New Captives

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A young Stag and his party, journeying to his wedding wander into the wrong part of the dark forest.

Played out with my fav Goat boinggoat boinggoat

New Captives

The goat strode calmly down the dimly lit stone hallway, his long red robes billowing in his wake. This was getting to be a regular ritual; ever since he'd began enlisting the wild bear tribes who lived in the forest to his cause, trespassers were being caught much more frequently. Brigands and warriors, scouts and rogues, pilgrims and hunters, it seemed a never-ending parade of all walks of society mistook his reaches of forest for a shortcut or a refuge. A smile crossed his lips as he opened the door to the dungeon, his burly guards straightening up respectfully... he wondered what the forest had brought him this time.. The group was smaller than he might have liked, only a half dozen naked figures sat hurdled together. The Bears having already stripped them of their possession and chained them all together so they couldn't run or fight. It was a odd little group and the goat was wondering who they might be. When a tall proud young stag stood up and gave him a sneering look as the goat approached.

"Are you the one in charge here?" The Stag demanded, as a big stallion stood up behind him trying to calm the proud youth down, but the noble rich Stag wouldn't listen. "I demand to see whoever is in charge here... My father is the lord magistrate of Dunmoore and I will not be treated like this!"

The goat smirked, and looked the young stag up and down slowly enjoying his naked young body. A well-built young male... handsome and arrogant, but that can be easily fixed.

"Your father." The goat purred in a quiet, but care free and yet commanding voice. "Is a long, LONG way from here, and I have no fear of him." He stepped to one side to address the entire group, ignoring the young Stag much to his embarrassment and anger. "You are all here because you were found in the forest... the forest which I claim as my own. Your lives and bodies are there for now mine... your souls you may keep... for now." He licked his smirking lip's and made a dismissive wave at the still protesting Stag. "But first, by all means struggle if you wish, it makes the breaking of you all the sweeter. Guards, we'll start with this one." The wicked goat said, as the Stags chains fell away magically, the young Buck to surprised to react to his sudden freedom. The guards, themselves dressed in only a leather chest harness and belts to hold their swords, move in swiftly to grab the stunned Stag and drag him into the next room. They're not afraid to rough him up if he struggles... throwing him roughly against a dank stone wall. Swiftly chaining his wrists to his antlers, and then up to a beam in the low ceiling.

"Wha... what?" Aran choked, unable to believe anyone would talk so uncaring about his important father or so commandingly to him. "You... you had better." He countered weakly as he was separated from his body guard, the big stallion strained and jerked at his chain but could do nothing for his charge.

"Your... your forest, but surely you mean the kings forest." A round belly Hog grunted from behind the big horse, even as he looked over at the young Stag. "Master Aren I beg you do not be discourteous to our host." The young proud Stag was in shock at being treated like some common criminal, and so struggled very little as the big guards dragged him out of the room.

"My lord please..." The big stallion begged the goat, as he watched them take the Stag away. "If master Aran is to be punished I beg you allow me to take it for him. For I have been charged with his safety on his trip to be wed to a noble fur's daughter in Kullhaven." The goat paused in mid-stride at the stallion's words, and turned around to face the big horse, a cruel smirk on his lips.

"Aahah, warrior, you were charged with your Buck's safety, eh? Then you have failed in your duty. But you wish to take your charge's punishment? Very well." The wick goat stepped forward, and grabs the horse by his long muzzle, his palm covering those big brown eyes, his thumb and forefinger digging into the Stallion's temples! A muttered phrase, and a sudden rush of sensation dizzies the mighty stallion. "See what he sees... I will leave it to your conscience if you tell the rest of your party what is in store. And you... practice looking like a slut!" He said to the hefty pig with a leering smirk.

"Ppp.. practice looking like a slut?" The hog grunts looking more shocked than before, as he watched the mighty stallion twitching on the floor. "I sir am a fur of the clothe." He squeals at the goats back as the door is closed behind him, the pig kneeling to help the horse. When the stallion recovers and gets to his hooves, he finds they're not his hooves at all... he's looking down at the buck's black cloven hooves. He can feel the chafe of chains holding his wrists to his antlers, the breeze against the deer's male parts as the guards roughly hold his thighs open, and he can see the goat enter the room from the far door, and approach slow and menacingly.

"Owww Owwww let go... what are you doing? You can't touch me there... I'm to be wed in four days." Aran protested as he watched the forbidding goat stalk into the room, the heavy black door closing behind him.

Jerome looked around the room through the young Stag's eyes, the older experienced stallion seeing nasty things the young stag didn't know them meaning of. But was powerless to help or even warn his charge of the nasty thing that could easily be done to him.

The goat stepped closer to the young buck, and put his slender hands on the youth's broad chest. "Ahh, such a fine body you have. I'm sure you're proud of it." The goat purred, his hands slowly drifting lower down the struggling Stag's body while the two burly, nearly nude guards held him by the thighs. "But there's two things you're going to have to come to terms with. First, you're not getting married in four days. That path is closed to you now. Yes, I'm sure you were looking forward to it." He smirks lewdly before continuing, stroking the buck's sheath, rubbing it firmly, and caressing his male orbs.

A disgusted look crawled across the Stags handsome muzzle as the goats slender warm hands fondled his naked body. "Not... not married... but it it's all arranged my father made a deal." Aran gulped as those warm hands moved lower caressing him in ways his straight male body had never been. "St...St..Stop you can't touch my... Me there..." Aran protested, blushing in shame at having another male touching his most private parts. Even as those touches made him respond, his sheath thickening his ball's quivering in need. "I have to get married..."

"But you'll never have that pleasure. And secondly..I can touch you wherever and however I please." And with that, the goat grasped the buck's testicles and squeezed them in a vise-like grip.

"Nev... never have that PPP...Pleasure?" The handsome young Stag choked, even as his body responded to the goats touch... his bright red cock head peeking out of that tawny sheath. "Touc.. Touch me where.... where you pleeEEIEIEEEEEESSSSSE!"

Aran squealed as his fat young plums where squeezed and twisted savagely. The goat chuckling at the Stag's cry echoed through the stone catacombs.

"Oho my you are as thick as you are handsome, aren't you? Surely your father was marrying you off to be rid of you, I'm sure he'd never entrust his lands to such a fool." The goat licked his lips as he rolled the stag's fragile orbs around in his palm, kneading and pulling on them, feeling them squeeze through his grip... then he let them go. "You, get him ready." The goat gestured to one of the guards, and the burly male reached in with one hand and began fondling and stroking the Stag's sheath, fondling that red cock. The goat strolled over to a rack and picked up a mechanical device with two wide rings on each end, and two smaller rings within those rings... The guards took one look at it, and their eyes widened; the guard knelt to use his muzzle on the buck's growing cock.

That sleek tawny body bucked and withered in agony as those potent young orbs were brutally squeezed... the proud young Stags screaming and struggling against his chain's and the burly guards holding him... hard cloven hooves clicking and clattering on the cold stone floor as his dangling body pranced in place... "Ummmm... Ummmmm gods." Aran moaned as his ball's were released and then the stroking and fondling started, his already half hard cock quickly raising up out of his sheath... just in time to be taken into the bulls suckling mouth... "Gods that feels sooooooooo." Aran moaned his hip's beginning to thrust and grind as the pleasure grew within his loins.

The bull knelt before the Stag, bobbing those smooth bovine lips up and down the young male's stiff shaft, fondling those furry balls gently. He briefly paused as the goat slid one of the device's smaller holes around the buck's shaft. From here the Stag can get a good look at it... the outer ring houses a curved spring-loaded blade. Which was mounted such that when the catch was released, it swings around the ring and through whatever was inside the smaller ring! The guards hold Aran's legs apart as his balls are fitted through the other half of the device. Naturally the two blades are linked to release simultaneously... The goat smirked, figuring that even if the buck was too dumb to figure it out, the stallion who was getting every sensation just the same would know what it was for.

"Ammmmm... Ammmm wait what... is... does that do?" Aran moaned his body still bucking and humping as the bull's teasing mouth made his rock hard cock drool. "Fuck wait is that a blade... No NOOOO YOUR NOT GOING TO!" In the next room the big stallion moaned, looking up helplessly at the big pig kneeling over him.

"They're gelding him... complete gelding him!" Jerome choked as the pig made a sign of blessing them both and half stood up looking towards the closed door.

The goat snickered, and reached to the switch that would end the buck's manhood, rubbing the stag's bucking groin. "Mind your tongue." He said to the sturdy bovine fellatio the young buck, and reached for the switch. "Oh wait, forgot something." He left the buck dangling there, emasculating blades against his cock and plump balls, the bull busily suckling him, while he crossed the room and returned with a bucket. He placed it between the stag's wide spread legs. "When you find yourself in my bed later, just remember that the best pleasure of your life was given to you by a bull's tongue." And with that he reached to the stag's groin, and flicked the deadly switch. The two blades snapped through their arcs with a pair of wet 'SSKLITCH' sounds, slicing off the deer's throbbing dick and proud balls in one split-second cut. Aran's head lay back as the bull's hot mouth brought him to the only orgasm he'd ever have, and then the pleasure grew so much more intense for a moment almost blacked out. And then he heard his fat potent young ball's hit the bottom of the bucket, followed a moment later by his erection as the grinning bull spat it out. The goat laughed as he watched them fall and land in the bucket... "Now, bring me that stallion, his nuts are next!" Instantly the stunned Stag was unchained and handed off to a older bear, who lead the shocked gelding away without resistance. Even as the big horse was hustled into the room and locked in place of the Stag, the horse fighting and kicking as much as he was able.

"You fucker... you bastard you had no right..." Jerome fumed at the wicked grinning goat, even as his hands and hooves were chained in place. The goat sneering as he watched the powerful warrior bound and helpless.

"Might makes right... I would think a warrior would understand that principal." He replied bemusedly, barely waiting for his guards to get the big horse bound up and grab his thighs before stepping between those powerful hooves, and cupping the nude stallion's velvety horse sac. "Since you have such affection for your foolish charge, why don't you have the last of his line." He offered, and then motioned to the bull who leaned over and shoves his lips against the stallion's, spitting the buck's final cream into the horse's mouth.

"There are rules... you can't just..." Jerome protested angrily even as the big bull leaned in pressing his mouth to the horse's open protesting muzzle. "GWAK." The stallion gagged as that hot rich young seed was forced into his open mouth, the taste of another males cock and seed completely new to the warrior. He tried to spit it out but his throat gulped involuntarily and he swallowed that salty buck spunk... choking and gagging. "FUCK!"

The wicked goat smirked as he watched the proud straight stallion swallow the bucks fresh young cum. "What, rules like I can't geld a stallion when I'm holding his balls? Bah, it's my house and my rules." He gripped the stud's plump orbs firmly, stretching them out between the stallion's struggling thighs. "Besides, haven't you ever seen a pair of wild stallions hold down a handsome colt and castrate him? Leaving his balls in the dust, just so they could fuck him? Gelding is a way of life for you Equines." The grinning goat pointed out, taking out a knife, and strokes it against the stallion's tender scrotum. "Deep down, you always knew you'd get the knife one day..."

"Wha... no..." Jerome moaned in denial as his fat pouch was stretched out in the goats firm grasp, he knew the goat was right he'd seen it. Hell he'd fucked plenty of geldings in his day,shivers running down his strong spine even as that cold blade teased his hot flesh. "No... No not me I'm not a gelding..." The big stallion's long cock had dropped as he was dragged in and chain up, and was jutting out stiffly over the goats hands gripping his hefty ball's. "I'm Not... Never thought I'd be... Please don't make a gelding out of me!" The proud warrior begged wildly, as he pictured the stag's gelding in his mind again. The goat snapped his fingers, and the other guard grabbed the stallion's stiff long horse cock and started to stroke it vigorously.

"Ahah, you've got some nice nuts here, stud." The lusty goat commented, as he drew his blade along that velvety ball pouch. "But you gotta know that no male horse goes to his grave with his balls between his legs. It's time to get castrated, like all your favorite colts." The snickering guards held the struggling horse's thighs apart, and jerked his thick, long pole. As the goat slashed his scrotum open, making those big horse balls dangle in the open air. And then he grabbed those naked nuts, gave the fertile flesh orbs a strong squeeze, and then slashed their cords. Gelding the big stallion and dropping his eggs in the bucket, with the stag's much smaller ones. The big roan stallion screamed as he watched that blade open his fat sack, dropping those mighty jewels out.

"Oho Gods... Ohooo No... Gods Noooooo." Jerome whinnied, as he watched the cord's slashed, his big cock tensing and jerking as his last load spurted across the room. The dull 'Thump' of his fat nuts dropping into the bucket not lost on his long pointed ears, even as his powerful body sagged. The goat wiped his bloodied hands off on the horse's cock, and then let his slaves carry him off into the next room, to hang with the emasculated buck. "Now gelding, behave from now on. Don't make me take a knife to that magnificent dick, like I did to your buck friend." He had the other guard bring in the pig, who doubtless had heard the horse's cries.

The fat pink pig waddled into the room and offer no resistance as he was chained in place, his eyes were closed and he was mumbling softly under his breath. Repeating a long pray to the seven gods he venerated... that hefty belly hanging down over his sheath. Altho' those huge nuts dangled down almost to his trembling knee's, as he looked up at the goat for the first time.

The goat smirked lewdly at the naked trembling pig, that soft body highly alluring. Boldly he put his palms on the hog's soft chest and big, round belly.

"So, you're a priest?" He asked congenially, licking his fuzzy lip's as he admired that plush form.

"Yes... yes sir I am the Abbot Delton." The Pig admitted as his chubby body shiver at the touch of those warm blood covered fingers.

"Tell me fat boy, does your religion demand chastity?" The wicked goat teased, jostling that belly around, and reaching below it to rub the hog's groin. Even as the two nearly naked guards watch with lewd grins... and thick erections.

"It... it is expected but not demanded... Kobal teachers we must all temper our desires." Delton preached softly, even as his fat body jumped at the touch of his hefty organs, his body stiffening as he fought to not react. "Please sir why are you doing this, we have done nothing to you..." Delton moaned looking at the two big snickering guards, even as his own body betrayed him and began to hump the goats sticky hands. The goat smirked, and leaned in close to the chubby pig's snout.

"Why... because I want to... because I enjoy it." He chuckles and lewdly licked the abbot's chubby cheek making the pig jump and look up startled. Grinning, he slid his hand down over the boar's massive low dangling balls. "But it sounds like I might be doing you a favor, if I slide my knife into your sac and castrated you like the rest. The pig's beady eyes glazed as the goat licked his cheek... those fondling fingers already teasing his cock from it's sheath.

"A...A favor..." The abbot repeated even as his soft body quivered, in anticipation of the pleasure it had been denied sooooo long

"Tell me abbot, would you like that?" The lusty goat teases him with a sly mocking predatory grin. "Would you like me to cut out your big cummers, make your big bags of sin hit the floor?" The guards are salivating and stiff, practically drooling as they grope and molest the pig's soft body along with their master...

"I... I..." The hog grunted in fear, torn between the desire coming about by the pleasure he was getting, and by his on conscience he'd taken vows made promises to his god. "BB Big bags of... of sin." The fat hog repeated as his fat pink body quivered, he knew the goat was serious. "Yes.... Yes please remove this.... this evil from my person." He begged even as a long string of slimy pre-cum drooled from his throbbing erection to dangle in mid air. The wicked goat smirked, and grasped the boar's balls with his bony hands.

"Very well then, your balls will join those of your fellows. But don't think that's all I'm going to do to you... And who knows... you might even have to bear the shame of enjoying some of it." He cackled, and unhitched a latch that had been holding the boar's shackles flush against the wall... thus freed, the goat and his guards turned the plump pig to one side, pressing his left shoulder against the wall while the goat slid into place behind him. A shuffling of cloth and the goat's furry chest pressed against the boar's back, and those bony hands caressed his round hips. A stiff rod was felt against the pig's rump... burning hot against that naked orifice. "Guards... if he cums, cut off his prick." The goat commanded, and a leering Wolf drew his sword and held it against the priest's chubby groin.

"Wha... Wha... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The abbot demanded, even as he felt that warm smooth fur against his own naked flesh, and a dark blush stained his rosy cheeks. "Noooo gods NOO your not going toooOOOOOO!" The pig squealed as he felt that slick hot cock head spread his virgin anal gates. "MMM MY... OHOOO GODS PLEASE NO." The abbot whimpered, as that icy cold steel rubbed against the underside of his long twisting rut stick. Even as more and more pre-cum dribbled out of that throbbing organ shaming the boar.

"This one's gunna spurt." The big Wolf leered, as he watched the fat pig's cock bounce up and down with the pounding of the abbots racing heart. The other guard grinning and smirking, as the so called holy fur pushed his naked ass back into the horny Goat who was buggering him lazily. The goat smirked as hot cock pushed smoothly into the plump pig's man cherry, his hot breath blowing in the pig's soft ears.

"Ahaha, what are you objecting to? Taking my dick or loosing yours?? The wicked goat taunted, twisting his long stiff pole to work it inside. ?f you're truly into suffering, you should be really enjoying this..." With a grunt the goat began to stuff the pig's bare bottom harder, his heavy balls smacking the back of the hog's hams.

"I... I'm not into suffering." The pig protested weakly even as those bony hands gripped his plumb hip's and pulled them back harder even as the goats hard cock pierced deep into his inner being... "Please stop this... this horrible evil deed..." The pig begged even as his soft pink body began responding more and more eagerly to the treatment the goat was giving him.

"Go on guard, cut off his cock when his cum starts spurting." He lewdly chuckles in the priest's ear, as he rode that thrusting ass. "You never use it, so you won't really miss it... right?"

"I should just cut it off now..." The Wolf snickered darkly as he rubbed that cold blade against the abbots hot flesh. "He's gunna rust my blade with all that slime he's leakin' everywhere." The goat smirked, and gave the boar a few more hard thrusts.

"No, let him cum! I want to see his fat little body quivering before you slice off his little stiffie. Keep your blade up against his cock... I like feeling him struggle not to cum, while he's being fucked." The goat slid his hands around the boat's chest and belly, groping his chubby man-tits, pinching nipples, and caressing his soft body as he vigorously raped the holy pig...

"Uwww... No Nooo please stop." The big hog pleaded, even as his breath quickened and his hip's began to thrust against that razor edge, as the pleasure of what was happening began to take control of the holy fur. "My LORD." The abbot squealed looking up at the ceiling and mumbling prayers wildly, even as he felt the pressure building within his huge porcine testicles. "Help me help me... help me..." He mumbled under his breath, as that long twisted prick bobbed and tensed struggling to restrain the lusts the holy boar was feeling for the first time in his life. Those strong virgin anal muscles clenched even tighter on the goats long hard cock, as the pig battled to keep himself from soiling his oaths with an orgasm. The goat grunted and shoved hard, stuffing the pig's pale rump with his hard pole, driving his dick deeply into that soft rump. His fat balls smacked the pig's legs, slowly drawing up as he enjoyed himself in that chubby ass... Lewdly he grunted, and whispered in the priest's ear.

"No, don't look up. Don't look to him for help... instead look down, open your eyes; and see your fleshy little prick against a big sharp sword, and know that you'll never get to stuff it in someone like I'm stuffing you, know it's getting cut off... as I... have... your... ASS!" He groans and the goat's hot seed bursts into the fat boar's bowels, he goat giving his hips a hard shove as he cums inside the trembling pig!

"Resist... you can't resist him my grace!" A soft voiced called, making the big pig's eye's snap open across the room he could see Venton his young assistant through the half open door. The youth having faith in him, reassuring him he could resist this wicked goat the abbot's body jerked. As he felt a sharp punch of warmth within him, as his captor spent his lusts within that soft tight anus.

"Weeeeeeeeeee!" The pig squealed as his own twisted cock erupted, blasting a mighty fountain across the room as torrents and torrents of pent up cum exploded. Splattering the young rams shocked muzzle and covering it in the priests cum, even as he watched his hero lose. "Noooooooooo..." The two of them screamed together, as the stunned Wolf came to his senses after watching the mighty orgasm and with a leering grin sliced upwards severing that long twisting porcine penis with one swift stroke. Holding it in his paw giggling wildly as the big hog squealed and struggled blood and cum dripping down those fat pink inner thigh's. The goat snorted in the hog's ear, and reached down to grab those trembling pink thighs and hold them open, letting the youngster watch the blood and cum dribble down the fat, naked priest's balls and thighs. The goat took a few moments to calm himself, then snapped his fingers. The bull guard suddenly realized there was a young intruder in the room, and made to grab him. The goat smirked, and nuzzled the fat pig while caressing the boar's bloodied groin. "Mmm, so much protest for something never used... confession time. You lusted after that little lad, didn't you?" The wick goat chuckled, as he felt the big hog's body tremble at his words. "Even though you knew it was wrong, you secretly wanted to put your dick in him one day... and now you never will."

The chains rattled as the big bull snatched up the young ram and held him up for display, the older rabbit behind him grumbled as he was pulled along by the chains.. "Yes..." The pig confessed weakly, turning away as the young rams cum covered muzzle took on a look of horror and disgust at what the abbot was admitting. "To lift that white fluffy tail... to plunder the pink treasure so modestly hidden by it." The debauched hog rambled on even as the goats hard organ was pulled from within him. The goat chuckled, walking around in front of the fat boar, and grabbing his chubby cheeks in a pinching grip.

"Yes. Takes one to know one after all... He is cute, isn't he?" The goat took the sword from the wolf and began sliding the flat of it against the hog's fat seed-sacs. The fat hogs blunt muzzle burned brightly with shameful blush, as the goat confronted him about his forbidden desires...

"Yes... yes so very handsome." The abbot confessed openly, freed now from any limitations he'd had before.

"Know what's even more tragic? If you'd given in and recanted all that holy business, I'd have let you fuck him." With a laugh the goat turned the blade and slid it across the boar's sac, letting the abbot's balls tumble down into the bucket between his legs... And then severing them with a quick slash of than bloody blade.

"Wha..." He moaned his wide mouth dropping open in shock as the goat told him about his one chance to have that desired orifice. "Owwww Noooooo." The abbot screamed as his hefty nuts joined those others in the bucket, his male-hood completely destroy now. The big pig hung his head sobbing and whimpering pitifully. The goat smirked, yanking the loincloth from the wolf guard and wiping his dick off with it before dropping it casually on the floor.

"Clean him up and take him to a comfortable bedroom; I think I'll keep this one awhile." He instructed the grinning wolf even as that long pointed canine cock bobbed and dripped.

"You sick old bastard." Venton the young ram screamed, kicking out at the fat pig as he dangled there in the Bulls grip. While the big wolf helped the pig down and dragged him away. The young ram suddenly gulping and looking frightened instead of angry, as he was unchained from the last prisoner and hung in the pigs place. The pale gray middle aged rabbit cowed against the wall, watching with huge frightened eyes, as the young ram stopped struggling and dangled limply. Closing his eyes and repeated the same prayers the fat hog had, although his words came hard and passionate. Anger and disgust still plain in his voice and manner, even as he tried to pretend he was alone in the room. Clearly he was determined to not give the goat any satisfaction.

"It's not like that's going to do you any good." The goat said with a smirk, as he brushed his hands over the young ram's dangling body. "I'm not after your soul really, just your flesh." He slid a hand down to rub the boy's belly, then lower still, seizing the youth's pendulous Cervine balls. "Ammm, not another virgin... such a waste. And this is the sort of foolishness you get with god worship." The wicked goat shook his heavy horned head grinning at his guards. Venton shook his horned head struggling to ignore the goats soft warm touch, his body shivering involuntarily as those hands caressed his limp naked flesh. His words surging louder, as he tried to drown out the sensations with the chanting of his prayers. He would not be a lust controlled sinner, like the abbot had turned out to be. The goat smiled calmly, and caressed the young ram's loins, jostling his heavy young balls, and stroking his sheath. "Ahaha, trying to ignore me. You can do that... but you can't ignore yourself." With a lick of his salacious lips, the goat got down on his knees and started nuzzzling the young ram's sheath. "Ummm... what would your poor, conflicted abbot have given to witness this I wonder?" He mused, as he began to lick and nibble on the boy's sheath and soft sac. Venton's words soared louder still, even as he felt those hands rub over his most private parts... his body jerking and trying to twist away. But finding it impossible to escape, even as he felt hot breath on those deprived organs. His bright blue eyes snapped open, starring up for a long moment. And then young ram looked down in shock at the kneeling goat... surely he wouldn't debase himself by...

"Ohoooooo." Venton moaned sharply, as those smooth lip's and hot wet tongue began to play over his bulging loins. His words louder still, but now were becoming jumbled and stammering. The goat moaned softly to himself, as he tasted the young ram, his slender fingers expertly massaging the boy's balls. His thick lips, and smooth tongue caressing the youth's slowly hardening shaft. He snaked a hand up to tease the lad's nipples, and began to slowly bob and suck on that young pole. Nursing and nurturing the boy's thickening erection, knowing how to bring pleasure to him. Swiftly that red cock sprang from the ram's fluffy white sheath, jutting out lewdly and lustfully, even as Venton struggled over the words of his prayers. The sensation that hot mouth was giving him, making the young rams body trembled and buck as he fought against his own sexual needs.

"I shall not... shall not..." He panted struggling to remember the words fighting to keep his mind off the sensations... the pleasure the goat was forcing on him. "Ststt...Stop it!" The goat's tongue flicked off the tip of the young ram's prick, leaving it bobbing and glistening in mid air.

"You're being silly." The wicked goat said with a sly grin, looking up at Venton. "Why pray for salvation, to some god who obviously can't provide it. When the path to pleasure has been right here the whole time?" He chuckled, and nuzzled the hanging boy's plump balls teasing them lustfully. "Listen to your body boy, it's telling you to come to your senses. Listen to my mouth, its telling to to cum." He said while slipping his lips around the youth's shaft again, slowly stroking the boy's bone with his lips. And working him so sensually that his guards are getting finding it hard not to touch themselves just watching.

The big bull was openly leering, licking drool off his thick lip's as he watched his master servicing the young ram. Who was bucking and trying even harder to escape that hot suckling mouth...

"No... No you can not make me... will not forsake my... don't want YOUR pleasure..." Venton rambled on, as his body struggled to keep from giving the lustful goat exactly what he wanted... The goat knew all the tricks of course, and working them on that throbbing cock lustfully. Teasing the boy's nipples, as he smoothly suckled and bobbed on that tingling young pole, gently massaging those full balls. Such a shame, he'd been so resistant to emptying them. He slid a fingertip just behind those dangling seed-sacs, rubbing and teasing, the lad's taint as he worked on that shaft... working to make the boy cum. That lean young body tensed bucking and plunging wildly for a moment, and then the young ram leaned back smiling triumphantly as he looked down at the obviously frustrated goat.

"Hah... I win... You couldn't make me soil myself with orgasm... you wicked old GOOOOOOO." Venton squealed loudly then as that dread blade slit his sack open, spilling his pale jewels out to dangle from their bloody cords. Suddenly those strong hands catch them squeezing and rubbing them together intensely... the agony flashing across the young rams handsome muzzle. Even as his hard red cock jerk up and spat its lost load into the smiling goats hot mouth, those strong hands milking his seed bags savagely. And then with a sharp tug ripping them loose to be casually tossed into the bucket with all the rest. The goat stood up slowly, wiping his lips on his wrist.

"I told you." He said with a dark smirk, as he watched the stunned ram fully realize what had just happened. "I don't care about your soul, only your succulent flesh."

"Master please..." The Grey rabbit pleaded leaping forwards, he dropped to his knee's in front of the wicked goat leaning down to kiss his cloven hooves. "I did not willingly trespass in your forest... I am just a faithful servant who followed his master... Please sir let me go." The rabbit whimpered looking up pleadingly, even as he watched the ram dangle neutered above him. The goat looked down at the Rabbit like he was some kind of nasty insect, below him he could see the puddle. The Rabbit had cum paws free, just from watching what had happened. The goat flashed his guards a wicked knowing grin, and gesture to the dangling ram. "Take this one to the guard house... he's yours fore a fortnight." The wolf and big bull shared leering grins, even as the took the weakly protesting ram down. "As for you... get off of me." The wicked goat snapped kicking the Rabbit off his leg, and sending him sprawling across the floor. "Do you know what's worse than a overly pious fool?" The obviously angry goat demanded, as he pinned the cowardly Rabbit on the hard stone floor.

"Master... Master please... No I don't." The panicking Rabbit screamed as the wicked goat stood over him.

"A whining COWARD!" The wicked goat shouted stamping down hard on the Rabbits groin, trapping his fluffy little ball pouch between his hard hoof and the floor. "Glad you enjoyed the show... because you'll never cum again." And with that the goat stomped down with all his body weight, those fat little nuts holding up for a moment. And then exploded within there sack, the Rabbit screaming loudly as that hard cloven hoof twisted and mashed his nuts into bloody paste.


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A princely Gift # 22

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