
Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#23 of Hard Times

Jordan is doing what he does best... with a little help from his friends

Thanx to good Friends boinggoat boinggoat and the big sweet kewne777 kewne777 for playing out parts of this with me

Cramming for finals

The fat bull snorted in pleasure, as that plump human heifer slid down his proud, hard Bull meat. The big black bovine savoring every tiny bit of sensation as his flesh slid inside of her. He kneaded her nice big tits, enjoying how cow-like they were, and relishing how the young human girl's chubby body shivered and trembled as his bull-hood worked its way inside her snug young tunnel. "Ummm, do you like watching geldings and eunuchs get fucked Gina?" The fat Bull teased, while toying with her hefty dangling tits.

"Ammmm it... its beautiful." Gina breathed, as she watched her two friends bucking and thrusting into the pretty pony, who was squealing in pleasure.

"Maybe I'll let you watch me nail those boys after they've been fixed..." Jordan offered, studying her flat face to try and judge her reaction at that offer.

"You... your really going to... to cut their balls off?" The chubby human girl breathed, as shivers of pleasure raced through her body; even as her wet sex was stretched more than it ever had been before. She watched Georges heft sack swing back and forth and tried to imagine what it would look like when he was a eunuch. "I... I... Ummmm yeah so deep... I can't believe they're going to let you do... do that to them." She breath seeing how much the twins were enjoying fucking the soft little Nordic pony. Jordan grinned up at the moaning human girl and thrust nice and hard, bouncing her on his strong lap.

"Hmmm, a hard time believing it eh? Let's convince you then." Jordan said with a smirk, and then with Gina still straddling his loins the big Bull leaned back and reached over his head. Snaring the two young human boys' tender fleshy sacs, one set in each huge flabby hand. "Boys... who owns your balls?" He demanded tugging and squeezing those firm young stud nuggets.

"Jordan." Both of them answered at once even as they're balls were squeezed hard.

"And Whose gonna make you two eunuchs?" Again both young lads moan in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"Ohoooooo." Gina moaned her voice a soft curious cooing, as she listened to the boys say who would be taking their ball's, the moisture on Jordan's fat Bull dick suddenly doubling.

"You will Jordan." The big Bull smirked as he moved his broad hands back to the human girl's rump, rolling her hips around on his meaty shaft, working it inside her. "I might just take their pricks too. Would you like to be there watching?"

"Wha... cut their dick off too." The hefty human girl moaned, as his body was bounced up and down on that thick throbbing cock more forcefully. "Yes... yes I would." Gina blurred, and then blushed in shame at sounding so excited about watching her friends lose their sexual organs. "So... so you did that to... to their dad?" She asked thinking about the big strong Ted, he'd always looked so masculine but now he had nothing between his legs. The idea making her squirm around on that massive Bull cock, even as Jordan slammed it into her harder and faster.

"I sure did!" He replied with a lewd smirk, as the memory of it made his cock tense even harder within her soft folds. "And now I'm the Bull of their house, I own their momma's pussy, and their sister's too."

"Oho Wow." Gina moaned as the big black Bull told her about making Ted a Eunuch and taking the humans wife as one of his cows.

"And you know what I've discovered." He asked with a big grin, putting his huge hands on Gina's shoulders... and then with a lustful snort rolling over. Pinning the plump teen under him, with her chubby legs spread out wide around his bulky body.

"No wha... OHO!" The chubby young human shouted in excitement and delight as the powerful animal between her legs became more assertive, his legs wrapping around his hefty waist as she lay back looking up at him.

"I've discovered that I like human cows." He panted lewdly as he pumps her, the big Bull's heavy sac slapping the human girl's backside as he nailed her hard.

"Oho yeah.... Yeah ride me... ride me hard!" Gina squealed even as she saw Fred trembling as he cum hard into Brayden soft muzzle, the sight making her even more sexually excited herself.

"Ammm... yeah... you're nice and soft Gina... I want you to be one of my cows." Jordan invited as his big body slammed her soft one deeper into the soft mattress. "Simple rules, you let me cum in you anytime I want, every time I want. And you'll get to watch those two boys, and a lot more get their balls cut off..."

"My... My BULL!" She screamed as the first of her orgasms thundered through her damp loins, running down Jordan's thick cock and smearing her sex scent on his fat sack. "Yes... yes anytime... anywhere..." She agreed, even as in her head she thought about watching the boys lose their male hoods to a real male. The big Bull lustily shoved his thick tube steak into Gina's snug young pussy, Jordan savoring every fleshy thrust of their fuck. Grinning broadly as she gave herself to him... he lifted himself up a bit to stare down at the chubby human cow he'd just scored. Licking his lips as he watched her big tits bouncing over her wide chest, her plump tummy shaking with every thrust, even as his own hefty gut did. He watched her moan and shake as he had her... and then he bit his lip and leaned his head back as he came hard inside of her. The fat Bull thrusting hard, sending his virile sac slapping against her soft flesh as his thick bull hood throbbed and spurted his hot Bull spunk filling her belly...

"Ummmm..." Gina moaned, as she felt him cumming inside of her, his spunk so much hotter and there was so much more of it than a human boys she could actually feel it filling her. "Ummmm gods.... gods..." She mumbled, as wave after wave of orgasm washed over her senses leaving her breathless and dizzy. Vaguely she heard George cumming in Brayden's hot quivering gelding tail hole, and then lay down beside his brother. The two humans spent, and their pitiful cocks drooping and shriveling up even more pitifully. Even as Jordan drove hard and deep into her, his male seed filling her completely. "Oho Wow... Wow... WOW!" The fat Bull grunted as his wide hips worked back and forth, big gut shaking on top of Gina's belly. He reached down and kneaded her big young breasts again, even as he was finishing in her. Slowly he pulled his meat out of her quivering young pussy, and scooted over her. His knees on either side of her chest, his fat, sweaty balls danging down to drape across her breasts. While his bobbing, wet dick waving over her blissful face.

"You know, I think all human girls should give pussy to a Bull whenever they get the chance. Don't you?" He teased her with a big friendly smirk, Gina lay back starring up at the huge cock that had just given her so much pleasure. And yet was still jutting out proud and stiffly in front of the black Bulls body. His hot sweaty ball's throbbing on her naked flesh, the powerful sex musk leaving her even more light headed.

"Ammmm yeah... yeah everyone should have the chance to feel that good." She panted, even as she watched Fred and Geroge lean in to lick that big wet Bull cock, the twin licking it clean as she watched.

"Can I be next?" Fred blurred looking up at the sexy Bull in honest desire, even as George did the same.

"No me this time... he got it first last time." George protested as the two brother contested over licking and kissing that mighty organ.

"Hahaha." The fat Bull laughed and gave both boys a loud spank across their round pink bubble rumps. "Yep, you two are 100% gay alright." Jordan chortled even as his big hot hand gropes those sexy naked ass's. "You've got a beautiful naked human girl right here, and you two fight over who gets mounted next. You two won't miss your cocks at all." He says with a chuckle as he teases them gently. "And fine George, you can be first this time, just get on all fours and spread it like a cow." He instructed, and then he looked down at Gina, pausing to rub her hefty breasts once more. "Ammm, and I'll want to see you again very soon Gina, maybe if your timing is good I'll even let you cow for some of my friends. And on that note, if you have any friends that you think need to have a Bull inside them, invite them along. For now though, my Steers need me." He smirked instructing Fred to spread his brother ass-cheeks, and then moves up behind George thrusting that huge organ into the human's pucker.

"Ummmmm gods!" George moaned as his well use sphincters parted for his Bull's mighty cock.


The hefty black and white Cow lay back on the big bed, naked except for a frilly pink lace teddy. As she looked up at the two massive Bulls that stood in front of her, both obviously excited as they looked over her lush sexy body. "Ok so who gets to go first this time?" She giggled as she remembered how Jordan had taking her first last time, while her boyfriend had watched and fondled them both.

The big black Bull smiled broadly, and leaned over the sprawling Cow's wide body, and put a broad palm heavily on her belly. He rubbed her plump bump through that embroidered teddy, feeling the firmness under the softness that called to him so much. He couldn't help but smirk, as he recalled Enrique's earlier confession about Jill's condition. This Cow was already his, with her belly swelling with his calve.

"Why don't you go first this time my friend." The big black Bull said with a smirk, graciously allowing Enrique to mount his own Cow. "I bet she's eager to see how you perform, now that we've settled your... debt." Jordan brushed a big hand across the red Bull's backside, brushing his tail aside to glance at the Enrique's sac... Now half-deflated, having donated the larger of the red Bull's balls to fill out Jordan's pair.

"Ummm well dear..." Enrique stammered, trying to figure out the best way to inform his Cow that he wasn't all the Bull he use to be. The pretty female looked up at him smiling, as she waited for him to do something, finally the red Bull just shoved his baggy underwear down.

"Ohooo there's my big excited Bbb..." Her voice trailed off as she eyed his long red cock with its strange flat tip and angry pink scar tissue. "Wha... what on earth happened to your..." She started sitting up and fondling his shortened shaft, only to get a second shock as her finger slide down to his half deflated ball sack. "OHO!" Jordan couldn't help but smirk as he watched her discover her boy friends new limitations.

"Don't fret over it, it's not like you'll be missing it... we gave it the best of homes." Jordan assured, the fat Bull lifting up his own big black bag and showing off the twin bulges and the still-healing scar down the side of it. "Enrique decided that since he allowed my other ball to be lost, he owed me one of his own. As for his prick, well... call it a transaction fee." Jordan joked with a lusty snort, as he couldn't help smelling her excitement thick in the air.

"Oho... oho that's so noble." The pretty Cow exclaimed hugging her surprised Bull lovingly, as Enrique shivered in delight at her soft touch. "You gave your best friend apart of yourself... that's a wondrous gift." She went on, pulling him down onto the bed and covering his muzzle with passionate kiss's, this wasn't exactly what he'd been expecting. But he was glad it wasn't taunting or worse tears, and so lay back running his big hands over her sleek body as she lay beside him.

"Ummm well... yeah I guess you could... uhum." Enrique mumbled as her lip's ravished his mouth, slowly he rolled over on top of her. Seeing this Jordan climbed up behind Enrique and put both hands on the red Bull's rump cheeks, his strong hands firmly kneading them.

"Yes, one of the most important parts in fact, he gave up his biggest ball so that I could be a complete Bull again." There was an unmistakable emotional catch in the big Bull's voice as he spoke. Licking his lips, Jordan reached under the red Bull's rump and groped his half-empty sac, feeling the one ball with it's one thick cord, still connected to those loins. He began to rub that fistful of fertile flesh against the Cow's inner thigh's. "Ummm go on girl show your half-Bull how you love him for giving up his big left cummer, to his own Bull..."

Enrique gulped as his stubby cock rubbed up against the silky fabric of her teddy, and then nimble fingers guided it under that fabric. The heat and dampness of her sex, making him inhale sharply as he was suddenly inside of her. "Ammmm gods." Enrique moaned, his shortened cock engulfed in that soft smooth flesh even as a big strong hand fondled his single testicle. Jordan grinned, standing directly behind the red Bull, fondling that tender single ball feeling the tension tugging on the sac as Enrique trust forward into his Cow. The black Bull stroked himself, his long pole waving over Enrique's flexing buttocks, pre-cum dribbling down onto them as the red Bull humped, and Jordan watched.

"Yes... fuck that Cow Enrique, you've earned it sure enough. Hasn't he though Jill... you've chosen a fine Bull for your boyfriend, you both so succulent. Such a sexy Bull... so eager to fuck you, even with just one nut." He rolled that single sweaty orb around in his flabby hands, massaging it lovingly. "He's certainly my favorite Bull... probably the only one I'll ever let fuck my Cows... well more than once." He added with a big smirk, thinking about all the males he's traded out of their nuts. Slowly he leans forward, until his long shaft stroking over the red Bull's flexing rump...

"Ohooo yes... he's very special." The black and white Cow moaned breathlessly, as that stubby cock slid in and out of her. She knew it wasn't as big as it use to be, but also knew the cock waiting its turn was. "So sexy... so eager... even with just one testicle." She agreed weakly, looking over Enrique's broad shoulder at the huge dripping cock that rubbed against his fat round rump cheeks. Her hands sliding down his strong rutting body, cupping those buttocks she spreads them wide for the Bull behind her boyfriend. Jordan grinned down at the panting Cow below Enrique, and scooped up his bulky bovine sac, and draped it across the red Bull's flexing buttocks.

"Hmmmm, would you like to watch me fuck your one-balled Bull, lovely Cow?"

"There is a certain beauty to watching one male atop another." The pretty black and white Cow moaned, even as Enrique whispered into her ear, begging for her to say yes. "Will you share this moment with us?" She asked, inviting Jordan to fuck her boyfriend, while she enjoy the pleasure of having him between her legs. The black Bull nodded, and with a lewd smirk he grabbed Enrique's plump ass cheeks. He pulled his long pole back until it teased the red Bull below his tail, then Jordan gently eased forward. He could even have been rougher, after all Enrique had had him many times before. But he wanted to savor the Bull and Cow's reaction as he eased his pole into his best friend's rump. He inched forward, pushing until his hefty, full sac rolled against Enrique's rump. And then Jordan started to thrust, fucking another breeding Bull even as his Cow watch it all.

The powerful muscles of Enrique's shoulders and back bunched and strained, as his Bull slid smoothly into him. The red Bull lifting his head to moan and exhale raggedly as that big cock thrust within him. "Ummmm gods." He moaned, even as his Cow kissed and fondled him more lustfully as she watched one Bull enjoy the other. Enrique's cock softened slightly was his tail hole was stretched, his cow could feel it all. And soon was on the end of a powerful double thrust, as both Bull's thrust back and forth rutting each other and her all at once. Jordan snorted in delight, the red Bull's snug ass felt good on his rod... even better than he remembered. He grabbed those big rump cheeks and started kneading them as he thrust, working the smaller Bull's flesh around his penetrating pole. He took a deep breath as his fat sac rolled against Enrique's half empty one.

"Oh you know something... I could have cut his other nut off too." Jordan moans, leaning over the red Bull's back to leering down at Jill. "I could have left this guy a Steer... but I didn't, because I love my bull too..."

"Wha..." Jill moaned looking up at the black Bull over her boyfriends shoulder, even as the two of them snorted and thrust harder. "He could have been your... but you love him." There was a strange kind of softness in her voice, as she realized the feelings between the three of them. Jordan grinned as he pumped Enrique's wide rump, his own belly shaking with each shove.

"Yes... your Bull would have let me claim both of his balls, but I wanted him to still have a chance to cum." He leaned down, and whispers in the sexy red Bull's pointed bovine ear. "Now... cum Enrique, I own your balls... cum for me."

"Ummm Ummmm." The red Bull moaned, as those words were whispered into his ear making a shiver run down his powerful spine. Enrique's big fleshy rump picking up speed as he slammed into that hot Cow faster and faster. Making her moan in pleasure with each thrust, even if his cock wasn't as long or as hard as it use to be. "MMMMOOOOO..." Enrique bellowed loudly tossing his head back. as that single fat orb drew up within his sack and sent a weak gush of his seed into her.

"Ohoo yes." Jordan moaned as his fat body rocked back and forth atop them for a moment longer. Enjoying the muscle spasms of Enrique's orgasm on his own fat cock, even as he peaked himself. "MOOMOOMOOO!"


"Wow this place is great!" Fred and George agreed, as they let themselves be lead naked through the Rakhouse. The two naked pink humans incredibly excited to be in the company of big naked and aroused males. It was like a wet dream come true for the two gay teenage athletes, knowing there was not a male here who didn't want to fuck them.

"Well once this is done... you'll be welcomed here forever." Jordan assured the boys with a wide some, as he and Enrique lead them through the Rakhouse. "Just like Terrance here." The fat Bull said slapping the big Bear on the shoulder, as Terrance smiled at the fat Bulls powers of persuasion. He knew that he was promising them exactly what they wanted, and knew equally well it was exactly what they would get.

"Just like dad." George exclaimed excitedly, as he saw his father across the room kneeling in front of a couple of big canines. The teenagers mouths watering, as they watched those huge bones being thrust down Ted's compliant throat.

"He's very popular..." Jordan noted as he fondled George's sleek round bubble butt, smiling at the room of watching Nutters. "But I'm sure you two will be even more so." The big Bull snickered, seeing a number of envious and lustful looks from his fellows.

"You... you think so?" Fred asked, looking up at the big Bull searchingly as he snuggled close to Jordan's side.

"Oho I'm sure of it." The fat black Bull chuckled, knowing that newcomers always were more popular. Ted had been servicing the Rakhouse for weeks now, while the boys would begin that very night. Turning right at the pillow room Jordan guides his latest conquests into the Rakhouse's surgery, the two operating tables sit up side by side once again. Only a day before Jordan and Enrique had been laying on those tables, one giving gifts the other receiving them. Tonight it was a bit different set up for the twin's who would be giving up gifts, and receiving plenty of thick, hard cock in return. The tables had been sat up so that the brothers could lay back a bit farther, so as it allow better access to hot holes and eager mouths.

Fred and George glanced around the room, their eye's widening as they saw the big furry males assembled there. A massive red Bear stood leering at them from the seats above, along with a white Wolf, a massive Crocodile and a smirking pink Pig. The two young humans gulped as the saw all those massive erections, and knowing that those were for them. They would soon be getting to know those fat cocks intimately, the thought sending a thrill through them. Making those small human cock bounce up and down in excitement, drops of slimy pre-cum dripping every where. This reaction not going unnoticed by the watching males, and deep rumbling lewd chuckles quickly fill the room.

"Have a look boys, the toys are already waiting..." Red snickered to the other big guys, watching the human twinks as Jordan lead them in. Fondling the silver ring pierced deeply into his left protruding nipple, dragging it our of his red-golden fur. While stuffing his right index finger under the thick layer of foreskin on his pulsing hybrid-dick. "Don't let them get cold." He joked to the others as they came down to look the human twins over lustfully. "So boys, you're prepared for what's coming eh?" The crocodile was slightly disappointed by the look of the small humans, flicked his tongue along his deadly razor sharp teeth. And began to eye the fat Pig that followed Red, those boar testicles bulging out obscenely and naked from his dark-furred skin. Revealing some wild blood in his lineage, it would give them a rougher taste he knew. The white Wolf crossed his arms, watching the show while his pink tip slowly grew out of that massive sheath, smelling the excitement of the other fellas. Red stopped about a foot in front of the humans, bowing down to sniff their faces and chests. As he pulled a finger out from inside of his foreskin, dragging along a thick slimy line of pre -cum. As he held that thick finger out between the twins, waiting for their reaction.

The boys mouths dropped open when they saw that huge pre-cum covered finger waved in front of their faces. Their small slightly up turned human noses flaring, as they inhaled the scent of it excitedly. Their strange flat human muzzles eagerly leaning forwards, tongue hanging slight out. It was plain that they wanted to taste it, and looking up pleadingly at Jordan and Red. "Ummm can we?"

"Someone is wanting it bad." Red Grizz snickered, as he moved in closer to examine the two stocky young human jocks. "Of course, enjoy it boys." Red told them, starring dominantly into George's eyes, waving the others into the circle with his left paw. The Pig sniffing curiously at the Bears finger too, trying to hide the thrilling effect of that Ursine musk. Even as he started to squeeze the base of his cock, still not showing any signs of his hidden tool. The twin human's soft mouths instantly mobbed that big furry finger licking and kissing it wildly, as they inhaled the musky scents of that fat cock. Their pinks hands beginning to unconsciously fondle their on hard little human erections, so much that Jordan had to reach down and gently stop them.

"Now... now... you've been told you only get to cum once in the Rakhouse." He warned them with a smirked, as he watched them bob their heads up and down on Red's thick finger.

"Your last orgasm should be as these are coming off." Enrique teased, reaching down to roughly squeeze and tug on those hairless human orbs playfully.

"Do... do guys really cum from... You know having them cut off?" The boys stammered, even as they looked over Red's thick hard ursine cock with wonder in their eyes. "You can touch it if ya like." The massive Bear hybrid offered, grinning in delight as the pair instantly begin fondling his throbbing cock with smooth pink fingers. "But if you want it inside of you... These gotta come off." The boy's stubby erections bounced up and down drooling in sexual excitement at the big Bears words.

Alwin the white Wolf, still not amused by the thought of the predatory bovines standing behind the human males, scratched his head for a second and then joined the rest of the group. Even if Jordan was his friend for a while now, the Bull's new taste for cutting of special dicks left a suspicious taste on his tongue, he needed to be sure that there would be no surprises happening this evening. Szesh, the green-tinged crocodile shove one of his broad black-clawed fingers into the slit on the mid of his lower body, gently tracing the claw tip along his rubbery textured glans. He moved over behind the Boar, whose name was Steven if the Croc remembered correctly. And watched in fascination as he fondled his pig prick, while looking at Jordan and the red Bull.

"Alright boys... up on the tables." Terrance ordered, as he slipped into his surgical robe and donned his latex gloves. The two naked pink humans climbed up onto the operating tables, which made them look even smaller. The black Bear quickly gave them a injection, more to boost the sedatives already in their systems than anything else.

"Cold..." The twins mumbled together, as their naked skin lay back on the sterile stainless steel surface.

"Don't worry dears... we'll warm you up." Red Grizz chortled as he moved over beside Fred, his massive paws already gloved and ready. He'd been wanting to nut a human for the longest time, and now here was his chance.

"Just lay back and relax..." Terrance told them softly, as he watched the wolf and pig move up to the head of the table. Each straddling one of the humans heads, covering their dazed red faces with hefty musky malehood. The twins began licking and kissing those hefty masculine bits eagerly, even as Szesh the green-tinged crocodile moved up beside George. The Croc and Grizzly shared a gloating grin across the table and the human's, reaching down to fondled those shaven sacks.

Jordan had moved up into the seats to watch the event with Enrique, the pair having already enjoyed the humans repeatedly in the days before. And so were perfectly willing to just watch the action, the black Bull having already made it clear that the trophies would be his. This was a gift to his friends, and everyone of them understood that he was giving them the pleasure for their support.

The pair inhaled deeply and moaned into those hot throbbing male organs draped over their faces, as the first cut was made. Wrinkly pink skin parting, almost bloodlessly at first revealing the pale whitish inner membrane. That was just and efficiently sliced open, and the human's naked testes flopped out into view. Both boys gasping and panting for breath heavily now, strong male musk filling their senses from the aroused males watching.

"Last chance..." Red Grizz growled teasingly, the whole room erupting into laughter as the humans stubby erection bounced up and down in excitement. "Guess that answers that..." The huge red Bear snickered as he lifted up of Fred's nuts higher, while Terrance carefully tied them off. And then the big Bear cut them free, holding it up triumphantly to the room. "My first human." He grunted, and clearly it wasn't going to be his last the big Ursine liked the idea of nutting humans. Fred's body quaking on the table, as his stubby little cock surged and spat it's last load over his naked stomach. "Ummmmmmm..." The human moaned as the powerful pleasure of orgasm raced through his body, the big Wolf leaning over to lap up his spunk slowly.

"Kinda small." Szesh Observed even as he collected his own first human nuts, casually tossing them into the collection jar. "Still damn fun tho'..." The big Croc admitted, as he watched Georges stiff cock jerking and spurting hard. The fat Hog covering his face with that soft belly, as he bent down and cleaned up the humans last seed. The stood up licking his lip's happily, as he moved back to uncover Georges bright red face.

"Now it's yer turn to swallow..." He snickered, quickly jamming his long twisted Porsine cock into the humans waiting mouth. "Ummmmm." George moaned as that slender cock fucked down his throat, the young jock already experienced in deep throating.

Szesh and Red Grizz had moved down between the human's leg's now, and were lifting and spreading them. Even as Terrance swiftly worked to collected Jordan other trophies, those two flagging human cocks. Smiling as he watched them bounce back to full erection, as the slimy wet heads of those fat cocks rubbed against the human's pink puckers. The big Bear and lusty Croc wasting no time in forcing themselves into those tiny little holes.

Fred and Georges suddenly finding themselves filled front and back, soft pink human hands reaching up to rub the buttocks of the furs face fucking them. Pulling them in deeper even as the boys felt their leg's pushed out wider, as the Bear and Croc began to fuck them more and more excitedly. As they watched Terrance slowly cut Fred's cock loose from the human's trembling body. The big black Bear pausing only to let Alwin finish the last few slices, and lift the rubbery human cock away. Before he finished stitching Fred now completely denuded crotch up, having rerouted the humans urethra. And then moved on to George, who was bucking and struggling a bit now. Clearly the human was having second thoughts about losing his cock. Not that it mattered the big Pig was holding it up teasing it with his thick fingers, as Terrance swiftly slit around the base. And in moments George joined his twin in Nullo-hood, those sever organs being added to Jordan's trophy bottles.

"You belong to us now!" Alwin growled down at the suckling Fred, even as his own huge fur covered orb's quivered and fed the sucking human. Between his leg's the huge grizzly Bear was rocking back and forth wildly, his thick dick throbbing and swelling withing that tight hole. Until with a grunt of delight the massive Bruin exploded, spurting thick rivers of hot cum into the human's aching anus. "Switch..." The big grinning Wolf snickered as Red Grizz pulled out of that quivering orifice and stepped back.

"You know it..." He laughed waddling around to the other end of the table, swatting Alwin on the ass as he took Fred's flaming red head. The white Wolf chuckled as he loped around to the other end of the Human, pausing to teasingly paw his huge bone.

"Have you ever had the knot?" He asked the stunned looking Fred, even as Red Grizz caressed that blunt human face.

"Errr... no." The young jock stammered, as he eye balled that long pointed red cock with its fist size knot.

"Your about to!" The big Wolf snorted as he pounced on the human's round pink butt, and shoved himself inside in one brutally thrust.

"OHO GOAWK!" Fred choked as that throbbing fist sized knot slammed against his anal gates, beating and battering savagely until with a loud 'Slurp' it was pushed in. At the same moment Red Grizz shoved his big blunt cock head into that shouting mouth. Fred had thought that he'd been fucked before, but nothing compared to the swift lust drive savage passion he was experiencing now. The two big males atop him didn't have to worry about getting him off... so all that was on their minds was their own pleasure and they were taking it inside of him! That mighty knot was filling him more than he'd ever been filled before, and the big Bears hard cock was raping his mouth wildly. He was deliriously happy and hoped the moment would never end, beside him he could hear George getting the same treatment. As the room seemed to fill up with big hot furry bodies, smoothing paws wandered over naked flesh...

Lock up...

The handsome young Buck stumbled into the sterile sickly green painted room, the big Wolf guard escorting him stopping at the door. "He's all yours." The Wolf growled to the fat Bull who was standing there waiting. The big Bovine nodded and...

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Surprise The young Stag trotted along the old brick path, the smell of damp earth and ancient tree's in his nostrils. The sleek Stag was young and horny, he'd heard about the park for years. How Queers hung out there at night in the sylvan shadows...

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South hills night prowler

The south hill night prowler Darby shook his head ruefully, it had all started out innocently enough. Just a little harmless breaking and entering, more for the thrill than any gain. But then those La-rue twins had...

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