The planet of T'Rahzahr Pt2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#54 of Exploration

It was a huge field, rising and falling, covered in rocks and boulders.There was a pair of lines running along the centre, about twenty metres apart in the hundred metre long section. It was also about that wide.

"Alduin, you have a projectile weapon?"

I thought about this."Yes, sensei, I do."

"Very well. Your first objective is to fight Orion with a projectile weapon. The first person to go down is the loser, and you are not allowed to cross into the centre area. Apart from that, use anything you have."

Draco looked at Devlin, and I heard him whisper.

"Alduin's flame proof, bullet proof, and he has a rocket launcher."

"I know." the Hell fire dragon acknowledged.

"I'm not intending to use the Eryx except to intimidate him. Furthermore, I have more than just steel rounds." I replied, waiting for Orion to come back. He did, holding a sword staff in his hand. This was like the double edged lightsaber Darth Maul used in Star Wars, and he spun it about with worrying familiarity. He was very good with it. On his back was a crossbow, and he bowed to me, and started walking across the field. My friends and the sensei walked over to one side, in the centre, standing between the two lines. Orion crossed the second line, and quickly moved behind a cluster of boulders. The fight was on.

I changed into my bionic form, and fumbled through my pocket for a special bag. As I drew it out, I opened it, and loaded one of the rounds in the bag into the rifle.I stood up briefly, and ducked as an arrow zipped over my head.

"Next one's a little lower." Orion called, his strong voice washing over the small hills.

I stood, and aimed my rifle at the patch Orion had been behind. I had to dodge as an arrow came winging from a completely different section, and as I moved, I spotted his disappearing behind some more boulders. I trained my gun on the boulders, and he darted out.

I fired. There was a sharp crack, and as Orion fired, the bullet zinged past his head and bounced off the ground. The arrow missed by a few metres.

"What the hell was that?"

"That's my projectile weapon." I shouted back."You cannot see it coming, or hear it, because it's faster than sound."

There was a pause. I stood up, training on the boulder he was behind. He jumped up, and ran to some more cover. He fired on the run, and I fired. The bullet passed directly over his shoulder, and his arrow shaved my hair.

I reloaded, and moved position, keeping my gun trained on the boulder cluster. His head popped out, and the bullet scored a groove of dirt beside him. He stood tall, and started an incantation. I moved quickly to a boulder, just as he hurled the spell.The fireball zinged past me, and tore the turf. There was an explosion, and bits of flame went everywhere. A few bounced off my armour plating, and I drew my Eryx.

I stood up, training my Eryx on a boulder, next to the one Orion was hiding behind.I fired, and the shell erupted from the rocket launcher.Orion was watching as the white light detached from me, and struck the solid stone. There was an almighty boom, and the entire boulder was lifted into the air, and scattered to oblivion. Bits of gravel rained all over the terrain, and I heard Orion.

"You missed." he said, with a remarkably stable voice.

"I wasn't aiming for you.I was aiming to explain what I would do next time you threw a fireball."

There was a long pause, and then Orion fired his bow again. I was still standing up, and by the time I had reacted, the arrow struck my chest. There was a clanging noise, and Orion looked back around.He knew he had hit me, and yet I had barely noticed it. I brought my rifle back up, and fired. The bullet struck the fox's shoulder, and he cursed, dropping his bow, and disappearing behind the boulder.

I reloaded, keeping my cursor aimed at the bow. His hand probed outwards, and I sent him back into hiding with an accurate shot that struck his arm. I heard him yelp in pain. I moved fast along my side, and as Orion looked for me, I hid on a straight angle at the fox. I aimed for a few seconds, and as he grabbed his bow, I fired.

This time the bullet was a bulls eye. His eyes crossed as the round struck his chest, and he fell backwards, lying still. I came out of my cover, just as the sensei spoke.

"Orion has fallen.The round has ended."

I ran over the lines to the boulder, and found the fox still lying motionless. On his chest was a very large bruise where the rubber bullet had whacked him, and his bow had been cast aside. I gently lifted him until he was lying in a sitting position, and he regained consciousness as I did so.

"Hey, Orion, you all right?"

He looked at his arm. There was a large bruise on that, too. Simba was coming over, and he spoke.

"It's sore. What is that thing?"

"It's called a rifle. It normally fires a steel round at supersonic speed."

"Why normally?"

"I was firing rubber rounds." I replied.

"What difference does it make?" he asked, feeling his side in pain.

"The steel would have gone straight through your body, and anything in the way, like bone, organs. The rubber just hurts like hell, and doesn't penetrate the skin."

"So I was trying to kill you, and you were trying to incapacitate me?"

"Yes, although with that bow you couldn't pierce this. It's solid steel alloy, not even a steel round from my own gun would break it, speaking from personal experience."

Orion was looking at me in slight worry, as if realising what he was facing, but also warmly. Simba came over, drawing a bottle of liquid.

"Now stay still, Orion, I'll just apply some of this, and the pain will go." he said. Orion sat very still as the balm was applied. Then he stood up, fending his way off the rock.He picked up his crossbow, and looked at me.

"Normally there would be a day of waiting for the next challenge, because the loser normally has to under go healing."

"Are you healed?"

"I am now.What was that liquid?"

"A patent liquid that heals practically any wound you care to name." Simba replied, putting it back in his bag.

Orion and me walked back to where the sensei was waiting. He said nothing of my friendly gesture, and led us through several more doors to another area. This one was about thirty metres in length and width, and in the middle was a nine metre hole, with a plank of wood placed across it. A feeling of dread passed through me, and the sensei spoke.

"Very well, Alduin, this is your second challenge. Can you handle a sword?"

"No. I can use one, but I'm no swordsman."

"Well, we're about to find out." he smiled.

Orion went around one side, and I went around the other. The watchers, there were about fifty, stood around the edges of the pit. The pit went about nine and a half metres down. The plank was stable, and as I took off my rifle and Eryx, and he his bow, he bowed.

"No one has ever beaten me on this, Alduin. You will not be the first."

"I'm just wondering how quickly I can change into my aircraft form." I said, looking into the hole. I drew my sword as he drew his sword staff. He held the staff in the centre, both blades pointing towards me.

"What happens if I forfeit?"

"There is no forfeit in this."the sensei replied."Fight!"

Orion came forward like a tiger, the blade on the right humming towards me. I ducked, keeping my balance, and thrust. The left blade came down, batting it aside, and he spun it between his fingers before changing the pattern, and the blade came at me again. I blocked it with my sword, and by fluke brought it down in time to block the second.

He was fast. His balance was perfect.His skills with his weapons was unmatched, or at least on this planet, and I was defending with desperation. He was ruing his defeat in the ranged weapons, and was fighting with all his form. I moved astronomically close, and grabbed the blade with my hand. He struggled, and then jumped up as I thrust my sword with the left hand. I could just hear a small ripping, like that of material. Then he kicked me, while still hanging in air. I stumbled backwards, and landed hard on the plank. My sword was knocked into the hole, where it clanged against the rocks. I looked at it.

"Well, there's any chance I had of winning this." I said, then scooted backward as the sword staff embedded between my legs. I got to my feet, and used my arms to deflect the next blow. Orion had worked out that there was no way he could hurt me, and instead was trying to knock me off. I came forward with a huge punch, and Orion stumbled back with his nose bleeding. Then the sword staff swung around, and hit me hard across the forehead. I was stunned by the blow, and staggered backwards, half trying to keep my footing. Orion came forward, and the staff hit my legs. I went down like a stone, and landed astride the plank. The plank offered no holds, and Orion brought the staff down just as I let go. Oh well, this would hurt.

No it didn't. Devlin swooped down as I let go, and caught my wildly flailing arm inches above the rocks.I picked up my sword, and as I climbed back up by the hovering dragon, I sighed.

"Thanks for that. Tomorrow night, at my place."

"Any time, Alduin."

"You deserve my ass for a move like that."

For once the sensei looked uncertain, and not just because I mentioned I frequently had sex with a dragon.

"Devlin has sacrificed his freedom to save Alduin, therefore he must face Orion in the third round." he said,"the rules aren't clear on this, but it will happen."

I got to the top of the pit, and Orion bent down, taking my hand and heaving me up.

"That was, frankly, astonishing."I smiled. Orion looked uncertain. He had knocked me off into a eight metre pit, and I was still smiling at him.

"Thank you, Alduin. Devlin moved fast."

"He does that.I was actually bracing when he took my arm, another quarter second and I would have hit. How long have you been practising with that?"

"I lost count." he admitted, and finally he smiled.

"Finally, you do have some emotions." I laughed. He looked at me in mock pain.

"Of course I do."

"You haven't shown any of them. So what's the third test?"

"Wrestling. It's very simple. One hour, in a locked room, to see who is the better."

"Oh, and what happens to the loser?" Intrigue.

"The winner gets to choose."

"Damn." I said feelingly. "If I won, I could fuck you, and you look god awesome, and if I lost, well, that's up to you."

Orion looked at me in slight bemusement.

"That is a popular choice, actually."

"I'm not surprised.You have very nice pecs."

"Alduin, are you making a pass at me?"

"About time you worked it out." I smiled. Orion rolled his eyes.

"I thought as much. I have occasionally done that to ones who submit."

"Devlin'll do it to you if he wins."

"Interesting, I've never had a dragon fuck me before."

"Trust me, you'll enjoy it."

"Of course, that's if I lose." he reminded. I decided to set a few cogs in motion.

"If you're wrestling Devlin, it's only a matter of time.We wrestle all the time for sexual dominance, me, Draco and the others."

I caught up with Devlin, who was discussing this new turn of events with Draco.

"Hey Dev, the last one's a wrestling challenge.You and Orion in the building for one hour, and if you get him down, you can fuck him as you will."

Devlin raised his eyebrows, and grinned."My type of game."

"Orion vs. Devlin." Javid said,"Fifteen minutes, most probably."

"No, I'd go less." Draco replied.

I ruffled through my bag, and came up with Alecto's pair of handcuffs. I gave them to Devlin, and the dragon chuckled.

"You did come prepared."

"Of course I did. Although, I still have the key."

This was not going to pose a problem. Because I was the initial challenged person, I had to go in, and not take part. Devlin was stripped down to the waist, as was Orion, and as they entered, I noticed the room was fairly plain. About ten by ten metres, it was surrounded by embedded ladders, obstacles and ropes. You had to pay attention to the terrain as well.

I locked the door, and as I did, they started behind me. Orion started it with a lightning right punch, but Devlin moved too quickly, and his left shot around in a giant swing. Orion dodged, and I hung onto a ladder and climbed up about four metres, watching a duel that could prove to be epic.

It was. Orion was faster, but Devlin had the better training. Both were equal in stamina, and while Orion was lighter, his fluid movements made him more slippery than an eel. His kicks were lightning , his hand strikes parted the air like a viper, and his evasive moves made the air sizzle. I noticed a row of candles on a table, and they had been lit by some novices. This provided a bit of light, although the hall was naturally lit. Orion got shuffled over there, and as he ducked Devlin's spinning kick, the air displacement snuffed all the candles. There was a brief pause as I gasped, and they saw what I was gasping at.

"Devlin, you move like the air itself." I called from my lofty position.

"Thank you, Alduin, now can we continue our fight without anymore interruption?"

"Hey you two stopped to look at the candles too.And just so you know, I'm recording this."

"So you can watch us in slow motion?" Devlin smiled. Orion had stopped, looking at this exchange.

"No, so I can play it to everyone else." I said, but followed Devlin's advice, and shut up. I was looking at my watch, and so far we had gone nineteen minutes. Both of them looked decently exhausted, although were far too proud to let it show that much, and as they retreated from one another, Orion put his hands on his knees, breathing deeply.

"Do you think we're going to resolve this?" he asked the dragon. Devlin vented flame as he panted.

"Maybe, maybe not. Still another forty minutes to go.By the way, how did you throw that fireball?"

"I was taught by the Fire Mistress. I am taught by her as a regular student."

"I should like to see her."I commented, safely out of striking distance.

"Dear God, Alduin with magical powers, that will make the world tremble."Devlin smiled as he took a few deep breaths. Orion chuckled.

"Is he a problem?"

"That could describe him. You are aware of the term rogue?"

"Oh yes, doesn't obey orders?"

"Oh he does, occasionally, and he exceeds, he's just unpredictable."

"Ah, I know the type." Orion nodded.

They stood straight, waiting for the next move from the others. The fight then raged again. Finally, the strain was beginning to show on Orion, at twenty eight minutes his block against Devlin's low kick was very ragged. For three more minutes he hung gamely on, and then finally Devlin decked him with a punch to the shoulder. Orion fell backward, landing against the ladder I was on, and I felt the entire thing wobble.

"Owch, Orion, are you O.K.?"

"That hurt." he replied, painfully, and struggled to his feet. He stood straight, swaying gently, ready to receive Devlin's next attack.

Devlin just jumped at him. Orion went down under the weight, and I was dislodged from my ladder. I kept hold, but was dangling for a few seconds. Orion was crushed against the wood, and as he lay slightly dazed, Devlin took his hands, and cuffed them around the embedded ladder. Orion didn't have the strength to fight him as he did so, he knew he was beaten. I slid down the ladder next to them, and landed just as Orion very graciously spread his legs. Devlin looked at Orion's shorts, and then coughed in amazement.

"Orion, you know Alduin's thrust underneath your legs?"

"Yes." he wheezed.

"The blade split the material straight down the centre.Underwear as well."

"Did he cut the skin?"

"Doesn't look like it." Devlin replied. I breathed out in relief. I knew it had been close, but that close?

Orion chuckled.

"Well, it's made your entrance a little bit easier." he breathed out in one expulsion. Devlin ruffled the fox's hair.

"You fought superbly, Orion.Have you considered joining us?"

"What do you do?"

"Explore the galaxy, collect knowledge, try and stay out of trouble." I recited, adding emphasis to the word try."You'd be perfect, trust me."

"I shall think on it.It sounds interesting."

"Good. I'm not pressuring you, but just so you know, we'd welcome your abilities." Devlin said, positioning himself and removing his trousers. Orion, now, could just see the section where the folds of his trousers had been sliced apart, and saw Devlin's manhood.

"Oh my.." he didn't finish. Devlin accepted the comment with a smile and a nod, and thrust slowly and deeply into the fox's ass.

The sigh he got was music to the ears. Orion leaned back, his upper half still suspended by the cuffs, and closed his eyes. I saw a smile cross his complexion.

"He's got the sexual preference." I said aloud. Devlin looked at me with a patronizing smile.

"Alduin, say something clever, or let me give him something to remember."

"You did, just then.Alright, alright." I backed away as Devlin began his slow, ritualistic fucking. Orion breathed in time with each stroke. I went over to the table where the now unlit candles were, and practised my yoga.

Orion was really getting into the swing of things. I could tell he was enjoying it now, and that wasn't surprising. Dev was a master of the art. Once again I thought, perhaps a bit unfairly, that dragons had it easy. They were strong, fast, gifted with so many things, brilliant in bed, etc. No offence to Dev or Draco or Brendan, but damn I was envious of them. This mutinous thought flickered across my mind as Orion gave out a somewhat louder cry. Devlin had started fucking the fox harder, and Orion now had a two foot long, broad, cock pumping him at a steady rate. His own rose under the sexual exertion Devlin was giving him.Devlin smiled at the fox, and gently took the canid's member, stroking it gently. Orion sighed again.

"Alduin, what is Devlin doing?" Draco asked on my line. I zeroed on his headset, cutting out Devlin's mike.

"Just have a look." I opened my interlink function, and saw Draco looking at the wall, while he looked through mine. It became split screen, so I could see what he was seeing, and still could see what I was seeing. This was handy, and not just for this sort of activity. Draco chuckled in my head set.

"How long did Orion last?"

"Thirty two minutes."

"I'm impressed. Have you invited him to Central?"

"Both of us did." I whispered.

"Very good.He's very talented, although not with a rifle."

"His race are a good two hundred years away from that, Earth Years, not Central.But that's the advantage of the bow, it's completely silent.We do have guns which are almost silent, but still."

There was a loud cry from Orion, he had let go his load under the patient work of the Hell fire dragon, who looked like he wasn't far away himself.

"And he seems to enjoy it." I finished to Draco." If he says yes, I'm going to wager for him in front of Silverine if necessary."

"Devlin would too. Do you have a recording of the fight?"

"Well, we've got about twenty minutes left, I'll send you it now.I'll send it to the others too."

Draco saw the start, and commented.

"Yes,he's good.Better than good, really. Of course, he's out of his depth fighting Dev, but still."

"He'd beat me, he'd beat most, but against the heavy weights of Central, not quite good enough."

"I just saw Orion's spinning kick."

"Wait til you see what Devlin does.At about nineteen minutes, if you want to fast forward."

"No, I'm enjoying this." Draco shook his head.The minutes ticked by, and with quarter of an hour, Devlin finished with a roar. Orion managed a piercing shriek, the boiling semen flooding through his soft interior.

Devlin immediately retreated his advances, and made sure Orion was O.K. Those outside immediately started asking about what the noise was, because while the walls were thick, the quality of the noise burst right through them.

"It's O.K., Orion just found out how hot Devlin's semen is."

I heard the sensei in the background of the mikes of my friends.

"I do hope Orion's still in one piece, he is a very talented fighter."

"I was meaning to ask you something about that, sensei." Draco took the plunge. The sensei looked squarely at the dragon.

"Orion, as we have seen, easily has the talents to be part of our organization. We were wondering what your thoughts are on the subject."

"Well, Orion is his own master, he has a lot of inner power, we saw some of that on the field and on the plank.I trust you have been listening to Alduin as he's watching?"

"Yes, we have links between head sets. Orion moves like a hurricane. But your opinion?"

The sensei brooded on this.

"I am flattered you are asking me this. I think he would be wise to say yes, for it appears your job calls for you to stretch yourself, possibly beyond your previous limits, and so you are always testing yourself. Orion needs to find that his limits are almost boundless."

"And does he mind if I see this Fire Mistress everyone keeps going on about?" I asked.Draco relayed the question. The sensei smiled.

"She would be interested in you, I would have you let me introduce each other. She is a magic user, and she teaches people with budding magical powers to use them."

"Might be a slight problem.None of us have ever displayed the slightest ability in magic."

"Maybe you haven't been taught the right things?" the sensei replied. I zoned out this conversation, and walked over to Orion, Devlin was sitting beside him, and they were talking about each other skills. Orion still was cuffed, and he raised his head wearily to look at me.

"Hang on, Orion, I've got the key in my pocket. By the way, have you considered our proposition?"

Orion smiled as I fumbled through my pockets." It sounds very interesting. I saw you talking through that thing on your chin, were you talking to your friends?"

"I was, and your sensei."

"And about what?"

"Various things. This and that."

"Did you say about you asking me to join Central?"

"Draco did. Your sensei thinks it is a good idea. He says you have a lot of potential."I drew out the key, and unlocked the metal bands.Orion's hands fell to his lap.

"I am reasonably good, but yet you beat me in the field, and Devlin beat me here. You almost beat me on the plank."

"Hah, I'm the most mutated being on Central, and I have the most advanced technology. Devlin went through a highly intense training for Central, and it doesn't hurt he's bigger and stronger than you. All the dragons tend to be good, but against everyone else, you'd hold them."

"Says you."

"I know what I'm talking about.Have you seen what else I can do?"

Devlin smiled."He's right. I can only name four people off the top of my head that could beat you in close combat, and a longer list of those who would struggle. Two of them are in this room, one's outside, and the other's the head of Central."

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because you are fast, agile, and you are metal latticed. Surely you've noticed other people's punches hurt less?"

"Of course, but he's a ninja. He's got the assassin look about him, silent, fast, and efficient.Oh, he's blushing. Sorry, Orion."I apologised, and grinned.

"So I can tell you want me to ask what you can do. What special trick do you have up your sleeve?" Orion asked, with a smile. Devlin clapped one scaly hand to his head.

"You just had to ask." he sighed. I changed into my Lightning form. Orion sat up, and changed position, kneeling to look at my bodywork.

"Just don't ignite your engines." Devlin asked with a half hopeful voice.

"I'm not intending to."I replied, changing back.

"There's a first." Devlin shot back. Orion laughed at the banter.

"You two are best friends?"

"Part time lovers, best of friends, call it what you will." I acknowledged.

"You two are going out?"

"I'm going out with him, Draco and a fox, officially."I replied modestly."Draco's list goes into the dozens. How many are you doing, Devlin?"

"A few." he said flatly.

"Plus a few more." I retaliated."But seriously, Orion, what your choice is is just that. Your choice. If you want to join us, we would happily stand right by you on that."

"All this encouragement." he smiled."When could I come back here?"

"Any time you weren't exploring planets. There's an awful lot of free time involved, Alduin has a part time job back on his planet, because he spends three days a week with us."

"Sounds cushy.Do you have magic users?"

"Oh yes.Winslo would be very interested to see you.He's one of our leading spell casters, although he's more into the ice spells."

"Fire and ice, there may be no survivors." Devlin smiled.

"And the sensei is taking us to see The Fire Mistress after this. How long has it been?"

Devlin checked his watch."Fifty eight minutes, two seconds."

I couldn't resist."I spy with my little eye something beginning with F."

Orion looked up." Fire?"


"What is this?"

"It's a game, to pass short periods of time, or long ones if you're very bored, you have to guess what I'm looking at."

"Mentally taxing?"Orion asked.

"Not really."

Orion looked around the room, and looked at Devlin, who was looking out the window.

"Is Devlin playing?"

"I know the answer. There's bugger all in here starting with F." the hell fire dragon replied.




"No, ten seconds." I replied.

"Fox?" Devlin suggested.I laughed.

"It wasn't exactly hard, but it is when you don't think as yourself as an object."

"So you were looking at me." he said as the locks were undone.

"I was looking everywhere, but I chose you as something to spy.You can choose anything."

"And he chose you." Devlin stood up." I think he finds you attractive."

I stood up."And what's so wrong with that?I have good taste, don't I?"

"Well, you chose him,"Orion said, standing and stretching,"I should be honoured to be in the same category."

The door opened, and the sensei walked in. He turned to me.

"Alduin, who won, and how long did it take?"

"Devlin Dreadwood won, after half an hour, plus a minute."

"I see." the sensei nodded."So what did Devlin do for the last half hour?"

"Explained why his race are a gem on Central, and among the rest of the worlds."

"Ah, so Devlin is one in the bedroom?" the sensei laughed,"It wasn't hard to pick up, just looking at both your faces gave the answer away. So, Orion, what do you say to their proposition."

"I would like to travel with them." Orion replied, bowing.His body ached, his interior was scalded, and he still managed to look like he was physically perfect, I admire that.

"Very well.Will you be coming back?"

"Frequently, according to Alduin's description of the work they do."

"Very well. Shall we show the off worlders the powers of The Fire Mistress now?"

"I think it's about time we surprised them for once."

The planet of T'Rahzahr Pt3

"Devlin, can I drive there?" I asked the hell fire dragon. "Why would I stop you?" "Well, officially, you and Draco are the leaders, and we are in front of the the,"switch language," natives." "O.K., fair enough.Does Simba and Draco want to do...

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The world of T'Rahzahr Pt1

After the doppelganger's blatant impersonation of myself on the dead planet, and our resultant inviting him to join as a scout for Central due to his quick abilities, it was another week before Javid turned up to announce we were to explore a new...

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The doppelganger...

One week after incredibly harassing trip to the Industrial planet ruled by the dragons, I was summoned by Alecto to the Central Hall on the Saturday morning. Draco announced we were heading to a new planet. I naturally volunteered to ping the planet,...

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