Another Round?

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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Disclaimer Warning: Gay 18+

This story contains steamy man-on-man sex. Ain't your cup of tea? Don't read then. I will not be held accountable if you are underage (meaning you must be 18 or over) or if such content offends or disturbs you. If it is illegal to view such material in your country or local area then you are to leave this page immediately.You have been warned. You will read at your own risk. All the characters involved in this story are of legal consenting age.

Title: Another Round

Features: M/M/M

Length: 2289 Words

Species: Demon Fennec Fox, Demon Cat and Genetic Mutt

Description: Zwoosh (myself) getting into a rather sticky, locked up and yet very rewarding situation with two furs who know what they want.

Plot and Zwoosh are © to me.

Art and Maximus & Arlirrethil are © to:

Zwoosh was led to the back room in his befuddled stupor. It had began like any other night; go to a bar, have a few drinks, see what might become of the evening. Most times the mutt left empty handed, only sated with a gutful of booze and a heavy head. Other times he got lucky, a brief catch of the eyes and he'd be introduced to some burly male wanting to get into his pants. Not that he complained, he was all for the one night stands, but they were never as exciting as he wanted them to be. Vanilla sex in a hotel room a few blocks away, a quick blow job to warm up, then bend over and cue to dull rutting, all topped off with dozing off with an ass full of cum only to wake up next morning and have to creep out to avoid cleaning.

But tonight was different. He had taken up his usual spot on the outskirts of the bar, nursing a drink in one paw as he scoured the crowd for signs of potential eye candy. Sadly, nothing stood out, and he was left soberly watching overt the dregs of the beer in his glass swirl round and round as he contemplated trying elsewhere or just calling it quits and going home. He certainly didn't expect two paws to wrap around his waist and caress his inner thigh as something pressed up his backside. With a muted yip, Zwoosh went rigid in his seat as hot breath played against the back of his ear,

"Hey there cutie," the voice rumbled, "You looked lonely, mind if I join you?" Bemused, Zwoosh could only nod his head and gasp out something that resembled a 'yes'. He heard a chuckle resonate in his ear, and before he could protest, he was lifted up out of his seat as somebody else took his place. Then, swiftly, he was lowered back down, forced to sit in the lap of this random but very forward stranger, and he swore he could feel the bulge of something stirring beneath his ass. "What's your name, kid?" The voice whispered as the paws continued to massage and knead over his thighs and abdomen, making no attempt to be subtle.

"Mark, sir," Zwoosh answered dutifully, seeing no harm in giving his name, "But most call me Zwoosh... Just a nickname, sir."

"Zwoosh..." The male beneath him let the word roll off his tongue, seemingly testing it for its worth. A grunt soon followed, "Nah, that won't do us any good. How about we just call you pet? Or is boy better?"

"Both are fine, sir," Zwoosh breathed, feeling himself beginning to get comfortable on this man's lap, sinking in to the soft touch that he no longer considered intrusive. The more he sat there, the more daring those paws became until soon they had him panting hard as one went up to tease and toy with his nipples whilst the other found his package and promptly began to squeeze and taunt out his prized possession.

"You're hot for this, aren't you, boy?" The male growled in satisfaction, "You want someone to claim you, dominate this body of yours." Zwoosh could only nod in a haze of arousal, giving the man silent consent to do what he pleased. He couldn't see, but the mutt was sure that whoever's lap he was sitting in, the man had just given the biggest lewdest grin possible.

With a sudden jump, the male plucked Zwoosh up and shoved him to his footpaws. He flattened his ears as he turned around, worried he'd somehow done something wrong as he finally faced his would-be molester. The male in front of him was fennec fox, perhaps somewhat taller than Zwoosh himself but just as lithe. Most of his fur was a tanned brown, with only a more creamy beige on his chest, bordered by a stripe of orange. His tail and muzzle too had these strange colourings, but it was the amber eyes that took all of Zwoosh's attention away. They almost leered at him, and gulping down his nervousness, Zwoosh knew what those eyes wanted. Even now, he realised they were probably undressing him in the other's mind, wondering what lay beneath. He was actually doing the same, and the thick bulge in the other's trousers left nothing to the imagination. "My name's Maximus," the fox said, "I've got a friend who'd love to meet you..." His voice trailed off, catching just the hint of a smirk towards the end. Zwoosh bit his bottom lip as Maximus reached into a pocket and pulled out a collar that, without permission, he clipped around the mutt's neck. He made no protest, secretly loving the domination that was being dealt out onto him. This prospect of another person taking part though both enticed and intrigued Zwoosh, but he barely had time to think about it as he was tugged along by the fox and quickly upstairs.

They came to a door, Zwoosh wasn't sure which number, but Maximus rapped his knuckles against the wood three times quickly and then followed it up with two slow knocks. The door was hastily flung open, and the darkened hallway was flooded with light from inside the room. Maximus tugged and led Zwoosh inside, and before the mutt could even get his bearings, somebody else was groping and roaming his body with paws that held nothing back,

"Nice pick, Max," A gruff voice growled from above Zwoosh, "He looks like he could take the punishment." A low, guttural grumble shook from within the other's chest behind him, and Zwoosh tensed up a little, unable to stop the escaping moan from his lips as those paws roughly tweaked his nipples, "...and feisty too; such a good slut. We're gonna have fun with you tonight."

"Play nicely, Arlirrethil, we don't want to break our toy too soon..." Maximus chortled, handing the leash back to the unseen figure that towered over Zwoosh. He watched the fennec wander off to the side of the bed where some obscured gear had been laid out, and he was about to peer closer to get a closer look when the paw wielding his leash wheeled him round on the spot and yanked him close, causing him to yelp. His body was pressed flush against this other, rougher male, and the fuzz against his face made him realise that this new fur was naked. He was allowed to pull his head back and take a look at the dominator, but he was forced to stay where he was, held tightly by his waist. Looking up, he could see the muscled fur of softened black that lead up the mounded chest to the nape. There, strands of glossy white hair hung down, draped over the head and highlighted with a darker smudged black. Then Zwoosh saw the teeth; two large vicious looking sabre-teeth, fang-like and curled down and inward slightly as they seemed to gleam in the light. The male looked feline in appearance, but the small mutt was shocked by the two elongated horns that protruded through the tangle of long hair, horns that started off as coiled white until they became a sharpened colour that seemed to change its hue.

"Let's get you ready, pretty boy," Arlirrethil snarled, tightening the leash and pulling Zwoosh over to the bed where Maximus was waiting for them. Stripped down briskly and without being given much choice, the mutt's paws were taken and held in front of him, held together by the feline demon as the fox began to tie rope tightly around them, restricting his movement but allowing blood to flow. Next, there came a band that fitted around the mutt's dextrous tail, clamping down and then brought upwards towards his neck where it attached to his collar, keeping his tail raised and his hole exposed.

"I think the kid's ready, Arlirrethil," the fennec pulled Zwoosh's arms upwards as the male shook off what was left of his clothing. Apparently they'd been busying themselves getting naked whilst the mutt was getting prepared. He felt a paw stroke over his bared ass, heavy handed before he was rewarded with a smack to his rear, causing him to yip and jolt forwards a little,

"Oh yes..." the demon cat slurred, "He's very ready..." Another spank, and suddenly Zwoosh felt the hot head of something slap against his tight hole. Whimpering, he glanced back over his shoulder to catch the sight of a thick, terrifying purple length, ridged in places and dripping pre onto his rim; he shuddered at the sensation, the feeling of warm fluids against him. However, Maximus wasn't going to allow him the luxury of watching the entry. The fox lifted up Zwoosh's arms above him as the mutt was forced to look up, his head held forward, straight into the now-nude crotch of the controlling male. A pink shaft stood proudly to attention free of its sheath, and it too dripped cum onto Zwoosh's nose like the purple cock did right now against his ass.

"Get sucking, boy," Maximus growled, "You are to keep going until you're told to stop." Zwoosh flushed a deep red, leant back only to be pushed forward again as he felt Arlirrethil getting into position behind him, his muzzle barely having chance to open before that tapered head was slid into his warm mouth. A salty taste invaded his senses, but Zwoosh gulped it back and let himself be pulled forward downwards towards the gently throbbing knot at the base. He spied the low hanging ball sack, watching them with awe as they seemed to be an impressive size.

His breath hitched in his throat as he began to feel that bulbous head rotate around and smear sticky pre over his hole, the tip pressing ever so gently to test the resistance before Arlirrethil growled again, even lower this time with a touch of domineering lust. Slowly, he felt the demon get into place, his weight hanging over the mutt's back as that muscle rippled and shivered before Zwoosh began to feel the insistent pressure. There was no gentleness to it; Arlirrethil pushed in with a quick, hard thrust, burying over half the length into Zwoosh's tight ass raw. The smaller male would have screamed out in pain and pleasure, but the meat in his mouth made the sound come out as a muffled grunt followed by a groan. He looked up to see the two faces of the males that were claiming him, seeing their dazed, lusty grins with teeth gritted or hung open in quiet gasps of bliss. Arlirrethil didn't let up until the full length was ploughed deep into Zwoosh, the feline's huge balls resting against the much smaller pair. He dwarfed the mutt, and Zwoosh could feel his innards stretch and mould around the length inside him, his prostate being nudged and nursed by that ridged head causing his own dick to spill free from its sheath and hang down between his legs.

With a languish sneer, Arlirrethil began to pull out as Zwoosh went to work on Maximus's length, sliding his tongue along the underside and bobbing up and down its inches, feeling a pre of trickle accompany the sensation of thick spurts deep in his ass as the meat fucking at his behind deposited some natural lube. Slowly but surely, the cat's thrusts began to become easier to take as Zwoosh became looser and more accustomed to the girth, as well as the gloopy pre making it quicker to slam in to the hilt in one quick movement. Maximus above him sighed out a ragged breath, spurting out thicker streams of pre that Zwoosh lapped up obediently, suckling at those balls as he took a little initiative. All the while he grunted and moaned out loudly, not caring who heard him as the feline took control, ramming repeatedly with no let-up in his pace, delivering hard, swift strokes against the mutt's ass. Occasionally he would torture the submissive male by spanking his cheeks hard, leaving red, throbbing pawprints.

Zwoosh could tell it wouldn't take them long now; Maximus was beginning to shake, and his knot was swelling to a bulging size. The feline behind him was beginning to hiss and speed up, and so Zwoosh prepared for both their loads, sealing his lips around the knot of the cock before him so that the tip was sunk down into his throat and then clenching down on the meat lodged in his hole. Both males howled and groaned, Maximus cumming there and then straight into his gullet, the warm, oozing load sliding down his throat and then into his stomach, pooling there and leaving Zwoosh with a warm, content feeling. He let himself smile slightly as he released the spent cock, licking up its length as a few more droplets dribbled from the tip. Behind him the feline was practically roaring now, panting hard as he dominated the hole. Zwoosh expected him to cream his insides, but he whined when the male suddenly pulled out and shot his load repeatedly over his bare cheeks, smothering it in a layer of spooge. The mutt whimpered, wanting something more but not quite getting it. His paws were still trapped by the fox's grip, and he looked up to see that his manhood was still rock hard and primed... These guys must have popped some kind of pill, he couldn't be hard so quickly again. Zwoosh took another look back, a sly grin spreading across his muzzle as the feline stroked his violet shaft that still dripped with cum at the tip,

"Ready for another round?"

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