The Lakehouse Chapter 7

Story by SolidFox on SoFurry

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#7 of The Lakehouse

Chapter seven, and Eight is coming very, very soon. For those of you interested, Jamie doesn't stay mad very long because he hasn't the energy to; spending his time worrying about Josiah and trying to get Allen to let him slack off for a day.

Only three more, guys.

Breakfast was an uncomfortable ordeal for Cody, who couldn't stop wondering how his boyfriend was holding up. So, sometimes the collie got a little rough... well, Cody could deal with it, though sometimes not voluntarily. The collie was far from abusive though, and him being a little rough was usually followed by a week of apology and romance. When Cody weighed it in, he thought it was all worth it.

Jamie was a different story. He got very angry when Allen got rough; very, very angry. He was the single force in the house that could stop and make Allen think twice; despite being the collie's adopted little brother. He was a force to be reckoned with, and wouldn't stop until Allen was practically crying. He always felt terrible afterwards though, right after these bursts of motherliness.

The little fox in question was cooking an elaborate breakfast: bacon and eggs, both of which cooked at least three different ways; buttermilk biscuits and cornbread, toast with several kinds of jam and butter laid out for spreading, marmalade, fruit preserves, bowls of fruit of all kinds he could find in the house, a sort of pastry with fruit cooked inside of it, creating a warm, steamy addition to breakfast to top it all off. Laid out for such a pastry were cream and syrup, also set aside were pancakes and waffles with blueberries and blackberries cooked into them; all in all, a fine breakfast with a southern touch.

Weylin sat next to Cody, and gave the wolf an apologetic look. Ultimately the event was his fault, but there was no use bringing it up. He prepared a plate and sat at the edge og the table, eating quietly. Alto had emerged from his hiding place and took a seat next to the white fennec after piling high his own plate of good food, mainly the pastries. Weylin pinched one off his plate and Alto shot him a dirty look, but was only greeted with big, begging eyes. He sighed, waving it off and got a kiss on the cheek, sending a wash of heat into his cheeks.

Cody sat where he usually did, on the far side away from the kitchen; his plate barely full.

Jamie was still slaving away in the kitchen, eating bits and pieces of this and that that nobody wanted. He managed to sneak a pastry into his maw though, the sweet, warm fruit sitting nicely in his tummy, sending a wave of warmth through his body. He sighed; he was gonna have to bring Allen food at some point in time... He set a plate aside and gradually filled it up with good food. He picked up the plate and whisked up the stairs, light on his paws as ever.

When he at last stood in front of the door he sighed heavily, and knocked softly on the wood. "Allen." he adopted a stern tone, but he couldn't be angry. "I brought you breakfast. Open up, please."

The door opened a crack, and Allen peeked out. "Th-thanks..."

"All the way, Allen. Please."

The collie opened the door the rest of the way, and Jamie softly padded in, setting the plate on the desk in the corner. "Allen, I-"

"No... Don't, please. It was my fault..." the collie sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm not saying it wasn't, Allen." Jamie mewed, sitting next to the dog. "I just... I'm sorry I was so... forceful..."

"Like mama used to be?" Allen chuckled.

"Yeah..." Their mother had been rather stern with them when they were young, but they ended up being grateful to her: she had taught them alot. She was only like that though when she was very angry, often scaring her kids into avoiding her for a few days; but the message always got through. She made it up to them though; usually with good food and a few... privileges... that they didn't usually have. Like staying up really late or not having to go to church. She was christian, yeah, but she didn't let it affect how much she loved her kids; defending them against christians who were narrow-minded enough to believe she should behave otherwise.

She was a good mama, and the two brothers missed her a lot. She moved back to Alabama with their father a year before, so they only got to see her when they could afford to fly out.

"So..." Allen sighed and shuffled a little on the bed.

"So what?" Jamie mewed softly.

"What'd you bring me?" a slight smile appeared on the collie's muzzle.

Jamie huffed "You're lucky I brought you anything at all, you rough, bad collie!" He reached for the plate and handed it to Allen, who dug in.

"My punishment stands." The fox crossed his arms and thought for a moment. "Well... maybe not two weeks..." He sighed "You aren't gonna get to sleep with Cody for... one week."

The collie groaned "Aww... a whole week? That's gonna be hell..."

"Well maybe you should've thought twice before hurting him." The fox resolved, getting up to leave. "The only time you will be able to leave is to work out and go to work."

"What about the bathroom?"

"Fine, that too."

"Can I shower with Cody?"

"No!" Jamie whirled on the collie.

"Well you said I couldn't sleep with him... You didn't say anything abou-"

"No. No touchy feely stuff, and you aren't gonna have him strip for you either. No loopholes. If I catch you doing stuff with him... I'll extend the sentence to a month."

It was actually sort of funny to see Jamie like this, so much like the woman who adopted him. Allen smiled "Okay... mom." he said sarcastically "Whatever you say..." Staying in the room was gonna suck... he was gonna be extremely pent up when he finally did get out. But that would make sex all the sweeter.

"Finish your food." Jamie ordered, the words seeming alien coming out of his mouth in his high, musical voice. "I need to clean the kitchen."

Allen did as he was bid, handing the fox his plate when he was finished. He would wait a few hours before his workout, letting the food digest before he got into too much activity. "I'll be down for my workout in a few hours. Okay, Jamie?"

"Okay, big brother." Jamie resigned from the room, closing the door on his way out.


The next week was in fact hell for the collie. He was limited to simply talking with Cody from a distance, and under a watchful gaze from Jamie. He drove to work with a hard on and cursed his hard on, getting several stares from the gym-goers; some good, some bad, others confused. He got hit on by a girl, who was probably new in town, and had to kindly explain that he was gay. She seemed a little embarassed, but she didn't seem all that sad. Probably for the best. But she, like everyone else who asked, learned about the gay guys who lived up the road. Thankfully, people tended to keep their mouths shut, so even if they didn't approve they didn't voice it. It was good, Allen liked it that way. Every now and then he was poked and picked at by the odd over-zealous christian or two, but nothing he couldn't solve with a few threats and his fists.

When he got home on the last day of his sentence he was painfully hard. He was driving Weylin home from work, and the fennec was still wearing his skimpy stripper's clothing. The fennec giggled, pointing at the tent in the collie's pants "Has that been a problem?"

"You have no idea..." Allen sighed.

"Get any stares?"

"Too many."

"Didja get hit on?"


"How many?"



"No. Girl."


"Sort of." He had had this conversation with the fennec before, but it was still a little weird. He thanked the gods they were approaching the house fast.

"Cat or dog?"



"Panthress. Amber eyes. Very confident and forward. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up at the strip club."

"Cool." The fennec stopped talking as they pulled into the driveway.

Allen stopped the car and hopped out, walking through the archway and down the all too long cobblestone path leading to the door. Cody was gettin' it tonight... Oh yes. He wasn't walking for a week.

He finally reached the door and pulled it open, tossing his bag to the side and walking up the stares without so much as giving Alto, who waved hello, a glance. He pulled off his pants and tossed them in the hallway, followed by his underwear and shirt. He pulled Cody's door open, stark naked with a rock-hard member.

"Oh my..." The wolf looked up at Allen when the door opened. "Aren't we pent up today?"

Allen said nothing, simply closing the door behind him and easily pinning the wolf to the bed. "C'mere..." He rubbed his erection against the wolf's leg.

Cody smiled and pinned his ears back submissively. It was going to be a long night...


The next morning Cody had to be carried down the stairs by Allen, who nuzzled him lovingly.

Jamie smiled when they entered, back to being the shy, reserved little fox he usually was. "Well good morning, lovebirds." He murred, setting two plates on the table before glancing at the news. A report on the recent troop movements in the middle east. "Sleep well?"

"More like not at all..." Cody yawned.

Weylin giggled "None of us did either." He hugged his tail, pretending to smooch with it "Oh Cody! Oh Allen!" he mocked. Cody blushed "S-shut up, Weylin!" he aimed a swat at the fennec's arm.

Weylin dodged, giggling. "What? It's not like me and Dimitri are any different." He smiled and continued leisurely eating his breakfast.

"I can vouch for that..." Alto said around a mouthful of bacon. He slept in the room next to Dimitri and Weylin; a couple that was very, very amorous.

"Oh shush we know you masturbate to it."

Alto blushed a deep red and looked at the table, swallowing his mouthful of bacon.

"Aww... don't feel bad hunny." Jamie patted Alto's shoulder and turned to Weylin "Shame on you, Weylin. Apologise."

"I'm sorry Alto." Weylin giggled "I'm sure you'll get laid eventually."

Alto choked on his biscuit and stood up, leaving the room after clearing his throat.

"Weylin!" Cody huffed "Go apologise! Right now!"

"What..." Weylin mewed softly "I didn't mean to be offensive..."

"Just... go apologise. Then Allen will take you to work." Weylin left the room to go do what the wolf ordered.

Jamie sat at the table, setting out two plates: one for the empty spots on the table where the soldiers would have sit, and continued to watch the news.

The Lakehouse Chapter 8

The next few months were pretty regular: Jamie would cook, Weylin would strip, and the others would go about their business as usual. The day was rapidly approaching when the two soldiers would come back for the last time: coming home for good. The two...

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The Lakehouse Chapter 6

Jamie had finally calmed down several days later. After, of course, the long evenings of Weylin helping him cope with Josiah's absence. Again. Every time the older fox left Jamie was on the couch, watching the news or in his room crying for about a...

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The Lakehouse: Chapter 5

It was always difficult to say goodbye, but dealing with the sudden emptiness, that was a serious problem. Jamie knew he couldn't drive down to the end of the road with Josiah, well, because the military had a bias against gays, and he'd probably be...

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