Logan's Acceptance

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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Warning: Gay 18+

This story contains steamy man-on-man sex. Ain't your cup of tea? Don't read then. I will not be held accountable if you are underage (meaning you must be 18 or over) or if such content offends or disturbs you. If it is illegal to view such material in your country or local area then you are to leave this page immediately.You have been warned. You will read at your own risk. All the characters involved in this story are of legal consenting age.

Title: Logan's Acceptance

Features: M/M

Length: 8689 Words

Species: Dog and Lion

Description: The second in a mini-serial: in a small, isolated village there is an evolving group of individuals who affect one another, influencing their lives... This is Logan's acceptance.

Characters and plot are © to me

It had been almost a month since I'd finally come clean to Robin. It had been gnawing away at me like some kind of diseased rat inside of me, and I'd finally had enough. Inviting him to the beach that had was one of the hardest things I've done in my life - and now it was probably the best. I'd actually risk a smile if I didn't fear now the consequences and repercussions of what we've done...

He and I have since been meeting privately, and more frequently, in secret. Sometimes we'd go back to the beach where he and I first... you know; now I found myself trekking up further into the hills and forests with him. Yeah, we'd fool around sometimes; he'd blow me off and we'd kiss and cuddle for a while, but never anything so serious... I wasn't ready, and part of me feared I never would be. It felt so strange having a guy do all those sorts of things with me. I was used to seeing long hair, curvy bodies, and tits. But Robin, he... He just blew my mind away, literally in some cases. He had that beautiful body, one that I couldn't keep my paws off, and he had the cutest face I'd ever seen. Simply seeing him smile made my day a whole lot brighter in ways I couldn't even understand. At first I thought it was just because he was such a dear friend, fuck, even a brother in some ways to me, but after a while it got scary... I spent nights lying awake just imagining him by my side, sometimes stroking me, moving lower and lower until I'd sprayed all over myself for the umpteenth time.

It felt wrong, all the same, to be sneaking around with him. It grated on every nerve in my body having to hide what we had, even if I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I wanted people to know, despite the nagging anxiety it gave me. I wanted to stop having to lurk in shadows with him, to make excuses all the time; he was more than my friend now. He was my lover. My everything, as long as you ignored the mushiness of how it sounded.

I sat across from him now, smirking at the dainty little things he did. His little finger running around the edge of his coffee cup, biting his lower lip, how his ears were always so expressive by either perking them up when happy, or by flattening them when he was sad. Most of all, I was smitten by the way his headfur fell across his brow and curled just slightly, showing me those sweet brown eyes. He had such beautiful eyes. I'd dated many girls, and never had I noticed their eyes as much as I had with him. He was grinning now, prattling off on some tale about visiting an open day at some university somewhere further down the coast. It always made my chest ache when he spoke about leaving. It wasn't fair... Why did he want to go so badly? Things were good here. My father was foreign, and he'd married my mother just months before she was pregnant with me. They'd tried living in my dad's country for a while, but political shifts worried them, and so, for my sake, when I was just a few years old we moved here, to this tiny fishing village dotted somewhere along the eastern coast. I knew nobody; they wouldn't talk to me. I was this alien and I'd just landed on their home planet. I was wrong. I guess I've always been something wrong. But Robin, he made me feel good about myself, and he gave me purpose. Ever since that day where I'd defended him from those bullies - I claimed now not to remember the incident, but it's been the most vivid memory of mine of my entire childhood. I hated to see him cry. It felt like the world was in shatters.

He mentioned something again about maybe going down again to get a look at the campus during a normal week day, rather than a promoted showboating affair. Damn it... I loved it here. We weren't near many who could hurt us, and we weren't hunted down by the issues of politics and urbanisation. We were surrounded by glorious landscapes, the air was fresh; why did he want to leave all this behind? Why did he want to leave me behind?

Well, that last part wasn't strictly true. He often asked me to go with him, probably more than I asked him to stay. I should ask him to stay more... maybe he'd get the idea that I didn't want to be without him ever again. Now that we were reaching new levels of our relationship I was... well, I was genuinely considering taking him up on his offer. I wasn't happy about it - I was actually pretty angry at myself fur buckling, even if it meant giving in to him - but I'd do it so long as we wouldn't be apart. If it meant that much to him, then I'd do it. I'd end up walking to very end of the Earth, if I'm not careful, for him.

"Logan?" His soft voice rang out in my ears, despite the thrum of the café, "What do you think?"

I thought for a moment. I always liked to phrase my responses just right,

"I think it's a wonderful idea," I answered truthfully; "You should definitely go check it out."

"Do you want to come with me...?" His tone was hesitant. Sometimes my heart would rage at me for getting so gushy over him, but I loved him all the same,

"I don't know, Robin. It's a long drive." I didn't want to have this conversation right now... Things were still good between us, and I didn't want it to be soured so soon. I wanted this to work.

"Please? We can stay overnight..." Damn him... He was pushing all the forbidden buttons I'd discouraged him from... But he knew me like a book, from cover to cover, and I could tell by the tinges of guilt in his eyes that he knew he was treading a fine line. I inwardly sighed; no matter what he'd do, I'd always let him get away with it. Fuck, he was the only guy in the world who could get me to be my angriest, and yet he was still my best remedy.

"I don't know..." I was still being honest. I just didn't know.

I saw him get visibly deflated as he let the subject drop like the lead balloon that it was. I tried to change tack, see if I couldn't lift his spirits a little at the very least before we headed back to my place. My parents were throwing a barbecue, given the splendid British weather we'd been having. Naturally, Robin and his family had an automatic unspoken invitation; our families were practically entwined anyway, regardless of whether we were brothers, lovers, or heck, even partners...

Oh... I looked down at my paw, rubbing the ring finger on my left hand where a glittering golden band should be. Oh how I wished...

"Hey... did I say you have the most beautiful ears?" It had become a small joke between the two of us. We were snuggling on the beach, me having just shot my nut into his hot little mouth, and he asked me what I found most attractive about him... I'll admit now he caught me off guard, and the only thing I could blurt out before he'd get offended was that he had the cutest ears, about how they always gave his mood away. He pretended to be upset, but I saw the rosy blush beneath the white of his cheeks; he loved the compliment really. Once I'd got my composure back though that night I made sure to shower him in all the things about him that I cherished... which ended up being just about everything. Looking back, it was probably quite mushy, but I don't like lying. I haven't lied since I was a kid.

He gave me a small giggle, and his ears flicked their way back up again, and I saw his tail wagging behind him in a happy sway. Fuck... he really was the sweetest guy. I wanted to so badly lean across the table between us and just snog him right then and there...

"Come on..." I said, smothering the errant thoughts of kissing him in public, "Dad'll be firing up the grill soon. We don't want to miss the food."

I lived only round the corner, so we ended up taking our time strolling down the street. It was pretty late, and the sun was once more setting on the two of us, so we chanced holding each other's paws. It felt nice, to feel his soft, smooth pads brush and squeeze against my own. I was on edge the entire time. We'd barely moved past quick pecks on each other's cheek or lips, and now here we were holding one another's paws for a distance of about two hundred to three hundred yards... Baby steps, I know, but still... It made me panic, and I felt the grip of tension slug down on my limbs.

He ended up tugging me along until we reached my doorstep, and he could see the strain in me. I don't know how he does that, but so far he's been the only person capable of reading me. He gave my paw the most comforting of squeezes, and I stared into his eyes. They had such warmth... the kind of warmth you get when you sit in front of a fire, spooning close with the love of your life...

Oh Robin...

I gritted my teeth and gave out a low sigh. Time to put back on the masks and pretend like nothing was going on between us. It was hard, not to share the sultry looks from across the room with him, to stop my paw from sneaking across and wrapping my fingers with his. But, I couldn't chance it. Not in front of my parents, not in front of everybody that was close to me...

Opening up the door, I stepped aside to let robin through first, like any gentleman might, and he gave me the most flattering blush. He was just the cutest thing... He gave me a smooch on the cheek in return for my kindness, and not wanting to feel like he had the upper hand, I slapped on the butt lightly. God it was such a tight bubbly thing and part of me couldn't wait to get my paws properly on it. I just... couldn't. Not yet. It was still too weird. Sex with a guy was just impossible to my mind, and I tried in every way to see if I could factor myself into it, but I just couldn't. What if Robin turned around and asked me for a turn at my hole? What if he wanted me to do something I wasn't comfortable with? I'd be letting him down... and whilst it's shallow to think about the problems of sex when considering the longevity of the relationship, it's something I just don't want to stand between us... I want Robin to be happy, in all aspects of his life. I saw the happiness and content in his eyes when he tasted my seed, and whilst it did spur me on and drive me wild seeing him get so turned on by my body, it was still a big concern for me. I just... needed the right moment to take a risk.

"Logan?" A voice called out from the back room, "Is that you?" It sounded like it came from the conservatory; probably my dad. He had the loudest voice out of all of us, and despite me being quite big in size, he still managed to have nearly a good foot on me. He had a bigger mane too, which I didn't understand. Having such huge fur was a pain, and took forever when showering. Kept mine trimmed, which rather amusingly he didn't understand either. But still... he looked very much just like a more mature version of myself, with a bit of greying around his whiskers. My mum was just more slender, and lacked the mane. She and I shared the same eyes, and apparently I had the same mannerisms as her. My dad was apparently rowdy and boisterous, whereas my mum was quiet and thoughtful. It almost seemed like too good a match; my chatty dad and my silent mum. Heck, it was just like Robin and I. I sat back and listened whilst he indulged me with his tales and opinions... and I couldn't get enough of it.

"Yeah dad, it's me; I brought Robin with me. His parents are coming over later," I called back, kicking off my shoes as the Border Collie took off his coat.

"You've got a visitor, buddy..." A visitor? Who? I didn't have a clue as to who it could be... I don't remember inviting anybody else over. I just wanted to share the rest of the day with Robin.

I gave my boyfriend a curious glance, hoping he'd note the frown on my face and understand that I hadn't planned this. He gave me a gentle nod and a reassuring smile; he had my back for a change of pace.

I wandered through to the back of the house, with Robin following in tow. We walked past the cheap paisley décor and the skewed picture frames depicting my family life from toddler up to the present day. I had memories in this home, in this village; yet more reasons I shouldn't leave. Why_we_ shouldn't leave. Why couldn't Robin just stay here with me...?

Shuffling my way into the conservatory, I was met with the odd sight of my parents dotted about the room, but sat on the sofa with her paws clutched neatly in her lap and not a hair out of place was her. My eyes went wide, and I could swear that my pupils must've been like pinpricks. She was the last person I wanted to see.

Her name was Samantha, Samantha Ling, and she was trouble. A graceful, sly looking Siamese cat, she had a very angular face with the most piercing eyes I'd ever seen. They simply oozed cynicism, and she had the posture to match. Samantha was very much the type who had a superiority complex. Things had to go her way or else they couldn't go at all. We had started dating around about a month after she'd moved into the village, and since then it had been an on and off farce of shoddy dates and hot, long nights... Her parents had moved into the village from the capitol city, and so naturally she'd met the same distant coldness that this charming warm village had for those who didn't fit in. But she was... feisty. Borderline arrogant, if I was honest, but that's what attracted me to her in the first place. She simply just didn't give a shit what people thought. She dyed her headfur, pulled faces at those who stared at her funnily, and she even swore back just as colourfully as those that sent insults her way; truly an individual, if ever there was one. Back when she and I... dabbled, she was into some interesting stuff, and she was the one I'd almost said those three little stupid words to.


I had somebody else I was waiting to say those to now. I just didn't know how to... I just couldn't accept it that I'd fallen for him...

"Mum, dad... Sam. What are you doing here?" Samantha held up her hand to silence my parents before they could speak. Such a bitch... she was so full of herself. It made my blood boil how she treated people sometimes and it was usually how our dates ended - with her getting me so riled up that I'd up storming off and her clacking her high heels behind me. As I thought back on it now, she was probably doing it on purpose once she'd figured out how to push my buttons and get into my pants. She probably even enjoyed the thrill of having me in such a savage state. The only time I'd been angrier was when Robin had forced me with the ultimatum: stop dating her, or he'd never speak to me again. That was four months ago, and since I'd finally left her I'd never felt happier. She was making me ill with all the stress of constant anger, not to mention how I was hurting my sweet Robin. Maybe that was then I finally begun to realise my feelings for him...

"I'm here, Logan," she said with articulated poignancy, "Because I think we both know that you made a terrible mistake several months back." I made a mistake? Fuck her; I made the best decision of my life. Well, second best decision. My first was finally opening up to Robin on that beach.

"I certainly don't think so," I spat back, rather irritably. She rolled those cutting eyes of hers. Stupid bitch...

"Logan, come on, admit it to yourself, we were good together," She lowered her voice, even though my parents and Robin could still probably hear, "And I mean very good together... Stop deluding yourself and just take me back. You know it's what you want deep down."

"Give me one good reason why I'd want to waste my time on you." Her face dropped. Sweet mother of Mary, yes... It brought a smile to my face when she didn't get her way. She scowled, stood up, and faced me squarely in the face. I saw a little flit of her eyes towards Robin who hung nervously behind me. She had a vendetta against him ever since he'd managed to prise us apart. Her scathing look ended quickly, and she closed the gap between herself and me. She had these tanned shades along her fur, with smoky black portions along her face and paws... A few months ago, I might have said she was the only girl in the world for me. I was blinded by fury and on a heavy rebound that I just couldn't see anybody else. Now... she just looked boring and dull. Her fur was rough, and her face no longer that had sexy appeal or smouldering looks. Robin far surpassed her, in every level.

Why was I only seeing this now? I'd been so stupid...

"Stop getting so worked up, sweetie, and just let things happen..." She cupped my groin subtly, "Naturally..." Whilst my parents didn't notice the grope, Robin did. I heard his quiet, almost silent whimper of jealousy and misery. He was too timid to speak up. He didn't have the confidence to come out of the closet. Not on his own...

I shoved Samantha back, and she staggered on her feet for a second before righting herself, a seething look slapped across her ugly mug. I stared at her blankly, my gut beginning to sink lower and lower until I swore it had dropped through the floor,

"I won't and will never take you back," I stated clearly and with a level voice, "I've found the love of my life... I'm with someone else." Even my parents shifted and glanced between one another. This was big news to them. Normally I always announced when I was dating someone new.

"What?!" She sneered, "Who? When was this?!"

"About a month ago; we had known each other all our lives practically, but now... Now I feel differently." It was time... I sucked in probably the most important breath in my life before I dropped the biggest bombshell that I might ever imagine. I reached behind me and took Robin's paw, gently tugging him forward. The poor thing was shaking like a leaf, and you could tell he was absolutely bricking it. He was terrified, my sweet baby. I gave his paw a loving squeeze before I let it go, curling my arm around his waist and using my other paw to cup his chin. I tilted his head towards mine and let my old life go. I took the final step and sealed the way behind me as our lips touched in that tense, electrifying moment. At the same time my stomach imploded in on itself whilst my chest soared with pride and happiness. It was a surreal feeling, kissing not only a guy, not just my best friend but someone whom I genuinely considered my soul mate in front of both my parents and my ex. You could have heard a pin drop - well, only if you ignored the three jaws that all hit the floor. The kiss became passionate, and it lasted for only a few seconds but felt like hours. I didn't want to let him go. Not now, not ever. We were in this together from now on. No going back.

"Robin and I are dating. We're together; a couple."

"You... you and Robin?" Samantha gasped, refusing to hide her look of disgust. She visibly shuddered, gagging as though our very presence now made her sick, and gave her most vicious disdainful glare I'd ever seen her give - and for once, I didn't get angry. I just pitied her. She was really showing her true colours now, and I'm glad I picked my cute black and white mate over her ugly shades of hate. For a moment I feared she might lurch for my Robin, as her claws had distended from her fingers and flashed menacingly as she wrangled her pads together. I was about to step between the two of them, pushing on Robin's chest to move him behind me as she lunged forward, pointing a long, bony finger at my face, "You are scum and will go straight to Hell! I hope you burn, you faggots!" Without waiting to hear another word, she stormed out, slamming the front door shut and leaving the house in stunned silence. I waited a moment before turning to my parents, the real fear beginning to set in that I might lose the people who'd raised me and brought me into this world,

"So..." I edged warily, probably looking quite timid despite my usual strong demeanour, "Are you okay with that?"

My dad had this dark look in his eyes. I'd only ever seen that look twice so far in my life. Once, when he'd learnt that my cousin Richard had had his leg amputated after his patrol had missed a hidden bomb at the roadside whilst serving for the army, and again when my granddad had died suddenly in his sleep one night. I associated those eyes with morbid and sorrowful times... and to see them now cut my heart in two. Even if I still had Robin, I would have to live with the shame of never having my dad's support or love ever again... And that was a pretty savage cut.

My mother, on the other hand, remained blank. The same blankness I'd seen when she thought I wasn't looking as a child, when we'd first moved here. My dad had filled me in a little as to what happened, though neither of them went into detail; she'd apparently been rejected by most of the locals whilst out shopping and spreading the word around that they'd recently moved in. It had thrown her into a depression, and she often would just stare into space as though she'd simply shut down there and then. Another negative association, and here she was now with it, the same dull eyes as though the light was no longer on and anybody who had lived there having vacated long ago...

"Are we terrible parents?" Oh shit... My dad was talking to my mum.

"No, no Jim, we're not... Maybe we just weren't communicating enough." Her tone was placating... Were they trying to justify having failed to produce a normal child?

"But I'm sure we've mentioned it enough times to him..." Mentioned what? I didn't understand. Even Robin looked perplexed.

"Perhaps not enough or maybe he just wasn't listening." My mum sighed, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle, "I mean, I did tell you that I had a hunch he was?"

"Yeah, yeah," My dad was chuckling now, and it seemed like Robin and I were totally invisible in the room. I had to restrain the growl that rumbled in my chest. I hated being treated like a child when I wasn't one anymore.

"What the hell is going on?" I snipped, cutting into their little conversation. They both stopped and clamped their muzzles shut and fixed me with an even gaze. I held firm though, and returned them with my equally intimidating stare. I would not fold, not this time around, and not with something so personal to me. It was my dad who broke first, and let loose a cocky grin,

"Logan, we've told you, or at least, we've tried to tell you that we don't care who you become, or what you decide to do with your life," he said warmly, "We will always love you, and we're proud of you no matter what." It's true, they did say when I dropped out of college and began looking for a job that they'd support me until I found something that suited me, and that no matter what line of career I ended up in they'd be proud of me regardless so long as I worked hard and did well (for the record, I'd like to say I have got a job, but I'm thinking about training to become something more, maybe even give something back to the community). I was an only child... the pressure to succeed and achieve was overwhelming sometimes. But I had thought that this pride only applied to the normal stuff like jobs, education, life choices... not my sexuality, or who I dated.

Although, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to connecting the dots; maybe I just hadn't thought things through properly.

"I've always suspected you and Robin would end up together... if only the pair of you could see yourselves when you think you're alone... It's always so adorable to see you two together." My mum's voice was gleeful, almost ecstatic. Had she truly known about my feelings even before I did? It seemed impossible, though I never questioned my mother's intuition.

"So... have you two down the horizontal tango yet?" Oh fuck... Oh fuck no!

"Jim!" My mum scalded, horrification sketched across her features, "That's private for them! You have no right to ask, and besides it's really creepy and perverted!"

"Can you blame an old man for being curious?" He flashed a toothy smile mine and Robin's way. Oh god this was so not happening... My dad grabbed my mother's paw and lifted her to her footpaws, pecking her on the cheek, "Come on honey, I think we need to go pick up some more supplies for the barbecue later. We've got about an hour or so before we need to get things underway." He sent me a brief wink, one that nobody else saw. Shit... was my dad not only condoning Robin and me... doing that, but also giving us a chance to do it?! "I'd like my wife to take a stroll with me." He let his deep voice slur on the last few words, eliciting a giggle from my mum. Just like Samantha before them, they whisked themselves out the door in a flurry of laughter.

Standing there dumbstruck and gormless, Robin and I looked at each other, silent smiles fixed upon our faces. So much had just happened in such a short amount of time, it was quite a lot to take in. Me, coming out to my parents as being in love with another guy, confronting my ex, and publically acknowledging my relationship with Robin, whilst he had just properly come out, dealt with part of my history a second time around, and was now essentially becoming more of a part of my family. Were things going too fast?

I didn't think so.

But now we both knew what we were expected to do, or at least what my father expected us to do. I didn't know if I could consummate our relationship finally... I'd made leaps and bounds already today; was one hurdle more too much, or should I just bite the bullet and get over it once and for all? Robin sensed the uneasy aura that I was sure to be giving off,

"You don't have to, you know, just because he's implied it doesn't mean we have to."

"I know..." I said in my typically noncommittal response. I was still making up my mind, like a roulette wheel and I'd just thrown the tiny silver ball.

"I want you to take things at your own pace. I can wait." The ball was still rolling, twirling round and round... Time to make my bet, do I decide to gamble and play, or keep what I'd won today...

"I mean... I'm ready when you are, don't get me wrong..." Still rolling... final chance. "But only when _you_are ready."

Fuck it... Time's up.

Softly, I kissed Robin to shut him up, pressing my tongue into his mouth and tasting that delicious sweetness I'd come to know and love about him. He often remarked that I had a musky, manly taste and scent about me, and I had thought he was just trying to flatter me, but he had a point. People had flavours, in a way, and I'd learnt that Robin's was sweet, but with a hint of masculinity that I'd rarely come across when dating and shacking up with girls. I found I liked him better though, even if it went against my usual preferences.

He moaned and melted into my kiss, as always, and I held him close to me. I felt him wrap his arms up around my neck, his lower height forcing him to stand on tiptoes as he swapped tongues, groaning against one another. He tasted so good... and he smelt like sweetened summer fruits and freshly mown grass... I inhaled through the fur along his neck, licking and nibbling as I moved down his nape for a change. He tried to breathe out some kind of protest, but with a few carefully aimed suckles at his sensitive parts and he was soon shivering against me. In his weakened, delirious state, I scooped him up bridal style easily; he must've only weight a hundred pounds and a bit. He felt so light. Maybe, if I went with him when he moved away, I could get him to eat some more... Get him a little bit meatier so he wasn't just a stick. If we were to be together then I didn't want him having to worry about his image. I didn't care about that. So long as he was healthy, that's all that mattered.

I carried him upstairs to my bedroom. Since dropping out of college, I'd stripped it of most of the stuff I thought I didn't need or had outgrown. Now it was decorated tastefully with neat, adult looking bed covers, a tidy arrangement and an immaculate cleanliness. You might have mistaken it for a guest bedroom, were it not for my trinkets and such I'd collected over the years. I had this thing where I'd collect small items as memories of momentous occasions. They lined the shelves and added a little life to the otherwise primarily functional room. It was only a temporary measure, and Robin understood that; living with my parents wasn't supposed to have last so long, but now that I was nearing my twentieth birthday it felt like I should maybe spread my wings, so to speak. I had just been waiting for my Robin to join me...

Laying him down on the bed gently, he relaxed into the covers, looking up at me as I stood over him. His fur had fallen back across his face in just the right way, and the sleek curve of his body just made him look so fucking hot, even in clothes. This was right. This was what I wanted to do.

I began to follow through with what I usually did with girls. They normally liked it when I ran my paws over them and called them dirty names, and it made my blood pump fast as they screamed my name, but I didn't know with him... I reached down with my paws trembling like heck, circling around his hips before trying to go under his shirt, missing the first time and the second time my claw catching on his smooth stomach. He blushed and sat up, looking bewildered. Fuck. I'd ruined the moment. Now I was never going to properly satisfy him...

He pulled me onto the bed with him, shuffling back on his butt until I was sitting opposite him. Our faces were so close... I could feel the gentle wisps of his breath tickling my whiskers... What was he doing?

"You're going to be no good at this. It's your first time." I snorted; first time my ass! I've been with plenty of women to know what to do. He just rolled his eyes, shaking his head, "I meant first time with a guy." He was wrong again. It wasn't that at all.

"No... It's because it's you." Shit, he looked hurt; I tried to smooth things over quickly, "I mean... like, I just don't want to ruin things. I don't want us to have sex and for suddenly everything to fall to pieces. I want this to be perfect..." He blushed again, an even deeper colour than last time, and his ears splayed each to the side. It was his look of confused innocence, and it struck me to my core.

"It'll always be perfect with you," he mumbled, his paws travelling down to pull my shirt off, "Forever and always..." I said there motionless as he slipped my shirt free from my body, and let it fall to the side of the bed. I was now bare-chested in front of him, and he slid his paws down the groove of my abdominals until he reached the button to my fly. He led the way by popping it open, and then gently tugged down the zip. I was frozen, transfixed with what he was doing, gazing intently as his gorgeous paws did all the work. Not once did we move from where we sat, and he rubbed gently over my bulge through my underwear,

"Get those pants off, then come and undress me..." He told me, and dutifully, like a lost puppy, I did as he said. I stood up, not moving too far away from the bed as my pants slipped to the floor, followed by my boxers. My erection slung free, arching upwards with its intimidating eight inches of barbed, slick hotness. I knew I could make most girls just wet by the sight of it, so who knows what sort of reaction it had on Robin. Maybe he just had a heavy flow of pre or something. That seemed about right.

I knelt back down on the bed, and slunk towards him, keeping that darkened glow in my eyes just to set him on edge. He loved it when I acted all primal and shady; I gave a low growl as he flushed and mewled like a puppy, falling back onto the bed. Get him undressed, right. I could do this. I reached forward with more confident paws and gripped the bottom of his shirt. Obediently, Robin lifted up his arms, and I slipped off his shirt, revealing his nude torso. He had such soft fur, and I found myself lost with stroking over his slim taut belly. I could feel the quivers of his rapid breathing, and the look of passion and anxiety over what was about to happen was still as fresh in his eyes as when we had first became intimate on the beach. Visions of us over and over came to me as I looked down upon him; various positions, different settings occasionally, but always with him, and always as hot as ever. I wanted to make love to him, and I wanted my bed to be his too.

I curled my fingers around the waistband of his jeans and pulled them away to reveal the lacy red of his chosen underwear. I'd learnt about a week or so into the relationship that Robin liked kinkier things... and so it had been a mild though not unwanted surprise that he wore girl's panties. Tonight's chosen pair were these sensual laced style bikini panties, and it hugged his hips in all the right places, and made his moderate bulge look sexy and cute, nestled tightly against the strained fabric. Pre had already begun to drip through, and I stroked a fingerpad over the wet spot, knowing it was the incredibly sensitive tip of his cock. He had to restrain himself from bucking against my paw... God, I never knew it could be like this... I'd always thought of it as this painful ordeal for the bottom, that they were losing out on all the fun whilst the top just got off and then hovered around until the guy who'd got fucked creamed himself.

Grinding for just a little more, I put Robin through his paces. In an odd way, he wasn't so different than any other girl, only except he was ten times more steamy and I wanted him more than anything else. But if I touched him in all the same ways as any other girl, or if I spoke to him in the same low tone, then I got pretty much the same reactions out of him than my past partners. The only slight differences being that he had a dick and just made manlier sounds, though whether he was trying or not, he did make the cutest effeminate squeals or moans as I stroked him. It was weird at first, jacking off another guy, but as I rubbed along his length through the lace panties, the easier it became. Then I let myself relax, realising that Robin would never ask me to submit, to blow him off, or to let him fuck me. He really was being honest when he said he only wanted to bottom... It made e_verything_ so much easier.

"Say my name..." I groaned, lying down on top of him, our fur very much nearly touching but not quite there. My paws went for his wrists, and I placed my thighs over his own, pinning him down. I let my muzzle hang just inches from his, my crotch right above his own... It was driving him insane, being so close, yet unable to do anything.

"Logan... please..." He huffed, the need burning in the backs of his eyes. He strained against me, but I was stronger, and secretly he loved this. I could smell the arousal from a mile off. I gave him a perfect replica of my dad's cheesy grin,

"Say it like you mean it, babe..."

"Logan!" He moaned out, throwing his head back as the guttural sound rose from his throat. It sounded almost like he was cumming, but a quick check to see verified he was still hard and waiting. God I didn't realise I could have this much of an effect on him... Most girls would just yell my name as they came, but never did they do it with such want and desire, and Robin had just done it merely because I was there, let alone touching him.

I took his lips against my own, and I finally let my groin smother his, gyrating my hips and much larger length against his smaller one. He wasn't that large, honestly, being smaller than me by two or three inches and not as thick either. But it felt good to feel his rock solid, throbbing tool slide against my own. Maybe being with a guy wasn't such a bad thing... Maybe I could really enjoy this, more than I'd imagined. His taste filled my maw again as I held his head between my paws, running one through that luscious headfur of his. Instead, whilst I was making my mark in his mouth, he was busy groping at my toned ass, squeezing the tight muscle as he clutched on for dear life. His body writhed and thrashed beneath me, and still I could feel the appreciative rumbles stirring from his chest. Eventually, after a few more seconds of swapping saliva, I pulled back; just enough to let a strand of thin spit connect our tongues briefly. He shivered at the sight, and I leant back further until I was arched back somewhat, my manhood flopped across his own junk, practically hiding it from sight. I could feel my barbs dragging across the slick flesh of his cock, and my baby was doing his best not to cum right there and then. I gave little thrusting motions with my dick as all my inhibitions simply fell away.

"What do you want me to do, babe?" I growled, holding my paws on my hips as I acted all innocent like. Moaning and grunting, he could barely form the words to stammer out a sentence,

"P-please... baby... f-fuck me!" I grinned; I had him eating out the palm of my paw. He was desperately in need of some _serious_attention, and I was more than happy to oblige. I leaned over and tore open my bedside draws, fumbling around inside until my paw fell upon the bottle of lube and foil packet of the condoms I always kept. I tightened my grip around the bottle, but my mind faltered when I considered the condom. He wasn't a girl, so I didn't have to worry about getting him pregnant, and that sheath of plastic to me was what removed a whole new level of intimacy and trust. If I was going to go finally all the way, then I wanted to do it right. Fuck, it was reckless and I was opening a huge can of diseased worms, but this was Robin. I trusted him, and I wanted nothing to come between us, even if it was just as symbolic as a prophylactic. I drew out the bottle and flicked the cap off, and then poured an incredibly generous dollop over my fingers.

"Want to get me ready whilst I loosen you up sweetie?" I asked softly and with a cool tone. Robin yipped quietly under his breath, but said nothing and reached towards my crotch with both his paws. I handed him the bottle as I propped his thighs up over mine now, so that my balls rested just against his taint. Reaching under him, my fingers felt around for that delicious pucker. I'd done anal before, I was no stranger to that, and I knew that I'd need to manually prepare any hole for entry unlike a needy woman's pussy. I pressed the tip against the quivering velvet flesh, and I felt him shudder in anticipation beneath me. Whilst I had expected him to be looser than those I'd been with before, it felt... almost right in a way? I mean, I know he's been with guys plenty of times before - he's not a virgin after all, and whilst it makes me jealous to think I'm not his first, I respect he too, like me, has urges, needs, and holes to be filled. But... it felt like I didn't have to be extra careful with him. Like, we both knew what we were getting into, to an extent, and he was experienced enough to take me expertly.

His paws abruptly wrapped themselves around my fat length, and I pushed up into his caressing grip. My barbs scraped along his pads and sent jolts of pleasure shooting up my spine. God he had the most electrifying touch, like every time he even so much as brush a sensitive part of my body, it felt like he'd just shot me with thousands of volts. I loved it, I loved him, and I loved this. I had to have him.

Robin stroked endlessly along my cock until it was very nearly dripping pre and lube all over his own crotch. Tirelessly, I kept on at his hole, pushing and pulling gently, slipping in two fingers at a time and scissoring them wide to stretch him. Experienced or not, he still needed the time to relax and steel himself for the main event. I added a third for a few quick seconds and held it there, feeling it clamp and clench down over my digits. Coming from him, this was adorable. It was like he was innocent enough; not quite fully understanding what was about to come, merely improvising and going with the flow. Like he didn't know I was about to fuck his brains out...

Not wanting him to get too loose, I pulled my fingers out, extracting my paw from his behind and wiped it on my hip to get rid of the lube. He was still working over my shaft, and I let him carry on for a minute more, just letting that feeling of having another so physically and emotionally close again just wash over me. I could feel each tug and pull as his paws travelled the length of me, every slight scrape and stroke resonating deep within me, making me pre rather heavily over his balls and shaft. I think he must have liked it, as he made no attempt to diver the flow elsewhere and simply just left my pre to pool against his abdomen, soaking him.

It was time. We were finally going to do this.

I lifted his hips just a little higher, and aimed my cock downward, in the direction of his cleft. Pushing forwards, I felt my barbed head press between his cheeks and then kiss his hole. It winked back against me, and we both knew that it was now or never. I leant forwards; fighting the resistance that was against me until me hips slid an inch or so. I was in, and his hole popped open around my head and then sealed shut, swallowing my cock in an instant warmth. I could feel the pulse of his heartbeat through his inner depths, the rim tightening around me. It was... incredible. I couldn't believe I had been so scared and terrified of this point, but I realised now, looking down upon my panting, sweating, moaning mate, that it was meant to be, and Robin was right; no matter what I did, it would always be perfect. But he didn't understand that I was only perfect with him, despite all the flaws I found in myself.

I pressed forwards, sinking in every inch with a slow, languid stroke. Rewarded with the staggered groan of my cute dog, I ground the flaring tip of my cock against his prostate. I knew how this worked; I bet I could make him cum over and over, well before me if I wanted to. It brought a salacious smile to my face, and I grabbed his hips, beginning my pull-out move. I let things go gently at first, with a slow, even pace. I wanted him to enjoy this, to remember this for many days - and nights, if I had my way with him - to come. I wanted him to feel me deep inside of me, and then to yearn for me to fill him again. He panted out his hot breath, and he just looked so freaking mesmerising like that. I pushed in again until my crotch was flush with his cheeks, my balls slapping heavily against his cleft. Oh fuck... The sight of being buried deep inside of him made my cock twitch and flex, the walls enveloping my dick with a tight wetness. It became a vicious cycle, as every time I let a jet of pre sink deep into his gut, he moaned so effeminately, and that made me just throb even more. Soon he was slick with my juices, and I picked up the pace, sensing his desire to go harder.

"Kiss me, babe..." I hissed, gritting my teeth as I pounded his ass with long, hard strokes. He tried lifting himself up but didn't have the leverage, so I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him towards me, so that he was sitting on my lap, his hole folding itself over my meat. Each subtle flex and shudder made the barbs tap and grind against his love-button, and it was beginning to groan uncontrollably, and his voice was no longer his own,

"Fuck! Logan!" His voice was squeaky, almost melodic as he tried to sing to me his passion. I simply locked my tongue in a duel with his, our lips meeting and delving into a sordid kiss. All the while I drove hard at his ass, only noticing now he still had those lacy panties on. There must've been a slit in the back... how had I not seen that? Was I too entranced by him to even note the simplest and oddest of things?

Did I care? No. Robin came before everything. Including me, it would seem.

He screamed out my name, shouting many profanities and praised deities, but in the end he came explosively against my chest, cumming hard enough to streak ropes of cum across my neck and chin. I lapped a little up, wondering for its taste. Any other guy, and I might have gagged. I might have become angry, even. But Robin's... was the most delicious thing I'd ever had. I'd eaten many a girl out, but Robin's cum blew that all away. Bitter, salty, but so delectably enticing that I feared I might have begun to crave it. I still would never lower my muzzle to his crotch just yet, but the thought was now planted. I'll see if it grows some at a later date, but for now... I wanted to seed his ass.

As he came, his hole became impossibly tight, and I found myself lodged deeply up inside him, the base of my cock smashing against his hole. The repetitive pulses and clenches of his hole was driving me wild, and with a tremendous roar I couldn't hold myself back any longer; I shot off into his gut, pretending I was breeding some girl, and that my spooge would now take hold within her. Robin was mine! Without thinking I opened my jaw and took a bite at his neck, claiming him, my teeth lightly sinking in a grazing his skin beneath the fur. I didn't taste blood, which I was thankful for, and Robin moaned out my name in his post-orgasmic bliss, not caring at all for the mark. We remained like this for some time, my cock pulsing wetly inside him, my warm seed spilling around my meat as I kept myself hard, driven on by the look of content on Robin's face. His eyes were hazy, still swimming in the sea of his climax. It was exactly what I wanted. Nothing else mattered. Robin came before me.

"I'll go with you."

"What...?" Robin slurred, coming round out of his blissful stupor. I repeated the statement again, my voice gentle and soothing, "Why?" That was an odd question, and I didn't realise it needed answering. But in any case...

I told him those three little words I'd been waiting to say for a long time now, and suddenly everything fell into place.

Robin's Confession

I sat watching the sea roll before me, the soft sand tickling between the pads of my paws as I sipped at the ice cold beer. It stung my lips, but it felt good as it slithered its way down my throat and pooled in my gut. My buddy, Logan, had invited me...

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The Thorned Rose: Part II

"Sure." That one word resonated deeply with Andrew, and he had to suppress the grin that threatened to bloom on his face and split it in two. The two girls were staring at him, one with a jealous sneer and the other who looked like she was about to...

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Ultimate Control

Edward Black sat idly flicking through a magazine, an obscure brand that shouted out something regarding the real lives of celebrities and how their clothes somehow mattered. He paid little attention to the words, merely skimming his eyes through the...

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