The world of T'Rahzahr Pt1

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#53 of Exploration

After the doppelganger's blatant impersonation of myself on the dead planet, and our resultant inviting him to join as a scout for Central due to his quick abilities, it was another week before Javid turned up to announce we were to explore a new planet. It was a Friday night, and Alecto had come over earlier to do some cooking.He liked to come over to our planet occasionally and cook up a nice dinner. Draco was also due to come, along with Salbar.

Javid promptly thanked us at our invitation to have some dinner, and he sat down at the table in anticipation of Alecto's culinary expertise. He had teleported in just as Alecto was sprinkling herbs into the main dish. It was a pasta dish with a very nice spicy tomato sauce, and one ring was boiling the pasta to hell and back, and the other was the sauce which was simmering nicely. The third I was using, and was making a steamed vegetable dish with broccoli, carrots, cabbage and a few others. The final ring was gently bringing some minted peas to the boil.

Salbar and Draco turned up not five minutes later, as me and Alecto were doing a very badly choreographed dance around one another to stir our respective pots and pans. Gareth brought out the plates, the glasses and the cutlery while steam rose into the air as Alecto drained the pasta of water into the sink. I got a colander out and likewise drained the peas as he added the sauce to the pasta, stirring vigorously.

Finally the pots were brought over to the centre bar and generous amounts of food were doled onto each plate. Alecto's culinary expertise was unrivalled on Central, although Time, Devlin and myself gave him a run for his money. The plates were brought over to the anxious diners, and we sat down and started eating. The tribute's to Alecto's cooking started coming in thick and fast, and then the topic changed to other groups and their recent exploring.Alecto brought up Time's most recent trip.

" Time, Takori and Winslo went to a world where everything was in miniature. Seriously, the dominant life form are so tiny it's hard to see without mechanical help. They came upon a city that was about fifty metres long, and all the skyscrapers were about sixty centimetres tall. Of course they didn't go into the city centre, they couldn't with out stepping on something."

"So what happened next?"

"Takori approached, and the miniature beings started panicking. From what they could tell, an entire force of armoured vehicles came out along one of the motorways, and each was about the size of half a fingernail.Then Time managed to make contact with their frequency, and by whispering softly managed to speak to them."

"They should have got Winslo to cast a Reduction spell on her."


"Temporary spell that reduces one person to one sixteenth normal height.She'd seem less imposing to them."

"So what's this new planet we're supposed to be looking at?"I asked, folding my legs. Draco stopped eating some of his pasta, and smiled.

"No idea. I think Silverine just does this on purpose, selects one that we have no idea about, and dumps his best crew into it."

"I highly doubt we're the best crew, Draco." I retaliated.He merely grinned.

"But it's supposedly able to support life, and so you're pinging it tomorrow morning."

I leaned back, chuckling and feeling my skin stretch across my ribs.

"Ow. But I don't mind it tomorrow. Just give me time to collect all my gear."

And a fair list of gear I had. Quite apart from my multi-purpose glasses, I had an LED light that was attached to my ear, my teleporter, which I was leaving on my wrist out of habit, my old rifle, my dragon sword, rocket launcher, belt from Central, which normalizes all gravity effects to what ever the wearer is use to, and attached to that is my C.E.O pistol and a few other little toys. My backpack had a two litre bottle of water, a snack of raw noodles, a jacket, fire lighter, Swiss army knife, torch, about ten metres of thin rope, three tennis balls...I know, but I get bored easily.

And apart from all that, I had also done some changing around to my forms. I still had the F35 Lightning, but in a clean break from the Reventon (and I didn't want to be a tank, good at traversing rough terrain as it was), I went for something with more off-road ability, but a gentle speed.Thus when dinner had finished, I unveiled my new form to everyone. Draco was the first to get what it was.

"That's a 1985 Audi Quattro A2 LWB, isn't it? Why that car in particular?"

"Better over rough ground, and still quick, although not as quick as you or Simba."

"Actually, I think you'll be faster than Simba."

"The Porsche would be quicker." I looked confused.

"Yes, but his Challenger wouldn't be."

"What?" I exclaimed." Simba's dumped his car for a tank?"

"Yes." Draco burst out laughing. "that's why I dumped my Ferrari. I couldn't be the only one who's just a smooth road driver."

"That's true. I haven't seen a proper asphalt road since I went to Alex's planet." I nodded. "So what did you choose?"

"This." he closed his eyes, and started to shrink. He grew in length, and his arms shrunk away. A large vehicle appeared, and I shouted in glee.

"Land Rover. I knew it! A series three 109."

"In one, Alduin. You really need to do something else with your time.Hell you even got the model." Draco chuckled at his own teasing.I saw him rock on his large axles in convulsed laughter.

Simba appeared at this moment.

"Damn, what did I miss?" he looked around.

After bringing him up to speed, I spoke.

"So Simba, let's have a look at this Challenger."

He obligingly changed, and before long a model tank, no more than a metre in length, was sitting docilely on the carpet.

"That's not something you see every day." I said dryly."And not something I wish to argue against." Gareth laughed out loud.

"On the other hand," Alecto replied," who normally sees a rally car around the streets?"

"Maybe so," Javid interjected," but there are a lot less tanks, and they are somewhat more menacing than rally cars."

"That's true. Now Simba is the most dangerous transformer in our party, what with his aerial gun-ship." I replied.

"I think your plane is more dangerous." Salbar said quietly, looking at all three of us in our new forms.

So to show one another our special stuff, we drove outside. The night was crisp and cool, and Draco showed his off-road abilities by parading around the back yard. I ignited my 550 horse power, turbo charged 4WD Quattro engine, and the harsh bark sent cats running if they heard it. I slowly accelerated onto the main street, the engine purring, and then it's note became all harsh and crackly as I accelerated hard, the G-force would have thrown me back in my seat. I got up to a hundred kilometres an hour, and then put on the brakes. The Audi backfired a few times, it was a natural thing with the car, and I drove back to the watching audience. Then Simba drove up and down the garden, barrel rotating back and forth as the lion focussed on something. The tank had a very limited view, and so Simba looked around constantly to make sure he wasn't going to hit anything.

So now that we had examined each other in our new forms, the rest of my party teleported away, so they could get some rest. Alecto, Gareth and myself did the dishes, and after that was finished, Gareth went into his bedroom. I went into my bedroom, and Alecto followed. There was some comment about each other's cooking skills, and as we stripped down and got into the bed, comments about the next meal Alecto should try. It was he who first started the next conversation as I turned off the lights.

"Although, I haven't tasted one of your dishes for quite some time."

"Really, what is it?"

He snuggled underneath the sheets, and I felt his hands fiddling with my testicles.

"Damn it, Alecto, aren't you full?"

"No. Besides, it's full of protein, it tastes nice, and it's quite filling. Come on, Alduin, let me suck you off." he implored.

"Is it your two week period?"

"How did you guess?"

"I'm psychic."I said, rolling my eyes in the dark. I could feel him groping my cock in readiness. These foxes really enjoyed sex when and where, and during their period, they wanted it all the more, although they were more wary of the usual manner of sex.So Alecto was sexually in heat, and wanted to relieve some of his tension.

I merely shrugged and pulled the cover over my head, so I could see his dark head in the very dark area underneath the cover.It rose, taking the duvet with it, and then licked my cock a few times. It expanded, and then the duvet lowered as Alecto took my cock in his mouth. But instead of rising and falling as he sucked, Alecto merely went deep, and jerked back and forth, his tongue gently slapping against my base. It was a new way, but not uncomfortable, so I lay there, breathing in deeply, and letting out in a burst as a small wave of excitement. I took hold of his shoulders as he worked, and after a minute, I pulled hard.

Alecto slid up the bed, dragged to a halt against me. He looked confused in the darkness, and while his legs were spread eagled in surprise, I thrust my dripping cock into his pussy. He moaned in shock and tried to push me off.

"No, Alduin, not there."

Ignoring his pleas, I took hold of his own cock, stroking it my grasp as I fucked him. My other arm held him tight against me, his hands pinned between my chest and his.His warm fur was trembling, and I felt his jaws bump against the side of my face.He panted, and I felt his tongue gently touch my cheek.

"Enjoying it?"I asked, smiling.

"Alduin, not there!" he cried in reply.

"You asked for sex, you got it."

"O.K.! O.K.!, Master, don't fuck me there.I don't want to take the risk." He got his hands free, and tried to push me away with one hand. He was loathe for me to stop, and loathe for me to continue.

I fucked him harder in reply, and felt his tongue against my lips. this soon became a kiss, as his passion was torn asunder between his nervousness and his own increased sexual need. Now he took hold of me, wrapping his arms hard around me, willing me to go in deeper.I followed suit, grabbing the fox's lithe body in my firm hold, and began fucking him hard.

"No, Master!"he moaned," Don't... I can't...I don't want..." the sentences wouldn't come. His legs encircled mine, and then tightened,trapping me inside him.

"Alecto, do you want me to cum in you?"I said, in his leg lock.

"I don't!"

"Then for Christ's sake let me get out!" There was a pause as he unravelled his legs.

"Although if I did, I would wish it to be yours." he said, gaining control of his body again. We settled for a second, and I smiled at the dim vision of the fox.

"And I would happily." I replied, removing my cock and then thrusting it up Alecto's ass. Immediately he renewed his wrap around me, as I pounded his ass.This time his legs came around, and stayed there.Whatever he intended to say in reply was lost as he began to make a sound, and then, as he brushed my chin, turned it into a hardcore kiss.Then came the moment, and I fucked him as deep as I could go, and I felt him clench me tightly, his claws actually sinking into my skin. This wave of pain registered the same time as the pent up sexual overload, and I cried in both.He ejaculated at the same time, and I felt warm fluid splash all over my stomach.

We didn't let go, and promptly fell asleep in that position, still firmly enclasped in each other's grasp. Thus when I woke at five thirty, I was still being cuddled like a life size teddy bear by the gently slumbering fox. Taking great care not to disturb Alecto, I quietly collected all my gear, and walked into the living room to collect my weapons. My teleporter hadn't been removed from my arm for the last week, but the code of dress at work called for long sleeved shirts, so no one was aware. It was a bad habit, but a useful lifeline, although I wouldn't use it except in the most dire of circumstances in front of the human race.

So I teleported. I prayed my departure would not wake my foxy friends.After the half a minute of falling, I landed in one of the many circular rooms. Most of them were dotted around the perimeter, so it meant a bit of a walk to get to any of the main rooms. A glower arrived as I went down the minor corridor, and we walked together.

"Morning Keen, how's Central today?"

"Very good thank you, Alduin.Draco is awaiting your arrival in the Great Hall, although he says there is no need to rush, because neither Simba or Salbar has arrived yet."

"Excellent." I declared crisply.

"And Devlin is going with you again."

"That's even better, Keen." I smiled widely at the thought of the Hellfire dragon joining our trip again.

I walked into the Great Hall. Silverine was there with Devlin and Draco, Javid was whistling a tune while observing his sniper rifle critically.Salbar was there, although Simba wasn't, and I noticed Thomas, Ryan, Brendan and Alex on a bench. I greeted them cheerfully, and came up to a halt beside Silverine.

"Morning all." I said.They were looking at me in minute detail.

"Did you forget your shirt this morning Alduin?" Silverine smiled at my naked top half. I shrugged.

"Alecto and Gareth were asleep, I just grabbed everything that wasn't urgent and put them in my bag."

"Your trousers aren't urgent." Draco said helpfully.

"Of course they aren't, but I did object to walking completely naked down Central. A man's got to have some pride." I turned as Simba entered, he was also still getting his gear together. Draco spoke.

"What in God's name have you done to your back?"

I put my glasses on, and Draco interlinked so I could see my own back. Sure enough, Alecto had dug his claws deep into my skin, and broken the skin. Six puncture marks with dried blood running down were streaked on either side of my back.

"Hmm, Alecto must have gripped me a little harder than I thought." I replied."Still, it's not terminal, just give me a minute to get a shirt on, and then I'll be off."

"You mean you didn't notice Alecto piercing your skin?"

"We were making love at the time,Javid, and it was during his period. I don't think he was aware of what he was doing, and I was more concentrating on him than me."I said, pulling on my silver shirt with the Celtic designs.I loaded my rifle with it's single bullet, and as I shouldered it, hit the teleport.

I arrived, and looked around.

"Actually Simba, only you could have got into a worse position than this."

"Nice move, Alduin, straight into a temple." he replied, looking through my glasses.

Actually, it wasn't as bad as all that. I was in one of the small prayer boxes on either side, and a small window was on one side, and the door to my left. The door was from floor to ceiling, and although it was shut, I could hear noise outside. It seemed to be holy noise, and as I bent down, I saw a pew and a pair of scaled feet, with two centimetre claws. There was very loud singing, it sounded like a hymn, and I instantly picked up the beat.

Taking the plunge, I opened the door, and slid out. I was at the back of a very large cathedral, with rows of pews extending towards a raised dais and altar at the front. A priest, a feathered hawk like creature was standing there, wings and arms out stretched. His eyes were closed as he led the audience through the song. The audience was a variety of creatures, just like Central itself. The scaled feet belonged to a dragon, who was reading from a psalm book. The organ crashed it's song from up near the rafters, and as I looked up, I saw the section for the choir and organ. I couldn't see who was up there.

No one was actually looking at me, because they were all singing with their eyes shut, or at least were reading the words in the books without paying attention to around them. I slid quietly to the back row, and stood on the end of the aisle, whispering into the mike.

"I'm sure I don't need to explain what's happening here."

"Looks like a church service." Devlin replied." We'll hang back until it's finished, if you don't mind. I think you must have got lucky, the bang of the teleporter was muffled by the organ. Sounds magnificent, in my opinion."

"Indeed, Devlin.And ignore me if I sing."

"I'm sure your voice is good, I have heard enough cross reports about your musical talent."

"Yes, we all think you're gifted." Draco replied.I knew he was smirking.

"Hush, Draco, this is the middle of a service." the hymn itself, now I was paying attention, appeared to be one that praised the Lord almighty, although it didn't sound like a specific god, just the words Him and He was used.

"And we shall praise him with many voices,

of every creature great and small

And he will listen, and will bless us

Alleluia, Alleluia to all."

The organ stopped, and silence fell as everyone was looking down in silence. Then the hawk like priest at the altar spoke.

" He will shine his light into the dark places, and keep us under his wing, protecting us from all evil.Amen.Please sit for the reading."

Everyone sat down, and looked around. As the priest headed towards the pulpit, I was made aware of some one looking at me, a scaled creature, who turned and started whispering to a friend of his. The friend turned, it was insect like, and it's forward mandibles clicked together as he looked at me. I inclined my head in a gentle bow, and it turned to the first friend, and they whispered again.

I listened to the hawk speak of one of the Lord's many lessons. It was much like a church on Earth, except the audience was more varied in forms than the usual Anglican, Catholic or Protestant church. The stained glass window on the front of the cathedral was one of a mighty light, like a representation of one of the glowers, and Draco translated the text in my ear.

"The Lord, your word, created all of us, thus we live in peace to give strength to Him. He protects us from evil, and will cast out the wicked. Have you done anything wrong recently?"

"I've got to an A4 page in length, still going." I whispered, smiling,"As long as He doesn't pay attention to me, I'm not bothered."

But it wasn't the god who was, it was now a small cluster of furry characters two aisles in front of me, and occasionally one of them would turn around. As the lesson went on, and on, was this their entire bible?, the scaled character shuffled back, bent double, and sat beside me.

"Where did you spring from?"

"I've been listening to the sermon."I hissed back."Religion fascinates me."

"I have never seen a creature like you on this planet."

"That does not surprise me in the least.I am not of this planet."I replied.

"A demon?" the dragon narrowed it's eyes.

"Alien,"I corrected," there is a difference. And before you stop the entire service, I would mention that it's your own religion that asks all to live in peace, and I am quite a peaceful person."

"Afterwards, you will have to come with me."

"Why, are we dating?"

"I am being serious. Outsiders are regarded with suspicion, and you don't want to be marked as an atheist or unholy person."

"If I was either, I wouldn't still be here." I whispered back. The priest brought the lesson to a close, and everyone got down on their knees to pray. I followed the dragon's lead, and he hissed to me with his eyes closed.

"What is your name?"

"It's Alduin. What is yours?"


"So, Terakent, what planet are we on?"

"This planet, our name, is called T'Rahzahr."

"Where was this place when the vowels were handed out?"I smiled." But seriously, I'm glad to meet you, Terakent."

"Well, I know you are friendly, at least."At least. I like that.I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"So how long will this take?"

"This is the calling of the Lord, and there is one more hymn.Then we all turn as the priest walks out, and as the organ starts up after this, we are allowed to leave."

I shifted my Eryx so it stopped digging into the back of my leg as we prayed, or at least pretended to pray, and then the priest made us stand for the final hymn. He lifted his hand, and conjured a fireball into existence, and then the candle flames went out.

"Magical abilities."I whispered.

"Many do." Terakent replied, quietly."You seek what purpose here?"

"Knowledge, habitat, atmosphere, life forms. We seek to know as much as can be known." The priest threw the small fireball into the air, it hung suspended into the centre of the room, and disappeared with a flash of light.Terakent handed me a book of hymns in their language, so I knew what I was supposed to be singing.

The hymn began, and the tune was very easy to learn, so I sung with my powerful tenor voice, although quietly so I didn't draw attention to myself.

Then as the song concluded, we all turned. I could hear the clicks as the claws of the hawk priest walked down the aisle. He walked at a slow, regal pace, and as he got to the end of the aisle, he turned, bowed, and then saw me. He gave me a sideways glance, and while lots were probably looking at me, the silence could not be broken. He turned again, and walked out through the double doors. There was a very devout silence, for at least twenty seconds, and then a single chord on the organ, followed by something that sounded like Toccata and Fugue in D minor.

We all relaxed, and Terakent very quickly took me by the hand, leading me forcefully to the exit. I let myself drag for three seconds, and then stopped.

"Let go, I am capable of independent movement." I hissed. Terakent did so, and I followed him out of the doors.

The priest was beside the door, much like the reverend who says farewell to the parishioners as they leave. He looked me up and down, taking in my shape.

"You were not here when the service started."

"That will take a while to explain, father." I halted, while Terakent looked around in annoyance at the delays.

"Very well, the Lord of course chooses what may happen, and our meeting must have a purpose. You are of this world?"

"No, the Lord set me on another planet, but his wisdom and guidance brought me here." I kneeled briefly.This made a good impression, and the hawk dismissed my gesture.

"Rise, my son."

I did so, and he spoke plainly.

"Good morning, may the light shine on your road."

"Thank you father." I nodded. Several of the parish were behind me, and they looked in much amazement as Terakent led me away from the main doors, down the steps to the road, and then along the street.

The technology was what I would call medieval. The modes of transport were cart and foot, and most reverted to the latter. People were bartering with one another along the sides of the street, the entire city was virtually a market place, and as I walked down the stalls, I saw many interesting things. Most sold foods, some sold gifts and body jewellery. One large house merely had a sign outside saying.

"The Fire Mistress."

"She is a creature with remarkable pyro abilities." Terakent explained as I voiced this aloud. I shrugged, and we continued walking. It the marketplace, I actually drew less attention, due to the clamour and hubbub taking place. People tended not to notice things a crowd.

I stopped at the entrance of a deserted alley, drawing out my scanner.Terakent looked at me.

"What are you doing?"

"I have some friends, they need somewhere to land."

"There are more of you?" the dragon looked alarmed.

"Draco,"I switched language," just give me five seconds, and then teleport." I planted the scanner, and stood back, waiting for them to arrive. Terakent looked at me in slight confusion, and when he made to step forward I extended my arm to block his progress. After forty seconds, there was a loud bang, and all of a sudden my friends were standing there. Devlin rubbed his wrists.

Terakent was incapable of speech. Draco was standing looking around in mild interest, although Salbar was showing interest in the market place, and was walking forward, never having seen a city like this. Simba was speaking into his microphone.Salbar laughed at me.

"Why weren't you the god of music? You have a really nice voice."

"Salbar, please,"I rose a hand in defence,"I'm not brilliant. I sing, that's true, and I like music, but I'm not a god."

"Didn't you say you once sung solo?" Javid asked.

"Yes, but that's beside the point.By the way, Terakent, where are we off to?"

I turned to the dragon. He hadn't moved.He was staring at my friends with the look of a man haunted.

I tapped him gently.

"Terakent, are you awake?You were in such a hurry to take me somewhere, correct?"

The scaled reptile shook himself out of his stupor, and merely led the way towards the end of the town.

"And for once,"I smiled, "I'm actually in the minority race again. I'm enjoying this."

"So where are we going?"

That answer was given not five minutes later. We were lead to a large temple like place, with high walls.It was a fighting dojo, or training facility. The place was run by a cat like creature, and we were met at the door by him. He looked at all of us, me in particular, and spoke.

"What are they, Terakent?"

"The small one with no claws suddenly arrived in the middle of a church service, and claims to be from outer space. On his way here, he planted a device in the ground, and the rest arrived. They say they are explorers."

"I see." the cat smiled, boding ill."Well, come on in.Explorers, eh? Here there are no explorers, only scouts and soldiers. You, wolf, are you a soldier?"

"Yes." Javid stood tall,"I spent more than fifteen years in the army on my planet. I was trained in some of the hardest camps, and trained with all kinds of weapons."

"Excellent. A proper soldier." the cat looked approvingly at him, and turned to Salbar. "I can tell by the swords that you are likewise a fighter."

Salbar smiled." One could say that."

"I won't even get started on his technique." I chuckled.

"What about you, creature?"

"We call ourselves humans, and my answer is I am a scout. I am not a fighter, although I can fight."

"We shall see about that." the cat clapped his hands loudly as we entered the inner quad of the building. Around us were three stories of wood, no doubt the dorms for the training students.


One figure detached itself from the second floor, by grabbing onto the railing and swinging down one storey, and then diving to the ground, landing hard on one knee. He barely winced at the landing, super athletic. He bowed to the sensei, and spoke.

"You called, Master?"

This creature was an albino, pure white, fox, who stood slightly shorter than me, say about five eleven. He looked at us in deep suspicion before turning to the sensei. I could tell that this creature was the sort of ninja/ samurai that one would see on my own planet, by the ways he moved through the air.

"This party has arrived from space.We shall test their abilities. The human will face you in the three important categories."

"Yes, sensei. I will fetch my weapons." the creature replied.Draco shot a look at Devlin as the creature turned and walked towards the bottom floor. He wore only a light pair of trousers, for optimal movement. I wished it was one of my friends who was fighting first, but removed my backpack, kept my sword, Eryx and rifle, and stepped forwards.The sensei led through a series of doors, with my friends in tow, and we came out to my first challenge.

The doppelganger...

One week after incredibly harassing trip to the Industrial planet ruled by the dragons, I was summoned by Alecto to the Central Hall on the Saturday morning. Draco announced we were heading to a new planet. I naturally volunteered to ping the planet,...

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Yet another planet to visit.

A fortnight after a very exciting Central New Year, Draco announced we were heading to a new planet. The planet was apparently reasonably advanced along the tech ladder, because the scans showed a mixture of metallic buildings, but also things that...

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Mistakes were made...

One week after Central New Year, I was informed that Silverine wanted some volunteers to go to a bunch of new planets.This wouldn't be a group party sort of thing, and it meant that I got to come across people I hadn't worked with. Landon was one....

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