Snowbound - 2
#2 of Snowbound
Part 2 of this series. It would really help to read part one though as it sets the stage for what is to happen. Here's the link: As usual, the same warnings. If your underage or for any other reason not permitted to read or view pornographic material, then don't read this. It's got incest, pregnancy, a couple furs in heat and a little bit of mushy romance admist a disaster. Comments greatly appreciated, please send email to [email protected] * * *
Snowbound - 2
- * * Furfoot felt every bone in his body hurting, his tail hurtfully kinked at some point in the middle. He opened his eyes and looked around and then up. The only light he had in here was what little he could scrounge by using the light on his watch. Thankfully it was one of the more powerful ones to be had in terms of illumination. He looked around and up again, the todd sighing quietly. "Damnit..." Above him was slanted metal, one of the walls that once propped up his house. Now it was leaned over them like a leanto tent, this one made of metal with shrapnels of glass in the core of it. Glass that was his full wall windows. He looked around and spotted Shelia, out cold and curled up under his bathrobe, clad in her own. Furfoot sighed and sat up, wincing a bit as he lifted his tail and gritted his teeth. Broken about half way to the tip. He winced, and then laid it across his arm to act as a temporary splint. He stood up, the todd bending over to avoid hitting his head on the wall above him. Everything was a mess, and he was surprised that he and Sheila wern't turned into paste by the descending wall. When he directed the light of his watch to the debris north of him, where the new roof rose to it's heightest, he could see the spiral steel stairwell had fallen over, making a break point that the wall slammed itself onto. "If that hadn't had fallen, we would..." he fell quiet and then shook his head. For once, he was glad for the shoddy work by the conractor who installed it. It saved their lives. Sheila groaned a bit and then yelped, pushing herself up onto her arms. She remembered the avalanch bearing down on his home, the awful spectacle of oncoming snow like it was nature's worst bulldozer, a fog of white mixed in with boulders the size of her car. The weather shutters had come down, on the inside and outside both. After the shutters had closed, a terrible silence, and then suddenly the walls buckled and fell, glass shattered, a yell, and then something hit her form one side, throwing her to the floor. She hit her head on something and then blacked out. A look to her cousin, the todd's watch the only illumination in the space beneath the new roof. "Heh.. I knew I wanted to redecorate but this is a little ridiclous." The todd gave a pained smile to his cousin and then winced as he walked over to the capsized stairwell, juggling holding his tail still and keeping the light on his watch on, a battle he only barely won with the light flickering on and off at times. Sheila watched as he padded over to the mass of collapsed metal and sat down crosslegged, setting his tail to one side of him and then started pulling at a loose spar, the light going out and leaving the both of them in darkness, the only sensation left to either of them was the squeeking of metal on metal while he tried to work it loose. "Here..." as sheila groped her way in the darkness. Furfoot gave a cry of pain when she found his tail by stepping on it, the todd pulling it out from under her and curling up. She cried out and reached for him, and then found his arm, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry... please, ok? Whats wrong toddly, please..." She was in tears, on the verge of panicking and worried she did some serious harm. She then felt his arms curl around her, hugging her tight to his chest and comforting her as best as he could. "It's alright Sheila... please, it's ok.. we'll be ok..." touching his nose to hers. Sheila's whimpers settled down to a soft sigh, the vixen in his arms closing her useless eyes and hugging him close. After a few moments of the tight hugging, she nodded and murred, "I'll be ok... honest.." and wiped her eyes with the hem of her bathrobe. "Here, lay down ok? Let me get that tail." He gave her one more hug and then pulled his arms back. She didn't feel his presence for a few moments after he pulled away, and was momentarily startled when the light came on from his watch, the todd laying on his back with his light aimed at his tail. It was horribly bent half way down, but still servicable the way his tailtip still twitched. "Is it broken?" and then felt horrible at asking, the answer too obvious. "Ah, Nah, just bent." and flashed a weak smile. She looked to him, speechless for a moment, and then covered her muzzle with a paw to keep a chuckle from becoming hysterical. "Yea... ok, I see.." and blushed as she hunted around for some debris, the vixen shuddering a bit and wondering if she was getting sick. She found a piece of wood that was once a portion of a picture frame and came back over to where her cousin laid. Without a word of complain but with more then a couple grunts of pain, she gently laid his tail straight and then used the belt from her bathrobe to tie it to the stick. She looked around for a moment to find a second rope or string, then felt something brush her arm. Furfoot was holding out the belt from his own robe, the todd's eyes closed tightly. Sheila laid a paw on his leg once she was done tying his tail to the stick and murred, "It's done." He nodded and then sighed quietly, the todd rubbing his face for a moment and then murmured, "At least we've plenty of air and there's a food stash in a compartment under the table. We should be set for a while." She then rubbed her arms and moved to lay alongside him, the vixen pulling his arm around her and not minding the light going out, her muzzle resting on his chest. "I'm cold..." He could feel her shuddering a bit, the todd slipping both arms around her and pulling her close, his nose pressed in between her ears. (She's going into shock.) he thought. "Sheila... it's going to be ok. They'll find us. In the compartment is a beacon." The vixen murred quietly, "I don't wanna move," and tucked her nose into his bathrobe, pulling it over her head and then tucking her paws into his clothes, trying to warm her paws. He sighed quietly and snuggled her close, a thought to cover her legs with his tail causing him a bit of pain as his tail tried to oblige. She lifted her nose, hearing the short grunt of pain and then hugged close. "Don't move, ok? I'll get it..." and slide out of his arms. He lifted his arm and directed the light from his watch towards the table, the metal contraption in the middle of the room the only furniture left intact. And underneath it, is the panel. She found it with only a little trouble, pulling the carpet up to reveal it. She slit the panel to the side and found the beacon, twisting it to try and activate it. The top of the beacon started blinking, although the light was far weaker then she's seen others like it. "Is this right?" "No it's not.. it's suppose to blink faster then that. Batteries must be nearly dead." He sat up and looked around, the flashing light giving a better view of the devastation around the both of them. There was broken glass all over the place, the safety glass making the entire area look like a glassy beach. Almost as safe as one to walk on too. The walls all were collapsed, the south wall being the one that leaned over the both of them. The bar that was at one end of the room was destroyed, the liquor pooled at the base of the wreckage, a stream of water and booze both steadily flowing into a crack in the floor. The other wall that once held the closet and entrances to the bedrooms was gone or at least inaccessible with the debris blocking the way. Beyond the broken stairwell was more of the roof, bent over the metal like the peak of a roof and restricting where the two foxes could go. Shelia put the beacon on top of the table using it's built in stand, turning it into a strobing candle that lit the room. After a second look into the compartment, she raised an eyebrow and asked aloud, "peanut butter and jelly? Uhm... there's blankets, a flare gun, a tent..." and leaned into the small compartment to dig though the other gear stowed there. "Road flares, food packets... MRE's?" "So I used to be a military brat. Those things stay fresh forever. Can't say the same about the taste though." She shook her head and fished a couple out, along with a pot and one of the containers of water. She also took the stove out of storage and put it up on the table, to be stopped when the todd walked over, favoring his tail, and put a paw on her's. "Don't. We don't know how much air we have here." She pouted and murred, "Too bad you don't have any cold cuts." * * * Joanne paced back and forth, the vixen wringing her paws in worry over her brother's fate. Ever since last night, she would call and get nothing but his voice mail. After leaving a couple long messages, she kept on calling, letting it ring a few times and then reluctantly hanging up. It's been an hour since the last time she called, the vixen slumped in her seat, a beer in one paw and the phone in the other, waiting with a prayer that he'll call her back. The TV before her announced more about the devastation and the fact that all rescue crews are being recalled off of leave, the national guard also being called out to help. Chuck slipped in behind her chair and rested his paws on her shoulders, rubbing lightly. "I guess that means me hun," the todd grousing a bit as he looked to his new wife. She looked back at her mate, the look in her eyes telling him stories about how she felt, the most powerful of them was the fact she feared losing her Furfoot forever. She then nodded and turned back to watching the TV, hoping. She didn't hear chuck as he slipped out of the room, nor when he passed her by without a word and left, the door closing and locking behind him. * * * Sheila cuddled up next to Furfoot's side, two of the blankets that were in the compartment now draped over her shoulders and a mug of tang in her paws. Furfoot slipped his arm around her and snugged her close to his side, his muzzle resting in between her ears. "How are you feeling?" "Still shaky, cold..." She touched his nose to his cheek and murmured, "but alot better. I don't feel sick now. Did you know? That it could..." He nodded, and then snugged her close. "Had an idea, wanted to be safe just in case." She shook her head and murmured, "No, not about the avalance... I mean, about me," she asked quietly, sighing as she then touched her nose to his chest. "Being in heat and all. I'm sorry about snooping in on you and Joanne. You don't know how bad I wished it was me in there with you. You two had it good and I didn't deserve anything like that. I was a royal bitch to everyone who I thought I could get something from." Furfoot lightly petted her backside. "You were trying to survive. You were with your ex what... six years? Ever since ya got out of high school. How could you know? Was he your boyfriend in College?" She nodded. "High school?" She nodded again, closing her eyes. "Preschool?" She opened her muzzle and looked to her cousin, mouth agape to object and then stopping on seeing his smile. It was infections, the vixen smiling and then tucking her nose in under his. "Middle school. When I started noticing boys. He was the biggest guy in the quad, football jock, good grades... Rich. Definately rich." She then sighed and murred quietly, "I just wanted to be taken care of, do what I wanted and then come home to play with my boy toy whenever I pleased. I didn't know he would have been such an asshole, once he lost all his money and was left with me as his mate." "It's alright... it's easy to hide who you are when you have alot of money and all. It's how you act when you really have nothing." "Like now?" she lifted her muzzle and looked to him, looking for something that even she couldn't name. Furfoot snugged her close to his body and murred, "yea, like now... it's not money that made me who I am hun. My sister and I were lovers for a long time because all we had was each other when we were in an orphange. I wouldn't go with any family unless my sister went with me, and she did the same for me. Our parents adopted the both of us they wanted a family, not a couple of show pieces the rags made'em out to be." "Yea, I remembering hearing about it when they adopted ya... It was funny. I had finally a brother, kinda. And when I saw ya for the first time, I remember thinking that if there was anyone I would leave Mike for, it would be you." She looked at Furfoot and then murred quietly, "Would you have felt funny if I had asked for you, assuming I knew about you and Joanne? Vixen's choice.. first heat and all? Where I pick who pops me?" Furfoot blushed a bit and then fell silent, the todd thinking quietly for a bit with his free paw scritching over shiela's neck and ears. "Probably would have..." and then sighed quietly. "I don't know, to be honest. I know Joanne pretended to be you once, in the bedroom... Uhm." Sheila smiled and asked, "So, was it better with just her or her pretending to be me?" He huffed and then nuzzled at her ears. "It was still her. I've pretended to be many boys for her but we always forgot about half way through. I just wasn't important really. Fun, but not so..." and shruged, "Dunno. I don't think she played you too accurately anyhows. She always wanted to do things her way, you know that." "Oh I know. Those tacky dresses at her wedding. Ugh. Where /did/ she find them... I did it just 'cause I knew she wanted it, but damned.. I would rather be dead then have to wear that thing again." She smiled a bit at the thought and then added, "Not that I would wear mine anyhows even if I was. I think I made a good mess in the panties, thinking about you and her." "Eh... bet they wouldn't take it back at the rental place," as he blushed, remembering the hour spent putting his seed into his sister and churring quietly. He shifted his weight a bit, feeling a familiar bulge growing in his pants and reaching down to tug at his robe to make sure he was covered. She shook her head and smiled, then nuzzled at his throat again, the vixen breathing in his scent and murmuring. "Suppose if we're going to die here.." and then lifted her nose to touch his. "Just once, I want to know what it's like to have a mate, a real one. One that does care about me, and someone I would want to care for, not use." Furfoot petted over her cheek, his nose touching hers and rubbing. She closed her eyes and murred quietly, the vixen settling in on his chest. She didn't expect to feel his lips on hers, nor did she care after a few gentle kisses from the todd. She touched her lips to her cousin's and returned the gentle touches, her paws resting on his chest while she warmed up to him, her tail twitching slowly. He moved his leg to lay over his tail, moving slow and careful to keep it from hurting as he pinned it down, knowing the splint won't help if it moves too much. He pressed his lips further against hers, his tongue peeking out to lap over her lips and chin. His paws traced over her backside and tailbase, petting through the blankets she was wearing over her shoulders. After a few moments of nuzzling and kissing, She slid her paw into his robe and laid it open, exposing his chest and belly along with his trobbing shaft, the tip peeking out of hiding. She looked to his shaft a moment and then smiled, touching his belly. Nothing really needed to be said, the vixen kissing his lips once more and then pushed herself up onto her paws and knees. Seeing as his tail was broken, she wasn't going to let him sit up or move. Keeping her lips on his and deepening the kiss, she straddled his waist and settles in on top of him, churring a bit as he petted over her belly and chest, his fingers stroking through the soft fur and then to her hips as she settled in on him. He could feel his length touch her folds, her sex-lips only slightly damp, but even that little bit of dampness aroused him. He could remember thinking that she wasn't concerned with their survival. Her paw slide down through his chest fur and then his belly, her hips raised over his waist and teasing him a bit with her folds rubbing against his sex. Her tail wagged and stroked over his legs with the tip almost to his feet. She reached down to his waist and pawed at his length a bit, stroking along his sheath and growing shaft until it was firm in her fingers, the tip resting in her palm and wetting it with his pre. She broke the kiss and murmrus quietly, "will you be my mate Toddley?" the vixen blushing hard as she asked. He nodded and then gently touched his lips to hers, his arms slipping into her robe and around her waist, his paws sliding through the fur and stopping at her tailbase and shoulders. His hips wirthed a bit as she guided his tip to her folds, her body pushing back and onto him inch by inch. Once the tip and head of his shaft slipped into her she let go of his rod and put it beneath him, tugging at his robe to lay it fully open to her and then covering him with her own body. He pulled her gently against him, guiding her onto his shaft, letting her have her way with him then as he petted along her backside. Shiela moaned into the kiss and pushed herself down onto him, her paws digging into his backside a bit while she worked her lover into her depths. She closed her eyes and groaned into the kiss, her body shuddering a bit when he slipped completely in with his paws holding her hilted on his rod, keeping her from bouncing just yet. She murred in pleasure, feeling his paws stroke over her backside and thighs, the todd beneath her exploring her muzzle with his tongue. Her own paws stroked over his sides and arms, the vixen pressing close to him and resting on his body, her knees at his side and laying her tail over his legs. She could feel his tip at her back wall, her tunnel closing tightly around him and milking him for more, the todd groaning a bit at the tightness. Furfoot let go of her hips and backside, his paws sliding through her fur to her chest and taut breasts. She shuddered a bit again with the feel of his fingers stroking over her hardened nipples, the vixen lifting her muzzle from his and groaning softly, panting while she started bouncing on his hips once again. "Shiela..." he moaned, his hips wirthing a bit under her while she hovered a moment and then started again, putting her hips down onto his slowly, teasing her lover by letting him pierce her folds slowly until she sat on him again. Her paws tucked in under his shoulders to hold her weight up as she ground her hips against his, the vixen's tunnel clasping around her lover and holding him for the moment. "Ohh toddly..." she whined, the vixen's heat wrapping around his maleness and milking it as she made love to her cousin, feeling his tip at her womb and threatening to push deeper into her almost. She bit her lip and then started bouncing again, feeling his fingers pinch her nipples before cupping each of her breasts, the vixen whining and moaning now as she pushed down onto his shaft time and again. She didn't expect it at all when he pushed up with his hips, pushing all of his manhood into her depths and yelping loudly, his manhood filling her up completely as his knot filled out. He groaned along with his lover, his mate as she shuddered once more, his knot filling out quickly to tie her to his waist, his eyes closed tightly and his breaths short and quick. She whined loudly and pushed herself down onto him, her tail wagging underneat the layers of blankets as she reached her peak, his knot filling out within her signaling his own peak at the same time. Raw exctasy washed over the both of them as they came, the todd beneath her flooding her body with his cream, his knot keeping any of his seed from falling out of his cousing while her tightly spasming sex milked him for all she could get, her fertile womb eager to soak up every drop of his virile seed. The both of them collapsed under the blankets, the peak quickly leaving the both of them gasping for breath and cuddlig tightly, her body covering his and in turn buried up to her neck in thick blankets to ward off the cold... * * * Joanne picked up the phone again, her paw almost shaking as she punched the number for her bothers cellphone. After the last number, she held it to her ear, her eyes on the pregnancy test in her lap. She chewed on her knuckle a bit, her eyes on the TV as it showed various national guard units going out to the areas hardest hit by the rogue avalanches. After a few rings, she heard a familiar voice on the other end of the line pick up. "Hello, road kill cafe. You kill it, we grill it. Refriedgeration is free but space is limited so order early." "DAMNIT FURFOOT?! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" Furfoot held the phone about a foot away from his ear, ears flattened and wincing at the volume. Sheila trying to hide a giggle under her paw, her nose buired in his chest fur. After the yelling, Furfoot put the phone back near his ear and replied. "Ah, Buried up to our necks in what's left of my house. Makes a nice leanto as well, but I would give alot to have a front door right now. Don't worry, we're ok." Joanne blinked and then asked quickly, "We? Whose we? whose with you Toddley? And who cares about your house ok? We can put ya up, please, just tell me your ok hun..." She was almost in tears, her voice relaying that very easily to her brother. He murmurs quietly, "We're ok love, honest. Don't cry, I knew something like this could happen. And yea, Sheila's here too, we're both ok. It's been a couple days though and we're about out of MRE's so soon we're going to have to hit the freeze dried stuff. No biggie really, we got the fridge dug out at least so we can snack on leftovers." Sheila plucked the phone out of his paws and said to her cousin, "Hey Jo." as she settled in on Furfoot's chest. Joanne sat down in her chair again and looked at the phone, then asked, "Sheila? Is that you? What are you doing there? I thought you went back to work," and then fell silent. "Yea well, my flight got cancelled so I had a bit of time, wanted to take your bro's offer up on a weekend in the mountains. Been a real trip too but I wouldn't recommend getting snowed in. It's a real bitch getting out." Joanne shook her head and then felt faint, her paw going to her forehead and closing her eyes. "Goddess... please. Just, come home as soon as you can, ok? I'll call Chuck and let'em know your ok. Please... nothing stupid? And put Toddley back on?" Shelia smiled as she looked to Furfoot, and then murmured, "Your lover's calling," and giggled, letting Furfoot take the phone back. "Hey..." Joanne blushed hard as she asked, "Lover? Does she know?" feeling all blood rush out of her muzzle and go to her toes. "Yea, she does. Had a heart to heart here, not a whole lot else to do really." Sheila leaned in to whisper into his other ear, "and a little cock to pussy," causing the todd to sputter and blush, the vixen giggling as she enjoyed the cute blush. Joanne huffed and growled, "I heard that..." feeling more then a little pissed at her little bro now. Him or sheila, she didn't know who she was more pissed at. Then she saw the picture of her and chuck at the alter, and bit her lip. What right did she have to comment on their coupling when she herself turned her back on her brother and lover. "I got something to tell ya when ya get home, ok? And.. please, don't die, ok? Love ya." Furfoot smiled and murmured, "Love ya too hun. We'll be home soon, no worries. Battery's dying, so I gotta save the battery for someone else, gotta give'em their turn to chew my ear off, ya know?" She smiled and murmured softly, "I know... I'll have dinner waiting for you both." and hung up, the vixen flopping back into the lazy chair and then opened her eyes, her stare locked on the evidence of her indescretion with her brother. The pink indicator on the pregnancy test... "How am I gonna tell him?"