The Royal Apples - Part V

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#5 of Apple Chronicles - MLP

Applejack confronts her feelings, with unexpected results. This is a fan[fic based on characters created by Hasbro. It is published as a work of parody with no intent for profit.


"Ah just don't know what ta think? Ah mean, is Big Mac right? Am Ah jealous o' Princess Luna? Am Ah afraid of losin' ma big brother ta her? It ain't like the farm will fall apart without him. There are more than enough workers there ta fill in fer Mac, and then some. Add to that we're finally goin' ta turn a sizable profit. We'll do alright while he gallivants off ta Canterlot. Lord knows how often he's had ta hold down things on his own while Ah was off saving Equestria or the Chrystal Empire. Am Ah bein' sincere or just a whinny little nag?" Applejack looked up from the couch she was reclining on. "What do y'all think, Twi?"

The pen levitated across the journal page as the lavender alicorn scratched some notes to herself. "Well... the first thing you need to do is ask yourself if Big Mac is really your BBBFF?"

"Actually... He's more like my BBBFFFF."


"Big Brother Best Friend and Father Figure Forever. After ma and pa died, he took over and helped Granny Smith raise me and Applebloom."

"So that means you have an even stronger emotional connection with Macintosh than I have with my brother, Shining Armor."

"Ah suppose so," Applejack said.

"So now that you know how you feel about Mac, ask yourself how you feel about Luna?"

"Well... First, she's Celestia's sister," the cow pony said. "I know and trust Princess Celestia ta always do the right thing, even though Ah may not always understand the reasons behind it."

"That's a good start," Twilight responded.

"Ah know that she loves Luna as much as Ah love Big Mac," Applejack continued. "She trusts her... but..."

"But what?"

"Ah've seen Luna at her worst, when she was Nightmare Moon. If we'd allowed it, she would have cast the whole darn world inta eternal night."

"We all saw that," the alicorn said. "But you have to remember, Luna was possessed by an evil being who was using her. We banished it, and freed her from its influence."

"Ah know," Applejack said. "In ma head Ah know that. Ma sense of honesty tells me she's reformed, that she can be trusted..."

"What does your heart tell you?"

There was a very long pause. The palomino pony tapped her fore hoof several times nervously, then she looked at her friend. "In ma heart... she scares me. She scares me somethin' fierce."

"You?... Scared?"

Applejack nodded, silently. Twilight put down her journal and pen and rested herself at the foot of the couch. "What is it about Princess Luna that scares you, exactly?"

"Ah don't know," she muttered.

"Do you remember a time when you were younger, when you were a foal and you felt just as scared?"

There was another very long pause. "When ah was little... not too long after ma parents died, I remember havin' nightmares. Lots of 'em."

"Do you remember what these nightmares were about?"

Applejack shook her head. "Not exactly. They was all jumbled up and mixed together with storybook characters that frightened most foals."

"Would that include Nightmare Moon?"

"Maybe," the farm pony admitted, "though I don't really remember. Often Ah'd wake up afraid Ah was all alone in a dark place."

"And what would you do when you woke up?" Twilight encouraged.

"Ah'd run ta Big Mac's room and crawl inta bed with him. He'd always hug me and let me sleep with him and Ah'd feel safe." The cow pony paused for a moment in reflection. "And when Ah was with him ma nightmares would go away... Come ta think on it, he and Ah slept together every night fer almost a year."

"So why are you afraid now? Are you scared that Luna is going to take Big Mac away, that you'll never feel safe again." The cow pony simply looked down at her hooves without responding. "You know," Twilight said, "I've felt exactly that same way, when Shining Armor and Princess Cadence were engaged."

"Ya have?"

"Don't you remember? When Cadence didn't seem to be acting normally, I thought she was out to take my brother away from me. I was afraid I was going to lose him forever."

"But in yer case, it was true. Queen Chrysalis was tryin' ta control yer brother so she could attack Canterlot."

"Yes," replied Twilight, "but I didn't know it at the time. It wasn't until I found the true Cadence and worked together with her to foil the Queen that my fear vanished."

"So yer sayin' that if Ah spend some time with Luna, get ta know her as it were, Ah wouldn't be afraid no more?"

"Maybe. At the very least, you'll be less likely to think of her as Nightmare Moon and more likely to see her for all the good she can do," the alicorn said.

Applejack thought about it for a minute or two. "Alright, Ah'll do it, though Ah don't want Big Mac to know about it, at least not right yet."

"Fair enough," Twilight said. "I'll write a quick note to Princess Celestia and set things up."

"Ya ain't gonna tell her about our little talk, are ya?"

"No," the lavender princess replied. "I'll just tell her that you're going to be in Canterlot later today and ask if she can put you up in my room at the palace until tomorrow. All you have to do then is invite Luna out for a late supper at someplace nice and have a friendly filly's night out."

"Today? But Ah've got work ta do on the farm."

"Can Big Mac fill in for you?"

"Well, yeah, Ah suppose; now that the doctor says he's all healed up. Fact o' the matter is, he's probably itchin' ta get back ta work. But how do Ah explain ma takin' the rest o' today and tonight off?"

"Just tell him you're running an errand for me and you'll be back tomorrow."

"Ah cain't fib ta ma brother."

"It won't be a fib. I need to return some overdue books to the University library and you can do that for me."

Applejack smiled. "Thanks Twi. Ah'll go tell Mac Ah'm gonna be gone and pack an overnight saddlebag." The cow pony started trotting towards the library door.

"Good. By the time you get back, I'll have the letter sent, the train ticket bought, a list of good restaurants for you and the crate packed and ready."

Applejack skidded to a stop. "The crate?"


The train trip into Canterlot was quite pleasant. The majority of coaches were not crowded and since the journey normally only took a couple of hours Applejack arrived with plenty of time to hire a wagon and deliver the overdue books to the University. The alicorn hadn't been kidding when she'd mentioned a crate. Most of the texts had been borrowed under a book exchange program that Twilight had set up between the Ponyville library and several other libraries in Canterlot, Manehatten and Fillydelphia. Once the books were checked in and the fines were paid Applejack's time became her own.

Strolling past the university's main gate, Applejack glanced toward the clock tower. It was just after two-thirty. According to the arrangements Twilight had made, she would be expected at the castle about five. As she glanced around she noticed a small public bulletin board next to the gate filled with posts about everything from missing pets, to textbooks for sale or requests for roommates. One notice, older than the others, drew her attention because of the odd language it used. As best as she could make out, it said something like "Sic Semper Tyrannus ab Nox Noctis". Some other ponies had scribbled words like "idiots" and "fanatics" across it, along with a few choice words one would not use in polite conversation. Having no idea what it meant, she shrugged and went on about her own business.

The palomino pony decided that this might be a good time to visit the Equestrian Farm Bureau and catch up on the latest programs and regulations that had been put in place. It took her about an hour, but when she left he had nearly a dozen flyers and notices tucked into her saddlebag. One discussed subsidized health programs for elderly farm folk. Another outlined a scholarship program for ponies working on degrees in horticulture, agriculture, animal husbandry or veterinary medicine. Both Applebloom and Fluttershy might benefit from the information.

Turning down a side street, Applejack found herself in Canterlot's theatre district. Several playhouses advertised a number of popular shows such as 'The Music Mare,' 'Three Pony Opera,' and 'Twelve Angry Colts.' A thought suddenly occurred to the apple farmer. Twilight had suggested having a filly's night out. Why not invite Luna out to a variety show. It might be a good way to break the ice and get to know her better; and what better way to show her brother that she wasn't jealous of the Princess.

Finding a nearby Vaudeville Playhouse, Applejack checked out the marquee. She recognized a couple of names and knew they were solid performers who always delivered a good laugh. Add to that, the evening performance started at eight and would let out early enough for Luna and her to sit and talk at one of the restaurants on Twilight's list. Going to the box office, she found that there was, in fact, a private box available for that evening. Being an off peak night, the price was actually quite reasonable, especially when Applejack took into consideration how much money she was saving by staying at the Palace.

Having bought the tickets, she spent the rest of the afternoon strolling through several of Canterlot's market squares. The farmer in her wondered how much it cost to set up a stall here and how well their apples might sell, especially now that Sweet Apple Acres was becoming a 'brand' name. The country filly couldn't help but chuckle to herself over some of the very odd styles of mane, tail and clothing she saw all around her.

Applejack arrived at the gates to Canterlot Castle promptly at five. There, a very professional looking Royal Guard checked her name against a list of official visitors. He then signaled to another guards-pony, this one a pegasi, and had her escorted to the reception hall. It always made the cow pony a bit overwhelmed to see the deliberately understated opulence of the castle. It was almost as if the Royal Pony Sisters lived, not so much in a castle as an art museum. Reaching the reception room, Applejack was guided to a comfortable bench complete with satin cushions and politely told to wait. She sat for less than two minutes before one of the castle stewards came over and guided her to the doors of the throne room. They opened and she was passed on to another steward who promptly tapped his great staff three times against the tiled floor and announced, "Presenting to Your Majesty, the Lady Applejack Apple, Knight Bachelor to the Order of the Equestrian Star, Bearer to the Element of Honesty."

Applejack bowed in the direction of the throne.

Princess Celestia rose from her seat atop a raised dais and smiled. She gracefully paced over to farmer and hugged her warmly. "Applejack. How wonderful to see you again."

"Howdy yer Highness. Ah hope yer havin' yerself a good day."

"It's always a good day when I get to visit with friends... particularly when there is no looming crisis," she nickered jovially.

"It's really nice to see y'all as well."

Even as she greeted the Princess, the Chief Steward paced over to Celestia and quietly whispered something in her ear. The alicorn nodded and returned her attention to Applejack. "I still have one or two more official visitors I must talk to, but I'd very much like to have you join Luna and I for supper, in, shall we say about thirty minutes? Casual dress, of course."

"Yes yer majesty."

Celestia smiled again, her whole face shining, as the cow pony was escorted from the chamber and up to her room. She discovered that instead of Twilight's old room, she was being put up in one of the smaller ambassadorial suites, complete with balcony and an impressive view of Canterlot and the valley beyond leading to Ponyville. If she squinted, she thought she could almost see clear to Sweet Apple Acres.


Supper, as Celestia had promised, was a casual and relaxing event. Despite their status as princesses, when dining alone their meals tended to be simple, but savory. It also provided the Sun Princess an opportunity to fill Luna in on key events of the day and prepare her for the night court on those evenings it was to be in session. Tonight was not one of those occasions, so their conversation was much more informal. Applejack suspected that Twilight had known this, which was why she insisted she visit Luna tonight.

The cow pony, for her part, filled both princesses in on the local events in and around Ponyville, including some of the more humorous elements of a recent Pinky Pie party.

"So what happened after the toupee was found floating in the punch bowl?" asked Celestia.

"Pinky fished it out, slapped it back on its owner's head and took a swig o' the punch. She then asked him what brand o' mane conditioner he was using... said it gave the punch a nice kick and she wanted ta make it part o' the recipe."

All three fillies laughed long and loud. "Perhaps," the Sun Princess said, "I should consider putting her in charge of next season's Grand Galloping Gala."

"If you did, sister, t'would make the celebration much more... unpredictable," Luna observed.

"T'would?" asked Celestia."

"Sorry, I mean it would." The blue furred alicorn sighed. "Getting use to modern prose is hard."

"Well, Ah think yer doin' a slam-bang job, yer highness," Applejack insisted. "It cain't be easy ta rethink the way ya talk, especially with all the public speakin' y'all have ta do."

"Truer words were never spoken, 'Miss Elisa Doolittle," Celestia replied, winking slyly at her sister. Luna politely put a hoof to her mouth and nickered lightly. Applejack just looked back and forth between the two sisters.

"Come again?"

"Sorry," the Sun Princess said. "I was referring to a stage play we recently saw called 'My Fair Filly.' You reminded me a bit of the main character.

Applejack smiled. "Y'all are joshin' me right?"

"Of course..."


The farm pony had the distinct feeling she was outside the loop on whatever joke was being shared by the two princesses, but she didn't mind. It gave her a perfect opportunity to spring her little surprise.

"Speakin' o' plays, I happen ta have a couple o' tickets ta a vaudeville show fer this evening and I was wonderin if maybe Princess Luna would like ta go with me?"


Celestia smiled broadly. "That sounds like a wonderful suggestion, Lulu. It would give the two of you a chance to have some fun... to get to know each other."

"What about you, Tia? What will you do this evening?"

"Something I've wanted to do all day... that's have a nice, luxurious bubble bath then relax with a cup of tea, a few cookies and a good, trashy romance novel."

The blue-furred alicorn looked down at her plate. "I'm not entirely certain I feel comfortable with being out in public this evening," Luna replied.

"Paparazzi nerves?" Celestia asked.

The Princess of the Night simply nodded. It reminded Applejack a bit of Fluttershy.

"Well shoot, if that's all that's botherin' ya it ain't no problem at all. We can arrive at the show a tad late and sneak in the side door. Ah got us private box seats so hardly any pony will notice us sitting there, lessen o' course y'all break out inta song or cast a spell or do somethin' like that."

Luna smiled at this last and decided to accept the invitation.


The two fillies arrived at the theatre a little after eight, riding in an ordinary carriage for hire. The manager himself ushered them in and quietly led them to their box. As Applejack had predicted, almost no pony noticed their late arrival, the audience being fully engaged with a lively pair of pegasi dancers doing an old fashioned 'buck and wing.'

Naturally enough, there were members of the night guard seeded throughout the theatre. Captain Ironhoof had insisted, but at Luna's urging they were dressed in more ordinary attire so they blended in with the crowd. The first half of the show went well, and the Princess began to loosen up and enjoy herself. Both she and Applejack started exchanging humorous family stories between acts, with Luna hanging onto every word the farm pony had to say about Big Mac. During the intermission they remained in the box while one of the two guards stationed in the hallway behind them went to the lobby to bring them some refreshments.

With the house lights up, a number of ponies noticed the princess sitting above them and either waved or bowed. Luna returned their greetings with a brief nod and warm smile, but was glad when the house lights once more dimmed.

It wasn't until a third of the way through the second half of the show that it happened. Both Applejack and the princess were laughing at the antics of a couple of stage clowns as they hurled insults at each other and the audience. One moment the farm pony was smiling and pointing to the stage, and the next she was looking at Luna in surprise and shock.

From somewhere in the balcony a very large and unpleasantly over-ripe tomato struck the Princess in the side of the head. Juice and rotten pulp splattered through her mane and fur and stung her left eye. Applejack saw a lean, spiky maned unicorn jumping up and down in triumph.

"Down with the Midnight Tyrant! Down with Nightmare Moon!" he yelled. Several ponies sitting next to him saw what had happened and had grabbed him, outraged by what he'd just done. Within moments, the Night Guard arrived, saving him from being pummeled. The commotion brought the show to a complete stop and every eye was turned toward Luna, some fearful of the alicorn's power. The Princess slowly rose and looked out on the audience.

"Well," she said, trying to keep her voice light, dabbing a hoof-kerchief to the red stain, "Thou would think that with that kind of aim he'd be a hurler for the Canterlot cricket team."

There was a light, collective chuckle from the patrons.

Luna gestured to the performers on stage. "Please, pray thee continue whilst I go... freshen up." She vanished in a flash of magic even as the vaudevillians bowed and tried to pick up the routine as best they could.

Applejack also left the box and headed for a nearby powder room. She arrived just as one of the Night Guard was taking up station outside the door. Recognizing her, he allowed the farm pony to pass, but barred the way for everypony else.

She entered the room and heard soft crying coming from a corner near the sink. Sure enough, she found Luna curled up weeping in humiliation. Her normally flowing mane drooped limply across her body, robbed of all its magical essence. "Princess? Are ya alright?"

"Please," she whispered softly between the tears. "Let me be. I am nothing but a monster. They will never see me as anything else. Leave me alone."

Applejack looked upon the alicorn and wondered what it was that she'd been afraid of before. This was no Nightmare Moon, no scheming pony trying to steal her brother from her. What she saw was nothing more than a lost, hurt and frightened filly. She knelt next to her and reached out to wrap her fore legs around her. Despite her previous words, Luna leaned into the cow pony seeking comfort and reassurance. They held each other for several long minutes as the princess tried to regain her composure.

"Y'all ain't a monster ta most ponies. Not ta me or Big Mac, or Granny or Applebloom."

She reached up and grabbed several towels which she used to wipe at the tomato stain. "The pony who did this was just one outta a whole theatre full. Everypony in there was just as shocked and hurt to see this happen as you were."

She gently coaxed the Princess to her hooves, then continued cleaning her hair and fur. "Ah mean, did ya see how the Night Guard had ta protect mister spiky mane from the audience. They were fit ta be tied."

Applejack pulled a particularly large glop of tomato from Luna's mane. "Ya know, come ta think of it, Ah believe that feller was jealous o' you."

"Jealous? How?" the alicorn sniffed.

"Y'all see his mane? Whew doggies, he has about as much fashion sense as a hedgehog. He probably took one look at yer mane and was struck stupid with jealousy."

Luna smiled slightly at the attempt at humor. She began using her own magic to help Applejack remove the rest of the tomato from her mane, fur and face. With the princess' help, the task of 'freshening up' was quickly completed. Luna's mane once more began flowing.

There was a soft tapping at the door. "Your majesty?"

Applejack trotted over to the door and opened it a crack. It was the theatre manager.

"Is her highness alright."

"Yes?" called Luna as she wiped away the tear stains and went over to the door. Seeing her the older earth pony relaxed.

"Please excuse me, Princess, but we would very much like to finish our presentation for this evening and require your attendance to do so."

"Did not I request you continue thy performance without me?" Luna asked. "I though thou prided thyself on the tradition that the show must go on?"

"Well, yes, you are correct on both accounts, however, I'm afraid that neither the performers nor the audience will allow it without your presence."

Applejack grinned ear to ear. "Well, don't that beat all?" The cow pony flung open the powder room door and trotted past the manager. "Come on, yer highness. You cain't keep yer fans waitin'."

Luna followed Applejack back to the private box, escorted by her Night Guard and the now beaming manager. She hesitantly stepped back into the box and was greeted with a thunderous ovation.

It took almost five minutes for the noise to subside enough for the show to continue. The clowns from the previously interrupted act immediately launched into an impromptu game of cricket using tomatoes instead of kookaburra balls. Their antics left the audience roaring with laughter, Luna among them.

The Royal Apples - Part IV

THE ROYAL APPLES - part IV Princess Luna carefully regarded Professor Pony even as she let the glamour slip away from her and Big Macintosh. "How is it you were able to pierce my illusion?" "Well, your highness, let's just say that in my studies of...

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The Royal Apples - Part III

THE ROYAL APPLES - part III CRACK! Applejack winced slightly as she watched the last chunks of plaster split and dropped off of Big Mac's legs. The red-furred stallion gave a big sigh and flexed his fetlocks. He started to get up off the examination...

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The Royal Apples - Part II

THE ROYAL APPLES - part II It is amazing how quickly things can change is a short time. Take Sweet Apple Acres for instance. Only a few months earlier it had been a modestly successful family farm operated by the three Apple siblings. Three and a half...

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