
Story by Faora on SoFurry

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This story can be read from either a male or female viewpoint. It makes no difference. Please send all comments to me at [email protected] or post a comment on the forums. And enjoy.

  • Faora Meridian


It's been my dream for...for so long now. A desire so strong I almost exude it. I can barely remember before it started, nothing before really seems to matter to me much anymore. And, at the moment, nothing around me seems to matter either.

Except him. Just sitting there quietly beside me. He's got one arm wrapped around me, his eyes twinkling in the light. He's staring at me again...he's done that a lot since...before. It's still fresh in my mind, the sudden feeling that shot through me the first time I saw him like this. When I first found him staring at me like that. Because I know, with absolute certainty, that there is complete love behind those eyes.

I'd seen him before, yes...but it was never the same once we were together. It changed from something ethereal to something physical, something tangible. I could reach out and touch him. Sometimes I would, just to make sure that it wasn't all just a dream, an illusion created from my wanting mind. I'd been with him for so long...but at the same time, he'd not been there. It'd been hard to live, knowing that we were together, even when we were so far apart.

He leans in closer to me, and I can see his fur shimmering in the light, almost as bright as his eyes. It's truly amazing how, no matter how I look at him, no matter what time, or place, he always looks perfect. An exact image of who I want. It wasn't always what I wanted, but being his...him being mine...it changed everything for me. All of it. He became my idea of perfection, and I his.

I lean forward to meet him half way. There's a slight, happy smile tugging at the corner of his muzzle before it fades away from my vision, our lips meeting in a gentle kiss. The simple touch sends a pleasurable chill down my spine as I reach around, wrapping one arm about his waist while gripping his paw with my own. My eyes close as I revel in his warmth, letting him pull me closer. It's amazing, that before him, I could live without this.

I feel his heavy breathing through his nostrils, the sound almost masking the happy whimper I let slip from myself. If his arms were wonderful, then his kiss was heaven. I leaned up into it, deepening the embrace, dancing my tongue with his. One of his arms slips down, gently massaging the base of my tail and further cultivating my pleasure. He leans back, laying down and lifting me up over him so that I lay atop him, giving him a warm, loving smile as I break the kiss to gaze down at his beautiful eyes.

Neither one of us speaks, because neither one of us needs to. Everything I need to know is conveyed through my other senses, seemingly heightened by the mere presence of him right there. The gentle touch of his paw, stroking up and down the small of my back, the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, the growing scent of shared desire...it all mingles together inside me.

I lean down to kiss him again, longing for the touch of his lips against mine once more. I grip him tightly, never wanting to let go, never wanting the moment to come to an end. Some part of me knows that it doesn't have to end yet, allaying my silent fears. I run one hand up his side, drawing a smile from his lips. Gently, I let my tongue slide over his upper lip before meeting his own, the two mating deeply as he breathes a loving sigh through his nose.

I let my hands slide back down to his hips before bringing them slowly back up. I catch his shirt as my paws rise, but he does not pull back, does not resist. He breaks the kiss only long enough to let me lift the shirt from over his head, long enough to give me a smile of assent, before his lips were back upon my own. Never in my life had I ever had such want, such desire. Yes, I'd felt something like it before, with others...but it was all different now. This was no want born of lustful desire; this was a true expression of our love.

And I can see it in him, too. As gentle paws tug away inhibiting clothing, I can see it in his face. This is different from everything before, as well. It's not the same at all. Now, now there was an empty place that had been filled, a lonely void somewhere in his heart that I had broken into. And he knew that it had been the same for me. He was an intimate part of me, and I of him. And it was this moment, now that we're together, that we share ourselves to the deepest level.

He leans back a little beneath me, his eyes skimming over my naked form. I do the same, drinking in the myriad details of his body. Never before had I ever found something so wonderful, so pristine, so perfect, in all my life. And I knew - though I may not always agree - that he felt the same about what he saw in me. Our eyes locked once more with an electric jolt, a wave of profound peace and warmth flowing through me.

He parts his lips to give me a toothy smile, almost child-like in it's intensity. I know he's been waiting just as long as I have for this, and the knowledge that we were finally together brought a like smile to my own face. Cupping his cheek in one hand, I lift his head to mine, touching my forehead to his. His breath comes faster, the scent of his desire growing still stronger in the room. It begins to take its toll on me, and my own body begins to react faster.

I start to slide down his body slowly, the feeling of me grinding through his fur sending a little ripple of excitement through him. As I smile wider I continue my descent, stopping from time to time to lick and kiss at his stomach and chest. Our combined scents fill the room now, further intoxicating us, deepening the bliss blanketing our minds. All I wanted was him, and now, finally, after all this time...I had him. We were finally together.

I lifted myself up a little from him to gaze down between his legs with a smile. There it was, the object of my desire. Well...one immediate desire anyway. I looked up at him momentarily, meeting his eyes and dragging my tongue slowly across my lips, before lowering myself back down and giving the tip of his malehood a long, gentle lick.

I felt rather than heard the forceful exhalation above me, his warm breath washing down over my head. A quick flick of my gaze back up to him shows that he's closed his eyes, his mouth open in a silent assent to my actions. I smile again, leaning down lower to lick again, this time right at his base. I swirl my tongue around him, slowly working my way higher and higher, right to the tip.

He begins to vocalize his enjoyment now, quiet whimpers and moans coming from above me. They grow slightly in volume as I take his tip into my muzzle, sliding my tongue down the side of the head as I suckle gently at him. I feel his legs spread a little wider, twitching from the feelings emanating from between them. I allow myself a wide smile...I'd been waiting for so long for this, and here I was now.

I wanted to waste no time anymore; we'd wasted more than enough in our time apart. I began to move again, bobbing slowly back and forth along his malehood, letting my tongue slide back and forth against it. One of my hands came up, stroking the inside of one thigh gently while the other rubbed ever so softly over his stomach. I wanted greatly to just touch him, stroke him, explore every inch of his body with my paws...but there would be more than enough time for that later. There was still something I wanted far more than just that simple pleasure.

I feel his arousal grow stronger and stronger, from the subtle twitching of his hips to the gentle hand on my cheek, to the taste of his preemptory fluids on my tongue. I savor every sensation I was offered, even as I craved still more from him. I pull myself slowly back up and off him, eliciting a whimper of confusion and longing, before I silenced it with a deep kiss.

I wrap my arms around him and held him tightly, silently letting him know just how much I loved him. And it never ceased to send a thrill of joy through me to feel him squeezing me just as tightly, just as lovingly. This sense of closeness, this level of intimacy... it was exactly what had been missing from my life for so long. Finally finding it brought another smile to my lips, and I couldn't help but kiss him again.

We finally pull back minutes later, still firmly in each other's arms. I look brightly up into his eyes with a smile, grinning when I see him return it to me brightly. His eyes flicker downwards for a moment, before back up to my face again. I smile wider still, giving a slight nod. I knew exactly what he wanted, and he knew that I wanted it too.

Disengaging from his arms, I slide down and away from him for a moment. It feels strange, being without his warming touch for a moment, but I console myself with what I know will come. I lay myself down slowly; letting him get a nice, long look at my body, smiling inwardly at the effect I know that would have on him. Sure enough I feel his arms encircling my waist, his head snuggling into my stomach gently. He stares up at me almost reverently, almost as if asking me for permission.

I expose myself to him, openly offering him my body. I've waited this long to be taken by him, and a thrill courses through me as I realize that I'm about to give myself completely over to my love. It seems so surreal, that we've been together so long and that this is the first time...and I can barely wait long enough for him to make me his.

Then I feel it, that warm, damp touch of the tip of his shaft, sliding against my legs as he maneuvers himself into position. A shiver runs through me at the touch, my legs instinctively spreading slightly wider. I let out a whimper of my own, a submissive beg for attention, a want to feel him inside me. And gently...so very gently, I get my wish.

The head of his member slowly slides inside me, causing me to shiver and let out a slight grunt of approval. He pushes forward again after a moment, slowly moving further and further inside, until we're right against each other, our bodies joined at last. I feel myself becoming warmer, my body practically igniting as he gives a little push against me. I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath, and I release it in the form of a long sigh. Finally, after so long, my dream was coming true.

We lay there for a moment, both of us just reveling in the fresh feelings jolting through our bodies. I catch his eye as I raise one paw, gently caressing his cheek as I nod. He returns the gesture, stroking the back of my hand with his own. I feel him pry my paw from him, feel him give it a gentle squeeze, and feel him start to pull back from me again. I shiver a little for a moment, but it passes as he thrusts slowly back into me.

Never in my life had I ever felt such pleasure. Through it all was still a lingering pain that I knew from his initial penetration but now, overwhelming all else, was a deep sense of completeness, of universal rightness. I felt my love for him deepen in those first few moments, if it could ever do such a thing. And it was that love, that depth of emotion that made our joining so much more than either of us had ever expected.

His thrusts were slow and steady, pushing him deep inside of me before drawing back, only to thrust inside once again. Unbelievable feelings, near overwhelming feelings swept over me, partly through his actions, but more through the gentle care and concern he made them with. He only wanted to do what I wanted, only wanted to make me happy, only wanted me to enjoy myself. It was that dedication that brought yet more to it all, made me love him just that much more.

I feel a sudden warm breath on my neck, followed quickly by the feel of his lips against it. I arch my back with a gentle moan, giving his pulsing member a squeeze as it slid deeper. He'd always known how sensitive my neck was... I hear him gasp above me at the sudden tightness around him, permitting myself a smile. He releases a playful growl, giving me a sudden deep thrust that sends my thoughts into complete disarray, washing them away in a blaze of bliss.

I begin to push myself back against him as I feel the waves of pleasure building higher and higher, only fueling my need of him. I squeeze back against him again, my breath coming in short, sharp pants. Above me my love has closed his eyes, lost in concentration as he works to postpone the inevitable. I face a similar struggle myself, my body edging closer and closer to climax.

Then the familiar feeling suddenly tears through my nerves like electricity, flowing through my veins like fire. Together our bodies light up as the waves come crashing down hard around us, drawing sounds of carnal pleasure from both of our muzzles. I cry his name as we bring ourselves together, hilting himself as I feel the rush of his seed exploding inside me. A gush of my own fluids are released, the pressure of my body easing slightly.

Slowly, I come back to myself. Pleasure-overloaded nerves start to respond once more to my instructions, letting me reach up and stroke his cheek gently. Panting, he smiles back at me, a tear of joy sliding down his cheek as he opens his eyes. And it's this moment that lets me know that I found my one, my only, and my all.

...it's been my dream for...for so long now. Years have passed since it happened...but even now, as I roll over in bed, I can see him there. And I know that even though time has passed, our love certainly hasn't. It's a dream realized, a dream lived every day, and a dream I share with him, forever.

Simply dedicated to my loving mate, and to all of those who have found someone devoted to loving them to the fullest extent they can.

A Dragon's Love: Love Denied

Part two of the Dragon's Love series, and I'M SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY! Now you can shut up and leave me alone about how long this took. The first part of the story, as I said then, was a near mirror of my life at the time of writing. Though my life has...

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A Dragon's Love: Love Revealed

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Six Months

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