Six Months

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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This is a little gift for Todd Fox. I hope this feeds your collie addiction and brings you one step closer to total mental breakdown. Sorry, but I decided to to extend it further, but meh.

To anyone else that reads this, the private jokes will maybe be revealed in time, depending on when Raven and I finish up a joint'll depend on how much fun the writing is...and it is fun... If you want to learn how Bree and Todd met, join the forums! Post a welcome, and let me pounce you! Just don't expect your underwear to remain intact, anyone in there can vouch for that. *innocent smile*

  • Fae

It was late, just starting to get dark, when Todd pulled up at the hospital car park. He left the car running, turning up the radio as he waited.

He needn't have waited long, because there she was, walking towards him now. Aubree stood at a good five foot six, a good match for Todd's six foot two, and was, like Todd, a collie. She was dressed in a short black skirt and a white top, one that she prized very highly for the effect wearing it had on Todd. By contrast, he was wearing a pair of long white pants and a short sleeved white shirt.

She offered him a jaunty wave as she approached, which he was more than happy to return. He drove over to her, popping open the passenger side door as he pulled up beside her. She slid in next to him and closed the door, before leaning over and kissing his lips gently. "Hi baby."

"Hey Bree. How was your day?" He smiled as he moved out of the car park and back onto the road.

"Not too bad," she replied in a mock-tired voice, before laughing. "No, really, it was great. I had a good day."

Todd laughs. "You ALWAYS have a good day! It's a physical impossibility for you to have a bad day!"

She runs the back of her paw down his cheek. "You know me so well, honey." She frowned. "You look all dressed up."

"All in the spirit of fun, Bree," he replied, laughing silently inside, "I thought I might put on something nice to pick you up with for a change."

They continued to chat idly as they drove home. It wasn't a long trip, and they found themselves inside their apartment sooner rather than later.

Todd led the way inside, grinning ear to ear and hoping that all was going according to plan... He flicked at the lights, deliberately missing the switch as Aubree walked in. Quickly he closed the door behind her.

"What's going on?" she asked quietly as he slipped away into the darkness. She frowned, then turned to the light switch.

"No, don't worry about them. Power's out," came Todd's voice, from somewhere further inside. Aubree smirked but complied, following the sound of his voice.

"I'm sure we have some matches around here somewhere," he growled from somewhere. Aubree looked around, noting the timer on the microwave was still working. So the power ISN'T out...

"Found 'em!" the male collie crowed, gently withdrawing a match. He struck it firmly, and the room flickered to light.

Aubree gasped as sight returned, startled speechless by what she was seeing. "My goodness, Todd..."

He was standing before a table in front of her, the match dipping to light a pair of red candles. The table was draped in a bright crimson cloth, crytalline wine goblets were situated before two chairs, placed opposite each other at the round table.

Todd shook the match out, dropping it into a nearby bin. He waved at the table, inviting her forward.

She stumbled towards the setting silently, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Now what's all this then?"

He smiled, pulling a chair back for her to sit down. "Happy anniversary, Bree. Six months today. Almost to the hour, in fact."

She sat as he spoke, a wide grin blossoming on her face. "You didn't have to go to all this trouble for me, Todd. You know that."

"I know, Bree, but I wanted to." He walked slowly around the table, declining a seat for the moment. "I just have to pop into the kitchen for a moment. Don't run away now."

She laughed, a warm, silken sound that melted Todd to his core. He smiled once more, before darting inside.

There were two plates set on the counter, steaming with heat. He turned to see a familiar feline face smiling at him, before a pair of arms grabbed the plates, thrust them into his hands and shoved him towards the door.

Aubree turned as he stumbled back out, before he was able to recover himself. He hefted the plates, laden with some of the best roast he'd ever smelt.

He set a plate down in front of her, before dropping the other at his place. He raised a finger before she could take a bite. "Hold that thought."

She giggled. "I wasn't thinking too hard, Todd."

He dashed back into the kitchen for a second, to find the feline curiously absent. There was a note on the counter though. Todd picked it up, and read it silently in the candlelight. As long as you keep water guns away from Fae next time, you owe me nothing, it read. He smirked, and read the bottom of the note, a hastily scrawled, Bottom cabinet, right beneath you.

He reached down where he'd been told, and his fingers closed around the neck of a bottle of wine.

He carried it back out, showing Aubree the bottle. She nodded approval, and Todd popped the cork. He slowly poured the wine into the crystal goblets, before plugging it with the cork again and returning it to the icebox he'd pulled it from.

Finally, he moved back and sat down. "After all that running around, I'm surprised that you're still awake," she taunted lightly.

"Shush you," he replied, before smiling. "So. What do you think?"

Aubree sliced a corner off the meat and raised it to her mouth. After a moment of vigorous chewing, she swallowed and gagged. "Horrid!"

Frowning, Todd carved his own piece and ate it, not understanding what was wrong. "Are you kidding? It's fantastic!"

She laughed. "I know. Out with it. Who helped set this up?"

Todd kept his silence for a moment. Finally, he replied, "Raven."

Aubree laughed. "I half-expected that," she says, remembering her workmate, and the odd smile the black feline had been wearing all day, "What'd you give her in return?"

"I just promised to never let Fae near a water gun again."

They both erupted in laughter, remembering the day clearly. Finally the laughter subsided, and they continued to eat.

As they finished the roast, he motioned for her to stay put, as he ran back into the kitchen. He found the dessert where he'd been told it would be, and carved two large slices. He set the slices down on two small plates and brought them quickly out.

Aubree dove into the dessert, a personal favourite, with a vengeance, creating a whole new topic about her eating habits, and more laughter.

Todd reached subtly under the table as they finished the dessert, pressing the power button of the remote taped there. From across the room the stereo system turned on, and began playing some quiet music.

Aubree looked up and smiled as Todd stood, offering her his hand. She took it and stood, allowing him to lead her to the side. She pressed herself to him, resting her head on his shoulder as his strong arms wrapped around him.

She sighed against him. "You remember when we met?" she asked quietly as they danced, "You remember...exactly how BAD you were at this?"

Todd laughed quietly. "Yeah. But I had a good teacher, it al worked out all right."

They danced quietly for several minutes, holding each other tight. Todd saw Raven at one point, grinning wildly at him, before silently moving out the door. Aubree didn't notice her leave.

After the third song, she pulled away for a moment. "This has been fantastic, Todd. I don't know how to thank you."

He waved an arm dismissively. "Think nothing of it. Or rather, thank Raven."

"I don't think Fae would appreciate my method of thanks very much..." Aubree whispered as she leaned forward, kissing him softly.

"Oh," was all Todd could say, before he felt her muzzle pressed to his again. Their tongues met and entwined, locked as their bodies were in passionate embrace.

Todd felt her hands move between them, unbuttoning his shirt. He smiled and helped her, before shrugging the clothing away. He helped her lift her top off, before leaning in to kiss her again.

He kissed down her body, unhooking her bra as he went, all the way down to her hips. Todd looked up at her, who grinned and nodded. A moment later Aubree's skirt was around her ankles, and her hands were fervently undoing his belt.

Their mouths met again, both collies oblivious to the rising temperature of the room. She stepped out of her skirt as Todd's pants came loose, then free. Aubree all but ripped them away, nearly tripping him up as she did so.

She ran her back down his front, sending a shiver down his spine as she did so. Aubree swayed side to side as she descended, hooking Todd's boxers as she lowered herself to the floor.

Todd stepped out of the boxers and lifted her back up to face him, plunging his tongue back into her muzzle as she reached him. He lifted her into his arms as he kissed her, walking towards the bedroom.

He lowered her to the bed gently, following her down. She almost giggled as he lay atop her, wriggling playfully.

The tip of his erect member poked at her entrance, and Todd paused for a moment, almost as if to ask, "Can I?"

He didn't need to ask, as a moment later Aubree bucked up at him, swiftly drawing him into her. Half of his member disappeared within her.

Todd gasped at the feelings washing over him, before looking down and seeing the same pleasure written across her face. Before he could give it a chance to fade, he pressed in as far as he could, before removing himself. He thrust back in, starting to build up momentum.

She groaned and bucked against him at each thrust, wrapping her arms around his back to hold him tight. He held her close to him as he pressed further into her.

His knot began to swell, the edge of it touching her nether-lips slightly as he thrust in. Aubree almost bucked up at the touch, wishing that magnificent girth inside her, but resisted the urge...for now.

Her muscles clenched around Todd's member, teasing him, drawing him closer and closer to his climax. He tried hard to delay the inevitable, trying to retain control. The panting female beneath him was making that harder.

Sweat matted their fur down as he thrust deeply into her, his knot almost popping inside her as he pressed deeper still. Aubree growled in the back of her throat, and at his next thrust she bucked firmly up into him.

Todd's knot slipped inside her with a wet pop, locking the two solidly in place. Aubree cried out in pleasure, and her climax overwhelmed her. Her grip on Todd tightened.

He tried to thrust one last time around her clenching inner muscles before loosing control of himself, firing his hot seed deep within her. He felt the rush of her juices mixing with his own as pure bliss whited out his mind.

Slowly their climaxes subsided. His knot kept them solidly locked in place, but it hardly mattered. Neither was going anywhere.

Todd looked down at her, and smiled breathlessly. Panting, Aubree grinned back, her tongue lolling out her mouth as she did so.

She looked up at him and sighed pulling Todd down for a passionate kiss. He returned it, and rolled to her side, still locked to her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Todd." She smiled. "This was the best anniversary I could have hoped for. Thank you."

Yeah, I know! It's not a series! And there's yiffing! You know the drill, post your comments in the forum, or email me at [email protected] Head up the subject as Six Months. You'll always get a reply out of me!

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