harder, and Ember wouldn't be surprised if his friend was starting to taste pre already. There'd been so much teasing leading up to this that he didn't think he'd be able to last long.

Then again, with his friend in a trance like this, he didn't really have to. This was for his pleasure, not Adam's; that would come later.

Keeping hold of his friend's head with one hand, Ember thrust in and out of the open mouth in abandon. The slick wetness of the tongue under his cock made it more than easy to slide back and forth, with just enough friction to make it pleasurable for him. Adam's tongue was almost pebbly, in a way, and the unique texture made it good to thrust against, even if the bird wasn't licking along his cock while he slid in and out.

Thankfully, the command to accept the lizard's cock seemed to affect Adam enough to get him to participate. Ember shuddered at the feeling of the bird's tongue sliding back and forth under his cock, waggling quickly enough to get at all parts of his length. It made him shudder, even holding still from time to time to just enough the bird's attention to his shaft.

A part of him was glad for the fact that the beak had to remain open for him to get any oral attention; it meant that he could enjoy it more. If Adam had been a wolf or anything that had a snout or muzzle instead, Ember was all too sure that he would have already cum from the pleasure. As it was, it was still borderline, requiring him to take breaks and hold still to keep from going over the edge too soon.

Even through the trance, Adam seemed to be enjoying himself. At least, that was what Ember thought the little grunts coming from the bird below meant; they didn't sound like they were uncomfortable, but they were too muffled to be sure whether they meant pleasure.

It didn't matter anyway; he was getting close to his climax, and he was going to enjoy it for what it was: his first claim on the bird below.

Throwing caution to the wind, the lizard brought his other hand down to the back of the bird's head. Forcing him down as far as he could - and keeping an eye on the beak points that pressed near his body - Ember forced the tip of his cock into his friend's throat. He could feel the throat twitching around the head of his cock, squeezing it and rubbing against it in an almost frenzied gagging reflex.

"Swallow...swallow around my cock and make me cum," Ember managed to grunt, holding his friend down. He was almost surprised that there were no struggling, or at least, that there was so little; aside from the slight resistance on the way down, Adam hadn't put up any fight. Even for someone entranced, that was a little rare. Must have wanted it worse than Ember had thought.

For a brief second, he wondered if the swallow command would be too much. After all, Adam had said that this was something he'd never done; maybe having a cock shoved into his throat was too much for his hypnotized brain to process.

But that worry only lasted for a second before he felt the swallowing start. The owl's throat was far tighter than his mouth, and Ember's eyes rolled back in his head at the feeling he received. Too good; the feeling was almost too good for him to stand. If he hadn't been on the bed, he was sure that he would have collapsed, and brought the owl down with him. As it was, he needed to push one of his hands behind his back to keep himself upright and avoid falling down on his back.

Again and again, Adam swallowed around his cock, and each time it felt like the swallows were pulling his cum further and further out of his balls, like the grackle was trying to suck it right out of him without bothering to get him to cum first. The pleasure mounted, growing higher and higher, stronger and stronger, until -

"Ooooh god!" Ember growled as his body spasmed, all of his muscles tightening at once at the intensity of his orgasm. His hips pulled back, bucked forward, pulled back, bucked forward again as he came, some of his cum splattering along the inside of the grackle's beak, while the rest of it was swallowed deep into the bird's stomach. The lizard panted as he rode his orgasm out, only barely avoiding the temptation to keep his cock in the bird's throat; the milking motions were pleasurable, but rapidly would become too much for his oversensitized cock, and he didn't want to turn pleasure to pain.

What felt like forever lasted about ten seconds, and he slowly pulled back from the swallowing bird. Chuckling through his panting breaths, Ember reached out, patting Adam on the head. "You can...stop swallowing," he said.

As the bird calmed down, the lizard looked down at Adam's panties. The front of them were soaked, the pre having soaked in and left the avian with a nearly transparent bulge, and the seven inch cock inside was twitching like mad. Even with the likely desperate need, however, the bird didn't reach down to stroke himself; the trance was too strong, too powerful to allow him that little indulgence.

And it made Ember all the happier to see his friend that way.

"Come on, get on the bed with me, Adam," the lizard said, suiting his words to deed by doing the same himself.

As the bird pulled himself up, moving in slow and jerky motions, Ember took the time to observe Adam's body, taking his time to enjoy it since his first orgasm had passed. Without the urgency that came with the need to cum, the lizard had a chance to actually see it for the piece of art that it was.

Everything about the grackle's body screamed sexy; from the finely cared for feathers all over his body to the slim musculature that stood out beneath them, from the throbbing shaft that looked sexy and ridiculous at the same time in his panties to the lovely, eye-catching ass that was in the back...it made the lizard grin, and shoved all new life into his shaft. Not enough for a second round, not yet, but more than enough to tell him that there was going to be one.

Settling Adam's back against his chest, Ember reached around him and stroked his hands along the front of the bird. The feathers were soft and smooth under his fingers, and it felt...nice...to be able to rub his fingers through them. They almost tickled his palms, and he smiled as he nuzzled his snout against the back of Adam's neck. There was no response, of course; there wouldn't be unless he commanded it. But that was the way it was with hypnosis; no matter how much you tried, it was never as good as a willing partner.

Well, at least not as good in the same way; that had to be taken into account.

He pulled his friend a little bit closer, feeling the harder center of the feathers press against him. The smoothness was still there, but Ember was careful not to push too hard on his friend's feathers; no need to cause damage from the pressure of cuddling. His fingers pushed through the little gaps between the feathers at the chest, his nails dragging along the grackle's chest, teasing the flesh beneath the feathers, and slowly working their way down towards Adam's panties.

Resting his chin on the bird's shoulder, he whispered, "I hope that you actually did want this, Adam; I can only guess right now, but I think you did. All those pictures, all those temptations you kept throwing my way, all the little things we kept talking about online; they meant this, I think. That you wanted this domination. That you wanted me to take control."

He sighed a little, his tongue pressing out to lick along the side of the bird's neck, feeling a little shudder beneath his tongue at the contact. The skin beneath the feathers twitched, the muscles trembling as his fingers continued ever lower.

They stroked just above the waistband of the panties as he spoke again. "You make a very good toy, you know?" Ember said as he flicked his fingers against the lacy rim of the panties. "You do what you're told...you fall under hypnosis so quickly...and it's so clear that you want everything that I'm making you do. You are what any hypnotist that wants a slut dreams of.

"But there are other things I want too...and when I'm done using you as a toy, you better be ready to deliver as a friend, too." The lizard's fingers yanked the front of the panties down, forcing the cock inside to bounce up and down as it was roughly freed from its prison. The scent of free flowing pre filled the lizard's nose, and he groaned as his cock hardened against the soft silk back of the panties. He wasn't drooling pre himself yet, but he could feel his cock throbbing, his hips shifting to grind himself more against the back of the panties.

His fingers wrapped around Adam's cock, feeling it twitch hard beneath his fingers. It wanted pleasure; it wanted to be pulled over the edge to an orgasm, just like the bird had given the lizard. And for a brief second, Ember was tempted to give his friend that release.

Then he pulled his hands back, instead rubbing in little circles around the feathered groin of his avian friend. "Heh...I know you want it...I know that somewhere, in that sleepy mind of yours, you want that orgasm. You want that feeling that you gave me, because you know you've been a good boy. You know that you've done so well so far, and you deserve a little reward for everything you did."

There was no response, yet again, but Ember chuckled as though the grackle had nodded his head, or begged, or done anything that would have been normal. "Well, you're not going to get it. Not from my hands, anyway." He reached down, grabbing the front of the panties, and tugged them back up.

He almost swore that there was a little moan, a little whimper from Adam as the panties came back up, covering his desperate cock. The length twitched beneath the panties, adding even more pre to the slimy mess inside. Just to tease him a little more, Ember stroked the bird's desperate cock through those panties, pushing him, edging him along. He could feel the slickness soaking through the silk and onto his fingers, but it didn't bother him; it was something he'd find useful in a few minutes.

Keeping the stroking to the slowest he could give while still keeping his friend hard, Ember kept up the whispers. "You wanted to be a little hypnotized toy...well, toys don't get to cum from being stroked, or getting little rewards. Toys don't even always get to cum; you're a very lucky little birdy, since I'm going to give you the chance to cum.

"But you're going to do it the way that I want you to, and if you don't cum when I start fucking your ass...well, then I guess you just had bad luck."

Ember rolled the two of them around, keeping Adam pinned to the bed all the while. He swore he heard another little whimper coming from the bird, but he ignored it, keeping his friend facedown as he got up on his knees, and stroked his cock a couple of times. The copious amounts of pre that had soaked through the panties was enough to get his cock absolutely soaked, slick as any oil that he had ever put on his shaft. "Get on your hands and knees, Adam...get on your hands and knees, my toy."

He moved quickly, getting up and presenting his rump to the lizard. Chuckling, Ember reached over and rubbed the ass cheeks through the pink panties, enjoying the way that the silk cloth covered them. It was almost skin tight, and he could see the shape of the bird's ass through it. Almost, he wanted to keep it that way, and find a way to fuck his friend through the panties; it was just short of being too sexy to ruin.

But he wanted the feeling of that ass around his cock more than he wanted the sight of his friend in panties. And after having his cock sucked on - or at least, having it in Adam's mouth - he wanted to see if the other hole was as good.

This time, he didn't bother going slow. He pulled down the back of the panties so hard that he almost ripped them off, and he pulled them down to hang down low enough for him to see the ass, but not the balls. With his free hand - the one not stroking his cock - the lizard spanked the bird, watching the feathered cheeks jiggle slightly before settling down again. "Mmmm, every time I think I've seen the sexiest you can be, you surprise me with something new."

Much as he wanted to keep those cheeks jiggling, however, he didn't want to spend too much time teasing. It was only a matter of time until the bird woke up, after all, and the last thing that he needed was to reinforce the hypnotic trance while they were in the middle of fucking. And despite the nails on the bird's talons being painted pink, he had little doubt that they could turn red if he screwed up and had misunderstood everything.

He pulled himself in close, his hands grabbing hold of Adam's ass cheeks. Groping them and squeezing them, he pulled them apart, and grinned at the twitching hole that lay between them. "Oh, now that is an ass that's hungry for cock," Ember said with a smirk. "Are you hungry for my cock, hmm? Or are you just hoping that my cock is finally going to give you the pleasure you need to get over the edge and cum?"

"Mmmmph..." the bird moaned beneath him, yelping at another spank from the lizard a second later.

"Heh, well, doesn't matter; either way, you're getting my cock in your ass. You better relax; all the lube you're getting is the spit from earlier and the pre I just rubbed in."

The bird didn't respond to that, but he felt that the muscles in Adam's hips and legs suddenly got a lot looser, more relaxed, and Ember felt more weight against his grip than had been there a second ago. Well, he had said to relax, he supposed; more than he had thought would happen.

Keeping the butt cheeks spread open, the lizard slowly slid forward. He felt the heat of Adam's asshole against his cock tip, and following the need that filled him, thrust forward.

He felt himself slide in far faster than he expected, the hole almost opening like a gate for him. It wasn't that it was loose - or at least, not that loose - but that it was relaxed and waiting for him to get in. The command must have affected more areas than the lizard had thought, if it had opened him up and made him go this limp. Despite the work it meant to hold him up, though, Ember found himself grinning a little wider; this was perfect. No pain, no problems, and pleasure for the both of them.

He slid in fast, hilting himself in seconds in Adam's hole, and the lizard held himself there. His eyes were rolling back in his head, just like before, but this time Ember couldn't stop panting even though he'd only just started having his fun. The heat of the bird's hole around his cock was amazing, surrounding him, squeezing him, rubbing him. They expanded and shifted every time that Adam took a breath, and Ember clenched his fingers, digging them into the feathery butt cheeks in a desperate effort to hold off his climax.

"Good god, your ass is good," the lizard managed to gasp out, panting softly as he collected himself. The slightest shift made him moan, and his toes curled against the blankets below him, clutching a bit of it and pulling it over his toes. He barely noticed, more focused on the feeling of his cock, and trying to get used to the incredible feeling of having it sheathed inside someone else.

Taking almost five minutes to get himself calmed down, the lizard finally found the stamina to start pulling back. The pleasure rushed back with a vengeance, and he moaned as he rapidly slammed back into the bird's hole, only having pulled a bit out before he felt the strong need to shove back in. The lizard shuddered again at the pleasure, but immediately started to pull out again.

Each time he pulled out, he was able to last a bit longer before he felt the need to shove forward again, and soon, he was able to pull all the way back to the head of his cock before slowly, teasingly pushing it back in. The quiet whimpers, the needy moans from the birdy beneath him made the pleasurable slams inside all the sweeter for Ember, and he took care to learn anything and everything those moans could teach him. He thrust fast, he thrust slow; he angled it from one direction to another; he even reached around and stroked the grackle's bulge as he slid in and out, teasing him, though he only did that occasionally with how much pre Adam was leaking onto the bed below, the panties positively drenched at this point.

However, as much as he enjoyed teasing the grackle below him, he wanted more. His cock throbbed as he slowly started speeding up, ramming his thick cock up into the hole before him, feeling it slowly loosen and relax even more around his shaft. The flow of his own pre started to speed up, and he could feel the hole start to fill with his own juices. It made each thrust wet and fast, and he could hear the slurping sounds coming out of the hole below. He moaned and thrusted harder, faster.

Fingers tightening, he pulled the bird's hips back to meet his thrusts, and after the first few times he did it, Adam started doing it on his own. It was twice as good, feeling the bird's hole sliding along his cock, occasionally surprising him with a sudden squeeze along his cock, almost as though Adam was trying to milk his cock for cum.

If that was the case, the lizard thought, the grackle wasn't going to have to wait for much longer. Ember was already panting hard, and he doubted he'd last another minute. His hips were speeding up, driving his cock into that hole faster and faster with every passing second, his balls sore with the need to release his cum, and from the feeling of bouncing off of Adam's swollen orbs. Both of them needed to cum, and desperately.

Panting hard, Ember pulled his friend back against his cock, holding him there. His cock throbbed, twitched, and almost felt like it bounced inside of the loose bird hole he'd shoved it in. Part of him pleaded for the sudden stop to be enough to keep him from going over the edge, wanting to tease his friend that little bit more; the other half begged for the stop to have come too late, for the two of them to go over the edge together.

The latter half won.

Ember growled as he came, his teeth locked together as his jaws tensed up. He yanked Adam upright, the two of them pressed together, feathered back to scaly chest, and the lizard moaned as he filled the grackle's hole. He could hear the soft splat, splat sounds of the bird cumming in his panties, and he reached around, groping and squeezing Adam's cock, milking him just as the bird's ass milked his own cock. The wet, warm feeling against his hand was almost as good as the feeling of the ass around his cock, and he shuddered as his own orgasm seemed to extend as a result.

Slowly, they collapsed on the bed, the lizard yawning softly at the sudden wave of tiredness that washed over him. He tried to pull back from his friend, but the sheer feeling of pleasure around his cock was a little too much for him to consider moving. It made him blush a bit; so much fun, and now he was stuck in place as much as Adam was because he was too sensitive.

Well...he could always get a little rest. He thought he had enough time left, anyway. Closing his eyes, Ember let himself drift off, curling up close to his bird friend.


"Hey. Hey, Ember, wake up."

"Mmmph..." Ember shook his head.

"Ember, this is kind of important." It was Adam's voice, he thought; it was a little weird to hear him in person, actually.

But not weird enough to keep listening. He was tired. He rolled over to try and get away -

"OOOOOOWW!" Ember shouted as an explosion of pain rocked his groin, freezing him in place as he whimpered and winced. He opened his eyes to see what the hell was going on, what had happened to him and why he was in so much pain.

The sight of his cock bent at an unnatural angle from his rolling over, still half buried in the grackle's hole, answered that. He groaned, slowly rolling back into position, still muttering as the pain started to ease.

"Anything you want to tell me?" Adam asked. His head was turned to look over his shoulder, and his cheeks were rather red, despite the 'innocent' smile he had on his face.

"I'll...explain in a minute..."

"Take your time. You already took my ass."

And how he was going to explain that one, he had no idea. But...well, hypnosis had worked once. Maybe it would work again...but later. Later when they were going to have fu-AH! The lizard groaned again, shaking his head. No fun...let his cock recover from that first...

Hypnotist or not, this was a good lesson. Don't fall asleep with your cock in someone else's ass, unless you KNOW you're going to go soft.

The End.

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Dancing Boner

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Touching Tents

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