A wolf and his dog

Story by Arch on SoFurry

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Normally, Arch wouldn't have troubled with the formalities of meeting traders, even if they came from a tribe with precarious relations. He was familiar with this group of merchant cats, and he wasn't very fond of them. But when one of his scouts came to him and reported that they had a CANINE among their ranks of slaves, Arch decided it was worth his time. Some time later, the huge alpha male could be seen descending the steps of the temple, and making his way to the outskirts where the merchants off-loaded and sold their goods. He made his way effortlessly through the crowd, standing easily a foot or two taller than any of the other wolves in the area, wearing nothing on his hulking frame except for a single loincloth that hung heavily between two thick, powerful legs. As he approached, those fierce yellow eyes swept the offered slaves, passing right over Eve as if he didn't even notice. Arch was never one to give away his intentions so quickly. He grunted at the greeting he got from the fat feline slave peddler, and crossed his arms over his chest. "I hear you have slaves to offer, trader. I would take a look at them myself."The feline, rotund in stature, stared up at the canine in front of him. He had heard stories of the canine Alpha, Arch, who had many rumors floating around him, but to think that rumors were an understatement surprised him. His tail visibly shivered at the wolf's tone of voice and the sheer size, however, he kept to his usually, professional self as best he could. "U-uh, sure.. Right this way, Alpha." He stated, gesturing his own feline paw out to his side and waving them along the line of kneeling slaves. Turning and taking a few slow steps forward, as usual, he went about trying to make them out to be more than what they were. "Each of our slaves have been secured through various means, but one thing remains the same, nobody will come looking for them. Be it that their families were killed or there whereabouts unknown, they have nowhere to run. On top of that, each has a skill that makes him or her unique. And lastly, each of them has had their spirits broken, they will be obedient to you." He finished, straightening his coat before turning back to face Arch. "And as my men have explained, whichever you choose is free. Think of it as a gift to kick-start our wonderful friendship."The alpha's nose and lips twisted tightly in a brief snarl, but he didn't let the growl escape his throat. He hated slave traders, but he had discovered long ago that it was better to let them conduct their business than to kill them. Wars got started over that kind of thing, and he had learned the hard way that a few individuals' freedom wasn't worth the safety of his pack. Arch sighed and finally turned his attention to the kneeling German shepherd, taking a moment to study his features. He was pretty well sculpted, Arch supposed, for an anthro. He was the only canine in the group, and wolf or not, Arch couldn't stand

to see a canine bound in chains for a feline. Arch pointed. "That one. Get the chains off him, let him clean up, and have him delivered to my chambers." Arch lifted a hand and motioned with two fingers. Immediately, a scout appeared at his side, as if out of no where, ready to do as he commanded. "See to it he gets proper treatment." The scout nodded. Arch did not stay to see his orders carried out; instead heading back into the temple. It wouldn't be until later that the two of them would truly meet for the first time.______________________________________________________________________________________Evedael growled lowly at the firm push at his back as he stumbled forward into the room he had been nearly dragged to. However, he didn't care to necessarily fight back at the moment, sure the large wolf that escorted him here was being annoying, but so far the pack had done nothing but treat him well. With the muzzle and chains removed and having had his first bath in what seemed like weeks, Evedael couldn't deny the sense of gratitude he had towards the others. Although, he had still yet to have the opportunity to thank the Alpha. He had been too preoccupied his own self hatred to listen or even notice his new Master earlier that day. Stepping forward, Eve's eyes gazed around the sizable room, very different compared to the rooms he had been through until this point. Everything was obviously of higher quality and meant for someone of higher importance within the pack, but why give that to him, a mere slave. Perhaps it was them simply trying to win him over, earn some kind of sense of loyalty before being forced to work? Regardless, the bed across the room looked nicer than anything he had seen in weeks and practically yelled for his company. Assuming the room was his, however odd it may have seemed, he walked over to the bed before nearly collapsing onto it's soft, inviting textures. With a large smile, Evedael tilted his muzzle, burying it eagerly into the soft blankets that layered it. In that moment, acting like a kid who had just received a new toy. Certainly a sight that he would try and keep from others at all costs. Evedael's own fur slid gently against the blankets, having been recently cleaned, it laid straight upon his skin, giving off a smooth appearance and accompanied with an equally soft, silky touch. Sure, his breed wasn't exactly coarse to the touch, but it was one of the few qualities he felt made himself unique that even others of his own breed didn't have.Arch could smell the scent of the canine before he even turned into the hallway toward his quarters. He smirked--at least it was the scent of a clean dog, that particular, subtly masculine scent that was far preferable to his scent earlier that day. Arch made it to the large double doors that opened up into his quarters, stepped inside, and stopped before closing the door. He took a look around, confused for a moment

because he didn't see the canine waiting for him. That is, of course, until he glanced over to the bed. Arch raised his eyebrows; surprised at the audacity and courage of the little male. The bed was cleaned daily by the alpha's personal assistants, but the room surely smelled heavily of male wolf. Unless the shepherd couldn't yet tell the difference between one wolf and the next. Arch closed the door silently behind him, and he took a few steps into his bedroom. He crossed his arms over his bare chest, and cleared his throat loudly, trying to get the little male's attention. It was a gruff, deep sound that Eve would easily remember hearing from earlier that day. "Comfortable?"Evedael froze immediately, his back arched slightly as he remained stiff. The tone was easily remembered as the one from earlier in that day and the sheer strength the voice carried was enough to give him a sense of urgency to obey. Stopping his childish appreciation of the soft covers, he immediately sat up, still allowing his body to remain seated on the bed as his eyes shifted over to the large, nearly monstrous canine. "U-um... y-yeah.." He stated, stuttering nervously like a child as he was still trying to get over the startle. Standing up quickly, he offered his paw to the large Alpha, unsure of why the male had come to visit him. Checking on the new slave? Bringing orders? Whatever it was, it seemed odd he'd do it himself. After a moment, Eve's eyes opened wide as his nostrils inhaled the strong scent the male held, immediately aware that it was the same that flooded the room around him. "This is your- ... " He stated, realizing his mistake as he quickly turned his head downwards, seeking to avoid eye contact for the moment as he apologized. "I'm so sorry, Sir, I didn't mean to do what I did. I uh, misunderstood my situation..." He rambled, trying to quickly explain and retain some of his innocence. If it wasn't hard enough to think already, the muscular black wolf that stood in front of him was terrifying. Sure, his teeth weren't bared and he wasn't growling, but the male didn't have to do anything to look menacing. The sheer height difference and size of their muzzles was plenty to do that. As if it wasn't enough, the loin cloth that fell between the canine's legs did nothing to hide yet another part of his body that was drastically larger than anything he had ever seen, causing Eve to give off a subtle, barely audible huff as he turned his muzzle to the side, not wanting to look at the canine's bulge. With that thought, his own hands slowly crept closer to his own midsection, trying to cover his own sheath without making it terribly obvious.Arch held back the grin that wanted to surface as he watched the obvious discomfort and embarrassment creep across the canine's face. It was fortunate for Eve that the wolf wasn't nearly as mean as he looked; in any other case, a slave rubbing up on the alpha male's bed was cause for severe punishment. In this

case, Arch just thought it was rather cute. The dog was easily half his size, the sheer difference in mass between them was substantial, not to mention how much taller the wolf was. The poor shepherd's head barely came up to Arch's broad chest. That meant he was a lot closer to Arch's loin-cloth than he would've liked to be. And standing so close to the alpha, the scent of dominant male wolf was overwhelming--the kind of scent that was perfectly designed to attract females, and intimidate other males. The wolf huffed through that broad, predatory muzzle when the canine spoke. Arch lifted one of those massive hands suddenly, and he took the dog's chin between his thumb and forefinger. Arch lifted Eve's head up until they made eye contact, but that wasn't why the wolf was touching him. He turned the smaller male's head to the right, and then to the left, inspecting him. "Well, you clean up pretty well. Kind of scrawny, though."Evedael released a stifled whimper as the wolf gripped his muzzle, assuming that the touch would've accompanied pain with it, however, it was actually surprisingly gentle. At least, it wasn't what he expected from an Alpha to one of his slaves. With the Alpha's statement, Eve immediately gave a low, annoyed growl and jerked his muzzle backwards and out of the black wolf's grip. "I'm not scrawny!" He stated, slightly louder than he meant to. "But if you compare to me a monster like you, I am." He explained, his voice still carrying with it an annoyed tone stemming from the earlier statement. However, his voice actions may have been more dominant, the large male hulking above him still prevented him from doing anymore as his muzzle once more dipped down instinctively to avoid eye contact. Alas, the action was quickly regretted as Eve's muzzle did a quick turn and shot out to the side, trying it's best to avoid the large, bulging sheath beneath that thin loin cloth. The shepherd released a few short exhales through his nose as he tried to force the strong, overwhelming musk that forced it's way into his own moist nostrils.Arch drew his hand back, and once again his brows rose in surprise. He wasn't all that shocked that the canine's will hadn't been 'broken', as the fat feline had advertised (though he was happy the dog still had plenty of fight left in him). He was more surprised that the little male had the balls to react that way to HIM. Usually lesser canines, even lesser wolves, were quick to tuck their tails and submit to him. This one was different. It actually got the huge wolf to smirk. "Woah. Ok." Arch crossed one arm over his midsection and leaned back on one incredibly powerful leg, as he assessed the naked canine. He was rather impressed with the smaller male's stature--this was a breed of canine Arch found to be quite handsome. And seeing a male dog in this scenery--surrounded by werewolves much bigger than he--was rather refreshing, even if it must have been severely uncomfortable for the shepherd.

"So I'm a monster, am I? You've got some balls, little canine, talking to me like that." Arch reached down, and with one finger on one hand, he pressed his fingertip into the middle of the canine's chest. Eve might have been built pretty decently for an anthro, but the devastating power in the alpha male's limb was unreal. Arch pushed him backward, casually, with hardly any effort at all. But it was enough to force the dog backward. Luckily he only had the bed behind him to stop his fall, but it was an impressive show of force, nonetheless. Arch stepped forward a bit to tower more closely over the little shepherd. "What's your name, pup?"Evedael kept his expression slightly determined and unwilling to back down until he felt that large finger pushing into his chest. Not expecting much power behind it, he simply kept his muzzle turned up and away in disgust, however his eyes opened wide as he felt his balance shifted and immediately being pushed backwards. Having not expected it, he had no possible way of coming back from it as he fell back onto the soft bed once more. Curious as to what the large wolf was doing, his vision turned once more to face the Alpha, immediately fixing his eyes on the male's above him. He didn't feel comfortable doing it by any means, but he rather the eyes than the huge sheath that was barely hid behind the thin loin cloth. With his expression switching between determination and that of one about to turn away and concede victory, he tried his best to maintain what little integrity he had left. His paws still covered his own sheath as best as he could, still finding the size difference rather overwhelming, especially considering his entire life he had been in this Alpha's position with others. Laying with his back against the bed and his head angled forward slightly to stare down the wolf he spoke clearly. "Eve." He spoke, not realizing that his words carried a low growl with them from the slight anger he felt in that moment. "And yours?" he asked, adding an annoyed emphasis on 'yours'.Arch let his hands hang at his sides as he appraised the smaller male. He had to admit, the dog was extremely charming; at least from his point of view. The cream colored fur on his chest and underbelly mixed quite well with the brown along his sides and back. And the canine was toned, at least, even a bit muscular, for whatever good it did him being half the wolf's size. "My name is Arch. But you'd do well to continue calling me Sir." Arch met the dog's eyes when he said it, making sure it was perfectly clear that he was being serious. "Well Eve, I chose you because I believe you come from a proud breed of canine. And I couldn't stand to see you under the lock and key of that disgusting feline." The truth and disgust in the wolf's words could be heard, and seen on the repulsed expression on the wolf's handsome muzzle. Arch lowered a hand toward the dog, and held it out, offering to help him stand back up. When Eve hesitated

removing his hand from his crotch, the wolf let out a huff and rolled his eyes. "You don't need to hide that little thing from me. I know what a sheath looks like. I  have one too."Evedael felt his anger begin to subside somewhat, realizing that the wolf wasn't exactly attempting to harm him or even belittle him like most slave owners would do. If anything, he seemed to have good intentions towards Eve. "Well... I um- appreciate it..." He stated, coming out like a question rather than an apology, assuming that the wolf must've had another motive as to why he is doing all of this. By now, Evedael's eyes had calmed and he merely looked upon the wolf's face, examining a few of the features he had missed before. Evedael wasn't gay, but he couldn't deny the male was handsome, strong and well.. everything Eve himself wanted to be. After listening to the black wolf's statement, he huffed in annoyance as he lifted a single paw from his sheath, the other small paw doing a half-ass job and covering his sheath. "Yeah, I kind of noticed... And once more, it's not little, unless you compare it to yourself." He stated,  obviously a bit flustered as he tried to pull himself up using the larger canine's strong, outstretched paw. "I'll have you know, before I was captured and brought out into these god forsaken woods, I was top dog. I was the one standing where you are"Arch gripped his much smaller hand and easily pulled his entire body weight up with that single arm, bringing him to stand in front of him. But Arch didn't step back right away, so the naked canine was brought face to face.. or rather, face-to-chest, with Arch's hard pectoral muscles. He let go of the dog's hand and grinned down him. His indignity was amusing. "Well. Now you're the one standing down there." As if to make his point, Arch lifted a hand to rub gently over the shepherd's ears and the fur on the top of his head, petting him. It was an affectionate, intimate touch, and while the wolf's touch was gentle and felt great; it was still rather patronizing. "You've got quite an attitude for such a little male. You'd think a little dog would know his place among wolves." Arch said it firmly, but really, he was intentionally messing with the canine now. He saw how proud the smaller male was, and couldn't help toying with him a little. It wasn't like Eve could do anything about it, except get angry. Which Arch just found cute. This was proving to be more entertaining than he'd hoped. And besides, Eve was good-looking. He was a little more masculine than Arch was usually into, but because their size difference in their species was so great, Arch could so easily overpower him. And the wolf liked that.Evedael found his nose a mere inch or two from the wolf's broad chest but kept his head forward, expecting Arch to take a step backwards to give him more space, but of course, he didn't. By now, Eve was fairly certain that this 'Alpha' was merely toying with him, trying to get

these reactions from him. "Yeah, I'm down here.. but that does not mean I have to act like I am." He stated bluntly, closing his eyes to try and ignore the fact that the wolf was so close, alas, the strong scent that radiated from it's source only an inch away made it nearly impossible as it overpowered anything else he was within distance to smell. But, before he could try and forget about it, the large paw of the Alpha blanketed his head, rubbing against him like a child deserving of a reward.With Eve's eyes opening just enough to stare up disapprovingly at Arch, he began to speak. "Wolves or bears, I'm not going to be treated like a lesser. I'm only a slave because of the numbers they used to capture me, and I'd like to see you escape after being bound and muzzled." He finished, his voice slightly flustered, annoyed to no ends with the demeaning strokes he was receiving but tried to take a different approach to the situation. "Stop..." He commanded without emotion, raising his other paw from his sheath, leaving it completely open as he grasped Arch's wrist.Satisfied, Arch backed off, lifting his palms up to show he meant no harm. "All right, pup. Whatever you say." Arch grinned at him and took just a moment to cast his eyes up and down the now exposed little dog, appreciating the sight. But he would be good to his word. He turned toward the door and made his way out, deciding to give the little canine some privacy. For now. "Rest up, little dog. You've got a lot of work to do if you're going to fit in here." 


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