
Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anarahttp://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

The feel of the collar bit down hard around Regane's neck as she was pushed forward, stumbling as she looked a bit wide eyed around her. The wolfess pulled ears back tight to her head as she was herded along with a group of other women of differing ages, some older, some younger, some crying, some empty eyed as they were pushed through the chute that would lead them out into the large communal room that served to start everyday in the Atlantis Institute. She kept her head down, the rippling of her inky black fur caught the light as she hooded her sapphire eyes and tried not to look at the men who were guiding them out. She could have struggled, some of the large ferals were known to struggle, the massive looking creatures that were hobbled while she walked on two legs. If they couldn't break free, what use did she have?

"Come on, let's move along." One of the reptilian guards gave her a slight push, not hard, just a nudge so she didn't get out of line.

She had been here for weeks, perhaps months, she wasn't sure of how long she'd been here, a slave with no will of her own. Thievery, she had been caught stealing, and that had been her ending. She hadn't been a first time offender, but what did they expect of her? She had been clutched with five siblings to a mother who had never known a husband, they had lived in the streets with her mother barely able to find enough money to feed them all. Her mother had hopped from one job to another, constantly doing the lowest jobs just to make money. She worked in convenience stores, fast food places, anything that would hire her. Regane had turned to stealing to make her way in the world, better stealing than whoring herself out on the streets.

After five times being caught, she had been sentenced to the worst fate that a criminal could endure, she had been taken out of prison and sold to a research facility. She would pay her debt to society as a slave, like so many others before her. She had tried to argue her case, tried to point out that society had made her, but they had ignored her. She had been sold, legally sold, to the Atlantis Institute and pushed in with the rest of the ones sent here. So many others, countless others, of all species and forms were gathered around her. They were always here, always coming in. She knew there were males, but most of them were females, at least those that she saw. They were kept separate except for small amounts of times in the yard when they were allowed to work out.

Not that they were kept badly, it was better than prison. They were given time to have hobbies, fed very well, given the best care and had rooms to themselves. The only thing that was wrong was that she had no freedom. She bore a cold metal collar around her neck that was set with a high electric frequency to ensure that she wouldn't escape. They had no need of walls or bars here, if she passed beyond a certain point the electricity would knock her out. She could look at the green grass and trees, she could walk through them, but she couldn't past beyond the distant stream, she couldn't see anyone she knew. She couldn't see her family. And today, today was her day. Her day to be taken.

The wolf's ears tipped back tight to her head and she tried to ignore the tremor that ran down the length of her spine as she lowered her head and moved to join the rest of the slaves in the main room. There was one rule here, one rule above all others, you were safe and cared for, safe and ignored, until you went into your heat cycle. It had taken her a long while to understand what was going on, but she had watched as each day their master and the workers patrolled through the room and chose some females to leave their ranks. There was no rhyme or reason that she saw, only that they came and took them away, until one day she had stood next to another wolf. She had scented the sharp sweet scent on the air, the tell tale scent of heat that filled her nostrils with each breath. And they had taken her.

The ones they chose didn't come back, she didn't know what happened to them, only that they were taken away. And today it was her. She had woken up with the sensation starting in her body. It wasn't horrible, just a faint ache and sensitivity as her body took on the change that would make her fertile. All morning she had laid in her bed, thinking about what it would mean, what would happen to her. She had no idea what they wanted with those who came into their season, only that they were taken and not seen again. The best case scenario that she came up with was that they were used as prostitutes on the streets, their heat used to attract customers and they remained on the streets afterwards. They were sold to pimps perhaps, something awful.

Regane lifted her head up as there was a ripple on the room and their Master appeared. Their owner. The CEO of the Atlantis Institute. A large feral gryphon padded out from the doors, his wings tucked neatly on his back as the feathers rippled down along his back and his eyes flicked over them. He wore only a neck collar made of finely hammered bronze inset with gold that set off his tawny fur as he padded out with a few of the workers behind him. Her stomach sank. Today was her day. The day she was going to be taken, with whatever girls would be chosen along with her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"How many today, Lawrence?" Keishou tilted his head down as he settled onto his haunches, his long tail curling around his haunches.

"Just two," Lawrence replied, the leopard glancing down at his clipboard. "One wolf and one deer. The deer we don't have a use for yet, so I'll leave it up to you. The wolf, I wasn't sure what you wanted done with. The orders we have could work for her..."

"Wolf?" The gryphon tilted his head and lifted a forepaw to pull the clipboard down to where he could glance at the profiles. "The black one? Not the common grey, correct?"

"Yes, the black." His worker flipped the deer's paperwork over so he could glance at the wolf's file as well.

"I think we have a use for her. Not a cat, though." He heaved a sigh and flicked his wings firmly along his back. "I had hoped one of the felines would go into heat."

"No, sir, but will she do?" Lawrence glanced up at him questioningly while he held up the paper. "I can send her to...."

"No, she will do just fine. Send her to the infirmary, I think we have some of the ova that we'll need for her. Not having to induce estrus will be a plus." He ruffled his feathers a bit and stood up before glancing out at the common room. "Keep me informed of any felines coming into heat, I need to arrange this with the clients."

The leopard bobbed his head while the gryphon's eyes picked out the female in question. She was in the same jumpsuit that all of his subjects, the pale blue offsetting the darkness of her fur. Her ears were back and tail tucked as several of his employees escorted her out of the common room, her body screaming her tension to his eyes. It was a shame it wasn't one of the felines, but she would do, his researchers had had great results with introducing foreign ova to the wombs of another species. Granted, it worked better if they were more alike, but a wolf would do. He had several clients with requests for gryphon eggs, and he had had too many herbivores lately come into season. It was about time one of the predators was due.

He had founded this company out of nothing. He had always been interested in hybridization, after all, he was the results of two different species'. It had taken some time for him to find scientists that could help him, more time to get funding, but now, nearly ten years later, he boasted the largest fertility clinic in the country. He offered every service imaginable, from viable sperm from a wide range of species', to fertile ova, to offering surrogates. He even did his best to fulfill wishes for those who couldn't have children, allowing them to legally adopt fresh laid eggs as their own with no questions asked. He dealt with them all, every mythic their was and created new hybrids each and every year. He had dozens of write ups about his business, though he was careful to downplay the fact that he bought prisoners to use as surrogates and donors.

He had a special request for gryphon eggs, one that had been too long in coming, one that had stayed on his desk for quite some time. No matter how he tried, he could not get any viable offspring from herbivores when it was a predator species. He could try, but it was useless, so he waited patiently. It would be better with a feline, but he could make this work. It had been too long since he'd taken a personal interest in one of the surrogates. The thought made him rumble low in his throat and flex his toes against the ground. She was a comely looking thing. He turned away as the wolf was escorted out with the doe, his tail tip twitched back and forth as he pushed out through the doors and left his employees to take care of the rest.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"What are you going to do to me?" Regane's voice came with a slight quiver as she turned her head towards the gryphon who was settled on his haunches, watching as a slim built fox adjusted the restraints on her legs.

He was large, the size of a small horse or at least a very large pony, and his brown feathers held a metallic edge of gold just towards the tips. The color came out in the bright overhead lights, something that caught her eyes and held them while he peered over her. His haunches were a rich golden brown, and like many four leggers, he went entirely nude from the waist down. He didn't bother with anything so crude as pants, instead he seemed comfortable flaunting his nudity where as she would have been humiliated to be undressed in front of him. Thankfully, she was saved that embarrassment.

"Nothing that will harm you." Keishou, that was the gryphon's name, if he had a last name she had no knowledge of it, said with a fluffing of his feathers. "You have the lion ova, James?"

"Yes, sir. You wanted four in this batch?" James looked up at the gryphon with his eyes blinking rapidly. "Or less?"

"Four, we have an order to fulfill." The gryphon tilted his head to look at her and gaped his beak in a grin. "You see, my dear, we work on commission here. You'll be free after this, one clutch of eggs and you'll have earned a pardon."

"P-pardon?" The wolf's ears flicked up high on her head at that word, it brought back a surge of hope that she couldn't suppress. "You mean, I won't be forced to stay here any longer?"

"Exactly." He bobbed his head while the fox unbuttoned the jumpsuit just above her stomach, revealing the silky soft fur. "Do you know what we do here? Exactly?"

"No... I know you take the ones in heat when they're girls.. I dunno about the boys.." She trailed off a little and tried to suck in her belly as the fox exposed all of her belly fur and started to wet it down with something on a piece of cloth.

She was bound, tightly, to a table with her arms forced to either side of her body while her legs were stretched out straight. The padded leather didn't hurt, but it was tight enough that she didn't have any hope of twisting her hands free or her foot paws. The room had pale blue colored walls offset with white cupboards and stainless steel counters with various things set out. She didn't recognize any of them, they weren't labeled either. In the midst of it all was a padded leather table that reminded her of a doctor's examination table, except this one had restraints. She didn't even know what part of the institute they were in.

"Ah, the boys serve another function." The gryphon stood up with a flick of his wings, he was so large, and padded towards her head while the fox wiped her fur down until it was wet and spiky with alcohol. "I founded this institute to help those who wished to have children. At first, it was simply a fertility clinic that helped those who needed some treatment to have children. It was quite lucrative, but as time went off I carved out a new niche. The need for surrogates was required, ones that wouldn't come with pesky legal fees or risks, so I provided those as well."

"I'm going to bear someone else's children?" Regane twitched her ears back slightly at that and then hissed out when she saw the fox pick up a large syringe in one paw and something else in the other, a chunky looking wand.

"Well, yes and no. The surrogate project is quite lucrative, especially using those bought from prison auctions, but now we're branching out to some of the more exotic species'." The gryphon grinned down at her as the fox moved the hand with the wand to her stomach and pressed down.

The rounded edge pushed up tight against her slickened belly while a screen next to her flickered to light. She blinked rapidly as she saw the screen turn into a grainy black and white footage of things shifting and moving. It looked like an ultrasound, but she couldn't make sense of it. The fox obviously could because he made a few adjustments and moved back and forth, his eyes locked on the screen while it settled into one spot in particular.

"Please just take a breath, there will be a pinch." James moved a paw just above her stomach and beneath her breasts so she couldn't quite see what he was doing.

"Did you know that a gryphon can't exactly breed with another gryphon and get gryphlets?" Keishou continued on as the fox started to push his hand down a bit more firmly against her stomach and the needle dropped down out of sight. "We have to have another species' in the mix, for my kind, feline genes or horse genes for a hippogryph."

"OW! HEY!" Regane yelped out as there was a sudden pinch that pushed down against her lower belly and sank inwards. Her breathing came out in a hot burst as the fox's hand on her stomach kept her in place as he pushed down and it made her stomach cramp up.

"Calm down, he just needs to remove your viable ova first, we can't have wolf hybrids." The gryphon clicked his beak lightly while Regane stifled a whimper. "Where was I? Yes, gryphlets. So a married couple of gryphons isn't likely to allow the male half to go humping other species' just to have a clutch of eggs. So we provide the ova and surrogates, often times the males will give us sperm to impregnate the eggs, but sometimes a single hen wants a clutch for one reason or another. We have two, currently, that wish to have eggs of their own. That is where you come in."

Regane squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the cramp growing worse while the fox remained hunched over him and squinted his eyes so he could watch what was happening. He didn't seem to pay any attention to the conversation going on over his head, he was too engrossed in pulling the plug of the syringe up and shifting the needle about somewhat. When she looked up, she could see the needle in her own lower belly. She whimpered softly before drawing in a breath as the syringe slowly pulled backwards after several moments.

"C-come in?" She panted shallowly and swallowed as the fox left the wand on her belly, but pulled out the syringe.

"Yes, you'll be injected with four fertile lion ova and they will be fertilized to ensure that they will form into eggs to hatch gryphlets." The gryphon clicked his beak a few times. "Now, the standard deal for females is, that once you have provided one healthy litter or child or clutch, you will be freed with a clean slate. Past crimes will be erased. Now, for the longer pregnancies we do offer far better provisions and homes for the months that they're carrying, but eggs only take two months so that won't apply here."

"Wh-what does apply? Free? Really free?" Hope surged inside of her even as she felt a moment of terror when another needle was being prepared across from her.

Freedom. Away from being a legal slave and back on the streets. With a clean slate none the less. Her heart started to beat a bit faster while she twisted her head up to look at the gryphon looming over her, the dark ears pricked up on her head while he peered down at her. A clutch of eggs, that was it, just giving a few months of her life carrying young that weren't even her own and she would be set free. That wasn't so bad. If she didn't have a list of prior crimes there was even a chance that she would be able to take on a job of some sort rather then going back to stealing.

"Yes entirely free. If you are cooperative, you will also be given compensation to help you with your new life. We prefer to not have to force you and have guards on you day and night to ensure that you don't harm potential young." The gryphon tilted his head to one side while James returned with the syringe of, what she assumed, viable ova. "Now, I'll be taking a personal interest in this case as we currently have no other gryphons on staff to fertilize the eggs. We'll allow the ova to settle before we fertilize them, the best chance for them to take the first time instead of having to repeat this uncomfortable process for you."

There was a sudden pressure as the ultrasound wand was pushed a bit more firmly on her stomach. There was a sudden push as the needle sank back into her stomach and she nearly arched up off the table. She looked away from the screen and tried to ignore the sensation of it sinking in deeper and deeper. Her mind rolled over what she'd been told, cooperate? She could do this, it wasn't that hard. She'd never been pregnant, but there would be no reason not to allow this to happen. They wouldn't really be her offspring, the ova belonged to someone else, not to her. She could do this.

"Why not fertilize them and then put them in.." She managed to get the question out as something cool spread through her lower belly.

"There is a large failure rate that way, this way, in a few days, we'll know that they're viable and can manually fertilize them." Keishou let out a sudden purring laugh as his head loomed over her's, blocking her vision. "And I find it more fun to do it the old fashion way, science is such a cold art."

A rush of fear welled through Regane as she felt the coolness warming along her lower belly, that familiar warmth that had just started earlier in the day. She bit back a snapping retort at what he'd just suggested. Her freedom, and money to start her life with.... Was it really worth letting this gryphon breed her? Staring up at his raptorial features, she didn't know. And she didn't think she had any other options left to her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Keishou groaned out and stretched his full length behind the desk that he'd had custom made with his size and four legged disposition in mind. It was low to the ground, but that allowed him to look things over while he was sprawled on his belly rather than sitting upright. Far more comfortable to his way of thinking, no matter how annoyed his employees got when they had to come in to speak to him. His tail flicked up and down slowly, curling and sweeping back and forth along his haunches while he looked over the monitor and the squares of the different security cameras. He moved his paw up and used one claw to click a key on his oversized keyboard to bring up one camera in particular.

He had spent three days watching that one camera, three days in which he had savored seeing the collared wolf pacing in her small room. It was a pity that the largest room was taken up with a feral dragoness, she would have done better with more space, but she was making do. She was lovely looking in her own way, her fur so dark that there were blue highlights, and a rather becoming white patch right on her chest. She had just enough soft padding along her hips that he was rather fond of. He liked a girl with a few soft curves for him to enjoy and she was just his body type. He had carefully had his clinic apply a dose of hormones that was kicking her body and estrus into high gear, he had watched her go from subdued and quiet to restless within the span of a day, and each day it had grown worse.

When was the last time I was this involved? _ He stretched out a little and curled his tail firmly around his haunches. _Still, it will be interesting to enjoy it the old fashion way instead of in test tubes and the like.

_ _

It had become a game to him, an enjoyable game in which he took time out of each day to pad down the hall where he kept the breeding slaves and caught her scent. The sweet scent of heat that filled his nares and made him want to linger over it. When he had started this business he had had his own personal harem of women that he enjoyed, but as things became larger and more complicated, he had to give them up. He had almost been celibate, a fact that was horrifying in his opinion, he was successful, he was supposed to be enjoying a life of leisure, not locked away tending to business day after day. The idea of siring a clutch of gryphlets with the wolf was making him almost reckless when it came to her. He wanted to take her, possess her, mate her, fill her until she couldn't possibly take another inch as he released inside of her and flooded her with his sperm.

With a growl the gryphon leaned over and clicked a button on his phone, trying to ignore the fact that his sheath was starting to thicken and spread open. The speaker suddenly rang as he dialed in the clinics extension.

"Clinic!" James' voice answered brightly as Keishou continued to watch the screen, ignoring the fact that his cock tip was pushing out of its sheath.

"What's the status on the wolf?" He shifted onto his stomach and made himself relax instead of building up his desire. No use in it if he were going to have to wait longer.

"I think she's ready, I'm going to do one last exam tomorrow morning to be sure," James replied promptly.

"I want the results as soon as you have them, if the ova have taken I want her brought to my office." He almost crooned the words while his tail tip gave a sharp lash. "She should be cooperative by now..."

_In heat, left in a room, unable to get what her body requires, I think she'll be quite cooperative as a partner. _ The gryphon flexed his paws against the desk, almost scratching the finish.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Three steps across, five steps forward, Regane had memorized the pattern of her cell in a matter of a day. Each day had been the same, get up, have the pale red fox come in to examine her, and go back to pacing and eating. Her entire body felt as if it were on edge. She couldn't think, couldn't do anything except feel the need that was building inside of her towards a fever pitch. It wasn't a faint itch as she had had in the past with her heat, but something that made her entire body feel too sensitive for words. Even knowing what the gryphon wanted didn't stop her from reacting to the idea of it. It was a frantic edged need that seemed to be fueled by the daily injections she was given to 'ensure the ova would take'.

_Not that I care about the ova, not that I care about anything except getting out of here. _ She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against her bunk as James ran the chunky wand over her belly, again.

The fox was competent and professional. He didn't undress her any more than opening the buttons of the jumper along her belly. He didn't try to touch her anywhere, even though she knew she must have smelled sharply of her heat. The day after he'd implanted her with the ova she had been relieved for that impersonal touch, but now it frustrated her to feel it stroking along her body. Her nerves were so sensitive and he smelled warmly of male so that she was fighting not to squirm and arch up into the feel of the wand. She wanted it lower, she wanted to be stroked and caressed. She wanted him to act unprofessional, anything to ease the need that her body was consumed by.

Even the wand and the wet stuff rubbed on her belly was interesting, she felt herself reacting to it as she transferred her eyes towards the ceiling. Her nipples tightened a little in reaction, perking up while she flipped her ears back against her head and she moved her paws to grip her blanket to keep from doing something she would regret.

_This isn't right, this isn't supposed to be how being in heat is supposed to be! _ She let out a soft noise to herself while the fox pulled his paw away from her stomach.

She had been in heat before, it was annoying, a bit of an itch and need, but that was it. She wasn't consumed by it, she didn't need it, she didn't have to let it roll over her until she couldn't think of anything else but that desire. Now, she could barely think past it. She had tried to use her paw, repeatedly, but it hadn't done anything. It had only made her feel more frustrated as she hadn't been able to come to her peak. She snarled softly to herself and squirmed against her bunk while James stood up and gave her, what she assumed, was supposed to be a soothing smile. She didn't want soothing! She wanted to sit up and grip his pants, to rub her muzzle against him and suck in the male scent in, to feel the slight bulge of his pants. She balled her paws up into fists while she let out a breath and the fox moved away from her. She would behave, she would not act like this.

"Alright, miss, if you would come with me." He smiled, his ears pricked up high in the air while he held one paw out. "I think we can get you out of here today."

"What?" She blinked a little, but he moved his paw beneath her arm and helped her up to her feet with her jumper still opened above her belly.

"Yes, I do believe you're ready for a walk." James smiled and gave her paw a pat. "Don't worry, miss, I'm sure that you're ready to have the edge taken off."

"Wait...." She tensed up a little, her ears twitching back as she struggled to remember why she should have been panicking. "You mean Keishou? The gryphon he's going to.."

"Not if you don't want to." The fox pushed the door open and tugged him after her. "Now don't tell my boss I've told you this, but if you truly are adverse, he won't force you. He just likes to have a little fun now and then, but there are other ways."

"Other ways..." She flicked her tail and tried to tuck it down between her legs. "I mean, he made it sound like..."

"Trust me," James gave a smile, his slender vulpine muzzle was parted in a smile. "It's all up to you."

_All up to me... _ She should have felt hope at those words, but her body wasn't in the mood for hope. It was in a mood for an end to her need.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Keishou scented her before James appeared with the wolf, it perfumed her entrance and made him grind his beak with anticipation for what he was going to do. It was so sweet, so deliciously fertile that it made him ruffle his feathers up and sit up behind his low desk, not even bothering to hide the fact that his tapered tip had started to emerge. The fox came in with her behind him, his eyes delicately lifted up so as not to pry on his employers state. It made the gryphon flick his tail in amusement before turning his gaze on the black wolf. She looked nervous, her ears back, fur flattened to her body, but she was still lovely. Still made him draw in the warm scent of her with a low churring growl.

"Sir? You wanted her brought here to the office?" James stopped, but the girl walked forward a few more paces before coming to a stop. Her nose was working, twitching and lifted higher in the air as she looked around the room with wide eyes.

"Of course, I don't think we need to go to the clinic, do you?" He turned his head back to Regane and the girl twitched a bit.

"..no..." Her voice was soft before she licked her lips with an incredibly red tongue. "Here is fine."

"You may leave, James. I believe I have matters in hand." He turned his attention back to the fox, he wanted to be alone, he wanted to finally work out the need that had been creeping on him the last few days.

"If there's nothing else?" The fox lingered, a fact that annoyed the gryphon. James had a good head on his shoulders, a professional head, and had made his stance clear on doing things properly to breed the wolf.

He still thinks test tubes and injections would work better. I have ways though, he can keep to his lab. The gryphon flicked a wing irritably before shaking his feathered head.

"Off you go, and pass on that I'm not to be disturbed for the rest of the day, is that clear?" He rumbled and turned his eyes back to the wolf bitch.

"Yes, sir." The unhappiness in James' voice was clear, but he ignored it as the pale fox slipped out the door and carefully shut it behind him.

Keishou stretched and stood up, the mobile edges of his beak turned up in a grin as the lupine stepped backwards a few inches and her eyes widened. He didn't make any attempt to hide the dark red tip that was edging out of his sheath, he flaunted it. Moving just enough that her eyes were drawn to it while he slipped out from behind the desk. His nares worked, drawing in the warm sweet scent that made him feel almost giddy. He lidded his eyes and drew in a deeper breath before churring softly and slipping closer to her trembling body. His ear tufts flicked up as she drew in a sharp breath and stumbled backwards a step.

"What's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you." He followed her movements, padding forward so that he nearly brushed against her.

"I.. don't know.." Regane whimpered softly, her body shifting closer towards him, brushing nearly against his side. "You.. smell good."

"Do I? So do you, lovely girl. You smell lovely." More his shaft was pushing free of his golden furred sheath, he could feel the cool air brushing the tip as he lifted a forepaw and hooked it along the open edge of her jumper. "Let's get you out of that nasty jumper, it must be uncomfortable, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is..." Her back pressed a bit more firmly against his shoulder while his paw gave a firm tug that opened the line of the jumper wider showing the soft edge of her breasts. "It's too tight.."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Regane felt drugged, her mind quieted the struggle within her until all she knew was the warmth of the large body behind her. Her clothing was too tight, it clung to her, it was impossible to breathe with it on. She moved her paws on to pull it off, resting herself against the gryphon and feeling the warmth of his paw trailing down against her stomach. She remembered what all of this was about, she remembered her need for her freedom, but what she wanted, at that moment, was him. Him inside of her. Him, a powerful male to take her, take away the heat and need, take it all away and give her what her body wanted.

The jumper was easily undone, the metal buttons unsnapped and loosened so that it fell down along her shoulders. She moved away just long enough that it dropped down to her waist and then leaned back against the gloriously soft feathers. Her breathing came out a bit faster as it tickled down along her spines and she wriggled her hips. It felt so good to have the material drop down towards her legs, freeing her over heated body. Better than anything else in the world. Keishou's paw wrapped around her and pulled her back, so large that it easily covered her belly as he nibbled along the nape of her sensitive neck. She tilted her head forward and squirmed as the paw dropped down lower.

Her folds felt so swollen, the skin drawn taut so that all of her nerves were more sensitive to everything including the stroke downwards that brushed right between her thighs. The toes curled lightly against her outer lips, making her let out a breathy whimper as they teased along her. The beak flexed harder against the nape of her neck and pulled lightly, scruffing her so that her body relaxed under his teasing. She'd never played around when she was in heat, she'd been told it only made things worse if you did it yourself or dangerous if you were with a male, but now she could feel the difference. Every caress of the padded toe tips made her squirm and arch herself upwards, her heart started to pound hard against her chest, it thundered in her ears.

His low growl vibrated down the line of her neck as his toes curled inwards and started to push more firmly against her inner thighs. She cried out and spread her legs, rolled her hips forward and felt the tip start to push inwards. The grip on her scruff pulled while he rubbed her and started to coax her body open, the inner walls spread wider and wider, the slickness was pushed out around him. Her fingers moved back blindly until she clutched against his feathers while he started to work his finger in and out, a slow push in and then drag out before pushing back into her again. Her body clutched greedily around him, trying to squeeze and pull the digit deeper into her body. His beak released her scruff so his tongue licked upwards in a firm wet line.

"That's a good girl, do you want to do it this way? Or go back to a cold lab and James will take care of it?" Keishou's voice was slow and thick while he teased her. "I can call him back."

Regane's body shrieked a denial of even thinking that. She didn't want to walk away. She didn't want to be sent away from his touch, the scent of him, the feel of his body pushed against her own. She squirmed as the toe slowly pulled away, leaving her throbbing and panting shallowly while trying to get her mind to work. It was so hard, so terribly hard, to think and remember anything except for the need that was pounding through her.

"No... don't go..." Her words came out raggedly. "I don't want to go there."

"Good, I was hoping you didn't." The finger dragged away before Keishou nipped her a bit more firmly against her neck. "Because I think we will have a better time right here. On all fours, Regane, you'll want me wet if I'm going to fit."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Keishou settled down on his haunches and spread his powerful hind legs as Regane dropped down onto all fours in front of him. She kicked the last bit of the jumper off her body, giving him a brief, lovely, view of her soft plump folds. His cock pushed entirely free of his sheath, glossy and dribbling a bit of precum that spilled over the very tip and trailed all the way down towards the base of his shaft. His breathing came a bit faster while she moved between his legs, watching as the muscles went tense along her back. The injections had helped, she wasn't afraid or protesting or even trying to escape. She was eager for him. And he was just as eager for her. Something warm and hot, something impassioned and eager, not something cold and medical.

He spread his forelegs on either side of her hips as she nuzzled down beneath him and he felt a hot breath against the very tip of his cock. He crooned his approval before using his beak to flip her tail up and to one side. Her folds were swollen and glistening as he lowered his head and used his textured tongue to rasp along them. That's all he needed to coax her into opening that lovely muzzle. The warm silken tongue flicked up and curled right beneath his tapered tip, the warmth glided upwards in a slow powerful roll that made him purr his appreciation. He worked his tongue slowly, rolling upwards in a slow stroke that forced the lips open with her tongue tip to catch right against her sensitive clit.

She tasted like fertile heat and need, he ran his tongue in a slow swirling stroke that teased all the way around the nub. He rolled his hips slowly as his cock tip started to wedge itself into her muzzle, pressing and forcing inwards, slowly and steadily. A dribble of watery precum spilled out of him, painting her muzzle while he began to lick in firm powerful strokes. He felt the wetness clinging around the edges of his beak as he stroked upwards towards her opening. Her hips trembled while her tail moved to one side out of his way, inviting his plunging tongue to rouse her. Her soft cries made him groan out before he rolled his hips forward a bit more firmly, forcing her muzzle open wider and wider with his stiff shaft. Her tight muzzle locked around him as she suckled and pulled forward trying to swallow more.

He let out a short groaning cry before pushing his tongue forward, forcing the walls to spread open a bit wider as he coaxed her wetness onto his tongue. His throat worked and swallowed while he moved his paw up to rub along the soft furred rump cheeks. Her tight muzzle worked higher on him, her slick saliva coated around him as his cock throbbed within her grasp. He rolled his hips slowly, dragging backwards and pushing forward again, working his way deeper into the muzzle. He rolled his tongue in and out, pushing forward and spreading the taut opening wider and wider so he felt her moaning out eagerly. The hot breath hit against his loins and made him curl his toes while her head bobbed. Gods, he wanted to plunge into her throat, driving into her muzzle until her lips wrapped around his knot so he could unleash himself within her.

_No... I have better uses for my seed... _ He groaned and slowly pulled his hips backwards, dragging his dark red cock out with a wet noise, lifting his own hips while they shivered with the need to plunge back into her.

"Turn around." His voice came out in a thick growl, he didn't care, he wanted her, he would have her, and see her belly swell with his eggs.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Regane felt the rasping tongue leave her, she whined softly in protest, but she shifted a little bit while the command still rang in her ears. She didn't need to be told, she leaned forward, tilting her head up to lick hotly against the tip of the cock. The wet splatter of precum clung to her lips and muzzle while she twisted her hips a little bit. He tasted salty on her tongue, the scent of him in her nose while he splayed his forelegs to allow her to move. He was towering over her, but she was able to turn her body beneath him. His growl rumbled in her ears as he shifted his forelegs down and twisted to either side of her body. The feathers ruffled against her back while his body dropped down to pin her in place.

The feathers tickled along her spine and ran all the way towards the base of her tail while she held it to one side. His hind legs wrapped around her, cupping her haunches tightly within them as the glistening tip of his cock rubbed right along the curve of her rump. She'd forgotten what all of this was about, she remembered only what she wanted in this moment. And that was him.

The tapered tip of his cock brushed against her swollen folds in a gentle caress, it trailed upwards and jabbed lightly against her. One of his forepaws moved up to flex against her belly while she spread her legs and pushed her rump in the air for him. It wasn't until he gripped the scruff of her neck with his beak that she felt the tip catch right against her outer folds. She let out a short sound before the hips suddenly pressed forward, the muscles rippled and her body tensed up as her outer lips spread open around his glans. The wet dribble of precum coated her before he lunged and caught her opening, forcing the tight ring of her passage open wide as the first few inches pierced into her.

She cried out raggedly, she couldn't stop herself, she didn't want to. He tugged roughly against her scruff as the glossy smooth cock was forced into her too small passage. It grew broader as the tapered tip grew thicker and thicker as it sank into her, her inner walls strained open to the point that she could barely take him. She let out a short yelping cry as she twisted forward only to have him lunge forward with a short harsh movement, her own wetness squeezed out around the edges as the next jet of precum splattered out of his tip and into her unprotected passage. The weight pressed down harder against her, pinning her down to make sure she couldn't wriggle free. Not that she would have even if she had the chance, no matter how far she was being stretched, it didn't matter, he was stroking her in places that she wanted to be stroked. Needed to be stroked.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Keishou gripped tightly against Regane's scruff and muffled his growls of pleasure as he rolled his hips forward a few more inches, easing himself into her. What he wanted was to slam forward and hilt himself immediately, but he'd risk hurting her if he did that. He didn't want to harm her, he wanted to impregnate her. Her inner walls contracted and squeezed tightly around him, pulling from the base all the way to the tip, trying to draw him in deeper as he pushed his weight more firmly against her as she squirmed under his weight. They were suckling and pulling around him, trying to pull him in deeper as his tip oozed out another viscous dribble of precum that coated her inner lining.

His breath came out in a hot burst as he gave another roll of his hips and there was a short high pitched cry from beneath him as he drove forward. He sank in deep enough that his base plunged forward and nearly pushed right up against the outer folds. He forced the smaller wolf open so wide that her vulnerable lips formed into a lewd O wrapped around him. She contracted tightly before he pulled backwards, dragging himself out inch by slow inch while he growled softly to himself. The walls clamped down tightly, trying to keep him in as he pulled back with a sudden jerk that popped his tip out of her with a lewd wet noise. His precum clung to her folds in a thick strand that joined him to her folds still.

With a rough rumble he tucked his hips down and forced his tip right against her folds again, lunging forward with a rough movement that drove back into her body in a smooth powerful stroke. Her inner walls clamped down as he wedged her open and forced her to wrap around him all the way to his knot. Her howling cry was only music to his ears as he felt his tip caressing nearly against her cervix while his orbs clapped up between her thighs. His tail lashed hard behind him in short hard movements as he ground his hips against her before pulling backwards again. He moved a paw up to clutch against her lower belly, above that fertile womb, and squeezed as he started to thrust within the silken inner walls.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Regane was lost in the moment, the pounding drive of the hips against her own as the hips crashed against her and the tip jabbed roughly against her cervix. The wet splatter of precum oozed out of her, spilling along her cervix and mingling with her own hot arousal as it was pushed out around the edges at the apex of each thrust. The swollen base plunged up and rubbed right against her, pinning against her clit so that she let out harsh cries, her entire body giving itself over. She knew she was sore, she knew that she was spread too wide, forced open to the point that it was too much, but the pleasure overruled all of it. Her hips rocked back against him, grinding and pressing until she could feel the weight of his orbs hitting against her.

Each time the knot pushed against her outer folds they threatened to spread push them open and slip into her passage. Her body shuddered while she spread her legs further open to brace herself and dug her claws against the hard wood floor of the office. The world narrowed down to the glassy smooth shaft rubbing through her and her own building desire that continued to mount. Her breath came out in short bursts as she closed her eyes and gave herself over to the moment. Her inner walls clamped down tightly, clutching and squeezing him tightly as he tried to pull backwards and slip from her glistening passage. She didn't want to feel him pull free, she wanted him deeper, deep enough that he would sooth that heat the only way it could.

She bit her lower lip, clutching it as the hips started to pound faster and harder. The orb clapped up tight between her hind legs, she could feel the well of them, so much larger then any partner she had known. Each thrust rocked against her, shoving her hips up higher in the air with the force of his thrusts while the knot kept pushing harder against her outer folds. The powerful pushes began to wedge and force inwards, pushing her outer lips inwards with forceful shoves that made her dig harder against the ground. The rub of the knot caressed along her clit, rubbing firmly so that she could feel the need starting to build to a peak.

As he plunged forward there was a sudden buck that nearly pushed her up onto her paws from her knees, there was a sudden pressure that forced the walls open so wide, straining them until she was half afraid she'd tear, and half didn't care if she did. Keishou's hips started to tremble above her, pressing forward until there was a sudden rush of pressure and her entire body tensed up. She could feel her own arousal and his precum being pushed out around he edges as he sank in, plunging forward so that the tip suddenly pushed right up against her spongy cervix. It was too much, too thick, too wide, and growing larger as her inner walls instinctively wrapped around him to seal the knot in place.

Her orgasm came with a rush, it spilled over her as she cried out with a high pitched cry, the inner walls contracted tightly, clutching and molding around him as the knot grew larger with each and every throb. She milked him, squeezed him and pushed back against him as she let out a high pitched cry, being kept on edge as his hips kept driving against her. He couldn't pull out, not with her walls wrapped around his knot so tightly, but he tugged against her hold and slammed forward over and over again. His breath was hot against the nape of her neck as he suddenly jerked hard against her scruff. It pulled her head up high as he suddenly gave another driving push that seated his balls hard against her.

Regane was intimately pulled up tight between his legs, she could feel them pulsing and throbbing as the knot reached it's full girth within her passage. She barely had time to register the contracting orbs before the tip gave a final shove forward and meshed tightly with the slender opening of her cervix. The shriek of the gryphon rang in her ears as the first thick rush of semen erupted from his tip, splattering against her cervix in hot waves. She shuddered, but her walls continued to pull as jet after heavy jet spilled into her body, hitting hard against the barrier of her cervix as he released her scruff and groaned out.

His paw kneaded against her belly as the knot held in the sperm rich cum, the sudden hits forced inwards, spreading into her body and hitting against that slender opening that led towards her vulnerable passage. She could almost feel it oozing into her, millions of sperm spreading deeper and deeper, writhing inwards where the compatible ova had been transported into her body. She pushed backwards against him, aided by the gripping paw that kept her snugged tight against his furred haunches while she clutched around him. The pleasure left her shaking, the heat and need was soothed away under the warm rush. Not a bit could escape, not around the swollen knot.

Slowly he dropped his haunches down and the paw released its hold so that she could rest on her belly, his weight slipped down over her while she trembled and let out a shallow whimper. The warmth of his orbs stayed rested against her inner thighs as the jets turned into a steady pulsing trickle that continued to ooze from his tip. She trembled against the ground while the drake purred above her, the tongue rasped right against the back of her neck, stroking along the edges of her fur.

"Rrrr.... Now wasn't that a better way to do things?" Keishou purred softly before preening the back of her neck.

"You're almost too big.." Regane panted and licked her lips hesitantly, her ears twitched to either side of her head as he gave a lazy roll that coaxed a whimper from her throat.

"Almost, but not quite..." The drake bumped his beak against her affectionately while she flushed a hot deep red. "I'm sure the next time will be easier."

"Next time?" She lifted her head a little, her inner walls contracted tightly, wrapping around him.

"Of course... we need to be sure the ova we placed there will be fertilized, correct?" The nibbles trailed down to her shoulder as he moved his paw up to cup right against her belly and gave a gentle stroke. "And because we'll both enjoy it... right?"

Regane flushed, the heat was rushing to her face as he added that last part. Now that the frantic need was being chased away she felt her body relaxing. He was so warm inside of her and above her, the warm spicy male scent of the drake filled her senses as she let out a shivering breath. The toes caressed right against her lower belly while his purr filled her ears, a promising deep sound that made her shiver.

"Right..." She almost whispered the word as he continued to preen her neck fur. Deep inside of her the ova were already being attacked and pierced, the sperm writhing and pushing inwards. Sparking life within her womb.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Two months Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Th-this is less.. mmph... then professional..." Keishou groaned out and rolled his hips forward, a forceful push that made him feel the taut anal passage wrapping around his glistening tip.

"Ahh..." Regane's voice came out sharply and her paws moved back to clutch against his neck feathers. "Don't... care.. don't stop... just don't.. stop.."

The drake growled out and gripped her shoulder in his beak while he wrapped his forelegs around the black wolf who laid over his belly. It was awkward laying on his back, his wings spread, but still awkward, but it was a better position for the heavy bellied wolf. He had to roll his hips upwards as he rested his paws right over her swollen middle, flexing downwards just a touch. It was so hard, pushing through the muscles that were so tense and contracting, and the orb that was pushing through her body. The slickness of his tip helped ease him in deeper as he went slowly, stroking along her passage while she struggled. He could feel the tension in her body while he crooned out deep in his throat, vibrating her entire body.

Two long months she had carried his eggs, he had watched her belly grow day by day as she remained by his side. He had offered to allow her to have a small apartment to herself, he had offered her many things, but after a week under his care she had grown attached to him. And, more to the point, he to her. She was quiet and sly, smart and clever, he enjoyed having her company in his rooms. He looked forward to their talks as much as he enjoyed her roused body or how she had spent the week of her heat ambushing him. As playful as a cat she would, in part, seduce him when she could. Even after...

She had remained with him, close to him, in a way that made him savor her as he had never savored another person. He cared for her, the weeks had gone by and he had come to depend on feeling her curled against his belly and her soft voice as they spoke. The feel of her paws through his feathers, the way that she would speak of her own bitter past, listen to his own problems. She was his, his in a way that he had never had anyone.

The wolf started to whine out as he rolled his hips up harder, groaning softly as he felt her muscles ripple intimately as the egg was pushed outwards. She was growing slicker, hotter, he could feel her arousal sliding downwards along the base of his shaft and his knot. His breath came out in harsh bursts while the contractions came faster, they were making her anal passage tense up until they were almost painfully tight. The tip dribbled hot spills of precum that ran down along the edges, he was pushing it in deeper, past the egg that was starting to spread her folds open wide. His egg. The sensation gave him visceral feel of pleasure as his paw slipped down and he brushed his paw down to cup right against the soft spreading folds. He pressed lightly along her clit and felt the edges of her folds being split by a smooth hard shell.

He gave another thrust upwards, this time a bit harder so that she cried out in pleasure even past the pain. He licked harder right against the line of her spine, caressing her while his paw felt the orb pushing from her body. The inner walls contracted tightly and pushed down before he gave another harsh thrust upwards. Regane's short cry came out harsher as the weight of the slippery egg spilled out against the palm of his hand. He could feel the weight of it, his toes barely able to curl around the orb, before he carefully let it drop down where the first two eggs were resting comfortably on the thick mound of pillows he had brought. His eggs. With a growl he gave another thrust as a visceral feel of pride rose up in him.

"One more.." He growled softly and licked along her ear hotly, rolling his hips up again, her own wetness from laying her eggs aiding him. "One more..."

"Yes..." She panted out, her voice sounded tired as he stroked over her belly and slid upwards towards the ride of her breasts. "One more..."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Regane felt the next egg pushing up tight against her aching cervix, but the paws started to stroke her belly coaxingly, soothingly. The gentle touches made her relax as she rolled backwards against him, feeling the heavy shaft plunging deeper into her. She kept his feathers in her paws, though she knew that she must be hurting him with her grip, he didn't complain. His shaft rubbed and stroked through her, caressing her with forceful thrusts so that her body was roused even past the ache of trying to lay the eggs. She arched her back and rolled down, grateful for the few evenings that they had explored each other in this way. Glad that she had something to take her mind off the cramps that forced the egg into her passage and stretched her body even wider.

"One more.." She panted out, affirming it to herself as his hips rolled up slowly again and she felt his tongue running along her neck lightly.

"That's my girl.." Keishou gave another thrust upwards, plunging through her with a powerful stroke.. "And then.. a clutch own..."

Regane bit back a cry as he gave another thrust just as she pushed the egg outwards, but that didn't erase what he'd said. A clutch of their own. She should have been eager for her freedom, being able to leave this place and get on with her life, but she wasn't. All she could think of was the comforting feel of his rumbling voice, his paws on her body and the familiar scent of him. For the first time in her life, she felt as if she possessed a home, a place she belonged and with someone that wanted her, listened to her. She had effected changes within the Institute, he had taken her suggestions seriously, he had cared for her through her pregnancy with more tenderness and care than she had ever experienced in her life.

And he wanted her after this, wanted her again, wanted more eggs. Her body arched up with a cry as she pushed the orb outwards, straining around it while he pushed down gently on her belly. The gentle touches squeezed downwards and helped her push the egg out of her passage. Eggs that were going to be sold to their new parents, eggs she would never see raised, eggs made from another female's ova. Not her own, not really, even if she was the one laying them. And the gryphon, her gryphon, that was slowly pumping his hips upwards in smooth slow strokes as the heavy egg was pushed from her contracting muscles.

"A clutch... of our... own..." She panted shallowly in agreement, her entire body arched upwards into his hold as the hard shelled orb eased down to her soft folds.

"All our own.." Her drake murmured and gave a driving thrust up, his knot starting to wedge into her anal ring as the final egg parted her own. "My wolf, all mine..."

The Stallion and the Djinn

In the forge of the desert, beneath the glare of the sun and the unrelenting winds that sent sand to tear at the skin of those foolish enough to travel it, were small dots of peaceful isolation where green flora flourished and called out sweetly to...

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An Ex's Revenge

"I'll kill her... I'll fucking kill her..." Jack snarled to himself as he rested his head against the thick acrylic barrier between himself and the rest of the white and silver lab. The drugs were wearing off, he knew it because he was starting to...

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 5

Alaine was under attack, his useless aching wings spread to either side, as far as he could possibly extend them while he pressed his chest to the ground. His large head swung towards his attacker and he kept his forelegs tucked down beneath the swell...

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