Snowbound - 1

Story by Whiskey on SoFurry

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#1 of Snowbound


You know the drill, no reading without being of legal age first. This story isn't public domain, and this story is not for the underage.

This is forever a work in progess, so comments are greatly appreciated.

The todd yawned and streached out as he walked towards the door of his small home, the lights already on as the motion detectors picked him up and lit the way for him from the streetside to the door. He paused at the door long enough to pull his keycard out and held it up to the pad by the door, causing the light to glow green on it and unlocking the door. He realized then he had a visitor after the door stood open for him and turned around to see who it is a little too late. A pair of paws grabbed him at the shoulder and pushed, causing the door to open completely and hitting the wall as he fell in and landed hard, turning in the air so he fell on his back, and his tail. Ouch!

He got a good look of her after he landed on his tail, the todd momentarily shocked by seeing his cousin whom he left at the wedding earlier today, and all the more shocked seeing as she had nothing on save for the pitch black rain coat.

"Gotcha!" She barked and smiled, then started to get onto all fours, the vixen's eyes looking over her cousin's body from head to toe with the look any lustful lady gives the target of her affections.

Furfoot looked to the vixen, and then groaned softly as he laid his head back on the floor. "Sheila, damnit all! Can I just get some sleep here? First it was the wedding and then the drive home, all three hours of it." He remembered his sister's wedding, the romp that he and his sis had just before she was to walk down the aisle. On her wedding day no less and for once in their lives, without any protection. And then there was the three hour drive through rush hour traffic. "Wait.. don't tell me you followed me here," frowning as he looked at his cousin.

Sheila smiled and struck a pose, then stuck her tongue out at him and said, "No silly, I flew. I'm a pilot, remember?" She reached down and picked up the silly todd by his lapels, and then dusted him off. "and don't tell me that hour ya spent fucking my cousin just before the ceremony was to help her relax.." with a grin as she curled a finger under her cousin's chin. Blackmail is so much fun...

Furfoot blushed fircely, getting the feeling someone's got him by the short and curlys. "What do you want Sheila?" with a resigned sigh. He took a hold of her paws and put them down to her side, the todd almost a head taller then her as he looked into her eyes. "What /else/ did you want? Lets put it that way."

Sheila smiled and slipped her arms out of his paws, and then around his neck, her muzzle so close to his. "Seeing as ya probably knocked up your sister... whats a cousin to you? At least I'm not married hun, but I am horny, just begging to get bent over," smiling sweetly as she nuzzled at his lips. "Been itching to get fucked like a bad vixen for a month now. Any way ya like it cous'."

His mind reeled, the todd stepping back a bit and ending up with his back to the wall. His sister was one thing, they been mating ever since they could, with protection though so she never got a litter by him. They were smarter then that, except for today that is. But his cousin? And hell, she's coming onto him too strong for his tastes anyways! "no, and I mean it! Sheila, come on... think it through at least? If I do knock ya up how about your job?!" His paws pushed back on her shoulders, trying to get her off of his chest.

She moved his paws onto her breasts and murred deeply, "What job? After I get my kit I'm retiring. I got enough saved for a couple years. Three, four. You too if ya wanted. Now, fuck me stud." She pawed at his pants, rubbing over his sheath though the slacks, a bit disapointed that it wasn't hard at all yet.

Furfoot growled and pushed hard, putting her back against the door and then half-turned, his side to her as she looked back at him, surprised. "Sheila, yea. Me and my sister fucked. Alot. But we always was safe about it, don't ya get it? It was something we /both/ wanted to do. Right now the only thing your thinking with is your damned sex drive so KNOCK IT OFF!" the last shouted at Sheila.

She crumpled to her knees and whined softly, looking as ashamed as she could be and then whined, "I'm sorry... All I could think about during the ceremony is hearing you two play. Even frigged myself in a corner when no one was watching, hoping it was you. I didn't want to be alone again. Not like the last time. You know about my ex, right?"

"Ex boyfriend, yea... the fleabag. Ended up in jail after putting ya in the hospital, again. But that's no excuse for now Sheila." Furfoot sighed, and then pulled his jacket off to put over his cousin's bare shoulders. "I'm sorry. Lets get you something to eat, I bet you hadn't had lunch, or dinner, since the reception."

Sheila nodded and pulled his coat closed around her, her nose turning to the sleeve so she can sniff his scent. It's been too long since she had a male in her life. She was so deep in her thoughts that she almost missed what he said next.

"We can talk about it after you got a full belly, ok?"

Sheila rotated the mug in her paws, looking at the chicken soup and wondering where her appetite is.

Furfoot looked over to where she sat at the bar, the mug of chicken soup untouched along with her sandwich. Not much of a meal if they were going to 'play' as she had put it, but it's better then nothing and it was the quickest one he could come up with in his small kitchen. "Penny for your thoughts there."

Sheila smiled a bit and looked to Furfoot, then sighed, "I made an ass of myself. I had just hoped..."

"That I would just bend you over and all of your problems solved?" He moved to sit next to her and slipped an arm around her waist. "It's never that easy Sheila. It's nice to thing that your done with your career, but hun, your only 20. How can you think to keep a child?" as he pets over her backside.

Sheila purred softly and then leaned against Furfoot, closing her eyes and nuzzling into his shoulder. "Your right. I was just, wanting someone. Someone who wouldn't beat me up any time they had a bad day. Someone that I could love and be loved by in turn. Something like what you and your sis have. I want that." She sighed and put her mug down, and curled up against his side. "I'm tired of being alone."

Furfoot snugged her against his side and nuzzled in at her ears, the fox todd sighing quietly and then murring to her, "It's not something you can have overnight love. What me and my sis have is something that developed over years, years that me and my sis have together with no one else else to watch out for us. We looked out for each other and that grew into what we have. Had... Maybe still have. I miss her already but she's happy now."

She lifted her muzzle and nuzzled under his, then murred, "How about you?" quietly, her fingers brushing over his chest through the shirt.

He shrugged, "I'll live?" and smiled a bit, looking to her, "honestly.. I did have someone but all she wanted was a fuck toy and a piece of my wealth. After she took about half on the way out, I didn't want anything to do with other vixens."

Sheila nodded and rested her paw and her chin on his shoulder, closing her eyes. "I'm sorry. I suppose my little stunt didn't help matters any."

Furfoot smiled. "Forgiven Sheila." He glanced at the time and then murred, "I have a guest bed if you want to stay tonight, it's too late to hit the mountain roads, and your tired. That's a bad combination."

Sheila looked to Furfoot and opened her mouth, then nodded, closing it before her question got asked. He cocked his eyebrow up and looked to her, and then murmured, "I'm about to drop over so I doubt I could get it up if I wanted to, ok?" He smiled and snugged her once, before standing up once more and helping her to the guest bedroom. She stood up and slipped her arm into his, smiling to him as he looked back to her curiously. "Lead on sir knight."

The sounds of birds chirping and a gentle breeze blowing through the windchimes woke Sheila up in the morning. The vixen stirred awake slowly, amazed not to hear the sound of jet engines, the highway or even cars zipping along a highway. Just the warm breeze, birds and pure cleen sunlight streaming into her room.

She sat up and looked around the small room, the bathroom standing open with a bathrobe on the hook, and her raincoat on a hook behind the door. She doesn't even remember undressing, not that she had that much to take off before sliding into bed. Just inside the door is a lap table with fixins for breakfast. OJ, french toast and the works.

An hour later, Sheila stepped out of the room clad in the floofy bathrobe, the vixen looking around the now well lit house. She never realized how open it all was, with the numerous windows and wide open areas, the kitchen almost fully exposed along with most of the upper floor. She saw and heard the todd in the kitchen, working on more food apparently with the smell of french toast wafting her direction. She smiled and walked over on her toes, being as quiet as she could.

Furfoot hummed quietly as he flipped the toast in the pan, having heard the door open a while ago so he knew she was awake. Good timing seeing as it's about noon already. He felt a pair of arms slide around his waist and snug him from behind, the vixen pressing her chest against his back and resting her muzzle on his shoulder. "Thank your for breakfast and for last night."

He looked to her and murred quietly, "Your welcome for the food, we didn't do anything last night. Still hungry?"

She gave him a hug and murmured, "We did. You set me straight last night." She sighed quietly and murred after a moments thought. "I wanted what you two had. I lost my brother in a fire when I was younger, and then the string of bad males who used me as a throw rug, then hearing you and your sis for that hour making love like you were soulmates. Last night wasn't called for, but I know why now. And yea, I'm still hungry." The last added to keep her cousin from objecting to what she said.

Furfoot smiled, "dunno about the soul mates part," and fell quiet. She was right. It really did feel like he lost his soul mate to her new husband. Furfoot nodded, silencing his tongue as they both realized how he really felt with Shelia moving a paw to his belly, resting her cheek on his shoulder.

Sheila pushed the pan off of the flame and turned the stove off, then turned the todd around, looking into his eyes. A tear had fallen which she brushed away from his muzzle. "It's ok to cry hun," Softly, the vixen pulling him close to her, her muzzle in his neck as she remembered fondly about her brother, long buried now and resting peacefully. Furfoot was thankful in the fact that his sister isn't gone for good, but she might as well be. The tears flowing quickly once the todd let go, his arms clutched tightly around his cousin as he soaked her shoulder.

Joanne sat on the phone, waiting for the fourth time that day for someone to pick up at her brother's house in the mountains. Her new husband called out from the bedroom that now's a rotton time to be worried, to which she only made a face at her husband. The walls kept him from seeing the rude look. "C'mon c'mon..." she paced back and forth in the nude infront the TV, the weather forcast predicting at least a foot of snow over the next few hours.

Chuck walked out of their bedroom, the todd slightly annoyed. He leaned against the doorframe and watched as his new bride walked back and forth in worry. "I swear.. it seems you worry more about him then you do about me. Whats a little snow going to do to him?" The look she gave him in return told him he didn't just step over the line, he stomped on it in passing. He held his paws up in supplication and turned to go back into their bedroom, leaving her to call her brother again in worry.

Furfoot lifted his nose a bit when he heard his cellphone ring, the distinctive ring announcing that it's his sister calling. He gave his cousing once more hug and muttered 'I got it' as he moved towards his jacket that was tossed carelessly over the back of the dining room chair.

He flipped it open and rubbed his muzzle on his arm to clear away the tears, and then murred, "Hello?" as he put it to his ear. The static was bad and he almost couldn't make out his sister's voice, and it was loud enough even Sheila could hear her.


"Toddley! There's something you should see, on the news and it's bad. There's a bunch of avalanches being set off by some nutcase and they're saying he's heading your way. They hadn't caught the guy yet, they don't know where he is but he's targeting all the high priced homes and stuff."

On the other end, Sheila had her eyes on the TV, watching the police report. "Hun, be careful, ok? He's already killed a bunch of folks..." She wrung the phone cord in her paw, the vixen pacing a bit and then stopping as Chuck wrapped his arms around her waist and got kissed in the neck, a kiss that would send shivers up her spine if she wasn't so involved. "Not now Chuck."

Chuck plucked the phone from her paw and spoke into it, "Hey, don't get killed alright? I don't want to be wading in the snow after ya if the house does fall."

Furfoot snarled and spat into the phone, "Your the /last/ one I want to talk to right now." and then the signal died, leaving Chuck very throughly confused as to what brought that one, and then looked to his wife who also shared the same sense of confusion.


After he tossed the cellphone into his coat, not caring that it missed the pocket and fell to the floor, the todd took a few deep breaths and then let his shoulders slump. He closed his eyes and then straighted his shoulders out, rubbing the bridge of his nose and his eyes.

Sheila slipped her arms around him, her chest against his back and resting her muzzle on his shoulder. "Bet that felt good," quietly as she gave a gentle snug.

"You've no idea," and dropped his paw, resting it on her arms. "We have to get out of here, at least until that nutcase..." He stopped, his ears twitching as he looked to the mountain peak that is visible in the distance, a wreath of fog hanging onto it just below the peak.

Sheila looked to it as well and asked quickly, "Fog?" seeing the cloud quickly descend the mountain, the speed so unnatural even at this range. "I didn't know there was a thermal layer here."

Furfoot's eyes widened a bit and he pushed her towards the table sitting in the common room. "That's not a fog, that's an avalance!" He bolted for the kitchen, reaching for a control panel that laid just out of sight.

Sheila moved to the center of the room and looked around, not sure what to do aside from watching the fog roll in with a morbid facination, listening to the sound of thunder as it flowed towards their house. Then the metal shutters started unfurling from the roof, both inside the house and outside covering the floor to ceiling glass panes. She looked to her cousin as he stepped out from the kitchen and stood besides Sheila, looking on as the snow flowed towards them until it was hidden by the shutters. A metallic clang rang out all over the house as the multiple shutters locked into place. "I take it you come prepared..." as she slipped her arms around Furfoot, burying her nose in under his arm and closing her eyes, waiting for the worst.

He nodded, slipping his arms around her and murmurs, "come on. We got a couple minutes here," and pulled her along behind him. "The basement." She looked towards the shutters as they started to shake, the low rumbling getting louder as the approaching wave got near. "Come ON!" and grabbed her wrist.

They both got a good view of the side of the house as the avalance struck, the side of the house buckling with the ear splitting sound of glass turning to shrapnel along with the shutters.

The last she knew before she blacked out was the sensation of flying....

Snowbound - 2

Part 2 of this series. It would really help to read part one though as it sets the stage for what is to happen. Here's the link: []( As usual, the same warnings....

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