An Ex's Revenge

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#32 of GenderShifting

"I'll kill her... I'll fucking kill her..." Jack snarled to himself as he rested his head against the thick acrylic barrier between himself and the rest of the white and silver lab.

The drugs were wearing off, he knew it because he was starting to feel more himself, less like he was about to slip back into the nightmares that had been eating at his mind since he'd started this hellish journey. He tried to get his feet beneath him, but they slipped out and he nearly fell on his chest onto the grate that compounded the floor of his 'cage'. He felt weak, but that was to be expected, his ex-wife had a rather deft hand when it came to drugs and why would she be gentle with him? He swayed for a few moments and pushed himself up onto his knees and moved his hands up to brace against the front of the acrylic wall so he could use it to settle back onto his bare ass. He ignored the painful push of the grate against his bare skin, that didn't matter, getting out of here did.

Jack knew he'd pissed off Alisa. She had been red faced and ready to kill him when he'd told her that he was leaving her, not that she should have been shocked, she worked nearly 15 hours a day and expected him to make do with whatever spare time she had left. Still, she had been ready to kill him, but he'd left her clean and easy. He'd picked up a girlfriend, ten years younger than him, just hitting 20 years old and excited to try everything that he had to offer. Why should he have had fun? Why shouldn't he have enjoyed himself just a little bit? He had had fun too, until last night when Alisa had shown up at the club he'd been dragged too. Until someone had jammed a syringe into his hip and he'd lost track of what was going on. He knew now.

"DAMNIT! ALISA! YOU STUPID BITCH GET IN HERE!" He shrieked out and hit the glass harder with his fist, a weak blow considering his state, but he still managed it.

Her lab. The place that she was redesigning the world so it would thrive through whatever the hell was going on. That's what she told him, but he didn't really want to know anymore, he'd never been that interested in science. But he knew her lab. He threw himself forward again, but this time he saw movement in the lab outside of his cage. It was small, but it was something, the door shifted open a hair while he held his breath. This was her idea of a huge fucking joke, lock him up here and then let her people find him naked in a cage. They'd call the cops or report him, or something. It would all be something hilarious for her to tell at the bar at his expense. His cheeks flushed a dark red, burning with embarrassment as the door pushed all the way open.

To his relief, it was Alisa that walked into the lab, dressed in a low cut shirt and a set of leather pants that clung to her body like a second skin. She was dressed for clubbing, that much was clear, not even a hint of her professional outfit. He glared at her as she sauntered towards him and swayed her hips just to make sure that his eyes were drawn towards them.

"Let me out of here!" He snarled and flexed his fingers against the clear barrier.

"No... No Jack, I don't think I'm going to do that," Alisa laughed and crouched down in front of his cell. "You never did have an interest in what I was doing, I think that's why our marriage failed and you went off with that...tramp."

"It failed because you were never around to even pay attention to our 'marriage'," he snapped back and rocked back on his heels. "Now let me out of here, you're acting like a child."

"I don't think so, I think I want you to understand what I've been doing here." Alisa tapped a finger against the acrylic lightly. "Today is a new day, one that's going to be eye opening for you. You never bothered to understand while we were together, but you'll understand now. You'll be a part of it, a most magnificent part of it."

"I don't want to be a part of anything! I want out of this damn place!" He leaned forward against the barrier and glared at her. "I won't even press charges, just let me out of here and get me my clothes."

Alisa laughed, a low warm noise, before pushing back up to her feet. He snarled a curse at her, but she ignored his anger, and paused only long enough to hit a button beside the cage. Not one that would release him either. There was a hissing noise and suddenly a rush of pale blue-white gas flooded his cell. He jerked backwards with an inarticulate cry as it spread around him, flooded into his lungs, each breath tainted with the chemical tang of the gas that was being pumped into the cage. The air holes slid closed with a loud noise giving no escape for the gas. It blurred out the sight of his ex outside of the cage, making him choke and gasp in short wheezing pants while it felt as if he couldn't draw in a deep enough breath to save his oxygen starved lungs.

As he sucked in a deep breath, he felt the gas flooding him so he was hacking and coughing, his breathing becoming shorter and harder, every part of him trembling while the darkness started to creep in along the edges. He tried to struggle to the surface, but he was dragged down until all he knew was the ache in his lungs and the sound of his own gasping breaths.

"Get the room ready, The E-Room." Alisa's voice chased him down to dreams.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The world came alive again with a great gasp that made Jack jerk out of strange pain laden dreams. He kicked out roughly and felt something scratching against his bare side while he squirmed in place. His fingers flexed as he pushed himself up with a great gasp of air, fresh clean air that was drawn down his throat and made him tremble with relief. He squirmed and twisted, clutching at the ground as he panted in short shallow gasps, but the scent of chemicals came with each breath, but they were old, not fresh. No gas. With a groan he rolled over onto his chest and felt more things prickling on him, scraping against his chest until he could get his eyes open. What the hell had his ex done this time?

The source of the prickling came from fresh yellow straw that was thrown down beneath him in a thick padded layer, so deep that his arms sank up to the elbows as he tried to get onto his hands and knees. Everything tilted and swayed wildly, his throat was so try that it hurt and his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. The chemical taste was still there, but the air was at least fresh and clean, something he savored as he got his knees under him and was able to push himself up a bit higher. His hair fell down in his eyes and he tried to shake his head roughly to get it out of the way. How long had he been out? His hair had been cropped short to his head, now it was long and he could feel it spilling down along the line of his shoulders.

He leaned back to sit on his heels when he felt a sudden stab of pain that went right down the line of his spine. Jack yelped out and jerked forward to stop the pain from running down the line of his spine. He had no idea what had hurt, but he twisted himself around to see what was wrong. What had hurt was a fleshy nub that was jutting from the rise of his rump cheeks, complete with a thick dark spill of glossy hair. A tail. He let out a yelp and stumbled forward, clambering up to his feet and nearly fell down again, the tail spilled up over the base of his back in an undignified manner while he crawled through the straw. This was wrong, this was all terribly wrong. He looked at himself frantically, trying to find what else had changed.

His body was covered in a thin frizz of fur, it wasn't really that noticeable, it just looked like a dark tan, but he knew his own body and the color of his skin. It darkened towards his elbows and all the way down towards his hands, as well as his knees, but the real changes were to his appendages. His fingers were heavier and larger than they had been, the nails darker and thicker than they had been. His two middle fingers were about the same length, but his other fingers had grown smaller. His feet were even worse, they were strangely formed and the nails had grown together to form a rough looking hoof. A hoof! He had hooves! He dragged himself to the side of the room, his eyes looking frantically around as he tried to find a wall to help haul him up to his hooves. He scrambled and pulled, getting himself up onto his changed feet with a groan.

His lower legs were built in a more horselike manner, bent just right that he could have walked on all fours if his arms had been longer. Not that he wanted to walk on all fours! He frantically moved his awkwardly changed fingers up to feel against his face, his flat face, thank God. His lips were still human, his nose was still right, though it all felt as if it were coated with soft fur as well, it was still human. His hands wandered up, feeling and gripping towards the sides of his head before he came into contract with two tapered ears. He twitched them reflexively away from his fingers so they flattened down against either side of his head.

The last thing he wanted to look at was his body, half terrified at what he would see, but his eyes were drawn to his furred chest and lower. He whimpered out as he looked at his loins, his body no longer boasting what it normally did. Instead, something dark and black was hanging heavy from his lower belly, the tear dropped opening showed something resting inside of the sheath. His cock. His cock was no longer fleshy and pink, but pulled back into it. The skin around the area was dark black and leathery looking, all the way down to the round swollen orbs that were twice the size of what he was used too. He was hung like a horse, literally. With a groan he moved his hands down and rested his back against the wall.

"What has the crazy bitch done to me?" He groaned and drew in a shuddering breath before puffing it out again.

The room was more like a stall than anything else, the walls done in old graying wood and the door looked like it belonged on the side of a barn. There were no windows, nothing that he could open up except the door which had no handle. There was no bed or chairs or anything along those lines, only what looked like a bucket of water and a food trough filled with something that looked like grain or some sort of granola. The sight of the water made him lick his lips, wincing a bit as he felt the fur rubbing along his tongue. He was so thirsty, so terribly thirsty. He stumbled forward, the steps unsteady on his hooves, his balance not quite right, but the bucket of water called to him.

He didn't care about his dignity as he reached it and clutched it with his transformed hands and dropped his head into the water. He sucked it in as fast as he could gulp it down, running over his parched tongue and down his sore throat. He nearly pushed his nose under as he tried to get the edges of the bucket to pick it up, but his thickened finger tips wouldn't grasp it right. It didn't matter, all that mattered was getting as much water down as he possibly could, that's all. He'd never felt so dehydrated and it didn't even matter that the water was tepid and tasted as if it had been sitting out for days. He drank until his stomach felt full and distended and lifted his dripping head, frowning as the long length of his hair fell down in his face and he pushed it back irritably.

"Ahh, Jack, you're awake..." A metallic voice made his head jerk up and he twisted around, nearly falling flat on his rump in the process. "Please eat, you'll need to refuel, the change is rather hard on the body and you'll be hungry."

"What did you do to me?!" He snarled out and used the edge of the grain trough to haul himself up onto his hooves. "Alisa?"

"No. You should eat, we have a rule around here." The voice responded, he couldn't even tell if it was male or female!

"I don't care about your fucking rules! What did you do to me?!" He rubbed his wet mouth and cleaned it off from the water.

"You've been assigned to our program, of course. I recommend eating. The next round to be administered will be at 0700 and you'll want to have the calories to burn for the next stage." The voice was entirely calm, not even a hint of emotion. "If not, we will employ your time conscious to our own benefit."

"I don't fucking care about that!" He snarled out, but there was no response from whoever the voice had been.

Jack sank bank and kept his ears back against his head. He didn't want this. He glanced down at the bucket of water, able to see a bit of reflection and flinched. His hair. It wasn't just a spill of long hair, it was a thick mane that fell forward over his eyes and trailed all the way down in a length down his spine. He frowned and kicked the bucket with one hoof. They were changing him into a horse. Why the fuck would they do that? He had no idea it was even possible, but he knew that his ex-wife had been toying with various things in her work and genetic research, but this was sure as hell a lot farther than making sheep glow or cloning frogs!

He glanced down at the food in the trough and then away again, despite the fact his stomach growled in reaction to the sight of it. It was tempting, it looked like some sort of granola, there were even bits of nuts and dried fruits in it, but he wasn't going to touch the damn stuff. He wasn't going to obey some voice over a hidden loudspeaker that was telling him to eat even if he was hungry. He shifted and forced his tail to drape over the trough so that it wasn't pinching. No he was not going to eat that damn stuff. He wasn't a horse! He did lower himself down to the straw so that he could drink more water, his mouth still felt so horribly dry, so terribly terribly dry.

He spent several hours, or at least it felt like hours, alternately drinking water and exploring his prison as best he could. There was no way out, the door wouldn't budge in the least little bit and the wood was more solid than it looked. He found several small knotholes that boasted gleaming glass behind them, a hint that they were videoing it or had people watching using them as peepholes. They were scattered all over, so there wasn't a single blindspot in the entire stall. He would have liked to ignore the food entirely, but his stomach made it impossible. Once his thirst was taken care of, he felt as if he were ready to eat the straw if it were all that was left him. He had eaten a few handfuls, not that it was bad, he just hated that he had been told to eat it. He didn't eat enough to make himself full, just enough to ensure that he wasn't starving.

It was somewhere towards the third time he'd contemplated the food again that he saw his first person from the whole ordeal. He was in the midst of flicking a thick finger through the granola mix when the door was pushed open with a brief flash of bright white and someone stepped through. He didn't see where the door led, he only jerked forward and tried to scramble onto his hooves as someone stepped into the room. Not Alisa, but a tall man dressed in what looked like blue nurse's scrubs, neatly dressed with a smile on his face. His hair was pulled back into a pony tail, the only part of him that didn't look quite professional. He'd never been a short man, he'd always stood at nearly six foot tall, but this man stood at least two feet above him. That would make him eight feet tall at least!

"Let me out!" He got his hooves under him and swayed a little, he still couldn't balance right on them.

"I'm Edwin, I'll be tending you this morning." The man grinned as he stepped forward. His eyes were the strangest color of brown, almost amber and seemed to shine with good will. "Come on, Jack, let's sit down, alright? You haven't been eating as much as you should."

"I don't want to eat, I want to leave here!" Jack snarled and stubbornly remained standing as the man came closer. He was tall, so terribly tall that Jack had to crane his head up. "Stop looming over me!"

He stumbled back a little, cringing as one of the man's hands moved out to pat his shoulder and the other was digging around in his pocket. "I'm not looming. I beg pardon, I'm afraid you aren't used to your height are you? Come on, lad, let's sit down, alright?"

"I'm not short!" Jack nearly stomped a hoof, but Edwin moved his hand to give a tug that unbalanced him.

To his humiliation he fell forward and the man's hands caught him deftly, making him drop to the ground on his strange legs. He tried to get himself back under control, but it was no use. He wasn't balanced on these hooves as he should have been and it was impossible to try and scramble back up once he was down. The nurse wrapped arms around him and pulled him back so he was pulled back against the broad body, cradled in a way that made him flush hotly with humiliation. Edwin moved his free hand around and something pressed right against Jack's lips, something hard and his nostrils flared a bit. It was sweet smelling and minty.

"There we go, I know, I know...." Edwin murmured into one of his ears making it even worse. "It's hard getting those hooves and losing a few feet of height, eh?"

"Losing a few-MMMPH!" Jack started to ask, but the man shoved the mint into his mouth before he could continue. It made him fume, but he was forced to eat it as the fingers kept stroking his lips. It tasted humiliatingly good, sweet and fresh on his tongue, much better then the granola had tasted.

"There we are, see, now Dr. Alisa won't be in yet, she's not terribly thrilled they opted with the changes they did, but we just need to check you out while we go." The fingers stroked down his chest. "Now I'll try to make this pleasant for you, but if you fight I'll have to be firmer, clear?"

"What are you going to do?! I don't want to change! I'm not a volunteer-HEY GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THERE!" Jack twisted, his hooves kicking as the fingers that had stroked his chest moved down to cup against his newly formed sheath.

Edwin didn't listen, the fingers smoothed right over that plump pouch and started to brush up down, up and down. He tried jerking away, he wriggled backwards, but it wasn't just the grip that was firm that held him. It was the fact the touch sent a pleasurable electric thrill through him, something that made his heart start to beat faster. It was as if he had no self control, no mind of his own, the fingers that rubbed his sheath made his stomach tense and something started to push out of the tear shaped opening. He let out a protesting noise as something heavy began to spill out over the edge and his changed cock came into view. He pinned his ears back and jerked back against Edwin, moving an elbow to try and hit the nurse back. The man grunted, but only let him fall back into the hay as the hand wrapped around the thickening dark pink length.

"STOP THAT! I AM NOT GAY!" He squealed out, the sound coming out like a horse's cry.

"And neither am I," Edwin seemed utterly calm as the fingers moved up and massaged right around the tip and squeezed it firmly again.

More of his flesh was spilling out, thick and heavy it oozed out towards his belly and shifted up higher and higher. It wasn't pink anymore, or at least not mostly pink, it was black and mottled with splotches that ran along the underside and chased all the way up towards the tip. He bit his lower lip and tried to ignore the way the fingers were kneading around his tip, but he couldn't get control of his own arousal. It was running away with him. His breathing started to speed up as the gentle touch glided down towards the base and then pulled back up again, coaxing more and more of it out. For a moment he was both horrified and impressed by what was pushing out of that cavernous sheath. The tip was blunt and broad, the flesh wrinkled but rapidly smoothing out along the edges, and large. Twice as long as he had been and thick.

He couldn't stop his hips from twitching as Edwin stopped long enough to take out a packet of something and ripped it open. Wet goopy lubricant dribbled down over the edges and spilled along the glans before going lower. The nurse's hand immediately wrapped round him and started to smear it over and over, pushing downwards and coating him with the stuff. He whimpered a little as his own body responded, the tip starting to drool out a dribble of precum in reaction as the entire girth flexed hard against his belly. That was it, he was not sitting in this stall of a room and getting jacked off by some stranger in a nurse's outfit. With a rough noise he pulled a knee up and shoved the man hard in the stomach before backing away. His cock still throbbing and aching in protest as his breath came out in short wild puffs.

"WE ARE NOT DOING THIS!" He shrilled out, his ears flattening against his head. "Get the fuck outta here!"

"Well, I had hoped you'd choose the easy way, but we can do it your way as well." Edwin gave him a sad looking smile and pushed himself back up onto his feet.

Jack glared and huddled around himself, trembling as he felt his cock pulsing and flexing against his belly, so hard it almost hurt. He'd never reacted to any man in his life, and the fact that some stranger had come in and managed to arouse him was almost terrifying. Even now, he couldn't seem to control himself, his body ached and felt painfully in need as the nurse walked to the door and gave it a light knock so that it swung open just a bit. He tried to ignore the temptation to use his own hand to caress himself, and instead so the narrow band of light being closed off by another person. He should have rushed the door, he should have escaped, but instead he sat there with his ears flicked back and unable to move as another man came in. Another tall looking man, one that was nearly as tall as Edwin was.

_God, I didn't shrink damnit! I didn't get shorter! _ He gritted his teeth as the larger man gave him a cursory look and handed over something to Edwin.

"I'll grab him, you can deal with the rest of it." The large man turned his gaze back to him and approached while Jack tried to inch backwards on his rump. "C'mere, you mini's are always the trouble makers."

"OW! HEY!" One of the large hands caught his forelock and hauled him forward before he could stop them. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!"

"Edwin, come get to work, he's being put under at 0700 and we need to be done by then." The larger man handled Jack easily, twisting him and forcing him onto his knees and then hands and knees with one hand bracing his chest and the other gripping his tail.

"Sorry, fella, I warned you, we need a sample to run with." Edwin almost looked apologetic as he held something long and metal, something he was smoothing goopy lube over the tip.

It looked like a toy his wife might have. The sight of it made Jack try to clamp his tail down and a rush of panic fill him. Panic enough that his cock started to droop down towards the ground and soften rather then remain aroused. He kicked and tried to shove back up to his feet, but the larger man holding him only grunted and kept him in place on his hands and knees. The tip of his sensitive cock grazed the straw, the prickles a new torture that made him pull the shaft upwards towards his sheath while he was handled. It didn't take Edwin long to come to him, one hand holding the probe and the other something that looked like a sleeve.

The nurse didn't say anything, he just dropped down on one knee and reached beneath Jack to pick up his softening cock. He let out an angry noise as he was handled, his cheeks flushing as he struggled and felt his body stiffening in reaction, hardening the shaft as he reacted to the touch. He'd never been like this, damnit, it was worse by the fact another man was watching. Edwin pushed his cock right up against the tube he was carrying and Jack found out that it was padded, the tip slipped into the lubricated entrance and his hips jerked forward instinctively, sinking himself into the soft warmth of the sleeve that hugged around his cock. He trembled a little and felt almost dizzy as a new level of humiliation hit him, it was a damned fake pussy, what sort of deviants were these?

"Alright, deep breath now," Edwin pulled the sleeve all the way up as Jack hardened and his hips gave short little bucks forward as he remained stiff within the sleeve, his tip dribbling out a bit of precum.

He knew what was coming when the hands moved away, but he still squealed out in protest as something cold and wet pushed up beneath his tail. It wedged right against his pucker as he tried to scramble forward and the man holding him tightened his grip. He twisted and squirmed, tried to kick, but the metal probe sank into the tight ring of his pucker no matter how he tried to stop it. His nostrils flared and he rolled his eyes back as the lubricant helped ease the penetration, but he'd never had anything there and now it was pressing deeper and deeper into his body. His walls clamped down and tried to force it out, but it just gave another shove as small metal nubs scraped against his inner passage and made him clamp down harder around it.

Jack squealed out as Edwin kept pushing harder, forcing the walls to mold around it no matter how he tried to wriggle free. It was beyond humiliating, and what was worse his shaft kept swinging beneath him, bobbing and swinging the sleeve that had been attached over it back and forth. The lubricant was pushed out around the edges, making it easier to sink into him until it was firmly lodged within the passage. It felt massive, even though he'd seen it was only about as thick as a finger, it felt as broad as his wrist now that it was inside of him. What did they expect of him? That being anally violated was going to make him cum? There was no way in hell that was going to happen. He flattened his ears mulishly and tried his best to squeeze the thing from him.

Except, the toy didn't remain just warming metal held inside of his body. It suddenly sparked out an electric pulse that made him lurch forward with an equine shriek of shock. The electricity snapped through him and pulsed through his passage so that his muscles contracted suddenly. He had no control over the response as the signal hit him in the prostate and made his stomach contract painfully. The next pulse hit him and he felt his balls tighten up and his cock stiffen painfully within the sleeve. It was more than he could stand feeling his balls almost feel hard as they tugged up between his legs and his cock tip started to feel tight. It was growing thicker within the padded sleeve, almost painfully thick as there wasn't enough room for him.

The third pulse was enough, it was pleasure that was painful, drawing a cry from his throat as his balled pulsed and pushed up his seed. He was trembling, twisting and bucking, but no matter how he tried to stop himself the pleasure spiked through his body and erupted from the tip of his cock. He clutched tightly around the probe inside of him as he pumped out thick hot ropes of seed from his tip and into the sleeve. They erupted out, more then just a single squirt, he could feel it spilling out and flooding the tip of the thing. The warm thick goo oozed up higher and coated around him and still the electricity pulsed through him, not giving his muscles time to relax as he humped forward in short hard thrusts that stirred the probe within his body. His nostrils flared open wide while his balls kept pushing out the thick goo, and it stopped feeling pleasurable, it hurt!

His balls were aching and still working, his shaft throbbed and felt so swollen that even the touch of the padded sleeve was a torture, but every new pulse of the probe forced him to react. He let out a begging noise while trying to pull his hips back, trying to control himself and what was happening. It seemed like an eternity before the electricity stopped stimulating his body and let him sag in the large man's hold. He didn't care about his humiliation and embarrassment, the lack of stimulation was pure unrivaled relief as he breathed out in short hard pants. His eyes fluttered shut while his pucker flexed at the feel of the probe being drawn back. He didn't care, he didn't care as long as he could let his cock soften in the heavy sleeve that kept him swinging from his sheath. Nothing else mattered. Nothing except the blessed feel of being able to relax his muscles.

"Take the AV off," Edwin's voice made Jack jerk his head up and the big man released him to pull of the heavy feeling sleeve.

It made a lewd wet noise as it pulled off his shaft, the tip plopped out and swung beneath him as the flesh started to soften. He glanced down to see it being held up so as not to let the stuff escape. He wrinkled his nose a little and turned his head away in humiliation while the probe pulled out with a popping noise and allowed him to squeeze his passage shut. He turned his head to yell at them, to ask them what the hell they thought they were doing, but something stung him right on the ass cheek. He lurched forward, tripping over his hooves in the process.

"What the hell was that?!" He snapped out and looked back at Edwin who was holding a syringe. Warmth was starting to spread from his rump and making him blink a few times to try and concentrate.

"Just your second dose, it's easier by injection, we'll be back later..." The nurse stood up and he heard the big fellow moving while he felt his entire body starting to feel drowsy and heavy. Second dose? That gas? He wanted to be afraid, but everything was starting to grow distant and far away. He couldn't quite concentrate on what was going on as he dropped back into fitful dreams.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Jack's prison was black when he woke up again, it was hard to get his body working right as he felt vaguely sore and uncomfortable. His head felt heavy, so very heavy, and something ran along the underside of his jaw. He stirred and lifted his head a little bit, but it was too hard to make his neck take the weight. He became aware that he was hurting all over, his joints were aching and things weren't working the way they should have been. He shifted a little more and swayed. He swayed! He felt his body moving back and forth in the air, something was creaking above him as he tried to figure out why he was hanging and what he was hanging from. The darkness of the room gave him no answers except that it wasn't really dark. Something was resting over his eyes, something heavy that strapped under his jaw in an awkward manner.

He felt the dull edge of panic starting, but he must have still been drugged, he couldn't quite make himself grow truly afraid. He tried to call out, but his lips wouldn't work and suddenly they felt strangely thick and heavy. He moved his tongue out, but it felt thicker too and clumsy in his mouth, it wouldn't push out all the way. He groaned a little and felt his ears flicking back as he stirred and tried to stretch his legs down to touch the ground. He remembered that he had hooves, so he couldn't have felt them touch anything, but they swung back and forth uselessly in the air anyway. That made him realize that he couldn't feel his hands either. He tried to wriggle his fingers, but he couldn't get a sense of them. He frowned a little, but the expression felt strange. He was starting to come more awake, something was wrong here. Why was he hanging above the floor? Why wasn't he in a bed if he were being drugged unconscious? His questions were growing, but so was something else.

He was starting to hurt more, he could feel what were his wrists, but higher up than they should have been, and they were hurting so badly that he let out a muted noise. It soon turned into a whimpering cry as the pain grew along his stomach and chest, it was building along his spine. His tail lashed and twisted back and forth against his hips with his distress. It hurt. Everything hurt. It hurt so badly it was hard to think, hard to do anything except let out small pained noises under his breath. Why was it hurting? There was a whooshing sound from somewhere in the room and noise, but he stopped paying attention as the pain started to center between his eyes.

"She's awake." A voice murmured and he flinched as they sounded too loud. "The skeletal changes are causing discomfort."

"We know that," A familiar voice. Alisa? "Jack?"

Hands moved and touched either side of his cheeks, but the position felt strange as the fingers brushed up higher. Her fingers were a torture. "Shaatp." He tried to say stop, but his tongue destroyed the word.

"We have you blindfolded. Right now, your eyes would be light sensitive in this transitional phase, so don't panic." Alisa kept stroking his cheeks while someone else was moving around him. "We'll knock you out again in a moment, but right now we just need to check on a few things and need you to answer our questions, alright?"

"Yesh?" He slurred the word out as hands touched his hips and brushed down a little.

"Good, now, is there any pain in your legs? Arms?" She kept petting him, despite the fact it hurt his skin to be touched. Did she enjoy torturing him?

"No." At least he managed that word alright, but that just started the questions as he was handled by the unknown second party.

She asked about each part of his body and if it hurt. He wanted to beg her for a drug to knock him out, he felt as if he could barely think past the pain. The pain in his head was just getting worse and worse, while his hips were aching as well. Hands touched him, they tried to be gentle, he thought, but they were still painful as they touched his legs, his chest, his stomach. He barely flinched when they moved between his legs, he only noted that it felt strange when they brushed up there and moved on. His tail was pulled up and fingers touched higher up and made him flinch as Alisa kept asking questions that she pressed for answers. Finally it seemed to come to an end, her questions stopped.

"Give her the third dose, check the feeding tube, I think the last set of changes will be all that is needed." Jack flinched a bit at the word 'her' was she trying to piss him off? He couldn't question much, as suddenly there was a pinch right against his ass cheek that made him twitch.

"Will he be ready by then? His changes are progressing slower then hers are." The second voice spoke for the first time, a masculine sound. He? He who? Jack tried to hold onto consciousness to have his questions answered, but the drug dragged him down again.

~ ~ * ~ ~

When Jack awoke again, it was light in the stall-room that he had been relegated too and he found out just how much had changed since he'd been put under. He awoke and had found himself being lowered to the ground on all fours, onto all four hooves. The panic had started and only grown as the people that tended him tried to calm him down while he kicked and squealed, his long equine muzzle unable to quite let out human noises or curses, despite his attempts to make it behave. It had been a horrifying moment that he realized that he was a horse, a real honest to god four legged, hooved, muzzled horse. He'd been in a panic to escape, but that was when he got another shock. Everyone towered over him. He was barely larger then a very big dog, unable overpower them or force his way free. She was a pony, no a little bay miniature horse, not even as tall as a pony!

The last, and most horrible had shock, had been when he... no she, had realized that they had taken everything from her. Her humanity, her gender, everything that made her, her. She had been haltered and held still while she was examined, that's when she found out, when Alisa had made a point at using her fingers to explore what had been created out of what had once been her proud masculinity. It had been humiliating as Edwin had held her halter while Alisa hadn't just probed her, she had touched the stiff dark teats and pulled at them. Talking about if she would be able to produce enough milk.

That had been two weeks ago, or at least she thought it had been. Jack shivered her skin and stared back restlessly at herself before shaking all over to try and get her thick forelock out of her eyes. Two weeks, the only way she could gauge time was when the lights in her 'stall' were brightened and dimmed for her to sleep. She had no hands to count with, she had no way to write and talking was humiliating at best, and didn't happen at worst. Sometimes she could make herself speak, but it was slurred and strange sounding so it was easier to just remain mute and angry as she filled her days by eating, drinking and pacing in the small room. She had assumed that Alisa was doing some horrible revenge, but this was beyond awful, beyond anything she had ever imagined. To take away everything that she was and turn her into a miniature horse. It was unspeakable.

Today was even worse than normal, she felt as if she were ready to crawl out of her skin as she gave herself a shake and started to do her rounds in the stall. Her dark black legs moved naturally now, she had managed to get them all working properly after a long bout of trial and error, not that it made her feel any better. She flattened her ears against her head and started to make her circuits around the stall, her tail twitching and jerking upwards slightly as she walked. She wanted Alisa to come in here, she wanted to bite the damn woman and make her pay for everything that she had done. She wanted to escape and use her garbled voice to try and tell the world what they were doing here. She wanted to-

Jack froze as the door opened while she was making her third pace around the room and she set her ears back against her head. Her lips peeled back from her teeth as the very person she wanted to see stepped into the room. Alisa had a smile on her face, the damned woman always had a smile on her face, as she stepped in and pulled on a thick rope. Jack prepared herself to charge and finally bite her ex-wife hard enough to make sure she felt some pain, but she froze as a scent hit her. Her ears tried to flatten back more as a rich sharp musk pricked her muzzle and made her step back as her entire body flushed hot.

"Come along, you paid well for this, after all." Alisa crooned softly and gave the lead another tug, she leaned back against it and pulled hard enough that a creature came in behind her.

Jack stared in confusion as a small black horse was pulled into the room, another miniature that moved a bit clumsily. His eyes flashed a wide ring of panic at the handling, but it slowed down as the little fellow shoved his head up and snuffed the air, the soft nostrils spread open wide and took in the scents. He stopped struggling and allowed Alisa to lead him in, because it was unmistakably a him, a fact that made her seethe in jealousy as she saw the sheath swaying back and forth beneath his belly. If she had to be a horse, why didn't Alisa let her be a male horse at least.

"It took you longer than I thought, but I suppose the change has upset things.." Her ex-wife reached down to unclip the lead. "I'm afraid your first client is having a little trouble with his form, but instinct will kick in soon enough."

"WHAAA??" Jack whickered out the question and stepped back as the stallion gave himself a shake all over and snorted.

"Client, stud, whichever you prefer. We have another already assigned, but he paid well to be the first. We don't often have virgins." Alisa gave the little stud a pat on the shoulder. "Think of this as paying for the free transformation, we don't often do it to non-volunteers."

"SHTUD?!" Jack squealed in outrage, but it was too late, Alisa moved to the door and out of it with a firm slam that shut it.

She glared over at the black stallion that was picking up his hooves one after another, peering down at them as if he were getting used to them. Which suited her just fine, she wasn't going to have a 'stud'. IF she was stuck in this damn form, she wasn't going to act like a female. She sneezed out the scent of the other horse and resolutely turned her back to him and walked towards the other side of the stall so she could avoid him. He seemed to ignore her, lifting his hooves one after another, walking back and forth to test them out. Let him do that! Client? Stud? What were they running, some sort of glorified whore house?

It was in her outraged thoughts that she realized that the stallion wasn't quite ignoring her. He wasn't turning his attention to her, but he wasn't ignoring her either. She caught sight of movement to see that a mottled glans was slithering out of the sheath and dropping down towards the ground. The swollen state of the head dragged the flesh down while she tried to breath shallowly. His scent was everywhere in the stall, a harsh scent that made it hard to think properly. She started to breathe through her lips as the stallion began to walk in a circle testingly, just as she had once, except she had been able to do it without the mottled girth swinging beneath her. She turned her eyes away from the sight and belatedly realized that her tail was swung up behind her.

That realization made her aware of a faint pulsing feel in her loins, it was centered right in her lower belly and spreading outwards. She tried to lower her tail, but it remained quirked up in the air as something ran down along her inner thigh. She tried to twist her head around to see what was happening, but it was impossible, not when she was built all wrong, but something was going on. She snorted a little bit and twisted her head further as the pulsing became worse and the scent of the stallion grew to the point that it was flooding her lungs. She saw a hint of black before the equine head slipped along her hind quarters and a warm puff of breath hit against her glossy fur.

_RUN! _ She screamed to her body as the lips brushed right along the back edge of her hindquarters and trailed downwards lightly. Her body froze as her tail was lifted up high above her haunches.

Her body wouldn't move, couldn't move, she trembled in place as the muzzle slipped against her and suddenly felt blunt teeth scraping against her soft fur. It made her flinch and try to pull away, but she felt almost frozen when he did it again, this time harder. The teeth gripped down against her hard and marked her fur while the stallion let out a short whickering noise and dropped his nose down. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she move? She trembled while the nose glided beneath her tail and she felt the heat of his breath hitting against her. The warmth tickled along her plush folds and made her muscles tense again, a strange contraction ran through her and centered around her loins. The black stallion pushed his nose forward and drew in a deep breath while his shaft started to stiffen beneath him, bobbing upwards with a lewd wet slapping noise.

She'd seen herself with a horse's shaft when she'd first gone through the transformation, she'd known what was happening, but for the first time she saw the girth with understanding of what it was meant for. She tried to step forward and even managed a pace before the stallion bit her on the haunches again and made her jerk and freeze. The world was thick with the harsh scent of male, it was filling her nose and making it hard to think, hard to concentrate. Hard to do anything but twitch her tail to one side so the little stallion could draw in deep breaths. Each time he lifted his head up his upper lip curled back before he dropped it back down to examine her. A dribble of clear precum oozed out of the tip, trailing down towards the ground.

After a few moments of testing her scent the stallion let out a high pitched whinny before swinging his haunches around, the mottled shaft slapped up against his belly as Jack finally got herself to move. She lunged forward in a desperate bid to get away, but he was quicker. The weight hit her on the back hard enough she had to splay her hind legs out to keep herself upright and the forelegs hooked down on either side of her haunches. She felt the hooves tucked in close to either side of her body as she twisted and tried to buck him off. The weight pushed down on her as something slapped up between her legs and he reached down to suddenly catch the back of her neck. The flat teeth clamped down on her crest, hard enough to bruise as he pulled backwards with his forehooves.

The tip of his cock swung up, sliding along her teats and leave a smear of viscous precum behind as his hips started to jab forward. Jack tried to buck and twist but the more she tried the more he twisted his teeth against her neck to keep her still. The blunt tip of his glans hit against her haunches and slid up and the down, pushing and grinding against her until the swollen tip caught right against her soft folds. She felt a thick ooze of precum before he lunged forward and she let out a short high pitched squeal as her body was forced to spread open around his cock. Her inner walls strained open wide and contracted around him as he used his powerful hind quarters to bury himself deeper and deeper into her body. He was too big, too thick, but he was forcing his way inwards with lewd grunts and a wet squelching noise.

The next dribble of precum spilled out into her passage, running along it as he pushed himself deeper and deeper, stretching her wider until she was afraid he might actually tear her. The grip of his hooves slipped forward and pulled back while he walked forward. The hardened flesh stroked and caressed her inner passage, teasing through her sending an unwilling shudder of pleasure through her from her nose all the way down to her tail. Her silken passage clutched and squeezed, making him grunt as the next thrust popped his medial ring into her body and he succeeded in plunging every last inch into her. His sheath pushed up against her stretched outer folds before he pulled backwards and started to drive forward again.

She had to splay her forelegs open to take the weight, the thrusts rocked her forward as each one drove him in all the way to his sheath before pulling slowly backwards again. It made her shiver as her inner walls clutched and squeezed around him, instinctively trying to grip him hard as the precum oozed from the tip and mingled with her own wetness. It wasn't just the horror of having this beast do this, it was the humiliation that her body was starting to react. Her heart was pounding, her form felt flushed as each thrust caressed over her sensitive inner passage and found nerves to tease. She felt swollen with that need, needing and wanting it as he plunged inwards and used the medial ring to work within her. Each thrust forward came with a lewd wet noise as his precum and her own arousal was pushed out along the edges.

Jack dropped her head and pinned her ears, feeling the hot breath against her neck as she began to tremble. She tried to hold onto her own mind as he used her, bred her, drove himself into her with the tip caressing in places no man should have had. She wrapped herself around him and found herself pushing back as the hooves shifted against her side. The movements began to shorten, the medial ring barely pulled free before he plunged forward again. The heavy swell of his balls nearly hit against her inner hind legs while she tried to brace herself to keep from being knocked over. Gradually, the tip of his cock started to swell open wider and wider. She could feel her body stretching just that much more as a thick gooey spill of precum oozed from his tip and was pushed deeper inside of her. He was too thick to let it escape, it was only being driven deeper into her vulnerable womb.

The stallion's teeth left her neck as he gave a sudden lunge forward, hilting himself all the way to his sheath while she let out a short squeal of shock. The tip suddenly ground itself right up against a spongy barrier deep inside of her, flaring open wide to cover it while his urethra jutted forward. The heavy orbs drew up tight between the dark thighs for the first pulse that made the cock throb within her estrus swollen passage. She flattened her ears and squeezed her eyes shut as the first warm splatter of cum erupted from the tip and hit against her cervix. Rope after thick creamy rope was let loose, coating her barrier and pushing inwards while her walls started to milk and squeeze for more and more. She couldn't stop herself! Her body had a will of her own.

The stallion's breath came in short hard puffs as the thick ooze pushed its way into the narrow opening of her cervix. The warmth spreading as millions of virile sperm pierced into her vulnerable body and spread outwards to seek her fertile egg. She couldn't even find the will to move away as the girth started to soften and something thicker oozed out of the tip of the cock. The thick sticky gel smeared against her cervix, sealing his seed within her before the stallion started to step backwards. His spent slimy cock pulled out with a wet popping noise that left her folds gaping as he dropped back down to all fours and she was able to stumble forwards. She felt an ooze of his cum leaking along her hind leg as he trotted past her with his softening cock swinging back and forth beneath him.

Jack could only tremble and turn her haunches away from him, the heavy warmth remaining deep inside of him as her nose was already twitching at the scent of male left on the air. Her glistening used folds flexed in reaction, despite already having been used. The stallion went to the door and kicked it with a hind hoof smartly, but didn't have to wait long. Apparently Alisa had been waiting for him on the other side of the door because it swung open to allow the short black stallion back out of her prison. Jack could only glare at her ex-wife with her ears pinned flat to her head.

"Get some sleep, Jack. And don't worry, we only let you tend clients while you're in heat, once you're pregnant you'll have a lot of time to just enjoy your new life." Alisa gave a small smile, one that sent a shiver down Jack's spine. "We'll bring in the next in the morning for you. Sleep well."

As the door shut Jack could only stare with her entire body shaking in place. Clients? Pregnant? Was she a whore? Or a brood mare? The thoughts gave her no peace as she felt the warmth in her belly. How many 'studs' would she service before she started to swell?

With These Broken Wings: Chapter 5

Alaine was under attack, his useless aching wings spread to either side, as far as he could possibly extend them while he pressed his chest to the ground. His large head swung towards his attacker and he kept his forelegs tucked down beneath the swell...

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Imperial Slave: Part 1

The hot air brought with it the taste of dust and dirt that filled the nose and made it impossible to keep cool. It was hard to breathe, hard to think, hard to do anything except pant with his tongue lolling out from his jaws and his chest rising and...

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Breeding Slave

The sound of chains rattled in Vix's ears as his breath came in short bursts, the sounds loud in his own ears as he tried to twist his head around to see what was going on. A spill of silk ran down along his inner legs, trailing there while he stumbled...

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