Story teaser

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Party

This is a teaser for first Annual SoFurry character story party


Maurice the doorman shivered in his finely tailored uniform, as a cool damp night mist suddenly filled the palatial drive. The black Wolf starred hard into the silvery mist, his yellow eyes unblinking. Getting the uncomfortable feeling that anything could come out of that swirling mist, he tensed as he heard the gravel crunching. And then blinked in shock, as a long black and white spiraled horn speared out at him. The long narrow equine head that followed was amazingly handsome, velvety black lip's curling up into a big friendly smile as the Zebracorn stepped out of the mist. He was dressed in a classic white Tux that went so very well with his black and white fur.

"Good evening." He greeted Maurice jovially, even as just behind him a tall lean red Stag appeared from the swirling mist. Which oddly seemed to dissipate as he moved forwards, as if the pair had somehow been traveling within those vapors. "Hoovebeats... play of two." The Zebracorn declared as he strolled up in front of the uniformed Wolf smiling widely.

"Ahem... oh yes of course. Your on the list... please go right in." Maurice answered back, as smoothly as he was able after the pairs strange arrival; the night air was clear and bright once more now. Quickly opening the massive old oaken door so the shiny pair could easily enter.

Beyond the doors the entrance hall was massive with arches and a vaulted ceiling, as if the mansion had once been a cathedral. A huge gray skinned pachyderm by the name of Abercrombie greeted them, taking the Stags over coat and the Zebracorn cane. Thrusting a booklet of rooms and descriptions into their three fingered hands, before ushering down the hallway into the main ball room. A enormous crystal chandelier floated cloud like above the main floor, brightly illuminating the inlay marble dance floor. Were numerous scenes of merriment were displayed in magnificent stone work on its highly polished surface.

The evenings festivities were well under way, as the Zebracorn always arrived fashionably late. Around the large room dozen's of couples spun in delightfully date dance steps. While on the far side of the dance floor another dozen or so furs clustered around a beautiful old ebony bar. Drinking and sharing pleasant conversation as the band played softly in the back ground. "Ahahaha decadent hedonism!" The smiling Zebracorn exclaimed as he glance around at Anton, the tall red Stag looking surprised and strangely at ease. Such was not the kind of place the Zebracorn usually took the Stag, and for once he was feeling almost at home. Until he noticed the older golden Lion walking by with a little white bunny on a leash.

"Oh dear, what sort of place have you brought me to this time." He mumbled into the Zebracorn's long equine ear, making that smile twist up even more.

"I thought that was plain... a place of decadent hedonism." Hooves smirked, as he eyed a large black Bull who had a small harem of Steers surrounding him. "Not all debauchery goes on in water front dives you know... oho no the wealthy get up to plenty of perverse things; trust me I know." Hooves flipped open the booklet that Abercrombie had given him, and looked through the rooms and descriptions slowly. "Tonight will be a night to remember... I assure you Anton." The red Stag's eyes rolled as he looked down the list of rooms, the dark-light dungeon catching his eye.

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