A wolf and his dog (Part 3)

Story by Arch on SoFurry

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Over two and a half weeks had passed since Arch first kissed Eve, and had that all-important conversation. The alpha hadn't planned to go SO slowly, but after only a week of having Eve to his quarters every night for dinner, his scout Alpha, Ezia, informed him that the shepherd was to be assigned to one of the further outposts. Scouts often did week-long rotations out at these spots, mostly because it took a full day of travelling just to get there. When Arch heard this, he decided to allow it. It would give the straight male a little time away from him, to get his thoughts together and have a little more time to cope. Hell, Eve might even miss him by the time he was scheduled to come back. Arch was sure he would miss the little dog.Once Eve did return, of course Arch greeted him warmly, but he gave the dog another day or so to recover and get his affairs in order, resupply what he needed to, what-have-you. But finally, the Alpha had Eve over for another 'date'. They seemed to get along even better than before, talking to each other like friends as Eve recounted his experience away from the pack for a week. Arch did enjoy this, but as the night came to a close, he finally brought up that topic again. He didn't go into detail, simply informed Eve that it was about time the Alpha Male was going to start expecting more from him. He ended that night with a proposition, though it came out more like a command, as always. Eve was told to arrive at his quarters, same time as any other night. But this time, to bring some belongings with him, for he was going to be spending the night in Arch's company. And so here we begin again. Arch could only hope the dog wasn't too nervous. The wolf had intentionally been unclear about what 'spend the night' meant.Evedael stood with his left paw hanging idly at his side, the right lifted up, grasping onto the top part of the cloth that he had draped over his shoulder containing the items he thought he'd need for the night. He didn't bring much, as he didn't necessarily have many items to call his own. However, he did have two items that stood out among the items. A relatively small, fur covered pillow, dyed a dark red and extremely soft to the touch. After having been allowed to sleep in beds once again, he had began to appreciate the time he got to sleep much more, and one of the things that stemmed from that was his pillow which he always took wherever he slept. The other more simple. Just a simple, everyday brush. Unlike the wolves around him who generally kept their fur a bit... messier, he himself found pride in grooming and did so regularly, although he tended to keep it a secret from the others who may think of it as a more feminine act. Even up until now, he was sure Arch knew nothing of it although, considering how close they had grown, a little teasing wouldn't hurt. Regardless, it wasn't that big of a deal so he never brought it up. Raising his paw, he gave a few swift yet

soft knocks upon the Alpha's door, splaying his ears as he glanced downwards to the floor and listened for the large canine's steps. By this point, Evedael had forgotten of the more sexual matter's Arch had spoke of a couple of weeks ago seeing how Arch had not attempted to make any kind of move on him so far, he assumed he either lost interest in that side of things, or it was simply far in the future. Regardless, he assumed tonight was just another stepping stone closer. They had been eating at night, now he was to join him for sleep. Sure, the thought was odd, but he assumed Arch would still wait a week or so after getting Eve in bed to do anything more, at least, going off of how slow he had been up until this point. For now, he only saw his situation as how it felt. Two great friends spending the night together, something he had not done since he was a pup. So, to say the least, he was excited, and the large smile upon his maw showed that with ease.Eve's perception of the invitation was, pretty much, exactly how Arch wanted him to view it. The Alpha Male had taken great care and had been extremely patient, keeping his hands off the adorable little dog and just getting to know him better. He made it clear to Eve that they could be friends, they joked and teased at each other, just so long as the canine knew not to cross any lines; and knew when it was time to be submissive. He instilled in the dog the habit of knowing when to call him Arch, and when calling him by his first name was inappropriate. Eve had gotten just as comfortable splaying his ears and calling Arch 'Alpha' or 'Sir', when it was appropriate. It usually depended on the alpha male's mood, or their settings.Powerful thuds of paws against the stone signaled his approach, and Arch opened the door. He towered over the smaller canine, as usual, wearing his typical warrior's loincloth that covered him--but left little to the imagination. The handsome wolf grinned, and stepped aside, allowing Eve to pass him. "Hey, puppy. Come on in." Dinner for the evening had already been eaten, so they didn't have much to do except hang out with each other. The alpha had the fire in his fireplace going, off to the side in the carpeted area, complete with two couches, an end table, and a few other comfortable chairs. It looked like he had been doing paperwork.Evedael quickly straightened himself up at the sound of the approaching canine, knowing the door was opening and he wanted to look his best. Rather, not so minuscule in comparison, of course, that failed miserably, and he was reminded that with the wolf's teasing 'pup' remark. However, instead of coming back with a typical comeback about Eve could take Arch in a fight, he merely stuck his tongue out playfully as he padded passed the large wolf and into the familiar room. Unlike his first few times within the Alpha's chambers, he felt no need to be shy about interacting with things around him or being hesitant as he simply

walked over, laying the small tied up cloth with his belongings on the couch before leaning up, bracing his paws on his lower back and stretching. "Been busy?" Eve asked, cocking his head to the side, raising the ear furthest from Arch to show his curiosity. "I could always come back a bit later  if I'm a distraction." He explained, giving a small smile as he let his arms fall back to his side and he resumed his normal, relaxed stance. "Don't want to get you in trouble with the others. I've had the pleasure of meeting a few of the lower ranked Alpha and Beta's, some of them are certainly.. an acquired taste." He spoke, thinking of a certain mage in particular.Arch huffed as he took his place on the other couch, leaning over the coffee table in between and getting the papers together in a more organized fashion. "In trouble, with the others?" Arch repeated, raising a brow and shooting a condescending smirk to the smaller male. "And just who do you think the Alpha Male could get in trouble with?" Arch smirked and slid the papers into their proper binder, wrapping the string around the clasp and putting them to the side for now. He stood up again, grinning at the shepherd's comment. He could imagine what Eve was talking about, but his phrasing of 'lower-ranked' deserved some feedback. Arch stepped closer to the smaller male, and raised a hand to the top of his head. He rubbed Eve's head affectionately with incredibly strong fingers, even going so far as to stroke the dog's tender ears. It was friendly, and it felt good, but it was also... a lot more friendly than Arch usually was. Physically, anyway. "Those 'lower-ranked' Alphas and Betas still out-rank you by a very, very wide margin, pup. Just because you hang out with their boss, don't let that go to your head."Evedael gave a quick, stifled huff as he examined the canine's expression. "Yes, trouble. Even if you're their Alpha, they can still pester you, right?" He asked, assuming his mark was valid. However, he had not actually seen anyone talk back to the Alpha, so perhaps nobody did ever speak back to him. Maybe Arch did truly rule everyone and they had unconditional respect for him. Which, in a way, wasn't hard to believe. He himself had never even considered following another male, but now, here he was, doing so obediently. With Arch standing up and approaching him, his body reacted as it usually did. Tail twitched slightly, finding its way between his legs, ears splaying and the smile he held still there yet lacking in confidence now. It was hard to remain the same way when Arch was so close, even when he merely sought to bestow an affectionate rub. Which, in that moment had Eve tranced. His eyes closed slightly, head tilted as he gave a firm push back into the large paw that engulfed his ear. Still just as amazing as the first, yet over the times he had received them, he didn't feel near as embarrassed for openly enjoying them now. "That may be, Sir, but

that's why I said it in your presence. Believe me, I wouldn't test my luck with such a statement outside of these walls, nor expect you to bail me out if I did so." He stated, not really explaining himself anymore as he didn't want the truth behind his actions to be let out. Although, he could guess or assume Arch already knew, but he wouldn't take the risk and find out. And even if Arch did know, Eve would say it's preposterous if the Alpha brought it up. His true desire for his hard work and willingness to obey the others in work matters was to make a good impression on the others and hopefully impress or please his new Alpha. Sure, he hoped to perhaps curry some favor and be moved to the warriors group, but for some reason, the little praises he would receive from the Alpha meant more to him than he was willing to let on. Besides, everyone in the pack craved to be on Arch's good side, and here he was in what he assumed was just that.Arch was immediately pleased with the dog's reaction to his getting closer. Though they had become good friends, the dynamic of their dominant/submissive relationship was still extremely strong. The wolf's scent and musk did it's part, of course, and so did the werewolf's sheer size and overbearing masculinity. But more important than all that, was the Alpha's general charm and natural leadership ability. Arch was always in charge of everyone, in every room, and it just seemed right to tuck your tail in his presence.The wolf grinned at Eve's comment, and he nodded. "I know that, little pup. You've proven to me that you are tactful, respectful, and genuinely trustworthy." Arch slid his hand from the dog's head down more toward his neck. He curled his powerful fingers into the shepherd's scruff, that extra skin on the back of his neck. He had done it a few times before, but it was no less intimidating, almost intimate, to be held like that by a male so much bigger than oneself. The wolf kneaded his strong fingers into the flesh, as if massaging gently. It was certainly a pleasant feeling, but it also gave Arch extreme leverage. He could do just about anything to the lesser canine with that scruff in his hand. "That's why I feel I can invite you to such private settings, with just you and I. It's why I've invited you to stay the night with me. I'd like to spend more time with you."Arch paused, and let out a long breath. "But in the interest of being honest, I will admit that I've asked you here for more personal reasons than to simply keep me company. I'd like to have another serious talk with you, Eve, about my intentions for you."Evedael couldn't help but smile as his Alpha began to speak a few compliments towards him, that along with the hand that slid down his neck brought yet another sense of accomplishment over the smaller canine. With Eve's neck relaxed, he let it fall back into Arch's paw, knowing by now that the grip which secured the fact he could nothing, had always been nothing

but merely a sign of affection. As Arch continued to speak, the strong, muscular fingers that pressed into Eve's neck caused his eyes to close, not as if he was trying to ignore arch but merely relaxing in the moment. With the Alpha being so close once again, he found his nostrils instinctively flaring once more, sending a few quick exhales as he tried to rid the scent from his body. It wasn't that he hated it, but merely, not being able to even smell himself was odd and something that was frightening to an extent. Evedael started to speak as Arch drew a breath then released it, but the Alpha had already begun speaking once more, the tone.. different than before. With the mention of 'personal reasons' Eve knew what Arch meant, but in the moment, Evedael simply assumed that the night would be the time they shared their second kiss. The first admittedly wasn't that bad, and he wasn't exactly against another, especially if Arch went about the same slow build up as before. But, with that being said, he would still rather keep their friendship as is, without going further,but it seemed like the Alpha really enjoyed such acts with him... perhaps it would be something Eve could come to cope with. "Okay, Sir. And, I've..." Eve paused for a moment, trying to think of the best way to describe his feelings. "come to terms with what you what you spoke of last time, but.. do you think we could use a different word for it?" He asked, as if asking for the impossible, keeping his ears splayed and his eyes slightly open now, even through the affectionate petting he received.The wolf's scent only seemed to get heavier in the air as the dog tried to fight it, as Arch enjoyed giving the pup affection nearly as much as Eve enjoyed getting it. The wolf grinned openly when the dog admitted to coming to terms with their last conversation. His tail swayed behind him, and even when Eve asked him that question, the Alpha's pleased demeanor didn't falter for a minute.He raised his other hand and cupped the dog's cheek in his palm, and began to lightly rub and pet his fingers through the fur on the side of Eve's face, even going so far as to rub his thumb gently over the smaller male's muzzle and the bridge just above his nose. "No, Eve. When it comes time, that is the title I'm going to use for you when I give you commands. And that's the title you're going to identify with, when you obey those commands." The wolf said it as softly as possible, but his voice was also heavily dominant, utterly unwavering. "We're a ways off from that yet, Eve. I'll ease you into it. But I have other rules, other tendencies, that you are not going like. You're going to have to accept them, and obey them, simply because I told you to. I like you, Eve, and we are friends. But I am your Alpha, and I will rule you as I see fit, when I want."Evedael listened to his Alpha, his own muzzle obviously showing some regret

in asking what he did as even through the affectionate rubbing he still continued to receive, he no longer leaned into Arch's paw nor showed the pleasure in his his expression. The wonderful touch was still there, but regret was the main thing that flooded the dog's mind. After Arch finished, his request had been declined, however, considering the time until then, it seemed rather foolish to worry about it now. However, he couldn't deny the fact that it plagued his mind constantly, even when he wasn't with the Alpha. "Y-yes, Sir." He stated, his first words coming out stuttered before clearing up. "Sorry.." He said, although, unlike his usual statements, the apology was a lie. He wasn't sorry for asking, and to be honest, he was slight angered by the thought but with the Alpha standing in front of him, any signs of anger or resistance was easily pushed out while obedience filled its spot. "And these other.. rules, is that what we're going to be talking about tonight?" He asked, his expression slight saddened, as part of him had been looking forward to this night where he'd finally have the chance to sleep in the Alpha's bed, which from the few seconds he'd had in it on his first day in the tribe, it was wonderful. So much so, it put his own bed to shame. But, now that option was still there, but he was afraid of the thoughts that would be running through his mind while he tried to sleep. The night after his first kiss with Arch, he had barely been able to obtain any sleep. Instead, he laid in his bed the entire night, thinking of what was to come and hating himself for not fighting back against the Alpha's approaches. Although, the latter had been pushed out of his mind for the time being.This time, Arch wasn't so put off by the dog's disappointment. There was a line to be drawn, and it couldn't be said that the alpha wasn't completely honest, right from the start. Maybe that wasn't the best approach, making Eve worry about future events like that. But the wolf was a strong, blunt individual. The little canine would cope. "Don't be sorry. I don't mind you asking or challenging my methods when it comes to how you are to be treated. You have a right to know. I am only telling you how it's going to be." Arch let his hands drop from the dog's neck and his face, and he moved back over to the couch, promptly sitting down and facing the smaller male.He chuckled at the question. "No, no. We'll deal with them as they come up. You've already proven to me how careful I have to be, talking about this subject. The way you shut down at a simple word." Arch said it almost with a little regret of his own. He didn't fault the dog for being straight, and obviously taking offense to being called his bitch. But the werewolf had his own agenda, and from his perspective, how utterly patient and careful he had to be, it did wear on his self-control a little. More-so as more time passed. He hadn't gotten any physical release since

the dog arrived."Enough about that, Eve. We'll get there. Let's talk about tonight." The wolf smiled, showing off that very charming grin of his, trying to lighten the mood back up. "There's only one thing I want from you tonight, if you're going to start sharing my bed. Just to bring you out of your comfort zone a little more, and keep this arrangement moving."Evedael listened carefully to Arch's words, however he couldn't say he exactly believed them. Was the Alpha really okay with him challenging the methods? Sure, he seemed good and wanting to take things slow, but Eve knew where the canine eventually wanted things to go. If Eve were to speak up and say that he didn't want to take part of such things, would Arch back down? Would he stop what he's been working on for the passed few weeks and simply let things go back to how they were? With that thought, his mind put the question in his head and urged him to ask it, but some part of Eve didn't want to hear the answer in fear that it may be an unpleasant one. As Arch spoke, Evedael took a few steps forward towards the couch, fiddling with his bag as he untied the small band that kept it together. "Well, that I'm looking forward to." He stated, in his mind, he simply assumed it'd be like sleeping with a childhood friend. Space in between them and they both held their side of the bed, assuming Arch wouldn't try anything more because of how slow and patient he had been. "Ever since I've arrived, your bed was the first that I er, got in. Sorry about that by the way." He laughed, thinking back to how foolish he had been that day. "But, yeah, my bed is still nice, but it pales in comparison to yours."  His paws finally undid the small ribbon before reaching in and easily finding the small pillow and pulling it out. The pillow itself was small, barely enough to cater to his own head and length of his muzzle, but it was still one of the few things he had to call his own and he had grown accustomed to using it. Leaning up once more, he kept a loose grip on the pillow, standing just a few inches to the side of where Arch sat. His eyes fell upon the bed, not really thinking of the fact that he had to share the bed, but merely on the fact that he would finally get to sleep in it.Arch chuckled. "If a king can't have the nicest bed, what's the point?" The wolf sat back against the couch and watched the dog as he removed that little pillow from his bag. The wolf's brows knit in amusement, but all he did was grin. "Well, that's cute." The teasing tone was very obvious in his voice, but there was affection there too. As much as Arch wanted so badly to dominate this poor little canine, he did genuinely feel friendship with him. He was fiercely protective of the smaller male, and liked him, as a person. That was very important. It was only because of the pack's rank structure, and their tribal way of life, that this 'arrangement' between the Alpha and the low-ranking dog could

be considered so acceptable. No other wolf in the pack would blink an eye at the Alpha Male forcing such a thing on such a low ranking member of the pack. It was actually extremely benevolent of Arch how slow he was taking it, when he would have been within his rights to force the dog onto his knees, or bent over the bed. Though a lot of the straight males would likely feel pity for Eve, being the one that Arch picked. If it had been any one of them, though, they would have had to obey Arch, just like Eve. So everyone understood, and no one faulted the dog for being in his situation. "I'm glad you're excited, pup, but you haven't heard what I'm going to ask in return yet." The wolf grinned a little, and it was a very masculine grin. He sat up straight, and pointed to the spot on the ground, right in front of him, motioning for Eve to come stand before him. "Come here."Evedael gave a low growl in response to the Alpha's remark, gripping the pillow a bit tighter within his paw as he spoke. "Cute it may be, but it's very comfortable. Besides, it was about the only thing I could get my hands on that even compares to the ones you have." He explained, assuming that would explain the smaller size as well. After tying up his small sac once more, he pushed it back into the corner of the couch. The only items that remained were a spare loin cloth in case he didn't have time to change before his duties in the morning and a brush. Both of which pertained to his own sense of hygiene. Unlike the wolves around him who seemed to ignore it, he didn't, which was one of the reason he tried to make it seem like it was more.. natural, as he saw his acts more feminine, certainly a way he didn't want the others to see him. As Arch continued, Evedael's ears perked once more, giving a curious glance out to his side where the Alpha sat. He didn't expect anything else other than just being allowed to sleep with him, although now that he watched the canine, perhaps he was just wanting another kiss. Eve wouldn't exactly refuse it, but he couldn't say he wanted it either. After a few seconds of standing still, Eve ended his hesitation and stepped closer to Arch. Setting the dark red pillow down beside Arch's thigh. Afterwards, Eve leaned up once more, standing to his full height. "Now what?" He asked, rather impatient, although it probably stemmed from how nervous he was in that moment. His eyes turned downwards, examining the canine once more in a new light, knowing that something more.. intimate was about to happen. Once again, the wolves muscles became more apparent, the scent he had forgotten for a few seconds had returned at full force, and how vulnerable he truly was to this beast that sat before him.There was something about the wolf's demeanor, as well, that seemed to change, now that they were about to speak about a subject more intimate. At the question, Arch huffed at the impatient tone

in the dog's voice. The wolf's otherwise handsome muzzle turned up a little in annoyance, almost like a chiding snarl. "Watch your tone, pup. I've been exceedingly patient with you, because I like you so much. But my patience is not unlimited. It's time you and I get a little bit closer, and you ought to be grateful that I'm not asking for more."The wolf's expression calmed again once he finished speaking, and he took a deep breath to slow down his progression and regain his self-control. Eve might not realize it, usually, but this was the first time Arch let his impatience show. There was a very, very dominant man behind that friendly personality. Not a different man, mind you, it was still Arch; the same guy Eve had grown to like and call a friend. But there was a part of the Alpha that wasn't being satisfied, and he was truly trying to keep himself under control, all for Eve's sake."I've seen you naked a few times; be it when you first arrived, or in the lockers after a training session. But I've been polite, I've given you your space." Arch reached a hand forward and hooked a claw into the waistline of the dog's loincloth, closer to his hip than his groin, not wanting to cross that boundary yet. "Now I want you take this off, in front of me. And leave it off the rest of the night. I want to see you naked, and not worry about stealing a glance or offending you; because I'll tell you straight to your face. I'm going to look."Evedael turned his muzzle away nearly instantly, not enough to lose sight of Arch, but enough to where he wouldn't accidentally stare back into the Alpha's eyes. The Alpha had been strict up until now, but this, this was different, it was the first time he had heard Arch speak with what seemed to be an earnestly angered, rather annoyed, voice. Regardless, he listened and kept silent, knowing not to speak back in that moment as he simply let Arch continue talk, not trying to defend himself for knowing he himself would be at fault. However, one part of the wolf's statement, regardless of the tone made him feel happy. Even though it was coming from another male, he enjoyed being told that he was liked. That one piece alone is what aided him the most for the upcoming statement and helped him keep from freaking out as much as he'd like to."Uh- oh.. okay.." He stated, surprised with the statement. At first, it didn't seem like a big deal, but as Eve began to think on it more as his own paws sunk to his waist, playing with the band that rested around his hips, he found himself growing increasingly nervous. He had been naked before with plenty of males around, was it the fact that he knew this one was watching so intently that made him so shy? Was it their size difference? Unknown to himself, he continued playing with the thin piece of rope that kept the pieces of cloth over his sheath, obviously weighing whether or not he wanted to actually go through with it. At times, his paws would

squeeze down or even give a slight tug, but each time, he found himself pulling back, unable to actually push himself to do what the Alpha wanted him to. "I-I can't.." He mumbled under his breath, ears splayed and tail tucked in fear of the Alpha would say. Although, to Eve, in that moment, his hands may have well been tied behind his back.With their considerable size difference, Arch wasn't at all surprised that the dog would be nervous, and embarrassed, to willingly expose himself in front of the huge werewolf. But the alpha had made up his mind, and this was going to happen. Arch reached forward... but instead of going for the little male's loincloth, he curled his fingers around Eve's hands instead. He brought the dog's hands up, and placed them on his own, massive shoulders. Not only making Eve touch him, which had only happened a few times before in much more casual settings, but also keeping his hands up and out of the way. Eve would immediately be able to feel the incredible muscle and strength in the superior male's shoulders. "Then I will."Arch then returned his hands to the dog's lower body, and he placed his hands on Eve's small hips. He kneaded his fingers gently against the dog's delicate hip bones, and once again Eve would be faced with the unbelievable strength in the alpha male's hands. He could have crushed the smaller male's pelvis with his bare hands, if he wanted to. Easily. But the dominant wolf's touch was gentle. He made it very clear that he was about to untie the dog's cloth. "I know this probably won't help, but you have no need to be nervous, or shy. It's just the two of us here. It's only me that will be looking at you." Even as he spoke, he undid the tie on Eve's cloth, and just as suddenly, he pulled the garment away from the dog's hips, leaving him naked in front of the alpha. Arch tossed the garment away, and he slowly took in the sight of the much smaller male, examining his naked body for the first time.Evedael blinked in surprise as the canine's paw wrapped around his own, freezing up for a second as his eyes returning forward once more, focusing on Arch again. His nervousness remained, however a surge of curiosity went through his mind as his paws were moved. Now, he found them resting atop the canine's broad shoulders. Not counting the few touches he had acquired of the Alpha, this was probably the only one that wasn't a handshake or a teasing one, and on top of that, Arch himself requested, rather forced Eve into this touch. Although, he wouldn't say it was bad, if anything, it was nice. Not many had the privilege of laying their hands on the Alpha, and even fewer with the Alpha's approval. Leaning forward slightly, he felt his legs nervously cling to one another, fidgeting slightly as his thighs attempted to roll forward and tuck his sheath between his legs. Alas, his better judgement stopped this, knowing that once the cloth was removed, if Arch couldn't see what he wanted,

it'd only make things worse for Eve. Evedael opened his maws to speak as he felt the string come untied. "S-still, It's knowing that you're going to be looki-" He stopped himself, finishing the half sentence with a slight whimper as he realized the Alpha had just removed the cloth that kept him covered. Evedael's legs once more rolled side to side, almost like he was trying to hold in the urge to to use the bathroom, however he was actually fighting his legs back once more, trying to stop himself from covering his own body. The low, pleading whimpers continued to sound from Eve's close maw as he turned his muzzle to the side again, trying to avoid any eye contact."Stop looking.. please.." He stated, the first part sounding like a command he'd give to a child, however he quickly realized his tone and added the please in a more submissive one.Arch was far too into the closeness between them to stop what he was doing now. He loved the feeling of the dog's small hands on him, at long last, even if he was just holding his shoulders. And when he was finally presented with the shepherd's small, naked body, the wolf literally began to release a low, dominant growl. The dog's whimpering didn't help things any, testing the werewolf's self-control, Arch liked the sound so much. The alpha's growl was low and deep, and in a tone unlike anything Eve had heard from Arch before. If he was nervous before, he certainly had reason to be, now. It was the kind of feral sound that would remind a certain domestic-bred, anthro dog that he was in the presence of an a true werewolf, and an alpha male at that.The wolf's hands moved with deadly accuracy and certainty now, as if he were truly in his element. One hand lifted to curl around Eve's muzzle, holding it closed. He pointed it downward, ensuring the dog wouldn't look directly at him. His other hand did something much more surprising. He reached around the small dog and curled his fingers around the base of Eve's tail, and held onto it firmly. Not painfully, or anything, just firmly enough to make sure the dog knew Arch was in charge. It would force him to stop squirming. Arch spoke through his deep growl, issuing a very personal, masculine command tone. "Stop squirming, and stop whimpering. It's only making it more difficult to control myself." The wolf's growl picked up an octave, as he resisted the urge to bare his teeth. "And for your own sake, keep your eyes away from mine, your ears pinned, and your hands on my shoulders. This is not the time to test me." With that, Arch used his grip on the dog's tail to pull his body just a little bit closer, so the wolf could get a better look at his little sheath, and the furry scrotum beneath; no doubt all of the above were quite shriveled, and looking not-so-impressive, considering how nervous and embarrassed the dog was. Arch fucking loved the sight. Eve was such a handsome dog, the wolf had always admired the fur pattern on shepherds. And he

found the stunted sheath and balls utterly adorable. Arch was silent now, as he took his time examining the naked male.Evedael released a louder whimper, one that silenced itself as he found himself looking downwards at Arch's chest. That in itself wasn't surprising, but to be honest, Eve had prepared himself for a kiss. With that paw wrapping around his muzzle he began to assume that is what he had in store, alas, it wasn't. Instead, it was something that he could honestly say in that moment, he hated. As Eve continued squirming the other paw, which he had lost track of, now gripped at his tail. Causing Eve's back to tense, straightening out his upper body and freezing his body in place. Now, more than ever, he wanted to fight back. However, the wolf in front of him now didn't seem like the calm, understanding one as before. Sure, he was to an extent, but there was another side, one that he had yet to see, right on the edge of showing itself. That much was painfully obvious. As Eve remained still, the low growl that vibrated through the canine beneath him had began to overpower his ears. Not in volume, rather in fascination. In addition to the sound, he swore it felt like his own chest was rumbling with it, however he was fairly certain he himself wasn't actually growling. The growl did help keep him in line though, which is what Eve wanted to do more than anything, but his body fought back relentlessly against the notion. His body did most of what it was told. His eyes remained low, fixated on the canine's chest and stomach. His paws lay atop Arch's shoulders, gripping firmly, tightening over time as he used the wolf's shoulder like a stress reliever. Yet, even with his strength, he doubt it'd even phase the canine, but he'd be able to pick up on the increase in pressure surely. However, his whimpers were much harder to control. It in itself was a natural instinct when he felt vulnerable or in trouble, so even now, it was nearly impossible to be silence. Every few seconds, a light breath would pass Eve's lips, holding traces of a whimper yet not holding the same volume as his previous ones. Evedael felt his legs began to give away, although, he fought to stand up. His body acted on its own to an extent, trying to lower itself to the ground and escape Arch's grip. However, even if Eve were to go completely limp, he didn't feel like he'd get to the ground, rather the strong arms around him would probably support his limp body.As the seconds ticked by, Arch's growl began to subside, and he began to gain his self control back. It was difficult, because his supernatural, predatory senses were all extremely, keenly aware of every little nuance of the smaller male's body. The fast beating of his heart, the twitching of his tail, the rate of his breath, every small tug and tense of his muscles, and the small whimpers that still seemed to slip through. The dog's nervous behavior only made the wolf want to dominate him further. It

was only by some miracle, and extremely good training, that Arch was able to pull himself back from the brink. He first let go of the dog's tail, and moved his hand instead to rest against the male's lower back. Arch let out a long breath, cooling down. "All right, all right. Calm down." It seemed he was speaking to himself just as much as Eve.Arch released his grip on the shepherd's muzzle, and lowered it to the dog's shoulder. But before anything else could happen, the wolf pulled Eve even closer to his body, until the little dog was nearly chest to chest with the powerful wolf. Arch lowered his muzzle and rubbed his nose affectionately against the side of Eve's neck. But then he didn't pull away. Arch buried his muzzle and face against the crook of the other male's neck, breathing in his scent, but mostly just holding him. "I'm sorry. I got carried away. Just... give me a moment." The wolf spoke, never taking his muzzle from where it rest against the smaller male's neck and shoulder. If Arch were to pull the dog any closer, they would have been full-on hugging. As it was, Eve would find it difficult not to simply rest against the wolf's huge chest. With Arch sitting, they were finally the same height. And while the wolf's scent was much thicker in the air than usual, Arch seemed to genuinely need to just hold the smaller male for a moment, and let himself recover.Evedael still released his mild whimpers on occasion, but as Arch's growls subsided, some of Eve's worries went with it. And as time passed, he admittedly didn't feel quite as bad about being so bare, but still, he wanted nothing more than to cover up in that moment. As the hand released itself from his tail, Eve felt himself begin to relax, assuming that the event was coming closer to an end. And from what he could see, it seemed Arch had begun to calm down as well, returning to the side of Arch he knew more. With the Alpha's words ordering him to calm down, Eve gave a slight nod, the best he could through Arch's grip on his muzzle, which by the time he finished has already moved downwards and rested upon his own shoulder. With some sense of relief setting in, Eve found his body relaxing, his ears doing the same as they returning to a higher state, still drooping to the sides. Alas, unable to see it coming, Eve found himself completely caught off guard by the tug that forced him closer. With a stifled yelp sounding off into the Alpha's ear, he found his body shivering once more from fear of what was going to happen. However, to his surprise, it was something he hadn't expected... a hug. Well, almost anyway. It was probably the worst hug that he had even been in, but still, it wasn't that bad. And on top of that, with their new position, Eve's sheath was now once again hidden from view, that more than anything gave him a slight sense of relief. Evedael didn't have any intentions of pulling away in the moment, but as

the Alpha spoke, he found himself questioning Arch's moves. Why a hug? Rather, why not a full one? Taking a moment to put himself in Arch's position to try and figure things out, he put everything he knew of Arch's attitude into his mind and then acted as if he was Arch. Sure enough, in his mind, Arch took what he wanted without asking Eve. Of course, the version in his mind was the Arch from a few moments ago and the one the other wolves spoke of when they inquired to Eve about what went on behind closed doors, a conversation of which Evedael never had anything to offer other than 'nothing'. With that thought, rather realization, he felt almost thankful to Arch, knowing that he could do more if he wanted, yet he didn't. For some reason, this Alpha paced himself and the only reason that could be seen was because he knew how afraid he was of it all. Wanting to give even the slightest sliver of thanks, at least, something so Arch didn't feel as if his patience wasn't appreciated, he found his eyes locked on the black fur upon the side of Arch's head. Without thinking about his movements, Evedael lowered his left knee, letting it push gently into the couch between Arch's leg for support as he lowered his own chest. His own, much smaller torso slowly meshed with Arch's, allowing Evedael's smooth fur that laid down against his body to push against the Alpha's more rough coat. With the same motion, the shepherd lowered his own muzzle, unable to reach Arch's neck because of the size difference, but able to stick the length of his muzzle and the cold tip of his nose against the large wolf's cheek. Eve held the position, his body still stiff and obviously nervous with a slight shiver, but he sought to give back something to Arch in return for his patience. This, this hug was exactly that. "Thanks..." He mumbled lowly, barely audible and probably unheard if it wasn't for the small distance between them. For this moment, Evedael let himself sink into the first truly submissive moment had had put himself into with Arch. Sure, his body refused it to an extent, but he reacted to Arch and gave him what he thought he wanted without question, even if it was only a mere hug. With the strong, radiating warmth that came from Arch, he found himself more relaxed than he had been since they started tonights conversation on the more intimate side of things. And now, the scent which his nose had been trying to fight off was being practically injected into his body from the sheer closeness they shared. His sense of smell in that moment was no longer, as the only thing it did was give him Arch's scent, nothing more.The wolf blinked his eyes open in surprise, when he thought he felt Eve leaning in closer to him. And then... no, he was sure of it. The dog even went so far as to place his knee on the couch between the wolf's legs, and bring his small body in against the wolf's much larger torso. Arch let his muzzle slide against the smaller

male's fur to accommodate the new angle, but for the most part, he didn't do anything to compromise what was the first voluntary, intimate touch from the little dog that Arch had ever received. It gave the wolf such a sense of satisfaction that he sighed in the pleasure of it.Even if Eve was only doing it because, after weeks of patience and and kindness, he was finally recognizing and rewarding the dominant wolf with what Arch had been asking for all this time. The dog may not have been 'enjoying' it, exactly, it surely wasn't natural or very comfortable for a straight male, to press his chest against a much bigger male's, and wrap his arms around such a solid, masculine frame. But Arch loved the feel of that smaller body against his. And Eve may not have known it, but the alpha male's scent played more than a small role in his reasoning, and eventual decision to give Arch this small gift. It affected Eve's body and thinking more than he even knew.Arch was very careful about what he did next. He did not want to take advantage of Eve's sudden willingness to touch him, but he couldn't not return the affection. The wolf curled his massive arms around the dog's much smaller body, holding him now in a true, intimate hug. The dog would feel his hip, and perhaps the side of his rear end, press against the inside of Arch's leg, perhaps more than a little awkward for the straight male, especially now that he was naked. But the hug was so comforting; and Arch's scent and musk was literally intoxicating, helping the smaller male find comfort in this embrace, helping him to be ok with it. Arch did not force Eve to stay in the hug, did not force his body down even further so he could 'hold' the naked male like he really wanted to. But silently, eagerly, he hoped that Eve would bring himself down lower, rest his lower body closer to the wolf, perhaps even sit on wolf's leg, in order to get more comfortable. Eve had never buried his nose directly against the dominant male's fur before. The intoxicating effects were strong enough to make even the strongest wolves forget themselves.  The wolf's scent was just potent enough that anything was possible.Evedael found his own body wanting to move and pull back, even more so as the large, muscular arms wrapped around him, but oddly enough, he felt comforted by it all. Now, with Eve actually giving something, then seeing it be received was a great feeling, once that undoubtedly helped ease the situation he was in. Unknowing to himself, Eve had let his lower body relax as most of his sense remained concentrated into his sense of smell and the warmth that penetrated his own fur. Eve had failed to notice the dip in his hips as it brushed along Arch's own leg, but found the slight new touch nothing crazy, at least, not much more. They were already hugging, and a simple touch of his hips was nothing to get annoyed with. Even Eve knew that his train of thought now was different than earlier, but for

some reason, his current mind was more open the touching. Not fond, but willing, in mild cases at least. As he found the position he stood in getting rather annoying to maintain, he re-positioned his hips a few times, still finding nothing better that he could honestly say felt relaxing. After a few moments, and a turn of his hips, like a child sitting on his fathers lap, he raised his leg, twisting his hips with it before slowly lowering himself down to rest between Arch's legs. There wasn't much space between the canine's legs, but he wanted to avoid completely sitting on Arch's lap if possible. With his rear giving a few gentle nudges against Arch's leg, he tried to free up enough space for himself to get just enough space to sit his rump down upon the couch, however he found it rather hard to remain comfortable considering their upper body size differences. With him attempting to sit at the same leveling as Arch, he found his own muzzle forcing itself upwards to maintain the same position, alas he found himself to nervous to actually take the plunge and sit upon his Alpha's lap.Maintaining the odd, and slightly painful position, he now found his nose being pushed directly into Arch's lower cheek. The rougher hair gently pricking against his sensitive nose and sending the warm, dominant and overpowering scent deep into his body. If instinctive, Evedael found himself taking long, deep breaths now. No longer did his body fight the scent, rather, without his own knowledge, his body tried its best to inhale as much as it possibly could. Over the course of a few seconds, the scent itself began to affect Eve's body, but he himself was lost for the moment and unaware. Evedael's maw parted slightly, giving a few soft pants as he felt as if his body began to heat up and become overwhelmed in it. Giving a soft puff of warm air every second as it trailed through Arch's fur. The grasp he had managed to maintain on the Alpha's shoulder no longer maintained it's normal firm grip, instead, they only rested there, no pressure behind his paws. And the last affect that he was unaware of, was the slight thickening of his sheath along with the slight increase of his own scent. However, lost in the moment, Eve realized none of these.Arch, surprised at Eve's sudden willingness to be close to him, was very careful about the way he reacted. He didn't pull or growl, didn't push the little dog any further than what he was trying to do of his own free will. He smiled to himself when Eve twisted to the side, and draped his leg over, so he'd be able to sit on the couch in the area between the wolf's legs. Arch was willing to oblige, especially when he felt the soft nudges of the smaller male's tail and bare rear against the inside of his thigh, trying to create more space. The wolf moved his own hips back on the couch a bit more, and allowed his legs to open, just enough to make the sitting position much more comfortable for Eve. The dog might not

have been sitting directly on his lap, but the way his bare leg had to drape over Arch's thigh--the position was quite a bit more intimate than a simple hug. But it still felt RIGHT, especially as the effects of the alpha male's musk and pheromones accumulated directly into the dog's slow, deliberate breathing. Honestly, it was only because Eve was straight as an arrow that he hadn't lost himself in Arch's scent before. Now, with every moment that ticked by, it would only become harder for Eve to resist. Not to completely change his personality or get him to do something he didn't really want to do. But did it lower his inhibitions, make it feel good to be so up close against the alpha male? Absolutely.Arch allowed his arms to lower, curling themselves around the dog's body in this new position in a way that seemed more natural. One slipped behind Eve's back, resting his palm underneath the dog's arm, by his ribs. The other simply lay over the shepherd's raised legs, keeping his hand off, for now. When Arch felt the dog's breath against his cheek, he turned his muzzle slowly, rubbing his cheek and against the dog's nose, until he could bring his own nose around to meet him. The wolf took the initiative now, and he brushed their lips together, giving the smaller male a soft kiss on the muzzle. More importantly... the wolf took the risk, and he slid his enormous, warm tongue forward, and licked firmly at the roof of Eve's open muzzle, leaving behind the powerful, masculine taste of his wolfish drool. After that, Arch didn't really give him the chance to break out of his scent-induced stupor. He rubbed their muzzles together, affectionately, and kissed the dog full on, easing the smaller male's muzzle open with his much sharper, more powerful jaws. And he licked once more, this time taking his time, sliding his long tongue across the roof of Eve's maw.Evedael could sense the motions Arch made as the wolf's arms moved, but in the moment, Eve couldn't really say that he cared. He knew that no harm was going to come to him, and it was just a simple touch at the moment. The shepherd knew something was... off, but he couldn't exactly explain it. However, in this moment, all of his worries about being intimate with Arch had seemingly melted away, and as much as he wanted to regain them, rather his mind told them he should, he couldn't. He couldn't mentally, or physically bring himself to disobey this wolf, this Alpha. Eve's eyes blinked open slowly as he felt the fur that meshed against his muzzle began to move, his eyes that had been focused on Arch's ear, simply watched as it moved further away and the wolf's nose came into view. However, before he could realize what was going on, he felt the long, warm, drool covered tongue weave its way into his open, unsuspecting maw. His normal reaction would've been to bite down, or use his tongue and fight back, and even his mind told him that. But, for some reason, yet again, he couldn't do

anything. All he could in this moment was watch and feel what was being done to him. Evedael, trying to regain some part of his body found himself able to move his left paw but only for a moment. However, it simply fell down along Arch's chest, giving a long stroke on it's way down before coming to rest on the Alpha's hip. The shepherd's eyes remained half open, both of which had this lazy look to them as they watched the upper part of the wolf's muzzle as it moved against his own. This was unlike anything he had experienced up until now. Unlike his last kiss, he couldn't do anything to fight it, nor did he have those undeniable urges to pull away. Now, he simply watched, almost as if he was looking through another's eyes as something happened to them. He had no control, no say, no action, he could only watch and feel the wolf's movements. With each strong lick upon Evedael's own maw, he found his muzzle being forced upwards more towards the end of the lick, just to fall back into place at the end, merely showing how much force the Alpha had in his tongue. Once again, the familiar taste of the Alpha returned. This time, he had little desire to fight back against it as his body willing swallowed it as it was given, however in his lazy state, he did so slowly, allowing the drool to amass much faster than he could swallow. After a few moments, Evedael did something he had yet to do for anyone, and even to himself it was a surprise. As if an instinct, his chest began to rumble, much like the Alpha's earlier. It was growl, not of annoyance, but of approval, in this case, desire. Even in this state, Evedael didn't know what he desired, but apparently, his body did and it wanted to get that message across. With a low, almost passive growl radiating deep within his chest, it began to push upwards and vibrate gently through his own muzzle as it was invaded by the lengthy canine's tongue.Arch was almost too overwhelmed to know what he should do in this situation. The dog wasn't fighting him, but he wasn't exactly actively participating, either. Which was the best Arch could have hoped for, didn't think he'd get at this stage in their relationship. But there were little things that drove the wolf on--that wonderful, little hand that stroked down his powerful chest, and landed by his hip. And the way the canine accepted his kiss--visibly swallowed when the wolf's drool collected in his muzzle. That turned him on quite a bit, and as an aphrodisiac, Eve would find that somehow the taste of Arch's drool, and the act of swallowing that thick, warm fluid that came directly from a male wolf's muzzle, greatly enhanced the effect of Arch's scent on him. It added an entirely new dimension to the way the alpha male's pheromones clouded the dog's judgment.Growing bolder, Arch moved his arm back just a little from over the dog's legs, until his hand rest on Eve's bare thigh, just above his knee. His other hand lowered, remaining

around the dog's back, but this time curling his powerful fingers around the smaller male's naked, slender hip. But it wasn't until the canine started to reverberate in that low, rumbling, passive growl, almost like a purr, that the wolf's body really started to react. He was usually better at self control, but this was entirely too sexy--and it meant so much more, that it was EVE he was getting this pleasant reaction from, and not some random, submissive wolf. Arch had been wanting this kind of attention from Eve for over a month, and he was finally at least getting accepted. The wolf's sheath grew utterly thick with his arousal beneath the cloth he still wore, tenting and bulging beneath the fabric, just barely an inch away from pressing its weight against Eve's leg. But the dog didn't have to feel it; the musk of the wolf's male body part was heavy in the air, adding even more potency to his scent. If anything were to make the lesser canine's body physically react, it was that scent.But Arch didn't give him much time to dwell on where the scent was coming from, or what effect it was having on him. The wolf pulled the little male closer in against his lap, until Eve's entire torso was cradled and leaning against the incredibly thick, powerful muscle of the wolf's pecs and abs, and held tightly. It allowed the wolf to bring their muzzles closer together, and now Arch used the full range of his skill. "Close your eyes, puppy, and relax. I'm going to make you swallow my drool, but I'm not going to stop so quickly this time." Arch said it in a low, seductive tone, letting the dog feel his breath, hot against the dog's nose and lips now. And the wolf was good to his word. He brought their lips together and he locked his powerful fangs against Eve's, literally forcing his muzzle to remain open. Arch bent the shepherd back just a bit, so he could angle his muzzle directly over the smaller canine's. This time, Arch took his sweet time in dragging his tongue along the inside of Eve's muzzle. This time he drooled freely, purposefully, and held the little dog tight against him, making Eve swallow that thick, hot, wolven saliva. He only prodded playfully with his tongue at the other's, as he felt the dog swallow again and again. It was possibly the sexiest thing he had ever made another male do for him; and that was only true, because it was Eve doing it.Evedael found his nose wiggling slightly at the new scent, the origin remained unknown, but the scent itself was strong. It was obviously Arch, but it was as if the same smell that he had practically been drugged with had been amplified multiple times then forced directly into his brain. This was the first realization Evedael had of why he was acting this way. The sudden scent change altered his way of thinking once more as it increased in potency, which suddenly made Eve realize why he was doing all of this. His mind was still fighting everything, but it was this... this scent, this

overpowering, dominant, mind boggling scent that completely dominated his mind. Yet, even knowing that, it didn't change anything, he was lost for now, completely succumbing to this Alpha wolf. Was Arch aware that his scent would do this? He continued to ask himself that as he felt his body being pulled closer. With his left paw still pushing into Arch's hip, it gave a firm push as his body was pushed over, not seeking to pull away, but merely support himself. His right doing the same out of instinct as it gave another gentle, intimate squeeze. Evedael, realizing his situation, found himself able to control his sheath to an extent. He realized that it wasn't his choice to be doing any of this, and that though alone helped him maintain his slight stiffness and kept his crimson canine length inside of it, however his body couldn't deny its pleasure, and if things continued, even the strongest of thoughts wouldn't hold it back. With the new position, his body being pulled closer, he felt his lower stomach being pulled close and forced to rub against Arch. However, unlike the rest of his smooth, muscular body, this part was different. Not just because of the way it felt, but because of where it was. Evedael was lost in his current state, but he still had an idea of how he was sitting, and knew that there shouldn't be anything there. After a few curious moments, his mind pieced together what had happened. The thing that pushed against his body, was Arch's growing sheath, much stiffer than its appearance. However, he had never touched it before, and if it wasn't for this new, overwhelming scent, he may just say it was normal. But, piecing those two together made more sense than anything else did in that moment. And with that realization, Eve realized what could be happening next. Of course, in his state, he went to thinking the worst immediately, which in his mind was anal. He knew Arch may have wanted it eventually, but in this moment, it seemed like it was only a few minutes away. That, that terrifying thought to Eve got him to break the trance if only for a second. Evedael gave a quick, slightly muffed whimper through the kiss as his left paw on Arch's hip, the same one that had been voice of strength gave a firm push, trying its hardest to push Arch back. However, just as his body began to fight back, Arch spoke once more. A simple command, yet so hard to comply with willingly. Yet, his body had no issues. Feeling his own ivory teeth clash with Arch's considerably larger ones, his muzzle twisted slightly as the slight resistance he had been able to show was slowly forced back into submission. Unlike their previous kisses, this one was less about their tongues or the touches they held, and even Eve quickly realized that. This one was all on Eve, waiting to see if he would obediently swallow and of course, the shepherd did so with no complaints. His  eyes had already close as was the Alpha's orders and his

ears lay lazily against his head. The amount of saliva that he was given was much greater than their previous kiss from a few weeks ago, and he knew by that one that letting it pile up was a bad thing and he would quickly become overwhelmed. Straightening his neck out slightly, Eve's throat opened slowly, obediently swallowing every ounce he was given as his breathed slowly through his nose every few seconds. However, each breath simply allowed the overwhelming saliva to pile up, which made Evedael swallow more and more between each breath. With each passing ounce he ingested and each moment his nose inhaled the strong, overpowering scent of Arch's arousal, was another reason for his body to succumb and not resist. As his body fell relaxed once more,he showed no signs of resistance along his posture or words and the only movements he made were that of his tongue ducking to allow more saliva inside or the rolls of his neck as he swallowed the next portion of drool that the large wolf gifted him.Arch felt the resistance in the dog's movements, the utterly weak pushing of that hand against his hip, that stopped just a few seconds later. He knew Eve was teetering on the brink of panic in between those helpless moments of subdued submission. The wolf was of course aware that it was his scent that was doing this to the little dog, and he did feel a twinge of guilt, taking advantage of Eve in this way. But on the other hand, it was his first chance to really show the smaller male that it wasn't so bad, in the heat of things, to submit so completely. He could be held and nuzzled, and nuzzle in return, even with a huge, dominant male, and it didn't have to be unpleasant, even if Eve was rendered more 'indifferent' to it than actually 'into it'. In his mercy, Arch made the conscious effort to release Eve's hip from his grip, and he scooted his own hips further back against the couch, taking the massive weight of his phallus off the dog's thigh. He knew that was what had made the little male so uncomfortable, and couldn't blame him. That was further than he wanted to go, anyway, so he granted Eve that reprieve almost immediately after realizing his mistake. But one thing Arch didn't go back on was the kiss. In fact, the wolf gave up just about everything else, allowing the canine to shift and back off from Arch's body as much as he wanted to, as long he didn't try to pull his muzzle away. The wolf growled dominantly into the little male's muzzle, licking through his own thick saliva at the dog's tongue and the roof of his maw, loving how the submissive male swallowed and drank freely from his overabundant drool. Arch could get used to this. And frankly, it was perhaps the first thing he'd discovered that Eve truly didn't seem to mind doing. The wolf broke the kiss, just momentarily, this time not being quite so neat about it. He let his drool drip down the smaller male's cheeks and face in its excess, while he pressed their

lips together and kissed the dog, softly. He gave Eve a few seconds to recover while he dragged his tongue across the little male's chin and face, deliberately and excessively wetting the shepherd's muzzle with his saliva. When Eve seemed to recover his breath and swallow what was left in his mouth, Arch forced their muzzles together yet again, gently locking his fangs against Eve's and forcing him to start swallowing again. Arch took this act very slowly, and deliberately, giving Eve every chance in the world to start struggling, to get away, to say he had enough. But every second he submitted to this otherwise rather sloppy form of affection, Arch loved him for it. Eventually, after several minutes, the wolf finally stopped the act himself. He pulled his muzzle back and licked the excess drool from his own muzzle. At this point, Arch had completely let go of Eve's hips and legs. The dog had been free to go for a few minutes now. But the scent of the wolf's arousal was still strong on the air. And the bulge in his cloth was just as evident as ever--massively thick, standing several inches beneath the cloth, a damn near terrifying sight for the small dog. And Arch wasn't even nearly fully erect.Evedael watched as the Alpha withdrew from the kiss, leaving behind a hefty amount of saliva both in his mouth and matting the fur around his muzzle. Now, even with the distance between both of them, Evedael's maw remained open in a mix of awe and surprise, as well as having been forced open for the last few minutes, in a way, it felt natural now. Although, after he began to realize that Arch had ended the kiss, he began to regain some of his composure. Now that his body was no longer being forced to stay, he began to regain control, as if the scent had merely stopped him from control his body when he truly wanted to. For now, Evedael licked slowly around the rim of his lips, lapping carefully at every inch as he began to clean himself and swallowing every single drop of the Alpha's drool he could get. In a way, the taste and the texture were nice, but even now as he practically licked and begged for it, his mind couldn't process why he was doing it. With his eyes slowly opening, his glanced up to the Alpha who's legs he sat between. Completely naked with a stiff sheath, his red crimson member, sparkling with a few rips of pre pushed slightly from his furry sheath. Still, unable to really fight back, or follow his minds judgement, his body did what felt good. Which, in this case was explore the Alpha's body. Without saying anything, the shepherds paws explored the black canine's body, the right taking the male's chest and shoulder, the left taking his stomach and hips. Both of which making it a habitto stay along the lines of Arch's muscles. By now, Evedael looked tired, like he was about to pass out as his lazy eyes admired the Alpha's body with great detail, not

bothering to make eye contact in that moment as he silently worshiped the wolf.Arch watched with growing fascination as the little dog remained right where he was, sitting between his legs, and licked at his own muzzle, as if to collect all he could of the wolf's saliva. The wolf loved that. He had to smile at how utterly drunk and uninhibited that kiss seemed to have made him; swallowing such large amounts of the alpha male's saliva, directly from his muzzle, was bound to have an increasingly intoxicating effect, to say nothing of the powerful musk of the wolf's arousal and body mixed in.The wolf was about to speak, when suddenly Eve's hands started touching him, like they never had before. Immediately, Arch's eyes went half-lidded and he growled deeply in pleasure. The wolf sat back against the couch, allowing the dog's hands to trace the impeccable lines of solid, masculine muscle along his pecs and his abs, even down to his hips. He couldn't believe this was happening. Arch LOVED being worshiped, more than anything. He never expected Eve to take such an interest in his muscles like this. The dog surely would have never done something like this if he had been sober, but even now, Arch understood it wasn't necessarily sexual. Straight or not, even other male's greatly appreciated and admired the wolf's powerful physique. He understood that Eve was only touching him like this because it felt good to him, right now, and he had probably wanted to feel the alpha male's muscular chest and belly, in a platonic way, since they first met. Regardless of the intentions behind it, Arch had to fight how arousing it was. In fact, he had to force himself to stop it. He knew the dog was already going to be rather angry with him for seducing him like this.Arch bent his arms down suddenly, and curled one arm underneath the dog's legs, while the other cradled around his back. He picked the dog up in that cradled position, and lifted up from the couch, carrying him over to the bed. The wolf grinned at the sight of the little canine's crimson tip poking out of his sheath, his first glimpse of the little male's penis. That wasn't -really- why he was interested in the dog's body, but it was still a very private, intimate thing to see on his friend."This can be your side of the bed." Arch said as he laid the dog down on the unbelievably luxurious bed. And to quell any fears Eve might have of Arch bringing him over here for other.. devious acts, the wolf spoke again. "You can get comfortable. I promise I won't molest you in the middle of the night. I'll be on the other side." The wolf paused, raising a brow and adding in a teasing voice. "Unless you'd like me to drool into your muzzle some more, I suppose I could arrange that, at least."Evedael yipped softly as he was picked up, not expecting the act in his trance like state as he completely absorbed with the wolf's body that his paws so

delicately explored. However, after that single yip, he made no attempt to fight back, nor hide himself from view. Rather, he gazed up at the wolf, keeping his paws to himself now as his eyes did the admiring. They slowly moved along the black furred muzzle, taking in every little thing that made it unique, that made it Arch. In his current state, he didn't even think twice about his current position, or how he was being laid onto the bed, or even about his own red tip that stuck out from his sheath. As his body made contact with the wonderful bed, Evedael's body slowly writhed about as if he was settling in. Every inch of the soft, caressing covers brushed against Eve's back as he gave a large smile, the first of which he had given tonight, as in his drunken state, even the sober him obviously enjoyed the bed and his body had no issues showing that with a large smile and a few slow flicks of his tail. The shepherd's tail raised against the bed, lifting until it was as high as it could go before lazily dropping down once more. With Evedael's muzzle shifting to the side once more, it lazily hung facing the large black wolf, watching him with his eyes half lidded. With a slow nod, Evedael licked his lips once more as the strong taste felt as if it were upon his tongue once more. "Please..." He stated, rather, begged as he opened his maw slightly, just enough for his teeth to part one another, which was only a centimeter or two, but he hoped it was enough to get his point across."Eve..." The wolf started, grasping his fingers hard into the sheets as he stood by the side of the bed. Hearing and watching the dog, buck naked, writhing against the covers, opening his muzzle and begging the wolf for more of his heavy, hot saliva to drink. It was a dream come true--Arch couldn't believe the dog actually said yes to what was essentially a joke. Not just said yes but pleaded for it. The wolf's body shuddered in the sheer arousal of the moment, and even though he tried to calm down, his body was not having it. His penis was more than half erect, by now, and the cloth did nothing.Arch nodded, and growled lowly at the naked, submissive shepherd. "Keep your eyes on my face, pup." Arch waited until the dog confirmed he understood, and the wolf lowered his hands to remove his own cloth, casting it aside. If the dog was drunk before, he didn't stand a chance now. The wolf's black cock hung freely in the air, blanketing the sheets and bed and the entire damn room with the musk of his cock and his crotch, finally unveiled. But Eve wouldn't see it, only smell it; he had orders not to look. Arch climbed onto the bed, the mattress pressing down on all sides as his massive weight overtook the dog's position.The wolf placed his hands on either side of the dog's body, and leaned over him. He did not press their bodies together, instead he hid his own lower body against the covers,

leaving only his powerful chest and arms in sight, as he leaned over the small dog. Arch let his tongue hang out of his muzzle, salivating rather profusely at the prospect of what he was about to do, and the sight of the handsome dog, completely naked, and all his. His warm drool dripped freely from his tongue and utterly handsome muzzle, dripping onto Eve's chest and neck, and finally onto his face as the wolf brought his muzzle downward. Arch kissed him wetly, dragging his tongue across the bridge of the dog's nose, and right up between his eyes, before returning to his muzzle and licking along his lips and his chin once again. The incredibly wet feeling of being licked and covered by the wolf's heavy slobber was undeniably soothing. But it wasn't until Arch let his tongue start to drip into Eve's mouth that the little dog was introduced once more to that incredibly strong, masculine taste, and was reminded how good it felt to have in his mouth, and how addictive it tasted. Arch didn't make the dog wait long. He tilted his muzzle to the side and locked his fangs sensually to Eve's maw, rewarding the little pup with a stroke of his massive tongue, followed by a torrent of heavy drool, which he would immediately have to swallow. It would be quite some time before Arch would let this kiss break. And the effects of swallowing so much of the alpha male's saliva would have long lasting effects on the little dog, even when he was sober.

A wolf and his dog (Part 4)

It seemed morning came too soon, but at least it was an off day for training. Like a weekend, the only wolves working were those that were on shift in the kitchens, and guards, or any other duty that still needed to happen every day. Arch usually liked...

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A wolf and his dog (Part 2)

It had been about three full weeks since Eve arrived, and even Arch had to admit he was impressed with the canine's ability to cope. He proved himself to be extremely determined, even if his physical stature was inherently inferior to the werewolves...

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A wolf and his dog

Normally, Arch wouldn't have troubled with the formalities of meeting traders, even if they came from a tribe with precarious relations. He was familiar with this group of merchant cats, and he wasn't very fond of them. But when one of his scouts came...

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