The Royal Apples - Part VI

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#6 of Apple Chronicles - MLP

Never annoy an immortal pony princess. They are powerful and quick to anger.


In the months that had passed since Applejack's visit to Canterlot, Big Mac had gotten back fully into the swing of things around the farm. He'd finished the new bunkhouse which sported a fresh coat of white paint with red trim, a contrast to the nearby barn. He'd refenced the north orchard and built a small, private gazebo at his and Luna's favorite spot.

The spring harvest season for their cider apples had ended successfully with their entire supply being sold out. It had proven so popular with some big city ponies that Macintosh was in negotiations with one of his neighbors to purchase about 30 additional acres of fallow land so future supplies of cider apples could be increased.

Late-summer was a growing season, so two thirds of the farmhands had moved on to other farms, with promises to return when the next cycle of apple bucking arrived in the fall. The four who remained, Gala Apple, Apple Cake, Apple Seed and Caramel Apple were all cousins and part of the extended Apple family. They were studying firsthand how a farm operated and, with Big Mac as their mentor, learning the basic carpentry and machine repair skills needed to keep an enterprise like Sweet Apple Acres viable. Demand for Apple brand products was now such that even some of their relatives' farms had increased sales, be they apples, carrots, hay or oats.

Applejack, in addition to acting as fore pony, was taking a correspondence course on business management. She was especially interested in finding out if they could incorporate their business to gain some tax advantages and protection from potential legal problems.

Even Granny Smith was livelier than ever. Her hip problem had mysteriously vanished two weeks earlier after a sales pony had talked her into buying a new type of miracle health elixir. When told that the stranger had sported a gray streaked van dyke and had a diploma as his cutie mark, Macintosh smiled knowingly.

Applebloom was still, well Applebloom and had been using the last few weeks of summer to aggressively crusade in and around Ponyville. .

Princess Luna continued making her nocturnal visits to the farm. Though she seemed much more self-assured, she still wanted to keep her relations with the farm pony out of the public eye, afraid that too much attention might ruin the quiet of Sweet Apple Acres which she now considered a retreat from the life of a princess. She also confessed to Big Mac that she felt a certain, thrill, in hoodwinking the tabloids and paparazzi who often wondered how she spent her free time. The red furred pony didn't mind if it meant he could be with Luna more often. Besides, he'd promised Princess Celestia that he would let her sister decide the direction of their relationship.

Naturally, with privacy in mind, whenever they went out on dates in Canterlot, she would use her glamour charm to disguise Mac and herself as unicorns. Fortunately the farmer had gotten used to Luna's teleport spell making quick trips to the city easy. If they felt like visiting Ponyville, they would both look like earth ponies. Her guards were the only ones who were allowed to see through the enchantment, but only as far as was necessary for them to do their jobs.

At the moment, the two ponies were sitting together in their gazebo, leaning against each other, their necks entwined. "It's hard to believe it's been almost seven months since the night Queen Chrysalis attacked us," muttered Luna as she gently rubbed her cheek against the hard muscle and soft fur of the farmer.


"A nightmare that became a beautiful dream."


"Are you ready for the investment ceremony?"

"Eeeyup." The red-furred suddenly stirred and looked at the Princess. "Wait... What?"

"Your investment ceremony... you know, the formal ritual inducting you as a Knight Bachelor in the Order of the Equestrian Star." Luna studied Big Mac's face. "Don't you know?"

"Uh... Nnnope. Ah thought Ah already was a knight... whatever."

"You have been nominated for the honor, yes, but it's not official until the ceremony of investment takes place, and that won't be until the Autumn Equinox in three weeks." She shook her head slightly. "Hasn't Sir Silver Lance been instructing you?"

"Nnnope. Ah don't even know who this Sliver Lance fellow is," Big Mac replied.

Luna frowned. "He was assigned as your mentor two weeks ago. I am... surprised that he hasn't even had the courtesy to call on you, especially with time getting short."

"So what's involved in this ceremony thing?"

"It's pretty much the same formality that Twilight, Applejack and the other Elements went through two years ago after defeating Discord."

"Ah remember that," the farmer said. "It had somethin' ta do with a window if Ah recall."

"Yes," nodded the Princess. "A stained glass window is being created showing how you earned your Knighthood."

Mac grinned. "Granny is always joshin' Applejack that the only windows in our family history are the barroom ones Gramps was always gettin' thrown out of when he was younger."

Luna chuckled hearing this. "I'm afraid there'll be no throwing ponies out these particular windows. They're too expensive and have enchantments on them to resist breakage. Rainbow Dash found that out the hard way when she tried to bash an image of Discord."

"Eeeyup...Sounds like Rainbow alright."

"I'll talk with Tia about this and find out what happened with Silver Lance."

The alicorn nuzzled herself together with Big Mac and sighed softly. Just being here with the stallion made the world a safe place. Nothing, no pony, no evil influence could disturb her as long as he was by her side. With this absolute peace and contentment came a soft, glowing warmth she hadn't remembered feeling before. She reached out with one wing and draped it delicately across the farmer's back and drifted off to sleep, her horn glowing with the same albedo as the moon above.

Looking down fondly on the Princess, Macintosh smiled, kissed her on the muzzle then rested his head next to hers.


There were times Princess Celestia found it hard to maintain her composure when conducting court. More often than not these usually involved a blatant disrespect for one's fellow pony, a social status conflict between nobility and commoners or some kind of ridged, bureaucratic rule. Today, they involved all three.

Examining the document that hovered before her, the Sun Princess kept glancing back and forth between it and the three nobles who stood before her. "The decree you cite is more than four hundred years old."

Prince Blueblood nodded towards the alicorn princess. "Yes, Auntie, but as you can see this decree was clearly intended to prevent unworthy ponies from being given titles and honor which they did not deserve."

"Do not presume to explain its intent to me. I was the one who wrote it," Celestia responded. She glanced down on the Ad hoc committee of ponies before her. Blueblood was, as usual, his normal, arrogant self. Next to him stood a pegasus filly with green fur, a fancy gold mane and tail streaked with white, and more than enough jewels to fund the Ponyville clinic for a year. Her name was Emerald Cloud. The final committee member was none other than Sir Silver Lance himself, a well-proportioned, beige-furred unicorn with a black mane and tail. He was dressed in the armor of a Colonel in the Equestrian Army.

"Aunt Celestia I was just..."

"You were just trying to tell me how I should administer the honors system for this Kingdom," she replied, a slight note of disapproval in her voice. "When this decree was written, it was INTENDED to prevent ponies of wealth from buying themselves honors and titles that are reserved only for the most deserving... A knighthood is and must always be granted without consideration of origin or social status. To do anything else dishonors the Order itself. Any pony who has met the criteria of such honors must and will be knighted... "

"Your highness," Silver Lance began. "I believe that Blueblood does have a point. Traditionally, this honor is granted to high ranking nobles and military officers who have made significant contributions to Equestria."

"Yes... I remember the rule as well. To render service to the nation and the crown above and beyond the normal call of duty." She looked at the colonel. "Simply because a pony is not a member of the military does not preclude rendering service above and beyond what would be expected. Do you think that saving my sister and foiling a plot against the kingdom, single hoofed, has no merit, particularly as Sir Macintosh nearly died as a result of his efforts?"

"Your majesty," interjected Emerald Cloud, "I do not think it proper to refer to Mr. Apple with the title, Sir, until he has been properly invested...when, and if that should ever occur."

Celestia passed the document back to her secretary, closed her eyes and slowly began counting to ten. At times like this she wished she hadn't sent Princess Cadence to rule the Chrystal Empire. Her presence was always calming. "Macintosh Apple has earned the title and he shall be knighted... Of that I AM certain."

"But Aunt Celestia," Blueblood insisted, "...He's nothing but a dirt farmer, an earth pony with no pedigree or status." The other two ponies with him winced.

The alicorn glared at the 'Honorary' prince, half wishing he would go annoy Discord with his arrogance. She smiled thinking of all the things the draconequus would probably do to him that she would, or could not.

"What did you have for breakfast, 'nephew?'" she asked quietly.

"I... well... oat cream, with macadamia nuts and honey, tea and a mojito."

"And did you prepare this yourself?"

"No, of course not. My servants did."

"Did your servants grow the oats and nuts or collect the honey or gather the grapes and oranges for your mojito, or collect, age and sort the tea?"

Blueblood remained silent, finally realizing how deep the hole he had dug himself into was.

The Princess looked at the three ponies before her. "Do you have your petition with you?"

Emerald Cloud nodded and handed a scroll to Celestia's secretary who unrolled it and passed it to the alicorn for her examination. She studied it for a moment, then very gently, very regally tore it into three parts, passing one to each of the ponies. "As both the Privy Council and Parliament have already adopted my recommendation to grant Sir Macintosh Apple a knighthood, your petition to reexamine his qualifications is... declined."

The three ponies bowed to Celestia and gracefully took five steps back before turning for the throne room door.

"Colonel Silver Lance... I would like to have a word with you in private."

The soldier stopped and turned to face the Princess once more, bowing to her. "As you wish your highness." He came to attention and waited.

The alicorn looked at her small retinue of guards, secretaries and ponies in waiting. "Leave me, if you please." Without a word the others in the throne room bowed and immediately departed, closing the door firmly behind them. Celestia rose from her seat and gracefully trod down the steps of the dais until she was standing about two feet in front of the unicorn.

"Colonel Silver Lance... It is my impression that two weeks ago I gave you an order to ensure that Sir Macintosh Apple was properly instructed in the investment ceremony. Yet, this morning not only do I find he has not been so tutored, I am presented with a ridiculous petition, co-authored by you, that borders on insult. You are a knight commander of the Equestrian Star. This jealousy and pettiness is beneath you. What, pray tell inspired you to act in such a rash manner?"

"With due respect, your highness, I do not believe my actions are rash. Rather, they are the result of a careful examination of the situation."

"Are they?" Celestia asked. "How so?"

"As a knight commander of the Equestrian Star, it is my responsibility to protect the integrity and honor of the order. Traditionally, a knighthood of this magnitude was only granted to either officers in the military or nobles who performed exceptional service, more often than not, related to military duties. It is my judgment that to grant this honor to common citizens will create a precedence that will dilute the importance of the award."

"So your objection is not the deed itself, but Sir Apple's status as a civilian."

"Yes, your majesty."

Celestia paused and looked the Colonel in the eyes. There was no doubt as to the sincerity of his belief... merely its appropriateness. "Was it also your responsibility to disregard my instructions regarding Macintosh Apple?"

"Only as an extension of my first responsibility, your highness." Silver Lance explained. "I felt I could not obey until a review of the petition could be granted."

"Yes... a petition signed by only five other members of the order and a dozen or so nobles like Prince Blueblood. That hardly represents a majority opinion." The alicorn paced back to the foot of the dais. "Tell me, Colonel, if you felt so strongly, why did you not object to the investment of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony?"

"For that very reason, your majesty. Not only had they saved Equestria twice, but they were Bearers of the Elements, thus de facto, part of the Nobility."

"So it comes back to this. They were acceptable because they had 'social status,' and Macintosh Apple has none." Celestia look at the soldier. "Would you have an objection to this knighthood if I were to grant him a commission in the militia with an effective date of nine-months ago?"

The Colonel thought on it a moment. "I believe that I might find it to be an adequate compromise, your highness."

The alicorn flared her wings in anger even as her horn and eyes flashed. "WELL I DO NOT!" she exploded in her most regal, most terrible Royal Canterlot voice. She saw the pony visibly cringe before her. Celestia took a breath and paused for a moment or two before speaking again in a calmer voice.

"That kind of compromise, Colonel, would be an insult not only to myself, Princess Luna and Lady Applejack, but to Sir Macintosh as well. They may be only farmers in your eyes, but there is a deep seated streak of honesty that even the most dedicated military pony could learn from. No... there will be no compromise that limits this honor to only those who have status. You may as well resign yourself to that right now."

"Yes, your majesty," Silver Lance replied, his voice trembling slightly. "As you command."

Celestia turned and used her magic to open the door to the throne room. Her retinue re-entered without a word and took up their positions. She started to ascend the dais, then paused and looked back at the Colonel. "On the morrow I would like you to dispatch one of your best Knight Bachelors to Ponyville and ensure that Sir Macintosh is made ready for the ceremony."

"At once, your highness," Silver Lance bowed. And started to leave, but was brought up by the Princess' voice.

"Oh... and please ensure whoever you send is some pony who did NOT sign your petition."

"Yes, your majesty."

The Royal Apples - Part V

THE ROYAL APPLES - part V "Ah just don't know what ta think? Ah mean, is Big Mac right? Am Ah jealous o' Princess Luna? Am Ah afraid of losin' ma big brother ta her? It ain't like the farm will fall apart without him. There are more than enough...

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The Royal Apples - Part IV

THE ROYAL APPLES - part IV Princess Luna carefully regarded Professor Pony even as she let the glamour slip away from her and Big Macintosh. "How is it you were able to pierce my illusion?" "Well, your highness, let's just say that in my studies of...

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The Royal Apples - Part III

THE ROYAL APPLES - part III CRACK! Applejack winced slightly as she watched the last chunks of plaster split and dropped off of Big Mac's legs. The red-furred stallion gave a big sigh and flexed his fetlocks. He started to get up off the examination...

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